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12941334 No.12941334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: anti freemasonic and jewish-bolshevik literature
I'll start
-Joseph de Maistre: De l'État de nature, ou Examen d'un écrit de Jean-Jacques Rousseau

- Belloc: Socialism and the Servile State, The Crusades: the World's Debate

- J. Evola: Notes on the Third Reich

- José Antonio Primo de Rivera: Anthology

- H. Rauschning: The Revolution of Nihilism Warning to the West

- Léon de Poncins: La Guerre occulte, Les Forces occultes dans le monde moderne.

- Marvin Antelman: To Eliminate the Opiate

- Nichifor Crainic: Programul statului etnocratic

- Vladimir Tismăneanu: Debates on the Future of Communism

- Leszek Kołakowski: Main Currents of Marxism

>> No.12941336

Is she single yet

>> No.12941346
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>> No.12941350

tfw no blowjob eyes gf

>> No.12941357
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>Blocks your path

>> No.12941374
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In a world where he was he was a practicing Jew and Dennis Prager, Sheldon Adelson, et. al. didn't exist.

>> No.12941402

Radek was a freemason too

>> No.12941481
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Internet search doesn't turn up anything.

>> No.12941528

That's why you need to read books instead of wikipedia
Here it is: The Merchant of Revolution. The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand by Scharlau and Zeman

>> No.12941547

I forgot another source with other names
"The Russian Post" (original: Ryska posten: De ryska revolutionärerna i Norden) by Hans Bjorkegren

>> No.12941585

Look for book obscure enough and you will find whatever you are looking for.

>> No.12941588 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12941841

Unironically, Das Judentum in der Musik of Richard Wagner

>> No.12941999

I hope so. Relationships are for losers. Is there anything more pathetic than sexcels?

>> No.12942020

someone redpill me on freemasons because all i can ever gather is that catholics are really butthurt over the fact that people started socializing and philosophizing outside of their church.

>> No.12942987

Because thankfully someone wrote it down.

>> No.12943288
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>all i can ever gather is that catholics are really butthurt over the fact that people started socializing and philosophizing outside of their church.

It was pretty much this but with higher stakes. The Jesuits for a long while had enjoyed serving as advisors/informants for many of the princes, bishops, and prince-bishops, and various administrators throughout Europe, and especially the Holy Roman Empire. This made it easy for the Vatican to sway and influence events and decisions in their favour. The Knights of Malta being a religious order that recruited exclusively from noble families helped cement the ties between state and church in Europe too.

This monopoly was broken by the rise of various Protestant secret societies, many started by people wishing to emulate the popular conception of the Rosicrucians ( who were likely a hyperstition spread to encourage groups to form rather than a group themselves). The Freemasons are one such group.

Many of these groups were accused of satanism as they began to incorporate elements of Hermetic and Jewish mystical thought in to their framework. Protestantism stripped Christianity of its potential mysticism so Prots that wanted something more than doctrinaire literalism while not wishing to return to Catholicism were forced to fall back on the western esoteric tradition with the intent to syncretize things like Kabbalah, Neo-Platonism, Hermeticism with their Christian faith. The Masons became non-specific monotheists and were accused of recreating Judaism for this reason. A modern example of this is Crowley's THELEMA which is cladistically protestant.

Groups like the Masons, and their temporary (or was it...) inner order from Bavaria, broke the Church's monopoly on politics as divine plan which was a crime greater than any doctrinal heresy in the eyes of the Vatican and their rise should be viewed as the shadow side of events like the 30 years war, of which they are rooted in the same fundamental tension.

>> No.12943293

isn't freemasonry just like 4chan IRL?

>> No.12943419

They did French Revolution
They tore the Spanish Empire into pieces and pushed anti-spanish propaganda "La leyenda negra"

>> No.12943785

The Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

The Culture of Critique

The International Jew

>> No.12944180

Do Buddhists have a secret society too?

>> No.12944198

>masons are bad meme

you do know that most conspiracies were started by royalty and the church because of freemasons involvement with free speech and democracy in the 1800s, do you? You don't actually believe in satanic nonsense, right anon?

>> No.12944240
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Anything by E Michael Jones

>> No.12944301



>The Bolsheviks had all the lodges closed in the wake of the October Revolution in 1917.


>> No.12944311

No need to keep in secret what has already been brought to the light.

>> No.12945179

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12945206

>ITT: anti freemasonic and jewish-bolshevik literature
>Joseph de Maistre
>A member of the progressive Scottish Rite Masonic lodge at Chambéry from 1774 to 1790,[17] Maistre originally favoured political reform in France, supporting the efforts of the magistrates in the Parlements to force King Louis XVI to convene the Estates General.
lol, your first author was literally a freemason retard

>> No.12945289
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Anyone else opened this photo on full screen on another tab and experienced physical pain at the thought of not being able to hold her?

>> No.12945340

Yeah and what's the track record of democracy and free speech in the long run? Democracy has shown itself to be a front for rule by intelligence agencies and advocates of free speech have clamped down on free speech harder than their enemies once they consolidated power.

>> No.12945400

thanks, this is more less the impression that i had. its hard to find any real information on this stuff, only allegations.

post one link demonstrating that either of those things are a result of masonic activities

>> No.12946023

thanks for telling me about Poncins op

>> No.12946147

Buy Fender products.