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13098365 No.13098365 [Reply] [Original]

Is Masonry just LARPing boomers that do charity work or is it actually in possession of great knowledge? Please recc me books on the topic as some of the claims people make about Masonry seem incredibly underwhelming. Guenon said it was in posession of the primordial tradition, yet once again, I fail to see how this would be the case. He fails to provide much evidence for it either.

>> No.13098384

The former honestly, though conspiracy theorist people seem to think otherwise. Freemasonry really is underwhelming.

>> No.13098388

Masonry is a meme made to cover-up the big boys.

>> No.13098393

>Is Masonry just LARPing boomers that do charity work or is it actually in possession of great knowledge?


>> No.13098425

Heretics be damned: >>13098125

>> No.13098428

Read Rituals and Dogma. Hiram Key too.

>> No.13098430
File: 102 KB, 640x480, Masonic-Car-emblem-ROYAL-ORDER-OF-JESTERS-MIRTHIS-KING-Badge-Mason-Freemason-MCE12-size-3.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The peons of yesteryear who are in every town doing charity don't really matter anymore because any "conspiracy theories" around them have been memed with their symbols and disinfo everywhere so they real money at the top doesn't have to worry anymore. Its just a big joke that all of the famous people wear crowley and masonic symbolism and make media and jokes about the devil even though they're very cliche and have been for decades. Rick and Morty's first episode is about shoving the seeds of enlightenment up morty's ass and keeping is a secret forever, there's 3 unrelated pedophile elites in the show, one of them is Saturn, two resemble pic related in garb and color scheme, and they have an entire masonic enlightenment sequence after a child gets shot in the head. All these things are coincidence and funny.

>> No.13098447

Who are the big boys?

>> No.13098467

The rosicrucians, jesuits, and of course the jews. The symbol IXXI in roman numerals is the sigil of saturn, the masonic emblem, the star of david and unironically 9/11

>> No.13098480

Maybe 200 years ago. The modern Jesuit order is dying out and is filled with hippie boomer priests. I wish it was a powerful as people made it out to be.

>> No.13098517

>Maybe 200 years ago.
Read Mason & Dixon. Reminder Tommy is a whistleblower.

>> No.13098589

we have the first jesuit pope in history

>> No.13098638

Yeah and there's mounting pressure in the Church to investigate him for heresy.

>> No.13098658

Which will never happen. The vatican archives and secrecy surrounding them should also be a permanent indicator they are not to be trusted as an institution regardless of christ himself.

>> No.13098694


Low level Masonry is a social club.

High Level Masonry is a child sacrifice, murder, and cannibalism ring.

>> No.13098709

>muh secrecy is bad

sources for the second claim?

>> No.13098752

Unless you're someone who needs some good ol fashioned nepotism, there's nothing of worth in freemasonry that you couldn't learn on your own.

>> No.13098767

>the people who are supposed to represent god himself through an ordained hierarchy should hide their entire culmination of primary source, and otherwise, documents from their parishoners
Honestly kill yourself

>> No.13098772

>sources for second claim
It's not our job to educate you sweaty ;)

>> No.13098778

What about Rosicrucianism? Is it another meme?

>> No.13098800

Their first significant accomplishment, other than laying bricks, was developing a secured payment system to ensure that everyone got paid and that no one got double-paid. They likely leveraged this capability further. Regardless, they are a blackmail gang - and blackmail gang members have been recorded to rise to very high levels of power.

>> No.13098811
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 1556955625138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cast pearls before swine. Sounds like I've struck a nerve

>> No.13098818

I actually agree with you but it is your responsibility to provide evidence to support your position. This is not educating - just supporting your position.

>> No.13098825
File: 1.17 MB, 862x1124, fraternal order of the moai are the real NWO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that the Masons are LARPing losers and that the Fraternal Order of Moai are the real NWO along with the Military Order of the Cootie

>> No.13098853

jesuits are now just leftists

>> No.13098889

It becomes less of a larp the higher you progress although both aspects do exist.

And as to what books to read that entirely depends on wether you want to know about freemasonry as an organisation specifically or the esoteric knowledge that it possesses

>> No.13098906

No it is entirely respectable and so are the texts used in its esoteric teachings

>> No.13098958

I'd like to know about either one. Pls recc me something fren

>> No.13098984

Paul Bonacci, Marc Dutroux, Jimmy Savile, Dan Schneider, Roman Polanski, Steven Spielberg, Franklin Investigation, Hunter Thompson implicated, this >>13098430 etc

>> No.13099001

The ideals of freemasonry are so widespread these days that it’s not really subversive anymore. It’s a social club with good connections these days.

>> No.13099052

To begin the esoteric reading start with the corpus hermeticum and to learn more about Masonic ritual read Duncan's Masonic ritual and monitor.

If you want something more specific
then just ask in a reply.

>> No.13099067

It's a black folks thing now

>> No.13099113

Just find a christian military order that doesn't advocate for freemasons, or anything related to the vatican II council.

>> No.13099849

>Rotary Internation

Serious question, what do they do?

>> No.13099880

This, it's the Christian's version of the jew club.