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13193387 No.13193387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Religious "people" are not to be argued with, reasoned with or listened to.

Any argument against their beliefs is refuted with "well you can't prove it's not real", yes well done I can't prove a negative, wow so smart. An absence of proof against something existing is not proof of its existence and doesn't lend credence to the possibility of its existence. If you are religious or respect the opinions of religious people, you're a faggot.

>> No.13193399

Based and red pilled.

>> No.13193413

Genuinely religious people tend to be happier. Who cares if they’re being “reasonable” or not? Any reasonable person realizes the limits of his own reason.

>> No.13193418
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>> No.13193430

>Genuinely religious people tend to be happier
So fucking what. Why the fuck would I care?

They're wrong and should keep their retarded opinions to themselves.

>> No.13193447

Not to tip my hat, but religious devotion is not so much a choice for most people.
Stupid people tend to be happier by way of being stupid. They had no choice in that matter, either.

>> No.13193501

Science disproved god because its very existence break universe's laws.

>> No.13193510

>be me
>have regular bouts of clairvoyance, ecstatic God-consciousness, telepathic communion with extraterrestrials and Central Asian ascended Sufi, Hindu, and Buddhist masters
>read posts like these

My pity and contempt for your ilk exceeds anything you could ever understand. Have fun roaming the bardos in anguish and agony after your death, you plen.

>> No.13193517

>but religious devotion is not so much a choice for most people.
If you desire it, you can have it

>> No.13193523


>> No.13193524

Take ur meds homie

>> No.13193534

The question of God's existence is beside the point. What's important and instructive from the human standpoint is the psychological function the belief in God serves. It allows many to keep it together during trying times when they would be otherwise unable. It helps alleviate pain and suffering and death.

No amount of philosophizing or scientific knowledge seems to result in equivalent use value. This is a pragmatistic take on the question.

>> No.13193541


Talk to an intelligent religious person with a more nuanced view of god, rather some braindead literalist Bible-thumper.

>> No.13193543

Shut up nigger.

>> No.13193544
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The Pinker Proof for the Existence of G-d..

I like it.

>> No.13193559

>be me
>be schizophrenic

>> No.13193561
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Cringe and purplepilled.

>> No.13193583

>Talk to an intelligent religious person
No such thing

>> No.13193599

>thank god my mommy just happened to raise me on the one true religion in the world out of over 6,000 options
Christfaggots are inbred retards and they need to go back to /pol/.

>> No.13193610


>> No.13193623

Religion is necessary to control the spiritual, you can't defeat an idiots spiritualality but you can direct it to good.

>> No.13193630

Unintelligent and stupidpilled.

>> No.13193635

>>Genuinely religious people tend to be happier
>So fucking what. Why the fuck would I care?
>They're wrong and should keep their retarded opinions to themselves.
Someone's definitely not bitter.

>> No.13193641

>religion is culture
If you believe this you are either an idiot or a hypocrite. Be intellectually honest and admit you don't believe.

>> No.13193646
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>why, yes, i am in fact a secular christian of the cognizant church, how could you tell?

>> No.13193649

>there are infinite religions therefore they all have the same probability of about zero and I don’t need to feel guilt for not investigating the matter for myself

>> No.13193652

you're like grown folks who play quidditch.

>> No.13193668

Based. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply assblasted by it's sheer logic.

>> No.13193754

Read some philosophy you fucking worm, Kant showed dogmatic atheists to be the retards that they are a long time ago

>> No.13193780

You should follow your own advice you salty ass faggot

>> No.13193802

>religion isn't synonymous with culture
Id accuse you of intellectual dishonesty if there was anything intellectual about you.

>> No.13193838

Fuck Kant, he was a whiny faggot biblebasher and only remembered as a stepping stone to Schopenhauer

>> No.13193843

Not literature.

Go back to suckin Nietzsche's dick, bugman.

>> No.13193846
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>claiming to know God doesnt exist
it takes faith to be a dogmatic atheist

>> No.13193853

Every time I try to talk to an atheist on here about an argument for God's existence it usually ends with him calling whatever I said a "word salad" and leaving because they don't really want to understand. They ask questions they don't want the answer to.

>> No.13193874

This is, unfortunately, my experience as well.

Atheists are just brainlets who don't realize they don't have any evidence either.

>> No.13193894

>implying consitant, sustainable concept
you must be english

>> No.13193911

Don't attack atheism, because it's logically sound. Instead try to teach them how atheism hurts us all and how they have too much faith in others' ability to give up god.

>> No.13193931

I've never met a religious that had anything but baseless arguments.
The debate is just about credibility.

>> No.13193985

I doubt you've read much philosophy so I believe you.

>> No.13194004

Summer's here, judging by the amount of redditors in this thread and the board in general. Get lost, fags.

>> No.13194023

>Be a disdainful faggot
>People leave debate so I won

>> No.13194038

If you don't want to be treated with contempt don't say stupid things. I'm done having patience with your type.

>> No.13194040
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Nice job picking the low hanging fruit. Does the fact that that's all you can reach make you an intellectual manlet?

>> No.13194049

How does it feel to be on the losing side of history?

Go outside and announce to the world you're religious, they'll rightfully look at you like you're an insane freak.

>> No.13194052

ok bud

>> No.13194064

what is being lost or gained, exactly?

>> No.13194069

I thought lit was supposed to have the highest IQ. Do you not understand what the low hanging fruit metaphor means? You gave me a generic response that could work against anything you perceive to be a threat; its sad to know that my prose was too complex for you to resist activating your reptile brain.

>> No.13194085

Ironically I think you're on the losing side of history.

>> No.13194086
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I'd be interested in an hearing an argument, not for why religion is beneficial, but for why anyone should believe that god exists on a metaphysical level. If you don't believe there's an actual entity out there I can't see how anyone could honestly believe.

It's funny to hear some of the more brainlet Christians talk about finding evidence for what happened in the bible when I was under the impression it was supposed to be about faith.

One argument I heard defined god as the thing that created the universe and that's it. I guess you can't really argue with that logically but it's just as difficult to get from that starting point to sky daddy giving Moses the 10 commandment while sticking with just that fundamental axiom.

>> No.13194087

>I'm done having patience with your type.
Is that your word salad?

>> No.13194096

Yes anon going outside and randomly yelling at people defintely gives you odd looks

>> No.13194116

Islam is growing, Islam is also strolling into basically all secular societies

>> No.13194124

You will need to read dozens of theology books to understand that. But you brainlet atheists that only reads shitty postmodernist fictions can't understand why it is necessary to take time to understand the purposes of your lives.

>> No.13194139

Similarly to how non degenerate atheists share a certain amount of respect for their religious fellow humans, those of religion respect the other way. It is only the degenerate of both sides who squabble in the style of this post.

>> No.13194140

I hope you can appreciate how unconvincing that is

>> No.13194144

God and Truth are the same thing. Or rather, God has the component of Truth within Him, or Truth has all the qualities of God.

God necessarily exists because Truth necessarily exists, because God is Truth, and no matter what the state of existence/non-existence, there will always be a truth to describe it.

But since Truth always exists, non-existence is impossible, and a cascade of existence is created, leading to this complex existence. So Truth, as God, creates existence.

Truth’s ultimate goal is to know, or describe, itself, for it contains all truths, including those truths about itself. Now to know what you are, you must know how you are perceived. This is where conscious entities like humans come in. God is absolutely concerned with us because it is through us that He understands Himself. God would do absolutely anything, whether it seems irrational to us or not, just so we can focus our attention on Him. This whole world, full of opposites and great complexity, is the pursuit of absolute Truth.

I could rationalize a lot of Christianity, but faith should come before reason, and in my case, I saw the reasons because of my faith.

>> No.13194157

Fuck your respect, I piss on it

>> No.13194161
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>God necessarily exists because Truth necessarily exists, because God is Truth, and no matter what the state of existence/non-existence, there will always be a truth to describe it.
Just pull shit out of your ass and act like it's profound...

>> No.13194164

Just know that any success you have in arguing whatever side you are on will be against someone of minuscule influence and will only serve to make you feel superior to someone for about a day, until you realize that all the people who's opinion's you care about just watch you in mild fascination like a house cat watches a slow, tiny bug.

>> No.13194180

Correct and truthpilled.
Heroin addicts tend to be more happy on average. Do you prioritize happiness or truth?
Cringe. Keep larping Pablo.
Not sure where this is coming from.
There is nothing special about religious experience. Muslims have it, Christians have it, Buddhists, Hindus have it, even though their religions are very clearly contradictory. Perhaps it's just simple human psychology at work?
JBP fags get out.
OP: "Religion is untrue"
JBPfag: "Muh it has human value"
That's not the argument, you dipshit. Something can help people and still be factually wrong on all fronts. Inb4 muh metaphorical truths. Just give up already.
Like JBP? You're a retard. Please tell me how you interpret the bible. I have met fundamentalist "bible-thumpers" creationists that are smarter than you lot.
Wrong. Low IQ post. People can be totally wrong about something and still have high IQ. Many such examples in history, as today.
Not really a good argument against christianity. Whether or not there are other similar contradictory religions is irrelevant. The point is there is no proof christianity is true and hence shouldn't be adopted/taken seriously.
Low IQ post. Embarassing. One can criticize religion and still recognize and acknowledge the impact it had for the culture (without disregarding it).
The spiritual doesn't exist.
Based. Calling out the stupid JBP fags.
High IQ post.
What logic? Embarrassing.
>read muh book(s)
One of the worst arguments. What did Kant specifically say about theism? Contribute to the discussion or shut up.
Low IQ post. OP didn't claim he knew God didn't exist, simply that there is no proof for common religions and hence they should be disregarded as mere superstition. And that's a very reasonable position to take.
Try providing your arguments here.
Perhaps you are merely calling people whose opinions you dislike redditors?
Low hanging fruit, yet about 60% of lit at least pretends to be religious. OP's post seems fitting to me.
Low IQ post. Stop posting.
Another Low IQ post.
> it was supposed to be about faith
It can be about faith and yet be proven at the same fact. Those two things are not mutually incompatible. For example, you can know for a fact that when you bungee jump, you will not die, yet jumping still requires faith and trust.
Good post.

>> No.13194184
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>> No.13194188

>God necessarily exists because Truth necessarily exists
Ever hear of Schrödinger's cat?

Also, good job making a statement that is literally impossible to falsify. Really winning the hearts and minds.

>> No.13194195

>Heroin addicts tend to be more happy on average.
Really bad argument and you should know that. Heroine addicts invariably end up the opposite of happy.

>> No.13194204

If there weren’t truth, then it would be true that truth didn’t exist, a contradictions, etc. Truth/Logic/Reason is the source of all existence, for any form of existence has some form of meta-explanation, and it’s this Truth that also has the qualities of God. Truth is the only thing that necessarily exists.

>> No.13194205

They're happy when they consume the drug. I think it's a good analogy. Being a christian can make you happy in the certain way, but happiness isn't everything. There will be a lot of things you could potentially miss out on.

>> No.13194216

>Now, to what harm will you come by making this choice? You will be faithful, honest, humble, grateful, generous, a sincere friend, truthful. Certainly you will not enjoy these pernicious delights—glory and luxury; but will you not experience others?

>> No.13194226

Sorry I forgot to greentext it.

>> No.13194231

I don't know if you're trying to sound like the smartest fucker in a 3rd grade classroom, but you should know that some children don't try to sound as pretentious.
Existence is the source of existence. Logic and reason are derived of it, not the other way around, and truth is nothing more than a label attached to human ideas. It's got nothing to do with shit. Every thinking thing in the universe could be wiped out and there would be no more "truths," but shit would still float through space.

>> No.13194239

Going with the premise that I can only be certain of my own existence, I find it somewhat unlikely that my life is the result of coincidence. The odds of me specifically existing are very low and I'd wager that if I'd ask most atheists what they feel the odds are that God exists, their cynically low estimate would still be higher than what the actual odds of coincidence would be.

>> No.13194241

You can take the redditor out of the downvote, but you can never take the downvote out of the redditor.

>> No.13194245

To say a thing is logical is no different from saying that logic is the cause of that thing’s existence. This is why God cannot be separate from Truth, because then Truth would be the cause of God’s existence, unless God’s existence were irrational even to Himself.

>> No.13194246

>The odds of me specifically existing are very low
what the fuck are you talking about lmao.

>> No.13194252

This is baseless.

>> No.13194255

It kind of seems like you're shifting the worship of god to the worship of causality. This doesn't really substantiate a god that produces miracles.

>> No.13194256

Says the man whose post is literally the downvote equivalent of 4chan "muh go back to r*ddit". Thanks for the (you) btw.

>> No.13194261

>Existence is the source of existence

>> No.13194268
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>> No.13194271

God will produce miracles if that means He will be glorified through the process. I’m merely giving the possible seed of God, the core of His nature. The very core of God is Truth, but that is not His only quality

>> No.13194276

Get out more. Talk to actual people.

>> No.13194287
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All religious people are insane and should be locked up.

>> No.13194291

God is the extension of your Ego and a way for humans to have order in their lives.

>My friend got struck by this beam of light
Must have fucked over god

>My cattle all died and i will starve if not for a mircale.
>Oh im so hungry let me try this plant
>Holy shit its nutritious and edible
Must be god sending me help finally after 3 of my 5 kids died.

Seriously dont overthink religion but all these morons saying religion is bad are too retarded to realize 90% of the planet is religious and are too retarded to let go of it anyways.
See >>13194268

>> No.13194292

There's a 100% chance of you existing, since you exist. Had we known everything about every particle and wave of energy at the big bang we'd be able to determine that you'd exist. Probability is an organic construct used to deal with uncertainty.

>> No.13194295

It's not at all, downvoting, liking, sharing, these are horrible meaningless tributes. Only commenting should be allowed so that the thoughts of the tributary are made relevant and that's what 4chan facilitates.

>> No.13194301

>I hung out with people of all walks of life.
Muslims, jews, christians, white, asian, african etc.
Criminals, whores, college kids, nerds, police, accountants etc.
Get out more?
Shut up faggot.

>> No.13194307

There's like a million things that need to line up for me to exist.
Take only genetics as an example. There is just one combination of ancestors and sperm/egg pairs that results in me.
And you could say that if it wasn't me it would have been someone else that would have been born, but in a skeptic sense I can't use that as a starting point for reason

>> No.13194309

Logic EXPLAINS existence. Things don't exist because of our logic, it exists, and we try to make sense of how. Logic supposes that the universe started with a big bang, or that the moon might have been a captured asteroid, but we don't know.
To say that "God is truth" without a shred of evidence is so astoundingly stupid that it makes bible thumpers more credible than you. You're just semantically throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

The "why" is the answer you people use god for. Anyone with sense will tell you they don't know.

>> No.13194310

Slap yourself retard.
You just used circular reasoning

>> No.13194317

Guys put down your manga!
8 kids stabbed in Japan this gon' be gud!

>> No.13194323

I'm not quite sure what you're saying here, but I think what you're hinting at is the teleological argument. There are many debate's/refutations on it. Just make sure you listen to both sides.

>> No.13194327

Where are the metaphysical ghosts that roll the dice that make probability real?

>> No.13194342

>Things don't exist because of our logic
Our logic is irrelevant. We will never comprehend the ultimate logic of all existence, but it exists, and it is the cause of existence. Suppose, for example, that at one time, there was no logic, and that existence popped up randomly (for there was nothing to prevent this from happening). The very illogicality that allowed existence to pup up is its very own logic, a meta-logic that explains (and causes) existence. Keep going up until you find that highest truth, the truth that contains itself and everything.

>> No.13194347

You didnt get it.
You attempted to prove what you claimed with a claim.
The whole god conversation will always boil down to "its illogical but nothing says it has to be logical"

Just go to what you know.
What does god do for humans?

>> No.13194356

I tend to feel rather disgusted by the explanation some atheists give as to why they stopped believing in God.

"My (insert family member here) died and then I realized God couldn't be real"

As if they've been walking around for all those years, thinking that when their best friend Billy's grandma died, she must have deserved it, but now that it happened to them the veil of ignorance is uncovered.

>> No.13194363

Personally, I distinctly remember praying for a bike and not getting one. That kickstarted my 6 year atheist phase that I escaped thankfully

>> No.13194370

Though desu my family also never took me to church or anything so I wasn’t really surrounded by Christian influences. I just knew that people around me believed in the God of the Bible and that was about it

>> No.13194375

nah senpai god placed that bike in your garage but a nigger stole it before you realized he'd given it to you

>> No.13194377

This is some next level tautology.

Also, faith - the belief in something without evidence. Good luck rationalizing that, because that's what it all comes down to.

>> No.13194390

There is nothing illogical about life existing on Earth.
Flowery text will not absolve you of an improvable and unfalsifiable statement that follows neither logic or critical thinking. I don't know if god exists, but I can say with absolute certainty that you are unequivocally, unapologetically full of shit.

>> No.13194401

Faith means belief or trust. God can never be 100% proven, as with all things really, so faith is required. I try to rationalize my position to those who don’t have faith, because I can not communicate faith to them by mere words, and the whole time I know that my reason may not be totally correct

>> No.13194417

I just kept hammering at the idea of "if god exists i need to know why and if he doesnt i need to know why".

God only exists in your mind as far as we can prove his existence.
Any and all humans on this earth have a need to explain things and when we cant we invoke an entity that is beyond our control and imagination.

This is probably a psychological trick we play on ourselves but if its god the outcome is the same.
It makes us feel like there is order rather than chaos.

This is backed up by the fact that the more educated and more intelligent a person is the lower is the rate of religiosity.
Still doesnt mean god doesnt exist just means that the more you know the more you can explain without the need for a god.

Its like how did the stockings get full of presents?
then you learn its mom and dad and you dont need Santa anymore.
Doesnt mean Santa doesnt exist just means your mom and dad are bellends for lying to you and at the same time they are sweet for giving you such a magical childhood.

Whether god exists is really not a good question.
the question should be "if god exists whats the point of him and his creation"

Even when I was religious I didnt follow the bible though it has its merits its too clouded with bullshit or devil shit to be useful to somebody who isnt educated enough or bright enough.
Im glad people are religious because communism or some other sick ideology is much worse.

Just dont let it do the thinking for you.
>Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves for you are sheep among wolves.

>> No.13194419

>The very illogicality that allowed existence to pup up is its very own logic, a meta-logic that explains (and causes) existence.
There a physical logic ruled by laws, but no spiritual logic.
Free will does not exist, thus any logic that the humans could consider or reach by themselve becomes irrelevant.

>> No.13194420

>There is nothing illogical about life existing on Earth.
If there is nothing illogical about this world, then it must be the case that this world operates on logic. It could not have sprung forth unless it were logical to begin with. Therefore logic is the cause of this existence. For if it were not, then existence would arise illogically, but as I already said, even this process is guided by a meta-logic.

There’s no reason to be rude

>> No.13194434

How did the physical laws come about?

>> No.13194435

What I was trying to say is that the mechanism behind existence according to atheists (coincidence) only works if I accept that instead of me it could have been someone else that existed in my place.
And from a kind of Descartian perspective I can't really accept that.

>> No.13194440
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A friend of mine made this once to explain to me what a lot of conversations about religion fail to acknowledge.

>> No.13194454

string theory apparently has an explanation for that but it's beyond me

>> No.13194455

A simple sentence or two probably would have been better at conveying the meaning. Is your friend in the 3rd grade?

>> No.13194460

The secrets and reasons of our existence exist in those physical laws. Because it's physical, free will does not exist. Because free will does not exist, spirituality does not exist, and it is thus useless to try to find a spiritual reason.

>> No.13194461

Logical in relation to itself.
Its like evolution.
If you see a cheetah and its pray its weird that both are fast runners.
>Why would the cheetah not just hunt another animal?
Well within the logic of evolution the one that hunted a different animal became itself a different animal and thus isnt a cheetah hence the cheetah that didnt die of starvation became faster to hunt the same prey as to remain a cheetah.
>i know this is not really scientific but thats what you seem to be saying.

>> No.13194471

>Faith means belief or trust. God can never be 100% proven, as with all things really, so faith is required.

Exactly. So why take faith, and esteem it to such a zenith?

Faith was never a virtue, it's a vice that is capable of ending human civilization. Entropic to life itself, it's what, by definition, blinds us to reality.

>> No.13194474

>He doesnt do it in a sentence or two, no he complains about a superior form of communication.

>> No.13194480

You are talking to the dude and you have faith that he isnt a troll winding you up.
Faith is necessary to have a civilization in the first place.

>> No.13194488

you are currently using the "have sex" meme unironically

>> No.13194491

I don’t see how that analogy applies. I’m saying that everything ultimately has an underlying reason for its existence, and that this reason is the cause. That is what it means to say that a thing is reasonable. If God is not Truth, and God’s existence can be explained in any rational way, whether or not we or even God understands it, then that means that ultimately, God exists because of that reason. Which is why I believe God and Truth are the same thing, since Truth is the cause of all things.

>> No.13194521

Kant showed all proofs of God are impossible.

>> No.13194522

Thats just circular reasoning.

>> No.13194531

As opposed to an infinite line of reasoning?

>> No.13194537
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Point at the end of the circle

>> No.13194547

This is semantics.
I'm talking about the meaning of the word in a religious context.

The sky is blue, or 2+2=4 is not the same as God exists.

Faith, in the religious setting means believing in something with no evidence for it. No proof. No sense. Taking the leap of faith.

It's what the religious argument is distilled into after all the rhetoric. And it's a word and a reason that is so lovingly adored from the font it's written in to the accent it's spoken with. Yet it is what is most dangerous to our future survival.

>> No.13194552

Prove I exist

>> No.13194559

>Yet it is what is most dangerous to our future survival
How exactly?

>> No.13194563

Dont worry he's a 20 year old Atheist

>> No.13194568

Wasn't trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious

>> No.13194573

You typed and posted this message.

>> No.13194578

Truth exists necessarily.
If it did not exist, then it would be true that it doesn’t exist, a contradiction.
>why would that be true?
If it were not true, then there wouldn’t be an absence of truth.
>why must anything be true at all?
Because even the lack of any truth is its own truth.

If you can’t agree with the above, then you can’t really use reason to argue about anything.

>> No.13194582

>who; You
>how; Typed and posted
this only proves you called something "you" and claimed that "you" posted and typed the message.

tl:dr you claim

>> No.13194597

I did. And I might also be wrong.

>> No.13194612

>I’m saying that everything ultimately has an underlying reason for its existence, and that this reason is the cause

>> No.13194616

yeah the point was to prove not to claim.

>> No.13194623


There is no way you could ever know for sure that you aren't existing in a computer simulation.

I'm not saying that anything is provable/disprovable in any sort of fundamental way. I'm saying that the concept of faith in its religious context - the disregard for truth (in all its manifestations of open scientific inquiry), is what makes it such an immense problem.

Imagine what a fanatic religious mind is capable of with the means of mass destruction. Only two variables that should never come in contact.

>> No.13194624

Either reason is the cause or it is not. If it is not, then the effect arose without reason. But the very process of an effect without a cause can still be described by a meta-reason that allows the “unreasonable” existence to pop up. It is impossible for anything to exist unless it has a reason, therefore reason is the cause of existence.

>> No.13194638

I suppose that would be true for any kind of fanatic

>> No.13194650

oooh you have a problem with the lack of education.
Thats an issue that will fade slowly.
What's much more dangerous is mob mentality.
Thats why Christianity is better than most religions since its prophet is very peaceful for the most part.

>> No.13194664

Minus the motive.
>see Middle East

Also, it's relevant to the right-wing policies (ideology) on climate change. It's my opinion that, Christian's don't "believe" in climate change, more than they don't "agree" with it, if that makes sense.

>> No.13194696

>It is impossible for anything to exist unless it has a reason
What do you mean with reason?

>> No.13194700

And this way you want to put the claims
>The sky is blue
>God exists
On the same basis? That is a bit retarded don't you think?

>> No.13194701
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>Perhaps it's just simple human psychology at work?
Psychology as an institution and as a field of study is a joke.


>> No.13194703

>heroin addicts tend to be happier
Just nitpicking for fun but have you ever read an addict’s memoir or watched a documentary on addicts? They are miserable

>> No.13194708

Not sure what you mean by education.

I'm not convinced mob mentality is an antonym of religion. It's not the religion that is peaceful it's the people. If we lived by the Bible (in any sort of earnest sense), we'd be living in a tyrannical, dystopian, 1984-esque episode of the twilight zone. It's human morality, founded by empathy and solidarity learned through ~ a hundred thousand years of evolution that we owe our "morality" to. Not the Bible, or any religious text. After all, the "Golden Rule" predates and supersedes it in all respects.

>> No.13194714

I don't particularly think the climate change denying movement has a religious basis.
It feels to me like an almost Marxist rebellion of the underclasses against the 'intellectuals' and 'the elite'.
Similar to the whole vaccine and flat earth stuff that has popped up over the past few years. These movements feel more like a 'fuck you' to mom and dad, rather than actually being backed by any legitimate ideology

>> No.13194726

It's not a joke, it's a menace. Psychology is raising suicide rates.

>> No.13194743

schopenhauer wasn't an atheist either retard he was just against Christianity and specifically clerical Christianity, read his dialogue on religion

>> No.13194754

The circle is finite but unbounded. It has no end.

>> No.13194756

I don't see the right wing as synonymous with the intelligentsia, or the elite. I think it is divided between the right and left.

I think that it is Christian's who don't accept it, because it has nothing to do with their religion. Climate change isn't a talking point in their belief system, they are told only of a rapture, Jesus' return, etc. Thus they ignore the possibility completely, it's ridiculous to them because if the Earth really was dying, they would have known about it, they wouldn't have been so caught off guard in the first place. IMO.

>> No.13194783

From this point forward, around half of all people now deemed your (you) sexuality a mental disorder and all the negative connotations that are comprised with that.

Would you be:
a)more suicidal
b)less suicidal

>> No.13194802

>that is a bit retarded
guess thats the end of your reasoning

>> No.13194849

Education battles over the influence religion has.
This battle is good but you need 1 strong belief to prevent yourself from falling for something that is very cult like and new and unchecked.
Christianity is pretty much kept in check because we neutered it.
The idead that we learned anything trough empathy etc. is silly because as soon as necessity pops up your empathy goes out the door.
But if we have a set of rules and beliefs that are strong enough to at least challenge necessity you wont be a s inclined to kill the other person when you are hungry perhaps you feel watched be it you really believe this or because its leftovers of the religious indoctrination.
Religion is a tool to keep order and to spread the ideas of empathy and solidarity.
We feel like one we feel more together but we do need to practice and work on these feelings thats why sunday church is actually a very good hobby/exercise.

Most school and mass shooters that arent completely out of their minds will isolate themselves or are isolated.
Thats what makes them so irrational and anti-social.
They are outside society they are "the other" thus they can easily kill innocent people because to them they arent innocent.

the whole sjw thign calling everybody a nazi, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe etc. phobe comes from a very twisted doctrine that can only exist with the absence of a strong doctrine like religion.
im going on a tangent...

>> No.13194938

>The idead that we learned anything trough empathy etc. is silly because as soon as necessity pops up your empathy goes out the door.

I'm saying we learned to be empathetic evolutionarily. It doesn't befit the survival of a species by being psychopathic. Not being empathetic is entropic to survival. Imagine yourself now unable to grasp and/or care that another has their own intrinsic existence, this would not be a genetic boon. A civilization full of psychopaths does not survive.

This is how "morality" was "learned". And look at society today, are we perfect empathetic beings? Certainly not. We have yet to uncover and grasp the inner workings of the mind, but the groundwork is there. But to think that people are beholden to doing good or evil simply due to eternal reward or punishment is not true, and horrible.

>> No.13194959

My claim
>God exists ≠ Sky is blue

Your claim
>0 = 0
>God exists = Sky is blue

Now I can claim
Your claim = 0

>> No.13195101

I remember when I was a materialist and cringe hard looking back. I feel sorry for anyone who is.

>> No.13195322
File: 38 KB, 709x399, sj14-int-religmap.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ's ethics are better than anything now or in another 2,000 years. The faith he founded has been so overwhelmingly profound, it's taken over the world. Artists who either believe in God or are grappling with it make profound works, while atheists make puerile Reddit trash.

We all know deep down that a Godless humanity is a People's Republic of China, a Reddit, a nihilist antisocial ghetto, an LGBT homeless needle sharing street, a cringe.

(And yes, I should have sex)

>> No.13195381

Again it's worthwhile to note that atheism was not an option up until relatively recently. Even great enlightenment thinkers had to use pseudonym's when publishing their "heretical" works. Deist thinkers that by todays standards would be fanatically religious.

In terms of ethics to a neutral observer, Christ's ethics are incredibly silly and pedantic compared to the golden rule. Japan is irreligious, they're doing fine.

>> No.13195416


cringe and yikespilled

>> No.13195442

If you were smarter you wouldn't be arguing about whether it is real or not, you'd argue more fundamental issues.

>> No.13195532

Religion argues there is an important underlying message/theme to reality which is generally represented in the battle between heaven and hell, they try to get to the core of what is the 'purpose' of our species and our place in reality. You can argue that there is no greater meaning than simply the physical world but that is a pointless argument, you're just saying that the fabric of reality is the way that it is simply because that's what reality is. I mean, maybe but that doesn't get us anywhere, you could take the scientific approach and attempt to understand each little scientific law and work backwards to creating an understanding of wtf we are existing in but that doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere in coming to terms to ourselves spirituality in fact it seems to be doing the opposite with the increasing suicide rates. Religion in the vaguest form is the assumption that things arent just the way through 'random' chance (by things i dont mean what we see around us but the laws of reality etc).

I claim to be religious because even if I don't think there absolutely has to be something beyond our comprehension, I recognise that it is atleast as plausible as there being nothing outside what we can know and that denying religion would deny working towards a problem that we need to work towards as a species to be able to deal with these increasingly oppressive forms of control that are imposed on us inevitably through the industrial complex and technological progress. I identify as a Christian because I feel like the most important parts of reality lie in the dichotomous nature of what we experience, christianity represents this most succinctly with heaven and hell, energy vs space, conscious vs nonconscious, internal vs external. While I think other belief systems have a place in our world, I also believe that there are not enough Christians in the world anymore so I put my money where my mouth is. Religions are real in the sense of providing people with very functional starting points in terms of morality and direction for operating in society and making us all better off.

I know you will say that this is all irrelevant and it just matters whether they teach of literal events in history but you are coming to that problem from a starting point that they are trying to be literal. I'm saying that they are real in the sense that there are certain belief systems that are really more functional than others in the world and specifically belief systems that better suit humanity's progress as a whore more than others and it is a real fact of reality that it is beneficial to our species to spread them without question to some extent. They are really good starting points for people. There are really a lot of things which can be discretely defined in two distinct forms. There are really things we dont know and cannot even begin to know literally without looking at general patterns in what manifests itself in reality and human experiences/feelings.

>> No.13195545

>Religious "people" are not to be argued with, reasoned with or listened to.
To be honest, you could probably apply this to atheists. Agnosticism is the way to go.

>> No.13195566

>Religion argues there is an important underlying message/theme to reality which is generally represented in the battle between heaven and hell
Falling for the dualist jew this hard.

>> No.13195568

Yes, used to believe this, but it's the standpoint of someone who's unwilling to completely breech the subject.

As Dawkins quipped, "There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies?"

>> No.13195577


>> No.13195590

Japan is definitely not non-religious.

>> No.13195600

Rather than even thinking about touching this, go on YouTube and spend a couple hundred hours watching religious debates with:

Christopher Hitchens
Sam Harris
Lawrence Krauss
Richard Dawkins

They all have discussions with the most prestigious religious apologists/intelligentsia and will give you a much sharper argument to convey.

>> No.13195607

Fair enough, but their beliefs on "religion" as we know it are completely different. It's a culture more than a theism.

>> No.13195614

Pinker reminds me of white chocolate with strawberry bits

>> No.13195641

I have, the main reason the argument isnt as sharp as possible is because it is insanely complex for good reason and I don't care enough about imposing my beliefs on others to work to refine it. OP should probably take your advice though as he seems to let this topic bother him despite his entire argument just being that they arent literal accounts of history.

>> No.13195654

>It's a culture more than a theism.
The same goes for most eastern religions.

>> No.13195660

>religious people tend to be happier
you have any sources to back that up?

>> No.13195672

The problem with that analogy is that fairies existing in the bottom of a garden would be meaningless to us given that we couldn't prove their existence, they would have to be beyond microscopic and have no external effects on reality. God existing would be meaningful to us even if we could never prove it, because we have this fundamental desire for purpose, explanation and meaning. Acting like fairies dont exist presumably will never have consequences, you might step on a few but who knows if you can even kill them. Acting like god doesn't exist will change a lot so it is worth leaving the possibility open that he might exist and consider what that could mean.

>> No.13195679

I don't know if this will come off as a compliment or insult but you sound like a young Jordan Peterson. IMO missing the forest for the trees sort of religious pedantic esoteric musings. In any case, I think what you're trying to do is rationalize religion through some sort of pragmatic sense. As if without religion there can be no peace or progress.

But simply look at the enlightenment, what it stood for and what it did. Look at the future "moral" progress made *in spite of* religion. Isn't it odd how religion is always struggling to catch up, fighting tooth and nail?

>> No.13195699

Take another analogy.
Are you agnostic when it comes to any other countless religions? Take Islam. Recognizing or not recognizing Mohammed as the true prophet would be "meaningful" in your sense would it not?

Agnosticism is simply a dialectic position which has nothing to do with meaning or purpose.

>> No.13195735

I think anyone should take it as a compliment to be compared to someone with an IQ of around 150 after a short exchange even if their IQ was 190 so i'm not sure why you would be worried about it coming off as an insult.

Yes, it is odd, it shows some very powerful drive by humanity to look at the unknown and our purpose in the world.

I think we disagree about the cause and effects of the enlightenment but that is irrelevant. I'm just saying that atheists disproving events literally happening will have near zero effect on the people acting as if they literally happened.
An atheist can believe two things, either that the stories are worthless and holding back society or they have pragmatic benefit but they're just literally false. Which are you?

>> No.13195754

Agnosticism is only a relevant word for someones strength of belief in either theism and atheism and not a meaningful descriptor for someones belief in a specific religion

>> No.13195772

I'm probably not someone best suited for your conversation. I don't care if religion is useful or pragmatic because I think that the truth infinitely transcends it; I think that the pursuit of truth, regardless of it's utility or how it makes you feel is better than any religious epiphany or declaration.

With that being said, I don't consider myself some sort of cold materialist scientist. I would claim some sort of spiritual monism. If you feel spiritually exhumed, I would highly recommend Alan Watts. He's a good next step.

>> No.13195779

I'd agree it's a relevant word for strength of belief. But don't forget that all our meaningful descriptors are just words.

>> No.13195782

Justifying a belief in the existence of God with pragmatic arguments isn't going to cut it ; and it's taking the easy way out.

Justify it with a a priori / a posteriori / etc... argument or don't bother.

Also don't watch dogshit pseud like Hitchens or Krauss.

I suggest this debate between Russel and Copleston


>> No.13195791


3 non-sequitur in a row

good job anon

>> No.13195799

What do you mean by truth then? you think it's true that god doesn't exist?

Religions are essentially just a prepackaged set of morals, how could you look at whether ways of operating in the world are true without a pragmatic lens? I know Sam Harris has been desperately trying lately to get at this but I think he is failing at this problem, that's not to say his attempts and insights arent very meaningful though.

>> No.13195828

The problem is all atheists tend to define the priori's of the religious as pragmatic even if they don't. You'd have to have a whole argument on what is pragmatic first.

>> No.13195833

Hitch and Krauss do use a priori and/or a posteriori arguments. What else would they be using and what is this etc. you mention?

And as "youthful" as the OP's post is, it touches on the a priori concept that Bertrand Russell espoused himself with his "Russel's teapot" analogy.

>> No.13195839

Who are you talking to? Fuck off if you're not discussing literature. Religiousfags here discuss literature, you are not.

>> No.13195864

>i think truth is better
pragmatic argument against pragmatism

>> No.13195873

>What do you mean by truth then?
Nothing fancy. The attainment of facts, hopefully with a certain Socratic humility knowing how feeble our understandings.

>you think it's true that god doesn't exist?
I don't think it's an important question in the 21st century anymore. All the arguments for religion have been used, there are different rhetorical angles to use but the topic has become uninteresting in regards to truth. The priests have become the philosophers have become the scientists.

I don't believe in objective morality, and at the same time I have no fear of that - maybe that's where we differ. And I'd agree Sam Harris can get caught in little logical ironies that don't do him any favors. But the problems are IMO due to semantics; the words we have at our disposal to convey these moral ideas. So when he uses a word like "purpose" or "meaning" it's hard for us to shake the theological connotations without seeing a double standard, irony or paradox.

>> No.13195906

Well, I'll be clear, as it's just word play.

I'm saying that, in my opinion, in the long run, it's better that we seek truth more than we seek contentment, peace or some sort of practical satisfaction. I don't care as much if something makes me feel good as much as if it's true.

>> No.13196095

>In terms of ethics to a neutral observer, Christ's ethics are incredibly silly and pedantic compared to the golden rule
>When asked which is the greatest commandment, the Christian New Testament depicts Jesus paraphrasing the Torah: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," before also paraphrasing a second passage; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Most Christian denominations view these two commandments as, together, forming the core of the Christian religion
>Japan is irreligious, they're doing fine
Ah yes, anime and virginity and rising militarism/nationalism and whaling - after being just one generation ago one of the most wicked and terrible nations possible (with support from Zen Buddhists)

& I shouldn't even have to bring up how every Atheist State has been a nightmare, the Nazi's anti-Christianity, and Islam.

>> No.13196108

Every Jehova's Witness I've ever met has this creepy air about them as if they are forced to be happy. Their presence disturbs me.

>> No.13196113

american christians are insane

>> No.13196139

And there are so many of them

>> No.13196163
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>Stupid people tend to be happier by way of being stupid. They had no choice in that matter, either.
Wrong. Low IQ is strongly correlated to depression, GAD and other mental disorders. Being happy and dumb is a meme.

>> No.13196171

Pic related is high IQ or low IQ? I can’t tell which