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/lit/ - Literature

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13111856 No.13111856 [Reply] [Original]

What /lit/ think of this?

>> No.13111869

You gotta read more than that. But I'd say read one fiction and one nonfic, so you're learning something but also have something to entertain you too.

>> No.13111875

Nothing wrong with it. Variety is the nectar of living, or something to that effect. I forget.

>> No.13111885

Depends on the type of book. As >>13111869 says, one novel and one nonfic is common enough. You can get it up to three or four if you add in poetry and essays and the like.

>> No.13112318


Historically, I find it extremely helpful to actually get reading done, and furthermore improve comprehension. When I was a little kid I specifically remember an occasion when I had four books going, albeit they were kid-books but still. In college/early adulthood years I did the multiple books as required for education, but it was more of a slog. Then I graduated and had to work a job, and around here I fell into the trap (proven false by my own childhood) of feeling like I should "ideally" do one book at a time, if at all; there was a period of about five years during which I did not actually read books.

Over the past four years or so, I've rediscovered reading, and the sensible technique of my early childhood. I am a slow reader, but my routine is to have at least one thing going at the break room at work (no windows, no music, ideal reading spcae) and at least one thing going at home. I have a large backlog the "plan" of which I've been meaning to flesh out more fully.

I have also developed a method of writing on what I've read and putting it someplace beyond myself in a meaningful way, which of course massively improves retention and memory.

>> No.13112449

I'm reading 8 books atm

>> No.13112458
File: 53 KB, 620x809, 1532533694202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool blog post

>> No.13112460

I read 35 books at a time.

>> No.13112476
File: 115 KB, 459x581, 1556592393593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up faggot, I read 36.

>> No.13112492

I appreciate your choice of picture for the subject

>> No.13113207

i used to not like the idea but it's alright. reading a philosophy book and a book of collected works. Both are small so its not too bad.

>> No.13113216
File: 451 KB, 900x1200, 1552259228405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typically stick to one but have a fiction and non-fiction on the go atm

>> No.13113714

1st fire and fury (entertainment)
2nd on grammertology (research)
3rd a short history of decay (musings)
4th the demons (read a chapter daily, entertainment plus reflection)
5th early greeks
6th the illiad
7th Shakespeare sonnets

the last 3 are just occasionally. maybe pick em up a couple times a weak. I'm savouring them.

of course read many things at once.

>> No.13113753

I always read between 5 and 10 books at once.

>> No.13113766

Important book during the day.
Less important in bed before falling asleep.

>> No.13113767

I read 1 textbook in mathematics and 1 book at the same time, at alternating times of the day, every day

>> No.13113790

If I’m in a time crunch I will listen to an audiobook while reading another book. If I’m REALLY pressed for time I’ll add a third book in Braille.

>> No.13113805

Probably like eating two different hamburgers with one in each hand.

>> No.13113832

this is the picture i wanted to post
very nice

>> No.13113866

>can read multiple books at once
>when you go back to a book you remember exactly where you left off and all the details of what has happened
>can shift gears to get back in the mood flawlessly
>remembers everything he has ever read
>by the time he leaves off with the second book to go back to the first, has forgotten what has happened in the first
>either has to reread or feels frustrated
>cannot shift back into the mood for it, such low emotional intelligence that he has to read for hours to re-adapt to the atmosphere
>with each new book he reads he forgets the previous one
I read 20 books at once. Get on my level.

>> No.13114217

What, one with each eye?

>> No.13114263

>not reading 36 and 1/2

>> No.13114641

>All those idiots not getting what OP meant

You guys have TWO (2) eyes which means you can use them to read two books simultaniously

>> No.13114643

>just 2