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12918873 No.12918873 [Reply] [Original]

The Twitteratti are going after /ourguy/ Bret Easton Ellis.


What can we do to support his memetic legacy?

>> No.12918900

Not /ourguy/

>> No.12918907

what? No not BEE! Anyone but BEE!

>> No.12918968

lmao. BEE exposed as an absolute BRAINLET haha

>> No.12919008
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Well /lit/, are you gonna buy it?

>> No.12919010

>The Twitteratti
a) you mean Twitterati
b) an endorsement from that prog-corporate cock-suckling peanut gallery could only stain his legacy
c) Ellis has never pretended to be more than middlebrow critic of Americana, nothing he said in that interview was out of line or egregiously wrong, at worst he was trite or immature.

>> No.12919020

ah yes, digital mob lynchings, my favourite.

>> No.12919028

Any piece of media that its creator describes as "It's like X but with Y" is trash.

>> No.12919068
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They ridicule an author for no reason and then make a shitty unoriginal version of his work.

>> No.12919093

I never knew how good he was before. Reading Less than zero now, read american psycho before and it was alright but not great. This shit is genius though.
reminder politics are complete cancer. modern whornalists scream even at the clowns who are pointing out how ridiculous they are. bunch of fucking retards go around ruining everything for everyone. only proper response is to ignore agitators.

>> No.12919155

I've read some of those comments. Holy fucking christ, what kind of people are those.

>> No.12919169

>btw buy my shit
every time

>> No.12919175

of course Bret Easton Ellis is a brainlet (have you read American Psycho or Less Than Zero?), not anymore than New Yorker staff writers are though

I miss DFW

>> No.12919181

unironically how can she not be ashamed at this?

>> No.12919190


Damn, he got completely demolished.....

>> No.12919194


>It’s interesting to have that back-and-forth pull in an interview. The only problem, however, is that I am not that political, and so, when we have this conversation, and you confront me with certain things like this, I really am, I have to say, at a loss.

>> No.12919195

Ellis was a pussy in this interview and refuses to realize that most people aren't looking to have a ressonable debate. The interviewer from the New Yorker was a weak bitch that has to rephrase quotes and move goalposts to "win". The fact is, Bret shouldn't have bothered with this book when everyone who read American Psycho knows that Bret is in no way a liberal. Appealling to leftists is pointless. They only respond to the fist.

>> No.12919205


The interviewer was a fucking retard.

>> No.12919259

Nobody reads. Some read a tiny bit, mostly they just retweet gifs of Arrested Development and pretend the opinions they got from their undergraduate english classes and sparknotes are their own.

Disregard pseudo-intellectuals, read the canon, become enlightened

>> No.12919273

>Bret Easton Ellis Thinks You’re Overreacting to Donald Trump
playing your hand a bit early there, NYer editor

This interview is embarrassing. At first Ellis tries to clarify his thoughts and express himself, and every time he tries to correct the interviewer's assumptions or bring the conversation back on track the guy leaps up and moves on to another conversation. What's the point of a print interview if you're going to conduct it like a twitter thread. By the end it's just the interviewer soapboxing and Ellis going "whatever" every time he's prompted for dialogue input. This guy should lose his job for gross incompetence and instead he's being praised for "eviscerating" the person he was talking to. I learned almost nothing about Ellis, and learned quite a bit about what the interviewer thinks about Ellis. If that's what he wanted to write about, he should have written an op-ed and left the grumpy boomer alone.

>> No.12919295


He gets asked simple questions about the subjects that he just wrote an entire book about and is asked to explain direct quotes from the book and all he says is "I don't know" and "I don't care" as if the point of the interview isn't to discuss the book.

I get that if he shares your politics you want him to look like a winner but I have no clue how any reasonable person can think he didn't completely embarrass himself.

>> No.12919338

He did embarrass himself. Bret is right wing. He hates women so much and became so vain that he ended up gay. Many such cases. Bret can't argue any points in this interview because his social life depends on him not being viewed as "alt-right". The interviewer often made false claims about the work and was ultimately attempting to slander Bret as a racist for mocking the leftist ideology.

>> No.12919355

honestly I thought the interview was just kinda pathetic on his end. He doesn't care about the topics of the book he just wrote? Worst part is I agree with the many of the points he made in the book, but my god his defense just being "I'm too cool to care, why are you asking me these lame questions" is really kinda sad.

>> No.12919436

BEE and the interviewer both came across like idiots. That was painful to read and probably shouldn’t have gotten past the editor.

>> No.12919439

/lit/ approved BEE interview: https://hypebeast.com/2019/4/bret-easton-ellis-american-psycho-white-taylor-swift-interview

>> No.12919645

I'm writing an essay about him - any leads for a publication or editor that will go for a positive, or mostly positive, but honest essay on the guy?

>> No.12919664

lmao what is this from?

>> No.12919700

God Bless America. Literally the biggest piece of smug fedora tipping trash you'll ever see.

>> No.12920419

Its because he probably likes Trump and is a right wringer but doesn't want his beliefs known, its well obvious that american psycho was about his fantasy not the "criticing yuppie culture" that he says though he said in one interview that he just made that up to please the press and has since gone back to saying it

>> No.12920541

I could not help but to get the impression that the numerous political interview questions and answers were generally uncomfortable on Bret's part. He probably started off confidently enough, but may have felt cornered at times throughout. I would hate to handle an interview like that poorly, but I don't think he did a bad job of it, even if his reputation may have suffered due to the slightest indifference or even sympathy towards the President and people who support him or like him in the least of ways. However, Bret obviously tried to represent balanced, even impartial views throughout the interview. The interviewer may have gotten away from that thinking that Bret is right wing, or at least center right.

>> No.12920603

To be fair the questions were unbareably lame

>> No.12920703

I read about half the interview and the typesetting and prose put me off.
From what I got it was just the same boring leftist rhetoric without means to give it, against some guy who didn't want to be there and didn't necessarily want to talk about anything.

>> No.12920707
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>> No.12920740

BEE is so out of touch and he knows it. His last book was cringe-worthy.

Earlier work was genius though.

>> No.12920755

>Literally the biggest piece of smug fedora tipping trash you'll ever see.


>> No.12920841

Bret getting bullied yet again for something he said. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.12921190

this clip proved his point. BEE is a walking cliche

>> No.12921220
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Kek at BEE's bf referring to him as The Author

>> No.12922108

Why does Behemoth look so weird in this pic?

>> No.12922470 [DELETED] 

He's a pretty horrible writer Tbh and nothing close to our guy. You could have conveyed the breadth of his ideas in American Psycho in under 50 pages. All it has going for it is it's humour really.

That said, complaining about the book being sexist just shows they fundamentally misunderstand the book

>> No.12922506
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Why can’t we all just get along. I’m tired of all this snide back-biting and sniping.

>> No.12922800
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I still listen to BEE's podcast (without paying for it of course) because I like to hear his take on films and the culture of Hollywood. In general I don't disagree with most of his points on Trump and the media but he definitely sounds like a broken record at this point and all I have read about "White" sounds cringy af. Unironically writing a book about Twitter controversies that is filled with cliches about millenials is just absolutely pathetic.
I think neither BEE nor the journalist look good in that piece which is probably partly because the interview was conducted by phone. Chotiner is way too pushy and just wants BEE to give in who in turn seems pretty unknowlegdeable on a topic he just wrote a book about and just overly defensive. Obviously Twitter now loves this article because it's in line with their political agenda and gives them a reason to hate on a "old white guy". Pic related is the only natural reaction to this current state of discourse

>> No.12922868

That interview is a reminder that if you're being interviewed by a leftist shithead, you'd better come prepared to fight. God, I fucking hate communists.

>> No.12922876 [DELETED] 

you should never let them interview you in the first place, it enrages them when theyre ignored

>> No.12922878

This. The interviewer has degraded his audience by asking such silly, stupid, hopeless quesitons. Is Ellis supposed to heal America's psychic wounds?

>> No.12922892

You're right. I could only coach him through a couple of those questions off the top of my head. Some of them are such hilariously obvious entrapment, like a bear trap with a hamburger on it. The extent to which the interviewer won himself good boy points with the twitter audience is instructive. If you want to win some free money, write to a leftist audience and tell them what you know they want to hear. Forget educating or blowing anyone's mind. Just affirm their brilliance.

>> No.12922901
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I would have contested this first point. You never concede ANYTHING to a leftist, most of all their first point that they probably conceive of being the most agreeable and reasonable (to you, the non-leftist idiot).
I'd encourage people to respond to any mantra generic to "oh no, racism!" by pushing the interviewer to more powerfully explanatory ideas of behind human behavior, name economics and psychology. "Racism" is an easy concept to grasp but does not sufficiently explain the world, let alone something as complicated and competitive as American politics.

>> No.12922906

>Unironically thinking that this interviewer was some kind of rhetorical genius or trickster that you could never debate. He is obviously very pushy but if BEE had put more thought in his political stance and did the minimum preparation required if you're writing a book about the political climate he could have handled the interview much better

>> No.12922915 [DELETED] 

there is no reason to ever even speak to a leftist

>> No.12922956
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God dammit, Ellis, are you living in a float tank? This run of the mill leftist shithead slides the NewSpeak phraseology about how children are separated from their "families" (actually their traffickers") by the border security that has a tough time fathoming a good and lawful relationship between children and parents smuggling themselves across borders. It is hilarious to suggest that the government is going out of its way to fissure some idyllic family of good-natured family of child smugglers. Its such a sordid and disgusting situation that Ellis' aloofness is actually discrediting to good people: fuck the human traffickers, fuck their defenders and toadys. They aren't a bit good and we are all tarnished by their blood money. Did Ellis miss the spectacle of Nate Silver being discredited? Did he not relish that sideshow, no doubt one among many, where the leftist establishment's chosen and celebrated statistics guru was given a job as chief smugologist to lecture the opiate addicts about their inevitable future and when pressed an iota by the uncertainties of the real world, was BTFO to such an embarrassing extent its disturbing to even think about all the rank and file Baghdad Bob-tier (sorry Muhammad!) retards that fell over themselves to bathe us in their synchronized, soul-crushing blather.

>> No.12922983

This is your mind on /pol/

>> No.12922990 [DELETED] 

t. person with zero reasons whatsoever for thinking the races are the same that is nonetheless so sure of it that they can't even conceive of thinking otherwise

>> No.12923010

No, I actually don't really disagree with you on the actual issue. I still would never write such rambling, hysterical and almost incoherent wall of text about an uneducated author looking bad in an interview and I don't think there is a reason to "never talk to a leftie". That's just exactly the type of retardation that is prevalent on both sides nowadays

>> No.12923081

Is American Psycho worth reading?

>> No.12924155

You myopic sectarian shithead, you elitist pantomime, you waste, you disgusting remnant of better ancestors, you entirely miss the point in your effort to divide. How I rage against God and all spiritual nebulae for keeping me from stringing your likes upside down for all to see. The point is that Ellis pussied out of a fight. If there is a truth in this world, if there is any goodness, it is what good people seek to defend and rush to uphold, however imperfectly, at whatever risk of embarrassment, under whatever taboo or imminent reprieve from the lurking moralizers and critics who regardless of the ups and downs of the rest of society, are always in a great surplus, save for those rare times when all pretense is briefly dropped and whole countrysides reek sweetly of the crow feasted meat of Judases. What damnation is it to coexist with your lot whose flagrant moronism has no doubt infected others, what shame! If Ellis had anything to say but act too cool for the questions, the audience might have been lead to someplace beyond the polar realities that collided in the piece. The troublesome truth is that the problems facing our society are complex and the options unclear. There is a great measure of opacity and double-dealing, but in all the direness there is also great opportunity, if we can survive ourselves. There is something to say to that interviewer that could have shut him up and pushed him and his audience to consider their world in a different way. Ellis needn't be in the role of selling Trump or Trumpism. He just needed to try to represent some truth, any truth, but his own sad aging gay vanity. It was a lost opportunity by someone who has honestly been pushing against toxic cultural elements in Western societies for some time now. Maybe he was just tired, but I would have hoped he would have been the most well read and prepared, being so well resourced. We should expect more of our elites and Ellis failed a social and cultural role that isn't very saturated. Simple rhetorical technique and a bit of backbone would have made a vastly more interesting thing to read. What a waste. Also fuck you.

>> No.12924239

There is every reason to speak to a leftist. We have to engage humanity. Truth is worthy of, deserves human energies. The trouble is knowing the things to defend. Usually it comes down to defending people, your own, and one or two degrees beyond that. But what good is anything you believe, anything you think or feel to be true if you cannot defend it from all miscreants and dogooders who challenge it?

>> No.12924293


>> No.12924371

This. Any smidge of shame sops a snizz with feminine juices.

>> No.12924556

well put

>> No.12924573

why is it you autistic /pol/fags always have so much to say anonymously online but whenever confronted, like in this interview, or in real life you shut down and act like timid bitches?

is the tough white nationalist guy a meme persona you adopt to compensate for the fact you're a total pussy?

>> No.12925419

They might not have skin in the game. Ellis doesn't come to think of it, unless we count Todd's prostate

>> No.12925465

hithtory will abtholve me
buy my premium snap

>> No.12925496

I agree. Ellis is a lost opportunity. He just cares about his next "dinner." I can't stand what he's become. American cultural elites are now the worst. I want to go back 25 years and disappear

>> No.12925750
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The problem with BEE is that he was never as smart as DFW, DFW knew what was coming so he killed himself. Now the reactionary social justice crew can never touch him. He won. And it makes them mad.

Millinals are dumb as fuck and dont read books. The last great american author was DFW, a white male, and it makes them mad as fuck. And he saw what was coming and escaped

BEE just needs to come to terms with the fact he is a centrist and that young people are stupid and to start writing books for old gen x people who hate young people

>> No.12926113
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>caring about twitter

>> No.12926136

too bad about the plagiarism. sullied forever

>> No.12926143

Most interviewers are narcissists. They could go back in time and interview Gandhi or Napoleon and they'd make it primarily about themselves.

>> No.12926213

>Bret is right wing
the fucker doesn't even vote, moron

>> No.12926302

i absolutely hated Less than Zero. I read it when I was a little younger, maybe I didn't yet appreciate that kind of writing. But what's redeemable about it? I thought it was incredibly boring and didn't have much to say between the lines.

>> No.12926757

Can you write a book with this kind of language? I’d buy it.

>> No.12926785
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It's over

>> No.12926882

Thank you, Anon. It's fun getting worked up over something you can say something definitive about. I'd love to have a book's length of understanding to tell the world. I hope God leads me to publish something soon as it will feel good to reach that milestone.

>> No.12926905

Because the leftoid establishment will ruin their lives.

>> No.12927955
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I'm getting heart palpitations.

>> No.12928017


>> No.12928030

They're the people who hang out on twitter and literally think Ben Shapiro is an extremist.

>> No.12928033

>moira donegan
further proof (as if we needed any more) that the lion’s share of the irish are, charitably speaking, incapable of critical thought or, getting to the heart of it, void of sentience altogether.

>> No.12928135

The left runs on an engine of intimidation. The manner in which they do it demonstrates that they are the establishment rather than a force working against it.

>> No.12928281

Not that I agree with SJW twitter witch-hunts, but BEE sounds like a complete retard in that interview.
>Here's my book about politics, you may ask me about it. But actually I don't really care.

>> No.12928357

>No, no, no, no, no. That just twisted up what I meant.
Can relate. Every discussion I had with American Liberals over the internet has been like this. And I'm Mexican.

>> No.12928403

>Interviewer: But you don’t think people should complain about [those policies]?
>BEE:No, I feel that whoever has been elected can do whatever they set out to do and what their party wants them to do and what their base wants them to do, and you might not like it, Todd [Ellis’s boyfriend] might not like it, I might not even like it, but this is the reality. It is not some made-up fantasy. This is happening.
"dont complain bro, just be a good sheep xD"

>> No.12928404

She's such a retard. She is engaging in suicide. Go ahead, Moira, kill the white race. Guess what? You lose, dumby.

>> No.12928408

Isn't she an NPC from Falllout 3?

>> No.12928623
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I had to recently stop using my name and go by just 'B." instead because I work some freelance jobs online and was not getting hired nearly as much.

>> No.12928733

>That's not true but OK
How did this guy get interview from anyone at first place lol. I mean your job to get you guest invested in conversation you have so he could fully reveal his standpoints, not make it more awkaward with passive agressive shit like this

>> No.12928877

Lmao, the job IS to be passive-aggressive.

>> No.12928895

Bret got destroyed holy shit. Did anyone actually buy his book?

>> No.12928901
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>> No.12928930

They were enslaved because they were stupid.
They hate the English only because they are too dumb to see the shackles put on them by the Vatican

>> No.12928967

what he should have said is "obama did almost exactly the same things and none of you complained about it. three terms ago the president was george w bush who started wars for oil that led to the rise to power of ISIS and the deaths of millions of americans and arabs, trump hasn't done anything remotely as bad as that"

>> No.12929102

Bret Easton Ellis is shit and certainly not /ourguy/

>> No.12929141

he beefed with DFW. he isn't /ourguy/ really.

>> No.12929200

dfw is kind of a beta bitch though

>> No.12929284

Irish only held on to Catholicism for so long to spite Britain because Britain was Protestant. Now that Britain is leaving the EU, Ireland is doubling down on Eurocracy, once again, to spite Britain.

>> No.12929889

There were some good Irish. But none withstood the apostasy of the second vatican council. Ireland is gone. And you know, it was the Catholic Church that made the white race - now that the Church is in eclipse, all whites are dying out everywhere. Too few are fighting. It's a shame.

>> No.12929916

This is correct

>> No.12929917

DFW was a chad. BEE is a literal homosexual.

>> No.12929932

God dammit I hate the president but reading this interview makes me hate people like the interviewer even more which in turn is almost like liking the president. Why are all sides so terrible?

>> No.12929955

this, so much this

how anyone could actually associate themselves with either side at this point is beyond me

>> No.12929962
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>DFW’s womanizing, about his book-tour fondness for “audience pussy,” and that he once wondered aloud to Franzen about whether his only purpose in life was “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

>> No.12929967

>They only respond to the fist.
that is hard gringe unless it's a typo and you meant
>they only respond with the fist
because they are undisciplined, unreasonable, and violent.

>> No.12929987

>what has Trump said that is racist?
what has Trump said that is racist?
>what has Trump said that is racist?

I have asked several people and they act like I'm crazy. Please give me some examples.

>> No.12930008
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>> No.12930012

He said fuck niggers and fuck jannies

>> No.12930076

incels' guy, maybe

>> No.12930452

there was that one time, in his first speech, that he said:
>when Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best
>they're sending people with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems here
>they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists
>and some, I assume, are good people
cue CNN hacks like Don Lemon cutting to that clip for the next 3 years disingenuously claiming that Donald Trump called all Mexicans rapists.
then you have the "Muslim travel ban," from 7 countries, which was revised and declare constitutional by the Supreme Court. that's one people try to use as evidence.
also, in the wake of the Charlottesville debacle, people tried to spin his response as though he was acting as an apologist for neonazis, or even siding with them, when he explicitly condemns them:
one of my favourite accusations came from the director of the Anne Frank Center, when he hysterically tried to call Trump an anti-Semite, despite having a Jewish son-in-law, and several grandchildren being raised within an Orthodox Jewish household:
cue him claiming that pointing that fact out is ITSELF an anti-Semitic talking point

>> No.12931015

healthy expression of masculinity. the pursuit of pussy opens parts of men's psyche that beep boop bopping denies even exist

>> No.12931202

Our era is so ready for ridicule. I don't mean this in any clown world meme sense, either. But the political class has been largely untouched by any literary response to their history making. Think of how most of the text volumes surrounding the recent presidential administrations were largely of the servile toad eaters' defending themselves in their own books. Tom Friedman still writes for the NYT. Henry Kissinger was welcomed at MIT alongside MBS to open a new "AI" school. I think all literary weights of the past are beckoning us to respond to our era.

>> No.12931210

>this, so much this
Please don't say this

>> No.12931258

Do you really think the time is right, to begin that introspection upon this era, or should it wait a few years, or even over a decade?

>> No.12932666

Who cares?

>> No.12932730

I think any 30 year old (assuming-American) Boomer could reflect upon some inuring events:
>The transformation of our socio economics into a Plutonomy and Precariot, with forecasters planning megacity favelas and drone-delivered cricket flour to sustain an urbanized pen for the surfeit people unrequired by capital for the moment
>Simulataneous to a rise in Great Power conflict and intense competition from Asia and a highly revisionist Russia
>The disintegration of legitimacy and prestige for America's political class and their business leaders are not far behind
>The depletion and degradation of the human being by electronics and abstract virtual dopaminergia
>The strange story of the Bush family's rises and fall
>The rise and fall of the Clinton dynasty and all it's sordid intrigues
>The rise and fall of the Obama experiment, once an icon for change now a covert dark money machine same as any PAC
>The very public spectacles of proxy-vs-proxy statecraft, also called terrorism, that traumatized our public spaces for our entire lives, like an Algerian civil war but dialed down to a simmer, just above lull
>The betrayals of the political class, most publicly Cheney and Rumsfeld, then darkly Obama then Bernie. Then everyone found a backbone as never before to oppose a new president, god forbid.
>The absurdity and surreality of watching spooks and spies and goons be feted and received as comrades by disgusting and sexually evil media types whose personal philosophy appears as apocalypse to the rest of us
I think alot of these experiences engender something in us if they do not outright kill us. Our era is ridiculous and stupid and it demands we accept we are in the apocalypse, right of book. It's exploded, it's happened. We're in the rubble. There's no escape hatch. Becoming greater than society ever told us about is largely the only option. Feel the limits in your mind dissolve in the posions latent in you, laid there by all of the above, all the sadness and hopelessness and abject fear, let it combust the weakest thoughts and lead us only to somewhere better than this shithole.

>> No.12932736

>"right of boom"

>> No.12933330

It's more shit what he didn't say than what he did.

>> No.12935396

Exactly. He's not going to say anything truly controversial. So in the end this is just jacking off. The loony liberals are insane, but Bret is a big disappointment.

>> No.12936343

gotta have somebody to say what we're all thinking

>> No.12936554

>shitty unoriginal version
you mean,
>feminist evisceration

>> No.12937806


Well, that was awful.
His official twitter has podcast links with him talking. Should I bother to listen to them?
Surely, his thoughts are better collected when hes not under the gun?

>> No.12937810


Wait, nevermind. The podcasts are behind a paygate.

>> No.12937838

Twitter posting should be a bannable offense. Fuck off and die, OP.

>> No.12937844

Trump is accepting the demise of explicitly white countries at a slightly lower pace than wished by some of the establishment, so that's enough. At least that was the message, in practice even the lower pace bit isn't relevant now that we have numbers on it. It's mostly about accepting demise while trying to focus on other things (muh workers for our factories for instance) instead of celebrating.

>> No.12938254

Or maybe
they're different people

>> No.12938259

Don't you fucking dare even indirectly drag the principle of charity through your mud of hyperbole, take that shit back or I'll fuck you up

>> No.12938391

"Elegantly enviscerating"

From the interview:
"It seems like you want to give Roseanne Barr the benefit of the doubt, but not people who think Trump is a racist."

Let's be honest, the book is probably trash but that interview was done by an angry liberal who wasn't willing to give an inch to what Ellis was saying or the simple point he was trying to make which is that people wasted so much energy being mad at Trump. The twitter and celebrity left is so condescending

>> No.12938427

DFW beefed with himself and lost.

>> No.12938444

Having read the interview though, this is what he demonstrated. This wasn't exactly the opening question. And while Ellis protested that it wasn't the case, he didn't have any argument or example than "it isn't so"/"that's not my intention".

Personally I also think it's retarded to write such a politically tinged book and then insist you have no political opinions, it doesn't interest you, you don't want to talk about it. But that's something else I guess.

>> No.12938445

Men don't have beef curtains, roastie. Nice try appropriating our term.

>> No.12938452

That sentence has absolutely nothing to do with labia. Just saying he was his own worst enemy.

>> No.12938457

white man? bad

>> No.12938458

Was BEE making a point by not being combative? Why must Ellis engage in the defensive pugilism sought by the interviewer? Is dropping fact bombs or red pills or whatever the only way to converse now? Is the only legitimate speech that which serves power? You cannot just say "no, thank you" and oblige your conversation to move on

>> No.12938471
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He wrote a couple good books but he's a fucking dumbass.

>> No.12938477

I don't think it's combative to illustrate your point if it's clear that the person interviewing you draws a conclusion you feel is false. Just a matter of making sure your points are clear - and if you don't want to make points, why write an opinionated non-fiction work?

He doesn't have to of course, but the result is that indeed readers are going to think his story has big holes, blind spots, whatever you want to call them. You don't have to drop facts to be able to articulate why you chose to go about your writing the way you did. And yeah he can say no thank you - which he effectively did, trying to get out of talking politics many times - and I won't think any less of him as a person but it does give a weak impression of the body of knowledge/thought underlying your novel. If you truly don't want to explain anything don't agree to an interview.

>> No.12938483
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I'm wondering that too.

>> No.12938485

I agree that he should have been able to defend his views better. This interview makes his book seem like it was written out of ignorance.

>> No.12938508

That interviewer's mincing struggle session did a disservice to the New Yorker's audience. Was there a secret pact by liberals to all appear as ridiculously unhinged cartoons? They all decided they were going to pretend every social contact with their political opponents was this age's slightly more diffuse Freedom Rides? Were they all called to be this obnoxious? BEE really should have accidentally mustered a backbone for the sake of sheer experiment, but truly the offensive thing here is that a gauntlet of bad person-detector presumed questions were used to essentially attempt to harm someone's reputation by tarring them with the favored pitch of the American left: all whose zeal in capitalism wanes is opposing such obviously good things they're pretty much a Nazi. Unfortunately, it will take some other people to shut down this sort of thing with a bit of rhetoric. Perhaps, BEE is a writer and being interviewed is not the arena of most writers. They must have known he'd have crumpled under this sort of duress and in all likelihood he was chosen because many powerful people have a nose for predation and maybe BEE was the slowest or most injured amongst us without us knowing.

>> No.12938546

Sure getting interviewed is an art and writers cannot necessarily be expected to be great at that. But BEE has been in the game a long time. There is a difference between struggling to verbalize in the moment why you think what you think, and simply not being able to offer anything at all. This is verbatim;

>O.K., but Trump says lots of racist things. We can all agree on that, right?
[Pauses.] Sure.
>So he says lots of racist things. This thing was only said once. Why does people being upset about it, or people being upset about the fact that we have a President who regularly says bigoted things, bother you?
No, no, no, no, no. That just twisted up what I meant.
>Tell me what you meant.
You think I am defending a racist.
>No, I asked why liberals repeating Trump’s remark about Mexican immigrants being rapists bothers you so much.
Because it didn’t seem to be truthful, and it seemed to be exaggerated and said over and over again. You think I am defending Trump somehow? I am bothered by people using that one thing two years later.

The tone is confrontational, absolutely, far from neutral. But the interviewer is literally stopping to say - okay then what DO you mean. And he just kind of flails around.

It's not ideal but the simple reality is that many people dislike BEE, whether because they feel his success is disproportional or because of his twitter ranting or because of his presumed political sympathies, and an even-toned, nuanced, thoughtful conversation isn't going to get nearly as many readers as a sharp clash of views. There's a lot to be said about that being terrible but it's not a leftist or a New Yorker thing, it's a consumerist thing in a time where lots of emotionally charged (online) headlines are fighting for our attention and magazines/papers are really struggling to find their place and keep their readers.

>> No.12938660

But a woman already made a better version of American Psycho by turning it into a film.

>> No.12941146

Hey..... You're right.

>> No.12943733

Bret needs to do something really big, not be so PC

>> No.12943799

I like your prose 2bh

>> No.12943853

I think this is reality's way of letting us know the mantle of history is disinterested in the risk averse generation x membership. Its a shame this was a phone interview because if it was in person, Ellis could have demonstrated his superior nonchalance and deft deflectionary rejoinders by lying supine on the floor and letting the interviewer eliminate upon his face, his nice suit, sentimental jewelry and accessories, a shower of human waste, revolting and horrifying to the plebs but to the iconoclastic BEE it was just so much warmth and fluid and intensity, so detached and distant was he from any of the sensate shittiness that would have surely confirmed to the rest of us that we're surely in a hilarious hellworld where our non-hellish prologues were just the setup to this here hilarious shit-eating punchline but not, Ellis, no, he's unphased by the aggressive peristaltic straining by the vegan diet ravaged interviewer as his bicyclism-ravaged frame musters forth a biege log to wetly transect Ellis's aloof and too cool face. And the maddening thing would be he doesn't even grimace, not even flinch as the reeking mass fissures and breaks and begins sliding down alternating slopes of his face, trailing a gruesome sheen of onions and corn snacks digested as desperately as the terminal vegan interviewer could manage.

>> No.12946206

But... he's not a conservative, is he. He's just not a leftist. Still a liberal.

>> No.12946232

she has a point honestly, i feel like i might have been conditioned into overrating him

>> No.12946437

he's basically milo and most of the gen z righties

>> No.12946457

who tf bumped this thread back into existence. go home brett

>> No.12946537

The premise sounds like it could be a decent satire on white middle-class middle-aged female narcissism but the self-promotion leads me to think she is a white middle-class middle-aged female narcissist.

>> No.12946561

Fuck that shit!
We ALL know it's that High Fructose Corn Syrup that's responsible for autism.

>> No.12946572

I bet it's like 5 people, and fuck your thread

>> No.12946584

>This guy should lose his job for gross incompetence and instead he's being praised for "eviscerating" the person he was talking to.
This is what we want from modern interviews, duh.
'x' DESTROYS 'y' with 'z'!!

>> No.12946587
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>What can we do to support his memetic legacy?

>> No.12946593

>refuses to realize that most people aren't looking to have a reasonable debate
How is he a pussy for failing to realize such a thing. I'd like to thing an interviewer for a large paper like this is looking to have a reasonable debate, yes

>> No.12946603
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Why should we get along? Human life is based on struggle. We will always look for something to oppose and "defeat", or else we fail to give our lives meaning. When we have no more enemies and have provided for all the basics we need, we will start to do it amongst ourselves. Like when someone's starving and their body starts cannabilizing itself by destroying their muscle mass. Then you get civil war

>> No.12946619

Why does such a job exist

>> No.12947348

This. There's alot to be said for an adversarial system. It permits turnover. But its worth comparing to states, Pakistan for instance, that can keep a peer group with a century of knowledge embedded across two generations at the helm of power, leveraging a great deal of intrigue.

>> No.12947350

Be careful you'll be called a centrist faggot

>> No.12947422

imagine caring enough about BEE’s “writing” to defend him on this level. there are more interesting reactionary yts about which we may give our damns fellas

>> No.12947457

sociopathy is an outdated psychological term there is only a "psychopath" nowadays. Sociopaths are extinct

>> No.12947460

I don't care about BEE as much as I dislike the fact that there are interviewers paid and expected to act all passive agressive and that people like it because it is EVISCERATING and DESTROYING someone else
I guess BEE is dumb for even taking the interview in the first place

>> No.12947552

unfortunately this happens on both sides. i’m hefty lefty myself but i take no more joy in this than you do brother. there are simply better stories for you and me to be reading.
>homer doesn’t want this for you, anon

>> No.12948873

Me too

>> No.12950420

Ellis is an avatar of the eternal boomer, meaning he appears conservative but is really just a slightly racist liberal.

>> No.12950501

he comes off as such an annoying wimp in this new book

>> No.12950818

Why would you even agree to an interview in this day and age when every question will be a "gotcha" political thing so they can make a clickbait article and blacklist you for wrongthink?

>> No.12950843

>some shitlib literally has google open and is AKCHYUALLY-ing every word you say instead of having any semblance of a conversation
>you try to explain yourself
>he cuts you off and calls you a racist for trying to argue that you're not racist
Fuking hell I hate the media so much it makes my blood boil

>> No.12950951
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Why do I feel like her book portrays the character as a YES QUEEN SLAY good guy?

>> No.12950970

This has been going on for weeks. There is nothing to do. The dumb fucks are too blind.

>> No.12950988
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Jesus Christ.

>> No.12951008
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the tawdry fucking unashamed audacity of these people

>> No.12951077
File: 24 KB, 762x147, 2019-04-17_2354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a big brett easton ellis fan but i'm going to buy this now