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13105632 No.13105632 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be both a writer and a musician?

>> No.13105653

Music is a much higher and purer art. Good music anyway. All writers aspire for a musicality in their work. Sorry i don't know how to answer your question.

>> No.13105659

i'm trying do this
do you have soundcloud

>> No.13105664

Bruh, Bob Dylan won Nobel Prize for Literature!!!
In all seriousness, why don't you just go for it?

>> No.13105668

Did you make a second thread about this? What the fuck is your problem anon?

>> No.13105675

Yes, many great songwriters have lyrics which could stand on their own as great poetry

>> No.13105685

Not yet
Yes, there are great songwriters whose lyrics would work also as poetry, but I mean, being a musician and a writer (writing novellas and short stories). I know that I could, but d'you know example about this?
There was another thread about this?

>> No.13105690
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The clip came with a clip (What?)
Your bitch came with a bitch
Saggin' my jeans in this bitch (Ayy, yeah)
Walk with a limp (Ayy)
All of them dig on the squad (Ooh, yeah, ayy)
Look at the squad
All of my niggas got cash (Ooh, yeah, ayy)
Dealin' that hard
All of my niggas got rollies (Ooh, yeah, ayy)
Lookin' like frauds
Look at that bag of that cash (Ooh, yeah, ayy)

>> No.13105739

No. Your brain has many different regions, and you can only cultivate one. Music enlarges the part of the brain associated with emotional reaction to things, which is why famous musicians tend to kill themselves or go off the deep end like kanye. Being a writer requires control, or rather self-awareness, which musicians can't have or their music will suffer. Only the worst musicians are "self-conscious", like morissey or the new vampire weekend album. The best musicians don't hold back or worry about how they are perceived, which simply cannot work in writing unless you're writing your own autobiography. The musical part of the brain can sometimes crowd the pituitary gland, which releases chemicals like DMT, which is why musicians can seem naturally high - but this also makes them highly dangerous. If you see a musician getting worked up, do not approach them. I used to work at a venue and this is a lesson you learn very quickly. You notice that really accomplished musicians have eyes kind of like cows or zoo animals. And when they really get into it, they're not human, they're taken over by that part of the brain which is highly animalistic. If you interrupt a guitarist tuning their eyes will roll back like a shark and they'll just start wailing and won't stop until they're subdued by others or controlled by the application of drugs. A lot of people are uncomfortable with this fact and the science has been buried but I've worked with some pretty big names and they are all like that - it's why they have to do so many drugs, it's the only way to manage that part of the brain when it takes over. I saw a famous pop star when they were less well known, and when she didn't get the pills she needed she started to beat the absolute shit out of her asian boyfriend, trying to bite his neck, it took three people to pull her off. Her manager had to dose her with some kind of big game tranquilizer they use on african megafauna so her stylist could come in and curl her hair and put on her makeup. Another musician - I'll exclude the name but he was the lead singer of a band that was very big in the 90s - chased me down outside the venue when I accidentally tossed his plate with cocaine on it into the rubbish bin. I had to beat him with a hammer to escape, I couldn't reason with him, his eyes were entirely black and he was talking like one of those evangelical american christians that babble in church. They calmed him down and gave him a bowl cut to hide the hammer marks. Apparently he used to do the same thing to his brother back in the day, who quit the band as a result.

>> No.13105754
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Is this pasta

>> No.13105755

I'm currently the editor of a novel and a composer/producer for a british media company. To clarify; an ebook by a new author, and the music is for a somewhat new company.

I ask myself if writing and music are possible and so far It seems it is, both are very similar in some ways.

>> No.13105908

>The best musicians don't hold back or worry about how they are perceived, which simply cannot work in writing unless you're writing your own autobiography.

>> No.13105931

it's hard for me to be a reader and a (mediocre) musician

>> No.13106031

>music is a much higher and purer art
Purer maybe, not higher. There are a lot more good musicians than there are good writers. You're correct about the musicality of writing, though.

Christopher Hitchens has speculated that the reason he wasn't adept at creative fiction writing (despite excelling at non-fiction and having a deep adoration for fiction) was because he lacked an appreciation for music. All of his novelist friends seemed to have a deep understanding and appreciation for music and, he figured, it translated to good fiction writing.

>> No.13106049

There have been a good number of composers who were quite good writers, and some who were quite good story tellers, but I can not think of any that pursued fiction in any serious way. There are quite a few which I think could have been very great fiction authors if it interested them, John Cage comes immediately to mind there.

>> No.13106053

no it's real

>> No.13106115
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YES you can , varg did it

>> No.13106124

if by writer you mean poet? definitely
if by writer you mean just prose? idk maybe, but there's less overlap
t. composer who reads but can't write prose for shit

>> No.13106135
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Of course.

>> No.13106457

but he sucks

>> No.13106512

Multi-classing is not unallowed

>> No.13106526
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Yeah. Look at Moby

>> No.13107112
File: 101 KB, 480x331, Joyce-and-guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.13107127

I can think of zero examples of anyone doing that successfully, excluding academic works on music.
>inb4 Wagner

>> No.13107128

He may have tried both but they are both fucking terrible.

>> No.13107132

Kurt Tucholsky

>> No.13107135

Émile is a great novel though.

>> No.13107137

I thought he only wrote libretti.

>> No.13107143

What is he playing?

>> No.13107145


>> No.13107162
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>dabs on this thread

>> No.13107164

Girlfriend in a Coma

>> No.13107166

It is a romantic era guitar of the french school. This guitar was a bit old fashioned at that time, but they were still fairly common.

>> No.13107176

Of course it's possible. Whether it's sustainable depends on what you're playing or writing. I only make 50 yuros for per show (avant-garde jazz/free-improv), so I have to be a code slave as well

>> No.13107181

Singing Ulysses makes it so much more enjoyable.

>> No.13107243

Variation on an E Minor chord

>> No.13107252
File: 29 KB, 183x274, nee-chee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one mentions our guy neechee?

>> No.13107260

Sure. Not for a wojak poster. But sure.

>> No.13107263
File: 1.10 MB, 1958x2670, 2C505B1F-30C9-4805-8EE2-34DFD87AC352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthony Burgess

>> No.13107265

Who is Nick fucking Cave?

>> No.13107501

Looks like em7

>> No.13107536

You'd be wrong. Self-aware music does exist. It remains emotional, just as some self-awareness manages to remain rational.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG5gEzymh5c

>> No.13107660

Yes but you'll likely not fully realize either. Lyric poets have existed for thousands of years, though usually the poetry takes precedence over the music.

>> No.13107688

The most based post of all time.

>> No.13107697
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you write music, don't you?

>> No.13108330
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I Like his music, I hate him as a person but his prose isn't bad.

>> No.13108348

Okay, literal anonymous no one, you are an authority on the quality of this extremely well know cultural icon that we still talk about and is taught in schools all over the world after over 2 centuries since his death.

>> No.13108353

No. Musicians brains aren't nearly advanced enough to write at a complex/high level that move the soul. Song lyrics at their best are literally just dollar store versions of poetry and melodies are literally just OOGA BOOGA ME FEEL BECAUSE RHYTM. The lowest form of art, undeniably.

>> No.13108373

A lot of actual (canon) writers were musicians as well. It depends how far do you want to go into each art. Making something that could potentially make an impact requires time and dedication and I can't think of any person who left a big mark on both literature and music. Maybe E.T.A. Hoffman, but only professional music historians will be able to identify him as a composer.
But you could be very could and acknowledged in both fields if acknowledgment is what you are looking for. You can also be a genius in both fields and never get any recognition.
Either way, I think it's normal to suffer perpetual misbalance in your progress in each field.
I began writing in high school and got some of my stories published.
I spend the last 7 years trying to build an academic carrier that still haven't happened and just for 3 years I managed to make a small impact in my cities experimental music scene as a noise musician. The inspiration behind my music I took from literary theory, so things form something of a circle for me.

>> No.13108385

he doesn't write any of the music

>> No.13108391

If I posted the music I’ve been working on for the past two years would you guys give it a listen and tell me what you think

>> No.13108400

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13108547

it's serious

>> No.13109140

bro dident you just make a wojak post yesterday about giving up your hopes on academia and going for music? not even a day after another wojak post get a grip

>> No.13109761


>> No.13111102

Be a poet

>> No.13111109

>words can provide any kind of substitute for music

>> No.13111117

>Has never read good poetry

>> No.13111139

Look up Willy Vlautin. Makes beautiful, poetic music with Richmond Fontaine (their last album was really fucking great btw) and is a highly respected writer.

>> No.13111155

Steve Earle also wrote a really good book imo (I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive) and has a couple great albums.
Helps to be country I think.

>> No.13111174

yes. everyone should be a renaissance man

>> No.13111261


>> No.13111313

both are trying to convey emotion whatever do you mean

>> No.13111317

>the new vampire weekend album

>> No.13111387

If this isn't pasta it should be. Quality shit.

>> No.13111402

Yes. You can write music.

>> No.13111444

>And when they really get into it, they're not human, they're taken over

back in the day when greeks would invoke the muse they would get into it like a voodoo possession

>> No.13111801

His music is perfectly acceptable late baroque early classical music. Nietzsche's music by comparison is pretty laughable considering he has to go against Wagner of all musicians in the world, and incidentally Wagner is not too shabby a writer

>> No.13111830

astoundingly quality post. saved

>> No.13111846

I’d be proud to put my name to this post