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/lit/ - Literature

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13232318 No.13232318 [Reply] [Original]

Also what do the colored lines mean? I already got Hamilton’s mythology

>> No.13232502

Well you've got to start somewhere. You could familiarize yourself with Ancient Greek history first if you deem it necessary.
Regarding the chart, it's incomplete as fuck. Hesiod should be read right next to Homer; I'd add Xenophon's Anabasis after Thucydides just because he's based as fuck. Also skipping fucking Aeschylus is a crime.

>> No.13232574

blue is philosophy, green is history, yellow is lit (?), not sure abt orange, looks like they're cribs. i think almost all charts from this board are not very good

>> No.13232617

This chart fucking sucks.
Fagles' translation is the worst Odyssey. Also, that Strauss book is awful. It's complete speculation. Hamilton is not very good.

Odyssey translations that are good are Lattimore and Wilson. If you want that "Mythology" by hamilton book vibe get the Bulfinch or "A Short History of Myth" by Karen Armstrong. Very good

>> No.13232916

>bullfinch better than Hamilton

Yeah okay if you want to go to fucking sleep

>> No.13232933

yes but first you have to learn Homeric Greek in order to appreciate The Iliad and The Odyssey

then you'll need to learn Ionic Greek for Herodotus

then you'll need to learn Attic Greek for the philosophers

then you'll need to learn Koine Greek for the later works from Alexander through to Roman works written in Greek.

>> No.13232969

but, that chart is all translations

>> No.13233033

>start with the greeks
>first book in that chart wasn't written by the greeks

>> No.13233136

the greek myths were written by the greeks

>> No.13233165

Read Plato. Don't waste time with anything else.
Consult Wikipedia for more info on random stuff.

>> No.13233219

>I already got Hamilton’s mythology
Read it, it's good. Don't limit yourself to this chart too strictly. Just come back to it whenever you like it.

>> No.13233714
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If you want one of the other Greek charts, here.
For your chart:
Yellow is literature
Orange companion books
Blue philosophy
Green history
You don't have to read the companion books to understand what's going on. Hamilton is just to help you get an understanding of the gods/goddesses and myths so that you'll understand some of the references in Homer and other works.

>just read Plato
That means skipping fantastic epic poems and some of the first history nooks. Why would you do that?

>> No.13235049
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