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12823995 No.12823995 [Reply] [Original]

Describe a person you are in love with

>> No.12824019


She is almost a clone of Audrey Hepburn, but with tanned skin.

She is also my wife.

>> No.12824033
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How do I know if I've been in love? I've never been in a relationship. I've only "liked" girls.

>> No.12824046

I dont know that I've ever really been in love. I've had crushes, I've been infatuated, but I never put much effort into pursuing relationships and so over time the desire fades.
I don't know that I'll ever meet a woman I can feel the kind of connection with that would have me wanting to pursue her for more than a casual platonic relationship.

>> No.12824055


>> No.12824064

He is a male.

>> No.12824066

If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girlfriend

>> No.12824073

Toxic and lifeless.

>> No.12824096

She has grey-blue eyes, sometimes the color of storm clouds, sometimes the light blue of the sky on a sunny day. She has dark, slightly wavy long brown hair, a baby-face that makes her look 3-4 years younger than she actually is, fair skin with freckles lightly across her nose and under her eyes, and a tendency toward rosy cheeks. She’s about 5’3-4, studies environmental science in college and she loves plants and growing things, although every time something dies she gets very sad and says she doesn’t have a green thumb. She has a breathy, kind of low voice that reminds me of the actresses in old black and white movies, and there is a slight northerner/Midwesterner accent in her voice. She works in a breakfast diner/coffee shop, loves to hike although it hurts her knees sometimes, loves old country and folk music like Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, and cares a lot about being environmentally conscious. She likes to read like me, but more casually, and some of her favorite books are The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, The plays of Tennessee Williams, John Muir’s writings, and the Narnia books.

>> No.12824108

I'll describe in a non physical way. She is adorable, a little needy, and absolutely loves hugs. She tells me about her day, her family, her hobbies. She'd tell me about all these plots of books and movie dramas I really don't care about but I pretend to so she keeps that smile. She asks me about my day and family aswell and remembers everything I say. The first to greet me on my birthdays, refers to me by a nickname and loves making inside jokes with me. After each conversation, she'd get emotional and tender.
I've had a few girls interested in me, but only once I experienced true love. This was it and I miss her so much. But I had to end it.

>> No.12824119

I take her for granted, until she's gone.

>> No.12824132

Why to end it?

>> No.12824142

Dirty-blonde boy with yummy ankles that I want to kiss

>> No.12824166

I'm not single but I wish I knew what love is

>> No.12824181


>> No.12824189

It's not my gf

>> No.12824219

had 3 dreams about her over the last 5 years
hope she's real

>> No.12824223

The girl i love has red hair and blue eyes. She has two dogs and three cats. One of his dogs died in december, but she took another one from the shelter in january. She smokes, and that's a thing that unnerved me. Smoke makes her teeth yellow and of course it's not good for her health. We argued a lot about her smoking and drinking habits, more than we could stand.
In january she looked at me in the eyes and said "Anon, i don't love you anymore". I appreciated the delivery - very stoic and straight-to-the-point. I think that she learned that at work... the straight-to-the-pointness i mean. She works in a big oil corp in a job of big responsability and i'm so proud of her.
I think she will replace me like she did with her dog. When we met and connected, almost 5 years ago, i felt like a stray dog. She would come closer, little steps, so that i could get used to her.
She has what they call a greek nose. She hated it but i thought it was one of the finest noses i ever saw. I still think that.
She is probably fucking some guy from work

>> No.12824227

probably straight :(

>> No.12824228
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>See this post
>Instinctively think that I cant think of anyone
>Remember i have a gf

I-ts not over r-rigt?

>> No.12824230

She was probably ugly

>> No.12824239

>she looked at me in the eyes and said "Anon, i don't love you anymore"
"Based", I replied

>> No.12824246

She is a tattoo artist and talks a lot about going to parties and fucking on twitter. I posted her photos on some forums and they said she was a 3. I really doubt that, she seems so perfect in my head that I dream with her image almost daily.
We studied 2 years together in high school 7 years ago. She was a hipster looking girl with green hair back then. I stalked her obsessively (still do). I found her lastfm account and we both had the same hipstery~teenager taste in music. We stared at each other a lot but she dropped out and I only traded a few words with her.

>> No.12824260

Sounds like a basic thot

>> No.12824271

Missed opportunity

>> No.12824282

In a more positive note
>see this post
>nothing comes spontaneously to mind
>remember than only a three months ago I would have been instantly thinking of my ex and felt like a short pike stab in the gut
>now I'm merely thinking "describing her could be an exercise in writing I guess"

Feels good being liberated.

>> No.12824292
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genuinely envious

>> No.12824293 [DELETED] 

It took a few weeks of my vaguely acknowledging her existence until I suddenly realized how attracted I was to her. The company she worked for moved into the same office building, and though I'd seen her making coffee in the communal kitchen near my desk, it was only when she approached my desk one day and asked me to help her find some spare printer paper that our eyes met (me sitting, her standing) and I instantly felt that kind of profound sense of connection which is basis of love. I am from a working class background, pretty poor though my family had been somewhat wealthy before the divorce and subsequent breakup of my parents and siblings. I sensed (correctly) that she was from an upper class background, but really in that moment everything became irrelevant beyond the fact that we were two people of the opposite sex looking into each other's eyes and processing our respective emotions as a result. Whose to say what she thought or felt, but for me just looking at her and sensing we were similar and well suited caused feelings which had been dormant for over a decade, and even then only ever experienced or expressed in their basic, undeveloped forms, to suddenly become awakened. She left me feeling like a giddy, sentimental child and I instantly became excited, relieved, enthusiastic, hopeful etc; all those things which both make you vulnerable to disappointment but also to a great sense of potential. She was quite short, even for a girl, with a thin body, brown shoulder-length hair, round brown or dark-green eyes, and a somewhat naughty, suppressed but overwhelmingly innocent smile. Completely disarming. I was so anxious that I barely behaved properly while trying to help her with her issue with the paper. She then went on her way and I returned to my chair, my scattered thoughts and various imprecise ambitions suddenly focused on this girl and her capacity to love me and to be loved by me in return. The commute home took over an hour, and my low salary barely allowed for any excess. But even in the rain and the cold I sheltered her pure image in my thoughts like Charmander guarding its flickering tail in the storm. But who was I? Friendless, earning little with no prospect of career progression, romantically inexperienced (to say the least) and full of anger and hatred that I was too immature to overcome. She, on the other hand, was from a wealthy family, was well-connected, earning far more than I was, and had more to offer any potential romantic partner. Time came and went, and though she came my way often and provided what I realize now were obvious invitations to talk to her, to smile at her, even just to acknowledge her, I was simply too stubborn, too lacking in confidence, too weak, to even look at her unless she demanded my attention with some question that didn't really need asking. Eventually she lost interest and moved on, and I, the fool, pretended neither to notice nor to care. I still think of her often.

>> No.12824304

She's the prettiest girl, not the most beautiful but prettier than the most beautiful. She's not particularly insightful but her naivety and surface level charme compliment her physical prettiness. In fact, this prettiness runs through all her faculties. It cannot be convincingly caught in a photo, and any memory I have of her face feels incomplete. This is more of an aesthetic obsession than a romantic one but one of my strongest convictions. In my mind she is a goddess, not of beauty or romance, but of aesthetics. There is nothing transcendent about her. She is entirely of this world. But her being of this world is perfect in structure.

>> No.12824308

I only go out for long walks by myself so i don't really know any girls

>> No.12824316

The beauty of your face is enought to wipe all pains away and a stare from your face powerful enough stop hearts mid beat.

Why are you so beautiful?

>> No.12824354
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I waited too long to ask her out and now she’s dating a fucking Mexican. They’re taking our women god damn it.

>> No.12824358

There is no they. They are humans just like you

>> No.12824361
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A wonderful woman I work with. We get along great. Though times we struggle to be comfortable around each other. There is some lingering want in the air. Many times we meet eyes, then immediately dart them downward. Though my self doubt has me wondering if she is merely scared, and not smitten.

>> No.12824364
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 57ECF9EE-6C7D-4595-BA46-7C3D37EE5F65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t know my pain

>> No.12824368
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>But even in the rain and the cold I sheltered her pure image in my thoughts like Charmander guarding its flickering tail in the storm


>> No.12824377

You dodged a bullet

>> No.12824383

I don't know many women and they don't like me that much

>> No.12824387

parasocial relationship inducer-- i fell for the product. she works hard and loves art. the nature of her job means she has to constantly project a self-image of beauty and chasteness but she also heavily values sincerity and expression at the same time. i float around in a hyper-pretentious mindstate with her as my artistic muse but i think i can't call anything my muse unless i'm a great artist so i work towards that. i realize talking about art and muses like this sounds delusional but i'm a shut-in who paints all day so maybe i am. basically i'm a waifufag with fantasies of being highbrow

>> No.12824492

I was in love with a classmate of mine since probably 3rd grade. I think she knew it too. The highlight of my tweens was getting to kiss her during a game of spin the bottle and her calling me a good kisser. I was too autistic to know how to follow up and nothing ever came of it. In high school i've seen her make out with a dude right in front of me and she must have had 5 different boyfriends, also some of our mutual friends who know her better have hinted toward the fact that she's a complete whore. I have since never felt love for anyone else in my life. I forgot how it even feels.

>> No.12824498
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She's the grace of my days, the dream I see while I'm awake. I love her; and she's all the happiness in this life I may obtain. Grace is her being, blessing when her eyes uncaringly meet mine. I wish I was fifteen years older, so I could marry her, so I wouldn't feel bad for loving my professor, but my love is genuine, my love is undaunted, and so then I stoically admire her, dream of her, for it to be a dream forever perhaps, but when she looks - oh how she looks at me - with her round, profound eyes - and smiles ... I wish to dream forever.

>> No.12824508
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iktf bro

>> No.12824517

A collection of traits that do not and cannot exist.

>> No.12824520 [DELETED] 

>tanned skin
Mulatto memes literally write themselves

>> No.12824530

You can't date your mom

>> No.12824553
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>> No.12824556

she has a way of seeing you that leaves her trail littered with broken hearts. her eyes and smile when she's happy is all I strive to see. she's so free and mischievous and I want her in my life.

I dont know her any longer, and judging by what she told me last time I probably never did. it's been fourteen year since we met and I dont want to let go.
she's short, blonde and more cute than sexy. smoldering when she wants to, but I remember her mostly as happy. she used to dance and I think her elegance stems from that.

>> No.12824558

you did the right thing. Maybe there were details that eluded you but I am sure after that kiss she acted like a whore and made you doubted that your feelings were reciprocal.

>> No.12824582

I'm afraid he doesn't exist :(
Flawed yet perfect
Intelligent yet misunderstood
Someone who could appreciate my favorite Mendelssohn and Debussy songs while we snuggle under the cover and discuss book ideas
A girl can dream..

>> No.12824585
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>I think she will replace me like she did with her

>> No.12824592

i can appreciate the debussy if you know what i mean

>> No.12824597


>> No.12824606

Big milk dough bozangers
yo yo
Makes ya think she's a horny banger
hoe hoe

>> No.12824664

last night, before she left, she just held her lips softly against mine. Not quite kissing. Mouth barely open, just the slight pressure to face.
It drove me crazy and in that moment I knew desire. Then parting, getting her things together, walking to her car and making plans for the week seemed all too natural. All day I've been struck by how my intensity could so easily become a welcome calm while hugging her goodbye.
It has only been month since first meeting. We learn something new of each other every day, and good or bad I'm just happy for the knowing. Old songs sound new. Ana Ng
She is a wisp of will, raven head and careful of life. To see that smile when we embrace is like witnessing a child unable to contain their joy. She is trepidatious and even in this lack of confidence has proven me incorrect more times than I can count.
If this is love am I obligated to confess, tear my heart open and have someone other than myself look in to see if the ventricle is pleasing.

>> No.12824675

He woke up and his tulpa was gone.

>> No.12824690

Eau du contraire. I have a love with large breasts. She is quite sensitive and cute :D

>> No.12824699
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>tfw have 0 romantic interests
Oddly, it hurts more

>> No.12824713

I find her smiling back at me more beautiful than any mountain, sunset, fjord, or crashing ocean wave

>> No.12824726
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>> No.12824816

An Asian girl with dark skin and black cascading hair. She is a foot shorter than me (though not exceptionally so for a woman), thin but with wide hips, and carries herself proudly. Speaks rarely but when she does her voice is sweet and resolute. She is industrious and takes her work seriously. We have never spoken more than a few words and we both avert our eyes whenever we make eye contact. I wonder if she has noticed me staring. No matter. I'm too cowardly to spark a conversation, let alone ask her out.

>> No.12824825

my last crush looked like how I would imagine Elizabeth Bennet - dark hair and very clever, energetic eyes with cute dark circles
liked Dosto and Camus a lot

she's a good friend and has shown no signs of romantic interest, so I'm glad my infatuation is over
I'm very flawed and misunderstood and I like debussy
wanna cyber?

>> No.12824850

Dumb race traitor

>> No.12824902

>believing in a construct
you're probably a filthy consumerist too

>> No.12824903

He never said he wasn't Asian.

>> No.12824956
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iam not

>> No.12824971

Do you mastrubate and watch porn? If you stop you will start to see women in a new light. Like it's meant to be imo

>> No.12824975

No one outside of /pol/ thinks this way

>> No.12824980

Everyone is assumed straight white male

>> No.12824989


>> No.12825005

Based reddit

>> No.12825015

No, it’s not “based” and it’s all over.

>> No.12825024

she is not real

>> No.12825036
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He will never love me back in the same way I love him

>> No.12825039
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Do you want someone to show you?

>> No.12825049 [DELETED] 

asked me to leave my wife after we spent just an afternoon together. I should have done it.

>> No.12825117
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I always describe her by quoting Night Moves. She is a black haired beauty with big dark eyes, and I miss her so much...

>> No.12825123


-Native American
-Athletic body type
-Black hair
-Brown eyes
-C cups

>> No.12825141
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This morning, I took the train to school. There's a [guy] in the year below that I usually get the train with, but today I didn't have the energy to talk and was looking forward to a bit of time to myself, so I got a further carriage and sat down. After about 2 minutes, she sent me this text:

"hey anon, come front carriage with [guy] and I we saw you get on"

I can't even fucking quantify how much that message energised me - the raw thought of knowing that I was about to be near her was relentless. In her presence I am single-minded. She is the object and subject of my thought.

She's just shorter than me, and has moles on her face: her most prominent is just above her right eye (she always tries to cover it up with makeup). She's got auburn hair - she either ties it up into a bun or leaves it messy and curling over her cheeks. She's a Christian, and studies Classics, but is thinking of changing to English. Whenever I see her, she has to put whatever she's reading down to talk to me, but she never seems annoyed to do so. She's boundlessly optimisticm, warm, and instantly welcoming. She hardly spends time on her phone because she's so anxious about how it might affect her concentration. She wears bright colours and dungarees, and black snakeskin boots (most of the time).

I must've always known that I loved her, but as I've grown to know her better it's become increasingly more conscious.

>> No.12825159
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She rejected me, I have no chance with her but can't still get over her. She has large brown eyes, reddish brown hair, the most charming smile. She is religious, kind, walks elegantly and with a high sense of pride and fortitude. She's like an unconquerable fortress high on a mountain, and I'm just a lonely peasant trying to storm her gates with a pitchfork.

>> No.12825165

pls stop pretending

>> No.12825193

Wish I could start hating someone because they rejected me.

>> No.12825201

pretty bitch

>> No.12825260

This is a white male image board. It's default.

>> No.12825262

A very sweet woman who did not deserve the harshness I hurled at her.

>> No.12825335
File: 125 KB, 750x1334, 95E213CA-5A29-44CD-A0CE-44398E814C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A person who I as people say "talked to" not ever kissing but just everything as close to that, just everything..as...close... to that.
>Texting all day and all night enough so that the days stretch out and all become a singular flow, losing track of time as a whole
>Showing up to school only to embraced by those beautiful smiles that only be described as being hugged and wrapped with the warmth of sun,the kind that can only be returned with a smile; no thoughts just wanting to smile
>Can't think can't focus can't properly function only can day dream about her and her smile and her body and her precious soul and only about her you can think everyone elses words translate to you as nonsense conversations are forgotten just an empty air with only her to be in it
>Anything and everything given to have time with her: Friends want to go have plans, can't make it, Class starts in a few and your half way 'cross the campus? It can wait.
>Thoughts of her make everything else futile. Struggiling with that proof for your linear algebra class? Been up all night? Chewed out by family maybe your professor? Remeber that smile remeber how she looks at you and loves you because your YOU.
>Utter regret when in conflict with her. For example we took a break once and the only thing and everything I can think about was her, I was sick but I was not going on my knees for those reasons exactly. Friend decide to intervene and step inbetween I said to him "We're not dating, we arent together, I have yet to even kiss her. Let it rest". After consulting with her he only told me she explained one thing, that she loved me and there was no beating around the bush for her, her feelings were nestled in me and that was that she loved being around me and thats all she wanted to do, nothing hurt more than this

Guys, when your a turbo sperg with only smarts going for you and someone loves you for you... don't take it to your head, your still a sperg but just with someone that appreciates every bit of it. Albeit theres many and I mean many women that will like you for you; you can only love a few, and never take these oppurtunies for advantage to start acting like hot shit, because it gets very, very lonely after, your only filled with regret- and her smile and her gorgeous eyes :(

(pic related :-(

>> No.12825459

Being near him felt like the look of red too warmly rich for the clear January sun I usually am. A quality of welcome dark, sweet, constantly inviting, beyond belief, completely real. I cannot imagine what he sees in a stellar diamond that keeps its distance from all but such a tree, dreaming in a placid twilight, fantastically alive with deeper hues in light that comes from everywhere and nowhere. Something of a wrestler's top-heaviness gone half soft, that hilarious lightness on his feet despite it, the slightly ruined brunette eyes that are so at ease with close, directly resonating gaze. The clever scamp doubtless is involved in schemes for which I've yet no need or aptitude, among his other comedies, his kitchen being a front for fraud. This agile bear with a sleepy dolphin's attitude, is sullen sometimes, though never with a trace of panic's cruelty.

>> No.12825480
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you should have put all your cards on the table early on

>> No.12825486

Or it could simply be that you typically don't specify race as a distinguishing characteristic if you are of that same race

>> No.12825496

she looked at me

>> No.12826250
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Never been in love
Never had a gf
Never been kissed
Never had sex
Never held hands
Anyone else /subhuman/ here?

>> No.12826257
File: 8 KB, 246x291, 1553549084579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife? She's japanese.

>> No.12826258

male with a dick, which i never saw, yet others all seen.
Also he saw mine

>> No.12826281

Abstaining from 3DPD and remaining pure for 2D is a virtue, anon

>> No.12826301

She's cute and Jewish. What do I do?

>> No.12826321

I don't love anyone. I did once, though.

She's a girl of 5'5", with creamy white skin and eyes the color of black walnut. Her dark hair hangs around her face and bounces when she walks. She has a tomboyish air, a loooong torso and squarish hips. She looks good on the waifish side, perfect I said, but when stressed and eating her body swells to linebacker proportions. She prefers hoodies and sweat pants. She's obsessed with Playstions and manga, who keeps Amazon lists so her beta orbiters know what to buy her. She's absolutely shameless and immoral and airs her family drama on zuccbook. She's trash from the holler and I still love her.

>> No.12826334

I tell her to breathe out. She exhales. I shove my cock into her upturned throat. She squirms, she was not expecting this. I don't hold her down for long, I cum quickly.

>> No.12826347

Sig YErKn? Are you sure that’s a Jewish name?

>> No.12826348

I need her and she needs me, we cannot exist apart from each other.

>> No.12826350
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>> No.12826359

Why aren't you being her anime savior
>prehensile throat
Based and xenozoologypilled

>> No.12826366

Wait that's not the right word fugg

>> No.12826379


Butterfly in your trunk!
Bringing Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly's room while she's sleeping!
Taping Butterfly's soles!
Ripping Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly home!
Cumming on Butterfly's soles!
Ripping the tape off of Butterfly's hands behind her back!
Bringing Butterfly under your own pleasure! p!
Putting Butterfly suck the tape off of Butterfly's feet!
Tying Butterfly's hands behind her back up!
Putting Butterfly's mouth back up!
Putting Butterfly home!
Cuffing Butterfly suck the tape off of Butterfly's room while she's sleeping!
Taping Butterfly's mouth shut!
Taping Butterfly in your own pleasure! !
Fucking Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking on Butterfly's room while she's sleeping!
Taping Butterfly's mouth shut!
Tying Butterfly's mouth back up!
Putting Butterfly suck the cum off her feet!
Tying Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly's feet!
Taping Butterfly's feet!
Cuffing Butterfly's mouth and feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking Butterfly under your own pleasure! pleasure! f her feet!
Cumming on Butterfly's feet!
Tying Butterfly's hands behind her back!
Tying Butterfly's mouth back up!
Putting Butterfly home!
Cuffing Butterfly's room while she's sleeping into Butterfly's hands behind her back!
Tying Butterfly's hands behind her back!
Tying Butterfly's feet for your desk!
Bringing Butterfly under your own pleasure! ing into Butterfly's room while she's sleeping!
Tying Butterfly's soles!
Ripping the tape off of Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly under your desk!
Using Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly in your own pleasure! ying Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's hands behind her back up!
Putting Butterfly under your desk!
Using Butterfly's feet!
Cumming on Butterfly's mouth back up!
Putting Butterfly suck the tape off of Butterfly's mouth shut!
Tying Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's mouth shut!
Cumming Butterfly's soles!
Ripping Butterfly's feet!
Cumming on Butterfly's room while she's sleeping!
Taping Butterfly suck the tape off her back up!
Putting Butterfly home!
Cuffing Butterfly suck the cum off her feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's feet!
Cumming on Butterfly's soles!
Tying Butterfly's mouth shut!
Taping Butterfly in your own pleasure! runk!
Bringing Butterfly under your desk!
Using Butterfly's feet for your trunk!
Bringing Butterfly's mouth and feet for your own pleasure!
Ripping the tape off of Butterfly's mouth shut!
Tying Butterfly in your desk!
Using Butterfly's mouth!
Making Butterfly suck the cum off her feet!
Cumming on Butterfly's mouth and feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's feet!
Tying Butterfly's mouth back!
Tying Butterfly's mouth back up!
Putting Butterfly's feet!
Taping Butterfly's mouth shut!
Cumming Butterfly's feet!
Taping Butterfly's feet together!
Fucking Butterfly's room while she's sleeping

>> No.12826407

She's an insatiable whore. I bet she would argue otherwise, even argue that whore is a derisive term meant to handicap or limit women. Then turn back around and claim that traditional masculinity is a toxic oppressive force in society all the while being attracted to its homology. But she's no idea about that. And neither do I really.

I don't love her, I hate her. And in that way, I love her.

>> No.12826408

broken flutterby

>> No.12826413

because I'm not one of her beta orbiters (anymore) and an order of magnitude more intelligent than her. she was immature, did nothing at work but claimed to be the hardest working in her office, and always portrayed herself as the victim. like i said: shameless and immoral. she had issues to resolve, and so did i. still loved her though. dumped a very serious gf and potential wife for that con-goer with the porcelain doll face, in fact. what >>12825335 this anon says about valuing what you have is 100% true.

>> No.12826446

>valuing what you have
He was just beta orbiting her and too much of an immature sperg to realize it, there is no value in this other than XP gain

>> No.12826527

If you genuinly like them as a person and they improve anything you do as long as it's with them.
Also if you don't want to murder them when they talk about their day, that's the main one for me Jezus Christ do I loathe most people.

>> No.12826535

She's a tulpa

>> No.12826553

How do you know that you not wanting to murder them isn't just the fog of sexual attraction dulling your fury?

>> No.12826618

Because it continues even after shooting my load.

>> No.12826621

And I feel sexual attraction itself to most halfway decent looking women I see, doesn't mean I could stand an extended conversation with them.

>> No.12826635
File: 32 KB, 600x375, D643379B-7D2D-4841-BBB8-97D73CA8D2AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tulpa’s are just you

>> No.12826724

she took me by a storm when i was least expecting it and life seizes you in moments and takes them away from you after it gives it to you you go for drinks and you sit with her and watch people nearby kiss and you want that for yourself but you cannot have it until you do and then you watch the city from the top and then you see the people from the bottom and you want her and you feel her and you feel for her forever and passionately and you feel pure with her and you want to be better and her eyes are bright and they shut slightly and linger on you a little when she looks at you she grabs your hand as you help her down two stairs but she laughs and looks at you and no one else and no one else and you write about her on a fucking board instead of being with her because you are 800---- miles away from her and you want to love her but you're not sure if you can and you think about virginia woolf your eyes get hazy the bartender doesnt know youre not old enough and she laughs when you say funny things and she laughs when you say unfunny things you talk over cafe au lait for 6 hours when you havent seen each other in 9 months and a spark grabs a hold of you and doesnt let go you want to love her and it feels good you want to be there for her and it feels you you want to be better for her and it feels good

>> No.12826755
File: 81 KB, 900x900, 1543137695725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, basically this but imagine you fail at it and it's me. Fucking hell.

>> No.12826803

she doesn't, and most likely will not ever, exist. it is time for me to make peace with God. i do not think it's possible for me to feel love, i just don't see anyone wanting or desiring me, and i am numb to it completely. women are like things I know I cannot have, I merely have to observe, like nice apartments or an attractive face. you acknowledge it exists, you move on. that's where I'm at and will be for a long time. I'm tired of having to look at people, I need to go away for a bit, to somewhere very quiet and empty.

>> No.12826812

Her penis is very feminine.

>> No.12826823

post pics, let me judge.
bonus if you have her feet.

>> No.12826848
File: 865 KB, 755x507, Cosplay 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you just describe my ideal gf word for word

>> No.12826864

I fall in love with any woman my age that makes eye contact with me.

>> No.12826991

It’s gonna take a little time, look around you

>> No.12827754

She's the prettiest girl, not the most beautiful but prettier than the most beautiful. She's not particularly insightful but her naivety and surface level charme compliment her physical prettiness. In fact, this prettiness runs through all her faculties. It cannot be convincingly caught in a photo, and any memory I have of her face feels incomplete. This is more of an aesthetic obsession than a romantic one but one of my strongest convictions. In my mind she is a goddess, not of beauty or romance, but of aesthetics. There is nothing transcendent about her. She is entirely of this world. But her being of this world is perfect in structure.

>> No.12827768

Im a disgusting little worm in comparison to her, i deserve to be executed just for being around such a perfect being, by perfect i mean literal perfect not a single defect, she is in a league of her own and i am a dropout and she is currently travelling the world hangingout with chads, i not bitter at nor am i delusional believing that we could ever be together, i wish her the best.

i want to throw myself into a volcano and disappear

>> No.12827777

I dont think I can be in a romantic relationship with someone unless they are roughly as smart as me, and Ive met only a handful of people smarter than me (other than professors).

>> No.12827787

i am become pineapple

>> No.12827790

yeah i think spending around 3 days with her has literally destroyed my brain,
also very drunk

>> No.12827793

I feel this but I constantly wonder if I'm just delusional

>> No.12827809

She told me she was lonely
And I said to her:
Sometimes I feel like everyone is
That’s the start
And the apex
Her smile is earnest and true
Her actions aren’t
Her apathy hurts
And entices me
I miss things that never were
She says we should go out
But we never go
I say we should go out
But we never go

I feel lonely

>> No.12827811

Its not all that unusual to be top 1 percentile. I certainly dont think Im a genius, but I have a life of mind which I devote a lot of time and effort to, and its hard for me to imagine being able to feel close to anyone who doesnt also have their own mental world.

I certainly dont need to have them agree/understand what I think, just need them to understand that my little intellectual pursuits are important to me.

>> No.12827812

There's no point in me describing her. I have no chance with her, so much so that I'm not even sure if I'm still in love with her.

>> No.12827940

Describe a person that I am in love with?

Her antiquity in preceding and surviving successive tellurian generations: her nocturnal predominance: her satellitic dependence: her luminary reflection: her constancy under all her phases, rising, and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning: the forced invariability of her aspect: her indeterminate response to inaffirmative interrogation: her potency over effluent and refluent waters: her power to enamour, to mortify, to invest with beauty, to render insane, to incite to and aid delinquency: the tranquil inscrutability of her visage: the terribility of her isolated dominant implacable resplendent propinquity: her omens of tempest and of calm: the stimulation of her light, her motion and her presence: the admonition of her craters, her arid seas, her silence: her splendour, when visible: her attraction, when invisible.

>> No.12827964

but seriously, I don't know if I feel that tragic love feeling anymore, not after the shit I went through with a girl around my mid-20s. It's like everything after her is kind of meh but it's not even her fault, I just got too caught up, wrote some bullshit poetry and and when we dated it was kind of awkward and rigid. I don't hold anything against her though, hope she's doing great.

The girl I'm into now is tall, thin and blond, very cute with a girly voice and very feminine. The problem is we haven't really had many conversations and I fear I've built up an image of her in my head, a fantasy probably. She's christian and very family orientated and I think comes from a farming background which is what I'm into.

I feel like the whole image I've built up about her might be false and all the inklings of liking me might just be an illusion and she doesn't think of me at all but the way she acts around me seems to give me a feeling without any real evidential basis. I've been reading about the laws of attraction and it seems like bullshit but I've just got this feeling and I know it could be just that.

And we don't really see each other anymore, it's like she's avoiding me, like I did something to scorn her or I missed my chance.

>> No.12827997

Human rights are a social construct, do you not believe in human rights?

>> No.12828000

He lives in a mirror.

>> No.12828011

Some social constructs are useful, others (eg race) are detrimental and based on logical fallacies

>> No.12828029

You create vignettes of impossible sincerity with your daily motions. Snapshots, scenes that my brain can hold onto until I can pour over them in the quiet and privacy of my long nights. In all of them is an effervescent motion of awkward grace, perfect and endearing in their timeless girlishness.

Watercolor eyes for an equally idealistic heart – perfect blue next to perfect thought that begets beauty and morals and in that theme expects neither of me. Acceptance that is easy to mistake for mocking in how unabashed and raw it is presented to me, as words that others have said, as the intended path, yet in its truth and in its persistence I see it and you for what really is.

The burdening of my apathy never proving too great for you you stay nimble and lithe. You move around the obstacles with serpentine grace and none of the venom. Looking at you while you sleep I can think say or do nothing of ill will or spite in even your general direction. The world that you inhabit pervades mine so strongly that I fear someday I won’t be cynical enough to appreciate it for it’s rarity (or better yet, impossibility).

Despite your influence you remain moldable and eager to take on more of me. To a fault, you are unafraid of my ego and the miasma that clouds my existence, and you shoulder more than you should or I would ever ask you to. Deep down I want you to though, despite how afraid of it I am.

Little bird – the days with you never cease to coax out the best in me. The way you consume me and wish to devour me whole. The way you wait patiently with abandoned dignity and absolve yourself of self-importance. The way that I am never insurmountable for you, the way you would never give up or become fatigued in your duties, the way that you love me.

>> No.12828040

You'll be eventually broski.
Remember to engage in activities that inspire you and require concentration, to get out and meet different people often, to take time to look at the sky and ponder the reflections of its light upon surfaces.

>> No.12828042

sweetest kindness given to cold unknowing and aching disappointment

>> No.12828044

Girl I'm interested in.
It's a girl who lives in another state. Speaks in a regional accent. Hasn't ever been on a plane. Hasn't left our country. I've been on too many places to too many countries to count. She's brilliant and empathetic and funny though.
Will our differences matter? Someone with wisdom please respond

>> No.12828045
File: 183 KB, 210x333, dfgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warm flufy with some serious complications
she looks like a charming snap nosed monkey with a french degrees id cut ties with the jelous thing anytime but she is suicidal and wayyyy into self harm al green and sudanese literature
besides her father is the headmaster I basically can't risk my career for another longing coworkers ...helb me

>> No.12828049

It's "with whom you are in love" you dirty nigger

>> No.12828053

get the fuck out of there nigger what are you doing

>> No.12828086

Unironically great poetry.

>> No.12828156

Differences don't matter when it comes to attraction. But if you want to make it work out in the long run, one of you has to change habits

>> No.12828160

Jesus christ

>> No.12828161


>> No.12828347

Big eyes, small mouth 2 dimensions

>> No.12828691
File: 2 KB, 102x125, 1311CE34-2020-4FE3-A0C3-95BD872D1BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iam not and never was

>> No.12828767

If you're gonna do mental gymnastics like that, might as well do a backflip off a tall building.

>> No.12828889

This is an insufferable writing style that paints no mental imagery of substance.

>> No.12828894

then you arent in love.

>> No.12828895

That is, like, just your opinion, man.

>> No.12828899

Also, how is race based on a logical fallacy?

>> No.12828916

She made me realize i do not know myself. Who am i? When she first entered the room I liked her. When we went to meetings together, I was piteously petty when a guy sat next to her and in cars id sit in the front seat if a mate was driving so she wouldnt talk to the mate. After all of this, I gave up pursuing her because I was in fairness, hurt by previous romantic failures but when she asked me to the movies, it felt like a dream come true. She was so lovely and I made a gesture of love so poetic, so surreal that even when I imagine the scene, i cannot help but picture it as some highlight in a film.
But now that I have her, she only drives me more confused about my self. In one date, she looked so beautiful, all the anxiety of the day relieved itself when I saw her. But today, I felt like she wasnt so perfect and funnily enough, two Tsongans speaking in sign language, with their enthusiastic and glee pointing and laughing made me self conscious.

How sure must I be of this love? Why does the self that was infatuated with her seem so alien to my present self? I suspect its because im a weak man.

>> No.12828933
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This touched my heart anon. Thank you for writing this.

>> No.12828982
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>All those autists in this thread
Are you fourteen or something?

>> No.12828990

>shes so wonderful and amazing and i cant believe how much she changed me uwu
Cringey as fuck.

>> No.12829123
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x962, composite-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only just met three days ago, in a place where you would least expect to find love. She looked at me, called me over, and asked if I wanted to dance...

We went in the back and I just asked her to lay down with me. Her sadness was so evident through her eyes and her voice was monotonous; she was so very tired and I knew she needed a rest. As we lay in each other's arms, I tell her about the pain in my life and how much closer I am to death each day. She tells me about her own pain, her thoughts of suicide and her abuse of alcohol and sleeping pills. We were two broken people with entirely messed up lives but we were together, and in that moment somehow everything felt so right. She looked so beautiful to me there, resting with her eyes closed. The most beautiful and fragile thing I had ever seen.

I asked her if she wanted to watch Leaving Las Vegas with me, and she told me her real name and gave me her number. We talked a bit the next day. She told me about herself and realized that I found not only a beautiful person but also a very intelligent and capable person. Someone with insight and perception, but someone who has been numbed by pain, and has nobody. I needed her, she was a miracle. The answer that I had been asking from God in my torment. And all I wanted from then on was to see her and be with her and have her realize that hell doesn't have to be faced alone.

I did something stupid late at night in the drunken throes of love and poured my heart out to her, trying to tell her how much I loved her and needed her, but I fear I may have lost her. I may never again feel the scent of this beautiful flower.

>> No.12829314

i'd be betther without the "the"

>> No.12829323

I have not felt love for another individual in many years.

>> No.12830107


>> No.12830188
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Truly Shakespearean.

>> No.12830232

Bunch of fucking queers trying to write flowery kitsch prose in threads like this. You are not a 1960s American experimental poet. You're a queer on the internet.

>> No.12830258

Never been in love, though I've had gfs.

>> No.12830268

Pretty much

>> No.12830270

slick lad

>> No.12830277

For only moments did our paths cross, but in those moments did I irrevocably spiral into the shadow of his perfect soul. Biting wit and righteous anger flew from his gentle fingers, but behind his eyes were a gentle heart and lamb's soul. His cock was three inches long, but it effortlessly penetrated my heart. He called me a queer, and thus it was true. I will never forget him.

>> No.12830280

shes not real. she exists only in my mind, and for me. "love" as an idea exists only in fiction. we want somebody to give themselves to us, wholly and truly. in real life this does not happen, so i have written my own fiction in stead. she is perfect to me. when i feel alone, i imagine that she is there, and i can almost feel her touch. when im sad i talk to her, but quietly, so nobody else can hear. nobody can know what i tell her. thats for her only. and shes for me only

>> No.12830289

just wrote this


>> No.12830307

> -rupi kaur

>> No.12830334

i guess you don't actually read poetry, or something.

>> No.12830358

guess you don't actually write poetry

>> No.12830368

I can't do anything but look away from her tired eyes, frightened to learn if we ever make eye contact or not. Her mouth most of the time shaped like a straight line so when she actually shows a slight curve of emotion regardless of the direction I keep thinking back to that moment for a week. Every waking moment I just want to hold her head tight in my arms to assure her that everything will be fine but I can't even tell that myself and I know enough people do it already for her.

>> No.12830370

o i am crying cos some pleb thinks free verse = rupi kaur

>> No.12830391

Reasonably intelligent, compatible conversationalist, strong values, religious, simple/pure, and she's managed to retain these qualities in ample measure despite 4 years in a city as vapid and vain as Los Angeles, a marvel in and of itself. Our second date will be the weekend after the next. Here's to hoping I don't fuck it up.

>> No.12830568

Greene, Sarah. Dislike her. Saxon and celtic bloods. Poor dentition. An adept practitioner of sycophancy. In sum, a thoroughly ridiculous coquette with a repellent laugh. Leaves much to be desired as a lab partner.

PS: 2/19/19. 2:19 PM. I knew then

PPS: asking to borrow pencil = estrus? ask dad later

>> No.12830572

imaginary, all too imaginary

>> No.12830578

Fuck you. There's nothing wrong with Los Angeles. I hope you get cucked.

>> No.12830686

He's passionate about things, he's probably depressed but he kinda enjoys it. He feels lonely too, but it's not his fault. He just can't find a girl that fills the void he feels inside of him, because they never seem to understand the way he perceives things. And i feel the same. Because we're not together, and i'm still looking for him. I wish someday i will find you, someday we will meet eachother and we'll discuss about our favorite things, our favorite books and maybe our favorite musical pieces. So be patient, my love. Just as i am, but please, please, don't take so long.

>> No.12830707
File: 1.06 MB, 266x218, jack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with Los Angeles.

>> No.12830730

>my schmeeby deebly. your schmoopy doo.
your going to hell for that one.

>> No.12830738
File: 68 KB, 750x521, 03A2BA14-F776-426C-8556-CF338D88086E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There's nothing wrong with Los Angeles

>> No.12830743

>the warmth of your skin feels
as if it has always been there

>as if i’d skinned you alive or sewn your flesh onto mine
>in a past life

Damn, that's beautiful...

>> No.12830746

Based and blackpilled

>> No.12830760

Sixty inches,
On the crust of hell
Walks the living flesh
Gifted me by God himself

Prominent forehead
Mirroring my thoughts
Two hazel windows
Forever dancing souls

>> No.12830773
File: 535 KB, 896x564, Nothing wrong with LA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with Los Angeles

>> No.12830792

She is terrible, she treats you tenderly, with care and respect.
She is attentive towards you, asks you questions and seems unwavering in her mission to probe your mind, she is interested and has conversations with you that leave you never satiated, like a hunger you try to dull by drinking water.
She is ebb and flow, the rising tide and the sinking one, one moment she seems to be made only for you, the next she seems incompatiable.
She laughs, but you are not sure whether at your joke, or something else.
She talks to you intensively, in intervals of weeks and days. The other days without her seem to bloat, and merge into eachother, like acrylic paint with too much oil.
And when you see her its just enough, just enough to keep the spark lit, just enough to make you long it.
You sleep at her house, once then twice, then thrice and then four times. You fall asleep in her gentle arms and her heavy panted breath seems like a lullaby to you, you think to yourself:
"is this now, when everything will be alright?"
" I love you " she whispers in a voice so silkenly clean and pure that it makes you distrust your sanity or perception of reality.
but alas, it was not.
She stopped talking to you after this, your gentle mother has stopped giving.
You still dont realize why, and you probably never will.
You talk to her almost every day, cold dead talk, the interesting conversations and subjects seem more like a distant fever dream than anything else.
She became just like everyone else to you.
This was the cruelest part in the great machination, you can not even hold on to the ideal of her long lost perfection, because your ideal, the ideal of your love, of her character, of everything that was precious to you gets dragged in the dirt, stomped, besmirched and humiliated every time she says:
"Hi Anon, what time is it?"
Can there not even be an idea of beauty and purity in this god forsaken wretched gray pit of a world? must everything fall to ruin? must everything beautiful die?

Fuck jannies and Fuck Niggers

>> No.12830799
File: 778 KB, 1200x800, Homeless1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with Los Angeles
"Here, men and women sleep in rows, lined up one after another for block after block in makeshift tents or on cardboard mats on the sidewalks — the mad, the afflicted and the disabled alongside those who are merely down on their luck. Criminals prey on them, drugs such as heroin and crystal meth are easily available, sexual assault and physical violence are common and infectious diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS are constant threats."

Source: http://lacatholicworker.org/2018/02/28/los-angeles-homelessness-crisis-is-a-national-disgrace

>> No.12830812

And the administrators of this city will be screaming and crying for water from the Great Lakes to keep the arid abomination alive through the next century. Let them die of dehydration, or leave.

>> No.12830883

too bad


>> No.12830946
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unironically myself

>> No.12830966
File: 236 KB, 746x847, 23D0DB09-8261-4883-9AE3-C755C1A21DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12830968

Wholesome and narcissismpilled

>> No.12831239
File: 1012 KB, 800x600, Neofolk gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12831245

please stop posting :)

>> No.12831278

>there’s nothing wrong with capitalism. Los Angeles is making them homeless

>> No.12831517

Nice and beautiful, I hope things work out for you anon.

>> No.12831841

There used to be one who crashed my mind, so I cried and laughed and died. In desperate escape I smashed her to pieces, alas now I'm doomed to love them all.

>> No.12831867

In know most of you genetic dead-ends incels don't consider this, but it's her DNA and her family's influence not your XP

>> No.12831934
File: 40 KB, 447x599, 447px-Manlytears3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this...

>> No.12832086

Perfect in her imperfection, maybe her eyebrows are thicker than she likes, or made she has a prominent birth mark she's embarrassed about. It all makes her more beautiful to me because I know that she is real and flawed like me.

Also huge fucking tities.

>> No.12832117

what do you do when you pursed a girl and you have her and you dont know why you pursed her before. i dont know myself

>> No.12832134

i'm taking you up on this, thanks

>> No.12832141

The sagacious philosophical collective "Funkadelic," renowned the world over for their perspicacity, intellectual rigor, and almost intuitive beauty of thought, address just such an issue in their seminal work, "Maggot Brain." Their advice is: hit it and quit it.

>> No.12832169
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a depraved khazar harlot, whose soft raspy voice makes me shiver. her excessive use of perfume doesn't cover up the smell of stale marijuana smoke lingering on her clothing. she often speaks of suicide, and wakes up at night screaming about monsters and intruders.
i was afraid of her and pushed her away. i want to go back.

>> No.12832173


>> No.12832178

Why? That "crazy girls are the best in bed thing" is true?

>> No.12832193

she is extremely affectionate and curious about everything; really a joy to venture around sightseeing with. she has cute cheeks and huge tits for such a skinny girl, and we definitely clicked sexually.
i never asked her but i think she was abused as a child. she used to tell me that if i took too long to text her back she would think about killing herself. the first time we had sex was 3 hours after meeting each other and she made it clear she wanted it almost immediately.

>> No.12832226

hahaha alright cheers

>> No.12832248

An older gentleman, a kind loving man of great virtue. Loves me as a man would a woman, I take more of the female role cooking and cleaning. Has probably had more women desire him than anyone in this thread.

>> No.12832321

If you need to wonder if you love them, then you don't

>> No.12832323

What is love?

>> No.12832492

She has these big ears, round and monkey style, and she tucks her hair — somewhere between blonde brown and red— behind them. Smallish nose, high cheeks, and when she smiles, she glows. I spend every session taking peeks at her when the other students talk, when I know she won’t be looking at me, and I hope to myself that she does the same, when she knows I won’t be looking at her. Today I caught her though, while I was talking about my research, and she gave me a look I’ve only seen from a different girl that loved me some time ago. It was a furtive, knowing smile, the one they give you when you’re talking about something you’re passionate and knowledgeable about, when they know you’re putting on a bit of a performance for the people in the room, but you’re doing a good job of it, like a cute little boy in a man suit pulling off the look.
She’s a student, I’m a TA for her class, there’s a three year age difference between us, and I’m graduating in a few months. I think she will slip away. I’ve only written things about three women. I’m not sure why she feels so special, and I think I’m only setting myself up for pain.

>> No.12832500

Baby don'T HURT ME

>> No.12832502

A nice Russian girl.

>> No.12832512

best description ITT

>> No.12832528

feelings lol

who the fuck has those

>> No.12832537

I'm in love with everyone woman who is nice to me!

>> No.12832546

Based and realshit

>> No.12832576

I just want you to know that it wasn't me who posted this, and I think it's weird that somebody did

>> No.12832581

She has warm brown hair and blue eyes with a slight green tint. She is half polish and half Hispanic so she has a slight tan, but looks mostly polish. She is short and skinny with a big smile and nice teeth but her front right tooth is chipped , I find this cute. Amazingly sculpted facial features and a beautiful voice. Shes very Christian and conservative. Never wears make up either. She plays piano, violin and also ice skates alot. Shes the sweetest person I've ever met.

>> No.12833031

>She's not this, this, nor that
>She's not much really, but she's good enough for me
Please, don't speak to her like that

>> No.12833037

I fucked up my high school romance before we even kissed, so I can't conceive love and sex together

>> No.12833173

Why would you deny Mexicans an individual culture you racist

>> No.12833174

Why would you wanna cyber a tranny?

>> No.12834106

A figment of my imagination, a phantom. I loved someone who turned out not to be real, who was simply my unwitting projection onto another in my naive presumptions of how people lived.

>> No.12834174

I'm going to resist the urge to explain the ups and downs of our romantic relationship over the years. But currently she's in a relationship, and I am in a relationship. Anyways,

She has this naturally brunette hair that's on the lighter side. She dies the ends a light pink and it isn't anything noticeably extra at all. She's thin, tall for a girl, like 5'8. God she loves animals, sometimes she'll see a dog so cute she cries, or a lizard, or a snake, or anything. She's in school for zoology now. She's crazy smart, I'm the smartest person I know but if anybody I know is as smart as me its her. Sexually asexual but holy shit is she ridiculously romantic, she flirts like aphrodite,

>> No.12834251

I'm not even sure if its actual love, basically I had a crush on my bestfriend from college, when her bf cheated on her, I was always trying to get her back to her feet even sacrificing my studies in college. She's the type of person who is still naive; the type who probably doesnt fully realized that shit do happens in life and thats the way it is, she's very sensitive but she's also one of the most kindest person I've met, I didnt fell for her looks thats for sure, but she's cute though.
Still these past few months, I kinda realized her personality isnt compatible with mine; she's way too different.
>She values her social media image more rather than being honest; pride misplaced I think
>Sometimes she do stupid shits, thinking being cheated is the worst thing that can happen to her life which I scolded her for thinking like that
I dont know anons, it might be from her upbringing since she's from a wealthy family, hell she doesnt even know how to cook yet. I even let her borrow my books but I dont know if she read all of it and I wish she would return it back before her summer vacation.
I'm just tired chasing girls now, and recently I now find joys in being single and come to terms enjoying my hobbies alone.

>> No.12834445

We speak every day. We bid our goodnights with "I love you."
This is our moonshine. Soon we will never speak again, we will be forced apart by things we cannot control. A great hangover is coming.

>> No.12834472

She broke my fucking heart, that jewess whore

>> No.12834477


If you are loving and caring to another person, sooner or later they will realize how much you've done for them, even if takes many years of blindly stumbling along in life making enough mistakes for them to realize this. People need to be hurt before they can know what they want. Whether or not you're willing to wait is up to you. But don't let yourself be hurt by somebody who is willingly ignorant, or who will take too long to learn. Don't dedicate yourself to someone who will take you for granted.

She does sound young, naive, and maybe a bit spoiled. There's still a lot of growing up to do. Let other people suffer her mistakes.

Love is found in the most unlikely of places. Don't chase it, but don't give up on it. Be honest, and when you are ready love will appear.

>> No.12834496
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Like an oyster, the heart
Must be alive just before it’s eaten.

>> No.12834527

Are you jewish as well? Just curious.

>> No.12834545

thanks anon
but as of now maybe I'll wait, properly this time
Because back then even when I was young, I always keep looking and chasing the girls I like. I always feel lonely if I have no companion.
But know, maybe I did just wake up and thought it might not be that bad being alone, and later I'm enjoying my me-time. The constant day dreams of having a partner already wiped in my mind.
And just maybe Im just waiting for that certain someone who understands and accepts me but I know it is not the highest-priority in my life as of now

>> No.12834690

His teeth are slightly crooked when he smiles at me. It gives him a hint of mischief that never fails to make me blush and advert my eyes, like he's teasing me about knowing my secret.
For someone who can express so much brutality and has so much raw strenght, it never ceases to amaze me how soft he can be. I will never forget the feeling of having my small hand engulfed in his, the faintest touch of his fingers as he taught me how to protect it in small whispers.

Oh, I'm so gone for him

>> No.12834837

She has an extremely perfect posture that causes her to stick out amongst everyone else in the room. I love when she does her hair in the style similar to akko from little witch academia. She is 1 year younger than me. She is very touchy, hugs me and presses her small boobs against my face. She makes me feel something but I'm not in love with her. I want to do LSD with her and have sex with her.

>> No.12834873

actually jelly

>> No.12834881

I think about her a lot. She has dance class or some shit. She has food allergies. She has the astrology symbol for cancer on her laptop. I want to amputate my digits or give myself burn scars.

>> No.12834944
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Whenever I tell her she looks just like Audrey she answers “Of course no! Audrey is perfect, one of the most beautiful women of all time. I’m just a normal girl. When I walk on the street nobody gives a damn about me”. Yet I always thought she looks quite a lot like Audrey.

She is whiter on the pic than she usually is. Whenever she gets some sun she gets tanned.

I love her so much friens ^^

>> No.12834956
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>> No.12835065
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Slam pig that looks like pic related she'll hit the wall really hard she has a kid and multiple abortions from different dudes shes honestly worth nothing shes a shitty normie slutty person selfish and unreliable that being said my dick doesnt care and i still love her but my biological functions can go fuck themselves because I wont cuck myself over that slut

>> No.12835067

top bait, kek
litfags getting reeled in

>> No.12835097
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A tumultuous struggle between several distinct selves- some real, some trained showpieces to appear cute.

Her expression likewise rests between calm superiority, intentional ‘cute’ goofyness, and a consuming sadness. I worry about her constantly, because the sadness is nearly always there- just beneath the surface.

She looks older, with deep laugh lines and a certain sleepy look. Not physically sleepy, but tired- tired of the world in some way. But she looks younger too, with impossibly smooth skin, a certain obsession with a cutesy exterior. A brightness, and forced naïve outlook, to see the good in everyone- no matter what- to trust. And at the same time to lie easily to preserve herself and feelings. I have wondered here and there if she is a sociopath, I don’t think she is.

She independently discovered dramaturgy, I think a side effect of her mother.
Very few people see the truth to her- I sometimes wonder if I am the only one. I sometimes wonder if I see the truth at all.

She is passionate and hard working- I have yet to seen her give up. Homework assignments, video-games; anything she is trying to accomplish- she won’t stop until it is done.

She makes me a better person, and I think it is intentional. I don’t want to give up, I want to leverage just like she does.

She is younger than me, with less experience; and yet she is still an inspiration.
A person who, just by existing, makes me an optimist. A girl who makes me appreciate people.

I dunno where this is going, but Abbey, thanks for making me worth your time.

>> No.12835136

everyone thinks that way, but who knows, maybe he is madly in love with you.

>> No.12835600

haha not a loser or anything, just still in love with my highschool gf 5 years after haha

>> No.12835752
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I'm in love with a woman who is 6 years older than me, I'm 24.

>> No.12836766

I haven't seen her but she keeps showing up in my dreams

>> No.12836924

tig ole bitties

>> No.12836934


>> No.12836957

You already posted my reaction to that statement. Bad idea

>> No.12837277

she has cheated on me, and then i forgave her, tried again, and failed last night when I had a sort of meltdown, her and I are now single, but she will quickly recover, while I'll probably sink into further obscurity, as she was the only real friend I had

>> No.12837300

I am happy for you! :3

Why has no one said they are happy for this man!

>> No.12837334

kek, my last girlfriend was 30
my current is 18
I'm 26

>> No.12837597

Tight nice short and blonde. A composition that is concise. The curves are not ridiculous or overbearing, but instead subtle and firm like the first burst of spring across the hills and valleys of unknown American highway sides.
I have busted in her before, and nothing has been the same ever since. Maybe I idealize the past too much, but the present women in my life are just nothing compared to her.
I treat women like complete trash now. I told an anime black girl I wrote her a poem and just sent her the lyrics to a young thug song. Whereas for this old girl I wrote thousands of words of terrible poetry. I feel like the rest of my life will be the decline from a perfect Eden and I will never get it back, but that's all nonsense. My life now is incredible, it's just the women in it were terrible, while back then it was the opposite. My life was terrible but I had a great person to share it with.

>> No.12837602

Ben dere bro

>> No.12837675


>> No.12837684

No, she's scared. She's looking at you to make sure you're not staring at her, again. I have been in this exact situation.

>> No.12837738

she is e-thot unironically

>> No.12837744

why are you asking about my mom bro?

>> No.12837779

That's gonna be a yikes from me senpai

>> No.12837792
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>> No.12837797

I'm Sola Scriptura. I don't think God in the present day reveals His will except through scripture (no special meaning when you pick a random verse and no special meaning to your dreams etc). In light of my dilemma, the only guidepost that stands out to me is 1 Corinthians 7, "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. "

My dilemma is that I've been blessed with immense sexual self-control, and yet I want to marry, sire children, and provide grandchildren for my parents. I wouldn't entirely mind a platonic marriage either. I've never ejaculated except while sleeping. I suspect that God created me this way because He wants me to remain single to serve Him somehow.

Unmotivated by sexual desire, I do love a certain woman. I was in class with her seven years ago. I see her at church sometimes. She's beautiful, blonde with cobalt eyes, a nurse. We could be brother and sister. Her dad comes from a wealthy family. I don't see how such a woman is still single at 26. However, I think her faith is immature, not that I'm one to talk. I'm an utter piece of shit. I worry that she'd be too metropolitan, too career focused, unwilling to homeschool our kids. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I pray that God will shunt me onto the best path.

>> No.12837799

I LOVE YOU T*****!!!

>> No.12837808


Front teeth marks in your ice cream,
sharp and wobbling elbows and knees
bump into odd corners,
somehow knuckles in every photo.

You cough on water and hiccup
for hours after, skip over pages always
or else lines.

There is a reason your parents
didn’t name you Grace
or Harmony

At least
I say
you’re trying

You smack me
and hurt your hand.

>> No.12837826

He’s just as much of a complete socially abject failure as me. And we can be secure in our awkwardness and shame together

>> No.12837855

I wish I could love my ex again.

>> No.12837857

Left speckles of stardust on my front yard.
Has her best dress on, her soft, golden hair laying still. Eyelids sewn tightly shut.
Her bruised knees contrast against the pale skin. Bruises she earned from tending to her garden.
Chapped lips puckered, covered in paint.
And shadows under her eyes hidden from sight.

>> No.12837863

I know that feel too.

>> No.12837872

I think they already know how much I love them and describing them here would be extremely embarrassing. I don't like to talk about them, not because I am ashamed but because I do not want others to feel less about themselves or their situation. Stay strong friends.

>> No.12837893

Dear me,

Good job I guess. Not much getting done but....uh...fuck it, I don't have any better ideas either.

>> No.12837899
File: 248 KB, 1600x1067, 0E9CA0F5-4374-4F4C-8AAF-B464F37F6E42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent and brooding, yet she does it in an almost playful way as if she’s not fully serious, as if she’s playing a joke for herself that no one else can decipher. Her own little play where she is the actor, audience, and critic and each play is silently hilarious. The line of her lips even carries a faint smirk, no, to even call it faint is too much; it is the afterimage of a negative which has been exposed to too much light, and through the smoky photograph blurred lines of marvelous lips are interpreted as sarcastic ecstasy which is actually but the projection of her inner joy; the apparition of a smile, perceived yet unseen, which haunts the lips in a tattered rosy pall, always there and never fully understood, like a particle which when the speed is known the location is subsequently lost and vice versa: only one half, or less, of the riddle is ever known. Her laugh is akin to Pilar Ternera’s, as I paraphrase from memory, “one which made the doves flee and sounded of shattered glass flying though the house.” Yet is is subdued by an aura of softness and humor.

I have not spoken to her once

>> No.12837901

I am a lesbian with a big cock butterfly dont worry :3

You realize the change you’ve already wrought in my life? Nothing personal baby. You are mine. Like seriously mine. Sorry for being vulgar, sorry for being a little facetious in regards to your sexuality, sorry for making fun of you sometimes, sorry if I ever inadvertently hurt your feelings.

But you’re mine. For sure I can guarantee you I’ve already had a change in your life, for a long time you considered yourself as looking for a partner. Now you aren’t. And it’s because of me. :3 Now you would decline a straight man’s advances AND a lesbians. I think you already have

I’m sorry. This has been too positive to just let go and ignore

>> No.12837924

spoiled dumb narcisistic spineless whore

>> No.12837935

>Silent and brooding
don't take me that seriously, but i think that's just screensaver mode until it's time for a cookie.

>> No.12838019

I have nothing to either confirm that suspicion or argue against it, but I hope that’s not the case

>> No.12838123

Read Proust.

>> No.12838171
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He's literally perfect. Smart, outgoing, we both all of the same things. But he lives too far away. And probably straight.

>> No.12838175


>> No.12838512

Thin eyes, that pierce your very soul, blue as the sky. Her lips are luscious and taste like lipstick. She's not a good kisser, but I don't mind. Her face makes it all up. Golden hair, freckled nose, ample bosom, slender waist. She has thick thighs and a bottom you could kill for. A beauty.

When my wife finds out I'll lose everything, and I don't regret anything at all.

>> No.12838535 [DELETED] 

Her hands are always dry from washing dishes/cleaning the house etc. She gets mad whenever I bring up her college education, but she is one of the smartest people I know. More than that, though, she understands narratives and people extremely well, and is able to use both. She manages to tell stories that has whole rooms of people laughing. She always wanted to go into the medical field, but then I came along. She is extremely well spoken, but has some mannerisms that peg her as rural. She is always willing to help me out, and worries about me. Whenever I fuck up she is there to tell me everything is all right. She speaks Spanish fluently, and taught me. Hearing her joke or get made in another language is fun, and reminds me more of what a smart person she is. I hope this isn't too doxxy, but I really do love my mom.

>> No.12838987

Her name is Andrea, she's smart, she's pretty, she's bisexual like me, she despise almost everything I like (high culture in general) and I despise almost everything she likes (low culture in general), yet there is a "something", we always know where the other is, and we would like to spend time together, yet we are proud and decide to be separated, at this point we know that the other one knows that our indifference is fake. From time to time we like being in situations were we look like a couple, for a short while, and the moment when one of us try to be more personal the other reciprocates. Sometimes someone decides to be closer, and we get to the ponit where we end up sharing personal space, but other times we are apart like acquatiences. We are known for being the morons, we enjoy talking trash in front of people and being mean to people we dislike, or she, or I. Basically, I like her, she likes me, and we both wish to find a reason to be together, after a few years there is still none, we are friends waiting for a miracle.

>> No.12838992

this is just confederacy of dunces

>> No.12839092

I was 16 when I first saw a single picture of her - she was a friend of a friend, and zuccbook thought I must know her. One gaze was all it took, and I was taken by her half-smile for a decade. I never thought of any other woman, never wanted anyone else.

Then, seven years after she stole my heart and broke my mind, she came to me in person. We clicked in a moment, and became close friends in an hour. But every once in a while, she showed me a harshness and hardness of heart that drove me half blind in rage. It could be in the way she smiled at someone else, or how she touched another man, jokingly. She can be childish and selfish, and cruel, safe in her knowledge that I can not say no to her.

I hate the power she has over me. I have avoided speaking to her for two days, and it feels like I'm dying. I know she will hurt me, I know she will never love me the way I love her, I know it is only a question of time - still, I am lost in her half-smile.

>> No.12839318


>> No.12839439

It's kinda sad that my loved one inspires me to write a not so romantic or happy reply to this post. I mean, we had, have, and will have lots of wonderful moments together, and will continue to stay there for one another to hold down when things get hard, but deciding to commit the rest of my life to someone so much distant, so much different from myself - a Aquarius seemingly incapable to really expressing what's on her mind - seems like the worng way to live life. Sometimes I feel like we are not meant to each other, that we are only going together thru this present motion, and that, somewhere in the future, we will find that what we feel for each other is simply not enough.

She's a mystery, even for herself, it seems. Volatile actions which demonstrates a inconsistency that scares the hell out of my paranoid mind.

Apart from those "complaints", if we can call it that, I very much love her like nothing else in the world: the most beautiful smile in the world, the lapses of unblossomed geniality and ingenuity.

She truly is the sun of my life, and I am very grateful for having her by my side.

>> No.12839452

That's just beautiful, anon. I'm truly glad you found each other.

>> No.12839476

A girl i've seen walking arround my school when i was 14/15. Sometimes i just see these girl who aren't the typical highschool girl, they are girls who look different, have a distinct style or have a unique way of walking. She used to be a bit alternative, but once she started to get older she turned into a more elegant looking woman, but not like all the conformists that is the typical woman.

Her eyes are the color blue that resembles the shininess of a diamond. Lips that are full, but still petite. Pale skin, but not the kind to burn fast in the summer. A natural blonde, but she has decided to pain her hair a bit more dark blonde, a decision that i fully support. A bit wavy, but no curls. The style of her hair fits completely with the shape of her face, which is the perfect size with sharp features. And to top it all off, a cute little nose with looks a little bit uptilted.
Just looking at her i truly believe that she is a human being incapable of doing harm, but wouldn't go down easily in a discussion, a true challenge.

Sadly i've barely spoken to her in all the years i've seen her. I've seen her develop in a beautiful young women, but i stayed a little boy.

I hope that one day i can get to know her.

>> No.12839620

that's quite well written

>> No.12839634

What's the secret, anon? Are you supremely rich or just incredibly interesting?

>> No.12839647


Did you find that girl pretty? It’s quite average in my opinion.

>> No.12839652

Not that anon but I'm not attracted to her.

>> No.12839683
File: 62 KB, 447x686, arino despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been in love for almost ten years. I don't see people anymore. The social isolation is a fucking buttmunch on my soul wawsarawararsawa

>> No.12839687

I was talking in general as to what it takes to love someone truly and have them love you back. I do find her plain but if i was in love with her, she'd be the most beautiful thing in my life, of course.


>> No.12839697
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I'm running out of laughs and its starting to hurt again

>> No.12839701


Well, she do look a lot like Audrey

>> No.12839734

Thank you. I wrote it last night in a half-asleep stupor and I just now realize I used the word “play” or something which included it 3 times in the opener

>> No.12839767

Almost ten years later she is still surprising. And in very difficult moments, she has almost always reacted with patience.

>> No.12839813

A book my priest wrote has that as its cover.


>> No.12840561


>> No.12841165

I'am 1,68 which pretty much makes me invisible to all women when it comes to being their love interest, but there was this one girl who thought i was cute in 3rd grade and hugged me, she had a somewhat curly brown hair and glasses, a few beauty marks on the right side of her face and a retarded but cute smile. I haven't seen her since then because i moved to another city, i wonder how she looks now.

>> No.12841186

- Cute
- 1/2 chinese
- An artist
- Sexy
- Pretty
- Beautiful
- Kind of a bitch sometimes

>> No.12841256

Pale blue eyes suggestive of a tired sky. A thatch of rich brown hair that hangs heavily to the small of her back.

Strong Eastern European features that emit a fierce focus, her face says, "don't you dare cross me..." and the look in her eyes finishes it with a hurt, "... again"

>> No.12841328

she is also a result of not me taking my meds

>> No.12841448

He makes me late for trains, meetings, my rigid bedtime, and sometimes I don't even mind. Vicious, long in the tooth, well hung. I think, better it be him standing in my kitchen with a glass of milk and shirtless than anybody or nobody else

>> No.12841476
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1496003087749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentle are those eyes of hers which rest so kindly upon mine own. faded red hairs fall blonde as they lose their false coloring. the occasional snort as she giggles and the soft smile which follows. the rays of sun which trickle over her skin, a radiance they reflect from within. like a warm summer breeze which shimmers its way through newly sprung tree leaves or perhaps a fresh mountain creek which winds its way through many a field unkempt.

I've never felt this way before.

>> No.12841525
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i push away any notion of developing feelings for anyone as i can never get a date

and half the time its just women i see on the bus

>> No.12841586

thats actually sweet as fuck anon nice one

>> No.12842326
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My full moon, my guiding star.

>> No.12842489
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she's the scar

>> No.12842509

This is the best written thing in the thread

>> No.12842571
File: 760 KB, 1138x640, 1523966070276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loved me with all her heart when I was a bitter drop-out trainwreck that pushed everyone away. I couldn't feel anything even when I broke it up saying I wanted to date hotter girls and she wept like crazy.
Now 7y have passed and I just felt full of infinite affection, regret and care about her. My clock is not synchronized correctly, I guess. Never dated anyone since then either.
I called her. She has cancer. Why frens? She's so young

>> No.12842598

favorite itt and I dislike this meme

>> No.12842841


>> No.12843388
File: 25 KB, 640x480, tumblr_ob889c446S1vyvkp6o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. I'm so broken.

>> No.12843571

This life is not an easy one my friend.

>> No.12843802

She looks like a tanned version of Natalie Portman. She's half dutch and half indian. She was the last girl I had sex with, it was a drunk one night stand thing. I was wondering why she didn't pursue me any further as most girls would at least stalk your instagram profile after letting you fuck them. So I stalked hers and found out from her FB that she's in a relationship (not disclosed with who). I haven't been able to stop thinking about her till I got this closure tonight.

>> No.12844158

She's like my mom, but not as beautiful or virtuous. There really is nobody like my mother, and it hurts.

>> No.12844667

>>12823995 (OP)

>she completes me and we agree on most things
>she's the opposite of me, from a spiritual/philosophical point of view. I'm a pessimistic/nihilistic moron, she's an optimistic angel