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13124985 No.13124985 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life's nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in "another" or "better" life.

So this is why you incels have turned to Christianity. You're disgusted with life.

>> No.13124990

>oga boga christianity disgusting!
Yikes! And people consider him the greatest philosopher of the 19th century

>> No.13124993

>sweeping statements with zero argumentation
based neetzsch

>> No.13124995

It's not that he's wrong, but that his point is so obvious. Though maybe we only find it obvious today because of him.

>> No.13125519


Categorically wrong, like everything NEETzsche says.

>> No.13125531

t. hasn't read

>> No.13125555

woah i was reading an attempt at self-critique just today

>> No.13125611

Prove it.
Prove that literally everything Nietzsche wrote is wrong.

>> No.13125625


Wow you really blew him the fuck out with that adverb. You guys and your adverbs, it's getting so intense I can't take it.

>> No.13125771
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Incels and other failures turn to Christianity because it's the only ideology that grants them the philosophical background to perceive their own weaknesses as virtues. Virgin? Poor? Dumb? The kingdom of God is basically yours, if only you believe in Jesus of Nazareth.
This religion is a "chandala" movement, as Nietzsche accurately described it, and despite the utter rejection of nature and actuality that lies at the heart of its doctrine, it has been useful insofar as it allowed rulers to control the unwashed masses by making them think they're the true winners in life. As a result, ever since then all politics has been permeated with the unmistakable stench of the Nazarene's creed and his complete inversion of values.

>> No.13125776

>virginity a weakness
lol whoremongers

>> No.13125781

Every ideology or religion is a cope.

>> No.13125798

Sh-shut up. I'm going to a magic fairy land where I only have good feelings forever after I die, as long as I support the power structures of the religion I was born into.
Anyone else (like you and that neetz guy) are going to burn in a pit of fire for all eternity thanks to our endlessly loving, forgiving, and compassionate deity.

>> No.13125803

Have sex ;)

>> No.13125805

do sex

>> No.13125815

>the inability to perform the basic act of reproduction like every other organism on the planet
>a strength

>> No.13125828

>Incels and other failures turn to Christianity because it's the only ideology that grants them the philosophical background to perceive their own weaknesses as virtues.
>Virgin? Poor? Dumb?
Virginity is not a virtue, it's a sin, after some point. One is meant to be fertile. Incels feel bad in our culture because of this. Celibacy is a different can of worms. Poverty is not a virtue, not worshiping money is. Many poor do worship money. Dumbness is a sin, as proven by autism and its connection to atheism.
Cowardice is the cardinal sin of modern Christians, and all these losers. It does not feel good to be a coward.

>> No.13125831

Maybe you have a point for literal eunuchs who turn to Christianity, in much the same way autists may be "proud" of being autistic.

>> No.13125841

>it's a sin, after some point.
Literally only in those who refuse to consummate their marriage. And for a christian, you'd have an easier time arguing marriage in a sin, and in fact, not sinning is a vainglorious sin. Read the ladder of divine ascent.

>> No.13125852

>Dumbness is a sin, as proven by autism and its connection to atheism
Sadly, dumbness is not an option, as you haven proved with your post. Every point you make is contradicted by scripture.

Eunuchs are praised both in the gospels and in the epistles.

>> No.13125879

I think he means in the context of incel, denoting low social status.

>> No.13125909

>And for a christian, you'd have an easier time arguing marriage in a sin
As a man has to leave his parent and unite with his wife to become one flesh...

>> No.13125910

>Eunuchs are praised both in the gospels and in the epistles.
I know, what's your point? I'm not arguing Christianity it's a cope for the slavecaste i'm arguing against what constitutes weakness.

Very few moderns who turn to Christianity even seem to have the exaggerated humility to fuel vainglory, they use misconstrue Christianity as some pragmatic way to "save the west" or some shit, erroneously thinking that because they are ill suited for the world as it is, they would be perfectly suited for the world as it ought to be.

The problem is you can literally pay for sex, hell even reproduction and neither is prohibitively expensive. The failure to pair bond is mostly out of the persons hands due to the vices of their peers. Most fornicators, regardless of how successful they are, have not succeeded in being loved or loving, they are just following social norms. Their isn't any passion (ironically very christian like) to the union. Moreover such people are not (knowingly) settling either, most virgins are limerents fantasizing about star crossed lovers, which they can't covet from fornicators.

>> No.13125922

>Every point you make is contradicted by scripture.
Wrong. I'm supported by scripture, common sense and my conscience.
>Be fertile
>Jesus celebrates a marriage by making wine
>Jesus commands men to become one flesh with their wives, leaving their old families behind (that means you, incels!)
Poverty is not a virtue, wealth is a common blessing, even for Job.

>> No.13125930

What if I made up a religion where only Gigachads deserve rights

>> No.13125934

I require some empirical studies.

>> No.13125938

Most incels have "onietis" or lack the self-esteem to even approach woman, in this case It's not really the virginity that they would be turning to Christianity to cope with but a more general lack of perceived social capital. Their "virginity" as a weakness would be be more akin to "their social ostracization "

i've never seen the ones that claim to be rejected thousands of times and just want to fuck literally anyone larp as christian. They tend to have very materialist sensibilities.

>> No.13125941

>The failure to pair bond is mostly out of the persons hands due to the vices of their peers
I actually agree with that. Paying for sex isn't the same thing as having the ability to acquire a sexual partner nor keep one, which is my point.

>I'm supported by scripture
You definitely aren't.
I can post the verses if you want.

>> No.13125946


>> No.13125947

>i've never seen the ones that claim to be rejected thousands of times and just want to fuck literally anyone larp as christian
They'd hide that fact, for obvious reasons. /pol/ is filled of those types.

>> No.13125956

Yeah, I'm saying the guy used virgin in a modern context as a misnomer for low social status. But regardless of that, being a virgin today speaks nothing to a man's character unless he has also successfully abstained from pornography.

>> No.13125966

It doesn't matter if the context is modern or ancient. Virginity is only a virtue if you're female and you lose it to your husband.

>> No.13125968

>You definitely aren't.
>I can post the verses if you want.
I can do that too. Though do post yours.
>It is good to abstain from sexual relations. But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
>The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife.
>Do not deprive one another, except by mutual consent and for a time, so you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again, so that Satan will not tempt you through your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.
>Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Incels are wrong, volcels are good.
>For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
Jesus is much more pro-marriage, and Christ's return is marriage even in scriptures.
You cannot make a case against marriage.

>> No.13125973

>volcels are good.
In the event that they do not suffer from lust*, one can be a volcel who watches porn and all other deprived things.

>> No.13125996


It is integral to all Christianity, and Catholicism, that "this" life is not inherently bad and the "other" life is not inherently good. This is CATEGORICAL. I don't even know what NEETzsche even means by "Christianity", it's clear that he hasn't read the Bible or any other texts, like Apocrypha and such. What is he even spazzing out about? His mommy telling him bad boys get spanky-spanked in Hell?

>> No.13126001

Sure, but I'll address yours first.

>It is good to abstain from sexual relations
>Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried
This alone already proves my point of virginity being a virtue in Christianity, but there are many more so I don't see why you would disagree here unless you interpret Jesus' call to marriage as binding (even though he makes a point about eunuchs right after it and says in heaven people will neither marry nor be given in marriage) or Paul's suggestion that, in cases where there's a lack of sexual restraint, one should marry.

Virginity is undoubtedly a virtue for CHristians (as if the virgin birth didn't make it clear enough) which means your first point in >>13125828 is totally wrong.

>> No.13126009

Lol Nietzsche was studying to become a theologian before he realized it was all nonsense.

>> No.13126058


>> No.13126081

pentecontalism wanted to reverted that and created the prosperity theology


>> No.13126135

>Poverty is not a virtue
The worst point you made. If there's anything the bible praises more than faith itself is poverty and the denial of wealth and material possessions:
>"And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God." – Luke 6:20
>Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" – Matthew 6:19–20
Being poor is such a virtue to Jesus that, in his view, it's how one becomes perfect:
>"Jesus answered, 'If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" – Matthew 19:21
Being rich, on the other hand, is a burden and not in the "carry your cross" good kind of burden:
>"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." – Matthew 19:24
>Dumbness is a sin
Not only dumbness isn't a sin but calling other Christians fools condemns you to hell:
"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire." – Matthew 5:22
>Cowardice is the cardinal sin
Jesus was thoroughly anti-militaristic. A point can be made here about martyrdom and the suicidal tendencies of early Christians, but preaching against military activity is the gateway to cowardice in later generations, one that the church fortunately knew how to circumvent during the middle ages or Europe would've become Islamic much sooner than expected.
>"Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." – Matthew 26:52
>"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." – John 18:36

>> No.13126168

The ideal christianian is a literal cretin. A lamb totally depended on God. it's not a sinless or virtuous person, but one who doesn't know when they are sinning or when they are being virtuous, and just prays to god to sort it out. The type of person who gets as close to not eating the fruit of knowledge as possible.

Unironically get a lobotomy for your ticket to heaven.

>> No.13126169

I always find this perspective strange. When the fundamental nature of reality is perceived clearly, horror and insanity are the most immediate siren calls. To observe the magnificent and overwhelming movements--how can anyone maintain any sense of self or meaning? Only in Christ. Without a faith in Christ, all people are beaten back, falling into insurmountable despair. Weaknesses are not strengths. But in weakness, the fool will never attempt the truly foolish task of facing the void alone. It is only the proud and the strong and the sensual and the arrogant who think they can stand alone against death and nothingness and pain. Everyone who falls will be rescued, so better to fall easily and quickly, than to climb so high that you might fall forever.

>> No.13126181

Disgust and displeasure at the physical world being the fuel for spirituality is not even close to being unique to Christianity. And it's not as if our boy Neetchee is exposing something profound about the religion like its some kind of psychoanalytic revelation of hidden motivation. The early church fathers were explicitly debating the relation between the disgusting world of flesh and the holy world of spirit re. the nature of Christ, and in fact the patrician consensus ended up moving away from more extreme gnostic interpretations.

>> No.13126182

Detachment, detachment. Learn it.
>God blesses Job with hell after all that

>> No.13126190

You think you are exposing Christianity, but you are only exposing yourself. Poverty is not a virtue, but those who are poor are blessed; it is not the poverty which is blessed, but that someone in poverty will have no temptation to rest in anything but God. The fool is not blessed because of his confusion and ignorance, but because he will never know the arrogance which leads away from God. They are fortunate in the sense that, because they have little, little is asked of them. The danger they face will be less. However, for the rich, for the powerful, for the wise--they will surely be tested, tested to the extent of their talents. The more capable you are, the more you are commanded to do in the Lord. And in these things, you will experience far greater temptation than those without could ever imagine. I encourage you, before commenting on the teachings of the Church, that you actually study what the teachings are.

>> No.13126203

Christianity is not disgusted with the physical world. The physical world is a creation of God. It is beautiful and just and miraculous. We are disgusted with Man's improper relationship to earthly things. The flesh can be put to wonderful and righteous things, but in its proper relationship the flesh is subordinate to the righteous will. To mortify the flesh is not to kill the flesh, it is not to say that the flesh is evil or improper, but rather it is done to bring the flesh into the service of God, it means killing not the flesh as flesh, but killing the will of the flesh.

>> No.13126216

>Unironically get a lobotomy for your ticket to heaven.
"And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." – Matthew 5:30
Should apply to parts of the brain as well.
>Only in Christ. Without a faith in Christ, all people are beaten back, falling into insurmountable despair
We have been fine without Yeshua ben Yosef for thousands of years and civilization thrived just the same.
Okay, Siddharta.
Pathetic post, honestly. If you're a Christian and not just LARPing at least be humble enough to admit when you're proven wrong, instead of twisting scripture to save your ass.

Poverty and virginity ARE virtues in Christianity beyond a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.13126224

>The more capable you are, the more you are commanded to do in the Lord
You are encouraged to relinquish all the gifts of the earth that will tempt you, rather than use them to do good and resist temptation. God doesn't need your vainglorious works.

>> No.13126230

Jesus was a free market capitalist who hated the poor and loved lobbyists and destroying the environment.
American Christianity is the true Christianity.

>> No.13126241

m8.. neetche was an incel himself..

>> No.13126245


You're conflating the rich becoming poor with the poor being poor, wisdom with polemic, abstinence with cowardice, etc. Truly awful replies, almost worthy of NEETzsche himself.

>> No.13126250

>The physical world is a creation of God.
Which is another way of saying that the physical world has no value without God, i.e., God is what is important to the Christian and not the physical world. The physical world is merely a waiting room and a test for Christians; it must be, if there is an afterlife that they wait for and seek to enter. All religions that have such an afterlife are nihilistic and life-denying.

>> No.13126255
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More than likely' they fear oblivion.

>> No.13126263

>You're conflating the rich becoming poor with the poor being poor
Were his disciples rich when he told them to sell their stuff? Are you retarded?
>wisdom with polemic
The verse is about accusations of foolishness AND polemic in the church.
>abstinence with cowardice
Reaching so bad

>> No.13126264

Yes what you just stated is what became the consensus after centuries of theological debate over the nature of Christ and what it meant for God to have become 'embodied'. And this agreement landed right on the perennial philosophy.

>> No.13126267

Civilization has not thrived. The growth of our societies has been, since the protestant schism, been dependent on theories of force and punishment, which lack grounding and legitimacy. We say that we are more civil now, but this is only because we have created complex systems of regulated incivility. To the extent that human interaction is dependent on heavy, punitive policing and imprisonment, you cannot truly call it civility. True civilization lives in people's ability to live in harmony with each other without threat of force. As to the virtues, again, don't comment on things you are unfamiliar with. Virtue is not simply a trait or category or status. Poverty and Virginity are not Virtues in that they are not qualities of the will, they can be the result of a virtuous life, and they can be the result of an unvirtuous life. The virtues are intentional dispositions, conscious habits not of a physical nature, as a tick or ritual might be, but habits of mind and desire. Chastity is a virtue, which outside of marriage results in virginity. Humility, charity, and temperance are virtues, which in many cases might lead one into a life of what someone might call poverty, but they might also, when appropriate, lead to a life of plenty. Your vague descriptions of scripture, and shabby attempts at exegesis are no proof of anything at all.

>> No.13126269

>All religions that have such an afterlife are nihilistic and life-denying.
Not all of them frame earthly existence as a sort of test for a higher spiritual one. Poorfag heaven was often depicted as a simple materialistic feast where all the hungry poor people get to eat the food rich people eat forever. Valhalla was similar and a little less pathetic. Only in the case of "becoming one with brahma" or whimsical angel christianity do you see people becoming life-denying.

>> No.13126271
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>> No.13126275

>And this agreement landed right on the perennial philosophy.
AKA it was paganized christianity.

>> No.13126278
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The bible isn't my most favorable piece of fiction.

>> No.13126283

AKA truth exists and manifests in disparate places. Begone with lazy relativism.

>> No.13126286

Before Christ, read my post again. Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, etc they were building civilizations way before Christianity showed up to ride their coattails.
>Your vague descriptions of scripture, and shabby attempts at exegesis are no proof of anything at all.
You have just been spanked with your own holy book, anon. Cope harder.

>> No.13126290

I'm afraid you are not thinking big enough. To say that God created the earth is not as you seem to think. When we say God created the world, it means that God, the source of all being, that which is being in and of itself, brings all things into being as an immediate consequence of his will. Nothing exists which he does not, in some fashion, will into being. It is not that nothing has value with God, it is that without God, there is nothing. If it exists, God has given it being for some purpose. Life itself is an incredible gift from God. Our very existence is a treasure. Out of convenience, we call it an afterlife, but it is not truly after, nor do we suppose there is an end to life. With 2,000 years of history, do not suppose that any criticism you would levy against the faith has not been put forward before. It has not survived for these 2000 years without putting forward answers. Before you make these public claims, equating all religions with each other, I strongly recommend that you read not simply the summaries of doubters, but the apologies of those you criticize.

>> No.13126307

Your account of history, and your view of non-christian philosophy are quite warped. While many have disagreed with this position over time, the view I put forward was the earliest view. The church fathers debated these questions, and arrived at these conclusions, denouncing other positions as heresy from the beginning. Since then, what has changed is not the fundamental position, but an elaboration of the position given our growing understanding of everything else. There have always been those breaking away, but while they have all come and gone, only the one position has truly remained. As to the other philosophies, you are reading into them what you have learned from Christianity, but it is clear from art and from histories that your interpretation differs greatly from the original meaning.

>> No.13126311
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>> No.13126312

ITT seething christ cucked incels

>> No.13126315

Why didn't you address anything I said of the virtues? If you have to say that you've won, you haven't won anything. You are speaking through pride, not wisdom. As to prior civilizations, my argument still stands--if it exists by force, it is not civilization.

>> No.13126319

So I guess you haven't read the symposium then?

>> No.13126323

Just a reminder that what Nietzsche considered "life affirming" was conquest, domination and violence committed by the stronger upon the vulnerable, while what he hated in Christianity was its ethics that exalted the frail and the weak.

Maybe you're ok with this, but a lot of people who parrot Nietzsche's opinions on religion don't get that and wouldn't like this notion if they knew. They think that when he criticizes Christianity, it's like those New Atheists talking about superstitition, evil priests or the Church hoarding gold. That's not his point at all. Nietzsche would be ok with priests raping children while eating in plates of gold, considering his admiration for the Renaissance church.

>> No.13126326

I wonder if God likes it when someone deludes himself into believing in him out of spite for his environment.

>> No.13126327

Nietzche is alluring, because he states natural law more evocatively than earlier thinking. But he errs in considering natural law as the fullness of the Truth.

>> No.13126331

Raise a child.

>> No.13126334

so.. what is the difference with Sade?

>> No.13126341

I did right here >>13126216
You're falling back on semantics just to avoid admitting your objections to my post were flat out wrong. Saying "virginity isn't the virtue but chastity" is just you desperately trying to find a tangent, when the point was that incels find psychological gratification by claiming that virtue on the basis of their virginity.

>> No.13126342

How can you look at a Gothic church, or a medieval village, or an early Irish manuscript, or even a simple church garden and think to yourself that Catholics hate the world. We call life a vale of tears, not because of any flaw in what surrounds us, but because of the flaw we have introduced into our own hearts which prevents us from using our life and the world as God wills us.

>> No.13126344

Damn good show OP, well argued.

>> No.13126352

greek philosophers only fucked eromenoi who consented

>> No.13126353


He's talking to a rich man, not one of his disciples, in Matthew 19. I don't know what you're implying with the question. Regardless, poverty by itself, as well as poverty as ritual, is worthless in Christianity. One's active participation therein, as part of a greater whole, is another thing altogether.

>> No.13126359

This picture is so fucking stupid I can't believe someone created it

>> No.13126361

Stop cherry picking you dumb /pol/ nigger, we both know that Christians slaughtered countless women, men and children alike, subjugated them to slavery and serfdom alike, exploited and burned the cultural heritage of everyone else for their own desired goals, which are not an after life but glory money and might.

>> No.13126362
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also they developed beer.

>> No.13126364

>chirstcucks argue over the details of interpretation rather than defending the merits of their core principles being a direct inversion of indo-aryan values both in theory and in church practice

>> No.13126365

>t.seething polcel

>> No.13126366

I'm talking about the sermon on the mount/plain. He explicitly tells the disciples to sell their belongings.

>> No.13126367

Give sex.

>> No.13126370

>Dumbness is a sin
"We shall defeat Nietzsche by becoming Stalinists!"
"Wait... Aren't we Christians?"

>> No.13126371

it's accurate.

>> No.13126375

>muh churches

>> No.13126381

>stop cherrypicking

but your post is a big cherrypick.

>> No.13126383

Imagine being such a retard that you don't like Catholicism out of claiming it's 'anti-white' and pedophiles. As if that was even a gripe for the majority of time it existed. Truly normie.

>> No.13126385

Repeating the same thing over and over again is not conversation or debate. It only demonstrates that your mind is fixed, and you are listening with the intent to reinforce your perspective. You are the one who has made an issue out of semantics, not I. To say that viriginity is not considered a virtue in any Catholic theology is not a matter of phrasing, of signs, or of meanings. Whatever words you might use to express this same thought, the very essence of the idea would be wrong. Whether or not someone has had sex carries no moral meaning in and of itself. Chastity is not simply refraining from sex outside of marriage, it also meanings having sex with the correct moral intent within the bounds of marriage. Not using contraception is a matter of chastity. Further, there are many unchaste reasons someone might still be a virgin. Most people on this site are perversely unchaste, and yet remain virgins. They are not commended by the Church. Virtue is not an attribute of personal history, but an attribute of the will. If you don't understand what this means, as a statement of metaphysical relationship, or the implications of this formulation, just say so.

>> No.13126391
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majority of the time they weren't colonizing africa and converting millions there tho

>> No.13126395

The only bad part of the image is lists catholic instead of just "christian" but catholics are the types of pseuds to actually discuss things with blinders on over the rotten fruit the semitic cult produces. orthodox are just slav nationalists while protestants are literal golems. Only the catholics larp as being genuine christians philosophically.

>> No.13126396

Strange that you would take the word of a pedophile over the word of a martyr. The Greek pedos said they had consent, but who is there to contest them? Why do you find them more reliable than those who lived chastely and obediently in poverty, denying themselves the temptations of human rewards?

>> No.13126399

Are you Christian? Can you answer a question for me?

>> No.13126405

You're one dumb cunt, aren't you? How can a Catholic, of all denominations, not understand that the bible makes a virtue out of virginity? It's perplexing.

>> No.13126406

consent is a meme and doesn't justify any action in itself.

>> No.13126410

>which prevents us from using our life and the world as God wills us.
But God was also the snake in the garden.

>> No.13126415

Seriusly, isn't nietzche just Sade whitout the porn ?

>> No.13126418

As I said, civilization is measured by the harmony of human interaction without threat of force. To the extent that any society relies on force, it is uncivilized to that degree. We make no exceptions for this. We are the first to say that there have been many uncivil and unrighteous Christians. But why do you compare our worst to the greatest of others?

>> No.13126421

i don't see why holding a jew who killed himself because his life was shit in higher regards than the some of the greatest thinkers of all time

>> No.13126423

I am Catholic. What is your question? I do not know whether or not I an answer it until you ask it.

>> No.13126430

The snake was Eve.

>It has been suggested that the Hebrew name Eve (חַוָּה) also bears resemblance[7] to an Aramaic word for "snake" (Old Aramaic language חוה; Jewish Palestinian Aramaic חִוְיָא). The origins for this etymological hypothesis is the rabbinic pun present in Genesis Rabbah 20:11, utilizing the similarity between Heb. Chavvah and Aram. chivviya. Notwithstanding its rabbinic ideological usage, scholars like Julius Wellhausen and Theodor Nöldeke argued for its etymological relevance.[8]

>> No.13126432

No, those who are 'losers' because of virginity must by definition, not want to be.
You can't pretend inceldom is virtuous.

>> No.13126439

What are your thoughts on this strange passage in Matthew? Do you believe that its speaking of a real event?

Matthew 27: “And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks splitand the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” (New International Version)

>> No.13126440

>You can't pretend inceldom is virtuous
I actually agree but they do it all the time. Christianity provides the perfect facade for incels.

>> No.13126444

I've explained it to you. What's more, what I've explained to you is not my own opinions, but the long-held position of the Church. It seems you have a poor grasp on logic. That something can be a consequence of another does not grant the sometimes consequent identity with the cause. A virtuous person would remain a virgin until they had entered into marriage. This does not make virginity a virtue. If you are truly confused, as you say you are, and you are not simply trying to deliver a backhanded ad hominem, why do you assume the contradiction is with the Church, and not your own interpretation?

>> No.13126445


>> No.13126450

Does anyone know what happened to the zombies?

>> No.13126457

This. The thread is pointless anyway, considering no one defending Christianity has really read Nietzsche.

>> No.13126459

By centuries I meant the first 3 centuries after Christ's death when there was NO concensus about how the sacred and profane interact. This was while the Christian canon was being composed and the early theologians would write treatises quibbling over a single syllable (the 'ou' in 'homoousious' and so on).
By perennialism I'm referring to the fundamental asceticism which is so deeply embedded in the early church, in the statement you originally gave earlier, and in religious philosophies all over the world.
Think there were some crossed wires there, friend. You may have stated one of the oldest interpretations of the incarnation, but nothing was actually dogma or canon until the various councils of the 4thC.

>> No.13126460

Ignore the other person who responded to you. He is not who you replied to. You are being too loose in your language. That something is made by God does not give it equivalence with God. In fact, that something is created means it cannot be God. The serpent, in some sense, was created by God. But the serpent was also in part affected by our will. In giving us free will, God has given us, in some sense, a limited dominion over other beings.

>> No.13126468

He didn't kill himself. And for those with the will to understand, he put forward the most incredible and thorough metaphysics that has ever been heard.

>> No.13126473

Being an incel isn't a virtue, it's just not necessarily sinful and now as sinful and depraved like being a fornicator. Pretending ones vices are your virtues is textbook "don't judge" shit in christianity. Even the incels with the worst intentions still don't reach the level of whoremongers and their concubines. The person who fantasies about commiting brutal murders is still not as sinful as the murderer who kills as humanly as possible.

>> No.13126476

Yeah back then people didn'y care about the pedophile aspect. Was still anti-white though, the Emperor being the white man's choice over the Church, obviously.

>> No.13126478

>A virtuous person would remain a virgin until they had entered into marriage. This does not make virginity a virtue
It does, retard. You can question if they're virgins for good reasons and relativize all you want, but not that virginity isn't a virtue, which it clearly is in Christianity. According to the scriptures an incel is just a virtuous as a volcel.

>> No.13126489

what scriptures?

>> No.13126497

The gospels and the epistles.

>> No.13126499


People think love Nietzsche think that they're aspiring overmen to thoughts of conquest and war, but they're really just slaves to their emotions and evil. His concept of "life denying" attempts to suggest that this life is the only one there is, when that is not the case.

>> No.13126505

Dw every modern person that insists they are a "christian" is going directly to hell for their glorified idol worship. They take everything good about God and twist it into their safety thought hugpillow with which they then infect children

>> No.13126506

the metaphysics of the hangman are indeed incredible

>> No.13126513

the only genuine christians that have ever existed were in the monasteries. The ones that weren't just fucking the nuns and aborting the children at least.

>> No.13126517

I dont recall that on the gospels...
I remember something in the epistles about "is better to avoid", no that is a virtue.

There are a lot of passages in other books about living with the loved one as a blessing from God, being a good husband/wife etc.

>> No.13126518

I will not make any public exegesis on a non-Catholic translation.

>> No.13126522


>> No.13126536

Instead of simply stating "I'm right, your dumb," please put forward your argument in a formal matter. I've already explained to you 1. A consequent does not share identity with a cause, 2. Scriptural virtue is a righteous will, not a physical status, 3. therefore, intent is the beginning and end of virtue.

>> No.13126543

Okay here's the catholic version:
"Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After his resurrection they came out of the tombs and entered the holy city and appeared to many."

>> No.13126555

>that scholastic jargon not to have to accept scriptural facts
Really actualized my potentials.

>> No.13126560

I assume you have evidence of this afterlife?

>> No.13126566

>Scriptural virtue is a righteous will, not a physical status, 3. therefore, intent is the beginning and end of virtue

Girls who were raped are unclean (this is part of the reason rape is so heinous, something semites can't understand) and "born again" virgins are an obvious cope. Contemplation is inert without action, action is the product of contemplation regardless of whether the perpetrator is aware of it.

>> No.13126569

what do you understand by "virtue"?

>> No.13126582

Does it matter? We're talking about what's virtuous according to the bible.

>> No.13126585

what do you understand by "virtuous according to the bible"?

>> No.13126586

Whatever the bible praises as virtues.

>> No.13126587

So with this translation there are already some important differences. Everything up to the "rocks were split" I take as a physical description of what happened simultaneously with Christ's death, not just in a real sense, but in a particularly physical and historic sense. From that point on, I become uncertain; the phrasing and terminology in the next passage indicates a shift in the time being spoken of, but I cannot say fully to what degree; it explains what happens in a somewhat fluid matter, but describes the last part as occurring with Jesus' Resurrection. So as much as I am certain it describes something real, I personally do not have the knowledge to say what the nature of this real even is/was. There is certainly an element of it which foreshadows the last coming, final salvation, etc., and a portion which speaks of the metaphysical/supernatural action of the death and resurrection. Beyond those readings, I'm inclined to believe there was a historical element to this as well, but whether it was physical in the way the earthquake was physical, I can't say. If you are genuinely curious though, and not simply trying to test me for your rhetoric, I'd encourage you to talk to a priest about it. For one, they would also be more familiar with the Greek and Latin, which are essential for understanding the particularities of tenses. In English, we refer to many different tenses of time with very few words, and in something like the Bible, it can create incredible confusion.

>> No.13126599

there are seven virtues in christianity: Chastity,Temperance,Charity,Diligence,Patience,Kindness,Humility
Can you explain what makes them a weaknesses?

>> No.13126601

ok then, not celibacy, nor virginity.

>> No.13126605

This. I legitimately think that if you're open minded he will single handedly rip you out of that nonsense belief. Alas, the Christians that we have on here are either larping or are actually insane ex atheists that legitimately started believing in Christianity because they were too feeble to live in a world without god.

>> No.13126616

>scriptural facts
Alright, put forward the exact place where Jesus himself, or a Prophet, says explicitly "Virginity is a Virtue." If you cannot do this, then your stance is as much a matter of interpretation as mine. You have yet to justify your interpretation.

>> No.13126618
File: 406 KB, 613x561, virtue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bible praises celibacy and virginity as virtues, retard.

>> No.13126629

"born again" viriginity is an absurd notion, but you have inserted your own ungrounded philosophy for the teaching of the Church.

>> No.13126642

>what the nature of this real even is/was
>physical in the way the earthquake was physical
Thank you for your response, however I'm really not clear about what you mean by these two points. How could the description of the resurrection be taken as something other than "real" and "physical"?

>> No.13126643
File: 62 KB, 1064x542, 1549105972813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche also praises celibac as virtue

>> No.13126644

It's not an interpretation, that's the whole point of the immaculate conception. Jesus didn't have to come out of Mary's vagina and tell everyone his mother was a virgin and therefore virtuous, it's literally the reason why he wasn't born of her and Joseph's marital relations.

>> No.13126648

Nowhere in your Google screenshot (ironic that a self proclaimed Christian has to Google when it comes to something he places so much emphasis on) does it say anything about the Bible praising virginity and celibacy.
Can you actually quote the Bible? Or will you just supply more Google search screenshots?

>> No.13126649

meant to

>> No.13126655

Nietzsche ≠ Zarathustra
Why do brainlets always forget this?
Your quote is Zarathustra speaking, not Nietzsche.

>> No.13126656

ok, where in the bible?

check this from the provers meanwhile:

>May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.

>> No.13126659

Where did I proclaim to be a Christian?

>does it say anything about the Bible praising virginity and celibacy
You posted the verses yourself.

>Or will you just supply more Google search screenshots?
You seem to not even be familiar with the dictionary definition.

>> No.13126663

May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer—
may her breasts satisfy you always,
may you ever be intoxicated with her love.
Why, my son, be intoxicated with another man’s wife?
Why embrace the bosom of a wayward woman?

>> No.13126668

Why are you quoting the old testament out of nowhere?

>> No.13126682

because is related to your concerns and because is wise.
Read The bible for a change.

>> No.13126684

Nietzsche also praised Jesus and thought he was the noblest men who ever lived.

Nobody is perfect.

>> No.13126686

Well where the hell are the verses? Can't you show me where the Bible praises virginity? It doesn't praise it, the fact that Mary is a virgin doesn't mean that she is good because she is a virgin but that her pregnancy is a wonder, a godly wonder. It's not like the Bible at any point has any historic value beyond mere guidelines, it waswritten by a literal jewish Ex Rabbi turned proto Christian, what value can it hold?

>> No.13126692

But I have. Your verses are irrelevant to the discussion.

Do you even know what immaculate means? Not ever having had sex is a pretty big deal in this godly wonder.

>> No.13126694

btw, it seems there is an historical confusion. Someone told me that the traduction from arameic "Virgin mary" is not precise. It means something else.

>> No.13126699

The virgin birth is based on a mistranslation from the Hebrew word "almah" which meant "young girl" and not virgin.

>> No.13126707

Ill have a go

>chastity, not reproducing, an easy excuse for inability to be attractive and thus if its a virtue it hides your weakness

>Charity, the act of giving a man a fish and not teaching him how to fish, so he is forever reliant upon charity thus making yourself and the other person weaker. See :mother theresa

the rest can be summed up with the same reasoning as chastity, as useful excuses for weaknesses and insecurities and a means to call the proud or self interested sinners. Slave morality at its core.

>> No.13126712


It's like the four cardinal virtues of the ancient Greeks, but with some faggy shit added.

>> No.13126714

Oh I see. At least I learn something new out of of this thread.

>> No.13126731

Are there people who lived all their lives as atheists or agnostics and didn't end up miserable and broken? Not talking about the Reddit type that will claim everything is fine while jerking off to Rick and Morty hentai, but I mean as in the eudaimonic sense of wellness. Nietzsche was extremely lonely at the end of his life and ultimately went mad. He never knew love and hated women for it. Poor fella basically disproved his own philosophy. We need God, whether He is alive or not.

>> No.13126739

>So this is why you incels have turned to Christianity. You're disgusted with life.

more specifically they're disgusted by spiritually dead modernity. christ larping is a petty insincere attempt at revolting against the modern world. it's weekend at bernies theology, propping up a dead body and worshiping it even though they know damn well it's just a corpse.

>> No.13126743
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, 2015fall_bio-thomas-aquinus_1920x1080_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I answer that, As stated above (Article 1), the formal and completive element in virginity is the purpose of abstaining from venereal pleasure, which purpose is rendered praiseworthy by its end, in so far, to wit, as this is done in order to have leisure for Divine things: while the material element in virginity is integrity of the flesh free of all experience of venereal pleasure. Now it is manifest that where a good action has a special matter through having a special excellence, there is a special kind of virtue: for example, magnificence which is about great expenditure is for this reason a special virtue distinct from liberality, which is about all uses of money in general. Now to keep oneself free from the experience of venereal pleasure has an excellence of its own deserving of greater praise than keeping oneself free from inordinate venereal pleasure. Wherefore virginity is a special virtue being related to chastity as magnificence to liberality.

>Wherefore virginity is a special virtue being related to chastity as magnificence to liberality.
>virginity is a special virtue


>> No.13126747

David Attenborough

>> No.13126750

Well, she happened to be a virgin because she was a young cunt and didn't have sex yet with her husband.
And apparently it's a mistranslation anyway, so the virgin Mary bullshit is just make believe.

>> No.13126752

The Jews

>> No.13126759

Why not just admit that its bullshit?

>> No.13126762

utterly meaningless thought, literally r/atheism-tier

>> No.13126763

Christlarping is a better way of riding the big fucking cat than being a pseudo-pagan. Easy way to blend in while being able to believe whatever the fuck you want because everything remotely philosophical can be perceived as christian to spiritually dead, mentally inept and morally retarded modernists.

>> No.13126765
File: 32 KB, 714x120, important information.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13126772

>literally r/atheism-tier
Nietzsche lived in the 19th century and was socially crucified for many of his statements. The equivalent was literally Jesus in Rome; in an older society he wouldn't have just been socially crucified but physically as well.

>> No.13126777

You are so mad now that there is nothing left but the underage blasphemy. Sad.

>> No.13126785

I think they are miserable in the face of eudaimonic sense of wellness.
>torture your own babies
>seek high positions only to attack others, with full blindness to good things themselves

>> No.13126791

Catholics don't read Aquinas they just like to mention him.

>> No.13126799

>underage blasphemy
I first would have to believein your judeo Christian Muslim god before I could blaspheme against him lmao.

>> No.13126821

In fact no one claiming to be Christian on 4chan reads anything, not even the Bible because they just get too bored after a few sentences.

>> No.13126838

can confirm. I actually read christian texts and even when I was a "christian" I never claimed to be one as I couldn't in good faith. Christianity is just a sort of default for westerners who aren't atheists. largely due to obfuscation and open endedness.

>> No.13126850

case in point

>> No.13126857
File: 47 KB, 640x470, A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chastity not reproducing
chastity is not about not reproducing.Chastity means not having any sexual relations outside of marriage.
>Charity, the act of giving a man a fish and not teaching him how to fish, so he is forever reliant upon charity thus making yourself and the other person weaker. See :mother theresa
there are people who cannot be tought how to fish or are unable to fish due to their medical conditions and its a virtue to help them (i.e nietzsche in asylum)
>the rest can be summed up with the same reasoning as chastity, as useful excuses for weaknesses and insecurities and a means to call the proud or self interested sinners. Slave morality at its core.
if it can be summed up , then do it

>> No.13126877

>.Chastity means not having any sexual relations outside of marriage.
it's about not having sex at all retard. You can technically become chaste after fucking just as you can become a vegetarian after eating meat. Virginity is superior to chastity.

>> No.13126878

every atheist itt justify why you have killed yourselves yet in this pointless world

oh you cant? thats what i thought

>> No.13126904

Self-preservation instinct is stronger than baby's first existential crisis.

>> No.13126907

>wahh the german man is harming my all powerful God with his words AND I AM EXTREMELY MOVED BY THIS AGRESSION
"Christians" worship language as they construct their cushy thought prison, which is why they are driven to such emotional, sinful action which is then all made ok by the divine words: "I love Jesus... Jesus loves me... I am forgiven..." and their words can no longer carry the holy spirit. Because they are devoid of it - language as an idol. "Jesus has forgiven me BECAUSE I SAID SORRY, HE HAS NOT FORGIVEN YOU. SAY SORRY. SAY IT!! SAY IT NOW OR HELL!!!!!" Fucking demon spawn, vile, lying fucks. Complete ignorance of God and unwillingess to attempt any kind of communication - God as a secret club.

>> No.13126910

being weak willed
got it

>> No.13126918

I really like christ as a figure and a symbol but I just cant call myself a christian

>> No.13126924

The weak willed usually need something else to live other than powerful instincts (i.e. God, the prospect of an afterlife, moralism...) hence Nietzsche's "Nihilist und Christ" joke.

>> No.13126927

>if you are an atheist you have to kill yourself!
Is it summer already?

>> No.13126930

It's funny because Christians are the ones famous for killing themselves.

>> No.13126934

>socrates wasn't a martyr

>> No.13126944

still not a reason
i get it if youre too afraid/weak-willed to follow your philosophy to its logical conclusion
just admit it

>> No.13126958

>youre too afraid/weak-willed to follow your philosophy to its logical conclusion
But I'm not Christian.

>> No.13126970

ok so how are you repsonding to this you shouldve killed youself by now

>> No.13126978

are you saying there can be no meaning without Christianity? Lol who here is the weak-willed one? Seems to me as though you cannot even think for yourself.

>> No.13126988

Why would I do that? There's no theme park in the sky to go, all the fun is down here.

>> No.13126995

ok bud enlighten me about the meaning of life

>> No.13126996

Having sex

>> No.13127000

Finding and doing things that bring a lasting sense of worth and satisfaction in my life. Bowing down to a kike god is not one of those things..

>> No.13127004

Worshiper of words, heed this warning. The hellfire to which you condemn your enemies resides firmly in your own being. You desire for others to suffer for their atheism betrays your own.

>> No.13127007

Not everything that is real is physical, especially in the sense that physicality is normally understood within a materialist perspective. So I am certain that what is described is real. For one portion of it, I am confident of its nature as materially present. But in the other, I am not certain (though others might be) of the nature of its reality. It might help if you consider God briefly. As the creator of all things, he is beyond definition by any subordinate attribute. Though he may possess certain attributes, we cannot say that God is a physical being. Physical would not simply limit God, but would suppose some plane of existence which preceded God. God must then precede physicality. Once you can come to grips with this necessary fact, your perspective on materiality, physicality, reality, and presence will begin to shift dramatically.

>> No.13127008

So nietzche failed in life.

>> No.13127009

Nothing brings a "lasting" sense of worth and satisfaction because you will eventually die.

>> No.13127011

Shit man take it easy on him it's just a kid

>> No.13127012

nothing you do matters
youre basically a rock just a little fancier

>> No.13127017

Didn't he get syphilis from visiting a brothel or something

>> No.13127020

It is explained that Mary is a virgin, but you need to establish how, from the fact of her virginity, that Virginity itself, in the limited sense you have described it, is not simply virtuous but a Virtue. You seem to be confusing signs for causes. Virginity is a sign of virtue, but virginity is not the virtue itself.

>> No.13127021

Do stories have no function because they always end? Do you realize how retarded you sound?

>> No.13127023

Passive nihilism.

>> No.13127027


>> No.13127028

Maybe we should target the source. Judaism. Let's round these guys up and put them in some sort of camp, then we figure out what to do with them. It's the only way to clean this Abrahamic ideology.

>> No.13127035

Somehow I think that won't end well

>> No.13127039

Because it's not bullshit. Just because I am not certain of the entirety of its meaning does not render it bullshit.

>> No.13127040

yes the sole purpose of stories are to be heard
when theres no one to hear them they are pointless

>> No.13127043

Thats actually a good idea. Why has no one done that before?

>> No.13127055

He definitively wasn't. Socrates went to trial for corrupting the youth. To secularize the concept of a martyr for the sake of conversation, he would have had to have agreed with the accusation which led to his death. The Martyrs were accused of being Christian and died because they would not deny it. A Martyr dies not just because of what they believe, but volitionally for their beliefs. Socrates died because of what others lied about him, but he did not die out of a refusal to recant something he had said.

>> No.13127057

Not him but it's about a zombie walk in Jerusalem dude

>> No.13127066

he got syphillis yes but who knows. He was a bitter incel because that girl that never loved him back.

>> No.13127073

Agreed, it'd be disrespectful to his memory to lump him with the suicide jews.

>> No.13127077

You seem completely confused. You say life is meaningless because there is death, so you invent yourself an eternal life. You will still die. How this is anything but a coping method is beyond me. You should come to terms with the impermanence of life and realize that it is only under these circumstances that beauty and happiness can truly exist, instead of playing make believe with ideals until you die miserable and alone.
Every story must have its end, but without an ending the events within it are utterly boring. "B-but my listener" just shifts the goal-posts around from the original analogy, and doesn't make sense either if you are assuming the Christian God is this person hearing you jerk off, because there is no indication whatsoever of his existence.

>> No.13127082

He suffered from oneitis apparently that's the power of jewish girls

>> No.13127088

Aquinas had defined virginity differently than you have defined virginity, for one. And for another, as wise as Aquinas is, his word is not the scripture.

>> No.13127093

You miss phaedo?

>> No.13127094

Nietzsche explains that feeling perfectly in the Antichrist.

"Under Christianity neither morality nor religion has any point of contact with actuality. It offers purely imaginary causes (“God,” “soul,” “ego,” “spirit,” “free will”—or even “unfree”), and purely imaginary effects (“sin,” “salvation,” “grace,” “punishment,” “forgiveness of sins”). Intercourse between imaginary beings (“God,” “spirits,” “souls”); an imaginary natural history (anthropocentric; a total denial of the concept of natural causes); an imaginary psychology (misunderstandings of self, misinterpretations of agreeable or disagreeable general feelings—for example, of the states of the nervus sympathicus with the help of the sign-language of religio-ethical balderdash—, “repentance,” “pangs of conscience,” “temptation by the devil,” “the presence of God”); an imaginary teleology (the “kingdom of God,” “the last judgment,” “eternal life”).—This purely fictitious world, greatly to its disadvantage, is to be differentiated from the world of dreams; the latter at least reflects reality, whereas the former falsifies it, cheapens it and denies it. Once the concept of “nature” had been opposed to the concept of “God,” the word “natural” necessarily took on the meaning of “abominable”—the whole of that fictitious world has its sources in hatred of the natural (—the real!—), and is no more than evidence of a profound uneasiness in the presence of reality.... This explains everything. Who alone has any reason for living his way out of reality? The man who suffers under it. But to suffer from reality one must be a botched reality.... The preponderance of pains over pleasures is the cause of this fictitious morality and religion: but such a preponderance also supplies the formula for décadence..."

>> No.13127099

And I'm sure you think Hills Like White Elephants is about white hills.

>> No.13127102
File: 133 KB, 800x600, SVPERBIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to tell me you know better than the great doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.13127118

I don't think that passage was a parable to earn this comparison

>> No.13127123

and yet there is still zero difference between experiencing that beauty and killing yourslef today

>> No.13127135

You could be in Saudi Arabia martyring yourself for Christ right now just think about it

>> No.13127143

Socrates disagreed with the judgments put against him. A Martyr accepts the judgments. The essence of this is when Jesus says "You say that I am." He does not argue against them. He puts up no defense at all. Neither does he antagonize them. When they ask a question, he answers without going further. When they arrive at a conclusion, he does not dissuade them. This is the template for martyrdom. Socrates did not do this.

>> No.13127149

There are more kinds of writing than simply parable or history.

>> No.13127151

there you go coping again

>> No.13127153

Are you?

>> No.13127155
File: 37 KB, 417x720, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche's materialism is characteristically profane and feminine; all spirituality, for Nietzsche, is a retreat from the material world. Truly he has inverted things. A spiritual view of life is not necessarily due to a disgust with the material world, but rather due to a concrete experience of the metaphysical world, which is infinitely superior. With that said, it is characteristic of the noble-hearted to feel a sense of disgust with the vicissitudes of everyday life. This was the sentiment of Buddha before embracing an ascetic lifestyle. But what does it mean to be disgusted with the material world? Does this somehow imply ipso facto one's own failure to come to grips with brute reality? I think not. Nietzsche is the sort of man to call others inferior for not being totally in love with the world, yet to go crazy at the beating of a horse. How sensitive he was! Buddha would've witnessed the same thing in peace. So who truly can make a claim to be the übermensch; it is the man rooted in a transcendental point of view. One further point: the men who advocated for a love of life and a general acceptance of its beauty, together with its ugliness, are often the sort of men who feel the strongest need to cope with the world's ugliness. They are forced to retreat into an irrational love of ugliness, brutality, and animality simply in order to remain psychologically function. Most cannot hold up this cognitive dissonance for long (one must either abandon it or go insane; stubborn Nietzsche was only capable of the latter). It is not a love of what is worthy of love that they advocated, but love of all things (or at least an amor fati), worthy or unworthy. A cosmic or universal love is no love at all (without reference to transcendence). You must make distinctions and only a noble man can do this, which will drive a sense of disgust into his heart and push him over the edge towards a transcendental point of view, the only point of view that can truly give a man any hint of superiority and strength.

>> No.13127160

What's wrong? Didn't Christ say those who died in his name would be saved? There's literally no reason to be here shitposting

>> No.13127171

I doubt there has ever been a major Christian thinker who've been disgusted with their own life. On the contrary, every Christian writer I read has the fundamental characteristic of loving their lives.

Being disgusted with life is anti-christian, because it's a gift from God. That quote just comes off as bitter and meaninglessly rebellious.

>> No.13127173

I'm not the Catholic challenging a Catholic authority here...

>> No.13127181

To willingly put yourself in danger for no other purpose but that you wish the reward of heaven is not to die in his name but to die in your own. Have you ever wondered by Islam has suicide bombers, and Christianity does not? You cannot bring martyrdom to yourself. If you seek to glorify yourself, you will condemn yourself.

>> No.13127182

That is absolutely false because that difference is experiential. Observation and experience is different than its lack. Christianity on the other hand relies on the suppression of experience, and the fabrication of an alternate reality which runs counter to said experience and logic in general.
Are animals christian to you? What is keeping them from killing themselves en masse? How about all of your 'heathens' who didn't believe in an eternal afterlife?

>> No.13127185

But you could go there to spread the gospel and not just for the reward, correct?

>> No.13127203

You're right. You are a cynical denier who does not understand the faith, trying and failing to use respect and authority out of their context to entrap believers, without having any respect in these things yourself, and having no concern for actual truth or wisdom. Case in point--when offered the choice of arguing over the meaning of Virginity and virtue, or seizing what you believed to be my pride, you chose the latter. You have abandoned logic, and instead hope to make me feel shame. While this doesn't mean you are certainly wrong, it does show you have false and deceitful motives.

>> No.13127214

>trying and failing to use respect and authority
You have already lost this discussion, anon. I just testing to see how proud you are that you can't accept it even from the mouth of the greatest Catholic apologist of all time.

>> No.13127216

turbo brainlet

>> No.13127224

One could. But I do not speak Islam. I speak English. There are many non-believers who speak English as well. Not to mention, I have obligations (obligations that may have been wrong to enter into, but which I am now bound to fulfill). Perhaps traveling to Saudi Arabia would be the most righteous thing I could do, but perhaps not. You cannot say that it is right for all Catholics to go and preach in Saudi Arabia. So, in the process of discernment, it would be my responsibility to measure my gifts and to see, based on the life God has given me, where it is he wants me to go. If I make the decision based on a prideful estimation of my own righteousness, not only will I harm myself, but I will mostly likely harm other people as well by my false and corrupted faith.
(I am a different anon, btw. Just so you know)

>> No.13127227

Very stupid and embarrassing post.

>> No.13127235

>father was a minister
>trained for the same profession
>”you dont know Jesus like I do”
Christfags really dont try anymore do they

>> No.13127239

Oh so you're just weak in your faith. I see.

>> No.13127240

What are worldly obligations compared to the salvation of their souls?

>> No.13127257

There is one good Christian teaching and it is that women need to learn to shut the fuck up. Timothy something:something

>> No.13127258

You reject Aquinas's teachings, use his teachings to try and sow dissension, and you don't even know what he is saying. If I am proud, how proud are you?

>> No.13127265

How do you speak of that which you do not know?

>> No.13127270

Pride is a virtue to me, I don't think less of you for it. If anything, you should keep rejecting Catholicism and its authorities like you're doing right now.

>> No.13127277

An oath made is more than a worldly obligation. A debt cannot be sold. What I have sown, I must reap. So, if I leave to avoid what I promised what I would do, how could I say that I was acting with righteous intent? If I preach without righteous intent, how can I sow anything good?

>> No.13127279

Just sounds like him being resentful over people who within his own headcannon are resentful of life

>> No.13127284

How do you know I don't know that of which I speak?
Perhaps you should ask yourself your own question.

>> No.13127295

Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for Christ's sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

>> No.13127297

how come when Christians go through mental gymnastics to weasel themselves out of engaging with their own religion they start using such cringey 'elevated' language?

>> No.13127302

If only you could know what you're saying.

>> No.13127305

classic cope

>> No.13127309

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

>> No.13127314

>for Christ's sake
It is interesting the way in which deniers seem to ignore the most essential elements.

>> No.13127315

because they don't want to wash stinky nigger feet all day

>> No.13127318

Do you? You struggle with accepting your own religion.

>> No.13127331

Retard. Submissive, slave women raise submissive, slave sons.


>> No.13127333

>If only you could know what you're saying.
I love this kind of condescending arrogance from Christians

>> No.13127337

It's not a deflection, it's the same thing you're asking us. You don't become a martyr because you don't want to even though you could, just like we don't kill ourselves because we enjoy life.

>> No.13127343

Because you thought I was asking a question.

>> No.13127345

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
get washing

>> No.13127350

Varg is a whipped and his wife literally on the spectrum, let's see if his sons become Chads.

>> No.13127353

No, I knew you were just being a smug prick. It's okay though everyone knows.

>> No.13127368

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

>> No.13127372

It's up to you if you do it for his sake or not.

>> No.13127379

And Unto God What is God's

>> No.13127387

What is the source of your pride?

>> No.13127394
File: 345 KB, 682x505, Nietzsche-dementia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blows my mind that people still perpetuate this myth.


>> No.13127395

That was not condescension. It was lamentation.

>> No.13127407

I'll be glad to discuss psychology with you after you acknowledge your mistake and apologize to Aquinas.

>> No.13127424

>I don't believe in God
>You are a fool to believe in God
>And you are worse than a fool, because you are hypocrite also
>Worse than a fool, and a hypocrite, you are a coward as well
I believe you when you say I am smug, because in this it seems you are more than knowledgeable.

>> No.13127439

What mistake?

>> No.13127443

NEETs can learn Japanese to watch cartoons but you cannot learn Arabic (lol at speaking Islam) to spread your faith? Many Protestants I know travel to third world countries to help the struggling Christian communities there. Why can't you do that?

>> No.13127452

Even worse

>> No.13127455

You know it.

>> No.13127457

You say that as thought it is simple, as though the self does not make use of many tricks to place itself in the seat of the Lord.

>> No.13127461

and yet there is stull zero difference between enjoying life and killing yourself today

the moment you feel any pain you have zero justification not to kill youself

no differenec between later and killing touself now except your laun will end faster

>> No.13127464

Guess it's just easier to proselytize on an anonymous imageboard from the comfort of your home

>> No.13127465


Damn fine post

>> No.13127468
File: 48 KB, 470x475, 1471626269102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13127470

>the moment you feel any pain you have zero justification not to kill youself
lmao what a faggot

>> No.13127472

No I don't. You see something I have not seen. Show it to me.

>> No.13127475

>Nietzsche's materialism is characteristically profane and feminine; all spirituality, for Nietzsche, is a retreat from the material world. Truly he has inverted things. A spiritual view of life is not necessarily due to a disgust with the material world, but rather due to a concrete experience of the metaphysical world, which is infinitely superior
Confirmed for not having read nietzsche, no any mystics outside of a select few Christian polemics.

>> No.13127478

What if I want to enjoy as many carnal pleasures as I possibly can before my inevitable end?

>> No.13127483

Show me that it is the most righteous, virtuous, merciful, loving thing I can do, that it the reason God has made me, and I will do it at once.

>> No.13127489

Here >>13126743

>> No.13127495

What is the mistake?

>> No.13127508

Claiming virginity is not a virtue.

>> No.13127519

why is whatever you are doing now more righteous than following the vows of the apostles and practicing that virtuous lifestyle?

>> No.13127520

You can save many souls by forfeiting your life and preaching to the Muslims, isn't that what God would want you to do?

>> No.13127525

>taking moral lessons from a 4chan user
Wtf dude don't you have a priest to talk to?

>> No.13127529

He's too old for his priest.

>> No.13127539

there will be no want after killing your self today

>> No.13127547

>lmao what a faggot
the greatest of copes

>> No.13127549

But because there is a want I keep on living.

>> No.13127557

what reason would there be to commit suicide?

>> No.13127561

>the greatest of copes
you’re thinking of heaven

>> No.13127565

>Catholicism, that "this" life is not inherently bad and the "other" life is not inherently good.
This is just not correct
t. 7 years of formal Catholic education

>> No.13127569

I don't believe virginity, as we were using it at the beginning of our conversation, is a virtue, and neither does the church. As I already pointed out to you, Aquinas is using the word differently than we were in our disagreement. You are arguing that the Church would view incels as virtuous, simply by their virginity, which is patently false. You used it purely as a description of the history of their sexual relationships in an exclusively physical sense. I disagreed and said that virtue is a matter of will, of righteous action, which is precisely how Aquinas describes it. Defining virginity not as a physical status, but as a faithful behavior and demeanor, it is an extension of chastity. So, Auinas and I differ in semantics, but not of meaning. You and I, with semantic agreement, are in disagreement.

>> No.13127573

yes and your want is completely illogical and i assume you fancy yourself a smart and logical person
read up

>> No.13127589

Is that the only way I can save many souls? Is that the only thing God would want me to do? Further, only God saves souls. The way you have phrased the question already leans towards pride not virtue.

>> No.13127591

You didn't even read the link I posted before replying, did you?

>Conjugal chastity is deserving of praise merely because it abstains from unlawful pleasures: hence no excellence attaches to it above that of chastity in general. Widowhood, however, adds something to chastity in general; but it does not attain to that which is perfect in this matter, namely to entire freedom from venereal pleasure; virginity alone achieves this. Wherefore virginity alone is accounted a virtue above chastity, even as magnificence is reckoned above liberality.

>> No.13127593

>because there's no meaning so you should kill yourself!!
There's no etymologically ordained meaning, which doesn't prevent self-constructed meaning. Also, if there is no meaning, what meaning would there be to commit suicide?

>> No.13127596

Is that the only virtuous lifestyle? If there are more than one, how would I know which to choose?

>> No.13127609

Logic can only go so far. You can't have a logical debate with your biologically determined patterns of behavior.

>> No.13127620

Why do you assume I don't talk with priests? But anon seems to think he has some special insight. As much as I am skeptical, perhaps he might, even if just for this one moment, provide an informative answer that I will not receive anywhere else. Why should I not listen? If he can offer nothing, what have I lost?

>> No.13127629

>hehehe but can you PROVE to my arbitrary standard that preaching the word of the lord to nonbelievers is more virtuous than watching cartoon porn and larping as a saint on anonymous Internet forums? didn’t think so
apologetics has really come a long way

>> No.13127631

It's a very brave way. Better than what you're doing in this thread, I wager.

>> No.13127632

So I will ask again--do you understand what he means by virginity? You are not using it as he does.

>> No.13127635

killing yourself is the ultimate conclusion of accepting there is no meaning
>self-constructed meaning
>biological determinism

>> No.13127650

>killing yourself is the ultimate conclusion of accepting there is no meaning
Why? It doesn't seem to me like you have thought this through at all. If there was no meaning absolutely there would be no point in killing oneself.

>> No.13127655

>literally no argument
Look at this dude

>> No.13127664

What makes your non-belief different than someone in Saudi Arabia? What if you are the reason I am here? What if you are called to something great? What my greatest purpose is so that you might think of things in a new light, and so change, without ever giving credit to me, for it was not truly me but your own belief? What if all I am meant for is to be like a gentle breeze which causes someone to see for the first time the direction of the wind? Or perhaps what I am doing here is sin. If you have an answer, I would be glad to hear it.

>> No.13127666

i agree so if you read up ive already stated
there is no difference between living the rest of your life and killing your self today

>> No.13127667

But I am. Go back to my first post and tell me how my application differs from his.

>> No.13127674

Oh, it is certainly brave, and braver than here. But I am a coward. And if I left simply to prove I was not really a coward, then I would certainly be doing it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.13127690

Good thing life doesn't depend on some self-exalting sense of purpose, Satan.

>> No.13127697

you can't fool me Satan, even if I don't believe in you.

>> No.13127702

I already did. You referred to the virginity of incels. There is nothing involuntary in the virginity Aquinas is talking about.

>> No.13127723

No, I'm saying incels can appeal to Christianity in order to validate their incelhood.

>> No.13127726

thanks for graciously accepting defeat
find God

>> No.13127736

When did /lit/ stop being a slow board?

>> No.13127744

Sky daddy ain't real kiddo

>> No.13127758

Funny he say that, Nietzsche project is a giant cope for the reality of life

>> No.13127759

I'll go to my nearest mosque, thanks for the support.

>> No.13127769

November 2016

>> No.13127777

Will the Trumptard Christcuck boomers ever leave?

>> No.13127780

>One sentence quote from Neetchee
>Christcucks swarm the thread and flail about in rage

Why does epic mustache man make Christians so mad?

>> No.13127781

>What my greatest purpose is so that you might think of things in a new light, and so change, without ever giving credit to me, for it was not truly me but your own belief?
then you should stop being so self-aggrandizing about it

>> No.13127800

I have been thinking about studying the Sanatana Dharma desu.

>> No.13127810

excepting the One is the first step
good luck

>> No.13127834

Because he single-handedly destroyed their boipuccis for the rest of history

>> No.13127835

But their sort of virginity is not what Aquinas is discussing. You are trying to make a connection that isn't their. In the framework Aquinas puts forward here, they are not virgins, and could not be called celibate. You are trying to say that Christianity is flawed because of the way some people would torture its language. To make this argument, you torture the language also. And so you argument is dishonest. Your constant shifting only supports this conclusion.

>> No.13127841

I don't feel that I have been self-aggrandizing. I'm sorry if it's seemed that way. For my own sake that I might know better next time, could you show me where you've felt I have been so?

>> No.13127845

There's no "sort" of virginity for him, only whether it was consecrated to God or not. My argument has been the same this whole time, you're struggling with it simply because you can't admit you're wrong.

>> No.13127870

Even atheists can potentially accept monism. The problem arises when religious people try to link it with the fables about a crucified Jew who raised zombies and exorcised demons.

>> No.13127887

You should read him again, and more carefully, because you are not understanding what he is saying.

>> No.13127890

>Men have from their birth that which is material in virginity, namely integrity of the flesh and freedom from venereal experience. But they have not that which is formal in virginity, namely the purpose of safeguarding this integrity for God's sake, which purpose gives virginity its character of virtue. Hence Augustine says (De Virgin. xi): "Nor do we praise virgins for being virgins, but, because their virginity is consecrated to God by holy continency."

>> No.13127940

Exactly. Throughout your argument, essential to you argument, is the virginity of incels--which is what is put here as what is material in Aquinas' sens of virginity. But, as your quote here explains, that cannot be considered Virginity in the way Aquinas uses it, because it lacks what is formal in virginity, which is the purpose of safeguarding it. The consecration you are trying to bring into it is a disposition, fulfilled by righteous intent, and not something which can be granted post hoc. By the very designation of involuntarily celibate, they cannot be considered virgins in the fullness Aquinas means it.

>> No.13127959

Different anon, but how can we begin to connect the religion to the First Cause if you will not accept the first cause? Especially if you don't see already that the Monism put forward by Christians, and the first cause argument, is incompatible with almost all other faiths?

>> No.13127976

Incels are very effectively safeguarding their virginity, even if it is in a surprising way.

Similarly, the pure maiden who got raped failed to safeguard what was so precious, and is defiled for it.

>> No.13127983

> But, as your quote here explains, that cannot be considered Virginity in the way Aquinas uses it
Of course it can. That has literally been my point all this time. Go back to my first post (for real this time) and read what I said. Incels find in Christianity the philosophical background to justify their incelhood, if only they believe in Jesus. Who cares if they started as losers who couldn't get laid? Not God nor Jesus, as long as they believe. The fact that you're so keen to question their intent, when you could just accept the fact that neither the religion nor Aquinas makes such a distinction, shows that you're more worried about not having to humble yourself than practicing what you preach. Worse yet, is the fact that you even went as far as to claim virginity becomes a sin after a certain point, which directly contradicts Jesus' teachings, such as in Matthew 19. Everything you posted in this entire thread was just you desperately clinging to semantics to try to save your ass and nothing else.

>> No.13128000

Monism and first cause aren't the same thing.

>> No.13128013

You can't really establish monism without First Cause

>> No.13128041

Lol yes you can. Aristotle for example, from whom Aquinas took his first cause, argued for an eternal world, a prime mover and not a first cause in the sense that it didn't temporally caused the world to exist, but has always been moving it.

>> No.13128050

I have read your first post multiple times. The Will and intent are of fundamental importance to Christianity, especially Catholocism. The very passages you quote expressly contradict the way you are trying to use them. Virginity, as you were using it in the beginning, as you are using to describe incels, as is used in common parlance today, can absolutely be a sin. Because, a right thing done for the wrong reasons is still a moral wrong in the soul of the person who did it. Someone who is a virgin because they are afraid of life, and because they cannot establish a relationship with women has done nothing virtuous. If they have only abstained from sex out of lack of opportunity to do otherwise, they have still lived in sin.

>> No.13128081

If a prime mover is not a first cause, then you cannot establish a true monism, for whatever the prime mover can move but did not create must have had some other cause, meaning that the prime mover is not the source of being, making it not a monism.

>> No.13128098

Imagine following a religion and not understanding it. There's absolutely nothing in Christianity that makes virginity a sin in any context. If they are afraid then their sin is fear of women? Certainly not their virginity, which is thoroughly regarded as a virtuous thing by every Christian of notice in history and denied by a random anonymous on the internet because he doesn't want to lose a discussion to an atheist.

>> No.13128111

Imagine having such a small grasp of the hyperbolic language of those days and thinking yourself qualified to comment on Christianity.

The point was merely that riches impede spiritual development if one puts one's faith in them instead of in God. He literally tells the rich man a moment before your quote that following the ten commandments is enough to attain salvation.

>> No.13128112

>for whatever the prime mover can move but did not create must have had some other cause
The world is coexistent with the prime mover, according to Aristotle. It's not a causal relation in the sense of one begetting the other but a hierarchical one.

>> No.13128138

He tells him that following the ten commandments is enough to bring out his greed and make a point about rejecting wealth, retard. Same as when he tells the disciples to sell their shit and buy swords they'll never use.

>> No.13128152

>He tells him that following the ten commandments is enough to bring out his greed
No, he literally qualifies it by saying "if you would become perfect," implying that perfection and salvation aren't the same thing.

Amazing that people without basic reading comprehension think they're qualified to choose their own religion

>> No.13128179

Oh really? And what does he say in Matthew 5:48? I'll let you search for it.

>> No.13128191

Yes, I understand that proposed relationship. Obviously it can be said. But it cannot be maintained as a monism. As I literally just wrote, if the Prime Mover did not create the world, than being itself has a separate source than the prime mover, making this not Monism. If the source of being, and the dominant actor in the universe are separate, then there are at least two distinct "essential" beings, and the prime mover itself cannot have being except from the source of being.

>> No.13128195

That doesn't say it's necessary to be perfect to get to heaven.

>> No.13128224

It's not a suggestion, it's a command. If only following the ten commandments was good enough there would be no need of Christianity, just basic bitch Judaism.

Do note that he says that in the chapter of the beatitudes, many of which reinforce the previous teachings about money. And in Luke you even have the four woes, the first one condemning to suffering those who are rich.

>> No.13128288

>It's not a suggestion, it's a command
Yes, and there is no limit of time given for the command and it is not given as necessary to salvation.
>Do note that he says that in the chapter of the beatitudes
These cheap interpretations won't even work on protestants, but you're debating a Catholic right now. I could go my whole life without reading what's in the Bible and still be a Christian.

>> No.13128291

Different anon. He calls us to perfection, but he also makes it clear that perfection is impossible. If perfection were the requirement of salvation, no one would be saved. Which is precisely why Jesus comes and is sacrificed. Without his sacrifice, measured only by the law, no one could reach salvation, because no one could be perfect. Jesus, however, forgives us our sins. He also teaches us how to get closer to perfection, how to become more righteous, merciful, loving, faithful, etc. He puposefully leaves somewhat unanswered what will lead us to salvation, because an essential point is to abandon the legalism and litigiousness of the Pharisees. Money is not evil in and of itself, but it is a great temptation. Jesus says that for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven is more difficult than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but he also tells us that with him, all things are possible. One can turn all their money to God without being a beggar. But one should not be comfortable with their wealth, unless they could comfortably give it all away.

>> No.13128496

He had syphilis

>> No.13128663

See >>13127394