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12813565 No.12813565 [Reply] [Original]

>"It is no secret that he [Wittgenstein] was enamored with animals, but when the zoo installed an orangutan exhibit he became startling obsessed with the creature. He visited the exhibit often and would stand for hours, sometimes chattering with and tossing peanuts from the little packs my wife had given him at the beast; at other times standing silent as the grave, with a swami's meditative gravity to his unvarried glare as he watched the orangutan lope about in the cage. One time during such a reverie I approached him and asked him what it was he found so fascinating about the ghastly primate. He replied, "The whole of my philosophy is summarized in this orangutan." I was stunned and asked him to elaborate. He answered, "No." Two weeks later he and a gypsy import he had apparently hired for a get-away driver were arrested for attempting break the orangutan out of the zoo. My wife had to go down to the station to pay his bail." -Norman Malcolm, in Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (1966), p. 88

>> No.12813573

>I was stunned and asked him to elaborate.
>He answered, "No."

>> No.12813575
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These threads about him [Wittgenstein] are simply great

>> No.12813597

i thought you had linked to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u2j578jTBCY

>> No.12813645

>the second one
What kind of person would submit his wife to this humiliation just to please a friend?

>> No.12813648

Why are the French so terrified of productive agency? Is it their historical memory of the German?

>> No.12813651

based retard

>> No.12813660

Why would a serious philosopher base their thinking on something as shallow as national stereotypes? Any cretin on this board can say the same things he did.

>> No.12813839

It's not a national stereotype, if you don't acknowledge that even now, during the height of the hegemonial power of globalism, there are cultural differences and behaviours then you're a fucking dishonest pseud.
Germans and Americans are not the same people even though one would like to think that by now everything has adopted to the American system. But the fact of the matter is that even the US is not an empire in the sense that it remained unchanged during the formative years of heavy globalism.
We all suffer from the capitalist Utopia

>> No.12813958

>base their thinking

>> No.12814015

Witty wasn't a philosopher he was just playing the role. Undoubtedly the whole time he was probably thinking about how Schop had said something about orangutans which had struck him as profound, and then, after finding himself at the zoo, something he certainly did ironically, he found himself moved by the thought that he alone understood the animal and was seeing its essence. The reason he stood so long is because it takes a long time to draw out a coherent thought when for the most part you are just estimating how profound you must look to passerby.

>> No.12814022

Speaking from experience?

>> No.12814121

What else can you speak from?

>> No.12814132


>> No.12814160

This is poorly written. Wittgensteinposter is getting sloppy.

>> No.12814199

Which only proceeds by analysis, which gets all its content from experience. Nice try, kiddo.

>> No.12814219

It jumps the shark a bit but I still laughed.

>> No.12814332

What is the best start to get into Wittgenstein?
Anyone have a chart?

>> No.12814373

TLP obviously

>> No.12814378

One could easily turn it around and say that the content is worthless without the formal structure, i.e. prioritize deduction over experience despite their necessary interaction

>> No.12814383

>(Wittgenstein's) response to female students who tried to attend his lectures was even worse. If a woman appeared in the audience, he would remain standing silent until she left the room.


>> No.12814384

He published two books you fucking pseud brainlet

>> No.12814416

It took me to the third one to realize this was satire

>> No.12814424

the first one isnt though

>> No.12814616
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>> No.12814791

Of course there are cultural differences, I wasn't trying to imply they didn't exist. What I was trying to say is that he pointed out a cultural difference and presented it like it was something insightful, which struck me as glib since any polandball comic does the same thing as he did, take a cultural difference and associate it to a national caricature, like the serious german, the lazy spaniard and the business-like american.