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12837303 No.12837303 [Reply] [Original]

How’s your Lent going, chums?

>> No.12837322

Im gonna write a book now bye

>> No.12837349
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This book seriously solidified my Catholic faith after having recently discovered the Traditional Latin Mass. Seriously would recommend it to any right wingers that wish to understand how things are supposed to work and have a better perspective on just how bad things really are today.

>> No.12837366

poorly, please pray for me.

>> No.12837373

I am reading Rene Guenon's book Insights into Christian esoterism right now. I wish he gave more examples on some of his claims regarding the early church and its fathers. Other than that, it is interesting. Contrary to what people will say about Guenon, he admits in the book that exotericism is plenty enough for a person's soul and that esotericism, while the highest point of truth, is superfluous for mere salvation of the soul. He also states that Eastern Catholicism still has an active tradition. That's important to remember for those who state that unequivocally against Christianity.

With regards to Lent, I am working on getting back to the spiritual level I was at last summer. I have allowed myself to stray too far.

>> No.12837378

My chosen penance was no videogames during weekdays. I gamed a lot during those times and I didn't want to pick something I wasn't sure I could make it through. Hopefully next year I'm going to add "no imageboards" to the list.

Going to be reading some Bernanos instead.

>> No.12837379

Does the book's definition of liberalism also include free market capitalism?

>> No.12837385

Free market capitalism is a form of liberalism as it gives the property owner free reign to do as he pleases with his property regardless of natural law.

>> No.12837390

It's fine. I'm going to read Finnegans Wake.

>> No.12837401

gave up marijuana for lent, so far i have kept to it

>> No.12837409

It focuses mainly on the evils of moral relativism and all it's manifestations.Really good read, highly recommend it

>> No.12837424

forgot to add: yes it does include free market capitalism as a form of moral relativism.

>> No.12837432

I'm not saying it isn't. If the book just condemned the social consequences of liberalism without any of the economic consequences it would just be incomplete.

>> No.12837438

there hasnt been a single serious catholic since Aquinas.

>> No.12837450
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The more I read GKC the more I realise that all this societal dysfunction was deliberately set in motion long ago. He warned us.

>> No.12837495

I’m orthodox so I didn’t totally give up anything besides meat and dairy, but I have been using nicotine and marijuana much less. Feels really good

>> No.12837583
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Why do I keep masturbating even though I know it’s sinful

>> No.12837631

>For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity. By these links, as it were, forged together--which is why I called it “a chain”--a hard bondage held me in slavery. But that new will which had begun to spring up in me freely to worship thee and to enjoy thee, O my God, the only certain Joy, was not able as yet to overcome my former willfulness, made strong by long indulgence. Thus my two wills--the old and the new, the carnal and the spiritual--were in conflict within me; and by their discord they tore my soul apart.

>> No.12837639

Its just part of human nature. We are fallen beings, we have concupiscence which inclines us towards sin. And, assuming you're a man, you're not alone, its extremely common for young men to become addicted to masturbation, especially with how abundant and accessible pornography is these days. Just go to confession with true repentance, pray when you feel tempted, and try to get better.
Also, leave the Eastern Orthodox church and become Catholic. You'll find actual grace there, since its the true church.

>> No.12837652
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Anybody else here interested in integralism/post-liberal Church-State relations? I attended a really interesting talk at my graduate school tonight on the subject. I post on Catholic Twitter, so I'm already aware of the concept, but this talk was a really good summary of integralist thought as it stands at the moment. It also heavily involved Augustine and his conception of political power in the City of God, which was nice.

>> No.12837660


Asking God to forgive me for being unable to believe in him or the scripture, abstaining from sin, and urging those who can to seek God.

I've been sure I was going to hell since I was twelve, but I try my best anyway.

>> No.12837669
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Chesterton was prescient as hell.

>> No.12837775

You know the Catholic Church recognizes the Orthodox as having valid sacraments and apostolic succession right?

>> No.12837810

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, Anon.

>> No.12837829

I did no porn, it's surprisingly easy

>> No.12837842

Meaningless without giving up masturbation.

>> No.12837861

Read your canon law my friend
>Can. 844 §1 Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments only to catholic members of Christ's faithful, who equally may lawfully receive them only from catholic ministers, except as provided in §§2, 3 and 4 of this canon and in can. 861 §2.
>§3 Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick to members of the eastern Churches not in full communion with the catholic Church, if they spontaneously ask for them and are properly disposed. The same applies to members of other Churches which the Apostolic See judges to be in the same position as the aforesaid eastern Churches so far as the sacraments are concerned.

>> No.12837897

Oh, and the CCC:
>1399 The Eastern churches that are not in full communion with the Catholic Church celebrate the Eucharist with great love. "These Churches, although separated from us, yet possess true sacraments, above all - by apostolic succession - the priesthood and the Eucharist, whereby they are still joined to us in closest intimacy." A certain communion in sacris, and so in the Eucharist, "given suitable circumstances and the approval of Church authority, is not merely possible but is encouraged."

>> No.12838039

>modern-day Catholics
Fasting for two days isn't Lent. Why the fuck do Catholics still pretend that they do Lent? It's like how they call not eating for one hour before receiving Communion a "fast." What a complete and utter joke. Stop making real Christians look bad.

>> No.12838056

Integralism is retarded. How can anyone think the perverted homosexual Bishops who currently run the Catholic Church should be in charge of secular affairs as well?

>> No.12838064

Anon, first we purify the Church and cleanse it of its filth. Then it will be fit to have a say in secular affairs.

Besides, you act as though the average elected official isn't even more disgusting than the average bishop.

>> No.12838078

>Besides, you act as though the average elected official isn't even more disgusting than the average bishop.
Honestly, the average elected official isn't a homosexual whereas the average Catholic bishop is, so I'm going to say that elected officials are preferable.

>> No.12838093

I absolutely despise people who make their faith an expression of their politics. Please go.

>> No.12838193

Please, there are as many pedophiles among elected officials as there are among clergy, if not more. Or where do you think the phrase "a dead girl or a live boy" came from?

>> No.12838199

based meme
I have the same issue. It's natural and sometimes we fail, but God forgives. I just avoid watching porn more than anything, because that's much worse. I think people have been masturbating for thousands of years

>> No.12838208

this is why i begame orthodox

>> No.12838221

i've had orthodoxy in my abebooks cart for like a month now, should I pull the trigger?

>> No.12838264

Yeah, porn isn’t even the problem for me. I’ve gone extended periods without jerking off but my libido is so high I can do it multiple times without porn at all. Maybe I have an abnormally high libido, but I guess it’s my cross to bear.

>> No.12838289


>> No.12838294

Not how it works. Read Augustine. Most men can have a libido that high if they've indulged long enough. There is a cause and effect.

>> No.12838299

Can you please explain that quote? What exactly does it mean? A male will be crucified with a deceased female because she's dead, or a living male because it proves him gay? Isn't a living girl, being a child, still a monstrosity?

>> No.12838682


>> No.12838722

How can anyone have faith in Catholicism after V2? Any semblance of holiness in the church died on that day. The only ones left are the hippy boomers. Even if integralism actually takes off the damage done during the 20th century was so great I just can't take it seriously anymore. Catholicism is dead. The only hope for seekers of divinity in the west now is eastern christianity or islam.

>> No.12838738

It's an expression representing untouchability in American politics. The full expression is, "he's so secure that the only things that would bring him down are a dead girl or a live boy." In other words, the only thing that could take down that particular politician are a dead woman (wife, hooker, daughter, etc.) in his life, or being outed as a pedophile

>> No.12840246

Very well. Was actually looking forward to fasting. And it's been good so far. Today is mid-Lent Thursday - the fast is half over.

>> No.12840251
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>> No.12840262

Doing really good. Reading the Gospel of Matthew and Libido Dominandi right now.

>> No.12840263
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>> No.12840284

My nofap is still strong.
At some point in the future I want to go to my village house for lent and just eat bread+olive oil. And read books and meditate for the hole time no media or anything like that.

>> No.12840285
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>> No.12840289

Ya seethe lil guy?

>> No.12840296
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>> No.12840300
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>> No.12840307
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>> No.12840313

This is from Augustine confessions right?

>> No.12840314
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>> No.12840322
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>> No.12840338

Pedophile priests

>> No.12840340
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>> No.12840573

Religion and politics are inherently connected as they both concern themselves with morals and the way a society should function. I don't make my faith an expression of politics, I make my politics an expression of my faith.

>> No.12840582

I'm an atheist. How do I obtain faith, or at least an appreciation of Christianity?

>> No.12840611

I'll give you three books to read. Edward Feser's Five Proofs, Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? by William Lane Craig, and Upon This Rock by Stephen Ray. Feser explains why you should believe in God, and from there Craig gives you a good reason to believe Christianity is true, and finally Ray tells you why Catholicism in particular is true.

>> No.12840719
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I simply can't take Orthodoxy seriously as the One True Church. They're an ethnic Church, not a universal Church; they're the Church of the Greeks, the Slavs, and the Russians. I don't mean to sound too much like Christopher Hitchens here, but consider this: if Orthodoxy were the One True Church, would it really have been hit with all the setbacks it's been hit with since the Great Schism? The iconoclast controversies, the collapse of the Eastern Empire, the time spent under the Ottomans, the rise of secular Turkey, the Russian Revolution, the persecutions of the Soviets? Would God really wait so long to stabilize His Church so that it could go out and evangelize the world? Yet that's exactly the case with Orthodoxy. When was the last time you met a substantial population of Orthodox from Asia or Africa or South America?

There's only one Church that has both apostolic succession and a substantial presence on every continent. That seems like the One True Church to me.

>> No.12840761

This is a really weird argument.
Was an issue well before the schism, and was dealt with by the 7th ecumenical council.
Empires rise and fall. “My kingdom is not of this world.”
>Russian revolution
Largely happened because of the church’s fading significance and public trust. Persecutions happen. That’s a fact of Christian life.
>Would God really wait so long to stabilize His Church so that it could go out and evangelize the world? Yet that's exactly the case with Orthodoxy.
So you’re saying because the Orthodox didn’t have the geographical advantage of being in Western Europe (who colonized basically every continent and brought Catholicism with them, particularly Spain and Portugal) they’re not the true Church? Also there’s a ton of Orthodox in Africa, especially Ethiopia and to a lesser degree Egypt.

Let me put it this way: Two churches exist. One is run by a gay pedophile mafia, one isn’t. Which one would you trust to be preserving the true Faith of the Apostles?

>> No.12840791

>So you’re saying because the Orthodox didn’t have the geographical advantage of being in Western Europe (who colonized basically every continent and brought Catholicism with them, particularly Spain and Portugal) they’re not the true Church?

Essentially, yes. The Church of the West was able to spread the Gospel to the far corners of the Earth. The Church of the East was not. The Church of the West has done a better job fulfilling the Great Commission, and I think there's significance in that.

>> No.12840793

To this day there has not been one single instance of a poster quoting and replying to individual sentences and saying something interesting.

>> No.12840941

just lmao here. NOFAP is such bullshit, dude. altho this is the sky daddy thread, so u fall for that shit, you fall for anything.
literally is nothing wrong with it. i do it at least 4 times a day, at work to. NOT ADDICTION OK? IT IS NORMAL. someone has a problem w/it i literally say bullshit, theyre weird and walk away. no religious b.s........ incels. i enjoy it and do it more often than reading.

>> No.12840953

This is your brain on pornography and being a carnal slave.

>> No.12840970


>> No.12840988

Imagine being such a retard that you can't recognize even the most obvious of the shitposts.
Imagine being (You).

>> No.12841095
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Anybody else here ever read Benedict XVI's stuff? Including stuff from when he was Cardinal Ratzinger?

I've read two of the "Jesus of Nazareth" books, and they've been really excellent. I'll probably read the third one once Easter's a week or so closer.

>> No.12841666

Not him, but your shitpost doesn’t parodize fappers enough. I’ve seen people on the old /pol/ nofap threads say the exact same thing.

>> No.12841672

i have lent nothing to anyone so far, god must be a shamed of me.

>> No.12841681

This is so true. They rationalize it with any excuse under the sun.

>> No.12842203
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Catholics shitposting about integralism while cardinals buttfuck each-other is the reason I'm a prot. I hope you're happy you gay retarded sonofabitch. Integralism is literally the single most unrealistic political philosophy on earth. Francis of Assisi was an obvious homo.

>> No.12842217

The Catholic church is also very much an ethnochurch. There's a reason that pretty much all the Germanic countries are Protestant, while the Latin countries are Catholic. Even the latin mass, there's really no reason to have it except that the Roman Catholic church was the state church/ethnochurch of Rome. This is my big problem with both Catholicism and Orthodoxy. There's too much of a focus on unity of organization, too little on unity of doctrine. Really, what does it matter if the bishop of Constantinople considers himself equal to the bishop of Rome, so long as they are promoting orthodoxy?

>> No.12842266

He's a literal heretic who says Jews don't need Christ to be saved... Not relevant to a thread on Catholic literature.

>> No.12842289

honestly thought easter was next week, but it's actually 3 weeks from now
t. deconverted from Catholicism 7 years ago

>> No.12842296

use proper punctuation in your next douche post at least

>> No.12842312
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Sure thing dude

>> No.12842468


>> No.12842583
File: 146 KB, 606x1024, 606px-Le_Grand_Saint_Michel,_by_Raffaello_Sanzio,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone ITT despairing when things are better for the Church than they've been in years

The sinfulness and wickedness of the hierarchy is finally exposed for all to see. Younger priests and bishops are recovering the traditions of the Church and bringing them forward to a full flowering. The liberal order is crumbling around us, all the enemies of the Church are suddenly weak and feeble.

Now is the hour to be Catholic. Now is the hour to seize up the banner of the Vatican and fly it proudly. All our enemies have been exposed to the sunlight and have been driven before us. We'll destroy every last one of them.

>> No.12842934

>All our enemies have been exposed to the sunlight and have been driven before us.
How can you be delusional enough to think this is remotely true? Nothing happened after McCarrick. Nothing happened after Vigano. Francis is working desperately to change Church teaching on homosexuality and female priests. People like https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/french-archbishop-delighted-to-participate-in-dedication-of-mosque just do whatever the fuck they want without a single consequence. If anything the Catholic Church today is worse off than ever before.

>> No.12842987

terrible, gf of 6 years left me right before it started. am abusing alcohol and eating way too much

>> No.12843207

>Let me put it this way: Two churches exist. One is run by a gay pedophile mafia, one isn’t. Which one would you trust to be preserving the true Faith of the Apostles?

>> No.12843277

I am baffled that anyone thinks that the Orthodox Church doesn't have some huge pedo problem of its own. Didn't you fuckers hear about how the Southern Baptist Convention has a massive pedo problem, one they've covered up for years?


Trying to pin this all on the Catholic Church is typical Anglosphere Catholic-bashing. There's not a denomination in all of the West that doesn't have a pedo problem. I'd suspect the Orthodox have a problem every bit as bad as the Catholics, we just haven't heard about it yet.

>> No.12843308

>well the SBC has a problem too!
>therefore, so do the Orthodox!
Top tier logic m8
Considering the Orthodox Church has:
>Decentralized organization: if one church fucks up, all the others will quickly condemn it
>Married priests: Almost all priests are married, which negates the problem Catholics have where gay men (pedophiles) end up being shoehorned into priesthood
then I’d say the Orthodox have a much better grip on things.

>> No.12843326

Every large human organisation has a massive pedo problem, but it's much worse in the Catholic Church because of all the homosexual infiltration since VII. In addition, it's not just the pedophilia itself, but the fact that whenever a priest got caught diddling kids, the bishops covered up for him and sent him to a new place where he could start diddling again. Of course we know now that the reason they covered up for the pedo priests was because the pedos knew about the bishops' illicit homosexual activity, and the bishops preferred to let more children be molested than have their own secrets exposed. This is incredibly damning.

The Catholic problem has nothing to do with married or unmarried priests. After VII homosexuals and other sexual perverts took over most Catholic seminaries and basically turned them into their own person hunting grounds, hence for the last 60 years most new priests have been homosexuals or pedos or both. The only way to fix this problem is laicize and/or excommunicate every priest or bishop who's even slightly effeminate, which means 90% of them, which would throw the Church into absolute turmoil.

>> No.12843333

Pretty well, decreased my pornography consumption a lot. And I finally started to fast at wednesdays and fridays.

I've been Reading Miguel de Unamuno and he is a great catholic writer.

>> No.12843340

Make two objectives and try to achieve them for these last weekd. God bless you, anon.

>> No.12843393

The mass has changed before in history, and one cannot toss Vatican II aside without tossing Ecumenical Councils or the validity of church tradition aside.

In short, one cannot go on being a Catholic while thinking they are a better representative of Catholicicism than the Church.

Yes, modernity is a terrible and complicated beast gnawing at the last remaining edges of Christianity. Refering to this position as "Rightist" is speaking in the language of modernity.

The Church does not see in terms of Rightist and Leftist, and (ideally) has no concern at all with the secular ideas they represent. The church does not declare abortion a sin, for example, because it is advocating Rightism. It sees the image of God, who himself was an unborn child in the womb of Mary, stamped indellibly onto a personhood established at conception and, in this sense, immutably holy.

Nor does it encourage caritas in the name of some Leftist program: feed the poor because they are your neighbors in Christ, and what you do for the least of them you do for him.

Politics is for Romans, Babylonians, and Egyptians. Let them bicker among themselves, it is as nothing to followers of Christ, who will carry on with Sacraments and works of mercy as there is need and as they have capacity of heart.

>> No.12843439
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Nice thread lads, butterfly haven't posted here yet. This thread is comfy, keep it up.

Do not post here butterfly, into the trash your opinion goes.

>> No.12843505

If the Vaticans so good then why is there Vatican II?

>> No.12843539

Vatican II is proof the Devil exists, frankly.

>> No.12843628
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You're exaggerating the problem, which of course is not surprising, given that the general position towards the Catholic Church in America is one of hatred.

But regardless, your pessimism is not as well-founded now as it would have been 20 years ago. The cleansing of the Church has begun. Traditional orders, like the FSSP, have exploded in membership. The Dominicans and the Franciscans are growing as well. Even the Jesuits are experiencing a renewal, where their seminaries are traditional.

The Church's overall membership in the United States is decreasing. But so what? How many of the people walking away are real Catholics? How many of them really follow the Church's teachings? Let them leave. All around the world, Tradition was almost killed in the 20th Century, but it was not fully killed, and now it sprouts up, like a flower whose roots weren't ripped out. Anyone who thinks the Catholic Church is dead does not appreciate the power of the Church, the Eternal Church, the Church that survived the desertion of the Apostles at Calvary. The Catholic Church can survive anything Satan throws at it. It has survived worse than its present crisis, and its present crisis will be survived.

>> No.12843634
File: 78 KB, 648x414, DFEEC2D6-2548-4FB6-869A-0463A1E0FD4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a nice icon, never seen it before. This one is one of my favorites

>> No.12843728

I would like to read some Catholic novels.

Walker Percy is aight, loved the Moviegoer but Love in the Ruins was a little to wacky for me.

What else? Who is the Catholic Dosto?

>> No.12843748

The membership size is not the issue. The issue is that all the people in charge are heretics or apostates and they only choose other heretics or apostates to become new members of the hierarchy. There are practically no real Catholic priests or bishops. So what, real Catholics have to interpret and think for themselves like Protestants? Incredibly sad and ironic.

> The Catholic Church can survive anything Satan throws at it. It has survived worse than its present crisis, and its present crisis will be survived.
Absolutely not. The Arian crisis is nothing compared to this. An Arian wouldn't have worshipped in a mosque or synagogue or praised false religions. An Arian wouldn't have been pro-homosexual. This is also nothing like the pornocracy. Those evil popes and cardinals may have been terrible people but they never tried to change the doctrine of the Church to say that what they were doing is actually OK, unlike what Francis is doing (with the support of practically the entire hierarchy), and they never messed with the liturgy.

>> No.12843777
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You don't have faith. You have given over to despair. You're like Denethor, old and broken by the machinations of the Enemy.

Don't give up, don't despair. You don't appreciate the renewal that's going on. You don't understand the power of the Holy Spirit at work. You are stuffed with a lack of faith. Your cup is frozen. You have no faith left.

Sorry about neglecting the actual /lit/ elements of this thread. Anyway, Anon, check out Evelyn Waugh. He is a Catholic convert from England, and he wrote fantastic novels. Many of them are satirical and funny. However, if you want an English-speaking Catholic approximation of Dostoevsky, I would suggest his one truly serious novel, "Brideshead Revisited." Try that novel out, if you try nothing else.

>> No.12843789

(Not him)
>There are practically no real Catholic priests or bishops

Are listening to yourself talk? Have some humility my God. If you have a problem with priests, go be a priest.

>> No.12843791

>Who is the Catholic Dosto?
Alessandro Manzoni

>> No.12843799

>Have some humility
This is about stating facts.

>> No.12843824

Sounds to me like youre considering your own opinions facts. The whole point of an earthly spiritual authority is for it to be an authority, so people dont get lost following themselves. Stop trying to remake the church in the image of you.

There are plenty of things I dont like about the church, and I think everyone can say that. The assumption, for me and everyone else, should be first of all that we are wrong. Who do you think you are, judging the College of Cardinals, and tens of thousands of priests as if you knew better than all of them? Shame on you.

>> No.12843853

Nice trips, thanks for the rec

>> No.12843877

>Who do you think you are, judging the College of Cardinals, and tens of thousands of priests as if you knew better than all of them?
Someone who doesn't cover up for child rapists. The entire College of Cardinals knew about McCarrick's raping. We've had more than enough news reports about how what he was up to was an open secret in the Church hierarchy. And yet not a single one of them said or did anything. Not even BXVI did anything. Francis only did something after his hand was forced by the new media exposing the story.

So yes, I feel very comfortable judging the entire College of Cardinals as not being real Catholics.

I mean seriously. You are acting like we are discussing fine points of theology here. There is absolutely no ambiguity about covering up child rape and endorsing false religions. These things blatantly make one not a Catholic.

Clerical cocksuckers like you are part of the reason the Church is in the state it's in currently. If your bishop started literally denying the Trinity you would probably spout the same bullshit about not judging.

>> No.12843937

The story of McCarrick is ongoing, complex, and untold in the fullness of its details.

I cannot believe that the entire College of Cardinals knew of his guilt and were content to assist its being hidden and
preferred nothing be done about it.

I worked at a little restaurant once, and there were rumors one of the managers was a sex offender. We had lots of 15-18 year old girls working there. Something terrible could have happend and many of us could have been in some sense responsible. (He was a sex offender and was eventually fired after attempting to meet an 18 year old outside of work).

These things are complicated, I hope you appreciate that and allow the full story to be developed before jumping aboard sensationalist accounts from the media.

Pray for the church, find ways to do good at your parish, go be a priest, or leave the church if you feel in your heart it has become demonic.

>> No.12844020

Canticle for Leibowitz.

>> No.12845210

>everything will be okay, the evil pedophiles who conquered the church said so!

>> No.12846250

I think that these two posters who are ironically right above you have brought about interesting points. Maybe you're just not interested in these topics?

>> No.12846323

>The story of McCarrick is ongoing, complex, and untold in the fullness of its details.
You can use this statement to justify any sort of sin in the world. You accuse the other poster of having no humility and shame in attacking the church, but do you have no shame in defending such an atrocity? Such attacks on the innocence of the most innocent of God's creatures CANNOT be tolerated AT ALL, there must be a line that if crossed, a holy man is no longer a holy man. This not a single transgression, not a single sensationalist news article, this has happened over and over and over and over and over again for decades. No more excuses can be made for such diabolical behavior. Unless the catholic church takes serious and radical steps to correct itself, it can never again be seriously regarded as a spiritual haven of Christ.

>> No.12846372
File: 125 KB, 801x496, keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in Heaven. So I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven.

>> No.12847167

>You accuse the other poster of having no humility and shame in attacking the church, but do you have no shame in defending such an atrocity?

spot on. The people running the church are monsters and parade around in white robes like they're holy. Atrocity is an understatement

>> No.12847194


>> No.12847279

3 times this week. Fuck I was 2 weeks without a wank.
Tme to start again, it drills my will but I can't retire now (I've been confessing for 3 months almost weekly heh...)
I've been reading Nietzsche and somehow it's been a great help: the criticism he offers is really on point and his prose is flaming.
Anyone knows any christian author that destroys him? Or just an answer to his philosophy.

>> No.12847867

anyone do exodus 90? what do you think about it?

>> No.12848076

>There's a reason that pretty much all the Germanic countries are Protestant, while the Latin countries are Catholic.
Look up where the Holy Roman Empire was.

>> No.12848095

I hope someone buys you a green scapular, anon.

>> No.12848949

Read Fr. Seraphim Rose. He's got a lot to say about Nietzsche and on nihilism in general.

>> No.12849615
File: 591 KB, 1563x2130, Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesterton is more powerful against Nietzsche than this board gives him credit for. Chesterton attacks Nietzsche from the side, as it were, but it's still a potent assault.

>> No.12850431
File: 930 KB, 176x216, my old friend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally make long-term girlfriend move out
>go to confession for first time in several years
>last about three weeks
>begin masturbating erryday
>girlfriend moving out makes me alone in the apartment
>banged seven girls in three weeks

>> No.12850995

Nietzsche is a household name. Only nerdy Catholics know who G.K. Chesterton is

>> No.12851069

how do you deal with crazy evangelists?

>> No.12851090

Doesn't matter. Free markets have their own issues. It encourages Usury which is explicitly forbidden in Vix Pervenit. (Usury is loaning money out and expecting back more then you loaned)

>> No.12852096
File: 197 KB, 810x1080, 20190330_135638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just got a copy of The Interior Castle where the translator changed every instance of sin to mistake or error
A warning to anyone wanting to buy this book. Do research before.

>> No.12852155
File: 379 KB, 675x952, 1450133172841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally pulled the trigger and contacted the RCIA people. Feels good lads.

>> No.12852783

Let me guess, the Catholic Church approved this translation.