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/lit/ - Literature

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12815150 No.12815150 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm a slow reader

>> No.12815157

get on ritalin

>> No.12815159

I’m a slow reader and a slow thinker

>> No.12815162

Actually I be readin all slow like on purpose, you see it be makin me ponder about philosophical shit, you feel me

>> No.12815164

everyone should take their time to understand and enjoy a book.

>> No.12815173
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tfw fast reader

>> No.12815177

Stop trying to understand every specific detail of a sentence and just let them flow together, you'll get the general gist anyways. Reading honestly isn't enjoyable if you're a slow reader, it becomes more like an intellectual chore, like analyzing a document.

>> No.12815184

tfw reasonably fast, but not too fast to comprehend fully

>> No.12815189

this is terrible advice. if you can't follow the actions and thoughts in a text you may as well not even read it. you'll wind up completely lost unless you're reading fucking judy bloom

>> No.12815198

Exactly, if you're a retard who can't comprehend a sentence efficiently you should give up.

>> No.12815204 [DELETED] 

This. Just read the wikipedia article if your only goal is to get a summary of the work. If you're going to be writing an essay analyzing the book you need to go beyond getting "the general gist" of it.

>> No.12815211


good advice for reading Joyce though.

>> No.12815221

I'm probably a slow reader because I'm a slow thinker
I don't feel like its a chore, it can be taxing at times but I feel like its worth it when I finish it, I don't even really know if I actually am slow, I just feel like I am, I was reading faust and it took me like an hour and a half to read 50 pages

>> No.12815222

Its almost like I said reading slowly becomes an intellectual chore like analyzing a book??

>> No.12815223

I enjoy reading, when I take things slow though. Otherwise, it feels like I’m skimming through the book

>> No.12815228 [DELETED] 

based. I read deleuze like this and fully comprehended it, brainlets should bother reading

>> No.12815243

slightly related, i have shit tier knowledge of Russian, to the point where in a literary text there are a bunch of words in each sentence that I don't know, but if I read something by Chekhov or Tolstoy I will be able to tell what is going on after a few paragraphs because the parts that I do know link up to make a narrative thread.

It is crazy just how much of a text isn't actually in the text but in your understanding of the conventions of narrative and knowledge of how the world works. This is especially true for someone like Tolstoy where everything follows almost inevitably like according to some psychological sonata formula.

>> No.12815245

based. I read deleuze like this and fully comprehended it, brainlets shouldn't bother reading

>> No.12815252

>I was reading faust and it took me like an hour and a half to read 50 pages
takes me two and half to read as much

>> No.12815254

Dionysian vs Apollonian reading etc etc

>> No.12815268
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>not taking notes when reading
Not going to make it.

>> No.12815311


>> No.12815340

I find I'm always slow at first. THen I get used to the authors writing and lexicon and things pick up quite a bit. I'll start out struggling to read 10 pages, and by the end I'm reading 30-50 pages in a sitting.

>> No.12816120

Notetaking is not necessary if you read the text at least at normal speed

>> No.12816134

I like it because if I decide to go back to the text I have something to refresh my memory or I just sometimes like to revisit specific parts of texts I enjoyed

>> No.12816145

Do you read and then come back to the text or do you take notes as you read, with frequent stops?

>> No.12816153

as I read, sometimes I add to my notes later I feel like I have something to add, I try not to stop myself too much to take notes only if its important

>> No.12816179

This is bad advice, but it does depend on what you read. Skim articles, really read complex works.

>> No.12816185
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>tfw gay reader

>> No.12816203

fiction I can read ridiculously fast

philosophy I read like 10-20 pages in an hour

>> No.12816218


>> No.12816220

you meant 5-10 pages an hour
>tfw depression literally killed your brain

>> No.12816812

trying to force a fit meme on this book board
i bet your a skinny dyel faggot twink