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13185892 No.13185892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop eating animal products and processed foods.

>> No.13185903

Man has eaten beast for tens of thousands of years, why would I stop now when it's what my body needs?

The animal has no worth, if it wants freedom from consumption it should rise above man as we rose above all other life.

>> No.13185930
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>when it's what my body needs?
To see what effect an increase in meat consumption might have on disease rates, researchers studied lapsed vegetarians. People who once ate vegetarian diets but then started to eat meat at least once a week were reported to have experienced a 146 percent increase in odds of heart disease, a 152 percent increase in stroke, a 166 percent increase in diabetes, and a 231 percent increase in odds for weight gain. During the 12 years after the transition from vegetarian to omnivore, meat-eating was associated with a 3.6 year decrease in life expectancy.

Results published in 2012 from two major Harvard University studies—the Nurses’ Health Study, which followed the diets of about 120,000 30- to 55-year-old women starting in 1976, and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which followed about 50,000 men aged 40 to 75—found that the consumption of both processed and unprocessed red meat appeared to be associated with an increased risk of dying from cancer and heart disease, as well as shortened life spans overall—a conclusion reached even after controlling for age, weight, alcohol consumption, exercise, smoking, family history, caloric intake, and even the intake of whole plant foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The findings suggest there may be something harmful in the meat itself.

The largest study of diet and health was co-sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired Persons. Over a decade, researchers followed about 545,000 men and women aged 50 to 71 and came to the same conclusion as the Harvard researchers: Meat consumption was associated with increased risk of dying from cancer, dying from heart disease, and dying prematurely in general. Again, this was after controlling for other diet and lifestyle factors.

Alzheimer’s disease risk may also be affected by meat consumption. In Japan, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s has shot up over the past few decades, thought to be due to the shift from a traditional rice-and-vegetable-based diet to one featuring triple the dairy and six times the meat. The lowest validated rates of Alzheimer’s disease in the world are found in rural India, where people tend to eat plant-based diets centered on grains and vegetables. In the United States, those who don’t eat meat (including poultry and fish) appear to cut their risk of developing dementia in half, and the longer meat is avoided, the lower dementia risk appears to fall.

>> No.13186010

Sanity is overrated

>> No.13187124

that guy is based as hell
meatcucks will deny everything he has to say because theyre addicted and like every addict will justify and defend their habits
i myself am having a really hard time transitioning into a fully plant based diet but im sure i will

>> No.13187136

Not gonna turn into a tranny faggot no matter what our overlords tell us

>> No.13187167
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My recent purchase, already tried some recipes.
Can't wait to impress my future wife with vegan whole food plant based ice cream and brownies. Shit is so tasty.

>> No.13187170

>B-but we're smart now so we shouldn't be mean to animals and eat them and meat is poison reeee
Humans only got to this point by cooking and eating meat. There's nothing to feel ashamed of by eating meat. It's what our body needs and it tastes good, nothing you say will convince anyone to go vegetarian.

The only real argument you have is "I get sad when animals die" which is a pathetic child like opinion to have. All those health studies are complete horseshite. If meat was bad for us we wouldn't have eaten it for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.13187171

I think dementia and alzheimer's may be a product of our community-lacking first world society.

>> No.13187183

Vegetarianism/veganism can cause infertility.

>> No.13187190
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"Putting meet to one's lips harms thy Living Spirit."
-- Prophet Mani

Also, you are aiding the Demiurge by speaking so positively about killing animals. They have a divine spark inside them too.

>> No.13187202

no foods are "scientifcally proven" to prevent or reverse disease. snake oil marketing means snake oil ethics.

>> No.13187203

The moral stance for not eating meat is a direct result of the general cuckolding of men and masculinity.
It's like we're afraid to be better than things.

Newsflash: we are better than animals.
Western society is better than non-western
Men tend to be better than women

>> No.13187207

>Putting meet
Putting meat*
Sorry for typo. Kind of tired.

>> No.13187219
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You are not a man. You are merely a vessel for the Demiurge or the darkness on this material plane. You can never truly liberate your inner light so long as you remain cold and callous to the inner light of all sentient beings.

>> No.13187220

faggot excuse to rationalise away any legit argument, obviously vegtables are better for long term health than candy.

>> No.13187221

This, men should stop being such pussies and just start eating women already

>> No.13187235

Japanese diet is rich with varieties of seafood, seafood is meat. And also they eat eggs and other kinds of meat as well. This diet is one of the main reasons of their longevity.

>> No.13187236

i dont give a shit about about animal suffering
vegan diet is literally the healthiest diet you can eat and its the best for the enviornment

>> No.13187244

>its the best for the enviornment
low T high estro tranny take

>> No.13187245

>i dont give a shit about about animal suffering
Stop serving the Demiurge and the darkness of the material plane. Vegetarianism is preferable for all truly religious men who seek enlightenment.

>> No.13187252

define better

on topic: where do you get B12 from as a vegan? (don't tell me supplements because that doesn't count, that way we can just switch to soilent)

>> No.13187264


I'm a vegetarian already and I grow the majority of my food.

>> No.13187286

"rationalising away" is what that subtitle is trying to do with its "scientific" reasoning, you retard. throw a bunch of limited in scope studies which depend on the common idiot's understanding of veracity rather than depend on the strength of its argument.

and while candy is worse than vegetables, the dichotomy isn't limited to those two categories you fat faggot. eating meat is fine, but so is veganism. don't pretend science says that one is better.

>> No.13187300

Eating meat is not inherently immoral. Factory farming practices are but raising animals in a caring, local, grass-fed free range environment is not only an enjoyable life for them (up until ~30 minutes before death), it’s also better for the environment vs many vegan lifestyles that rely on exotic items shipped from a far (avocados are especially bad for the environment). Health wise there are many arguments for a balanced whole food diet to be better than veganism and there has still yet to be study comparing the two.

>> No.13187302

>if you care about the health of the environment you're a tranny
very big yikes

>> No.13187305
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>blocks your path

>> No.13187306

> vegan diet is literally the healthiest diet you can eat
> and its the best for the enviornment

Please stop being dishonest.

>> No.13187310

Yikes-posting is another sign

>> No.13187319

>Eating meat is not inherently immoral.
It is because you are harming your Living Soul/Spirit, and you can liberate your inmost light as easily. Moreover, you are harming other souls. You are basically a puppet of the Demiurge or that pool of blackness that taints this material plane.

>> No.13187330
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>Vegetarianism/veganism can cause infertility.
>Infertility and Animal Protein
Meat intake is associated with infertility. Eating a single serving of any meat per day has been associated with a 30 percent greater risk of interference with ovulation. Red meat increases infertility risk 40 percent; however, eating one serving of chicken a day (half a chicken breast) may increase women’s infertility risk more than 50 percent—worse than bacon and hot dogs. Replacing animal sources of protein with vegetable sources of protein—like beans—may reduce infertility risk that is due to failure to ovulate.

Pregnant women may want to stay away from all meat because it is so packed with sex steroid hormones that eating meat could affect the development of their sons’ genitals while in the womb, with the possibility of adversely affecting their sons’ future fertility. Animal protein intake increases the levels of a growth hormone called IGF-1, which has been linked not only to infertility but to cancer.

>Female Infertility and Soda
Soft drinks have been associated with infertility in women, though this may be from an indirect route, with soda linked to obesity and obesity linked to reduced fertilization rates.

>Female Infertility and Endometriosis
About one in a dozen women suffer from endometriosis, which accounts for about half of the cases of infertility, but onions food consumption may reduce the risk of endometriosis.

>Male Infertility and Diet
Infertility affects 10 to 15 percent of couples attempting to conceive, and in about half the cases, a problem is found in the man. Increasing saturated fat intake just 5 percent was associated with a 38 percent lower sperm count, and the higher the saturated fat intake, the lower the sperm count—up to a 65 percent reduction in total sperm count. But male fertility is not just about sperm count, but about how well the sperm work. Manmade endocrine-disrupting industrial pollutants that build up in animal fat, particularly fish, may be partially responsible for a decline in semen quality. High dietary intake of saturated fat–laden foods like meat products and milk may negatively affect semen quality in humans, while some fruits and vegetables may maintain or improve semen quality because of their antioxidants and nutrient content.

>> No.13187332

> Soul/Spirit
> Demiurge

>> No.13187337

A much better solution than treating and feeding humans like cattle is to reduce the population to a sustainable level.

>> No.13187340

There is no bigger spook than your retarded physicalism/materialism/naturalism. Have fun suffering for trillions upon trillions of kalpas, icchantika.

>> No.13187342


>> No.13187377

Why would I listen to a heretic who is trying to merge Indian ideals with Christian Gnosticism?

>> No.13187386
File: 372 KB, 500x500, Vitamin-B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin B12 is not made by plants or animals but by microbes that blanket the earth. In today’s sanitized, modern world, the water supply is commonly chlorinated to kill off any bacteria. So, while we don’t get much B12 in the water anymore, we don’t get much cholera, either, which is a good thing!

A regular, reliable source of vitamin B12 is critical for anyone eating a plant-based diet. Though deficiency for those starting out with adequate stores may take years to develop, the results of B12 deficiency can be devastating, with cases reported of paralysis, psychosis, blindness, and even death. Newborn infants of mothers who eat a plant-based diet and who fail to supplement may develop deficiency much more rapidly with disastrous results. Getting enough vitamin B12 is absolutely nonnegotiable for those centering their diets around plant-based foods.

For adults under age 65, the easiest way to get B12 is to take at least one 2,500 mcg supplement each week or a daily dose of 250 mcg. Note that these doses are specific to cyanocobalamin, the preferred supplemental form of vitamin B12, as there is insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of the other forms, like methylcobalamin.

As we age, our ability to absorb vitamin B12 may decline. For those over 65 who eat plant-based diets, the supplementation should probably be increased up to 1,000 mcg of cyanocobalamin each day.

Instead of taking B12 supplements, it is possible to get sufficient amounts from B12-fortified foods, but we would have to eat three servings a day of foods each providing at least 25 percent of the Daily Value (on the Nutrition Facts label), with each serving eaten at least four to six hours after the last. For B12-fortified nutritional yeast, for example, two teaspoons three times a day would suffice. For most of us, though, it would probably be cheaper and more convenient to just take a supplement. Our fellow great apes get all the B12 they need eating bugs, dirt, and feces, but I’d suggest supplements instead!

>> No.13187391

> physicalism/materialism/naturalism
These have nothing to do with me. I'm actually the opposite. Yet your spooks are still being spooks.
> icchantika
Are you implying that you're a buddhist? If so, please get educated, there are no belief in "Soul/Spirit" and Demiurge in buddhism. Liberate yourself from your spooks.

>> No.13187410

You're the bigger heretic. I am actually a Saoshyant-Buddha hybrid whereas you merely imitate the cold, callousness of your steppe forebears. You refuse to empathize with the inmost light of animals, and moreover, I doubt you can even see it in your fellow human beings. It is you who is asleep, not me. I am the one who shall point to the light and darkness once more for you, but I will, in all likelihood, be rejected once again.

To show no compassion to sacrificing animals, which indeed have rich phenomenal experience, is the act of a daeva and scoundrel.

>> No.13187418

Giving up meat completely is foolish. One should eat meat but only on special occasions where you should buy some sort of red meat, the best you can afford, with high fat content and make a real evening out of it. Once or twice a month.

>> No.13187423

You, yourself, are nothing but a spook. Good and evil are absolute. Even Buddha pointed to that. I have no time to talk to edgelords who are regressing back to the warlord, steppe-like ways. You are a scoundrel who has barely a glimmer of light in his heart. Your whole life is nothing but a spook. Endless spooks within spooks, but I can point out the way. However, you reject me, for you are weak.

>> No.13187424
File: 111 KB, 500x500, Plant-based-diets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Researchers have shown that a more plant-based diet may help prevent, treat, or reverse some of our leading causes of death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Interventional studies of plant-based diets have shown, for example, 90 percent reductions in angina attacks within just a few weeks. Plant-based diet intervention groups have reported greater diet satisfaction than control groups, as well as improved digestion, increased energy, and better sleep, and significant improvement in their physical functioning, general health, vitality, and mental health. Studies have shown plant-based eating can improve not only body weight, blood sugar levels, and ability to control cholesterol, but also emotional states, including depression, anxiety, fatigue, sense of well-being, and daily functioning.

Only one way of eating has ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a diet centered around whole plant foods. If that’s all a whole-food, plant-based diet could do—reverse our number-one killer—shouldn’t that be the default diet until proven otherwise? The fact it may also be effective in preventing, treating, and arresting other leading killers seems to make the case for plant-based eating simply overwhelming.

>> No.13187431

seems arbitrary for the sake of being arbitrary.

>> No.13187435

It’s not the healthiest for you but more importantly it’s also not objectively the best for the environment. If you’re a vegan who buys all their veg from a supermarket (as most do) which ship their produce across multiple countries and also regularly eat avocados (amongst other things) which cause droughts and have humanitarian concerns. Then you are worse for the environment than the man who gets all his meat and veg from local grass-fed sources.

Maybe if you grew all your produce yourself it would be better but even then I doubt it would be environmentally neutral and there could be a way to do it better with animals.

Don’t equate all meat production methods with American style factory farming.

>> No.13187436

> You, yourself, are nothing but a spook
Kind of. And you too, however it looks like you deluded yourself to believe that you are something more than a mere spook.
> Good and evil are absolute. Even Buddha pointed to that.
Your fantasies.

>> No.13187441

>scientifically proven

a lot of studies say a lot of things can and may improve your health. the title should reflect this, but it attempts to manipulate people's poor understanding of scientific extrapolation.

>> No.13187450

Nope, your fantasies. You think your edgelord antinomian and moral nihilism are touching upon anything truly real? All it touches upon is your own inner depravity and ignorance, which is no spook.

>> No.13187452
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>> No.13187454

From several sources i got the same thing: "Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products"
Is this wrong? Because eating FORTIFIED food or SUPPLEMENTS is obviously not something that is intended, i.e. it would mean that we are not in fact meant to be vegan. Like you said, apes get it from bugs, also known as animals

>> No.13187466

Also look up the impact of a ketogenic diet on illnesses (limes disease and even cancer), it’s by far on of the most effective interventions diet wise but it is impossible to do with a vegan diet.

A plant based diet being better than the typical American diet (which is what most studies use) doesn’t mean anything.

>> No.13187478

> You think your edgelord antinomian and moral nihilism
When did I started to be antinomian and morally nihilistic? Please try to control your wild imagination.
> anything truly real?
Care to define 'real'?

>> No.13187488

Believes Buddha is anything more than a reincarnation of Shiva. There’s a reason Buddhism only stayed around in shit-tier countries.

>> No.13187509
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>takes Hinduism over Buddhism
>talks about shit-tier countries

>> No.13187510

A ketogenic diet can also help with your austim

>> No.13187513

I am afraid of being plagiarized, so I can't discuss this matter further. Regardless, I have encountered a revolution form of epistemology and ontology that few have touched on thus far.

>> No.13187517

Animals get B12 from bacteria, indoor farm animals get feed B12 supplements.

>> No.13187520

>a revolution form
a revolutionary form*

>> No.13187538
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Imagine having a diet that consists of anti-nutrients and sugar

>> No.13187541
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a low-carb diet is metabolically like being obese

>> No.13187547

The country which all these ideals originated from
A mix of literal bugmen (Chinese and japs) and unevolved peasants used only for cheap sex tourism for the past few centuries (Indonesia, Thailand, etc)

>> No.13187561

> epistemology and ontology
Metaphysics = spook

t. Wittgenstein

>> No.13187568

Don't cows get it from bacteria from their gut, i.e. it's created inside of them? So yeah it is bacteria, but bacteria that lives inside of them, right? Again, no way to really suck on those boys

>> No.13187573

Drink your flavoured sugar water like a good ant


>> No.13187576

Early Wittgenstein is different from later, and regardless, metaphysics is unavoidable. Logical positivists were proved wrong without a doubt by Quine.

>> No.13187581

>science is only correct when it helps prove my point

>> No.13187582

>proved wrong
proven wrong*

>> No.13187591

if you stop thinking in memes and what I only presume is /pol/ inforgrpahics you would see that Mahayana Buddhism as it developed in east asia is more philosophically sophisticated than the stagnant and logically inconsistent Theravada Buddhism, both of which take a more logical departure from Hinduism which never had the same caliber of thinkers compared to the tradition of Nagarjuna.
yeah but lol bugmen XDD

>> No.13187596

No, from the microbes in the dirt, when a cow grazes grass it gets B12.

>> No.13187612

>I don’t give a fuck about where I live

>> No.13187670

where are you getting this info?
I read that cows, sheep, goats... have them in their gut. But also, people eat grass and dandelion (actually i had that weird salad a few times, my mom picked it up in our yard lmao). Wouldn't that be a source then? like it is for the cows? Also, if it's dirt, I eat carrots straight from the soil, that would also be a source of b12, but i don't think it is. I think it MUST ferment (or something like that) to actually be of some use and that's what animals do. poop is a source because it passed an animal, "grass" as you say is actually stained from poop i guess. Still need an animal if you plan to get it naturally. If you don't what even is the point? You can literally ear soilent. Why not get everything from a pill and not eat anything living

>> No.13187822

>everything I don’t like is /pol/
Buddhism as practiced is China, Japan and Korea (which is mostly Mahayana Buddhism) was heavily influenced by Taoism which is literally a guidebook on how to be a good ant. Just one look at the Japanese and Korean people and you’ll see they are some of the most soulless people on earth. The former strive for an emotionless life and the latter adopt any and every fashionable identity. You may argue that they are practitioners but these ideals came about because of the cultural influence of that form of Buddhism.

Shivaism and Tantric practices are far more evolved but since most of the secrets are guarded behind the oral traditional someone like you would never have access.

>> No.13187887

>just take my word for it bro, it's deep
nice tradition you have there. Also you are funny to be calling people ants when your ant brain has a complete idiot's understanding of Buddhism. Either read the literal wikipedia page or fuck off of /lit/. Why are you even here when it is clear you haven't read anything?

>> No.13188085
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All essential nutrients that are required for optimal biophysical functioning can be found in a vegan diet. There is no ethicomoral justification for sacrificing the lives of fellow sentient entities, and much less so for the purpose of gratifying a primal urge.

>> No.13188087

>ha, yeah, go back
>I bet you haven’t read anything
Stop crying. You failed at larping as a gnostic since your understanding only goes as far as demiurge memes then tried it on with other religions only to fall at the same hurdle (“I can’t tell you why but you’re wrong”). I bet you just follow /lit/s flavour of the month religion, I’m sure you considered yourself an orthodox Christian until recently. Eastern tradition as aren’t about reading lots of books or thinking logically, they are all intended to be taught through practices/arts guided by a mentor, without this you’ll always have a very shallow understanding.

>> No.13188101

What are your thoughts on antinatalism?

>> No.13188113

Stop breathing every time you do you murder billions of bacteria.

>> No.13188124

Actually You'll find that "prophet" Mani is in hell right now being endlessly forced to gorge on rotted lard and beaten on the stomach when He's full or tries to vomit. Everyone that is beloved to God sees this punishment as just.

>> No.13188136

What curious and Earth shattering statements! Obviously my whole course on Dietistic was wrong! I must call my professor and tell them!
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13188207


Anon, what's the best book to read for someone who wants to become a vegetarian?

>> No.13188210

The same as against anything that is in pro of destroying the healthy, innocent and beautiful; though I also believe that children should be brought into this world for the sole purpose of aiding in its optimization, and sequential transcendence.

>> No.13188214

How Not to Die, which focuses mainly on the nutritional aspects

>> No.13188220

Antinatalism is the logical step from vegan and other compassionate philosophies.

>> No.13188238


thank you

>> No.13188291

Ethicomorality is impelled by Telos, not logic. Statecontrolled/aristogenic natalism is optimal.

>> No.13188314

Jesus all three look unhealthy malnourished lacking minerals and close to death

>> No.13188603

Stab the shit out of him because I'm a wimp, but I'm not gonna back down because of anybody

>> No.13188658


While he is a retard who doesn't provide sources, if your dietetics course doesn't acknowledge animals products are generally unhealthy (especially meat), the program is outdated and/or follows guidelines by lobbyist groups.

>> No.13188664

>the program is outdated and/or follows guidelines by lobbyist groups.
No to both.

>> No.13188669


Sure, they aren't. Money well spent.

>> No.13188851

I'll make a BTFO thread the day Michael Greger kicks the bucket

>> No.13188855
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>> No.13188859

Japanese eat tons of seafood my friend
>t. Japanese

>> No.13189139

based vegetable man

>> No.13189148


>> No.13189162

fuck this is not lit report & sage

>> No.13189199


lads you need the animal stuff, the 'plants give you everything you need except for b12' hokum is reductive assininity

i dont eat processed foods and there's really no excuse to eat them (look at those ingredients lists lol) but if you exercise regularly, daily, your body will probably handle the stuff