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12912864 No.12912864 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.12912891

INTP is the warmest machine

>> No.12912958

I'm wondering if faith is negative epistemology.

If that is so, then we are no more than glorified machines of self-contemplation.

>> No.12913034

Is this the honeypot thread where we get banned for venting our suicidal ideations? If so, I would like to say I am going to kill myself. I joined CompSci and I'm too much of a brainlet to learn even that.

>> No.12913073

Same, but at least I got laid

>> No.12913079

How old were you when you lost your virginity and how old are you now?

>> No.12913089

19, 22 now

>> No.12913098

Well shit, you just highlighted how much of a loser I am. Not that you should take advice from a suicidal person, but 22 is too young to an hero. Give your course a serious try.

>> No.12913137

How old are you anon?

>> No.12913160

25. I have reached a point where people expect you to have a grip of your life, be it in the way of a job, education or life goal. I don't have either and my family sees me as what I could have been. Don't procrastinate on your studies or you will be just like me, a delayed suicide.

>> No.12913167

I've been throwing up every day for the last 5 years. I'm going to get an endoscopy and a colonoscopy soon and hopefully it will turn out that I have terminal cancer so I can be done with this retarded life.

>> No.12913254

Why do you let your family bully you? It’s all bs anyways. I’m not saying sit up in your room and smoke weed all day but just because you aren’t a hedge fund manager at 25 doesn’t mean you are a failure

>> No.12913325

it's as much their fault as it's your own. family shouldn't let one of their own suffer in solitude for so long. they've clearly had plenty of time to step in and help course correct if you're 25, but they didn't out of cowardice or indifference. I'm not trying to make you resent them but you should definitely give less weight to their judgement, as they were complicit in your ruin. I honestly can't imagine myself not interfering if I noticed that my son is depressed. anyway, you have to accept that you probably won't get the support you need from them and go look for alternatives. 25 is still young enough to learn new things, so don't give up yet. you'll obviously have it harder than normal but that's just the hand you're dealt.

>> No.12913412

INTJ is the coldest human.

>> No.12913480

based anon retard

>> No.12913506

The world isn't made for the INFP.

>> No.12913532

does intj ever find it difficult to make friends and succeed because of his coldness

>> No.12913647

They aren't bullying me. They simply say the truth: I've never had a job, switched courses late in the game, so I have to step it up. I just thought I could deal with being an adult. Turns out I am no better than a smoke weed erry day 4/20 faggot. Best to cut the losses now. I do appreciate your concern though. I think some people are fundamentally broken, like those with Down's or autism. Except what I lack is intelligence and will to live. And 4channel attracts quite a lot of those. Simple as. If you're the 22yo, get off 4chan and start studying. It ain't gonna learn itself.

>> No.12913863
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I'm waiting on answers from two companies i interviewed with. if i got them, it'll let me leave this cubicle-clad shit job for an actual career doing something i enjoy.
it's eating me on the inside because im so nervous. i'll feel like an utter failure if i get rejected from both and it's going to kill my hopes for a better future.

>> No.12914128
File: 67 KB, 343x721, tumblr_pnlb90ALXi1vcjbui_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cried all morning listening to Anberlin New Surrender
>rewrote the one short story, hope it's maybe actually good now, did some more edits
>it's now snowing in April (boogiepop feels)
>lightheaded and dizzy
It's a very good day for despair. I'm trying to write a few more short stories in something similar to my husband's style. I'm reading his Self Portraits collection right now, although I've already read most of them in the other collections. A good story is good no matter how many times you read it. I like the translator's commentary in this one, and it has a lot of nice photographs of him and his friends. Shame it costs $100 to buyfag.
>where we get banned for venting our suicidal ideations
I'm not banned yet, so I don't think so.

>> No.12914384

Is “quality” a rational way of assessing phenomena? Is thinking of things as “good” and “bad” good or bad? In what circumstances are they useful descriptors, and in what circumstances are they a vapid way of looking at the world?

I think it must be vapid to use quality as the premise or as the conclusion of an argument. Quality is defined by your internal orientation to the world. Good and bad cannot be observed. To reach the conclusion that something is good, it requires internal processing. There’s a reason religions are occupied with the judgement of good and bad. These judgements are faith-based. You can’t know them, you can only believe them. Religion takes the pressure of invention out of the problem of quality, but religious definitions of quality are still not externally verifiable to the (still limited) extent that other information is.

Contrast with the conclusion that “the man is tall”: the measure of height and the definition of tall are externally-received. You can’t come to the conclusion that any man is tall a priori. But to decide that the man is good is to apply a chain of internal logic.

So quality makes a poor premise because the premise is internally-defined. Anything that stems from it cannot be applicable to the greater world, unless you can first convince the world to adhere to your internally-defined premise. And still then, you are only sharing faith, not knowledge. Everything that stems from a premise of quality is a matter of faith.

Quality makes a poor conclusion unless that conclusion is acted upon. Without action or further analysis, the assessment of quality is nothing but memetics. It is taking internal orientation rhetoric, finding a meme execution of that rhetoric in the world, and acknowledging the mirror. There is no construction. Good or bad as the basis for action or rhetoric is still going to yield internally-oriented action or thought, but at least it’s action or thought, right?

Maybe assessment of quality deserves to sit somewhere in the middle of thinking. It must be preceded by external observation, to give thought a premise that is anchored in the world external. Assessment of quality can come after observation: orienting the internal around the external, and not the other way around. And then, assessment of quality must be followed by further action or further observation, lest the critic fall into a memetic echo between internally-defined quality and the execution of that quality in the world.

I know this is shoddy rhetoric and Plato probably already said it a million years ago and more clearly, but I had to get it down. Does anybody know any philosophy books that talk about these ideas?

>> No.12914412

You should read Strauss' Natural Right and History. He argues for a return to "classical" reason which does not make a distinction between truth and good, i.e., between rationality and subjective valuation. Also read phenomenology for ten years until you understand it enough to understand Heidegger's response to neo-Kantian value theory (especially Rickert). Whatever you do, don't become an analytic and presume that mental experience can be non-trivially parcelled up into different "things," like "beliefs" and "valuations" and "subjective" and "objective" contents.

>> No.12914504

Thanks anon, I'll see what I can do. I appreciate the response.

>> No.12915455

I recommend a philosophy class mate, or just an intro book. Plato says these qualities you talk about are 'forms' which do actually exist, and can be known. I say that they don't 'actually exist', but they exist at the level of a mental structure, which is to say, at the same level as everything you experience. So they do 'actually exist'

>> No.12915467

It's a tremendous professional hindrance in my life that I'm often perceived as aloof, cold, or even rude as I got about my day.
Don't even get me started on romance or friendships.

>> No.12915498


>> No.12915505

It's that time of the year again when one of my friends is having a birthday party which will take place at a nightclub.He invited me and i politely declined because i hate nightclubs with a passion and he knows this very well but he insists i have to come because if i don't "i will upset him".I'm pretty sure this is just some bullshit emotional manipulation tactic because he knows i would feel bad if i would upset him.

However, when i use the same reasoning to not come to his birthday, saying that i would be upset with him if he makes me come to that fucking place he either doesn't get it(which i doubt) or doesn't care.I really don't understand why he wants me there so much.He knows really well that i don't like it and it's not like i'm the heart of the party or anything.Every time i do this i literally have to get shitfaced drunk just to get through and i'm fucking sick of it.

Am i really the asshole here because i don't want to go to his party?I feel like he should understand where i come from and be ok with it, i'd never force him or anyone for that matter to do something they hate just because it's my birthday.

>> No.12915521

>So quality makes a poor premise because the premise is internally-defined.
Quality is orthogonal to subjectivity. Something is "good" objectively, yet can be "bad" in subjective context. The relationship is that it indeed creates your dissonance when interacting with the world, however that doesn't mean the attribute magically carries over through subjective-objective barrier, as the discord of subjective viewpoint is what creates the barrier in the first place. A subject which internalizes everything from its objective surroundings lacks subjective reality.

>> No.12915529

i was an inch away from reaching my dreams that i worked eight years toward and then i fucked it up. this was maybe 8 months ago. i've been living this whole time wanting to fucking off myself. i really don't know how much longer i can stand it. two or three times a week i can't sleep and stay up the entire night because all i'm doing is thinking about every wrong step i took in my entire life for as long as i can remember starting at age six. i can't remember my childhood. i don't have any memories before the age of 17. even still, since 17, i only have a small handful of memories. i'm 21 now. i've essentially wasted my whole fucking life and have nothing to show for it. i wish i was courageous enough to off myself because then i'd be able to escape this hell. i believe in the loop. if and when i reincarnate, i don't care if i'm a slave's slave or a king, it's at least something different. i can't handle this life and i don't know if i've been able to handle any of my past lives. i feel like i've killed myself several times before.

>> No.12915741

If i fail this exam i am going to kill myself

>> No.12916065

He cares about you and wants you close to him. If you are a quiet, few friends kind of guy, he may want you to know more people. Depending on how much of a friend he is to you, you should risk a wasted night to show your friend you also care for him.

>> No.12916088
File: 114 KB, 1280x960, HE HATES IT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man why did I read that story, now I am a mixture of rage and utter sadness fuck. Now I get why people drink to drown their sorrows.

>> No.12916112

Is there any reason not to continue living with your parents? I have a job, I could move out, but I don't have any reason to. If I live at home I save a huge amount of money, have companionship, can make my mom happy by cooking with her and shit, etc. I guess I don't see what the value in being independent for its own sake is, like if I were to get a long-term gf or a job in a different city or something I'd move but why should I now? The idea that you need to leave home and do life on your own after high school / college seems like a big meme and is probably part of the reason so many young people are broke, lonely, and miserable today.

>> No.12916113

I know that CompSci feel anon, it wasn't for me either but we are still learning things as we go through this life.

>> No.12916117

What story?

>> No.12916156

My younger sister, who since I was 14 at least has been even more autistic than I am, started college last fall. I was worried about her since I was suicidally depressed my first year of college and I thought she would end up dropping out and becoming a neet, but she's actually doing pretty well, has a group of friends, does social activities, etc. I'm conflicted about this because while I'm happy she's doing well I feel bitter that the tables have flipped and now I am the more autistic sibling. Like fuck man, I haven't made a friend in years.

>> No.12916220

if you had friends and a social life the last thing you'd want to do is live with your parents

>> No.12916236

ah you see, your problem is simple. you're a cunt. be happy that your sister isn't a waste of space like yourself. why would you want her going down the same miserable path as you, you fucking psychopath? fuck you. you don't truly love your sister.

>> No.12916265

The Elisa Milicent Sinclair story, I think someone posted the imgur link on here or some other board but delayed reading it.

>> No.12916361

yes anon the guy posting on the /frogs 'n' feels/ r9k containment thread on 4channel.org/lit/ has a wide circle of friends and a vibrant social life

>> No.12916365

but I never said any of that, I said I was bitter that I have continued to be a miserable friendless autist when she managed to turn around

>> No.12916500

hey! i'm intp, i usually get told INTPs are bland and normie as fuck. thanks for this. (myers-briggs is the atheist's astrology)

>> No.12916502


I wish I could go into the woods like Thoreau but I don't know anyone who would let me stay in their cabin and I can't afford one.

>> No.12916508

I used to, but I've gotten a good deal better (and my J has gotten closer to F over time). Growing up I had a hard time making friends. As I grew in my professional life though I found that being steady and analytical and honest and fair with people actually works well in the long run, and I've learned to temper criticism of others as well (making sure that it is constructive and couching it in terms of 'here are some areas you could improve on, which would be beneficial to you as well' has helped).

>t. INTJ in mid 30s and in upper management

>> No.12916517

im getting negative performance reviews because of my demeanor
fuck that

>> No.12917480

Any sort of deeper emotional connection makes me uncomfortable even if it's supposed to be positive.
I gave my mom flowers on women's day and it made me sick. I don't hate my mom or anything like that but I felt depressed for the rest of the day

>> No.12917481

t. schizoid

>> No.12917496

I've read about schizoid in the past and it's really accurate.
The question is, what am I supposed to do with myself

>> No.12917603

kinda jealous desu

>> No.12917678

>other week microwave made an astonishingly loud pop noise like a gunshot
>fell on the floor in shock, then hid behind a wall in case the microwave blew up, couldn't come out until the timer stopped
>sat there wondering if it really made such a noise or if I just imagined it, honestly 50/50 on it
>only way I could know for certain it really did catastrophically fail was that it stopped heating stuff up afterwards
>see shit out of the corner of my eye and have to question if it's real or I'm seeing things again
>been happening for years
Not sure if I'm a closet schizo or what. I'd come out of the closet if they would give me neetbux for it. otherwise don't want the label.

>> No.12917687

MBTI archetypes aren't real

>> No.12917705
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I wish I could make the world a better place. Everybody is so miserable all of the time.

>> No.12917707

Cognitive functions are archetypes

>> No.12917734

schizoid isn't the same as schizophrenic if that's what you mean

>> No.12917859

if you're high functioning there's nothing to worry about
you can always seek therapy

>> No.12917920

>if you're high functioning there's nothing to worry about
why is that?