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File: 921 KB, 1753x2480, FeB01F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13204372 No.13204372 [Reply] [Original]

Were Orwell's predictions right?

>> No.13204385

Yes. Orwell is rolling in his grave right now. This social credit system is the pinnacle of slave mentality and bugmanery. None of what they do is out of good will but self interest. When you try to change human nature you will only create new evils.

>> No.13204387

What a stupid fucking graphic. Minus 600 to the creator.

>> No.13204391

This will be fun to watch.

>> No.13204393


>> No.13204399

Hoping to get some good laughs out of this.

>> No.13204442

I don’t really care about China but the fact that this will be probably implemented in Great Britain (judging from the way they’re heading) in the next 20 years scares the shit out of me

>> No.13204454

So what exactly is wrong with this?

>> No.13204461

Audible kek

>> No.13204470

Micromanaging citizen actions via "points" is going to involve impossible subjective weighting of merits/demerits. Making it ridiculous even if you ignore the anti free-speech functions

>> No.13204478

Not subjective if the State creates the criteria. “Murder is illegal” is not a subjective statement.

>> No.13204483

The civilians are going to be too preoccupied with gaining points to criticize the government. A socialist utopia.

>> No.13204506

>cheating in online games
based china

>> No.13204517

Based bugmen trying to make isekais real.
Now just watch people metagaming the system and farming reputation.

>> No.13204520

It's a classing system

>> No.13204528

>and the lowest, most evil act of them all
aimbotting on call of duty.

>> No.13204529

I think this is actually pretty neat. The only drawback is that it is subject to manipulation by potentially callous people. I think when computers are advanced enough to do this with no bias it will be a great idea.

>> No.13204532

Unconvincing attempt at imitating what someone who actually believed in this shit might argue.

>> No.13204535

Society, the state and technology all working together to crush the individual.

>> No.13204541

Maybe if it was just stuff like charity or crimes, but hurting people for disagreeing with the government and stuff like that is exceedingly homosexual

>> No.13204553

Credit scores are even worse. Literally can't even get a job because of them.

>> No.13204558

fucking westernized interpretation of china's credit system lmao. Anglos are literally incapable of thinking outside their cultural narrative, but they also love boasting about 'leaving the cultural narative'. kek.

>charity work
>implied to be the most efficient way of gaining points
lmfao, do you really think the chinese do charity??? what kind of retarded anglo woman wrote this???

charity work? in china? with a bunch of chinese people? laughing my fucking ass off for fucks sake

>> No.13204564

anglos are the only faggots who jerk themselves over 'charity' ffs, it's literally protestant moralism

>> No.13204574

I'm not a filthy degenerate burger. Care to explain what credit scores are and why they're worse?

>> No.13204595

Wow, great counter argument. Get off my board until you get yourself an education.

>> No.13204613

Centralized private database systems that establish an individuals financial standing by gauging payment history from credit cards to bills to student loans. A low score prevents you from being able to get mortgage (even with collateral and sufficient income), from securing employment , and from even renting an apartment. If you have a low score you're screwed. Happens easily. Even a doctor's visit you forgot about that gets sold to a debt collector can fuck up your score after a few missed payments, however small the actual amount is. A low credit score has ruined my life and I never even had a credit card.

>> No.13204623

Are you serious? If so I'm scared that most people are like you.

>> No.13204661

>The only drawback
There are many. Being unable to criticize anything your government does would be just one.

>> No.13204665

it would be hard for mainland China's sociocultural status to become worse than how it is today. maybe this simple yet convoluted vault tec experiment on the whole country has positive consequences.

>> No.13204677

Are you retarded? That would fall under what I said. "Manipulation by callous people." If it corresponded unwaveringly to a good set of principles and was not subject to bias it would be a good idea.

>> No.13204723

I see a lot of good vibes in China's future

>> No.13204913

They are going to be superior only because we've fucked up so bad. They have a lot going for them, even their niggers are at least racially homogeneous to them. But historically they are trash, they literally didn't have soap until we started selling it to them.

>> No.13204919

hopefully we have less csgo hackers now

>> No.13204942

My money is on China unless the US gets a president with balls that starts a dictatorship instead of playing ball with the political process.

>> No.13204954

especially since it's hard to judge irony and sarcasm perfectly. was someone's pro-gov post sarcastic or not? what criteria determine if an apology for a crime is insincere? is speculation on a subject considered rumor spreading? are in-game exploits and cheesing cheating?

>> No.13204964

good boy points?

>> No.13204973

have sex nigger retard

>> No.13204977

You can take the redditor out of the downvote but you can never take the downvote out of the redditor.

>> No.13204984

-600 for promotion of decadence [ENTRY BY EVALUATOR 455: sloth, social feigning for benefit, and gluttonous behavior otherwise unspecified]


>> No.13204988

>the virgin 1300 pointer
>the chad 600 point Chinese Diogenes

>> No.13204997

Got that backward, buddy.

>> No.13205009

Feels good living in a third world country. We'll never be advanced enough to implement this system.

>> No.13205019

This system might seem draconian but it's what's needed for the Chinese.

>> No.13205023

They need this.

>> No.13205045

Also the idea that China is somehow suffocatingly oppressive is hilarious coming from Americans, who can't even criticize certain ethnic groups, sexual degenerates, etc. without everyone jumping down their throat in a stereotypically Maoist fashion and vowing to ostracize them, bar them from employment and so on. The CPC says: "Do these things which are good and avoid doing these other things which are bad." The American government says "You do you man. Freedom!" but heaven forbid you say the wrong thing about one of the aforementioned groups.

>> No.13205062
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The Chinese are, and always have been, subhuman bugmen.
It's not surprising that they're the ones to implement this shit.

>> No.13205069
File: 47 KB, 1349x617, 1559115978054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheating in online games
Truly, the most heinous of crimes.

>> No.13205077

Feels good not to be a burger.

>> No.13205081

The Chinese will cheat each other whenever the opportunity arises. You have to understand how the Chinese operate when you read stuff like this.

>> No.13205082

No, he was absolutely wrong.
The system is about having consequences for antisocial garbage, *without* criminalizing them.
You can still say "CCP bad", without suffering legal consequences, but at least there is a proper cost attached to it,like there would be in any sane culture.

This is actually extremely based and absolutely necessary everywhere, where there is no organic culture to do exactly this, but without state intervention, namely most of the west.

In reality this is just a system which existed without formal codification for the last thousands of years in every civilized country and which has been lost due to the liberal struggle for world domination, there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with this.

>> No.13205088

Fair point. Let's not forget the credit score system too.

>> No.13205110

If you remove the weird government dicksucking and doxxing it isnt even that bad

>> No.13205124

You don't even get in trouble for criticizing the CPC I think, you just can't talk about the 3 T's (Tibet, Taiwan, Tianamen).

US, in the future:

>You, a person who is not Online: makes a hand gesture
>banks: This man is a white supremacist. Bank of America is a modern, progressive bank, and we won't facilitate hate. (Your) account will be closed effective immediately.
Just wait until they start using AI to out probable racists/homophobes/transphobes and bar them from entry into grocery stores.
>Walmart is a modern, progressive convenience store. We won't make our customers feel unsafe by letting someone full of bigotry and hate in! Racism has no place in our stores.

>> No.13205130


>cheating in online games
>rule comes from lowest basement level

rules on minecraft farming and rumors on slenderman when ? somehow reality often suprasses nightmares but with humour.

>> No.13205159
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x2954, 9686E993-3EA2-4C10-982C-3543C5A88382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China never had something similar to the French revolution and so they never developed the ideals of the enlightenment and that’s the why they lack self determination and do the things they do

>> No.13205163

>China helping its citizens to become better people
>muh Orwell
You know what? The interests of the Chinese government and those of its citizens are the same. Virtue pays, at least in the long run and on a national scale. Happy citizens make money. Degenerate societies (like the US) are profligate and don't look after their interests.

Violent democratic communist revolutionism is gone. Politically, the CCP only wants one thing from its citizens: don't challenge the Party for power. Sounds reasonable to me.

>> No.13205173

The French revolution and the so called enlightenment that preceded it were tragic missteps in human history.

>> No.13205174

>and that’s the why they lack self determination and do the things they do
And also that is why they are doing much better then the west.

>> No.13205187

There's a really big difference between all people watching all people at a low rate and low efficiency versus a small subset of people (the government) watching all people at a high rate and high efficiency.

>> No.13205191

>Violent democratic communist revolutionism is gone. Politically, the CCP only wants one thing from its citizens: don't challenge the Party for power. Sounds reasonable to me.

But that's tyranny! A just society is one in which there's a healthy level of civil unrest at all times as the citizens try to get their guys into power, except their votes don't matter anyway and anyone who challenges the Party (which doesn't exist) is a racist. But it's the thought that counts! As long as we pretend governance bubbles up from below.

>> No.13205201

Americans and Europeans*

>> No.13205203

Americans pioneered Cultural Revolution: Western Edition though.

>> No.13205212

If you make any money at all you need to get a credit card, make a big purchase a month (not huge necessarily), and then pay off the bill on time each month. I know it sucks and you are right that it's not fair but that is a good way for you to get it back up

>> No.13205213

And there is a really big difference to having neither, which is by far the worse alternative.

Sure, I would *like* to live a place where this basic social control of communities was based upon a genuine culture, but I don't, but what China is doing is the next best thing.

>> No.13205215
File: 35 KB, 500x333, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw China has to enact a good boy points system to get people to donate money and do charity work
>mfw China has to enact a good boy points system to get people to visit their parents and take care of their grandparents
>mfw China has to enact a good boy points system to get people to donate blood
>mfw China has to enact a good boy points system to get people to be an active member in their community
>mfw China has to enact a good boy points system to get people to discourage trolls from cheating and griefing in online games

>> No.13205218

>tragic missteps
You’re a big guy

>> No.13205220


are you currently attending french primary school in the 50's, somehow shitposting here via your time travel device while the teacher is speaking ?

>> No.13205224

Are you implying the west is doing better in these regards? China is just solving the problem.

>> No.13205237

The enlightenment who literally gave to the world the modern understanding of science,democracy,human’s rights and all the greatest humans and the most important thing a men can have REASON

>> No.13205240

In the US you get good goy points for posting the right things on social media, donating money to feed Africans, housing illegal indios and arabs in your home, donating blood while HIV+, etc.

>> No.13205254

>Are you implying the west is doing better in these regards?
Not him but the west is unironically pretty great in those regards because it's first world. We do cheat in video games tho.

>> No.13205255

In the us and europe *

>> No.13205260

>democracy,human’s rights and all the greatest humans and the most important thing a men can have REASON
All of that is either irrelevant or bad.

That's a meme, science happened before the enlightenment and it happened after it, sure you might make a compelling case why it was beneficial to science, but so was WW2 and certainly not one is praising Hitler for basically enabling computer technology.

>> No.13205265

>Not him but the west is unironically pretty great in those regard
But that is simply wrong.
*Especially* in large cities, where a thing such as "community" doesn't even exist.

>> No.13205271

Nothing if its decentralized in a system called "reputation".

>> No.13205278
File: 76 KB, 1024x767, 3Oi8zz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I have your attention, read this:

>> No.13205279

nigga please the west invented the tradition of dumping your grandparents at a shitty retirement home to be abused by immigrant workers

>> No.13205285
File: 710 KB, 2731x4096, 1558771424053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any game can be cheated and rigged
>pay some guy so you can raise your points through charity or some shit
this system does not just fail to discourage corruption or nepotism, it fuels it even harder
also the good things you do don't cancel out the bad things you do, which is how it should be
but depending on how it is implemented, within this system that could be literally the case, the points are just points the things you get good boy points for and the things you lose them for and the consequences of both are hardly correlated
think about the travel ban for people with low score - just because you do good things back doesn't mean you won't be completely disrespectful when it comes to being a tourist abroad
just because you gave all money to charity should not cancel out the fact that you stole that money from somebody, but within this kind of system, again depending on it's implementation, that kind of scenario is perfectly possible
morality and good behavior is not a thing you can quantify

>> No.13205292

Boomers invented that.

>> No.13205300

And it is now universally accepted, that Boomers caused the change in Western culture is pretty much irrelevant for the argument that the west is, at the very least, as decadent as China.

>> No.13205323

>human right’s are bad
It’s the only things wich prevents the state to harm law abiding citizen
>democracy is bad
Best kind of goverment ever tried
Not really the scientific method as understood today is deeply rooted in the philosophy of that time before there wasn’t scientific method just people investigating nature
It is basically enable a person to question the world without it you are just a slave to society

>> No.13205324

How, I mean really how, can someone look at this and think it's okay in any way?

>> No.13205332

It isn't Europe that produces and exports 99% of the worlds blacked interracital porn.

>> No.13205336

It is europe that imports 99% of blacks though

>> No.13205339

Redpill me on why this is necessarily bad

>> No.13205391

Because you are delegating morality wich is the most important topic one can thinks of in order to better understand himself and the world around him to a stupid points system

>> No.13205400
File: 6 KB, 200x182, boomer clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you have to look at the alternatives. Systems of social control already exist in all developed nations, essiently every zoomer has a digital trail that will stick with them for their whole lives and if you don't do enough virtue signalling or worse go against the dominant social ideology there will be consequences, financial and worse. The question is who should control this judging. Duelling mobs with ideological dubious reasons or a centralized political party with clearer objectives. The West is going the Cultural Revolution route but China experienced that and they're going to be more conservative.

>> No.13205442

truly "autonomy" and rejection the idea of rule from above were a disaster. thanks, Puritans.

>> No.13205465

>Americans are legally required to have a credit card, and to spend large amounts of cash with that credit card, or else they can't rent an apartment, get a job, or get a loan
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Be a good prole, or be homeless.

>> No.13205476

>implying that this is different from social media in any meaningful way

>> No.13205496
File: 10 KB, 250x221, 1545509287432s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate your help but I'm already painfully aware. It's too late for me to ever build it. I can't even get a job at this point and my student loans are in default so I can't go back to school. I keep hoping things will change but they aren't. Geographic mobility doesn't exist either. I've tried with employers in states that ban credit checks on employees (8 and NYC) but they lose all interest when they realize I don't live there and most don't even do paid relocation these days so even if I did get an offer, I wouldn't be able to live for two weeks at least. At this point, there is nothing else for me but to become a priest. Failed MEPS for military. Failed DOT health exam for trucking. Hard labor jobs never come through. Menial retail jobs provide fumes and are cruel to work toward set goals especially with student loans docking the few dollars I have left. So it seems like priest is all that's left for me. If that doesn't work, I plan to just file for and live off SSI.

>> No.13205506

>China never had something similar to the French revolution
They literally did. Ever heard of a dude by the name of Mao Zedong?

>> No.13205522

Not sure why this is bad. In any other system people fet punished for doing "bad" things and you dont get anything for doing anything good for your community.

>> No.13205544

They had it multiple times.

All those revolutions that passed on the mandate of heaven to a new dynasty were enabled or actively backed by massive popular movements, except for the mongol Yuan dynasty.

And having a central bureucracy comming down aristocrats also happened a lot, but more sparced out through history.

>> No.13205557

China as a collective force are going to be unstoppable. The new Chinese world order can't come soon enough.

>> No.13205580
File: 196 KB, 463x627, a044539046f036bdf4f172b679d70c71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The enlightenment who literally gave to the world the modern understanding of science
Science long predates the Enlightenment.
Exactly, it gave us this mistake—a poor system of government that divides its own citizens against one another.
>human’s rights
Boxing human qualities into a few abstractions means nothing. Instead, it is used as a shield to justify criminal and undesirable elements (eg LGBT). Ironically, society is less humane for the average person than nearly ever.
>and all the greatest humans
Yet you failed to mention any.
The existence of great men in this era, are in spite of, rather than the result of The Enlightenment.
>the most important thing a men can have REASON
In point of fact, it's the dead opposite.
The Enlightenment and its ideals have led to a death of reason. It led to rationalization of any and every thing. And rationalization is not reason. Rationalizing sodomy with a goat isn't proper use of the faculty of reason. All reason is presupposed on the higher faculty of faith.

>> No.13205586

That’s a false equivalency their ideal was totally different and the french ones is credited to have spread the value of the enlightenment even if it failed in the end
Mao on the other end was inspired by marxism who was only based marxism but in the end only created a dictatorship wich one may argue was better than before but still nothing about freedom or reason to be found there

>> No.13205646

you fucking idiot. you stupid piece of shit. orwell didn't write 'predictions', 1984 was describing authoritarianism as Orwell observed it in real life. god damn it, why is everybody such a fucking moron

also that graphic is wrong

>> No.13205658

>believing that political events precede social shifts instead of being caused by social shifts
every other part of your statement is also retarded but this is the big one

>> No.13205661

1) you have literally no understanding of what the scientific method is or where it came from or the difference
2) literally liberal democracy are best system of goverment because one can settle difference in a peaceful way instead of pretending that they don’t like in most authoritarian system,that’s why democracies faces crisis while dictatorships gets overthrown
3) the undesirable are just who the ruling class don’t like for making an example in Italy germans are undesirable too despite not creating any problems in that country since world war too and
3) Kant for example
4) basically you are angry that people like well thought out argument more than guts’fellings

>> No.13205672

The constitution of the state is ordered by collectives and individuals, all of whom have different interpretations about what a just society is or ought to be. While the state ought to order the people, this only works if the state in of itself alligns itself with the whole of the global community and environment, which China does not do. So, while the criteria could be objective if ordered properly, the disorder of the Chinese state makes it subjective in accordance with its people. Note that objectivity from a descending order from superior world-systems only works if there is both an objective distinct structure to be and if the people retain the health of the state by working past its limits, something that a nationalistic state like China cannot do.

>> No.13205679

>all reason is presupposed on the higher faculty of faith
oh so that's why you haven't made an argument

>> No.13205681

Tldr unless China works in accordance with that which is greater than itself, the criteria will remain subjective and thus questionable.

>> No.13205693

What is "greater than itself"?

>> No.13205724

I don't believe in God.

>> No.13205729

Larger systems that they are a part of. Just as provinces compose states and allign themselves with certain goals that the states have, while remaining distinct entities, so it is that States are part of larger international systems of commerce, allignments, and committees. Think of a quasi-Hilary Putnam functionalism, except on a much larger scale. Until China is able to function as a healthy part of this larger system, we cannot attribute objectivity to its policies, if objectivity is something that can be attributed to such a thing. If not, then the point still stands.

>> No.13205730

Kant was post enlightenment and critiqued many of its thinkers.

>> No.13205739

>It’s the only things wich prevents the state to harm law abiding citizen

uhh no sweetie. im not going to pretend like i dont value my own rights as an individual, but these rights aren't granted by any laws and they certainly aren't granted by a state's benevolent devotion to democratic ideals. the only thing preventing the state from harming law abiding citizens are the citizens themselves and the >implication. this is why an armed populace is an absolute necessity to the protection of human rights. any country that does not have an armed population does not value human rights at a fundamental level.

thus the united states truly is the forefront of democratic ideals. therein the great irony; the united states government is probably the least democratic force in the world and values human rights less than even the worst dictatorships today.

>> No.13205751

>world war too
This has to be bait. That or you are an extreme brainlet.

>> No.13205761


>> No.13205838

>Bertelsmann Stiftung
How retarded can you be?

>> No.13205867

>thus the united states truly is the forefront of democratic ideals. therein the great irony; the united states government is probably the least democratic force in the world and values human rights less than even the worst dictatorships today.
how does this make any sense?

>> No.13205868

I can relate to this and I will pray for you.

>> No.13205872

>Anything I don't like is Anglo, t. Pierre

>> No.13205916

Thank you.

>> No.13205937
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>Thinks science began with the Scientific Method

>> No.13205962

The scientific method began with the Church insistence for hard proofs for claims made. Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.13206164

is this even real? damn, the future really is going to be 1984-style "choose your flavor or dystopia to live in"

>> No.13206175

Why are you so incredulous? It's not that far of a leap from credit score.

>> No.13206201

In some ways but on the whole no. There has been a steadily increasing use of systems of control to regulate the activities and thoughts of the mass but it does not most often come from some centralized paramount authority, more often men now adopt such chains freely and of their own accord and they are furnished by diverse arrays private corporations.

I really doubt a, say, fascist state could muster the level of totalitarianism over the human mind employed in liberal states.

>> No.13206213

The worst part is that the vast majority of us see absolutely no flaw in it at all. I'm not the poor guy who posted that but I've tried to discuss how shitty it is to people (mostly after Equifax lost the information of ALMOST EVERY American citizen, covered it up for months, then suffered no lasting consequences and changed nothing about the credit reporting industry) and even college-educated burgers are confused about why this should be upsetting.
Being an eternal slave to debt is so thoroughly ingrained into us as normal from birth that attempts to explain it doesn't have to be that way are met with nothing but blank, confused stares.

>> No.13206227
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>> No.13206251
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13206282

that's just the minimum to not be socially ostracized. the only thing that actually earns you good goy points is a lengthy credit history without missed payments

>> No.13206307
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1544898977024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the glory of Communism.

>> No.13206315

But this is China. I've never lived there, but from what I know about China's shady shit they pull on their own citizens, it seems extremely likely to me that being at the bottom of the social credit system, if not met with direct legal consequences (i.e. auto-gulag for hitting 600), will at least result in indirect ones (selective enforcement, maybe you go 2 mph over the speed limit and get sent to a labor camp, maybe your questionable shitpost is interpreted in the worst possible light).
Even if that's not a danger, a government actively punishing criticism of itself shouldn't be celebrated, whether you justify it with the "It's China, just be glad they don't kidnap their children" card or not.

>> No.13206350

it doesn't address the reasons for social problems, just attempts to paper over them and censor dissent.

>> No.13206359

that's the whole point, the only thing objective is how much the state judges you to be a threat

>> No.13206365

>I think when computers are advanced enough to do this with no bias it will be a great idea.
absolute lol, who would institute such a system? Why would it be in the state's interest to use this for anything other than suppressing internal enemies?

>> No.13206395

Flee into the woods and live like your ancestors did.

>> No.13206399


>> No.13206495

Doesn't solve the problem

>> No.13206514

Instead of worrying about free speech why don't you shut your mouth and get a job?

>> No.13206521

This reminds me of the behavior rating we were given in high school, in mid 90's Queensland, it was rather shit.

>> No.13206548

We had demerits in my middle school, separates the wheat from the chaff, disruptive fuck-ups are quickly marginalized allowing the diligent students to contribute meaningfully.

>> No.13206577

But what if the person managing the system is an absolute cunt, and the things they select for are not an accurate interpretation of a morally upstanding student/Chinese citizen?
This gives me the same feeling I get when lefties start talking about how the police are evil racist fascists but also claim we need strict hate speech laws that those same police will be in charge of enforcing.

>> No.13206608

>a morally upstanding Chinese citizen
This is why they need social credit, there's a distinct lack of these.

>> No.13206639

You're not listening.
The people at the top trying to turn chinkbots into Real Boys are just other chinkbots. The system will fail to create Real Boys and instead make some chinkbots richer and some chinkbots poorer.

>> No.13206640

Are you being stupid on purpose?
Literal public shaming and being banned from public transportation and university education for criticizing your government is the same thing as credit scores?

>> No.13206717

The problem with these systems is the inherent subjectivity, example if one teacher feels that the student is disruptive to the class but the exact same behavior does not cause a second teacher to feel the same disruption, furthermore there are different teachers in the same subject which may hold different opinions over what is to be deemed worthy of a demerit. I suppose the teachers could receive training with regards to identifying actual cases which would necessitate demerits but I think there are other, better ways of ensuring proper order in the classroom rather than this kind of subjective system of shaming. It also doesn't leave room for redemption as I see it.

>> No.13206727

Hi Xi.

>> No.13206734

This is your brain Online

>> No.13206746

“predictions” = descriptions/hyperboilzations of aspects of a given contemporary culture. The factors leading to our current situation were already there and in full productive force well before Orwell picked up a pen.

>> No.13206760

>donating blood while HIV+
cool. where?

>> No.13206769


>> No.13206785
File: 1.84 MB, 4944x7416, 1559160681704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. But Kaczynski's predictions were even more accurate, detailed, and precise.

>> No.13206792

Yes, about every single thing. Ministry of Truth will go public within twenty years.

>> No.13206796

That's why he wrote about them, because he could see them. Nostradamus he was not.

>> No.13206803

The Reverend Jim Jones wouldn't approve of this Western-style bug-manufacturer, only because he also was his own worst rival. I mention this for anyone else wondering what the ultimate logic of psychopathy is, not for the poster's sake, since he already knows all too well.

>> No.13206806

>not being able to get a job and function in society because of a low score

>> No.13206809

>credit score* (like the other anon)

>> No.13206820

autonomy's ideal. but a democratic social credit score would absolutely be a nightmare compared to a well defined one

>> No.13206833

Are you not american? I don't know who told you you can't get a job because of your credit score, but it's pure bullshit. Having a poor credit score means you have higher interest rates on loans and credit, and require a co-signer to rent an apartment. That's about it.

>> No.13206851

America should do this. Maybe the amount of rampant faggotry would die down.

>> No.13206881

This, I tanked my credit score cause I was a dumb teenager who didn't manage my finances properly, then I started using my card more discretionarily and making regular payments, and my score went back up so fast that they raised my credit limit as a reward.

>> No.13206941

I fucking hate Boot Lickers

>> No.13207307

based china

>> No.13207315

they had a ton of revolutions, but during the Mao era anyone with a brain either were killed or escaped to Taiwan/USA/Europe

>> No.13207323

I love this copypasta

>> No.13207480

And it's not illegal to protest without going through the proper channels in every other country?

>> No.13207494

So basically be subjugated by foreigners, live in squalor, and destroy your own culture, got it.

>> No.13207502

Not in america, traditionally

>> No.13207509

What? America is the least tolerant of it, regardless of laws. Look at the French rampaging everywhere. Chinks often do it too. That can't happen in the USA.

>> No.13207517

What makes it socialist?

>> No.13207522

Do you even live in the USA? People can and do protest whatever the fuck whereever the fuck

>> No.13207531

No, one can still have a distinct national identity, uncompromised by certain... elements. All this adherence means is to use cogent modes of communication, commerce, and other international interaction such that larger systems promote global well-being. This needn't be a humanist endeavor, but it does need to be one that supports interaction. If global communication fails, then nations will actively be in conflict with one another. This will be crippling on all levels.

>> No.13207532

Further more our lack of a serious attitude towards protesting is doing damage to protesting in general. Walk on wall street failing was a huge sign to the corporate overlords that they can do whatever they want.

>> No.13207981


>> No.13208508

The difference is in america you get socially ostracised but in China if you fuckup and criticise the government they ostracise you to a gulag

>> No.13208544

>social credit system
It's not like other countries don't have some version of it.

>> No.13208567

>gauging payment history from credit cards to bills to student loans.
That's what they tell you. There're many other unknown aspects involved in it

>> No.13208626

>legally required
look Europe you absolutely don’t have to have a credit card to have a good credit score, and if you do have one you don’t need to use it. I received a credit card (which just sits in my wallet unused) from my bank at the age of 20 and by that point I already had several jobs

>> No.13208809
File: 2.48 MB, 200x200, 0f6757160cf86fcd89c0277402bf1f46_w200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be fun to watch from my underdeveloped country

>> No.13209269

It's transferring moral authority over society to a machine.

>> No.13209320

Like I said, it isn't fair. But this is one way of doing it. You could conceivably do it by taking out small loans and such. Not a prole, btw, but working as a real estate appraiser might as well be.

>> No.13209396

What >>13206365 said. Who the fuck do you think would set up the computers?

>> No.13209758

You know what is the most ironic thing about all this? That as far as i know this is the *complete* opposite of the Taoist views on morality and government.
Isn't it ironic? I find it ironic.

>> No.13210448

>muh individual
You haven't understood anything, have you?
Poor child.

>> No.13211815

We are humans, not ants. But chinks are so that's okay.