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File: 19 KB, 660x350, Christopher-Lasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13083246 No.13083246 [Reply] [Original]

Stop engaging in outrage culture.

>> No.13083249

Outrage culture fucking pisses me off!

>> No.13083252

Define outrage culture, I'm unfamiliar but it sounds like something that might effect me, since whenever I try to bring anything up to my parents they always meet it with outrage and it really annoying. Not sure if any relation.

>> No.13083257

By the way I should mention this when talking about any stuff like philosophy and such all I can get out of them is just outrage. Any clue how get them to be more open minded and break this idea of outrage culture that permeates conversation?

>> No.13083260
File: 10 KB, 200x200, lasch2-200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting in Twitter threads.

Stop allowing politics into every facet of your life.

Stop pretending to read books and read them.

>> No.13083261
File: 91 KB, 500x620, 30fhlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13083268
File: 10 KB, 480x360, rum-sodomy-and-the-lasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading for the purpose of accruing useless facts to give you some semblance of self-worth amongst your peers.

>> No.13083269

looks like this fatso is out having a good time doing something way cooler than sitting at a computer

>> No.13083287

My dad owns a boat too, and I'm not fat so looks like I'm cooler than you.

>> No.13083294

I'm not a fatso either
6'2", 170lbs

>> No.13083300

I don't talk about what I read with my peers, and when I try to with my parents they always get hateful in a way that I simply defer and remember why I don't have conversations with others. No, I don't look for others respect because if I am honest I don't deserve it or earn it. I am already that in my life, honest enough to know that I am not good. No one I know respects expect my parents but only because they are so deep in denial and the truth about their son is too painful for them, or maybe they are just soft idiots like me and the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

>> No.13083306
File: 120 KB, 473x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people try to tell me what to do
>I don't do what they say

people btfo 100%

>> No.13083312

Where's the outrage in this?
Also, if I wanted a semblence of self-worth among my peers, I'd stop reading right now and would start talking incessantly about football or some shitty tv-series or something desu

>> No.13083335

Orange man bad

>> No.13083341

I'm trying to Lasch-sama. But the internet has destroyed my brain. I'm so angry and sad all the time and I'm addicted to my screens. I want to be a man of my community but I lack the willpower. I'm a failure. :(

>> No.13083352

90% of the news are are reports that are designed to upset you and make you angry. That is an example of outrage culture. Every click bate muh racism/misogyny/x-phobia articles, the #metoo movement or any movement driven by witch hunts. All of these are outrage culture.

>> No.13083371

even if you get above it, I doubt negroes are suddenly going to stop being like
>"nuh uh OJ/MJ/Travyon dindunuffin!"
in the face of overwhelming truth and stop chimping

>> No.13083389
File: 25 KB, 400x400, chop_your_balls_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop having a dick and balls.

>> No.13083501

Being a disappointment to your parents is not an example of outrage culture.

>> No.13083505

Outraged at this

>> No.13083512

>conservatives' golden boy lasch was a literal neo-marxist

>> No.13083600

Have you actually read him man? The kind of conservative that reads Lasch doesn't have a problem with his Marxism and he was consistently reviled by the left throughout his life

Even his left wing defenders now ("dirtbag left" people) barely show any evidence they've read him and would disagree with him on almost every substantial point

>> No.13083615

Dirtbag Left just means you're a standard leftist who wants to use mild slurs like retarded and gay and claims to be against identity politics while still upholding identity politics all the time.

>> No.13083622

Identity politics doesn't mean anything

>> No.13083705

Yeah basically. Either that or it's faggy spiritual boomers who think being a leftist should be about doing drugs and orgyporgy. Pathetic people who are eternally haunted by the fact they were uncool in high school and have to spend chasing after the most puerile kind of social success because of this. File red scare and cumtown under this category.

>> No.13083713

>weighs 170kg
yeah man you definitely a fatty

>> No.13083720

fucking this. Twitter re-structured my attention span so dumped both my accounts. Instead I'm on here for the dopamine dribbles instead. Fuck the internet.

>> No.13083723

identity politics were invented by the right and now they whine about it.

>> No.13083786
File: 120 KB, 716x768, dog_fence_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late bros. There's no place for cultural conservatives anymore; communities will die, if they're not already dead; society will spiral into atomisation, the sum total of human interaction will be a string of loosely interacting online communities based around fetishes and pieces of corporate media; family structures will no longer exist; hedonism will be the one thing keeping everyone going.
We're already not meant for industrial society anyway, but the internet has just made everything worse. You don't need to leave your house, we actively relish in ubereats and automated teller machines so we're not forced into 'social interaction'.
I don't even give a shit about faggots or trannies or niggers or rap music. I just want a group of people, anyone, a movement or something, that understands why family, community, religion (even if false) is important, instead of modern conservative window-dressing bullshit identity politics.

>> No.13084045

>there's no way out except for longing for days long gone
I think black pillers just lost the will to live because the traditional copes are so dysfunctional.
>family, community, religion, alcoholism, hank hill suburbia
These were all artificial memes to make urbanism work, in absentia of netflix, porn and tinder.

What you're longing for is atomized *groups* - quasi-isolated village-tribes centered around extended family of 100-150, with collective child rearing managed by women, and warfare led by the pack alphas, as opposed to undifferentiated modernity starting at 10k BC which steamrolled over all that.

But now even the undifferentiated artificial copes (nuclear family, church) broke down. You see, nuclear parenthood is about as natural as tinder is, all it does is breed isolation and sex coupling/parents instilling rather unhealthy attitudes. In social species, children are never property of their parents, they're "property" of the tribe. The relationships all occur on the level of tribe, not artificial "family unit". It's obvious that such an arrangement is far more robust than rat race society people were duped into.

The nuclear family meme evolved because of lack of urban space, and global market pressure to stop market agents from "unionizing" into large tribe powerhouses. More atomized participants, the more vicious the market is and advantageous for the ones on the economic top. But now that this process reached its logical conclusion - atomizationn of everything down to smallest atom of individual, folks en mass are now starting to see something is really wrong with it all, open revolt stopped only by extremely potent bread & circuses the system is hurling at em. Proles, still programmed by 10k years of cultural cope, can't really put a finger on what's really going on, yet, but are growing restless.

>> No.13084365

I'm fully aware of that and hate the nuclear family, suburbia, and the modern forms religion takes. This is why I hate what contemporary conservatism seems to be, totally blind to traditions past our grandparents' generation. I just want some connection to the past, and therefore the future. We evolved in the mode of the extended-family tribe as you said, and although it's probably impossible with market forces ruling our lives, I think there's gotta be something more than this.
All of life is just coping, we're doing a shitty job.

>> No.13084603

>All of life is just coping, we're doing a shitty job.
There are notable instances still close to natural imperatives, albeit with rather patriarchal bent - early mormonism, as well as islam. There are also true tribal matriarchy pockets (eg Mosuo tribe in china), but rapidly eroding under globalism.

I unironically have high hopes for feminism if it ever becomes sane enough to shed its own self-centered worship of individual agency. Fuck that, atomized women have no agency, tight knit groups of women do. Current feminism is rife with self-hate and misogyny. They obsess with atomized/individualized materialism of "pay gap" completely ignoring that children of the tribe are the future. Single mothers unite into a tribal pack and help each other in there and find bunch, you know, like bonobos do it. Current feminism is trying to compete with men at warfare/industry as individuals, level where women are grotesquely incompetent. They talk about internalized patriarchy a lot, yet have no fucking clue. Cut throat competition IS patriarchy, any woman trying that will end up (figuratively or literally) whored out or raped and brainwashed by the system this is a "good thing".

In the pre-industrial tribal pack, it was women keeping the tribe cohesion, and were the ones making all internal decisions. The role of men is solely that of war and industry, it should never be of sexual markets and rape of their own mothers and sisters. The moment women got duped by men into thinking family is currency of sexual market, that it is something they can use to bargain (le provider meme), it all fell apart.

Many consider such duality of patriarchy/matriarchy not viable in the global market, but such criticism still operates under the assumption that blood and money as interchangeable currencies is the natural state of affairs. Yet we quite easily implemented first step - got rid of slave market. At least formally, you can't put price on a slave. Why not got further? Why not make a taboo of putting a price on family and children? All one needs to do is keep the two markets (of family, and of industry) completely separated.

>> No.13084625

identity politics is older than politics based on ideas

>> No.13084636

Is this what lefties actually fucking think?

>> No.13084655

Is this what Lasch is on about? Or is it only tangentially related to his ideas? I haven't read him, obviously, but this repartee seems interesting.

>> No.13084659

>These were all artificial memes to make urbanism work
>t. anarchoprimitivist

Theres nothing wrong with nuclear family and a good religion.

>> No.13084674

Based but bluepilled. You know nothing of primitive tribes, they were far less collectivistic than you think

>> No.13084678

The situation you described only existed in some cases after 10 000 bc. Again, patriarchy is the state of nature. You still know nothing of primitive tribes

>> No.13084683

Slater & Lasch, but even Plato's republic. But they don't go the full way - they still worship earlier copes as something desirable, even if those were mere coping stepping stones to the reality we're in now. Children are not supposed to love their mothers, their only allegiance is the the tribe.

Nationalism/Fascism is kinda-sorta manifestation of this instinct. Their mistake is that they're attempting to make the tribe too big. Tribes lose the necessary cohesion when they grow beyond Dunbar's number.

>> No.13084719

Humans are not bees.
The most similar animal to humans is the wolf. Try to live with them for a while and you'll realize your mistakes. You are not even fully wrong, just misguided

>> No.13084721

>Children are not supposed to love their mothers, their only allegiance is the the tribe.
The fuck you on about?

>> No.13084725

>egalitarisms of the noble savage
Hiearchies, status and roles are of course involved even in tightly knit groups. What I'm arguing is the extension of ego - natural state of being is to lose the boundary to the pack. It's a schizophrenic existence. Limit the status quo to tightly knit group, as opposed to status quo of billions. Because in the latter billions case, you get a deep seated (and correct) feeling you don't matter and should just KYS. Even the lowest status members of a tribe felt they were part of something bigger. Being "cosmopolitan", sure as hell doesn't.

>> No.13084759

I agree with you in all of this. I'm all in for tight, blood related tribes with very few individuals. What I was arguing is the illusion of matriarchy: it's not a thing. Also the idea that a nuclear family didn't exist inside the non-nuclear family: again, false.

>> No.13084763

>wants to go into specifics
>uses the term 'primitive tribes'

opinion disgarded.

>> No.13084770

A typo, should be "to the tribe". Society self-propagates through motherhood. In a social species tribe, you have 50 mothers. In nuclear family, you have one.

>Humans are not bees.
Sure we aren't, yet for all intents and purposes, we now live like one giant beehive. The only thing we defend is the "queen" (the very few powerful elite). But even the average drone gets into social contact with the queen at least at some point. Humans? Not a chance.

It's only very rough approximation. Wolves have very instinctual tribe allegiance because they lack higher intelligence for more social complexities. Wolves don't have differentiated authorities of warchiefs, of shamans and only one female is allowed to reproduce. Chimps & bonobos are far closer to what human social instincts are.

>> No.13084774

Philip Slater? Do you recommend him? Or is there something better in this line? What book(s)?

>> No.13084784

a qualifier ought to be 'modern manifestation of'. Since colonialism it's been white might is right - so yeah.

>> No.13084836

>nuclear family is common in tribes
It's very loose at best. Fatherhood is almost universally blurred given how female sexuality actually works (heavy bias to fuck with alphas primarily, secondary to secretly fuck betas to climb inter-clan political ladder).

As for motherhood, depends on configuration of any given tribal society - the spectrum ranges from warlike genghis clan tier material polygamy to societies deeply matriarchal where daughters carry status of mother only to some extent (and males compete solely on merit). In any case, there is indeed ton of political climbing involved, both in terms of heredity as well as merit. The point is that we're good at navigating such small spaces, but utterly disoriented when the body count gets too big and the unity we're allowed to navigate is "nuclear family" - something stripped to bare minimum where children are subservient to parents and then expelled into the beehive. In tribal society, a daughter can easily succeed her mother by tactically fucking some warchief or shaman for political brownie points. 99.99% women can't do that in the global beehive, and are utterly frustrated with that. Ditto socio-sexual dynamics for men.

>> No.13084880

>It's very loose at best. Fatherhood is almost universally blurred given how female sexuality actually works (heavy bias to fuck with alphas primarily, secondary to secretly fuck betas to climb inter-clan political ladder).
This is how I know your theory is bullshit.
Wolves are monogamous and both parents invest in parental care, dogs are poligyamous and the father has no investment in parental care.
The problem is dogs and wolves are the same species. Wild dogs act like wolves again after a certain number of generations. See dingos in australia.
Homo sapiens and canis lupus are selectively monogamous species. You really think a tribe in paleolithic europe was an amoeba?
Study human genetics.
The good old "1 men mated for every women" appened only during the neolithic crisis, due to overpopulation, lack of resources, brutal warfare between settled groups and a general degrading of human condition, similar to modern times.
I say this as someone who is polygamous but understand is only the result and appropriate action in this enviroment.

>> No.13084917

The Pursuit of Loneliness
The Culture of Narcissism

See >>13084770. You overfocus on bare instincts while not taking account human (or chimp, for that matter) intellect. Human (or chimp) social maneuvering within local pack hiearchy is far more involved, while wolves are mere "alpha pair fucks, the rest are slave to the pair" and that's pretty much the end of it because it's the most optimal for their environment and biology (high pup count). As for dogs, dog's master is of course the alpha partner.

>> No.13084953

The alpha pair hierarchy exists only on dogs and domesticated wolves. The dominant male of a wolf pack is the grandfather.
I know animals very well. Every animal does possess a certain amount of intellect. Chimps are not as smart as you think.
There's a reason the dog was the first animal to be domesticated: the extreme similarities between the two species. A dog can easily understand the "pointing hand at a direction" gesture. For most chimps, it's very hard to.
Intellect isn't even what made humans so powerful. Dolphins, for example, are smarter than humans

>> No.13084957

The modern manifistation of the term itslef was from black civil rights groups. Identity distinction was not created from coloniaization, which was for its time a leftist endeavor as well.

>> No.13084970

How do I stop doing this? I don't really use Twitter so much, but Politico, The Hill, and The Atlantic are among my most visited websites. On the bus? Read Politico. Waiting on a friend? Read The Hill. Bored of them both? Read The Atlantic.

How do I stop being obsessed over whether or not Liz Cheney is going to run for Senate, or what Mick Mulvaney eats for breakfast with Trump every morning?

I'm not even American. is this autism?

>> No.13085025

>Dolphins, for example, are smarter than humans
Very much doubt it. Human intellect stems from high capacity of meme transfer. Smart animals like dolphins or elephants didn't invest as much into that capacity. They are smart in certain aspects, but are far less likely to propagate complex cultural memes.

>A dog can easily understand the "pointing hand at a direction" gesture.
You can easily train a dog, and the dog will obey.

Because you're the alpha and that's the end of discussion. Dogs have very powerful instinct to obey alpha exactly because of how black and white their pack instinct is. They're like soldiers.

Chimp on the other hand reacts to far more fine grained social cues. They even have a PTSD if you force em into and are later freed from slavery (circus chimp). A dog? Dog is simply programmed and will never change past that, all they can do is forget their programming and eventually adopt different alpha or become one. Dog never thinks for himself, unless he's an alpha. It's a binary thing. Primates (and indeed dolphins and elephants to some extent), on the other hand dance on a scale of social hiearchy and can easily learn social tricks to jump the ladder. This is exactly why "alpha" in our closest relatives (chimps, bonobos) are very fuzzy notion, because the hiearchy is rapidly ever shifting as they recognize there's more to society than mere (threats of or actual) violence.

>> No.13085054

You are wrong because you have no direct experience with animals and no proper studies. I'm going out with a girl If I have time I will explain later because I like this topics.
For now I'll just say this is a big cope and incapability to see the world how truly it is due to the overload of bullshit purposefully made to avoid people to returning to the true path.
Again, your forma mentis is not wrong. It's good to reason starting from animals. What is wrong is the facts about those animals you believe in, that are contrary to empirical evidence. The alpha/beta dicotomy is just an example

>> No.13085058


>> No.13085235

great post
im laffin

>> No.13085240

I've always has a complicated relationship with feminism for this reason. Women are very much the glue that holds communities together, so it makes sense that they should be respected and be given rights and protections to ensure that they can make decisions that are best for themselves and the community. Yet much of modern feminism throws out all emphasis on the community for focus on the individual. The closest thing to a "community" which they address is that of the female sex on a global scale, which is foolish since what it exactly means to be a woman varies so radically from culture to culture. The result is a very first world centric "feminism" that fails to address big problems that women face such as discrimination based on class or ethnicity, and instead concocts this abstract idea of a single global female identity. Capitalists often exploit this label for easy brownie points via virtue signalling through marketing campaigns.

The worst part is that not even nationalism/fascism offers a legitimate opposition to the current neoliberal status quo. Nationalism has been co-opted as an easy boogeyman for the capitalists to point to towards anyone who has legitimate grievances with the system. You'd think fascists would realise this and thus consider that a different approach is needed other than a volatile dictatorship, but I guess they're content being seen as radicals and thus as another tool to maintain the status quo.

>> No.13085328

>In a social species tribe, you have 50 mothers
Sounds awful

>> No.13085524

Lefties literally try to absolve themselves from blame on anything. Its only the CHUDs fault according to them. They're literally incapable of self criticism.

>> No.13085527

And 50 fathers. The point is that cost of parenting is socialized to the point that any incentive for material tit-for-tat between atomized mom and pop ceases to be relevant.

A woman which can acquire more resources (by herself, or by exploiting males) helps out the poorer kid, even if its only vaguely related to her within the tribe - a lot of women will tell you thats how they feel deep down, and it's why they land in nursing professions.

But societal programming won't allow this to revert back to natural point, to actually dissolve materialistic nuclear families in favor of return to loose parenting clans - clans are extremely powerful because some of the people in there will gain global status, and will use that to elevate the whole clan as a matter of deeply ingrained tribe allegiance they internalized as infants. The closest existing system to this is "jewish scheming". It's not some property of jewish genes, it's just that their culture retained a speck of this ancient tribal allegiance.

But western system forces female choice to single provider/parent who are totally isolated from others. Children suffer tremendenously because 90% of time they get shitty parents. The system originates from male preference when patriarchy overthrew the natural one during the neolithic revolution.

Worse, parents who feel the crushing loneliness of cosmopolitanism force their spawn to love them, in similar dynamic a pet dog loves you - almost criminal form of teached helplessness and codependency. They instill the fiction of unconditional love and dependency, instead of letting kids choose their own role models.

There's no unconditional love in nature, with the sole exception of adults defending children from predators. Sure, even tribal parents have preference for their own offspring in a trolley problem, but it's just only during such extremes. They still expedite a lot of parenting energy and resources to less related clan children, and their children receive the same from the clan.

There's no such thing as unconditional love aside from the above instinct to defend infants. Even though no such thing exists and most kids are gravely burnt when they grow up and find out the hard way that Disney is full of shit. Loving their parents is not what children naturally do. Children love those who cares for them best, which is why an infant needs 50 mothers - to pick their favorite one. That way, the kid learns early on to choose social relations based on merit from somewhat limited choice, as opposed to pre-ordained master (mom)/slave (me) hiearchy.

This is why you see daughters commonly succeeding their mothers in social hiearchy, and sons killing their fathers in nature. The offspring don't care for their parents, they care only about the young based on instinct and social memes extending from that.

>> No.13085534

Cum Town is good though because it isn't even political. It only gets lumped in with Chapo because the hosts lived with each other briefly and Chapos like playing up the connection because they think it makes them cooler.

>> No.13085600

>Disney is full of shit

I think this touches on another problem with modern society. There seems to be a collective culture of lying to children at a young age that the world is utopian and sheltering them from tough ideas because "they're just kids".

I'm lucky in the sense that I had parents who didn't sugarcoat things for me, but I can't imagine what damage must be done to kids who are fed these lies and then have their worldview totally shattered.

>> No.13085705

>hey're just kids
Yes, spoiling and hitting a pet dog into loving you. Only meek dog breeds can be brainwashed like that. Ask an owner of wolf breed dogs (Czech Shepherd). Those fuckers don't react to this basic bitch pavlov shit, they learn by example or not at all. Natural authority, or go fuck yourself. One blogger had written an uncanny portrayal:

>Their accessory, to be abused, tormented, lied to, mistreated, discarded, disposed of; they made it so it's Their Own human property. They'll do whatever they like to it. The law backs them up to the hilt.
>Babies learn to speak out of desperation; I'm sure of it. The problem with communication is simply not at their end. Can you imagine how they must feel when they've learned a language from scratch, reducing themselves to her level to speak to her, only to discover their mother is insane? I know how they feel. They shut-down.
>She doesn't say what she means and she doesn't mean what she says. She never explains, except to dribble bullshit lies. They lie to children for their sake. Hitting a child for honesty (as I have seen Polite Society's mothers do) after expressly warning the child not to lie when allegations that they have been rude (i.e. honest) have surfaced is just...oh I dunno...
>What is this insanity? Schizophrenia? I'm not a doctor but unlike most, I know batshit when I see it.
>Lie but don't lie but lie? Crack. Violence. Blood. Pain. Tears. Betrayal. Then the most horrifying of all. Love. They're batshit.

It's exactly how I felt as a kid, and remember it vividly. Constant case of pet dog being hit for a wrong they have no abstract capacity to understand (yet, in case of toddlers). The carrot & stick and lies is very low level pavlov response "therapy", forcing you into Stockholm syndrome, it's inherently abusive. Compare to clan raised children with heavily socialized infants - they can observe peers to see what is right and wrong, and seek out parenting from invidiuals who can understand em.

>> No.13085879

Adding to what I already said about my parents, they didn't even do anything particularly special.

They simply told me that there's a lot of suffering in the world, that I'm not entitled to a job or a gf simply by existing and that respect is earned rather than given. The only cultural lies they fed me was Santa Claus and euthanising the death of a relative (they didn't try the latter again after I complained to them about upon discovering the truth).

It didn't seem that special to me until I saw other people my age with middle class nuclear families having an existential crisis when they hit their mid teens. When I faced the hostility of high school social cliques, my upbringing meant that I was secure enough in myself to pull through it. A friend of mine meanwhile, tried to kill himself because of it, because his abusive and genuinely mentally ill parents had spent his entire existence babying him. Even today he has low self-esteem and low ambitions.

No wonder radical ideologies like the far right or radical Islam snap these people up. They pray on these insecurities that come from bad parenting.

>> No.13085895

>doesn't say what she means and she doesn't mean what she says
The pattern is also self-propagating. Most girls learn this from their mothers. The pattern to talk bullshit and incoherent unnuendo all the time in order to "not hurt feelings" of others while in reality, to protect their own ego from being hated loved if they speak the truth. They assume everyone shoots the messenger, because that's what their mom did.

Atmosphere of betrayal emerges when the bullshit is called out by reality. Weak cop-out strategy because women, lacking support structure of sisterhood, are terrified of the world, so they resort to strategy of meekness, bullshit, and having no spine, reinforcing the meme ad perpetuam.

A lot of feminized men do this too - don't speak what they really mean, instead spek that which causes least emotional backlash, even if its utter bullshit. They do this to limited extent, because there is countering influence of testosterone to be direct and assertive (T: don't evade reality, try to conquer it).

This sense of betrayal emerges at macroscopic scale in the end. Politicians and pundits will bullshit to cast a positive image. Nobody really knows what is true and isn't anymore, because everybody is afraid to say it loud.

Trumpism and edgelordism is charismatic for the simple reason of speaking out loud what many people *think* is true on account of actually experiencing it in their apex fallacy anecdotes, even though it technically biased.

>> No.13085999

Bill gates. His grandmother turned *any* leisure activity into a cut throat competition, hammering into his head that's exactly how the world is like.
You can easily see how it shaped his character and drive (especially how he dealt with competitors from leaked MS emails during the 90s). Gates isn't particularly smart, attractive or aggressive. Yet what he got is insane internalized drive to crush the reality, both through wits or work, because everything is competition to him.

Similarly, femme fatales you can see orbiting high society circles, typically had parenting along the line that men are not to be obeyed or directly competed with, but manipulated (sexually and via sophisticated social mind games). Weak women, on the other hand, learn only to compete with other women with bullshit olympics, and that men are status symbols to be displayed as trophy to other women, and perhaps providers in nuclear family meme. This is utterly counter to their well being, yet it is what they internalized as infants.

Both competition/manipulation are excellent parenting and are near guarantee to high status of such offspring. Such people often become role models - within a clan, it would be those folks the kids look up to, and would culturally inherit same qualities.

Conversely, what the western programming we receive from our parents is to be a slave. First to our parents, and later to our adoptive parents, the employer. On one hand, it's nice for civilization to have nice worker drones slaving on behalf of the few who had proper upbringing. Unfortunately nobody asked the drones how they feel about it.

>> No.13086054
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But I love to indulge myself in outrage. I love the way how people get angry and upset over trivial and non-trivial matters.

>> No.13086266
File: 23 KB, 720x720, 1459681969412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please provide a source for the Bill Gates grandmother story. I've seen interviews of him, and he does not strike me as overly competitive or assertive. Compared to other CEOs, manager types, he even seems meek. And I doubt that he's a two-faced person à la 'meek in the streets, vicious in the sheets'

>> No.13086411

What, if anything, is not political?

>> No.13086412

>His maternal grandmother Adelle Maxwell taught him a variety of card games and she was also fiercely competitive.
She often took care of him. The anecdotes are pepper through various bibliographies as Gates had a lot of fondness for her.
>bill gates is not hulking bozo
Indeed, he's not aggressive, in terms of blindly charging roaring a battle cry. Steve Ballmer is, somewhat for comedic effect. Aggressive people don't get far unless sporting some other quality. Bill Gates is still a competetive cut throat though - eager to exploit every opportunity, play any underhanded trick, and any alliances he makes with competetion are temporary at best, and he was famous for this in ranks of his enemies in his peak (Netscape, Apple could tell).

The emotion of competition is eagerness to take risks no matter how ruthless. Has nothing to do with brute viciousness. Aggression is generally counter productive, especially in a game of wits like software industry. It scares away allies, and telegraphs to enemies.

>> No.13086693

Sounds like fantastical nonsense dreamed up by an angry doomer who hates his folks

>> No.13086696

Remember that suicide and antinatalis mare the answers.

>> No.13086797

Well, it's insane from the perspective of the system your opinion is formed from, it falls apart the soon you observe the divorce court. Most divorced mothers consider their children property and a weapon in power play with her ex. They often have zero regard for what the kid actually feels. They're just kids. With no agency. Mom knows best.

Do dogs really love their masters? How can you call this love, when you manipulate and gaslight vastly inferior intellect into liking you? Dog keeping is often slavery, though luckily a dog is never bright enough to realize this, so it's not that bad for them. Compare to cats, who are biologically near incapable of loyalty. Compared to dogs, who consider you the pack leader, cats consider you a mere parent. And give exactly zero fucks about you, as long you feed em.

>> No.13086807

Watch Pirates of Silicon Valley, it details how Gates sucked up to Jobs when Microsoft was a nothing company, reverse engineered his software and released it before he could overseas. Jobs was a cunt who originally got the mouse and gui from IBM though so it’s fair.

>> No.13086865

Did mom rape your dad in court?

>> No.13086898

No, my folks were relatively normal for most of my childhood, though they did eventually divorce. I have an occupation which has an ear near to divorces a lot, though. Divorce rape as such is fine, as long the woman is civil about it - specifically don't use kids as leverage and pawns to wash their own dirty laundry.

But only very few moms respect their children to that extent.

>> No.13086939

What did Mommy do to make you so bitter?

>> No.13086954

>divorce rape as such is fine

>> No.13086965
File: 230 KB, 1059x595, chriswojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I encourage outrage culture because it's funny and destabilizing?

>> No.13087015

> Stop allowing politics into every facet of your life.
At this point I’m less a person than I am a set of edgy political beliefs reacting to stimuli. How do I go back?

>> No.13087017

Most people repress and suppress trauma so intense they don't want to know. That's why it's suppressed. Some people can get over it, though:

(pasting from elsewhere)
"HEY! I was having fun with that. Give that back. What? Why you take that from me?"
"Hey. Explain what you're doing here. This makes no sense. What the hell."
"Hey! I'm still eating. What's your problem. Give me my spoon back. What! Don't throw my food out? I was eating!"
"Leave me alone. I'm comfortable here. Why you gotta be moving me all the time. What is wrong with with you. Put me back where I was - I was into something there."
"Who the hell is this. Mom. Who is this person grabbing at me and scaring me. Mom? Who the hell is Janet? Mom is Janet safe? I got a bad feeling about this."
"Why you waking me up? What's the emergency? Hey get away let me go back to sleep. What's your freaking problem?"
"But I'm not tired so what are you....HEY! HEY COME BACK HERE. TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON. I can't see shit. I'm not sleepy. Mom? You coming back Mom? Ever? Is this where I'm to die? In the darkness without any sensory stimulation. Mom you had better have a good reason for this."

These are all instances where the will is ruthlessly steamrolled with Mom Knows best, and the toddler feels powerless. At the end of it, the kid kind of give up, Stockholm syndrome between the age of 2 to 12 until puberty, when the hormonal instinct to topple our elders kicks in.

>> No.13087232

>mouse and gui from IBM

He got them from Xerox PARC.

>> No.13087351

Kids are fucking idiots and should be treated as such. That bizarre pasta you posted is ridiculously laughable in its pretension and self involvement.

You are a stunted bitter manchild who has based his entire worldview around an insecurity towards Mother who you blame for every facet of your life which is unsuccessful.

If your mom didn't beat you when you were a child then she should have, preferably to death.

>> No.13087415

The way I see it, dog barks when someone threatens its master.

>> No.13087752

What are you barking at?

>> No.13087769

shoo mr skellington