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12912744 No.12912744 [Reply] [Original]

itt times your lit heroes were diminished in your view

>prof. talking about how she took poetry workshop taught by Li-Young Lee
>loved persimmons, wrote essay about his longing for ethno-homogenic unity as a poet who was exiled from his people
>prof says "one of the reasons I loved him is because he said, 'Always remember the people who wrote the bible were bad poets; and you are good"
pic semi related

>> No.12913032

One of my professors once said The Road by Cormac McCarthy was one of his weakest novels, trying to hide its lack of substance behind stylistic flourishes and now that thought nags me whenever I reread it.

>> No.12913050

I'm confused, are you upset because you think the bible is good poetry? How could you even know that without speaking Hebrew and/or Greek?

>> No.12913060

This should be obvious to anyone who has read the Road and any good McCarthy novel.

>> No.12913111

The KJV is indeed one of the greatest pieces of poetry in the canon.

>> No.12913114

wtf is that image

>> No.12913157


In all fairness it was my first exposure to McCarthy and I've only read No Country For Old Men and half of Blood Meridian.

>> No.12913158

Nothing about that statement is controversial. I read the Road in highschool and assumed McCarthy was a hack for years

>> No.12913186

underage b&
nice reading comprehension you fucking faggot
t.JIDF shill

>> No.12913193

>t.JIDF shill
>you must be a kike to appreciate jewish/Christian art

>> No.12913750

Yeah I'd be pretty pissed if I had to read your pol screed, too

>> No.12913880

I've only read The Road and it was fucking garbage, does that mean his other shit is actually worth trying?