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/lit/ - Literature

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12893677 No.12893677 [Reply] [Original]

It's generally a cliche on this board that none of us are good writers and none of us will ever amount to anything where literature is concerned. But is that really true? And if there WERE a good writer here, how would we be able to tell? What, exactly, signifies a talented writer in this day and age?

>> No.12893704

There are good writers here. If you stay long enough every once in a while some faggot shows up who actually has talent, but it’s like 1/200

>> No.12893714
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I pop in from time to time. I wouldn't call myself talented but I have several books published and I'm fairly well known.
I think there are some truly talented writers here. Every now and then I read something posted in the muck of infighting that I'm surprised to consider profound. It's why I come here.
I suspect that a handful of you all will make something of yourselves as writers. But you must first write. Good luck.

>> No.12893720

Are you Sneed Pahalniuk or are you Brett Eastmyass Ellis?

>> No.12893736

I have not and will not comment on who I am.

>> No.12893806

writing sucks

>> No.12893948

He’s definitely Ellis, he’s come here before

>> No.12894538

I'm a good writer.

>> No.12894752

That nigger novel guy was good.

>> No.12894836

I know one fairly well known author that browses /lit/ from time to time. He gets talked about on occasion and he even tried to correct someone once who made a tiered and silly connection between his life and his work, it was fun watching him get ripped into for completely missing the point of his own book, a few anons ganged up on him. He has a fondness of throwing out red herrings regarding his books and drops the odd little unknown factoid about his life that know one believes since he can not provide a source.

>> No.12894848

Fake and gay

>> No.12894983

Whomst'd'v's he?

>> No.12895026

>What, exactly, signifies a talented writer in this day and age?

>> No.12895159

Anon, this board is anonymous.

What is that supposed to be a contraction of?

>> No.12895183

I still think leftopia was pretty good and more interesting than the initial shock value would suggest

>> No.12895187

/lit/ isn't a country. people come here, people stop coming here, they achieve something or not, and they don't have to tell us either way. we will never know everything about the board as a whole.

>> No.12895506
File: 3.84 MB, 1080x8961, never forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12895514
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Occasionally you get some great pastiche

>> No.12895520
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Here's another
If you can get someone on /lit/ to call your writing based you will make it someday

>> No.12895634

>good writer vs bad writer
What a meme. The problem of this board is that nobody actually even reads anymore.
4chan has become airstrip one.
/V/ hates gaems
/tg/ hates warhammer, nobody actually plays
/b/ is prevedible as fuck, a parody of itself
/pol/ is full of jewish nigger commies
/d/ is for chastity and virginity untill marriage
/his/ is for propaganda
/sci/ is for pseudoscience
And nobody reads on /lit/.

>> No.12896251

And /mu/ is full of kpopers

>> No.12896269

I'm actually making an effort to read more. Even when I was a fucking bookworm as a child, I kind of got distracted out of it as I grew up and had uni, work, 4chan, video games...
Yeah, I don't want to project my own issues but I would say that it's fairly common to most of us, to feel like we're not reading enough books.
Try to not feel bad about it and actually read.

>> No.12896673

You're right i forgot. Thank you.
I'm not talking of the personal habits of each anon, since I can't know about any of that.
I'm talking about the culture of the board: It's all shitposting every day all day, and most of the threads betray the fact that the priority here isn't talking about books but appear fucking smart.
There's 10 threads a day on Guenon. I doubt most of the people who post there have read anything serious by him in years.

>> No.12896689

The trend nowadays is to speak in 3 word sentences whenever possible. "I like that" "X is bad" "no proof needed". Anything more seems to be too complex for people to understand. Gotta replace any word with 3 syllables or more with a 1 syllable word like YAAAAAS.

If conversation is that bad, there's no hope for reading, much less writing.

>> No.12896729


>> No.12896791

People IRL tell me I have talent, and why should I cast pearls before swine like you?
You are all faggots, bastards! Sons of bitches!
That's why I never share anything with you.

>> No.12896946

Anon everyone told me I was smart and full of talent too when i was younger...
They said I was a genius, even.
They lie. We're all mediocrities.

>> No.12896994

You might be, but I'm going to sit on the golden throne.

>> No.12896998

>tfw I actually read
I feel speshul now