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/lit/ - Literature

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13069602 No.13069602 [Reply] [Original]

>"In the original drafts of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, he [Wittgenstein] had insisted on putting illustrations of naked women with very large breasts and cat ears which he had drawn himself at the start of each section. He said it reflected "the ethos of our age" and was a statement on how un-sexed all previous philosophic endeavors had been. Russell and I urged him against it, citing how it would scandalize his academic career and stood no chance of being published. He grew outraged, spouting, "I'll publish the damned thing myself! I've created art, do you eunuchs understand? Art! I am prouder of the tits on page 56 than I am of the whole of the logic that follows!" We eventually comprised on removing the illustrations from the editions of the Tractatus that would be sent to the publishers and giving the editions with the illustrations a small, private run to be distributed amongst Wittgenstein's closest acquaintances. My wife was displeased when she discovered my copy of the illustrated Tractatus and demanded I throw it out. I was loath to part from it because, it must be admitted, those cat-eared females of Wittgenstein's were indeed a work of art." -Norman Malcolm, in Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (1966), p. 31

>> No.13069617 [DELETED] 

Hot ziggety, a Wittgenstein thread!

>> No.13069644

Fucking based Wittgenstein bio poster

>> No.13069672
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Excellent book.
>"Then he [Wittgenstein] stumbled across the gangster films of James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart, which he voraciously consumed and obsessed over. He began to wear a vintage 1920s fedora along with a ridiculous pinstripe-suit everywhere he went, and assimilated odd expressions into his everyday speech. He acquired the habit of declaring, “It’ll be curtains for you!” whenever someone angered him or "Jeepers, fellas!, it's the cops!" every time we happened to pass a policeman's car or saw an officer patrolling the streets. He even went so far as to set up a moonshine still and began bootlegging the liquor, convinced of the surreptitious procedure of the operation. Of course, the authorities knew about it but they decided to humor the eminent philosopher since the whole affair was entirely innocuous, and I myself was happy to see my friend toiling so judiciously at something besides that tortuous logic of his. Though the enterprise did turn out to be severely nerve-wracking for him, since while he worked at the still in the basement every little creak or unexpected voice would send him into an alarmed exclamation of, "Jeepers, fellas!, it's the cops!" and he’d dash around to hide the moonshine apparatus. My wife informed me that the few bottles of moonshine she bought from him, mostly out of pity, were dreadful." -Norman Malcolm, in Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (1966), p. 63

>> No.13069687

I laughed

>> No.13069696

Some of these, like this one, go a bit too far and are a bit too absurd to be believable like >>13069672, but I laugh every time anyway.

>> No.13069807

This reads like the electrical infetterence pasta somehow, tone-wise
Brutalized my diaphragm with convulsions of noumenal laughter however

>> No.13070467

Any pics of the illustrated edition?

>> No.13070570

your diary desu

>> No.13070623

Does anyone have the one where Wittgenstein is losing his shit over fart jokes or the one where he re-roofed his entire sister’s house becuase he wanted the roof ~3 cm higher

>> No.13071530
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sounds like a fucking nut case

>> No.13071536

One of us

>> No.13071540


>> No.13071616

Wittgenstein was the first shitposter:

>Among the friendships Wittgenstein makes with Cambridge undergraduates is Gilbert Pattisson. Gilbert is a genial fellow, completes his studies with a miminum of effort or commitment, becomes a municipal accountant. He and Wittgenstein never discuss philosophy.
>Ray Monk: "Wittgenstein's correspondence with Pattisson consists almost entirely of 'nonsense.' In nearly every letter he makes some use of the English adjective 'bloody,' which he found inexhaustibly funny. He would begin his letters 'Dear Old Blood' and end them 'Yours bloodily' or 'Yours in bloodiness.'"

>The two parody the language of fatuous art criticism, unctuous advertisers. Pattisson sends a picture of himself, writes on the back "On the other side is pictured one of our 47/6 suits." Wittgenstein replies: "You may through my generosity one of these days get a free sample of Glostora the famous hair oil, may your hair always retain that gloss which is so characteristic for well groomed gentlemen."

>> No.13071716

Does anyone have the bulldozer one?

>> No.13071764

Wittgenstein biopic when? who could play him?

>> No.13071850

Anyone here could do it

>> No.13071993

False, he was kinda handsome. Your average /lit/ard looks like Schopenhauer or Sartre.

>> No.13072015

OK, any moderately attractive autistic manlet could do it

>> No.13072163

Ouch, brutal

>> No.13072708
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>> No.13072719

Shopes was good looking though

>> No.13072751

Can somebody *please* OCR the pdf already? Reading the memoir on ereader physically hurts.

>> No.13072791
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I need to add OPs but my collection grows longer still

>> No.13072873

Why is his philosophy so comfy? Reading PI was therapeutic af, and so was TLP once you understand the conventions of 20th century logic.

I legit have headaches reading other philosophers but him, no. He was a delight.

>> No.13072890

There already is one. Directed by Derek Jarman. Wittgenstein is played by Karl Johnson

>> No.13073805

Willem Dafoe

>> No.13073844


>> No.13073944

and Scorsese should direct

>> No.13074278

This one goes too far: in order for the joke to work, they have to be things which upon reading you think "wait, is that true?"

>> No.13074321

Does /lit/ jsut not take Wittgenstein serious even in the slightest that they use him like this? A complete clown for the sake of /lit/?

>> No.13074340

Diogenes and Wittgenstein sitcom when?

>> No.13074357

>Having fun means you're unable to take anything serious
I'm sure it's a blast having you around.

>> No.13074384
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the first one is actually a quote from that biography
still looking for confirmation on which of the others are spurious

>> No.13074720

the second one is copying story of the eye

>> No.13074747

lmao, truly based

>> No.13074748
File: 120 KB, 1541x922, wittgenstein dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid morons deleted the thread as I was writing this:

>He confessed to having an odd dream in which a theater was enthralled by a young yet rancorous woman who was recounting something. He said it was as sordid as it was trivial, but refused to specify any further. In the dream, his frustration quickly mounted, as it did in waking life, at the contrast between the sheer banality of the woman and the solemnity of the crowd. The desire to dispel the dream was arising, but he resisted it because he could not simply leave such a pathetic thing be. He thought what better way to exorcise not getting it than with a punchline, and finally yelled "where's the bloody jokes"? Though the room was revealed to be filled with equally sordid, trivial women, one of whom was furious that she could not see him now that he was leaving the dream, he nevertheless concluded his input as "adequate", confessing to a kind of grace. He even let the dream guards escort him, he said, he was so content. We both felt silent for a minute or so. I've only seen him this peculiarly at ease once before, while talking about time travel.

Feel free to edit the style here and there.

>> No.13074774

They're not all good. I only like the orangutan one and the gangster one. The rest, are too fake as this guy was saying. >>13069696

>> No.13074790

Nut case, or one of the greatest minds of the 20th century? I would argue both.

>> No.13074834

50 years ago, Jeremy Brett would be perfect choice.
15 years ago, Hugh Jackman.

Nowadays, probably Michael Fassbender.

>> No.13074851

Whatever happened to Screwtape-posting? One of my favorite things on this board because of how close it mimicked Lewis’s style and this and the shitty Nabokov meme are the only ones that come close. I guess no one really read the book

>> No.13074908
File: 431 KB, 688x933, Get nabbed on nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since we've had a Nabbing round these parts. It's a pretty safe neighborhood these days.

>> No.13074984

What I say what in the name of the

>> No.13074996

Top good, my friend. Hot Ziggety!

>> No.13075028

Isn't the 3cm higher story real?

>> No.13075039
