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12873569 No.12873569 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on unrequited love?

>> No.12873596

What are some good doujins on the subject? Asking for a friend

>> No.12873637

The muwashahah poetry use this subject quite a lot in a beautiful way

>> No.12874406

Can’t think of anything better than Werther for that

>> No.12874471
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And to some extend, Notre-Dame de Paris.

>> No.12874513

I think I read this too early to properly appreciate it, but that image of Lotte kissing the bird still stands out in my mind.

>> No.12874813

Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart

>> No.12875369
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Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis

(or the weird "Philosopher or Dog?" title some editions have)

>> No.12875776

Far From The Madding Crowd. Also, the poem Locksley Hall.

>> No.12875792

My Diary desu

>> No.12875812

Do americans really do this?

>> No.12875897

la Vita Nuova
My Diary Desu

>> No.12875969

great gatsby

>> No.12876055

,,Dziady" poem by Adam Mickiewicz

>> No.12876128

Cyrano de Bergerac
Some parts of Prousts Recherche
White Nights
Death in Venice

>> No.12877220
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バンプ I'm interested too
books about going batshit obsessing over an oneitis like wuthering heights also fine

>> No.12877440

When did you read it? I find it’s best read when a young man, and then you appreciate it more as you grow older.

>> No.12877477

Sentimental Education is the big one. But /lit/ Pynchon-loving brianlets would not understand it, or have the attention span to actual read the whole thing.

>> No.12877494

no kurwa

>> No.12877548

Dear God, free me from empfindsamkeit so I might live as an animal brute

>> No.12877617

I finished The Sorrows of Young Werther a couple of weeks ago. It was hard to get behind. Werther is an idle romantic with no boundaries. Were he more relatable, I would have appreciated it more.

>> No.12877739

Read Wilhelm Meister afterwards

>> No.12877961

Oh and what about dante's comedy?