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13222434 No.13222434 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only Evola book my local library has. Is this a good place to start?

>> No.13222449

I said one small thing about fucking Butterfly’s pussy and she started masturbating again :3

>> No.13222454

I want to lick butterfly's tight asshole.

>> No.13222455

Woo-woo mystic Nazis kill yourselves

>> No.13222566

Can someone give me a rundown of the contents of this please?

>> No.13222596

This book should be the starting point to Evola. Fate is in your favor. This book deals with an annalysis of the many version of the myth of the holy grail. It deconstructs it through comparative annalysis and the traditionalist method. The main point of the book is how this myth and its symbolisms should be interpreted and how it relates to esoteric christian movements. This book deals with themes that underlie many of his best works.
Reminder 1: Evola's beliefs about what constitutes the Tradition should be viewed as the result of his comparative annalysis of myths and symbolisms.
Reminder 2: I prefer Guenon. His views of the personality that characterizes the golden age being the sacerdotal instead of the warrior(evolas conception) are one of the reasons. The second reason is that Evola lived a very degenerate life, while Guenon was respected by those that knew him and treated them with equal respect.

>> No.13222597


>> No.13222619

This book is however very hard to read as he is contantly citing othet works. He makes more than 50 citations per chapter, that range from direct citations, commentaries, etymological questione and even a dialogue with his other works and thw works of Guenon.

>> No.13222629

Eh, no good place to start with Evola for the uninitiated. Depends what your trying to get it if him. Looking at more of the mysticism or asceticism?

>> No.13222633

Saying things like this ruins it for us.

She’s not a whore :3

>> No.13222648
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I also doubt a library would ever carry any of Evola more influentials works, as they contain hard hitting chapters that tend to interrupt a persons unconscious mindset that modern liberal culture has instilled in you.

>> No.13222655

Edgy fucker

>> No.13222795

Read Klages instead. Evola is for reactionaries who forget that the term is derogatory.

>> No.13222827
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Fuck off liberal scum.

>> No.13222905

Based chapter. I believe C.G. Jung had similar insight on Americans.

>> No.13222922

Not him, but if I wanted to get into it for the mysticism where would I start? I’m not right wing but i don’t really care if he is, I can read past that.

>> No.13222948

Intro to magic

>> No.13222973

I’d suggest starting with “The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality” or “The Hermetic Tradition”.

Evola may be labeled as “right wing” and have a book entitled “handbook for right wing youth”, but viewing him with that mindset won’t get you far in learning mysticism from him. View Evola as the polar opposite of equality; one who believes in the hierarchy human soul.

>> No.13222985

where you from OP? this is the case in my public library as well

>> No.13222995
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>> No.13222999
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Liberal Governments don’t want you reading Evola.

>> No.13223001

Is Evola even worth reading?

>> No.13223004

Brooklyn NY

>> No.13223017
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I hate shitting up threads, but yes.

>> No.13223023

You might feel meme'd on if you just dive into him without any preparation, as his writing is often very dense and cryptic. Maybe I'm just a brainlet though. Read Guenon first.

>> No.13223096

Probably the best place to start. Very comfy, insightful and enjoyable read. Not difficult, but having a good understanding of medieval history makes it better.
Based. I wonder what her pussy smells like.

>> No.13223113

Back to /gif/ commie

>> No.13223164

Somebody redpill me on this guy

>> No.13223169

Thanks, I’ll use that paradigm. He comes off as aristocratic so it won’t be difficult

>> No.13223288

Good start. Read Intro to Magic, Hermetic Tradition, and Eros next. Then try Crowley

>> No.13223289
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For the right reader, Evola will illicit a strong emotional reaction against mainstream society and the culture at large. This is intended to raise a persons consciousness above the primal level often observed and even encouraged in society. Evola writes for those who truly want to ascend humanity.

>> No.13223336

Big yike. Someone sane redpill me on this guy.

>> No.13223348


>> No.13223374

Do have a copy of The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality, and be willing to upload the ebook or scan it? The book had a ridiculously short print run, and you can't find it anywhere else.

>> No.13223376
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You belong to the worker class, I see

>> No.13223389
File: 2.45 MB, 3024x3152, 272F8938-320F-484E-B24B-81B484C426BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a copy. How does one scan these things to turn them into an ebook? I’d be willing

>> No.13223412

>it's an anon LARPs as an aristocrat to make up for the fact his life is in shambles episode

>> No.13223431

Do you have a scanner or access to one?

>> No.13223441

Not the anon you replied to, but some colleges will have free services to archive books and turn them into pdfs. I as well would be super interested and grateful if you were to do that since as the other guy said, you literally cannot find it anywhere in full.

>> No.13223453

Shit, guess I didn’t realize that. I’ll do my best to find a scanner at my former uni. >>13223412
>anything I don’t like is a LARP
cope more you colossal faggot

>> No.13223658

>hierarchy is great because I'll be at the top

>> No.13223671
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You fucking fuck.

>> No.13223783

>Quotes the anti-reactionary to promote reactionary thinking

>> No.13223814

A broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.13223827

Nietzsche is not an 'antireactionary', his view of morality attempts to transcend revolutionary or reactionary dogmas. The quote there is very clearly shitting on the progressive or left wing desire for equality, that doesn't make him right wing, but it is still shitting on them.

>> No.13223949

Except no left winger worth anything actually believes in equality. Read Critique of Gotha Program

>> No.13223956

Then he was talking about the (abundance of) left wingers not worth their salt, by your particular definition. Cries about and for the equality of humans are not exactly in short order.

>> No.13223978

By your metric there has never existed or never will exist a real leftist.

>> No.13223987
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Neo-liberalism dictates on the belief of equality of the masses, and the protection of the weak/persecution of the strong. All of this is inherently anti-Tradition.

>> No.13223990

Is this Harrison Bergeron?

>> No.13224004

You know, it's cringey dumb fucks like you that make me actually appreciate the far right. Psychosis is just another reflex to you people

>> No.13224067

Who cares. I'm not a liberal

>> No.13224101

What are your opinions on women's, black, gay, trans rights?

>> No.13224105

All of evola is like that.

>> No.13224160

No point in reading him then?

>> No.13224191
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Stumbled upon this on Reddit

>> No.13224205

>introduction to magic


>> No.13224209

Yeah, you’re clearly a retard. >>13223990
Yes it is

>> No.13224621

Legal rights are cool insofar as they materially improve the lives of the respective group but ultimately insufficient and even potentially counterproductive given that they really exist to legitimize and reinforce the liberal Capitalist state instead of actually pinpointing their actual cause: the class structure and logics of capitalism

>> No.13225112

Please do so anon, I’ve been looking for this ebook for quite some time

>> No.13225470

If you take yourself this seriously, then no, you should not read him.

>> No.13225606

This was v good. redpilled me on Jesus walking on water

>> No.13225639

Can someone explain to me Evola's book on magic? It seems very disorganized at least in ebook format and all over the place. Additionally, there is a new printing of it in two volumes as opposed to the old one that's on the chart. Which one do I get? I seems the new printing lines up with the old one in terms of the first volume, but I have no idea what the second volume has and if it's worth reading.

>> No.13225967

It's a collection of magazine articles by Evola's UR Group thus the lack of clear organizatin. The second volume was only recently translated. The third is untranslated still. They are all worthwhile albeit esoteric.

>> No.13226129

Thank you :)

>> No.13226188

>if we get rid of capitalism everyone will just get along
imagine actually having such a childish belief.

>> No.13226763

What did Evola say about that?

>> No.13226778

Introduction to Magic

>> No.13226794
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The ebook that's floating around the internet is fucked up and repeats a few chapters. Some pirate must have botched it when compiling it. The the first volume you now see on Amazon is just pic related with a new cover. And this >>13225967

>> No.13226844

Is this even worth reading? Evola himself says that magic in most cases is non-essential and just an instrument of the lower castes. I started reading some other book on magic by Elphias Levi and was extremely underwhelmed by the anti-traditional leanings of the book. Is Evola any different?

>> No.13226860

ok pseud

>> No.13226951

Speaking of the UR Group, does anyone know of any books published by other members besides Evola? I know there is one book on Hermetic initiation by Giuliano Kremmerz that'll soon be released in a few months.


>> No.13227467

My uni library which is huge and has almost everything under the sun, even nazi ideologues in the original german, does not have a single work from Evola. Extremely suspicious....

>> No.13227505

>The Mystery Initiation and Magic in of the Grail the Quest for the Spirit.

nice title, dork

>> No.13227689


Whats the name of the book? This is very interesting!

>> No.13227735

Yes it's absolutely worth reading, it's the best distillation of his thought anywhere

>> No.13227751

>bow and the club

>> No.13227761
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The Bow and the Club, one of my favorite books.

>> No.13227831

Which volume. The first one in its original printing, the first in the second edition, the second in the second edition, etc?

>> No.13227834

Thanks, will check it out! I have Path of Cinnabar and Metaphysics of War in my shelf but I haven't read them yet. Can I start with one of them or do i need more background information?

>> No.13227843

Bow and Club is easily readable if you want to start there

>> No.13227845

Metaphysics of War is interesting but is very repetitive. You don't really need to know anything beforehand but the Mystery of the Grail is a decent precursor.

>> No.13227846

ghibellines vs guelphs

>> No.13227856

Both. The copies on libgen will suffice

>> No.13227877

leave path of cinnabar til you've read most of his other works (only because its his autobiography). metaphysics of war is one of the first I read and a personal favourite, definitely read that.

>> No.13228130

Hate to burden you, but there's a like 8 different versions on there. Do I just pick the newest ones from the new publisher?

>> No.13228545

What's the best one for his non-metaphysical critiques of modern society? Something like his sections on Jazz and drugs in Ride the Tiger.

>> No.13228698

For Evola, it's hard to find critiques without there being any metaphysical or surpahistorical assumptions baked in. The Recognitions, and The Bow and the Club are probably the best two books you will find with essays that are critiques of modern society, but there are still metaphysical essays peppered in as well. 'Negrified America' and 'The Tarantula's Bite' are pretty good.
