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/lit/ - Literature

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13089536 No.13089536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post them

>> No.13089539


>> No.13089553

Everybody has ideas

>> No.13089567

I think you should get a temp ban to think about what you have done

>> No.13089569

The plot: A yuppie girl runs over a little girl with her car. It's revealed that the little girl had a condition that gave her
a beard. The judge decides that the punishment for her would be to spend 3 years of her life with that girl's beard.

>> No.13089576

Nothing wrong with idea threads

>> No.13089581

What is an idea, anon? You start.

>> No.13089587
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a zombie burger chain hires an efficiency expert

>> No.13089605
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A picaresque story about George Washington or any of the founding fathers.

>> No.13089671

A story about a guy who systematically but unintentionally ruins his relationships with all of his friends, and just when you think he's about to redeem himself he sinks even lower

>> No.13089686

You want I should give ya some funny ideas?

>> No.13089692

Go ahead. Off the top of your head though. Can't take inspiration from anything.

>> No.13089731

Just when I thought I was out

>> No.13089738

a character with three balls in his sack

>> No.13089746

I actually thought about writing a novel with a mafia setting. Too bad I could only think of Godfather/Sopranos knockoffs

>> No.13089767

Thinking Outside the Cocks: A Lesbian Love Story

>> No.13089770

the mafia genre is dead.

>> No.13089784

Then show me the body

>> No.13089790

it was barely ever alive

>> No.13089797

what caused the decline?

>> No.13089801

A detective thriller investigating the murder of a girl on a plane in the air

>> No.13089808

if you seriously join a writing circle, like at your community college, at least one balding loser in that group will be writing a mafia novel. don't do it. it's cringe and laughable

>> No.13089923

a person who is cunty enough to post an idea thread on a chinese basketweaving website. word to the wise, remember pearl harbor!

>> No.13089979

the concept is too specific and the setting is narrow, thus most of the hot-takes were taken before the turn of the century. now it's just dull and derivative. sure, you could do some subversive things like sopranos, but unlike more general crime stories you've eventually gotta frame it with the exact same atmosphere as every previous book in the genre (nobility, decay, corruption, innocence, spaghetti)

>> No.13090129

stop tripfagging gor no reason

>> No.13090844

What if instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,.... it was .........

>> No.13090903

geodesic recursion


>> No.13090909
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Every bad thing is the fault of capital

>> No.13090955

Analyze my dreams psychoanalytically in order to reveal my unconscientious thoughts and making poems based in them.

>> No.13091037

A young Helot slave escapes death at the hands of a Spartan and flees North to Corinth. There he plies his trade as a fisherman for many years. He marries a free-woman and raises children as a loving father. On his eldest son's 12th birthday, he is killed by a drunk Spartan who claims the boy was a Helot. The former slave strikes down the Spartan, proclaiming he will have vengeance on all of Sparta. His wife denounces him as a Helot and takes their remaining children from him. The former slave is chased from Corinth and once again finds himself with nothing.
He travels back to Messinia, his ancestral home, and ferments rebellion among the Helots. They rise up with him and slaughter their Spartan overseers. In short order Sparta dispatches an army to quell the rebellion. Hopelessly outmatched, the Helots flee. The book ends with the old slave sacrificing himself so the other Helots can escape, allowing a Spartan to execute him, just as he would have been all those years ago.

>> No.13091038
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you were supposed to say "your sister's ass"

>> No.13091779

Talos of Sparta by Massimo Manfredi

>> No.13091827

Why would you write a book about me?

>> No.13091892
File: 138 KB, 500x500, tumblr_p5jtc69XxO1rxnv9wo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sixty-four Marxists imagine a lightning bolt into existence.


>> No.13091904


Soap opera where nothing happens except third pressing deniroids inconsequentially killing each other.

>> No.13091911

Ex convict runs a juice bar in a gentrified city

>> No.13092356

Actually it's me

>> No.13092640

>Can't take inspiration from anything
lobotomy much?

>> No.13092671

Are there any books from the viewpoint of a Mafioso snitch? Something like that guy Tony whacked in "College." Dealing with something like constant paranoia, adapting to normalcy after a life of crime, yada, yada.

>> No.13092688

Police only have the power to nag and guilt trip the public to comply with the law.

I started writing a story like this once but lost faith in it

>> No.13092708

I'm pretty well versed in the history and traditions of Roman Catholicism and I want to write fantasy that incorporates it as the dominant religion.

>> No.13092743

Why did you lose faith?

>> No.13092858

Well my initial impetus to writing the piece was equal parts ideological commitment to anarchism and love for the absurdity of the concept. During the course of writing it I fell away from anarchism and so the ideological core of the story was removed, the direction was gone and all that was left was the absurdity. Now it almost sounds like it would have been better this way, oh well.