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File: 221 KB, 680x680, funny-iguana-clown-costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12889708 No.12889708 [Reply] [Original]

Now that western civilization is dead, what is the point of reading the literary works it produced? I mean, if all of that "beauty" and "truth" ultimately ended up giving us trannies and Blacked, then what value could it actually have? Traveling the same road isn't going to lead to a different destination. It seems like it all a joke the entire time, just with a very delayed punchline.

>> No.12889712


>> No.12889716

Why do /pol/tards still use that frog for more than 3 years? It's like listening to a broken record at this point. I can bet my ass that the next new epic 4chins memay will be an other wojak.

>> No.12889721

I clearly labeled the picture as an iguana in the filename, so stop accusing me of frogposting. Thank you.

>> No.12889752

What about esoteric Hitlerism.

>> No.12889763


>> No.12889764

I think that things like Nazism represent surge movements, in which a counterforce to the decline of western civilization arises temporarily, only to be defeated and its existence used as a justification for a hastening of the decline. Nazism is the biggest one, but smaller ones occur all the time, e.g. the alt-right. It's natural that these movements always fail, as western civilization is degenerate and rotten to the core of its being. Resisting it just makes it more degenerate.

>> No.12889767

We can still read the all the Anglo stuff, as it's their civilization which has triumphed over western civilization.

>> No.12889797

universality > empty self-expression

>> No.12889815

Based and suicide pilled

>> No.12889822

Is there a site which gives us trannies getting Blacked?

>> No.12889827

To reach a sense of closure. Western civilization began with the greeks, and now it ends with amerimutts. Books would be boring if they didn't have an ending. You stand on the last page of a grand tale titled "The Western Canon", the finale feels bittersweet and somewhat absurd, and you realise that maybe the cosmic writer lost his interest somewhere along the way and rushed it in, that the won't be a sequel about space exploration and that the book will turn to ashes once you close it, but nevertheless, you must accept it.

>> No.12889829
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1544487394238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a gladius and ill slice my belly open, all im on this earth for is to take ridiculous amounts of LSD

>> No.12889838 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 960x539, 1554551965648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that western civilization is dead
>if all of that "beauty" and "truth" ultimately ended up giving us trannies and Blacked
And that's a good thing

>> No.12889854

nice jewish ontological assumptions, numale, but what if Hitler was not the last breath of decaying 'western civilisation', but a mere prefiguration of Kalki, the destroyer? despite his merits, Hitler was Weak. Human all too, human, far too merciful and restrained.

'Western Civilisation' is not magian unity, not christian mercy but faustian rupture, the veddas are the founding text of western civilisation, the bible is a semitic corruption. Take the O9A pill my brother, CHRISTVS is but the original sjw, all traces of magian influence need to be expurgated through depraved acts of extreme brutality so we can ascend to the next level and take the imperium beyond the stars. Managerial liberalism is but the latest incarnation of the magian semitic mind virus, I hate those ''folks'', the marginalised pets of the left, the pink haired queers, not because they challenge in anyway a christian order, but because in every one of their faggot faces I see the visage of the hateful nazarene reflected back at me. Hegelianism, Marxism, Christianity, Social Justice, Science, all by names for entropy. a truly extropian and revolutionary thought is antidialectical and trascends empirica for Magicka.

>> No.12889869

Have sex

>> No.12889870

cringe and schizopilled

>> No.12889912

>transsexuals are new
>interracial fetishes are new
Nope. “Western civilization” is fine and the main threats to it are anti-liberal puppets of opposing powers such as yourself. If you had a model of history and art that isn’t based in /pol/ memes you’d appreciate that the western canon leads to right here.

>> No.12889917

Russia and the People's Republic of China are more 'western' than the managerial gynocracy globohomo leviathan that lords it over the greater NATO coprosperity sphere in the year of our lord 2019, any sane non mentally ill individual will signal boost superior eurasian memetics whenever possible

>> No.12889922

I can't imagine how vile of a person you'd have to be to look at the West today and think it's good. Whenever I see someone say things like this I figure I must be talking to an alien; even if we're both human, we are so mentally separate that that may as well be the case.

>> No.12889925

>an other wojak
Genius. Wojack or feelsguy was not an other, and has yet to be such. Ayy lmao wojacks incoming!

>> No.12889928

Don't be sad that its over, Be happy it happend.

>> No.12889938

>If you had a model of history and art that isn’t based in /pol/ memes you’d appreciate that the western canon leads to right here.
Tell me how a proper understanding of art would make me appreciate that children can undergo gender transition hormone therapy.

>> No.12889986

>the whole Western Civilization it's a minority in first world countrys
I assume you also believe Jews are behind it, right?

>> No.12890002

I think the root of the problem is deeper and perhaps not fully knowable; I don't subscribe to any boogeyman theories.

>> No.12890004

Pepe has evolved into a language of its own

>> No.12890015

Why do we read the Greeks? Why read the Vedas? To get insight to what you can do with the knowledge of the past to your present situation.

>> No.12890052

>le alt right SJW

Faggot lel

>> No.12890410

cry harder discord tranny

>> No.12890419


>> No.12890426

Based. Great post

>> No.12890427

I'm a socialist and environmentalist, the clown edit is great and says a lot about our current society.

>> No.12890722

>Why do we read the Greeks?
We shouldn't, since they're the root of the cancer you're seeing today. Everything built off of them and ended up here. They're worthless.

>> No.12890726

>"more than 3 years"
>whining about pepe memes
>all but admitting you were told to come here and whine about everything on 4chan being "election tourists"