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12919920 No.12919920 [Reply] [Original]

Which modern thinkers will still be remembered in 500 years time?

>> No.12919921

Rupi Kaur, but unironically.

>> No.12919922

Define modern

>> No.12919923

Chomsky won't but Zizek will.

I know it sounds crazy but in your heart of hearts you know this is true.

>> No.12919931


>> No.12919937

Anywhere from the 1950s up until now.

>> No.12919938

We’re all dead in about 100

>> No.12919953

Nick Land

>> No.12919960

Jordan Peterson

>> No.12921493

Wittgenstein. All answers above this post are meme answers.

>> No.12921497

Elliot Rodger

>> No.12921503


>> No.12921510

Really? I think Zizek is too grounded in contemporary pop culture to have an significant impact, and I don't know if his theoretical work has introduced anything that will be of lasting importance.

>> No.12921513
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Why? Because you believe statism will continue?

>> No.12921514

Neil de grasse tyson. All answers above this post are meme answers.

>> No.12921518

Sheldon Cooper

>> No.12921524
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>> No.12922446

Well, by 2500, the Muslims who make up the majority of Europe will probably burn every book written by an atheist in the 20th century. So no European philosopher will matter anymore, since their ideas are heretical.

In the United States the average citizen will probably not know what philosophy is by that time either, so no, none of them will be relevant there either.

The greatest irony of all of this is that it has been the criminal behavior of left-wing philosophers and atheists that will result in the annihilation of their ideas and beliefs. Nothing any of them said will matter at all. It never mattered except to white liberals, and there will never be more of those than there are right now. Their numbers are already dwindling.

>> No.12922457
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>In the United States the average citizen will probably not know what philosophy is by that time either
Bruh I got some bad news.

>> No.12922462

peterson for ending the neet/incel lifestyle

>> No.12922485

There will be no thinking in 500 years time. AI will prevent and persecute any deviating thinking patterns.

>> No.12922504

But what *is* thought.

>> No.12922513

how have u guys not gotten rid of butterfly yet

>> No.12922535
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young chomsky was based af. tore buckley a new one

>> No.12922540


>> No.12922543
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Centuries to come.

>> No.12922575

when did he realize he was part of the Cathedral?

>> No.12922577

Zizek only wrote relevant shit about the 90s, and has been basically copy/pasting since then, he is not even relevant now

>> No.12922581

is he really in Lituania?

>> No.12922604

>Nick Land
too obscure
300 years of relevance tops, but some people keep calling him "the last great french thinker", so maybe 350
not really
already unknown
0% chance unless his next 10 books become memes
already unknown
not even a thinker
similar as Deleuze, but not really
too obscure

>> No.12922607

barely relevant now except for some people copying his style

>> No.12922611

I distinctly remember Zizek being treating as something of a buffoon and not someone to take too seriously by most intellectuals before the current political climate took hold. I think people on the left are giving him more credence now because of just how badly discourse has broken down between the left/right etc. In terms of his original contributions to philosophy I don't think he will be remember too well a century from now.

>> No.12922625

but he has nothing interesting to say about the current explosion of politics, he was writing for a post-ideological world and has not really updated his stance to now that people are having explicit political positions again. probably too old to have fresh ideas by this point

>> No.12922648

Regardless he is something of an enigmatic figure with a lot of charisma who can potentially steer people away from the likes of Peterson et el. His potential utility and not his ideas are the main reason why the left is giving him more credence now than in the past.

>> No.12922675


>> No.12922680

i don't think he has any alternative to Peterson beyond normie social-dems like Bernie, which will fail to confront the problems of modernity even if they win elections

>> No.12922689

The usa is gonna be a bunch of spic catholic mongrels, vs muslim mongrels while chinks laugh on the moon or some shit. Gonna be a wild ride

>> No.12922701

this is huh, wow

>> No.12922811

Please don't say this. I'm non-European, with the deepest respect for Europe and it's cultures, and hope so strongly that the Muslim invasion we hear projected of does not come to be in reality - that ideally secularization will transform them quicker than they transform Western culture with Islamism, thus converting them before they can convert us. I hope so, dear lord. Atheism, in the momentum it gave to the scientific revolution, and the movement away from blind acceptance of theology, is in many ways the greatest thing that ever happened to our world, and the West in specific deserves the highest praise for being the geniuses who conceived of the scientific method - the single most revolutionary development of history, in my view. Regardless of what the Christians here might whine about it, science has benefitted them more than they could ever realize. We only need to now restore concepts like transcendence, meaning, purpose and so on through it, to create a complete system for humanity to follow and benefit from. Let's just hope that we eventually arrive at such a future, and not the one you've described. We can only hope, so let's please do so.

>> No.12923163

Francis fukuyama

>> No.12923177

Based politeposter, are you the japanese guy?

>> No.12923200

The French Postmodernists are a given.

>> No.12923212

Nope, don't know who that is. I'm actually a Pajeet who just genuinely loves Western culture/civilization a lot and wants to see it both uplift itself from its cultural degradation while simultaneously not reverting itself to the chains of Abrahamic irrationalism, of either the previous Christian or future Muslim varieties. If the West could revive some kind of sophisticated spirituality within itself, while still adhering to rationalism and the scientific method they have contributed so much to the world by, then it'd unironically be the greatest civilization in the world, and an absolute jewel to all those who behold it.

>> No.12923274

You are being cucked by the wh*toids. Fix up.

>> No.12924095

By remembered I think they mean more ‘will still be included in histories of thought as being important’ rather than ‘the average person will know the name’. The average person doesn’t know the names of any late medieval philosophers but we all know Ockham and Nicholas of Cusa etc.

Whitehead is still remembered and his major work in nearly 100 years old, so I’d say it’s not absurd to put some chips on him.

Of all the others mentioned Foucault easily has the best chance of being remembered. He was an original thinker who wrote on plenty of topics, and isn’t completely awful to read.

All Zizeks books need extensive knowledge of contemporary popular culture. In just 50 years his books would need to be republished with heavy annotations for anybody to make any sense of him. He’s written himself in such a way it guarantees mass popularity today but utter indecipherability in the future

>> No.12924185

Premier Xi Jingping for his books socialism with Chinese characteristics

>> No.12925181


lol being a "great French thinker" means nothing to being remembered. People called Bergson "the new Plato" and the Nobel committee gave Einstein the prize for blackbody radiation not relativity to head off a shitstorm from Bergson fanboys.
Now hardly anyone reads Bergson, even on time and memory.

>> No.12925375

t. has to have his arguments spelled out in standard form

>> No.12925422

Irrationality and arrogance

>> No.12925783


Chomsky is famous (as in, you have to read him in every University on the planet) because of his work on linguistics, not whatever he thinks about politics.
He will never be forgotten because he is already an important part of the history of linguistics.

>> No.12925859

based. Chomsky's linguistic work ensures his immortality imo

>> No.12925866


Americans think philosophers either write famous quotes & sayings, or administrate mass on Sunday.

>> No.12925947


>> No.12925971
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Yeah, anybody who thinks Zizek is going to outlive Chomsky knows nothing of his work.

>> No.12926013
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ok pal

>> No.12926040

Jordan Peterson
>Chomsky won't but Zizek will
It's the opposite, actually.

>> No.12926064

This. He'll be like Descartes, mostly unread but revered by future intellectuals and a couple slogans will become mainstream. Probably "what we cannot say, we must pass over in silence." Or "the limits of my language mean the limits of my world." No one will understand the tractatus

>> No.12926079

Islam is the only Saviour of Europe. I'm glad they slowly replacing Europeans. Who cares about your shitty philosophy books, Quran is the only book you need.

>> No.12926088

>In the United States the average citizen will probably not know what philosophy is
>will probably not know what philosophy is

>> No.12926090

>descartes is mostly unread
top kek

>> No.12926115

Christiaity is literally the inseperable part of western civilization. don't expect a pajeet to get it though

>> No.12926132

Compared to how many dumb students know "I think therefore I am" to those that read his actual books? Yeah, he's more revered than read. Plus no one reads his actual book that Discourse on method was a prologue to. He'll, even wikipedia calls it a 500 page "appendix" to discourse on method.

>> No.12926232

On the list of thinkers “more cited than read” Descartes is far from that category. Discourse of Method and Meditations are both widely read undergrad texts, a lot of high schoolers read Meditations. It’s not like Marx or Hegel, or even Nietzsche, where the amount of discussion about them is vastly out of proportion to how often people read the primary texts.

>> No.12926237

not really, no. has little in common with pre-christian greek culture besides what it stole from it

>> No.12926284


Nobody in the continental tradition from 1975 onwards will be remembered in any capacity

Chomsky will be remembered

Nagel, Singer, Kripke


About 30% correct

>> No.12926293


Oh, and Habermas

>> No.12926309

probably me tbqh...

>> No.12926324

I may have misstated what I tried to say. I think Descartes is mostly an empty cultural figure, and I think in 500 years wittgenstein will have the same kind of empty cultural presence, but I think he will be remembered

>> No.12926370

Kripke sure, but I doubt Nagel and Singer will be. Like sure Nagel made contributions but I’m not sure why you’d pick him rather than any number of other contemporary philosophers. Is he going to be canonized, but not Dennett, Fodor, Chalmers, the Churchlands, etc?

I’d say Searle has a better chance at canonization than either Nagel or Singer.

Also I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Rawls. He’s already canonized and I don’t see any reason why that would change.

Maybe it’s more of a long shot but I think Charles Taylor also has a good shot at long term canonization, especially if Christianity ends up becoming resurgent

>> No.12926385
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>> No.12926389

Yeah exactly, I’d pick Putnam over Nagel any day

>> No.12926413

not who you replied to, but lol dude the guys work in linguistics was seminal stuff. Also he's consistently hailed as the worlds top public intellectual. He's written over a 100 books for christs sake. Whether or not you like the guy is moot. If the question is in 500 years time, he's got the best shot.

>> No.12926437
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David Foster Wallace

>> No.12926442
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Dana Ward

>> No.12926456
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Bruno Latour

>> No.12926460

I think he is inordinately popular on /lit/.

He strikes me as how /lit/ wishes to write/critique (after all we don't write here, we critique and admonish).

He's a freak, but I don't think he's revolutionary enough.

>> No.12926540
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My boy Chris

>> No.12926634

Foucault. Chomsky is boring as fuck and doesn't break much ground and Zizek is a big meme that won't hold up in half a millennia.

>> No.12927174
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>> No.12927183

>hurr durr, i like to molest students, i'm just a bat

>> No.12927184

isn't that book just cope and trying to replace the proletariat with global warming?

>> No.12927190

>Zizek is a big meme that won't hold up in half a millennia
in 10 or 20 years maximum he'll be gone, depends how long meme-studies like film-studies survive

>> No.12927191

O 100%, Chomsky preaches to the choir, which will earn you plenty of contemporary esteem but make you historically irrelevant.

>> No.12927327

>Foucault easily has the best chance of being remembered.
I think so too, but more for his discourses on biopolitics than Discipline & Punish. Linking advancements in medicine to demand for a healthier labour force is the blackest of black pills.

>> No.12928487

eastern europe is the future, carrying the dead weight of west europe

the eastern european´s burden

>> No.12928491

should we thank commies for that?

>> No.12928497


>> No.12928652


>> No.12928660

Me, but not because I was good at thought

>> No.12929190

why then?

>> No.12929246

wtf I love butterfly now

>> No.12929277
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Tzotcho Boiadjiev! obviously

>> No.12930018

taleb obv

>> No.12930064
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>> No.12930079

>tfw you're not in Rome

>> No.12930081

RIP King Terry

>> No.12930091


>> No.12930369

>Well, by 2500, the Muslims who make up the majority of Europe
reminder that a 56%er posted this

>> No.12930380

There will be nothing but thinking in 500 years time. AI will dematerialize and systematize any still-resistant material compound.

>> No.12930418

Bergson is still part of the philosophical canon and a household name in many a cultured household.

>> No.12930423

>Christianity is not inseperable part of western culture cause 2000 years ago Greeks weren't Christians

>> No.12930720

I appreciate you, based Pajeet politeposter