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13173275 No.13173275 [Reply] [Original]

How did we go from a nation despising premarital sex to promoting and glorifying a "sex life"?

“As much as it is in your power, keep yourself clean regarding sexual activities before marriage. If you sample these things, you must pursue what is lawful. But do not be annoying to people who do engage in sex nor disapproving. And don’t offer up the fact that you don’t have sex [or not]." - Epictetus

What the fuck?

>> No.13173292

>How did we go from a nation despising premarital sex to promoting and glorifying a "sex life"?
Because back in the day, religion was the best cope available to you. And religion declared sex before marriage pretty much illegal. But then time marched on, life in general became easier, people had more time to dream up surrogate activities to help people cope and eventually we didn't need religion anymore, so it was forgotten. Sexual depravity itself became a cope, the preferred cope of women because it requires the least effort and offers the most pleasure.

If you want chastity to be valued again, I'm afraid the only way is going back. The harder you make life to live in terms of surviving in the natural world, the more people will start to care again.

>> No.13173658

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13173669

Which nation are talking about

>> No.13173720
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Read this.

>> No.13173729

>a nation despising
>back in the day
You two believe you’re loveless because others are having sex. How old are you really?

>/lit/ Reactionary Whining

>> No.13173776

>You two believe you’re loveless because others are having sex
Speak properly you fucking ESL mutt

>> No.13173797

Put a question mark at the end

>> No.13173844


I'm single because I don't pursue women. I don't pursue women because I have nothing to say to them and nothing in common with them. The only thing I need from a woman is a place to put my dick. So to save a lot of effort, time and money I just fap and get on with what I actually care about.

>> No.13173879

>How did we go from a nation despising...
Um... Gonna have you stop you there, sweaty. /lit/ - Literature is an anti-american board. ;)
>despising premarital sex
> promoting and glorifying a "sex life"
'SLUT', 'WHORE', 'FUCKBOY', 'WHOREMONGER'. These are considered pejoratives. If you're asking how America became more sexually permissive: people started realising Christianity was bullshit.

>> No.13175226

>The harder you make life to live in terms of surviving in the natural world, the more people will start to care again.
planning on doing this to my citizens in the province, though it's already quite religious. Makes it easier as the politician is corrupt and it doesn't take much to give him an excuse to make life harder for the people.

>> No.13175237

You might be a fag.

>> No.13175248

>How did we go from a nation despising premarital
it's only ever been like this rhetorically tho

>> No.13175263

No, I'm just not controlled by my penis. Which isn't something you should be bragging about btw.

>> No.13175465

The actual, non moralizing answer is birth control. All past cultures condemned premarital sex because all of the childbirth would lead to a population problem. Now that we live in a world where we have a zillion different ways to prevent the childbirth resulting from sex the actual, functional consequences for premarital sex don't exist anymore and all that remains is the pleasure sexuality brings

>> No.13175524

>I just fap and get on with what I actually care about.
Like bitching online and dispensing terrible opinions and advice.
Please, just keep those and your dick to yourself, thanks

>> No.13175563

m-muh sex...uh...duhhh...bad...BAD, yeah. because, uhhhh.....

>> No.13175816

People had a shitload of kids in the past though. In some places marriage was practically universal, and from a very low age.

>> No.13175855

>How did we go from a nation despising premarital sex to promoting and glorifying a "sex life"?
Have sex, cum head,
We do not glorify "sex life", we think sex is part of life, even if you don't like sex at all. You could not glorify playing soccer over playing basketball, because they are plays that you may or not play in your life. Also, glorifying premarital virginity is even worst than glorify the fact that you can have sex, if you want, when you think is okay.
/pol/ pigs, go back to your swamp, please.

>> No.13175910

>All past cultures condemned premarital sex because all of the childbirth would lead to a population problem

i dont think they gave a shit about population.

>> No.13175928

birth control, everyone else is posturing

>> No.13175996

Combination of things, and I'll preface the following with saying that I understand that people as a whole are at fault. However I believe it is in large part because religious institutions and the facets of society they influenced got lazy with the explanations of why we should practice self restraint.

Far too much "because God (and I speak for God) said so" and not enough "because it creates the following issues in society." When your predominant argumentation for celibacy is based on ideological browbeating instead of appeal to pragmatism you'll eventually get dissent from people who think the ideology is needlessly stifling.

Maybe I wasn't quite as informed as I could be but growing up the culture of celibacy before marriage was argued almost exclusively by authority figures (be they pastors, politicians, or family members) stating it's wrong because "Bible says that's bad". Sex Ed (which was taught by a Catholic lady) was where I heard the only non appeal to authority argument which was simply that abstinence before marriage is the only guaranteed way to avoid pregnancy and STDs.

Now what this means is that a lot of younger people in recent generations were taught to avoid sex before marriage not because of any practical reasons (of which there are many) but again, "because I said so". If you've any idea of how to raise teenagers, parenting exclusively by "because I said so" is basically begging them to do the exact opposite purely out of spite. It's retarded. You have to start arguing with something other than appeal to authority, which I feel that society at large failed to do, and combined with humanity's natural tendency towards pleasure you get the modern sex crazed culture.

>> No.13176033

Why does the Catholic church teach that you must always cum in a vagina then?

>> No.13176273

>I care super hard about getting laid, to the point where it dominates every aspect of my life
That's all you had to say

>> No.13176459

Because they have a teleologically sound view of sex

>> No.13176575

loss of religiosity, the advent of reliable contraception, and the independence of women brought about by their entering the workplace

it's not complicated

>> No.13176709
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>people started realising Christianity was bullshit.

>> No.13176762

That armour looks fucking useless, nothing is really covered properly, it is peppered with gaps and opening. Might as well not wear it and it all and benefit from being able to move a little bit faster.

>> No.13176811

you already know, you just don't want to say. It starts with a J and also feminism

>> No.13176829

>8 used from $127
nah bro

>> No.13176847

Buy it from here


>> No.13177024


>> No.13177054

why does every retard brainlet blame bad things on m-muh religion?

>> No.13177073


>> No.13177082

they all come from reddit lmao