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12910995 No.12910995 [Reply] [Original]

What is some honk-pilled literature? I'm thinking writers like Beckett and Ionesco, maybe Camus as well. What else?

>> No.12911018


go away, and come back when you can use a computer properly.

>> No.12911035

out of curiosity, who is she? (assuming every slide is the same character at a different age)

>> No.12911037

Baudrillard, Derrida, and maybe Foucault.

>> No.12911038

Chizuru Hishiro

>> No.12911040

Kafka is quintessential honk

>> No.12911044

Also Gogol

>> No.12911046

Aries got to go 's eye moss :)

>> No.12911049


>> No.12911053

Deleuze. Nick Land. Dugin. Victor Pelegin.

>> No.12911078

I'm back (>>12911046 is me), and I feel horribly embarrassed for writing that atrocity and need to apologize

>> No.12911145
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>> No.12911197

what's the honk-pill ideology exactly?

>> No.12911207

Nihilism, but also losing it

>> No.12911211


>> No.12911250

Right-wing Postmodernism

>> No.12911258
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Kek spot on, I wish they would just kill every boomer and poltard on this site

>> No.12911267

where can i go to read more about it

>> No.12911384

stephen king IT

>> No.12912045

Myth of Sysiphos

>> No.12912071

2008-2012 was my favorite 4chan period.

>> No.12912084

We live in a world where everyone is gome mad. You try and point out something is wrong, then they just laugh at you. So you might as well embrace it. Be a clown living in a clown world.

>> No.12912086

It was the last 4chan period.

>> No.12912093

I've managed to get some enjoyment out of every year I've been here, since 2006. It's worse now but it's never gotten to the point I wanted to go somewhere else.

>> No.12912097


>> No.12912114

Recently I found the boomer meme to be very amusing. It took a while before I understood it, though.

>> No.12912174

itt reddit tourists pretending to be oldfaggots

>> No.12912182

future Nobel Prize winner dril

>> No.12912217

Baby’s first time reading Camus

>> No.12912250

> first time reading Camus (The Plague)
> not really impressed by it, all thoughts are very obvious and repeated multiple times
did i just pick a wrong book? i also have Rebel

>> No.12912301
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Black Elk Speaks, the memoirs of a Native sacred clown

>> No.12912410

Had a joker moment the other day. I’d been at school and yet again the dumb roasties were mocking me as if I cared about those used up whores, so I was already upset and feeling nihilistic as fuck when I got home. I thought I’d chill with some CS GO when I got in and was just sucking. After like the fifth loss and my brainlet NPC teammates blaming me I just flipped the fuck out and broke my gaming mouse- and that just drove me over the edge. All the misery I endure in my life, the fucking comedy of the situation I’d just made for myself- it’s literally all a fucking joke. I was always highly intelligent and knew there was no god and it’s all just particles and shit and all meaningless because space is massive and Earth is small... I was already blackpilled. But at that moment I realised it’s not just tragic that we are born into a meaningless and pain filled existence- that the best sort of people like me suffer without deserving it- it’s a fucking joke. It’s a fucking hilarious joke! Can’t yousee? People try to force meaning into all the chaos! It’s whatever you want! Nothing matters! I’m fucking clownpilled! wagahahah... AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA HONK HONK! Can’t you see the FUN?

>> No.12912482

>It's worse now but it's never gotten to the point I wanted to go somewhere else.
That because there's literally almost nowhere else to go. Every other place from the web 2.0 times is dead or practically dead.

It such a strange thing to see shit memes being watermarked on instagram, facebook and youtube. Imagine if someone tried to copyright ytp videos back then.

>> No.12912498

Pelevin is the absolutely true answer.

>> No.12912503

I think you need to invert the last picture, it's everyone else that's losing their minds.

>> No.12912600

B a s e d

>> No.12912605

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12912618

Dude, postmodernism is over

>> No.12912628

Postmodernism is dying as we speak and honk-pill is what kills it.

>> No.12912638
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All internet memes are collective consciousness Jungian stories.

>> No.12912643

So your inability to entertain opposing ideas and world views is represented by Honk Pepe. Guess I won’t be posting it anymore.

>> No.12912653

>shit memes being watermarked

I fucking hate that watermarks, who the fuck needs to receive credit for some meme? who cares? disgusting plebs

>> No.12912667

Memes cannot be made in a single iteration. Thus the watermark is always a lie.

>> No.12912687

Remember before memes as a concept were mainstream? Those were fun times

>> No.12912723

This is correct. Also, Daniil Dandan.

>> No.12912724

>Memes cannot be made in a single iteration

This. Sincere memes are a natural manifestation of the psyche of a community. So, they are progressively built. Some guy can't forcely arrange some shit, put a brand on it and then claim that he created a meme. What is even more pathetic is when these persons fight for the "copyright" of the meme. This narcissism has killed internet culture.

>> No.12912745

it's when poltards unironically start internalizing gang weed and joker memes

>> No.12912752

That was long ago

>> No.12912754

No modernism is over. POST means after. dumbass.

>> No.12912770

Back to discord, tranny. Mainstream culture literally rejects all opposing ideas.

>> No.12912796

yes and it's over

>> No.12912803

back to pol, retard.

>> No.12912805

Remember when memes were organic and arose out of discussions or were in-jokes? They're basically forced into existence now.

>> No.12912808

lol, fucking wrecked

>> No.12912816


>> No.12912824

It's not nihilism, it's hopelessness and fully realizing what it means to lose boundaries.
After this phase comes either healing or nihilism. If it is healing, jews have a timer on their heads. So expect bullying, shaming, limiting, demeaning etc. to be in overdrive.

>> No.12912831

/pol/ is just reddit these days. That's where you belong

>> No.12912840

let me guess, angry white teen male?

>> No.12912856

>expect bullying, shaming, limiting, demeaning etc.
like a clockwork

>> No.12912868

Because you deserve it, you fucking sperg. It's all in your head and in the heads of your fellow /pol/luters. Go outside, have sex.

>> No.12912878

Nihilism = nothing matters
Clownposting = I saw a transgender person on TV and I am SO FUCKING STEAMING MAD ABOUT IT
How is that nihilism?

>> No.12912879

I wasn't blown away by the Plague either. I loved the scene with the man who counts time by transferring peas from one pan to another. I got a real kick out of that. Pretty indifferent to the rest though. Didn't think The Stranger was all good that either.

>> No.12912882

c r i n g e

>> No.12912894

We live in the age of memetic engineering

>> No.12912896

Young white men are the biggest danger to the Jewish system. You're right to be afraid of the angry ones

>> No.12912907

okay sweaty

>> No.12912910

> this is what poltards use in lieu of healthy self-esteem
The only thing that's threatened by you is yourself and maybe your high-school if you're crazy enough.

>> No.12912933


>> No.12912935

I just looked over my notes on the book again and I'm surprised at just how much I wrote. Most of it is about the theme of the inadequacy of language to properly categorize the world, the indifference of nature to human institutions and constructions, pretty typical existential stuff I suppose. I guess there was a lot to analyze but it's probably telling that I can barely remember the plot. Maybe the style didn't grab me.

>> No.12912938

careful with that edge, coldsteel

>> No.12912953

>It's all in your head
>you deserve it
I see.

>> No.12912954

Put a bullet in the head of a media empire mogul or shut the fuck up you pussy. Until you actually do something you're all just talk.

>> No.12912957
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We are the working middle class of the near future. The attitudes of this generation can have a huge impact if they're not aligned to those of the status quo. This of course is of relatively little concern, as the comforts provided by our civilization will likely keep the herd in check. However, strong willed individuals can escape the system

>> No.12912965

You don't get to use the mental illness card. You're not mentally ill. You're just dumb and willfully ignorant.

>> No.12912977

Mom's not going to be able to support you in the basement your entire life

>> No.12912985

Good thing I fell for the stem meme then

>> No.12912986

>Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.
>Yes, yes, it's the most comical thing in the world. And we laugh, we laugh, with a will, in the beginning. But it's always the same thing. Yes, it's like the funny story we have heard too often, we still find it funny, but we don't laugh any more.

>> No.12912990


>> No.12912999

lmao this guy just rolls from one programmed response to another

>> No.12913008
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Is there anything more pseud, more briainlet, more utterly basal than a nihilist? Why even bother engaging in philosophical discussion if you are so inept?

>> No.12913020

You sure managed to convince me of my wrongdoings with your reasoning and compassion.

>> No.12913023

No. Most nihilists nowerdays are people who rarely actually read, and if they are honest their philosophical stance is literally just born from them being depressed.

>> No.12913033

Bataille maybe

>> No.12913045
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>> No.12913046

yes - christian

>> No.12913047

You don't have to be a nihilist to see we're living in clown world.

>> No.12913065

boomer threads on /gif/ were pretty great among the sea of degeneracy

>> No.12913067

well done anon

>> No.12913068

I didn't claim to be one of em

>> No.12913072

They’re the same honestly. Both are self refuting

>> No.12913077

Scary shit anon. If Honkler ever hits the mainstream, time to double check your bugout bag.

>> No.12913081

The Plague is his worst work. I’d recommend reading the stranger. I just said that it’s baby’s first time reading Camus becuase the honk-pill is basically just right-wing absurdism.

>> No.12913090

Why do you think you're entitled to those things? Anyway, I told you what to do from the start. "go outside, have sex" is a meme form of telling you to form a relationship with a real human being instead of staying in the /pol/ bubble where you're bombarded with bitterness and crappy inforgraphics. There's an interesting documentary called "White Right: Meeting the Enemy" where this chick goes and talks to white nationalist types and you'll see that an emerging pattern where these people experience isolation and a lack of connection to society. She said that one of the interviewees reached out to her and told her that he left the movement because they got along together during the filming of the documentary, and at some point she asked him (in connection to how the white ethnostate will deal with non-whites) "would you kill me or deport me?", and he just couldn't come up with an answer to that.

>> No.12913109

You know how late night talk shows ask a hundred people a question, then only show the film of a couple of the most idiototic? Anecdotal evidence whether from personal life or media lies is not a source of truth.

>> No.12913112

that's almost all nihilists ever, most nihilists are just sad or angry people, not actual nihilists

>> No.12913113

have sex

>> No.12913120
File: 23 KB, 400x299, Neo-Ned-jeremy-renner-30856790-400-299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Neo Ned

>> No.12913124

Would you kill me or deport me?

>> No.12913154

It was just an example. There's a growing body of literature that approaches radicalism from that angle. I could also point to a book by a guy named Jamil Jivani called 'why young men'.

>> No.12913155

>you'll see that an emerging pattern where these people experience isolation and a lack of connection to society
You can learn that from spending 10 minutes on /pol/, not exactly a secret desu.
>one of the interviewees reached out to her and told her that he left the movement because they got along together during the filming of the documentary
Got swayed by the faintest promise of the pussy. How pathetic.

I get what you want to say, that one starts to solve one's problem by working, not by blaming others. It's very true. I'd love to see it applied to minorities too, not just to angry while males. When we rise above my personal problems to look at the larger patterns, though, what do we see? Alienation of young white males in western countries is called by globalism in its economic and cultural form as much as by sexual liberation and shift in dating scene, destruction of family etc. Incels are called incels because they can't have sex in the first place, so telling them to go have sex is sorta counterproductive.

>> No.12913161

>I told you what to do from the start. "go outside, have sex" is a meme form of telling you to form a relationship with a real human being instead of staying in the /pol/ bubble where you're bombarded with bitterness and crappy inforgraphics.
but anon, if you go to left wing internet spaces it's clear they are all also incels, just coping with a different way, like taking hormones to become girls

>> No.12913182

> I'd love to see it applied to minorities too, not just to angry while males
The filmmaker I alluded to started by doing something similar with Jihadis, and the book I suggested in a different reply also deals with Jihadis and gang members in addition to whites. And people pay plenty of attention to Muslims already.
"Hey our counterparts on the Left are also retarded so it's OK for us to be retarded too". So what?

>> No.12913195

>Incels are called incels because they can't have sex in the first place, so telling them to go have sex is sorta counterproductive.
You're ugly. So what? That's not my problem and it's not societies problem.
Maybe all the ugly incels can hook up with all the ugly trannies and the problem will solve itself.

>> No.12913196
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what a goof!

>> No.12913202

yeah both sides are pretty fucked up ;)

>> No.12913203

your post seemed to imply that inceldom was connected to right wing ideology, but it's just connected with internet retards in general

there's plenty of right wing and left wing people having sex in real life, no need to compromise your principles to get that

>> No.12913205

>The filmmaker I alluded to started by doing something similar with Jihadis
That's unironically cool. I do believe the prevalence of radical islam among middle-eastern immigrants in Europe is caused in large part by lack of opposite sex partners to bond and have family with, same as for alt-right.

>> No.12913213

>women won't fuck me on Tinder so all the Jews have got to go

uh okay buddy

>> No.12913218

I'm like 0.8 Chads. I do alright, but thanks I guess.

Yes, I'm sure Grievance Studies authors are finding all sorts of things to prove their own biases true.

>> No.12913222


>> No.12913226

>That's not my problem and it's not societies problem.
Yeah, but if even 30% of the male population would be deemed too ugly to have sex if would become a society's problem, and by extension your problem. Much like, being a bourgeois, you can deem the problems of the proletariat "not your problem" alright, until the class war begins.

>> No.12913228

The answer to radical extremism is state mandated gfs

>> No.12913235

>state enforced monogamy
patriarchy was not the problem, it was the solution, and it took us to remove the solution to discover the problem it was the solution for

>> No.12913238

obviously sexually frustrated young men are an issue for society, but that's not all the issue with jihadis or alt-right in the west.

In muslim countries there's plenty of terrorism even in countries where girls get forced to marry guys, and there's plenty of married boomers going into right wing conspiracy rabbit holes

>> No.12913243

not going to happen, the rational solution is legalize polygamy and forced conscription of incels

>> No.12913245

Last I checked bigamy was illegal in most parts of the west...

>> No.12913247

Of course economics component is very important. It's a complex of problems that leads to this mess.

>> No.12913249

Except polygamy is not actually a problem.
The problem is people do not want relationships.

>> No.12913253

not with me anyway :(

>> No.12913259

Prohibition of extramarital sex is the key point. Acts as a means of distributing pussy among the male population. >>12913243 would also work if there's enough wars going on, especially if you promise the incels the war spoils pussy. Good old Mohammed's way.

>> No.12913264
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> he didn't take the waifupill yet
The real solution is teaching kids that they don't need a GF as long as they have a simulacra of a GF in their minds and on their computers.

>> No.12913272

this mentality of "everybody would be a good liberal if you stuff enough $1000 bills into their pocket" is part of the problem

>> No.12913273

you know, that might just work

>> No.12913278

she couldn't save him though

>> No.12913283
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*people do not want relationships badly enough that they are willing to make the sacrifices required to develop and maintain one

If relationships were free, everyone would have one. Incels are just people that haven't realized how much work other people put into their social lives.

>> No.12913289
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She gave him the courage to free himself of State repression and be free. She absolutely saved him.

>> No.12913293

i don't think there's any way to go back to a pussy-socialism society on a large scale now that the gates have been opened

the only possible way is separatist communities with very hard rules and entry barriers that somehow end up mogging normal society by all metrics so that people want to be like them

>> No.12913304

I have made no affirmative statements as to my politics, only that many sources cannot be trusted. It is your bias that keeps assuming my views.

>> No.12913316

On the contrary, current society is unstable and will revert to the old ways sooner or later. Intriguing part is the timeframe and the mode of the reversal (beta uprising and 4th reich in ~10 years, or more or less peaceful flipping of the dominant culture to muslim or something else equally archaic through a couple of generations)

>> No.12913327

>I have made no affirmative statements as to my politics
uh, wrong

>> No.12913339

>On the contrary, current society is unstable and will revert to the old ways sooner or later.
societies collapse all the time, they don't always go back to "normal" whatever that is

>> No.12913348

Ok? Such as?

>> No.12913349

normal is when we own all the libshits epic style

>> No.12913358

what book is this?

>> No.12913366

Yeah, my hypothesis is that sexual liberation is unsustainable without some really outstanding efforts like genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership. And even with the catgirls there's the question of reproducing. You can make catgirls bear human children, it will be morally and ethically atrocious in so many different ways. Truly a future we deserve.

>> No.12913367

That image is so fake and gay holy shit

If you were to instead say that I was annoyed about being charged a dollar for lettuce, when my peers only need to pay a few cents, and that the lettuce I receive is straggly and a few days old, then you'd be getting more close to the reality of the situation

>> No.12913378

you don't even have a coalition to call "we"

>> No.12913380

Just to help, these are my posts, >>12913109, >>12913218, >>12913304

>> No.12913382
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>> No.12913395

Nomies look like they're putting in zero effort because they've been doing it so long they no longer see it as work.

>> No.12913493
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>> No.12913522

>you haven't paid the price for the party invitation
Who is this boomer armchair economist that reduces social interactions to capital? Is this what normies actually read?

>> No.12913539

>I deserve friends :)

silly zoomer

>> No.12913540

Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic by Henri Bergson

>> No.12913544

>Yeah, my hypothesis is that sexual liberation is unsustainable without some really outstanding efforts like genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership.

What sort of age do we live that someone can write this in complete earnest AFTER a decade(s) of SA, 4chan and their contemporaries making fun of people who thought something as stupid as this?

>> No.12913548

her bagena is dripping

>> No.12913558

Apparently you are correct. And here I was hoping for enlightenment on a blindspot.

>> No.12913565
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pol is one massive blindspot, there.

>> No.12913573

Why, the 4chan that was laughing was actually me. But now it's me, and 4chan in general, that writes that in complete earnest. Isn't that ironic.

>> No.12913574


>> No.12913592
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>> No.12913621

Here is what I have stated:
Media manipulation exists. A bipartisan position if there ever was one.
And two ways people fail to understand science. Apolitical as well, beyond a general disappointment in the failings of humans.

So what are my /pol/ views, newfag? Have you ever even been to /pol/? How do you know they are wrong, if you haven't even been there? Yet I'm the one trusting to my biases?

>> No.12913626

You need to keep up with the current paradigm my friend. It's all circuitous and cyclical.

>> No.12913632
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This is pretty much how I feel as an incel. Except for the tranny part.
Ugly people are the worst

>> No.12913636
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>I deserve friends :)
>silly zoomer
As a 30yo boomer (friendless wizard), I thought zoomers were getting laid (a WHOLE lot) more and have larger, if not wider, social circles. I mean, being a giant manchild is nowhere near detrimental to one's social standing as it used to be.

>> No.12913649

new generations are having less sex than ever in all studies

>> No.12913654

uhh, you said a little more than that ;)

>> No.12913657
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>> No.12913658
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>I'm a boomer! I'm 30years old!

lay off the redpills lol

>> No.12913661

"In the era of its real domination, capital has run away (as the cyberneticians put it), it has escaped. [7] It is no longer controlled by human beings. (Human beings in the form of proletarians might, at least passively, represent a barrier to capital.) It is no longer limited by nature. Some production processes carried out over periods of time lead to clashes with natural barriers: increase in the number of human beings, destruction of nature, pollution. But these barriers cannot be theoretically regarded as barriers which capital cannot supersede. At present there are three possible courses for the capitalist mode of production (in addition to the destruction of humanity - a hypothesis that cannot be ignored):

complete autonomy of capital: a mechanistic utopia where human beings become simple accessories of an automated system, though still retaining an executive role;
mutation of the human being, or rather a change of the species: production of a perfectly programmable being which has lost all the characteristics of the species Homo sapiens. This would not require an automatized system, since this perfect human being would be made to do whatever is required;
generalized lunacy: in the place of human beings, and on the basis of their present limitations, capital realizes everything they desire (normal or abnormal), but human beings cannot find themselves and enjoyment continually lies in the future. The human being is carried off in the run-away of capital, and keeps it going."

>> No.12913668

The funny thing is it seems like people are being prohibited from having sex somehow. There'd a sense of entitlement or resentment, but it's not really founded in reality because almost everyone is having less sex than before. Except for a minority of people who fuck all the time.

>> No.12913669

People feel like* they're being prohibited

I hate phoneposting but I'm on my lunch break

>> No.12913670

this is an amazing pasta, thank you

>> No.12913673

the boomer meme is the best thing to come out of 4chan in a long time. the joker threads on /tv/ were pretty funny for a while too

>> No.12913677

didn't honkler arise from a distillation of those joker threads?

>> No.12913681
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>> No.12913686

How? I'm failing to see this.

I know I'm not a real boomer, but hey, the meme has stuck and I can't escape the label on 4chan.

>> No.12913689
File: 47 KB, 375x500, E648C285-7690-4A85-9F85-BCF3C169EB6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young white men are the biggest danger to the Jewish system. You're right to be afraid of the angry ones

>> No.12913693


>> No.12913695

Pornography. Low tier men find it preferable to masturbate to 10s instead of hooking up with fellow 4s. There's certainly less work involved.
The beautiful people of my generation are having just as much if not more sex than ever before.

>> No.12913696

Probably just due to few men getting to fuck while the girls all get roastied

>> No.12913704

You're a boomer to me anon :)

You old science-illiterate waste of resources :)

Kill grandpa ;)

>> No.12913709

Fine, now you are just trolling me with this obnoxious sweetie poster bit. Wouldn't it be a more satisfying way to spend your day if you just went and masturbated? See also, >>12913695
(you) ugly phoneposter.

>> No.12913710

>The beautiful people of my generation are having just as much if not more sex than ever before.
I don't know, it seems like there are a lot more beautiful people in the zoomer generation and the unlaid are just louder than before.

>> No.12913716

Ugly women are in the same position as ugly men. Femcels are a thing, just not as prevalent because there's more of a cultural incentive for women to behave conservatively when it comes to sex, whereas men are constantly encouraged to measure their worth by how many sexual partners they have.

>> No.12913726

Completely anecdotal. Ugly people don't post their ass on Instagram (or at any rate, get popular while doing so)

>> No.12913729

Social media 1) Gives the impression there are more beautiful people than before 2) Allows these beautiful people to find each other and fuck, way more easily than before and 3) Also gives a place for ugly people to complain then amplify those complaints

>> No.12913732

This is my last resort

>> No.12913735

doubt that after the kind of tinder screenshots i've seen, you can't comprehend how thirsty some men actually are

>> No.12913737

This. Everyone who is zoomer aged and on social media marketing themselves are already attractive which is why they are selling and making bank on their image. Or they get money from their parents for surgery to de-ugly themselves.

>> No.12913772

Thing is, inceldom is more of a mental state than a physical one. I know ugly ass men in awful shape who pull can semi regularly because they have charisma, confidence and they don't put themselves down after getting rejected. I've also met good-looking men who are absolutely repellent to women because of their personality. It's easier for men to get blackpilled after constant rejection than women, but it happens to some women too. It's easier for ugly women to be slags but that's because they're fine with fucking ugly people like them

>> No.12913814

So this is the power of debate on /lit/...

>> No.12913819

> sex has 23 mentions (excluding your 6)
> there are 180 comments ITT (excluding ours)

>> No.12913821

Yeah, nah. I know a guy with the worst personality I've ever had the misfortune of encountering, and he also has aspergers which causes him to spaz out frequently. He also happens to be very good looking. He pulls like an absolute mad man.

>> No.12913823

i mean that's basically french philosophy

>> No.12913829

Very good.

>> No.12913831

better not go to travel board then

ok Jordan now go clean your room

>> No.12913841

Case in point. The clown meme is cringe but arises from you and the regime you support clamping down on any rational or dissenting thought.

>> No.12913847

Saw some people ordering stuff at McDonalds today....they were black.....completely clown world....western civilisation lost its way

>> No.12913869

>everything is ok
>except we have capitalism so everything is actually wrong

>> No.12913890

My point is that incels are incels because they're stuck conceiving of themselves as such. Every single incel could get laid within a month, but they're held back by their fear, their unrealistic standards, their laziness, etc. Either way it's a bit anecdotal.

>> No.12913891
File: 52 KB, 500x666, 1518427267152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must have been some increase in the aesthetic beauty of (what used to be) the nerds/geeks? I mean, over the years and years of dorks dressing up as fantasy characters they've must have picked up some facial/hygiene habits to look more like the character they're cosplaying, especially with the internet and all the tutorials they have online on everything.

>> No.12913918

professional attention whores are not the average geek you fucking moron
get the fuck off lit and read a book

>> No.12913923

What is pic from?

>> No.12913926

>professional attention whores are not the average geek
Geeks don't exist anymore.

>> No.12913930

>we own all the libshits epic style

>> No.12913935

Drug dealers too I suppose

>> No.12913941

Yeah you're sampling from a subset of people who are actively trying to make money off their looks.

This is because "geek" culture has just become another fashion trend to be subsume into the cultural sinkhole.

>> No.12913983

Bro... The government are the drug dealers now...

>> No.12913991

Sounds like something a normalfag would say

>> No.12914010

I feel like we're gonna a disagreement on who is or isn't a geek here, even taking into account people who've picked it up for attention.

>something a zoomer would say
I used to think there was a line between fake geeks and real geeks but that line is kinda faded now.

>> No.12914039

Funny how anonymous image board users are so obsessed with appearances. Like it's the worst thing in the world to get labeled as the newest buzzword.

>> No.12914078

Book recc?

>> No.12914097

2003-2006 was best
2007-09 were ok
2010-12 were cancer

>> No.12914116

It's not about who's a "true geek" or not, it's the fact that the only people who are posting these and getting popular are people who are good looking to begin with and making efforts to capitalize on their looks. We've said this multiple times, I don't know how you're not understanding the point

>> No.12914159

Generation П, then Chapaev and Void, then Iphuck 10, then lesser works. Be prepared to research the postsoviet russia if you want to fully understand the context, but it should work fine even without that.

>> No.12914169

26, not white, male but I've gone through education.

>> No.12914196

It was made clear during the April Fool's prank that /lit/ posters significantly outnumber the /pol/ crossboarders, so it looks like we're being spammed harder now.

Brainlet cope.

>> No.12914202

>still speaking of /pol/
You fool. The place became uninhabitable by 2014.

>> No.12914205

It's because of witch_hunt.exe, preinstalled on every human, and causing so much damage that negative associations themselves have become a danger to fear.

>> No.12914228

Holy.....I want more

>> No.12914229
File: 927 KB, 1977x1093, chad honkler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camus, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche. Anything absurdism or humorous nihilism

>> No.12914254

Lol :3

>> No.12914276

The Jewish System creates those buzzwords to divide white people. It is ok for them to feel resentment.

>> No.12914278

Because you made it so, and now you are going to ruin other boards like a bunch of refugees shitting up all places they go

>> No.12914279

>unironically believing in upvotes
you have to go back

>> No.12914284

come on

>> No.12914287

Anyone who used the upvotes unironically should be roped

>> No.12914289

did you just wikipedia existentialism?

>> No.12914312


>> No.12914335
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>> No.12914348

Alright, you're probably right.

Is 4chan an acceptable sample? Anons these days seem be getting laid more often than not these days and there seems fewer sadbrains and wizards, everyone complains about girl/friend problems even on /r9k/ and /adv/ where there used to be tons of losers. Wizchan is now populated with teen "volcel" LARP'ers and very few actual wizards/losers.

>> No.12914373

no, but I did wikipedia absurdism yesterday I think

>> No.12914375
File: 55 KB, 600x284, 05onfire1_xp-articleLarge-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody should photoshop the rainbow hair on this, maybe with the dog adding even more fire

>> No.12914393

>Because you made it so
Pool made it so.

>> No.12914415
File: 358 KB, 600x284, fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that it needs something more

>> No.12914425

>The next bullshit meme image/format to be shat out

Nothing's real anymore.

>> No.12914438
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>> No.12914444

It should say
"This is fire"

Keep everything else.

>> No.12914482

I believe it is a reference to Leer's Fool who because he is beyond seriousness is uniquely able to speak to Leer with frankness.

>> No.12914488
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>> No.12914489
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buzzwords are used to shut down wrongthink and manipulate opinions
the culture of shaming gets pushed hard on here to keep us from ever learning anything

>> No.12914491

>i refuse to identify any problems in contemporary society because i dont want to be identified as some in-in-in-incel

is this nu-poptimism?

>> No.12914499
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>> No.12914514

This is the role of the jester in literature more generally yes, though I'm not sure how related honk-pilling is to that conception. Definitely related because clowns and the carnivals obviously fulfill fairly undeviating social roles across societies

>> No.12914541

This is how many women argue. When they are losing arguments they are masters of taking minor semantic deviations or slipups and taking huge argument- stalling detours using them without addressing the main point. It's infuriating. Always choose your words with exceeding care, never give them an inch.

>> No.12914581
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only because you got quads
I think it looks like shit

>> No.12914594

good call

>> No.12914595

this is huh, wow

>> No.12914607
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>> No.12914623

I like it

>> No.12914635

Wait, I think it works. I was too autistic and or tired to get it

>> No.12914640

>i want to say black people are mostly criminals
What is it with people today? All those interesting points brought up, just so you can start blaming everyone not white. It was like this with a youtube video that randomly popped up in my feed which was about culture become more retarded and simple but then towards the end it veered off into /pol/ territory and talking about how the left can't meme, npcs and that memes are the counter-culture of today. No one seems to take into account how insane it is for dumb memes or an anime discussion site to have a noticeable impact on the political landscape.

>> No.12914655


>> No.12914659

I want to spread it, but I got banned from social media

>> No.12914667
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>> No.12914670

it'll get posted somewhere eventually if it's good enough

>> No.12914685


>> No.12914686

>fucking watermark
Remember when people used to do things out of their own passion rather than to get their youtube channel monetized?

It's like you're not aware of the irony of your own meme.

>> No.12914693

that is borderline christian facebook soccer mom tier, incredible

>> No.12914698

zimonitrome is based though

>> No.12914703


>> No.12914713

i think it's already getting spread by /pol/, plus they are trying to "contaminate" the rainbow flag in general and the "thumbs up" symbol as well

it's going to be a shitstorm if the outrage machine picks this is, not sure if they'll be able to ruin the rainbow flag, but the outrage machine also loves being outraged too much to not pick this stuff up

>> No.12914723

>it's going to be a shitstorm if the outrage machine picks this
they've already done that,

>> No.12914725

where? i haven't seen anything going on in progressive circles about this, except for the clown part

>> No.12914726

What are you even trying to achieve?

>> No.12914728

Does the book say anything about what comes after?

>> No.12914732
File: 28 KB, 300x379, e0f05d0bb16f9d157df529e11860c2ad_1024x1024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /honk/ cinema recommendations? I tried asking in /tv/ and it was immediately deleted.

>> No.12914734

i'm not /pol/, i'm not trying to achieve anything

>> No.12914735

>the outrage machine also loves being outraged
>media profits from clickbait headlines

the corporate media's gonna be SO MAD when this all turns out to be a joke and they got all that ad revenue for nothing

>> No.12914739
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>> No.12914740


>> No.12914743

rightwingwatch has picked it up, it's only a matter of time before vice/vox/whatever does too, they use them as a source

>> No.12914750

at the end of the day it still means the "ok" symbol got banned everywhere, even if it's just for clicks the effect is the same

>> No.12914753

Thanks. I love you.

>> No.12914755

only the clown part, which is the most "benign" one, not sure what will happen with the rainbow part and the thumbs up part which would be the most disruptive ones if picked up

>> No.12914761

It literally didn't though, unless you count a video game as "everywhere" in which case who could possibly give a shit

>> No.12914764

try doing it if you are a public figure or featured in the news anywhere in burgerland and see what happens

>> No.12914767

After 15 years of meme science it's literally just spamming "pool's closed" on Habbo Hotel still

yeah if hundreds of idiots do something obnoxious over and over people will tell you to stop. Powerful

>> No.12914768

this and
dr strangelove
wag the dog
falling down
the act of killing

>> No.12914778

it's not telling you to stop, it's changing the meaning of symbols in the public sphere

>> No.12914788

Dr Strangelove is hard clowncore, highly recommended

Falling Down is some bougie boomer victim-mentality shit though. Oh no I can't get my shitty microwaved egg & cheese fast food item, the world has gone to hell and no one respects me, and I'm the bad guyy???? It's literally those Kelly comics on The Onion but unironic

>> No.12914796
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>> No.12914797

Does Donnie Darko count?

>> No.12914804

I took falling down because it's an early "we live in a society" meme

>> No.12914811

it's the most bourgois mentality ever, and it's promolgated by leftwing socialists. The irony

>> No.12914829

leftwing socialists don't support UBI, that's more of a bougie-silicon-valley thing

>> No.12914832

Who themselves are leftwing socialists. I don't know if they really believe in that or if it's just a public image thing though.

>> No.12914838


>> No.12914854
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>> No.12914872

Books for tfw the first four panels of this piccy-wiccy?

>> No.12914883

Gang weed was always low key post sincere

>> No.12914903

I'm thinking the internet waaay too much for humanity. We should go back to 56k modems.

>> No.12914912


Damn accelerationists! No spreading Honkler!

That's what I'm saying.

Damnit! No being funny!

>> No.12914919
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>> No.12914939

>12. This is also why Negri and Hardt's reference to Bakhtin's notion of carnival as the model for the protest movement of the multitude-they are carnevalesque not only in their form and atmosphere (theatrical performances, chants, humorous songs), but also in their non-centralized organization-is deeply problematic: is late capitalist social reality itself not already carnevalesque? Furthermore, is "carnival" not also the name for the obscene underside of power-from gang rapes to mass lynchings? Let us not forget that Bakhtin developed the notion of carnival in his book on Rabelais written in the 1930s, as a direct reply to the carnival of the Stalinist purges.

>> No.12914946

>There are two correlative traps to be avoided here, the Rightist and the Leftist deviation. The first one, of course, is the pseudo-Hegelian notion that this gap stands for a "self-alienation" which I should strive to ideally abolish and to fully assume my speech as directly my own. Against this version, one should assert that there is no I which can, ideally even, take the word "directly," by-passing the detour of prosopopeia. Wearing a mask can thus be a strange thing: sometimes, more often than we tend to believe, there is more truth in the mask that in what we assume to be our "real self." Recall the proverbial impotent shy person who, while playing the cyberspace interactive game, adopts the screen identity of a sadistic murderer and irresistible seducer - it is all too simple to say that this identity is just an imaginary supplement, a temporary escape from his real life impotence. The point is rather that, since he knows that the cyberspace interactive game is "just a game," he can "show his true self," do things he would never have done in real life interactions - in the guise of a fiction, the truth about himself is articulated. Therein resides the truth of the charming story like Alexandre Dumas’ The Man Behind the Iron Mask: what if we should turn around the topic according to which, in our social interactions, we wear masks covering out hidden true face? What if, on the contrary, in order for us to interact in public with our true face, we have to have a mask somewhere hidden, deposed, a mask rendering our unbearable excess, what is in us more than ourselves, a mask which we can put on only exceptionally, in the carnevalesque moments when the standard rules of interaction are suspended? In other words, what if the true function of the mask is not to be worn, but to be kept hidden?

>> No.12914948

The Killing of a Sacred Deer

>> No.12914952

The Day The Clown Cried, but you'll have to wait until 2024

>> No.12914960

>Gradually I began to hate them

>> No.12915072


Essentially Camus' absurdism mixed with a heavy dosage of the internet's post-modernist irony.

>> No.12915120

What the fuck is at the end of this retarded tunnel?

>> No.12915121
File: 221 KB, 680x680, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing! HONK HONK!

>> No.12915140


Either a re-capitulation back into trad values with a smattering of self-awareness--basically New Sincerity--or the oblivion of an infinite multiplicity of looping irony polished up with a new coat of whatever internet sub-culture can slap on it i.e. the Honk Pill for 4chan or "Lol that moment when you're too depressed to kill urself" posts for normies on Instagram/Reddit.

>> No.12915156

>trad values
I dread to ask what exactly this means.

>> No.12915158

I don't hate all women, just the ones who refuse to engage intellectually honest arguments. I've met plenty of women who don't do this shit, but conversely I've never met a guy willing to go so in-depth into bullshit semantic sophism.

>> No.12915160

fucking forced meme. kys ffs

>> No.12915176

Also I don't think there's any going back.

(You know, I remember in islamic classes the teacher always talking about end times as if they were around the corner. Now I believe them. I wonder how many religions have end times that fit the current climate of today?)

>I only liked some vaginas but I've never said no to dick

>> No.12915201


Not in the conservative sense--more just a return to single-entendre beliefs in terms of art/religion/government.

First take the post-modern mindset, which is acknowledging that there's a simulacra and that whatever choice you make, no matter how ethical it may seem, will be undermined by the fact that it will have been made for you by forces--the government, capitalism, other tweed-academic shit--beyond your control.

Second, acknowledge that these forces exist, but also point out that the inherent cynicism and dispassion of those forces beyond your control doesn't have to be a paralyzing force in your life, that you can still live a good and sincere existence full of contentment by utilizing those institutions while still remaining aware and conscious of what they really are and what they've done.

It's essentially the art/artist argument--can you still enjoy a work of art if the artist was a bad person?

Personally, if you enjoy that piece of art, I would say yes, why not? Why let the bad person the creator turned out to be completely ruin the enjoyment or even the inspiration that art may have given you? That's not to say you shouldn't block out the bad things they've done, but if you can make yourself aware of them and take time to reckon with what those things mean, then I'd say that's ethically tenable.

The alternative would be turning away from that art, which on the one hand could obviously be good because you'd no longer be supporting a bad person; on the other hand, that art could help people learn the markers of what a bad person might sound/look like.

Long story short, the solution described is essentially just knowing how bad stuff can be, keeping that in the back of your mind, and not letting it paralyze you or keep you from living a contented life.

>> No.12915209

Memes are still formed organically, they're just used as a force to force ideas into others.

>> No.12915210

Conversion to islam or the sword.

Unfortunately, honk is far too real. It is postironic and brutally despairing, every poster wishes it was another way, but it isn't.

>> No.12915230

You could summarise all extremist groups as this. Antifacists, 'woke POC' are the same. We're all the same, we just support the viewpoint that enables our survival. If you seriously think there's a difference you're deluded, or not willing to admit you belong to one of these groups.

>> No.12915249

>People pay plenty of attention to muslims.

Not really. If that were true we would've seen the quran banned by now because of it's nature and the ideologies and actions it encourages. Yet, Alex Jones says some retarded shit, not half as retarded as the quran, and is slightly mean to some people, yet millions of radicalized muslims are allowed their fairy book that tells them to kill and murder.

>> No.12915251


>> No.12915258

If sexually frustrated men were a serious issue for society society would be a lot worse than it is. You're trying to 'mother teresa' groups of individuals to make yourself feel better, probably because you've done nothing in life.

>> No.12915260

I've recently started chuckling for no reason every once in a while but I'm still as miserable as ever. Has my brain finally atrophied enough and embraced the honkpill?

>> No.12915264

>If you seriously think there's a difference you're deluded, or not willing to admit you belong to one of these groups.
Where does he say anything contrary to that?

I want to ask why pasty white nerds aligned themselves to these groups but I pretty sure I already know the (retarded) reason why.

>> No.12915275

When something as dumb as this meme enters the mainstream, I wonder how far off things like racist/misogynist groups that allow trannys and gays in their ranks will appear. I mean, when you go underneath the comments section of an alt-right youtube video you find a bunch of people agreeing with the video with furry/mlp/anime/trap profile pictures.

I mean how fucking retarded is the world gonna get?

>> No.12915277

I never said he didn't, I'm making a point that runs counter to what the majority of people he's referring to believe: white men are a 'problem in society' any different from any other problem. You can't have it both ways: blacks aren't inferior because culture and genetics don't effect anything, it's because society is shaped against them, but also culture and genetics do play a part and therefore white people's disenfranchisement is so much different and sinister.

>> No.12915278

Honk honk!

>> No.12915284

didn't know about Camatte, thanks

>> No.12915290

It's already happening.

>> No.12915296

I never knew goatse guy was married. It all makes sense now.

>> No.12915307

>that comma

>> No.12915373
File: 53 KB, 498x381, The cure - Beatings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...capital has run away (as the cyberneticians put it), it has escaped. [7] It is no longer controlled by human beings.....

You know, I've been thinking about ant mills and internet memes, and how a chunk of those memes are insular/niche but somehow spread among the mainstream.

>An ant mill is an observed phenomenon in which a group of army ants, which are blind, are separated from the main foraging party, lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle. The ants will eventually die of exhaustion.

There's like a bunch of memes that have no right or make sense for them to be passed along in the mainstream somehow they make it out there. Take the boku no pico meme, where you recommend the fucking SHOTA hentai to someone when they ask you for an anime recommendation. I've seen go from 4chan to youtube comments to social media comments even to the point where I heard someone IRL say it. There's like 2 conclusions we can draw from this:
a) People think this is funny and are okay with shota hentai
b) People pass it along because they don't want to be out of the loop and so just pass along whatever meme they come across no matter the content or where it came from.

(I guess you can ignore the "The ants will eventually die of exhaustion." part of the analogy).

>> No.12915435

Joking about molesting boys has always been funny. See Michael Jackson jokes, catholic priest jokes, etc

Joking about molesting little girls is likely to get you sent to jail

>> No.12915443

Funny to normies* I should clarify

>> No.12915494

You don't wanna discuss the fucking point I was making do you? Not to mention the fucking 1000 year old soul meme has been making the rounds for a while now.

>> No.12915620

I wish, but what makes you say a thing like that.

>> No.12915659

Pynchon! Read Pynchon!

>> No.12915896
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How do you live contently without feeling like a major hypocrite? Borderline neurosis?

>> No.12916242
File: 228 KB, 637x476, Big Think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically, yeah. Awareness of the post-modern simulacra means that anyone who exists in a flawed system aka a system that manipulates/wrongs us and others--which is all of us--is sociopathic. Even killing yourself or not playing the game is a reaction to the system, and therefore still sociopathic by that definition. So you either acknowledge that or live in a paralytic state forever.

>> No.12916435

good post

>> No.12916721


>> No.12916949

Yet the vast majority of people still believe and fight for grand narratives and support universal rational ideas and rights. I fear that this day the narratives modernism spawned have never been more widely accepted and treasured by the general population. The greatest influence postmodernism had, is only present in select academic circles.

>> No.12916993
File: 3.72 MB, 2000x1504, zpkyz9lde8p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stay off the internet. Trust me, it'll all go away. It isn't real, reality at large is far worse and less absurd, the same damn sins, beliefs, and emotions humans have always dealt with are responsible. Ignore the skin and look for the heart. Now only the scale is catastrophic
However, reality on your personal level is fine and will make you happy, much happier without the screeches of the schizophrenic masses constantly in your ear. If you're on this site you'll probably never personally deal with the above real problems and for sure the problems promoted by fantastical midwit culture wars. Quite your mind, take up something you enjoy, speak to people around you, and eat well