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12933315 No.12933315 [Reply] [Original]

Is poetry just going to get worse and worse?

>> No.12933328

Post her work

>> No.12933368
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>> No.12933387
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>> No.12933393

that's pretty good tbqh

>> No.12933401

> 3 a.m.
INSTANT pleb detector
"muh 3am must be WEIRD and RANDOM xddd"

>> No.12933404

am i retarded or does "poetry" mean something else in english?
all of these "poems" i see have literally 0 rhymes

>> No.12933408

Fucking 'whom'. She probably thinks correct grammar is a construct of white men.

>> No.12933410

you're retarded

>> No.12933414

You are very much retarded, yes.

>> No.12933416

>Yesika Salgado is a Los Angeles based Salvadoran poet
>based Salvadoran Port
pretty based desu

>> No.12933418

>it is about the constant hunger and feeding that hunger
not unexpected

>> No.12933419

see >>12933368 not a single word rhymes. how is that a poem

>> No.12933428

Poetry does not need to rhyme. If it needs to rhyme in your language, your culture needs to get its poetic shit together.

>> No.12933429

Have you ever read Paradise Lost?

>> No.12933479
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You’re right.

>> No.12933484
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>> No.12933488

poetry is a praise word. it can't get worse. something either is or isn't poetry.

so there's no poetry about right now.

>> No.12933491

What did the white guy say that was wrong?

>> No.12933494

is this a joke? that's so mean

>> No.12933503

does poetry "have to do" anything? i mean are there any real requirements left

>> No.12933511
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> his language isn't fluid enough to alow seamless smooth rhymes
My God, the eternal Anglo is showing.

>> No.12933521

I'm also wondering if there are any requirements. Shit the woman in op's pic wrote doesn't have any rythm either.

>> No.12933592

>>Is poetry just going to get worse and worse?
No. It’s trash now, it’s been trash for some time already, and will continue to be trash for the foreseeable future. There’s no point in comparing piles of shit to determine which is shittier.

Poetry is now the domain of the SJW/woke/POC/alphabet soup crowd. Talent is absolutely discouraged because it leads to unequal outcomes.

>> No.12933607
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God, I hate those Cali 2nd gen latinas.
They always flaunt how "proud" they are to be latina but throw away their culture in favor of American consumerism, completely forgetting their country traditions save some surface things. They can't even fucking speak Spanish.

>> No.12933661

Where are the English formalists of our day?

Here's a Brazilian one, Érico Nogueira. Extremely good stuff:

As pêras de Diana

As pêras que colhi
da vaguidão de insossos minerais,
pensei mas não comi;
então não pude mais
que olhá-las e pensar comê-las mais.

As coloquei num cesto
para que mão alguma as machucasse;
e me era indigesto
notar, se examinasse,
que tinham marcas como se apanhassem.

À noite, famulento,
tomei e simplesmente as pus na boca;
que grande o meu contento
mesmo onde a carne é pouca;
pensar e não comer, que idéia louca.

In dürftiger Zeit

Havia um tempo em que eu andava triste,
como lagarto em rocha estatelado:
trazia mais que o mundo sobre o rabo,
o que existe, e o que não existe.
Fui passear, a ver se me esquecia
do que pesava assim sobre meus “ombros”;
ora na merda, ora nos escombros,
fuçava tudo e nada recolhia.
“Outro soneto, então, meu caro Érico?
você só presta para tais bobagens?”
– me disse alguém (se gente) em tom pilhérico,
que vinha com meu rosto nas miragens.
A disciplina do deserto é esta:
não dá de graça, e o que te der não presta.

>> No.12933685

Yes and literature too. What do you expect when nobody in the public even reads the stuff? Its just masturbation now.

>> No.12933762

>>12933368 actually has imperfect rhymes though.
moon/ocean both end with n sounds although the vowel wounds are different.
ends/begins share the "en" sound
you/who rhyme.
still poor but not totally lacking rhyme.

>> No.12933777
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>> No.12933784

>am I the moon
Not so sure about that, but she definitely qualifies as a heavenly body, and I mean in that in the astrological sense

>> No.12933791

The great greek and latin poets didn't write in rhyme. Rhythm is and always has been more important. Not to say rhymes aren't great; they are.

>> No.12933870

Is it even fucking worth publishing poetry if you're a straight white man and you don't write shitty instagram whining? Would that even have an audience?

>> No.12933930

check out the Black Book of Poems by Hunanyan on Amazon. There's still a market for it, out there, it's just rare as fuck that anyone publishes the stuff

there is a chance, anon

>> No.12933938

She looks like she gets exhausted by a lot of things other people wouldn't.

>> No.12934004


>> No.12934214

It's because of the >hunger

>> No.12934245

People who have any social media should be banned from voting.

>> No.12934262

There's plenty of great poets working today. Just because someone who writes accessible, "poetic" texts everyone can relate to gets more attention online doesn't mean shit.

>> No.12934274

Name 10

>> No.12934293

English isn't my first language and most I read is in Dutch.

However Anne Carson is amazing, I quite enjoy Matthew Dickman going for more cinematic poems, Jan Wagner is German but excellently translated and has written some spectacular stuff.

>> No.12934309

No, it isn't.
It'll be curtains for you.

>> No.12934315

>her fat brown body
How abysmal

>> No.12934322

yes it is. It'll be fleshlights for you.

>> No.12934326

I hate her.

>> No.12934331


>> No.12934367

>ESLing this hard

>> No.12934392

I think she took him asking if it was easy as him assuming that she had it easy in general or that she didn't work hard for her success. Seems to me like she read malice into a statement where none was present.

But those assumptions would be right as her work amounts to nothing more than the woke mediocrity ubiquitous in the cultural landscape at the moment.

>> No.12934435

Cathy Park Hong, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Jason Christie, Timothy Donnelly, Tracy K. Smith, A.E. Stallings, Sally Wen Mao, Nicholas Friedman, Mark Doty, Adam Dickinson

>> No.12934454

Kanye west is one of the best poets we’ve seen in centuries mate NAH IM NOT KIDDING MATE

>> No.12934469


>> No.12934542

Brazilian Portuguese is so retarded.

>> No.12935322

Is this any better:

Before the dawn, could you present
The edges of the firmament?
Are you the one who fled, or I?
Who follows whom about the sky?

>> No.12935519

Heard throughout our super polity
Legends of girls’ carnal frivolity
Spreading themselves everywhere like they’re mops
Seekers of pussy butchery for their vaginal chops
Capitalism’s feminism gets blame’s full brunt
Yet ladies stymie their bedding with nary a grunt
“Experimentation! Self love!” such girls will claim
Requesting innocence from any and all blame
Then to her next pumping of priapistic cream
All drilling and adoration, the girls life’s a dream
No matter the cervical or fallopian mire
She’ll permit only strange cocks, “Please, its dire!”
The gorings torque her flower to the maw of snapper
So most men instead choose her less beefed braaper
Her eggs grew forelorn of all worldly hope
Seeking amity with herpetic warts to cope
And how did her flower’s beef jut out and sprout
Spooking from her cunninliguists the shrillest shout
“Eat my beef, faggot, and taste my Nuva-ring”
Say the harlots that hasten to a pussy eating fling
But stay secret about their innard’s pooling spunk
Self righteously dripping on that pussy-licking punk
Along with remnants tucked into her labial wrinkles
Those bestial semenal Africanized sprinkles
Terraforming her cunt until fertility was murky
Ghostly howls sneak from her vajay-jay-jerky
Sisters in sluttiness teach esoteric stretches
While milky Khazars whisper useful kvetches
Training their beef to endure all phallic wrought
Kegeling and queefing until pussy guts are taut
Training for the future devoid of coital blunder
Modern women embody warm holed plunder
And so it has been since soiled romps in the bog
To those acrobatic interracial sex circuses of Prague
We thank our progenitor, filthiest Gaia
And graciously await the phallic forestry of Yonia

>> No.12935546

But they're good enough to drive her around.

>> No.12935550

Spanish is a white man's language. Why would they stoop to that?

>> No.12935554

Give me hope. I've been getting my poems out in little journals for twenty years now. Nobody knows me. My poems are getting whiter, more male.

>> No.12935867


I don't plan on being famous until I'm dead.

>> No.12935928


>> No.12936010

If this isn't sarcasm then God help you. Go read literally anything.

>> No.12936034
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Here's what a contemporary Samoan postcolonial poet's work looks like (from 2009, excerpt from a longer work):
Is Vela of my dreaming? Or am I the object of his?
Now he’s got me perceiving through his riddles and metaphysics
Truth iswe can’t survive without each other in a planet teethed
with silver dollars and ruled by aitu of various fang shapes
and skin colour oras Vela has sung:
All streets lead to the Fale of Terror
Above its front door is this question
Merchantswith bible-black eyes and smiles
as bright as new coinshook themselves
to the ice-blue walls inside
Assess in orderly litanies the various cuts
decide on weights and prices
the profit and sources of supply
and at their meetings echo this refrain
What’s alofa got to do with money?
What’s alofa got to do with a person’s price?

>> No.12936149

Pare de falar merda, a nossa língua aqui é de uma fonética rica, ela existe para ser cantada enquanto se fala de tão distinta e melódica que é.

>> No.12936187

Not as exhausting as walking apparently.

>> No.12936320

I like this one better, yea

>> No.12936326

>her fat brown body
God I fucking hate fat people so much

>> No.12936329

Mean-spirited and bluepilled.

>> No.12936340

>self-published three zines
>ridicules a cab driver for wanting to self-publish his book
Jesus rollerblading Christ.

>> No.12936347

Anne Carson, Matthew Dickman? Fucking based. Try out Larry Levis. Read "Elegy" first, then "The Darkening Trapeze."

>> No.12936525

It would be healthier if she get exhausting from eating.

>> No.12936532

wow this is so good and relatable

>> No.12936534
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La satánica creatura del infierno

>> No.12936547

Very nicely done, anon.

>> No.12936667

Pardon my lady, please halt thy soft step
Glancing at your shoes zapped me with pure pep!
From heel to toe tip how your feet slope superb
Those peds trek a tread whose aesthetics reverb
Silence no more for those tootsies do so beguile
Melting the mind’s accrued cute feet stockpile
Haunting me now your wiggly vivid feet
Painted toes and arches and sole cleavage accrete
A mouthful from your toes would hit my brain wild
Devouring all ten sates hungers most Rothchild
String up the tits-guys and for the assmen, death marches
Tiddy meat’s all plastic so give me scrunchy arches
What I will give you is so pure, a worship exquisite
Don’t you dare lend those feet to another affectionate
I shall gnaw and nourish your dirty epidermis
And lick clean your foot filth sincere and earnest

>> No.12936728

Poetry doesn't necessarily rhyme in English, never has. It's more about the metre and rhythm. Though rhyme is good, it's really only a tool in English, only a step higher than alliteration. This shit is atrocious though

>> No.12936829
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>> No.12937811

Great proof that poetry is the worst genre and has always been the worst. It has always been pretentious, narcissistic bourg nonsense.

>> No.12937824

Poetry doesn't need to rhyme, it is however the best it rhymes.

>> No.12937847

Can anyone post any modern poets who write as well as byron and pope?

>> No.12937848

t. Juvenile taste

It takes patience to appreciate good poetry, even normal speech is poetic

>> No.12937919


>> No.12937974

Where do I start with poetry?

>> No.12937983

>doing something while white

>> No.12939429


>> No.12939451

how the fuck does one even get into poetry

>> No.12939459

By reading it.

>> No.12939486

gimme some introductory stuff

>> No.12939495

Stephen Fry's introductory "The Ode Less Traveled" is unironically a pretty good intro

>> No.12939524

Try "Teenage Riot" by Matthew Dickman. It's solid but accessible, relatable, vivid/cinematic, doesn't do references;

All of us were boys only some were taller or already in high school, and almost
nothing else
mattered but to learn some new trick,
to pull off something we saw in a skate video, wind cutting
around our bodies when we flew
off the lip of a ramp, grabbed the board and twisted
into a 180, kicking
a leg out and landing it, the only way to run
through the neighborhood

was to run through it
together, flipping off cops and skinheads, I almost
don't even remember girls but a vague sense of the taste of bubble gum
and how they smelled so different
from us, sitting in some kid's basement drinking
his parents' vodka, we grew out our bangs, moved in a pack,
jumped in when some one of us
got jumped,

so when a man we had never seen before
came up and started beating on Simon, one of us dropped his skateboard, walked
over to the man
like someone walking into a bank
and stabbed him.
The man, startled, sat down, right there on the asphalt,
right in the middle of his new consciousness,
kind of looking around.

>> No.12939612

Did they mean "yikes?"

>> No.12939647

Would off deserved Quintus

>> No.12939650

Returning to the thread now, thank you very much for the recommendation, I looked up some poems and will need to get my hands on these collections.

>> No.12939668

Think of it as spoken language fetish while prose is meant to be read.

>> No.12939680

You could pirate some intro to poetry style book, but I don't think that's really necessary. I didn't understand poetry at all. Then one semester I took a course entirely on Walt Whitman. Went from there to Dickinson, Blake, Williams, etc. I recommend sticking with something a bit and really trying to get it, then spiraling out in various directions to get more of a sense of what you like, then work from there. If you can find 3-5 poets you like, you could start to get good suggestions for new ones from there.

>> No.12939721

She's trash but you guys aren't helping poetry. Instead of complaining about it go out there and make something so superior that trash poets get ignored.

>> No.12939993

Don't worry, bro. My book remixing lines from confessional poetry into poems about epic mech battles as part of an overaching story about an autistic boy who grows up obsessed with Transformers and eventually takes to putting his Optimus Prime action figure up his ass (in truck mode) will be done soon.

>> No.12940037

Haha. But I'm being totally serious. Same thing applies to indie musicians complaining about Drake. Make something that connects with people or accept your pennies.

>> No.12940236

Poor old guy he was just making small talk.

>> No.12940281
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>> No.12940409

Can't we're in different spheres. I can only connect with 'doomers' to try and steal spotlight from the 'mainstream' would be stupid. We have ability to make money off our literature except patreon. So we can't advertise. Word of mouth can't beat corporate brain washing.

>> No.12941200

do you know what metre is you dumb faggot

>> No.12941280

I picture orating the piece in a salon or parlor done in a Moroccan decor, sending up clouds of guffawed and aghast hookah smoke line by line.

>> No.12941307


>> No.12944079

it's a KLF reference

>> No.12944935


Gosto de poesia e gosto do português, mas lamento dizer que esse cara não é muito bom.

O segundo poema é melhor do que o primeiro.

Gostei da expressão: "A disciplina do deserto", e a imagem do lagarto tem algo de interessante (o fato de eles largarem o rabo quando atacados, abandonarem parte de si mesmos, pode ser usado para símiles ou metáforas melhores do que a ele fez, porém).

>> No.12944962
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>spotify playlists
ah, i can't wait for this brave woman of color who fights the power to recommend me the same basic run-of-the-mill corporate prolefeed featuring some token minority singing about what white people think minorities' lives are that white girls across the world produce, sustain, and listen to.

>> No.12945041

That's actually quite nice.

>> No.12945111

I find funny how these same people get all mad and butthurt about white being proud of their heritage while at the same time they cannot shut up about their "home countries", just to show you that humans are more tribalistic that we think.

>> No.12945152

they think being """"latino"""" is being brown in LA. they think being """"latino"""" is listening to Cardi B and eating burritos
they think being """"latino"""" is being a discount black person

i understand why europeans are so furious when americans talk about being "irish" or "german" or "swedish" because i get americans talking to me about being """"""latino""""""" when they don't know anything about latin america at all.

americans might say they are "german" or "irish" or "black" or "latino" or "hispanic" they're just americans they're all unbearable and they're all the same jesus christ.

>> No.12945174

probably that taxi driver has more original ideas and has seen more things than her, she sounds like one of those try-hard bohemians that only hang out with boring, soulless self-hating whites.

>> No.12945189

don't insult the bohemians like that, this is just some fat basic bitch who thought the "fat and proud" meme was a good replacement for the personality she forgot to develop.

>> No.12945229

this is bangin

>> No.12945437

More like Nosika.

>> No.12946309


correct term is mestizo, they´re mestizos, latino is a government buzzword with no meaning

>> No.12946315

thanks guys

>> No.12946341
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Tu que eres poeta
Y en el aire las compones
Hazme una chaqueta
Y lo que salga
Te lo comes

>> No.12946350

Yes, it is getting worse. Don't read contemporary poetry. Just stick with old school poetry.

>> No.12946376

argentinos y bolivianos
son la mitad mas uno
yo me pregunto
che negro, vos te bañas?
que asco te tengo
lava tu culo con aguarrás

>> No.12946381

That don't even rhyme faggot

>> No.12946386

doesn´t, se dice "doesn´t"

habla bien ingles, argentino negro de mierda

>> No.12946388

it's alright when they do it because they're speaking from the perspective of the oppressed
nobody wants to hear from some privileged ass white cis male lol

>> No.12946400
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>paco doesn´t understand english

>> No.12946404
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>> No.12946664

>me, picking up passenger: what do you do for work?
>landwhale: I’m a writer, poet specifically
Me: Oh, cool.
Landwhale: I have a book. It’s my book. My poems are in it.
Me, feigning interest: Wow I’ve always wanted to write a book someday.
Landwhale: yeah its my own book and my poetry is in it and it’s my own book.
Me: okay then.

>> No.12948062

fat bitch mentions hunger in both the first two sentences, not surprised.

>> No.12948309

We live in the network economy. "Poverty-strick bohemian" is the most common social class, even the mailman is a bohemian now.

>> No.12948604

Anne Carson is a paragon of academic mediocrity. Read more classics, brainlets.

>> No.12948668

oh boy 3 a.m.

>> No.12949175

go to bed Tao

>> No.12949261

better than rupi kaur and bukowski at least

>> No.12949285

I have published a few poems and I realize that poetry, like many things, is getting worse and worse. Honestly, we could all make shitloads of many writing Rupi Kaur poems, but it's just too offensive.

Don't mistake salt for sugar
If he wants to, he will be with you,
it's that simple


>> No.12949312

in the wider (hehe) context of instapoets, this isnt that bad.

>> No.12949325

The rain came down
Your eyes
Pleaded at me
But I was already

I can feel it
Coming in
The air

>> No.12949365
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anyways, this isnt literature, it's twitter drama. plese delet

>> No.12949376

Rupi sounds like rupee
Kaur rhymes with whore
there might be more money in this
if I shill it some more
- Rupi Kaur

>> No.12949378


>> No.12949384


>> No.12949420


>> No.12949460

her ass cheeks make such a thundering, earth rendering sound when they meet, they call it clapping.

>> No.12949551

He stuck it in me
His spoon
I was a bowl of cheerios
And could hear the whole grain
In his mouth
But what came out of his mouth was not
You are delicious
You are the best start to a day
But instead

Is this a fucking wart

>> No.12949831
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Every sentence of that second paragraph manages to be worse than the preceding one

>> No.12949922
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Me gustaría ser pirata
no por el oro ni la plata
sino por ese tesoro tuyo
que tienes entre las patas

>> No.12950000

if he were chasing her, he would've catch already, because of how fat she is

>> No.12950004

more like hugh laurie in black adder type brits in the 1700s (like hogarth)

>> No.12950062


>> No.12950144

>fat brown body
Why do I feel like dry-heaving

>> No.12950321

>its another petit bourgeois fag from the periphery thinks he special and authentic episode

by this point, latin americans are instagraming their artisanal lates at their local brooklyn imitation 'artisanal' coffeeshop and spamming 2012 vintage tumblr social justice jargon on their twitter like the discount gringos they really are. same goes for Europeans, etc. I hold and continue to believe that the only real and authentic human being in this hell we call planet earth, the genuine revolutionary subject is the all american pissed off honky white boy, the global monoculture was designed as a negation of our identity.

>> No.12950761


Other anon is harsh, but metre is important. Here, I tried to beat the first few lines into shape to show what I mean.

Heard throughout our super polity
Tale of girls' carnal frivolity
Round and round, they spread like they're mops
Seeking butch'ry for their vaginal chops
Bourgeois feminism receives blame's brunt
Yet bedding is stymied with nary a grunt
'Self-love and experiment!' such girls will claim
So absolving themselves from any such blame

>> No.12950919

Damn white people and their...
*scrambles deck of cards, pulls one out*
asking for advice

>> No.12950936
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Clapping is the height of tolerated obscenity in their circles. It's almost as bad as openly disagreeing with someone.

>> No.12951045

>whoa what a wonderful thing, you must be so fulfilled that you get to express yourself. i would sure love to express myself, how did you do it
>sigh. old white men are exhausting
what an utter bitch

>> No.12951166

Why are non-whites so full of ressentiment?

>> No.12951463
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>LA born Salvadoran
Okay, so I'm an East Coast born Italian now? Where's my Italian Passport? Ciao.
please someone crosspost this to /fit/ /fph/. that bitch ate so many yellow mexican mangoes she became one.

>> No.12951532

Man they had some sort of tranny homo reading poetry on NPR today it was fucking terrible. I will see if I can find it. Kind of hard to believe that poetry used to be high art and now it is an excuse for people to flaunt their inability to form meaningful or coherent thoughts.

>> No.12951565


Well this is the best I could find. I couldn't bear to listen to it again and I cannot in good conscience recommend that any of you do either.

>> No.12951593
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>> No.12951613

Jesus Christ.....

>> No.12951615

Thanks Anon, I know it needs editing and this is helpful. I get so excited once I reach a certain line that I like posting the work in progress. I'm hoping to compile the completed piece among others in a book of forbidden poetry that only the most brave read in public.

>> No.12951713

why are americans always so disgusting

>> No.12952002

Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas...

>> No.12952009
File: 322 KB, 507x472, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12952057


>> No.12952762

>that bitch ate so many yellow mexican mangoes she became one.
you don't get that fat by just eating mangoes...

>> No.12952765

Imagine having to make your way through that to find her pussy

>> No.12952788

I really don't want to imagine that, anon

>> No.12952840

imagine that honka donk just bending over mmm

>> No.12953448

When nigger women get really mad they clap at every single word they say. It's just another manifestation of liberal whites appropriating nigger culture to seem chic.

>> No.12954332

>spanish is a white man's language
as opposed to?