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/lit/ - Literature

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12819232 No.12819232 [Reply] [Original]

How's your novel/work/poetry collection going?

>> No.12819244

i just started my novel a few days ago. so far it's lookin pretty good. i have a lot of ideas of where im going to go with it. posted the opening lines in a thread and people seemed to like it. it should be a pretty fun book if i manage to complete it

>> No.12819270

Is it safe for work?
Whats the word count so far?
Will you publish it yourself?

>> No.12819292

I while ago I posted about a novella/work in progress. I only had about 1000 words, an outline, and a reading list for research, some anon roasted me because 3 pages is nothing. Well now I have 5k words so suck it, I’m still progressing!

>> No.12819301

Whats the book about?

>> No.12819307

also guys whats the size and font you use for writing? I use times new roman, 14

>> No.12819312 [DELETED] 

>Is it safe for work?
No, lots of sex, and maybe will have some violence as well.
Whats the word count so far?
It's only a couple pages in a little notebook. I have a long way to go.
Will you publish it yourself?
No idea -_-

>> No.12819313
File: 160 KB, 558x744, 5FCFCA09-34C6-4F37-BEA0-A94800FF11FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have three notebooks filled up with poems,diary entries,stream of consciousness and, just insights of whats going in (my) world. I've basically rewrote 'Hunger' and Pessoss but for the 20th century and instead of actually starving its just a person lost in the world, even among these conflicting times just, lost.

>> No.12819327

>Is it safe for work?
No, lots of sex, and maybe will have some violence as well.
>Whats the word count so far?
It's only a couple pages in a little notebook. I have a long way to go.
>Will you publish it yourself?
No idea -_-

>> No.12819346

would you be willing to share some with us?

>> No.12819352

It is a magical realist novel set in 17th century Europe, about a fictional saint, inspired by some medieval writings like like the life of St. Francis and the Canterbury Tales

>> No.12819359

Sounds good! Keep up the good work :)

>> No.12819769

Cringe and vanity pilled

>> No.12819801
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Pretty good. I wrote some cute scenes and then I started laying in the terror and tragedy. More or less have the first three chapters properly finished now, they were a hot mess of notation and outlining just two days ago. There's 15 chapters total and I've been writing out of order, so a lot of the later parts are already fleshed out.
Chapter 3 ends with rape and suicide, because agents usually ask for the first three chapters and I want them to have a proper understanding of what I'm about.

>> No.12819810
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I've been writing poetry over the last year or so and have been publishing it to Medium, getting an okay amount of 'likes', but pretty much no recognition; still pleased though :)

I'm still in A-Level, but have my exams in summer and will hopefully get into the uni I want, to study Eng. Lit, and then hopefully get to further my writings with short novels and more poetry. I'd also like to start writing letters once I get a gf who'd like to read them that is

>> No.12819819

Read some poema at a fancy event a few weeks ago, two editors approached we afterwards. They wanted to know if I had more.

>> No.12820129
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i'm published by an indie press. ama

>> No.12820374


>> No.12820378

Whats your book about?
Whats the indie press?
Novels or poetry?
How many words?

>> No.12820398

First poetry manuscript done. But wtf am i supposed to do with it?

Got another small one in the works. But have no motivation to finish it because- wtf am i going to do with it?

Have a decent collection of Cioranesque aphorisms I'm gonna turn into a book.

Writing brings me some solace. As cioran said: everything that is formulated becomes less intense.

>> No.12820412
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About to finish the first book of a new series. Old series is in the background.

>> No.12820429

What books/play/poems you doing for A-Level?

>> No.12820437

What are they about?
How many words?
What is your creative process and how do you manage to write so much without making the reader get bored?
Publish it for free or send it to an indie editorial.
Would you share an excerpt with us?

>> No.12820455
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21 years old.
writing my first ever novel, set to be a series of 4 books set in year 2600+ sci-fi
taking lots of inspiration from anime characters and halo game series.
currently just finished 5 chapters and at about 10,000 words.

>> No.12820466

Would you share an excerpt with us?

>> No.12820470


Heres a entry I made yesterday, it obviously has many mistakes and its really just me ranting about me but, feel free to look over it.

>> No.12820511

That was quite painful to read, I like it!
As a kind of Dostoyevskian character, it works great, but I think you should add some more style of your own.

>> No.12820522

And happy birthday, by the way.

>> No.12820525

Lots and lots of spelling and grammatical errors, other wise I actually enjoyed it. I can tell you've been reading Hamsun but at the same time it really feels psychology-driven. It was decent i'd read more.

>Also you sound very bi-polar it came off not sad but very funny.

>> No.12820571

"Governor Brasena was sitting at his large polished marble desk, his long straight jet black hair fell in perfect symmetry, halfway down his back. papers scattered across the desktop and multiple holographic displays shimmered in the air. The room seemed barren, completely void of any personality, not so much as a plant or photo, although there was one thing, a small figure depicting Senthos holding out his palms. "
try to ignore any grammar issues, it's still pretty rough. And for context Senthos is a god most people pray to, the governor is particularly religious and believes his son ( a POV character ) is his religions messiah.

>> No.12820593

Based and infinite jest pilled

>> No.12820629

it's set embarrassingly generically after a space plague wipes out most of humanity and set on a colony world isolated, most humans no longer have access to interplanetary travel.

one major faction later in the books has the most functioning ships and a few planets rallied to it's cause. they claim to have rediscovered Earth and are basically space crusaders.
( The planet they tote as Earth is not but they legitimately think it is )

>> No.12820640

>science fiction heroes journey that doesn’t make the plot mistakes George Lucas make bu not planning the prequels
>space opera thats not Star Wars derivative- or less than most
>lots of action/ big battles/ planet hopping/strange worlds/ strange alien encounters/ jetpacks/ military sci/

>> No.12820653

Sounds great!

>> No.12820958
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Finished what remained to write in chapter four. Now I wrote some pseudy metashit while drunk that is intended as the ending for the one character. most everything else that remains to be written is pure despair.

>> No.12820981

Do not drink, Baudelaire said "He who depends from a poison to think will later not be able to think at all with the poison.

>> No.12821043

I want to write fantasy/sci-fi but I'm too embarrassed to share anything because I suck and those are considered brainlet/fag genres.

>> No.12821063

share it, if anyone laughs i will delete the thread

>> No.12821290

I'll post it but I want to add a little bit first.

>> No.12821313


>> No.12821568

here you go, sorry for the delay

>> No.12821580

not him, but i'll give some of it a look at least

>> No.12821650

Nice! I actually liked it, i think its the best ive seen on this thread

>> No.12821706

Thanks anon, I'll try to continue it.
Also my idea is that each chapter is a short story from different perspectives, that revolve around the stranger. There will be recurring characters and exposition added on top of what's established.

>> No.12821797


>> No.12821808

I just finished the first draft of my MA thesis and am for the first time in months putting some sustained effort into fiction. Working on a kind of interesting story, I think. No idea where it's going, but it's exciting that it's starting to form.

>> No.12821917

Anybody proud of me?

>> No.12821948

I am, but I'm pretty sure everyone's gone to sleep

>> No.12822647
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I only drink maybe twice a month. It's certainly not a dependence--last night I got tipsy off one single shot. And I just cried while rereading that passage so I think I did a good job. Now it's time for zetsubou. Monday is a great day to write despair; I always get depressed on Monday.

>> No.12822751
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>your dad asks if he can have a read of your book

>> No.12822892

>not keeping your writing secret from everyone you know irl

>> No.12823265

You'll never be a great writer.

>> No.12823290
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>writing my first ever novel, set to be a series of 4 books set in year 2600+ sci-fi

fucking everytime, might as well write another YA novel with a trio of unlikeable edgy teenagers

>> No.12823458

Anyone else wanna critique?

>> No.12823479

why is that? what a cruel thing to say

>> No.12823513
File: 29 KB, 474x557, 45d0ee0d372a99f0426a07330ed173f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with translating a novel (After almost 3 years, currently looking through the text, of course, because of the copyright, it shall remain forever unpublished.)
I've translated a short story (which turned out okay, I want to do another one)
Wrote 12 haikus and 3 poems, two novellas and I also made a novel fragment which I deleted.
Translated two songs (both turned out shit)
My diary desu is basically a single notebook long
My "complete works" with my essays would fit into a single volume tops.
I'm 19. I shouldn't be thinking about things like this.

>> No.12823575

I bet Nabokov's dad wanked to his son's Lolita a lot before it got published

>> No.12823708

How does this have anything to do with Infinite Jest?

>> No.12823744
File: 71 KB, 557x788, 68442200_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awake 4 hours
>only did 2k words
I don't even know what I waste my time on. Reading various things, I guess. A short story and an essay, a chapter of a nonfiction I'm using as reference... Such suffering. Since I need the internet for research on various things all the time I can't even take a bat to my router.
>translating a novel
From what to what? I'm sure you could use that to get a job doing it professionally. It feels like so much literature is never translated to other languages. Like, of contemporary japanese literature, what do we get translated into English other than Murakami and a handful of others? There must be Chinese, French, German, etc. works coming out, too, but I can't name more than a single contemporary author in any of them. It's a great shame. Of course, I'm not particularly looking for them, but I'll bet not 5% of what comes out in other languages ever makes its way to English.

>> No.12823759

From English to Hungarian. It's basically just a hobby at this point, but I intend to turn it into a career at some point, preferably spicing it up by learning an Eastern lanugage. (Though my Mandarin studies are progressing overly slow because I juggle so many shitty "projects" around.)

>> No.12823800
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Mandarin would be cool. I'm intermediate in Japanese, but still can't quite read books in it yet, at least not without too much struggle. Kanji is great once you know it, but nothing kicks you in the face like having to stop and look up ones you don't know. More than 2 or 3 per page and I would just give up.
>already has a viable career path at 19
What's the publishing scene like in Hungaria?

>> No.12823814

Heyso what is your writing process? 2k words sounds like a good avancement, you just need to stop worrying about "Oh no this won't go"

>> No.12823877

>>already has a viable career path at 19
>Not having a visible career path by 17
I've been cursing myself for not finding one even sooner. The sooner you have an idea for a concrete career, the sooner you can start steering your ship.
>Mandarin would be cool.
Fell in love with Chinese literature at around 16. It's a personal objective to learn the language.
>What's the publishing scene like in Hungaria?
No fucking idea, honestly. There are a lot of publishing houses, a lot of them specialising in just a few fields. It doesn't seem unapproachable to me. But I have no clue when it comes to details.
>Kanji is great once you know it
I'm maybe 170 characters into learning Mandarin. It's sort of starting to make sense. People are scared of hanzi/kanji for no good reason.

>> No.12823881

meant for >>12823800

>> No.12824012

You guys are crazy. I'll be 28 in two months and probably have a PhD in nine and I still don"t have a viable career path.

The next ten years will either be great for you or a complete disappointment.

I'm currently only writing my diary desu but I have a few thousand words of decent prose in it, so it's okay I guess. Or perhaps not.

>> No.12824047

Just finished writing my first radio play, and I'm pretty happy with it. It's 22 pages long which is the reason I decided on a radio play. I wanted something small that I can actually finish for a change.

>> No.12824070

Thinking about self-publishing a book of essays I'm writing. I've had a few poems published in lit magazines but nothing significant. Hopefully nobody makes fun of me for self-publishing. Maybe if if make up a publisher name/logo to put on the spine people won't laugh at me.

>> No.12824075

post it instead of bragging phaggot

>> No.12824076

>28 years old
>no viable career path

Holy shit senpai, memes aside, you had to had that figured out 5 years earlier

>> No.12824123
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>The next ten years will either be great for you or a complete disappointment.
Don't worry. I'm well aware that there is a good chance that I end up as an office clerk who is only kept around to translate meaningless shitty letters.

>> No.12824133
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Varies greatly. Right now I'm going more or less in order and turning all my notes into actual writing if they weren't already. Often I'll just skip around and work on whatever section of the outline hits a note with me that day. I'll also go read some sort of historical research text or essay on something relevant, and bounce off that to come up with additional material. Last night I was reading an essay on Neoconfucianism, for example, since that was the religion at the time. A got a good 5 paragraphs or so out of reflections on that material. Based on readings from the historical text I got 2 sections composed the other day.
I know about 1500 kanji according to anki. They're the least of the battle, honest to god, it's just that finding one you don't know is a real bother.
I changed my major like 3 times in college. I don't like what I graduated with but it brings a paycheck. I consider writing my actual career, anyway. That other shit just pays the bills is all.
Life happens.

>> No.12824566

>no viable career path
this is just wrong dude

>> No.12824620
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Chapters 1-6 and 10 (out of 15) are more or less done now, though I might add another scene to chapter five. I think I'm still going to come up short on my wordcount. Chapter nine is a battle, and after reading 2 entire books and any relevant webpage I can't find any decent historical account of what actually took place other than a vague description that only states the two sides, the region it was fought in, and the names of either lead general. God, what suffering. I have to somehow come up with all of it out of thin air.
Sorry if my frequent posting is bothering anyone. It's sort of like an accountability group.

>> No.12824686

Am now past the final turbolaser... Barring further surprise, I'm a button push away.

Please to enjoy my motivational theme song:


>> No.12824695

>I know about 1500 kanji according to anki.
I've been using physical flashcards until recently. Just converted them to anki. (It's surprising how unmanageable 170 layers of paper become to handle.

>> No.12824767

who is this mango character?

>> No.12824804

What battle?

>> No.12824821

What do you guys use to write and how do you organize your work? I've just been using a basic word processor but I'm probably gotta switch to LaTeX and have each chapter be a separate file I can edit and view individually, so I'll also then have an idea of what it looks like put together.

>> No.12824933
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I'm reading a few more resources this afternoon to try and drum up a bit more info. I've written battles before, but they were all very well documented so I had an easy time of it. Jurchens are the same as Manchus... essentially huns I guess. So like, Mulan. Problem is the vast bulk of the historical records and academic texts are in either korean or chinese and not translated into english anywhere I can find them. koreans took autistically detailed historical records, but the anglosphere gives zero fucks to translate them.
Libreoffice. I have a draft file and a notes file (place name anglicization, character descriptions, any other notes.)
my husbando

>> No.12825179
File: 121 KB, 1597x857, sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm embarrassed as fuck to post it again. But here you go. How bad is it? Give me pointers cause I need to improve. This is my first attempt at a novel.

>> No.12825189

Is that a joke?

>> No.12825197

No, it's real ;_;

>> No.12825205

Could use a few more niggers here and there. Learn from the master. If t’s not at least 50% nigger, it’s weaksauce.

>> No.12825209

are you the same guy that wrote that book with the word nigger appearing 100,000 times?

>> No.12825213

No, lol

>> No.12825227

I think you need a different hobby.

>> No.12825273

thanks i guess, it's my first try, maybe i can improve one day

>> No.12825328

Dont listen to this uneducated mugwumps , your work was actually good, man. I like that you made no excuse in the word nigger

>> No.12825364

honestly, it's not meant in an edgy or racist way, it's just an attention grabber. i mean, it's also a theme that will be explored later on (contrast bewteen american vs other world cultures)

>> No.12825489
File: 33 KB, 420x420, aragorn pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing the second book in my series, its coming along just fine fren

>> No.12825495

I'm almost done copying one of my blog articles down into my handwritten text, after that I have no idea what I'm going to write

>> No.12825541

>give or take
i don't like that
all in all, it's decent, not much to comment on

>> No.12825564
File: 24 KB, 669x279, opening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added some more content to the first paragraph, watchu think

>> No.12825589

i would drop the brackets, but this is overall better i feel.
also, i didn't like your last paragraph in the original one, it was very messy.

>> No.12825597

>also, i didn't like your last paragraph in the original one, it was very messy.
do you mean that i should format it into separate paragraphs or should just cut stuff out entirely

>> No.12825618

My poetry collection is titled
"The life of the man unknown to all"
it is centered about the search for meaning, resulting in nothing and the conflict between the nihilism, disgust and disdain for the world against the worldview of hope, love and peace.
It ends with him finding solace in buddhism and nirvana.

>> No.12825667

you should work on it.
and i think you should drop all the brackets, feels weird, but i'm not sure.
And yeah, makes no sense to have a separate paragraph there. And i think you should work on the idyllic description, because it feels very clumsy with all the commas and juxtapositions or whatever. I have a huge problem overusing commas myself, so i'm not sure if it's me or if it really does feel clumsy, but you should definitely refine it more.

>> No.12825676

sounds decent, not sure what i think about the title though

>> No.12825722

fucking awful please stop writing.

>> No.12825771

How many words do you plan your novel to be?

>> No.12825796

i see people write this, but literally no one has said why

>> No.12825821

I don't know. I've never written a novel before, so I'm not sure how it will turn out. I have enough ideas that I think it could turn out to be a pretty lengthy novel.

>> No.12825950

Well, keep it going!

>> No.12826006

thank you for the encouragement, fren

>> No.12826148

>promise myself I'm just gotta write a short story
>fine I'll make it a small novel
>okay I got some bigger ideas, I'll plan out a full size book but I'm gonna have to stick to a rigorous schedule
>aaaannnndddd I've got six books planned and less motivation than I started with
Fuck why does this always happen. I never goddamn finish anything fuck

>> No.12826176

seems like a good problem to have

>> No.12826342
File: 11 KB, 477x306, eyesz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy writing poetry but have little knowledge on how to actually go about it. I just sort of spew whatever thoughts I have out upon the paper (or my keyboard) and go with it. Here's a rather small one, feel free to tear me apart lads, I would definitely enjoy some constructive criticism on how I could improve.

>> No.12826393

Poetry is whatever you want it to be. You can write random crap and someone will find meaning in it. If you already have some sort of meaning or theme, congrats, you're a poet.
Maybe practice some grammar, it's vs its.

>> No.12826419

yea that was my thinking generally, and i realize my grammar is ass in that, i really wasn't paying much attention

>> No.12826451

it flows decently well, not too big of a fan of a lot of the diction. also, as the other anon pointed out, it's "its" not "it's"

>> No.12826453

Why is it so hard for someone who loves writing to just sit down and write without procrastinating? It's affects loads of people. It's rarely a problem with other tasks people do that they enjoy.

>> No.12826476

Idk, I want to make a movie eventually. Idk how to go about doing it without speaking to anyone else though.

>> No.12827088


>> No.12827139

did it help?

>> No.12827176

pretty fucking good desu not necessary dostoyevskian but very, very kafka like character. I've pretty much all of kafkas bilbiography and this just seems like a more modern version, even the half finished thoughts and phrases nice dude

>> No.12827572
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Fuck guys can we make this thread last until tomorrow? It helps my ego.

>> No.12827595

why tomorrow?

>> No.12827665

All week then

>> No.12827751

Shit i almost hit the satan, man

>> No.12828022

How long should a novel be?

>> No.12828051

100-700 pages

>> No.12828055

in words, is 28,000 ok?

>> No.12828099

probably not, no

>> No.12828123

hOW ABOUT 46,000?

>> No.12828125

Also, i think im not being descriptive enough, so i think i may need to write more detailed wise, what would you advice me?

>> No.12828229

i don't know how you write, so it's difficult to say.
you don't have to be descriptive, but i guess you'd have to flesh out your story more.
also, i think 46k would be ok?

>> No.12828270


>> No.12828286

I'm currently finishing edits on a few chapters of a novel I'm writing that I'm going to start posting on Reddit for editing advice and shilling. It was written with /k/ in mind but I think it's plebian enough for Reddit to like it and there's no way I'm going to shill my work here, so they're more only real choice right now.

I've also passed the 50,000 word mark on an erotic novel I'm working on about a middle-aged woman who goes on a week-long retreat in a forest cabin and ends up getting deep-dicked by the caretaker and filming porn for the swinger couple next door. I've also finished the outline for the sequel in which she gets blackmailed by her sons' teacher into becoming his sex slave for several months. No idea what i'm going to do with these but they're a fun and lighthearted distraction.

>> No.12828293

I think for it to qualify as a novel it needs to be at least 50,000, but most prefer the 60,000 to 100,000 word range.

>> No.12828303

>and there's no way I'm going to shill my work here

>> No.12828325

The people in /sffg/ don't like people shilling their work and I'd rather not start my writing career on 4chan since I'm trying to build a following. Reddit just seems like a more "acceptable" place to do that, even though I prefer 4chan and only browse r/writing casually. It's not as bad as I thought, but it's still reddit.

>> No.12828328

Aight, Thanks man.
Wow, how could you make a novel out of that?
How descritive are you?
Does it ever get boring?

>> No.12828356

>Wow, how could you make a novel out of that?
That's just how it unfolded. Lots of stuff can happen in a day and she's got seven days so that's a lot of time for things to happen.

>How descriptive are you?
Fairly. I like try to paint a fairly accurate picture of whatever I'm describing, plus give her thoughts and feelings on everything that's happening. There are long pages of dialogue broken up with blocks of action, which contribute a lot to word count. Two people talking, walking around a room, and fucking can generate a lot of words depending how slow you want to take it.

>Does it ever get boring?
I don't think so, but I'm constantly searching for interesting things to put on as well as inject whatever fetish I have that day into the work so there's usually something I'm wither writing or building up to that holds my interest.

>> No.12828362

i started working on a /lit/ computer game, its going well
first project since starting a full time job that i can work on after work. im even up early today, going to go to the gym which i never do and keep at it

>> No.12828368

Nice how you managed to achieve that word count out of that plot, i imagine the frenzyness of it all. Damn fine writer

>> No.12828369

makes sense

>> No.12828423

sounds great, can i join?

>> No.12828434

Try doing a PhD and you'll see how easily it can happen.

Funniest is that it is in a fashionable STEM topic.

>> No.12828451

aren't you basically secured a job in academia?

>> No.12828466

I completed Nano last year and it burned me out and I haven't touched it since. Nano truly is cancer that ruins your creative process.

>> No.12828484


>> No.12828485

I'm close to completing a PhD in a field I wanted to work in since I was 9. But the closer the deadline approch the more I feel it's falling apart. It's not just normal stress, more like I realize I'm incapable of properly working.
I might belong in a mental institution or I might just be a brainlet in disguise, who knows.

I was thinking of a more dramatic kind of disappointment. If the worst you get is clerk job there is still room for working on what you like. What I'm wishing for you is that you don't lose your spirit, because that kind of self-disappointment is what does you in.

Your dedication is impressive. Would you mind posting a chapter on /lit/ when you're done ? I'd be really curious ot check it out. Fear not theinternet plagiarizers, they'll have to go over my dead body to steal your good work.


I started doing something similar recently for weird reasons (wanted to try nofap out of curiosity but it was boring so instead I decided that I owed 1k words of fetish writing for every time I masturbate, I a strangley efficient motivation for writing).

Trying your hand with something silly and unconsequential is honestly not a bad idea for people who have perfectionist tendencies and obsess over the quality of what they do (which includes me and most likely a lot of /lit/).

>> No.12828499

Academia is very competitive in my country, even in STEM field. I'll probably get jobs, but short-term underpaid jobs with lots of teaching. The permanent position are really rare.
Despite its apparent progressiveness academia is such a huge consumer of underpaid workers it's not even funny. Too bad it's the only institution that pays you for the kind of research I'm really interested in.

There are also interesting research position at Google or whatever, better paid and actually more independant than academia, but good luck getting one without already being a star in your field.

>> No.12828514

where are you from if i may ask?

>> No.12828628

with the development, likely not, but unironically could use help with content creation
the crux of the game is an easy scripting/markup language that allows people to create their own stories that will run in the game engine. to sell the game ill have to write a good title story, but the thrust is more on user generated content via steam workshop
it would be great to have some alpha testers (e.g anyone but me) try out writing their own stories to see how streamlined the authoring process is. i also want there to be workshop content when the game launches.
if you’re interested i can make a throwaway email and followup after

>> No.12828803
File: 338 KB, 1680x1050, heavenlakechina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a mistake. Not a single novel worth reading has ever been created as a result of that cancer, yet as a result, the market gets flooded with the feces of retards who think shitting out 60k words is an act in and of itself deserving of publishment so long as they scream loudly enough declaring themselves an "aaaaaaaauthor". The fact is most people just do not have anything worth saying and they shouldn't try to write. The last thing this world needs is yet another "novel" full of absolute uninspired drivel that reads like cliche piled on top of cliche. Because agents have to sift through hundreds of nano submissions, they give less time to each individual submission, which impacts ME.
Now if it was a month for like, READING 4 novels, or even 1 novel, that would be a global improvement. But no. We can never have anything nice.
>Would you mind posting a chapter
hazukashiii senpai. I'm too shy. If I get published I'll drop a link here someday. Anyway, last night I collected some other references and managed to find a book that goes into more detail about, if not that particular skirmish, at least the general relationship between the two factions. Also used google earth to get an idea where it takes place. Pic rel is visible from the likely battleground. Look this shit up--this place is beautiful. Looks like a giant ancient volcano that is now filled with a lake, or something. It absolutely mogs glacier national park. Also fuck north korea for existing, makes it hard to get information and google doesn't offer the drop pin man for most of nk, apparently. I can't believe something as petty as modern politics has to impact historical research. South Korea is absolutely saturated with streetview images.

>> No.12829477

Just got done writing some 1000 odd more words in my manifesto.

>> No.12829812

Not that anon but most assuredly. My first novel was a Nano and I'm still trying to overcome the bad habits it laid into me years and novels later.
Novel is going ok despite being mentally jammed all winter. I'm writing longhand, then going to edit when I move to type. Ch3 today.

>> No.12830220

At a dead stop for now. This year of school completely nuked my creativity. Fuck uni man.

>> No.12830519

I have about 15k down in a novel WIP but I have a huge issue with worrying too much about editing along the way and fretting over every sentence so it's been a slow process.

In order to remedy this, I've shelved all writing projects in order to work on a new project where I'm essentially just going to write the dirtiest rough draft of word vomit loosely pertaining to my dreams, my time in central america, and doing psychedelics, often over embellishing and combining unrelated true stories into massive fever dreams. Essentially I just want to build a habit of hitting a word goal every day and being less judgmental of my first draft material. Because I put absolutely no stock into what I'm writing and have no intention of showing it to anyone ever, there is remarkably little pressure. I want to know what it feels like to write a novel's worth (~80-100k words) of first draft material and organize and edit it into something vaguely legible. Because of this no-pressure approach writing it has been remarkably easy and I only care about hitting my word goal of 2000 a day, but in the last 3 days of doing this I have already produced 8k. I'm a very fast typist and have the muscle memory necessary that I can just kind of stare off into space and let the words come out, which stands in stark contrast to my previously worrying about making sure every single line is perfect. My writing quality has taken a dip for sure, based on what little I've read, but it's very freeing. I think it would be beneficial to me to get that first shit novel out of the way just to get a feel for showing up every day to put in the hours.

>> No.12830523

Fucking great. I make more money than when I had a wageslave job, my book is a 5 star Amazon bestseller, and 4chan threads attacking my work are deleted within hours

>> No.12830620

how'd you get pubbied and what genre?

>> No.12831140

it's an imagistic/fantastical collection of poems.
Expat Press.
200 pages.
apologies for the delayed response, I was occupied with pressing concerns (watching Top Gun).

>> No.12831260

Holy shit man, how did you manage to make 200 pages of poems?
Is it already for sale?
How can I buy it?
What would you advice to a rookie like me?

>> No.12831263

Fuck you I won't tell you my success story, I am better than you, asshole.

>> No.12831265

Based Tier:
Streetcar Named Desire
Romantic Poetry
Wuthering Heights

Shit Tier:
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Modern Poetry
The Handmaid's Tale (Coursework)

>> No.12831267

I have 768,009 words by now, it's a very good book about

>> No.12831279

This fucking thread sucks

>> No.12831282

fuck you on about

>> No.12831307

Hey, are you mad you haven't written anything yet, pleb?

>> No.12831727

Fuck you, OP, your fucking thread sucks ass, nobody has been able to share some good stuff.

>> No.12831754

all they've been asked to do was to share at all

>> No.12832106

thanks for the backup anon, but this was not necessary. I managed 200 pages of poems by writing them; by living. it's not a success story. it's a vigil for a fragile future.


>> No.12832140

Sweet bro,

>> No.12832252

>two characters yelling arguments at each other
>speeches inch up to blocks of 10 sentences a piece
How do you know when it's poignant or pseudatry?

>> No.12832340

When the. reader does not know, duh!

>> No.12832397
File: 54 KB, 510x660, 1abe1eb3f4d18773b5ef147f17d0153a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished chapter seven. My husbando would approve of what I've written. We're getting into the heart of despair, now, but we can still go deeper. My job isn't finished until the reader is contemplating suicide.

>> No.12832505

Could you share the most sad sentence you have written yet?

>> No.12832544


>> No.12832572
File: 108 KB, 1190x1683, 0a88b400e0efe0e0525abbf23054218d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to get the full effect without context.
>[other character commits suicide before she is about to be raped by sliding a knife inside her stomach.] As the man ran half-tumbling from the hillside, her arm fell to the ground, the leaves sharp and rough against the back of her hand.
>"I’d rather die than live as a mockery of a human being." ...
>"We have laws because no one listens to clever speech, but they are sometimes willing to heed convention. It’s not beautiful, but this is a result of that same human heart you claim to value. [He] is injured because of your actions, if he dies he’ll die because of you. That’s the only result of your ideals.” He left her there on the floor. On the walk back to his study he didn’t notice what color the sky was. (Earlier he had been lauding the beauty of everyday life as a reason for living, such as looking at the sky. Due to events that unfold he loses that outlook and stops seeing any reason to live and just becomes a slave to his job/duty.)
>...she was small and selfish, preserving a single flower at cost to the entire village around the field, but she still didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. If a person didn’t want to save that small flower at some level it would have been a revocation of what it meant to be human.
Most of my despair is in the negative spaces, so it's hard to illustrate with example sentences.

>> No.12832590
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Sorry if that sounds more waxing philosophical rather than despairing. Have some purple prose.
>There was a beautiful garden outside the window, but she wasn’t looking at it today. She couldn’t pick her gaze up from the floor. The red [of the rising sun] spread through the bamboo floorboards first, flowing between the gaps where the boards joined, with a crimson glow that started at the edges of the grain before working their way across. The light crept towards her, inch by inch, slowly reaching. As the sun itself appeared over the distant wall at the far side of the garden it granted golden highlights to the wood. The light climbed to her knees, then her lap, then her hands. She saw that pink diffusion at the edges of her fingertips from the blood racing beneath the surface, indelible proof that she was still alive, even if she was alone now.

>> No.12832593

Thank you kind anon, I’ll keep plugging away little by little

>> No.12832597

Fuck. i wish your novel causes teenagers to commit suicide, because just from reading that it made me shed a tear

>> No.12832603
File: 49 KB, 604x574, 174c2a5d00ef7cd1d198ae077f4afe4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a good way or a bad way? pls no bully

>> No.12832622
File: 55 KB, 564x564, 98cc05e17016faf447d5dc694289ede81392aa84_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind then. I'll destroy my harddrive and jump off a bridge. I apologize for living.

>> No.12832623


Lel I really should get started, since the deadline is in June, I've done literally nothing, it's the second book in a three-book deal, and I cashed a (low) 6-figure advance months ago

>> No.12832636
File: 338 KB, 1838x1802, novel opening 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairly good. working on the second draft of this short novel. only 60K words but a good first attempt at long fiction.

if you want to read more, it's up on my site:

>> No.12832653

professionally, this month was pretty big too. i'm now the sole writer managing a blog for a pretty big accounts payable firm ($1B+ valuation, 2K+ employees). they're paying me $0.10 USD per word and I'm getting pretty consistent work, writing on average 2K words per day. when converted to Canadian dollars, it's closed to 300 a day, working for about 4 or 5 hours from a laptop in Starbucks. Surprised to find so few writers here on /lit/ exploring paid writing as a vocation.

>> No.12832655


Never. Characters making speeches at each other is shit dialogue. One character is allowed to, once, and only if it is a shocking thing that that particular character is suddenly ranting

>> No.12832662

Hey, 60,000 words is as good as a classic gets

>> No.12832666

Good qay, like gloomy sunday somg

>> No.12832730
File: 381 KB, 700x909, Dazai.Osamu.full.2070254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thank you. I panicked for a moment and rethought my entire life's work and personal assumptions. It's all well and good; now I can return to despairing on a page with increased vigor.

>> No.12832736

*sucks your dick*

>> No.12832957

I love you

>> No.12832987

Nice thread, for once.

>> No.12833004

the funny thing is the guy appeared to be a good writer only it's clear his brain was broken by /pol/

>> No.12833122

why havent we heard from it again

>> No.12833267

He was joking, or so ive heard

>> No.12833271

you're wasting your time posting your stuff to /lit/ and expecting constructive criticism

just keep in mind that the people shitting on you never write, they just think about writing and shitpost on /lit/

you have a good vocabulary and use interesting words, but your plot line and characters come across as weak.

i think it was kurt vonnegut that said that every sentence should either drive character or plot.

not always true of course, but maybe consider when your prose might be meandering.

the characters don't really do anything interesting here and nothing really interesting happens in the plot.

also, when you are writing dialogue where some dude is saying nigger a lot for no apparent reason, or when you decide to start a graphic sex scene, maybe try to couch these in more palatable scenes so it's easier to digest.

i know nothing about writing so take this with a grain of salt

>> No.12833274

Yeah no shit

>> No.12833277

true bro this board is cancer, like i posted my work here and within a half minute people wer already saying shit

>> No.12833279


>> No.12833291

beautiful girl in the pic, i jerked off to her

>> No.12833296

Wrote a poem book. 45 poems. Send to editors in genuary. Get published a few weeks ago and boy it feels good. Now my grandsons will be able to read what i felt when i was young and in love.

>> No.12833303

Why risk humiliation?

>> No.12833599

What uni do you want to go to anon?

>> No.12833687

France. It's worse in Italy I heard, dunni about the US.

Incredible spot for a battle I agree. Sincerely hope you publish someday.

People might find that ridiculous here but the 1k first words are amon the hardest in my experience. After that even if you produce a lot of shit you can always edit, but gettin the first 1k out hurts.

I like your method. Agonizing over every sentences is, well, very painful, and its obly worth it once you have some experience.

>> No.12833701

>Now my grandsons will be able to read what i felt when i was young and in love.
based intentions

>> No.12833828

this. this is the key, folks. i've been practicing this with my novel since september.

>> No.12834055

got straight A*s at GCSE and A level
all been downhill since there

>> No.12834070

based. hope I can get my poems published someday

>> No.12834092

Clearly. You're posting here. I think when you post on 4chan you tend to admit you are a complete and utter failure.

>> No.12834228


I've been writing short stories and poems and such for a little over a year after quitting out of embarrassment because I thought I was too similar to some tard who was writing his weird Star Wars inspired anime-esque hodgepodge. Nothing I ever wrote was that cringeworthy but his ambition and love for that trash made me feel awful. I'm actually semiproud of this though.

>> No.12834677

Thanks, I know I'm bad at characters. I went back yesterday and started working on character bios so I could have a better sense for who they are.

>> No.12835183
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Chapter 8 is 2/3 done now. I'm leaving the other scene I have notes for undeveloped, not sure if I want to scrap it or not. 9 is the battle and 10 is mostly done. I'm only at 40k words. I was hoping to reach at least 60-70k for the total, so that only leaves 6 chapters left to fill in another 20k-30k. If I could write more that would be nice, 80k is probably the ideal for this type of novel. It's funny--my other major novel was 120k, and I had to cut a lot of things to fit it all into that limit. I remember going back sentence by sentence and reducing anything possible. And this one it's hard to get up to 80k. What a difference.
I think my writing style is just too concise. With other novels I read there's endless blocks of description of every inane little thing. I don't tend to include any of that without significant purpose.
My chapter eleven notes are a complete mess.

>> No.12835216

Continuing work on Ch3. It's very refreshing work.