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13165277 No.13165277 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the worst possible outcome of capitalism. Any literature on it?

>> No.13165388
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>> No.13165547
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>> No.13165603

A side effect, but yes.

>> No.13165610

Brave New World

>> No.13165613

I'll look into it
Extinction of the human race probably only ranks one or two spots below achieving a """utopia""" in terms of favourable outcomes

>> No.13165616


Climate change. Don't really have any books for it.

>> No.13165620

and it's your kind's fault

>> No.13165629

Technochristians construct basilisk AI God

>> No.13165658

This already happened in the past-future; we're living in the beast right now.

>> No.13165697
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>> No.13165703
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>> No.13165712

he says that like its a bad thing

>> No.13165723

Why is accelerationism defined as a consequence of specifically capitalism? Couldn't it be the product of any "late game" ideology? For example if most of the western world was socialist instead and times were shitty, wouldn't there be just as many accelerationists then?

>> No.13165727

Fuck off trupfag

>> No.13165747

If you’ve got a death wish, by all means kys, I won’t stand in your way. But to assist in mutually assured destruction; that accessory to mass murder

>> No.13165750

marxist think everything flows in one direction asking that is to them is like asking if water flowed down, wouldnt it flow back up.

>inb4: all socialist failings
not real socialism and CIA

>> No.13166297

Not lit but Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell 1995

>> No.13166368

those spaghetti look disgusting

>> No.13166376


>> No.13166497

Capitalism doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Our own type has always had state funding, from the railroads to pretty much every technology.
You can’t really talk about it as it’s own thing.
The answer is it ends and Creates a new aristocracy

>> No.13166674

Authoritarian capitalism for maximum efficiency.

>> No.13166704

THAT spaghetti lookS disgusting.
You're welcome.

>> No.13166721

Blade Runner is based on a novel. Lurk moar

>> No.13166848

A sudden collapse of civilization.

>> No.13166859
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Totalitarian High Tech surveillance of Islamic-Slanteyed Shitskin workforce, whilst culture of outrage is being made mandatory.

Internet has already become its worst-case scenario.

>> No.13166893

This is a lazy post.

You just heaped 4chan references as a way to appear like a serious poster, but even those references are less the type which are particular to /lit/, but more something like those which would be imagined by someone who heard on BuzzFeed that 4chan is a major alt right enclave and in response logged on immediately to join the trolls and trade notes with fellow blackpilled doomers

>> No.13166918

Another poster posted my main thesis here, but he's a bigot, so I figured I'd break it down. Capitalism needs to be defined properly because, ironically, the free exchange of goods and services is totally meaningless without a state-backed currency. So, there's key axioms of capitalism:
>Goods and services are exchanged without govt. intervention
>A currency acts as that medium
>The strength of a currency is the stability of its respective state
>Money is potential energy
The idea is that everything becomes a capitalist transaction. How? Essentially, you have a type of action commitment where everything you do requires additional input, and accelerates. The state millitarizes itself but now it doesn't need to. To illustrate, China performs mass psychological experiments on its population on the daily, but they're building out a neural network to control human networks - What facebook did with happy vs sad posts, China does on Wechat en masse. Essentially, everything we tries to become an increase in energy that the state can utilize to militarize and increase their tax base. The end result is constant surveillance to both capitulate and sell. The end is interconnected consciousness where the hyperwealthy and govt. control its nodes and flow. Think about it this way, the robots in the Matrix are the technocratic wealthy, but humans in a vat don't produce more energy to be harnessed next year, whereas in capitalism, they do.

>> No.13166920

no spaghetti is plural

>> No.13166971

what the fuck are you on about you rambling retard? your post was hardly a criticism on what he said and just random nonsnse

>> No.13167621
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You can plot it's success, and failure, on a bell curve.
The choices range from a fascist, totalitarian, for of capitalism, with an aristocratic few sharing all wealth and power, and the common man being completely disenfranchised to the point of being a serf or peasant, to a more socialistic capitalism, ala Denmark or Sweden, with the power held by the people in common, and the corporate becoming subservient to the masses.
The only thing that's for sure, is that everyones speculation will be wrong. The more you try to control the future, the more fucked up things become. Just look at America over the post WWII era, to the present.

>> No.13167821

Read Debord, smoothbrains. Also, fuck Mark Fisher.

>> No.13167882

I am a self identified 'social justice warrior' and also an advocate of capitalism, it can be proved that advertising agencies, the CIA and google have done much more to further diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice in general than marxists. In fact, from listening to most 'marxists', you can tell theirs is a narrow, eurocentric worldview grounded on the idea of an implicitly white, male and heteronormative base of able bodied industrial 'workers'. If marxists are truly progressive why are they less comitted to diversity representation and inclusion than mayor capitalist corporations? why is it that the top thinkers associated with marxism are overwhelmingly male and white and most often not of working class origins themselves? the discourse of 'marxism' in this day and age functions more often than not as a cover for white male resentment, see Zizek's transphobia and trump apologetics, and the whole 'brocialist' phenomenon, as well as Steve Bannon's self identification as a 'leninist'. The 'universalism' implicit in marxist discourse can be interpreted as a way to silence and speak over others, namely women, queers and people of color. Elitism and 'anti consumerism' are veiled expressions of cultural resentment at an increasingly diverse and participative culture.

>> No.13167964

Wonder what would actually happen in this scenario? Would we slowly just get sent back to the stone age and slowly dwindle in numbers as climate change fucks everything up

>> No.13167982
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Because it relies on the theoretical mechanisms of modern economy for its own theories. What Capital does in terms of valorisation accelerationism does in terms of words, an abstraction of language into capital theories. It's entirely meta with no basis in reality.
Similar methods could be used for something like cybernetics, which accelerationists also use a bit, but there really isn't any anti-cybernetic science. At least not a well-known form.
Economic determinism, especially the theory of Capital, acts as an alleviating mechanism, like a confessional. Believers want to be relieved of any responsibility for blame done, they want to be morally exempt from collective responsibility. The market is essentially the natural space of any society, it is the arena of necessity. Any opposition to it could only ever be partial, there is no real revolutionary potential in it because such movements would appear unnatural (this is a major reason why communists are maligned more than fascists). One can even see this written into the original liberal schemes, economic conflict allows for a vitality of opposition which effectively gives weight to the society, accelerates it - one might even say replacing the cults and religions of old societies. Accelerationists can be seen within this light as attempting to complete the liberal form of this subterfuge (and this would explain their confusing mix of left/right ideas).

We live in a society of philistines, based on equality and rising up of the lowest people. Economic determinism is a great method to organise around people's base desires, and it is also the lowest tier of organisation. Belief in it essentially acts in a similar way to Baudrillard's hyperreality, as if reality were merely a consequence of hyperreality, rather than hyperreality being a runaway consequence of reality and the incompetent responses of uncultured people responding to what are complex problems requiring hierarchy (if not in organisational structure, then at least in the realm of ideas). Capital, both as economy and oppositional catalyst, is like an invisible monolith of false consciousness - a release valve of the modern project.

>> No.13167987

See: current year burgerstan
>increasing everyday danger
>increasing crime
>increasing wealth gap, erosion of middle class
>slumification juxtaposed with flagrant displays of excessive wealth
>widespread corruption and nepotism
>monopolisation of all industries
>debt-based economy
>monetisation of all natural human needs and desires
>even all art is now relegated to big business and manufactured for maximum profit

>> No.13168000

the corruption of democracy

>> No.13168056
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As for communist accelerationism, no. A couple reasons for this. Firstly, communism effectively arises in the first place as a necessity of organisation in societies which are not yet industrialised. This was essentially an 'accelerationism' at the very beginning of the society. The entire population was mobilised into industrialisation, even reverse engineering old machines and creating horrifying amalgamations into machines of capital. One might even say it was war waged against the land (many men were sent off for mass building projects while the women were left home alone for years at a time). This was a major reason for the destructive capacities and mass death, not to make light of the ideological opposition and gulag system.
The other problem is the idealistic nature of the communist system, it is almost impossible, even contradictory, to live up to - so acceleration is an impossibility. One could then say that accelerationism is merely an attempt to reconcile with this hidden hand of idealism in the liberal West. When there are no values or ideals it is easy to claim material transcendence or acceleration.
But perhaps the ideals and values are simply unknown, unrecognised. That is part of its power, it replicates the appearance of natural law in something completely other, even something completely in opposition to nature.

>> No.13168095

The worst of capitalism is already in the past, and has yet to come around to the second form.

see mining companies who had their own currency that was worthless outside the mining town.

the next worst phase will come when there are so many humans they become a wide commodity again, but this time no one gives a shit.

and right now, the worst we have is insurance/healthcare

im sure there is literature, and movies, but nothing to recommend off the top of my head.

>> No.13168108

This >>13168000 would be a perfect example of what I am saying. Democracy is much older than capital, and in modern times arises as a later form in the genealogy. And opposed to any theories of retrocausality one can say that modernist law introduces the very processes within which capital comes to function some 200 years before Capital arises.
Most of modern thinking is backwards and falls into historian's fallacies at an absurd level, to the point that reality and truth are subsumed by the investigation of simple materials.
It is like flat earth or hollow earth theories forming in the realm of entire worldviews. Such tunnel vision won't respond well when truth returns in a way which cannot be denied.

>> No.13168109

Borg-type people on a barren earth.

Or even worse, such a people spreads to other planets.

>> No.13168120

people have been saying 10 - 20 years for the last 70 years now the world will end. hell, all the ice was to melt a few years ago and submerge all of the coasts of florida, shit still hasn't happened.

protip: tell people it solves pollution and saves lives every year and how those programs/fixes work, see coal power plants being directly attributed to 3500 deaths a year by pollution alone and the fixes are cheap. this gets people attention more than the nebulas 'life will end in 12 years if we don't do something now' and constantly kicking the 'point of no return' can down the road every time we pass it.

>> No.13168130

Planetary human society is as 'natural' as an ant colony, throbbing insect circuitry composed of electronic images, established somatic response patterns of movement and cognition building on an organic sex and death substrate, itself piloted by the anorganic, performing imperfect, merely satisfactory computation via markets and organisations(which even in the most 'capitalist' of economies dwarf markets).

>> No.13168151

Is this a joke?

>> No.13168192
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>when truth returns in a way which cannot be denied
'truth' is recursive autopoietic process, see spinoza, hegel, whitehead, maturana and varela, modernity didn't begin with modernist law, luther, or occam, not even with Jesus Christ, in human terms modernity began with the first phoneme, the first bonefire and arrowhead, strictly speaking with the big bang, all claims to revelation are inextricable moments of the process playing within the cunning of a higher reason , mind discovers nature and is spawned by nature, mind and nature are one and the same, what do you want me to believe that nature does really make leaps? is your personal preference for anthropomorphic configurations winning over your better judgement?

>> No.13168292

In the sense of fall or decline perhaps. Yet there is a form or essence of modernity all its own. I don't think it can be approached in negative terms, even if we are completely opposed to it.
Those who have done so have all failed miserably. One must consider modernity in its own terms, as some reflection, at the very least, of human necessity.

>> No.13168403

i read this twice and i don't have a clue what it says. can you reiterate like im a retarded person
what's funny about it? look at the united states right now

>> No.13168411

Most people are highly dependent on society for sustenance. If it were to disappear, tens of millions would probably die of hunger/thirst in a matter of months, especially those living on big cities. The rest would migrate and resort to farming or finding food in natural areas. In a world that's already been put to the limit ecologically speaking, unrestrained exploitation of nature would probably result in the extinction of thousands of species and quickly diminish available resources, which would result in even more hunger.
And then there's global warming.

>> No.13168770
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In terms of a genealogy, democracy arrives first and should thus be considered the overall power, unless capital either completely subverts it or shows that it is the dominant power. Consider it in a microcosmology, the state legislature is not opposed to the academy or media, yet it is clear that the state body is much more powerful than either of its complimentary arms.
In a similar way, one may come to view capital as the dominant hierarchical or organisational form simply because of their own life within this lifeworld/microcosmology. One may even say that Enlightenment rationality, the worldview that experience is primary, allows and even causes this fragmentation of perceptible worlds to occur.

One of the major ideas of accelerationism is that of retrocausality, or teleoplexy which occurs in the realm of ideas (it's a bit more complex than that, but I think going any further would simply be a distraction, Zizek's ideas may be similar to this?). So here I argue against the idea of any retrocausality by suggesting that the very form and process of capital accumulation appears within the early ideas of liberalism, and rather than being caused by the future it is capital which is derivative. This would be too difficult to explain in short, so I will offer a similar idea, that of the disappearance of capital in the world wars and the total reformation of material production towards war efforts. The wars were certainly not determined by capital, and the incredible changes and effects brought about by the war were much greater than any changes brought about by capital.

One may even go further here, I would say that industrialisation is already the appearance of a returning force of the founding of the New World, the Old World's 'becoming worthy' of this unspeakable destruction of world knowledge. And the industrialisation of the New World is its conflict between a divine natural order and the desire of momentous yet simple reconstruction of civilisation. In this sense, Capital is nothing more than an image slowly coming into reflection through a mirror - the material crystallisation of the metaphysical laws of humanism/modernity.

>> No.13168779
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The historian's fallacy is seeing history through the lens of current knowledge and worldviews. This can result in hollowing out historical events of their real meaning, one can even say this is a law of liberal society, or even the metaphysics of reason and experience. If one cannot be certain of any realm outside of experience then this applies physical laws of force to metaphysics, as if eternal laws are subordinate to one's own experience. There is an ironic reflection of the undoing of worlds in this as well. While they are not the only group to do so, accelerationists represent an interesting lunacy of this Kantian worldview: opposed to dialectical materialism, metamaterial determinism. For them, we are nothing more than vessels of valorising information. We, and modernity, are being pulled into this future of an algorithm of Total Information Awareness. Even more than this, it may be the whole of history which is determined by this process.

It is like the scientist who comes up with wonderful theories and then enters into the world only to find incompetent bureaucracy and infrastructure incapable of implementing his theories. They are backwards fools, uncivilised and unworthy of modern potential. If such a man has significant power and connections, or if the society is simply susceptible to such influence, perhaps his ideas can eventually be implemented. The entire world can be dedicated to producing space ships to mine asteroids. Eventually, however, it may come to light that expending the entirety of the earth's crust for a few asteroid minerals to add to our collection of moon rocks simply isn't a good return on investment - especially in the realm of energy rather than capital.

Flat Earth might be ridiculous as a scientific theory, but it also might be the most perfect myth to explain the effects of science in the real world. Science creates a flat earth in the realm of metaphysical or theological law.

>> No.13168801

Anyway, I hope that makes more sense for you. I have to take my dog for a walk.

>> No.13168811

That doesn't look very hygienic.

>> No.13169008

geneology? this reads like some cube theory nonsense shit. you're fucked

>> No.13169016

excellent phrase

>> No.13169460



>> No.13169481

Havw you read the novel retard? Its nothing like the movie at all. In fact the whole meaning of the book is the exact opposite of the film.

>> No.13169482

me writing a book.

>> No.13169539

Atlas Shrugged, in which everyone dies except an elite few.

>> No.13169585

May god spare us from your diary desu.

>> No.13169593

catholics are the only people more autistic and deluded than marxists

>> No.13169628

>But to assist in mutually assured destruction; that accessory to mass murder
Lol fuck you dyke, it's the compassionate move. The world is not heading for a bright future and if a nuclear holocaust happens instead, that's a lot less pain and misery for everyone.

>> No.13169660

This world.

>Any literature on it?
Nah, just go outside.

>> No.13170444

Genealogy is a basic aspect of understanding history, philosophy, family, and the world.

>> No.13170452

I'm not a catholic. Nor Christian.

>> No.13170487

>Totalitarian High Tech surveillance of Islamic-Slanteyed Shitskin workforce, whilst culture of outrage is being made mandatory.
So a form of oppression where those benefiting are spanking themselves the whole time and calling themselves very naughty, but too busy watching their ass turn red in the mirror to do anything about it?

>> No.13170528

Basically a culture of fear where transgression is corelated to a moral panic (disguised as outrage, fight or flight response that results into being blacklisted from the society [workforce]), and a creation of a class of comissars (mid level managers) that will be instructed how to apply peer pressure towards the minimum wage workforce in order to keep it from posing class and/or wealth-related questions.

Of course any sort of armed revolt will be impossible due to surveillance techniques and high tech devices that plutocracy will have at its disposal.

If you take a look at poorer Euro countries, world government (corporations) installs puppet 19th century type nationalistic regimes in place so they keep the populace occupied with blood and soil atavisms (entirely confined to the intellectual space) while employers are able to use said governments to completely milk the countries and the people dry. some sort of borderless reach perpetuated by border-focused ideology.

all manners of distraction. for other countries, it's about ruining the middle class by shitskin influx; sectarian violence will be a perfect detriment for the next 100 years of interrupted post-colonial randian shadow govts.

>> No.13170535


>> No.13170594

i'm gay btw. not sure if that matters

>> No.13170861

>accessory to mass murder
crimes don't exist in the complete absence of people

>> No.13170892

If you are specificaly looking for the negatives of something your priorities are not in order in the first place. INstead of coming from a place of is x bad is there any liturature to support this, you should just look at an overall analysis of a subject untainted by bias. There are definitly very very valid critiques on capitalism, but they should be within the context of a wholistic text.

>> No.13170919

Why don’t you compassionately shoot yourself?

Homosexual. Boys are gay, girls are lesbian.

Where did I bring up law? Murder is murder. Death is nothing to one till it happens and only after is it nothing again.

>> No.13170923

"company stores" in coal mining towns. look it up. "rape rooms" for the wives to pay off debt, too. shits fucked man. they had the national guard massacre any miners who went on strike or tried to organize.

>> No.13170939

>Boys are gay, girls are lesbian.
That's rather elitist of you. Who are you to say what I identify as?

>> No.13170950
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>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE

>> No.13170969

gayz are not okayz

>> No.13170990
File: 72 KB, 1292x349, idiocy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so new you don't know how tripfagging works. Pic related.

>> No.13171025

Kek. The irony of this comment is strong.

>> No.13172009

does your geneology look like this >>13170950

>> No.13172597

Yeah, bro. You totally got me.

>> No.13172920

It continues lmao