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12999589 No.12999589 [Reply] [Original]

But somehow the film industry, after decades, still hasn't made a good lovecraftian film?

What is it about Lovecraft's body of work that's so hard to translate to film?

>> No.12999610

>But somehow the (((film))) industry, after decades, still hasn't made a good lovecraftian film?

A mystery for the ages.

>> No.12999618

but there's no references to niggers and anglo-saxon supremacy in this game. Only some dumb shit about blood transfusion

>> No.12999620

Japanese can appreciate Lovecrafts nascent racism (which is essential to his work) in a way HollyJews never could

>> No.12999626

Define 'successful adaptation'.

The only way bloodborne succeeds at adapting lovecraft is that some of its creature models look otherworldly and the lore is reminiscent of lovecraft's non-scifi works. Otherwise, the game is very tonally removed from lovecraft and is much more gothic and melancholy than anything HPL would have attempted.

As far as why cinema doesnt create more lovecraftian monsters, I dont know. Cronenberg does it often, and stuart Gordon's lovecraft movies have nice practical effects despite again being tonally removed from lovecraft's bent

>> No.12999639
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what are you talking about? the niggers were one of the first enemies in game

>> No.12999661

>The Thing

>> No.12999671

that's clearly an albanian

>> No.12999685

As much as I love Lovecraft I don't enjoy Bloodborne's ambience and aesthetics. Lovecraft's book give me different vibes. And Lovecraftian ambiance is what I love the most in his novels and what I can't find in this game.

>> No.12999691


>> No.12999997

Really? What do you feel was lacking because personally, it was the visual lovecraftian experience I had always wanted

>> No.13000029

this, dumb zoomer btfo

>> No.13000093

Not him but its too overloaded with action. Not enough darkness or contrast with the other worldly elements that makes Lovecraft horror

>> No.13000153

Stuart Gordon has made several great Lovecraft adaptations, nitwit.

>> No.13000338

It seems like you're the nitwit friendo, as Stuart Gordon's adaptations are lovecraftian in name and premise only, and come off very much like B-movie takes on Lovecraft stories, while capturing none of the cosmic horror /anthropological journal entry tone , something which understandably is very tough to capture in cinema

>> No.13000457

They're currently making a movie based on The Color Out of Space staring Nicolas Cage. The director has done very little and nothing that I've ever seen, but Nicolas Cage can be more than just a meme as seen in Lord of War.

Also Guillermo de Toro is apparently working on an adaptation of At The Mountains of Madness, but he's been saying that forever so It'll probably never happen. It's only a matter of time before some indie makes something for Netflix or Hulu that adapts something Lovecraftian and others copy it. Lovecraft is relatively new literature as it only become popular decades after he died, so it make take a couple more for more movies to be made of it.

>> No.13000467

>good lovecraftian
well there's your problem!

>> No.13000483

Yeah unfortunately the GDT adaptation will never happen, and even if it did I would be nervous that he would botch the tone in favor of making a masturbatory effects display that comes off more like bad Cronenberg.

>> No.13000912

This. Also Bloodborne fails as much at adapting Lovecraft as most films. What the fuck are you on about OP, it's a generic souls game there's little to nothing Lovecraftian about it.

>> No.13001062

It has a Lovecraftian thematic and to some extent, design, but that's about it.
Not an adaptation and certainly, not very Lovecraftian either.

>> No.13001140

The game gets way more lovecraftian cosmic-horror as you progress. It mainly just parades as gothic horror at the beginning.

>> No.13001152

where is a third campfire?

i can't find it

>> No.13001162

not only that but the deep elder god lore behind it it is amazing i love it so much just wish it was on pc

>> No.13001189

The fuck are you smoking, OP?

>> No.13001208

Op is most likely a repressed zoomer, i doubt he’s read anything lovecraft wrote. If anything its cause he just likes watching youtube video essays about them.

>> No.13001217

zoomers and teenagers in general love Lovecraft

>> No.13001605

To add to my previous post, all of Stuart gordons films are lovecraft adaptations and they're what I would consider successes. If what you want is cosmic horror shit then probably better off following Del Toros bullshit.

>> No.13001646

Bloodborne is even better than Demon's Souls. Best game of the last decade coincidentally has the most literary merit too

>> No.13001672
File: 1.00 MB, 981x765, saya no uta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya no Uta was the best adaptation of Lovecraftian story. Very evocative direction, repulsive without fully revealing the horror

>> No.13001735

Are any of Lovecrafts gods extremely sympathetic like the great ones in BB are?

>> No.13002438

You sound like you dont know what you're talking about

>> No.13002442


>> No.13002459

>he doesn’t like In The Mouth of Madness

>> No.13002508

>They're currently making a movie based on The Color Out of Space staring Nicolas Cage. The director has done very little and nothing that I've ever seen, but Nicolas Cage can be more than just a meme as seen in Lord of War.

Does it have a working title?

>> No.13002515

Agreed, I enjoyed it.

>> No.13002720
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>muh bloodborne
>muh lovecraft
>muh videogames are art

sucks to be a gamer huh?

>> No.13003606

In the Mouth of Madness and The Thing are great but I agree. Even Pathologic is better.

>> No.13005073

>What is The Thing