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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 267 KB, 568x320, vlcsnap-2019-04-25-23h47m20s144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13007350 No.13007350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where do i start with ontology?

>> No.13007373

You don't need to read the book, you're living it bro. You're living it

>> No.13007379
File: 109 KB, 800x1200, The_Parallax_View_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13007381

the presocratics

>> No.13007628


>> No.13007644

Critique of Pure reason

>> No.13007771
File: 168 KB, 900x1200, ontocool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's been reading Bataille recently

should we be worried?

>> No.13007783

Of course she is. I bet she'll love it since she's obviously one of those that thinks its very artsy to be a sodomite and lightly bruise your skin during sex because you can LARP as a sadist without ever experiencing any actual pain

>> No.13007835
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As if you know

>> No.13007846
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>> No.13007860

I can't really trust anyone who isn't French on these subjects

>> No.13008291

Repulsive femoid

>> No.13008298 [DELETED] 

you don't. it's a dead subject

>> No.13008302

>trusting pedos

>> No.13008309
File: 44 KB, 748x286, wttmo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13008314

>im not a girl like others tee hee xD

>> No.13008327

a study using brain scans a few weeks ago found this to be a total fucking lie. The idea of 'sapiosexuals" and what this cunt is claiming simply don't exist. If you are SUCCESSFUL and able to get a book published or movie made with your words, they might be attracted to the prestige and shekels involved. That's all.

>> No.13008330

>single social science study

>> No.13008344

>the woman is interested in the world as a sexual experience
huh, I guess weininger may be right

>> No.13008363

You don't need any studies to figure out it's complete bs

>> No.13008365

then don't bring it up in the first place

>> No.13008383

That has to be nonsense. IQ is such a relevant variable to survival that females have to be attracted by it. And we display it through talent. It is pretty common in romance typy of stuff that the desired male plays an instrument like the piano or the violin. Although cognitive ability seems to be in a general sort of conflict with a desire for the broken, the alpha or the violent. Also it's important to note that women wouldn't be attracted just by people reading books, it had to be raw cognitive power, not education. So the random nerd without friends who's forced into cognitive landscapes only becomes attractive insofar the female confuses his increased vocabulary or whatever with IQ.

>> No.13008427

Like clockwork.

>> No.13008501

this is cringe af

>> No.13008618
File: 10 KB, 239x211, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you will never have passionate, romantic sex with Ontologicool
> you will never stare deep into eachothers eyes as you bring eachother to climax
> you will never cuddle under the blanket on a cold winters night and discuss literature

>> No.13008629

Go fuck any slutty philosophy student and she’ll be exactly the same

>> No.13008630

>"> "

>> No.13008634


>> No.13008644

Dawg I study engineering and quantitative finance and post on 4chan, how likely do you think that is

>> No.13008679

I watched a video of her for the first time yesterday, after a video was posted here on lit. Honestly, if I did actually know her in real life I would probably buy her a dictionary because she has no idea what she is talking about.

>> No.13008710
File: 227 KB, 500x421, c3a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post

>> No.13008741
File: 29 KB, 552x555, 78FD6CC5-D201-45D7-BDEB-F1C018D665A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on the same boat, dawg
I admit I assume everyone here is a humanities fuckbunny who happily uncompromisingly lays with qts which I just want to love unconditionally and talk about what I can’t with my eng friends.

In our case, I guess it’s just the future we chose.

>> No.13008791

I used to go on a dedicated computer science school which was like 98% male but the founders in their eternal wisdom put it adjacent to a school for biology which was in large majority female. They used to sunbath int their bikinis in the park area between the schools which was visible from the classrooms. So that was nice.

>> No.13008800

Those legs look like autumn branches, Jesus. Someone give her a steak already.

>> No.13008825

>18 year-old dudebro insight on women dressed in autistic 19th century prose

Does it get better or is this book that much of a meme ?

>> No.13008827

> a single brain scan completely resolved one of the most ancient questions on human sexuality
>we have magical exhaustive telepathic matchines now

Ask me how I know your understanding of science doesn't go further than highschool biology classes.

>> No.13008832


>> No.13008833

Damn slutty philosophy students sound cool.

>> No.13008862

She's been looking rough lately; pocked and blemished. What happened to her?

>> No.13008866

not if it's an analytic department

>> No.13008868


>> No.13008878
File: 217 KB, 1536x2048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do femoids always take pics like this?

>> No.13008883


>> No.13008884

I'm a man and I always put my foot up on the bathroom counter when I look in the mirror. Comfy desu

>> No.13008887

it's a /fa/ thing incels need'nt try understanding

>> No.13008899

>implying continentals won’t just take advantage of you and crush your balls and dump you with a text message
analytics are just autistic
Continentals are sociopaths

>> No.13008903

>take advantage of you and crush your balls and dump you with a text message

>> No.13008961

Starvation, drugs and too much cock, I think

>> No.13008974

pathétique anglo ridicule poseur sans cervelle
culture idolatrie réseau sociaux flingué femelle stérile photo

>> No.13008977

dumb frogposter

>> No.13009002

more brain than you fuccboyo

>> No.13009006

is that boxxy?

>> No.13009023

She fits in here , hu?

Showing off her shoes

Bite your tongue

>> No.13009040
File: 912 KB, 1955x3000, 1553888511854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do cute girls always have small boobs?

>> No.13009044


>> No.13009047


To freshen their pusy.

>> No.13009050

how recent is this pic?

>> No.13009052

big bobs aren't cute

>> No.13009451

>big bobs aren't cute

>> No.13009455

they're hot not cute

>> No.13009844

Does she still have public social media?

>> No.13009848
File: 159 KB, 1200x1052, tooreal04621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13010534

and why in the incel mythology are women not allowed to identify with outsider characters?

>> No.13010571

Who said they aren’t allowed what?, who implied they aren’t allowed? What?

>> No.13010581

>implying ontologicool can have anything but that vapid dead expression in her eyes
seriously. go look at any photograph of her. it never changes.

>> No.13010589

the joke is the discrepancy in attractiveness
there is a far more severe male version of an obese man watching bladerunner 2049 and thinking the same thing about ryan gosling

>> No.13010595
File: 979 KB, 741x960, 67657657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13010600

Why are incels so threatened by someone confident with their beauty?

>> No.13010608


>> No.13010644
File: 17 KB, 828x99, t l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice timing

>> No.13010649

>tfw me Benjy

>> No.13010846


why do bugpeople use this word

>> No.13010864

What do you mean “bug people”?
The image is clearly ridicule

>> No.13010916

never reply to me again buttershit

>> No.13010941

Democritus via Lucretius' On the Nature of Things-- Epicurean Naturalism, essentially the mergence of classic Materialism and Hedonism (which becomes the generalized scientific world view and humanism for ethics). Essentially where [we] are today, boss

>> No.13010966

It's alarming how little self-awareness some people have.

>> No.13010981

That doesn't answer his question, though. Why the selfie? If she's so confident with her beauty why is she seeking validation online?

>> No.13010988

Not an argument for why you went out of your way to complain about someone posing for a photo. Why is it an issue for you?

>> No.13010994

How do you mean? You think she doesn’t know there’s tape on her chemise?

See now, I didn’t even know what “ontology”

>> No.13010998

Because of the big Other. You are doing it too on /lit/. If you didn't care about validation you wouldn't be on a social networking literature forum

>> No.13011004
File: 145 KB, 1077x1246, 46BCAA24-4532-450F-B437-0BD93C852527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13011019

Showing off her shoes/outfit/makeup. Nothing more. Just using the camera function on her phone. Wasting time. Cateloging oneself. As soon as photography was invented we’ve been doing it. We like to preserve fleeting time as best we can.

>> No.13011020

why do you feel so threatened by anonymous posts on 4chan lol

>> No.13011024

ok but that doesn't mean you aren't insecure about women

>> No.13011030
File: 28 KB, 936x772, 1531866995374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymous social networking

>> No.13011032

Have you ever picked out nice clothes because you thought others might like them more than if you just went to a used clothes store?

>> No.13011035
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>> No.13011038
File: 51 KB, 222x336, EA9E4001-1801-46E1-AB82-0D15FD5EFDEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they cloned Daria(you) made her human form (you) and made you (you)

>> No.13011040
File: 36 KB, 400x506, 45734573457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ideas aren't a representation of myself because there isn't a nametag and a picture attached

>> No.13011044

ok but that doesnt mean you arent insecure about anonymous shitposting lol

>> No.13011047

I admit to that. I just wish I could browse /lit/ without having to argue with misogynists and racists

>> No.13011049


>> No.13011050

No, she lacks self-awareness precisely because she *does* know there's tape on her chemise. I daresay she put it there.

>> No.13011055

you dont "have" to do anything lol

>> No.13011059

That's an absurd desire, there are hundreds if not thousands of forums that ban those two things, and you have selected one of the small minority that allow them, that is in fact notorious for both of them, and decided to post there

>> No.13011063

Why do you care about being correct if you have no attachment to it?

>> No.13011064

Idiot. Daria would hate the concept of selfies

>> No.13011069

What did she mean by this terrible video?

>> No.13011071

now that they're broke up, any leaf think he can get him drunk and tell us secrets about her/ give us pics?
you could pretend to have read his book

>> No.13011077

Just because we allow it doesn't mean people should be retarded enough to resort to blaming identity groups for all their insecurities. It's a regression that doesn't solve anything but being a support group for incels to vent.

>> No.13011078
File: 47 KB, 615x351, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mentally ill are not confident in themselves.

>> No.13011083

The man /lit/ wants to be

>> No.13011084

>blaming identity groups for all their insecurities
Do you think all sexism and racism is this? Because there are entire countries where 95%+ of the men(and probably women) are sexist and racist

>> No.13011086

You don’t get the artsy fartsy gist of it. You lack awareness

Such a compliment. I’m not as dreary as that (anymore) though. It’s just why so many take those empty pointless selfies. They are Daria like deep down. It’s existentialism bby

>> No.13011184

>dumb anglo bitch losing relevance makes a thread about herself
>dumb anglos post one hundred replies

>> No.13011195

Where are you seeing that everyone is anglo?

>> No.13011198

>he doesn't have 4chanx flags enabled

>> No.13011522

The girl in the OP is north american

>> No.13011548
File: 586 KB, 580x570, godon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she an Injun?

>> No.13011556

Is this thread the biggest shitfes on /lit/ right now? I'm thrilled.

>> No.13011559

if only

>> No.13011572

This is uncomfortably close to my experience of dating French girls.

>> No.13011594

>talking as if you wouldn't want that

>> No.13011602

Unironically this. You should at least work on developing a decent understanding of Parmenides and Heraclitus

>> No.13011632

She's monetizing her attractiveness I assume.

>> No.13011642

i want to FUCK this whore
i want to HATE FUCK her. i fucking HATE her. i HATE women.
god im so horny and lonely

>> No.13011648


>> No.13011651

empedocles too

>> No.13011676

I feel you anon. Dont give in to resentment, it will eat you up.
Go outside, bring a nice book and try to have a good time by yourself.

>> No.13011698
File: 334 KB, 874x617, 1491147751953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will find and kill every single one of you who scared serraphina away

>> No.13011731
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imagine the smell after a week of camping

>> No.13012160

Let me guess: looking out the window was as far as you got with them

>> No.13012389 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1920x1200, 1531383095159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm also absolutely enamored with her. Someone post more of her vids.
>tfw she will never dominate you and make you kiss her boots

>> No.13013162
File: 116 KB, 1283x487, 1537969292414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is her bf an omega male too?

>> No.13013175

>omega male
bit of a oxymoron, don't you think?

>> No.13013205

>ontologicool will never tie you up and make you lick her feet

>> No.13013222 [DELETED] 

You enjoy your subordinate fetish :3

Meanwhile, I can make Butterfly do whatever I want to, and she likes that. That is fine, Butterfly. Even just the emotional ramifications of that are awesome.

Anyway though, I do need some stuff from YOU Butterfly. The only indication I have received as of yet that you masturbate to me is when you comments while you're masturbating.

Which, I will admit, was a clear obvious tell, but I need some more stuff! Always more! Don't be embarrassed.

And I can tell you aren't butterfly. It seemed like you were insinuating in today's porn thread that you do indeed watch straight porn. But I need some stuff FOR ME, butters. FOR ME! :3

>> No.13013245 [DELETED] 

like imagine if you just posted some moans right now butterfly :3 how awesome would that be

>> No.13013248 [DELETED] 

Are there no mods on this fucking place or what?

>> No.13013274

Comfy pic

>> No.13013761

She's probably reading this thread right now. As long as we're at it, I want her to kick me in the balls.

>> No.13013799

Trust me, there is a certain part of women that want me to act like you do :3 so I can guarantee butterfly is a little disappointed I don’t do stuff like that.

But, on the other hand, she does recognize that side of women is rather ‘wrong’ per se, I think. I think that’s why she obliges when I ask her to do things.
I mean, I’m not a chad, but I never ask her to do really fucked up stuff and she is never /too/ fucked up with me I guess.

She probably thinks I’m cute. I KNOW I think she is. All I know is she does what I ask, and that does make her a good woman.

>> No.13013822

you mean bring a nice book in from outside or take a nice book outside?

>> No.13013879

He's very hot

>> No.13013911

>ust because we allow it doesn't mean people should be retarded enough to resort to blaming identity groups for all their insecurities
Have self-awareness

>> No.13013917

What race is this?

>> No.13013942

dear A. W, if you read this thread, can you post more of your nudes? I want to fap more to you

>> No.13014193
File: 2.28 MB, 720x720, 03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell the difference between attraction and jealousy?

>> No.13014221

Hi Ben! Working on any new masterpieces?

>> No.13014272

you want to dance for anon?

>> No.13014280

she looks very ugly here

>> No.13014301

yea sounds pretty compulsive to me, man

>> No.13014303

I mean if this is the problem, it wouldn't help if you were in a literature or philosophy department. I know because I only masturbated for the 4 years in a undergrad in a department of 70% females.

>> No.13014338
File: 102 KB, 402x600, 1502673213329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a girl to pound your balls with her fists while they are tucked between your legs and you are lying prostate on the floor and thank her after each time she hits you this means you are a latent homosexual right?
Like if you beg her to put on heels and pull your cock&balls through a hole in a cock box then tell her to put on headphones and play whatever she likes to listen to, make her wear a blindfold then tell her to dance and jump up and down on your balls while you screech in pain and your hands are bound, this means you are a bottom gay right?

How can you not be a homosexual if you want the same girl to burn your balls with cigarettes and put them out all over your body and shove them under your foreskin while telling you how only an abnormal defective faggot freak would ever want this and how you will never have children and she is glad for it, laughing at you? Doesn't this mean you are a repressing homosexual correct even if you are not yet attracted to men?

>> No.13014583
File: 27 KB, 850x578, Platos-allegory-of-the-cave-Adapted-from-Wall-2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why not just take a picture of shoes,she took a picture of a mirrors reflection.

>> No.13014588

the shoes are part of an outfit, stupid reductionist

>> No.13014595

i think you described masochism not homosexuality anon

>> No.13014597 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 238x211, pobrane (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn cum in her throat

>> No.13014603

imagine giving her a facial and some of it getting caught in the ring's hard to reach places and getting infected and the infection bypassing the mucus membrane, entering her brain, and killing her.

>> No.13014605
File: 54 KB, 427x427, 1555060927941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn cum in her throat

>> No.13014607

the outfit theory is iffy, she seems to have put the most effort into getting that leg up on the countertop to show the shoe.

>> No.13014610


>> No.13014616
File: 73 KB, 1346x1056, qdax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to cum on her neck and collar bone

>> No.13014619

what is her actual first name
is it donatella?

>> No.13014620


>> No.13014622

can't believe none of you faggot saved her channel

>> No.13014739

how old is she, do you think?

>> No.13014745

But what if you're extremely submissive and self insert as the girl when they are abused even though you aren't yet attracted to men?

>> No.13014792


It means you're Catholic.

>> No.13014796

she was 18 in 2013

>> No.13014850

i know i have it too

>> No.13014894

And the retardation comes to surface..

>> No.13014951

im okay with that

>> No.13014967

I'm relieved

>> No.13015492
File: 56 KB, 500x378, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good fucking lord that girl is ugly

>> No.13015518

You people have such dogshit taste in women holy shit, really dissapointed in /lit/ now.

>> No.13015539


>> No.13015546

presenting the feet. feet are a substitute for the missing penis, according to freud
she is showing you her penis

>> No.13015760

I don't think she's particularly ugly. Just not my type. On the other hand, the obsession with telling random women on the internet they want to pound them - I think - is due to their being desperate.

>> No.13015933
File: 11 KB, 634x276, love.is.in.the.air.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13016025
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, 1531372478487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No she's just plain ugly ; /lit/ used to shill girls which were much prettier.

>> No.13016032

it’s threads like these that remind me this entire board is just /r9k/ but with books.

>> No.13016036


They're all plebs ; the objectively smartest girl in my classes has harry potter as her favorite book (no joke)

t. philosophy undergrad

>> No.13016040

Are you posting your tranny pics in some kind of stealth attempt to flirt with men online?

>> No.13016097


Since when is that girl a tranny?

>> No.13016135

I knew it. Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.13016241

t. philosophy master student

>> No.13016334

>implying ontologicool isn’t also a pleb
they’re all the same, anon
It’s just that if you want some slut to namedrop memes, any philosophy whore will do

>> No.13016342

she's a pseud, different from the likes-harry-potter sense of pleb

>> No.13016434

/lit/ cucked her boyfriend

>> No.13016441

fucking litbros man

>> No.13016584

not all whores are comfy

>> No.13016847

How does this broad use so much time and so many words to say so little? Pathetic video desu

>> No.13016853


>> No.13016939

the Hegel guy?

>> No.13016943

>someone actually remembers that fucking terrible hegelposter

jesus christ, thanks for reminding me of him

>> No.13016949

Why the fuck is Kokoro, a book about Japan's relationship to western culture and modernity, depicted here? Did the person making this just need another book to add and they chose it because they know nothing about it other than the fact that two of the characters commit suicide? The metamorphosis is a pretty retarded thing to put there too since it's basically the opposite of romanticizing or aestheticizing alienation, but at least it fits with the theme.

>> No.13016953

he got a shoutout from Gregory Sadler in one of his livestreams, so he won my respect... still want to see nudes though so not that much respect

>> No.13016969

he came back a few days ago

>> No.13016997

that's depressing, Sadler seems like an actually good reader of Hegel who knows the literature from all sides and doesn't impose his own views (but also doesn't suppress them). AW on the other hand was a piece of fucking self-promoting shit from literal reddit and /leftypol/ who came here to hock his blog, and would respond to all criticism by saying that he ONLY READS THE TEXT, HEGEL IS THE ULTIMATE SELF-DISCLOSING IMMANENT TEXT OF TEXTS THEREFORE I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ANY LITERATURE OR CONTEXTUALIZE MY OPINIONS OR LISTEN TO WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS, EVER. JUST READ MY BLOG AND FOR ONLY $99.99 YOU TOO CAN BECOME A HEGEL EXPERT.

i hate academics too but holy shit he had autism on the level of guenonfag.

>> No.13017036

are there any pics of her feet?

>> No.13017121

She is pretty and all these nasty comments aren't very honest. You'd obviously fuck her behind closed doors. She just needs to work on not being a pseud.

>> No.13017125

I'd fuck a tree stump, what I would fuck doesn't count for anything. That's like saying a hungry man would eat shoe leather, therefore shoe leather is quality food.

>> No.13017157

Why are you so mean? We obviously don't fulfil any popular notion of 'beauty' - because it's a distortion. I only get girls compliment me when I'm nice and humble, not when I try hard to be some stud.

You should also try to work on being nice; it will make people think you're more beautiful, even physically.

>> No.13017171

>subtle "I bet you're not even physically attractive!"
>not-so-subtle "Here's what I would do, if I were you, and I wanted to be more popular and socially acceptable :^)" attempt at normie social hierarchy enforcing
>general milquetoast


>> No.13017175


>> No.13017179

I didn't say you were ugly, I said that popular notions of beauty are bullshit. Especially when they bombard us 24/7.

I don't care about being edgy anymore, it's literally ruining my life. I need to support myself with a job before I become as Nietzschean as you buddy.

>> No.13017184

>popular notions of beauty are bullshit

>> No.13017187

So beauty is a monolith?

Try reading any aesthetics, bodies cannot be beautiful items.

>> No.13017212
File: 31 KB, 380x527, ac0c0d4a3e4f1fc5bc0c3a34df415882d2a9cafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-actually no person is any more beautiful than any other
>p-people can't even be beautiful in the first place
>r-read philosophy

>> No.13017221

She has weird aspects... like I'd probably find her ugly after fucking her several times. Beauty is an illusion.

>> No.13017239

ugliness sure as hell isn't

>> No.13017250

It's completely subjective. At least with art objects, it's linked with genius and intersubjectivity. What grounds your views of bodily beauty?

>> No.13017254

I live across the street from this woman and I see her every day getting her morning paper. She wears a hung trench coat and stands in the rain with stilts underneath. Every. Fucking. Day. At the bus stop.

>> No.13017265

>art objects
Fuck off Hegel.

>> No.13017271

>with stilts underneath


>> No.13017272

The more I get to know a woman the more beauty I see in her. I think that has always been true in my life.

>> No.13017274

Kant came up with that and aesthetics in general.

>> No.13017278

>tfw I didn't even see that crap

>> No.13017281

There's no way she's 6'3''. That's all I know.

>> No.13017289
File: 34 KB, 500x609, t51519bb47_Demons_Are_Everywhere_Ugly_Fat_Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What grounds your views of bodily beauty?

>> No.13017324

She has a very lovely smile. Stop being so negative; it's obviously something to do with you being put down.

>> No.13017348
File: 20 KB, 349x520, b1fd6abca17a36f93b722c1343a20861--redneck-girl-ugly-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has a very lovely smile

>> No.13017361

Her smile may not be as lovely, but those tits are suckable.

>> No.13017365
File: 20 KB, 486x648, ugly-people-pictures-ugly-man-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13017371

Those clavicles are admirable.

>> No.13017374
File: 71 KB, 800x530, plate-shit-eating-unhealthy-foods-concept-43840488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice plate!

>> No.13017375
File: 20 KB, 295x430, metaphysics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repulsive incel.

just read pic related and don't bother with specialising before you did.

>> No.13017416

Who is that girl with an obscure youtube channel that people obsess over here?
yes yes, newfag etc, glad we got it out of the way

>> No.13017453

She's obviously very attractive though, the posts are meant to hurt her (which they apparently did since she went to the trouble of making a video about it), that's their reason for existing, they're not a dispassionate analysis of her physical qualities.

>> No.13017468

all krauts are the same kind of autist

>> No.13017487
File: 46 KB, 800x444, 8EA24E15-B69F-44DE-93FB-25FB58388E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based glass half full anon

>> No.13017509

ask politely newfriend and we might tell you

>> No.13018377
File: 17 KB, 512x384, 1530695764923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13018392


>> No.13018477
File: 15 KB, 276x292, 1442470227120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
