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12995553 No.12995553 [Reply] [Original]

Someone (not my mom) left a nice review on my book! I'm so happy

>> No.12995599

Good job Anon :)

>> No.12995603

Nice blog, how do I unsubscribe

>> No.12995610

Jumping off a bridge should work. Don't forget to do a flip, faggot.

>> No.12995615

Thank you!

>> No.12995622


>> No.12995623


>> No.12995643

That's hella based! Have a nice day anon-kun.

>> No.12995645

What's the book about?

>> No.12995673

Great job dude, happy for you

>> No.12995707


>> No.12995715

What is your book about? Maybe give us the name of it? I have nothing to do at work today so I might read it.

>> No.12996315
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thank you!

It's this book here. I'll post some of it. It's a language instruction book. I'm not actually Zsofia, that's my pen name, just wanted something that sounds Hungarian

>> No.12996340
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>when you mix up your search engine with a 4chan thread and you give yourself away as a redditor
sucks to be you, bucko

>> No.12996342
File: 39 KB, 1539x1089, book_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> János: Jó reggelt, László!
> László: Jó reggelt, János. Hogy vagy?
> János: Jól vagyok. És te?
> László: Nagyon jól vagyok.
> János: Jó kocsi. Ez új?
> László: Igen, ez egy új autó.
> János: Nagyon szép.
> László: Köszönöm szépen!
> János: Milyen autó ez?
> László: Ez egy gyönyörű, gyors magyar autó.
> János: Magyar autó? De a Mercedes egy német autó—
> László: Viszontlátásra!!!!

János: Good morning, László!
László: Good morning, János. How are you?
János: I'm fine. And you?
László: I'm very well.
János: Nice car. Is this new?
László: Yes, this is a new car.
János: It is very nice.
László: Thank you very much!
János: What kind of car is this?
László: It is a beautiful, fast, Hungarian car.
János: Hungarian car? But Mercedes is a German car–
László: Goodbye!!!

>> No.12996347
File: 15 KB, 914x1091, book_picture14c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Emma: Szia, László.
> László: Szia, Emma.
> Emma: Kocsi autó.
> László: Köszönöm. Ez új.
> Emma: De kedves. Éhes vagyok. Étterembe megyek. Viszlát!
> László: Várj! Én is étterembe megyek. Megyünk együtt?
> Emma: Igen, menjünk. Hová megyünk?
> László: Egy nagyon jó étterembe: a McDonaldsba.

Emma: Hi, László.
László: Hi, Emma.
Emma: Nice car.
László: Thank you. This is new.
Emma: How nice. I'm hungry. I'm going to a restaurant. Bye!
László: Wait! I'm going to a restaurant too. Do you want to go together?
Emma: Yes, let’s go. Where are we going?
László: To a very good restaurant: McDonald’s.

>> No.12996354

holy shit, are you the anon who posted months ago about your kids norweigen book? Book of olaf by ingrid Oslo?

>> No.12996367

>Written by Zsófia Szabó
Légy a feleségem

>> No.12996374
File: 14 KB, 1179x738, book_picture15b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that was me. I took the advice from the thread, and started drawing pictures for the books.

> László: Most egy étteremben vagyunk, a McDonald's étteremben.
> Emma: Ez az egy nagyon szép amerikai étterem.
> László: Rendeltem két Big Mac-et, de még várom.
> Emma: De egy csirke szendvicset akartam.
> László: Nem, a Big Mac az álom szendvics.
> Emma: Mi van benne?
> László: Van benne marhahús, hagyma és saláta.
> Emma: Itt van a szendvicsed. Jó meleg!
> László: És nagyon finom.

László: We are now in a restaurant, a McDonald's restaurant.
Emma: This is a very nice American restaurant.
László: I ordered two Big Macs, but I'm still waiting.
Emma: But I wanted a chicken sandwich.
László: No, the Big Mac is the dream sandwich.
Emma: What is in it?
László: There is beef, onion and lettuce.
Emma: Here is the sandwich. It's hot!
László: And very delicious.

>> No.12996393
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Based Zsófia. You need a tripfag so I can keep up with updates on your books.

>> No.12996423
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Nice, I plan to learn Hungarian. I think I will buy it for kindle.

>> No.12996429
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great work anon

>> No.12996432

Noice lad, i bought the olaf book and left a nice review for you. glad to see ur doing more stuff.

do you study new languages every few months?

>> No.12996472
File: 13 KB, 952x548, book_picture24b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that review, it made my day. It was my first ever review. I used to study languages erryday, when I was a neet, but now I got a job as a dishwasher/line cook, and the 8 hours of work really tires me out. My writing/language learning output has decreased by 80%

Ah nah, I'm not big on tripcodes. Next time I make a blog post, I'll add something like, author of the Olaf series and the Hungarian series

Hungarian is really hard. Amazon is also running a promotion on Kindle, they're giving away English translations of other language books for World Book Day


>> No.12996481

>Hungarian is really hard
nah that's a meme, the language is actually very logical also I'm trilingual so maybe I'm cheating. I already went over the grammar years ago but had no way to practice back then.

>> No.12996490

Lucky, I started off typical monolingual 'merican

>> No.12996537

Rostás ribanc.

>> No.12996650
