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File: 103 KB, 1645x438, pinker has an epic gamer moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12802292 No.12802292 [Reply] [Original]

itt: epic BTFOs in /lit/ history

>> No.12802304

Imagine expanding your screen so your eyes need to move strenuously horizontal to read the texts in question. I dismiss your entire opinion, and didn't even read something this displeasing to the eye. For you to have tolerated it, tells me you are an NPC without any real means of critical assessment.

>> No.12802312

Why do people consistently misunderstand the term übermensch and the meaning of might makes right? I personally agree with Plato on this issue but I hate when people misrepresent so crudely

>> No.12802316

>imagine reading
yeah i know right?

>> No.12802323

What do the term ubermensch and 'might makes right' mean?

>> No.12802336


>> No.12802350


>> No.12802743

>Pinksteel the Hedgehog

>> No.12802771

who was responsible for thw absolute shitshow of a post in OP's pic?
Freidrich "Long Live Physics!" Nietzsche "disdained the commitment to truth seeking among scientists"?

>> No.12802780

When I get butterfly to masturbate. :3

I always open myself up for disappointment when it doesn’t work, but that’s why it’s fucking awesome when it does. It’s worked TWICE now :3

>> No.12802786

that would be professor Jonathan Pinker

>> No.12802791

>professor Jonathan Pinker
who he?

>> No.12802796

I'm a retard, it's Steven Pinker

>> No.12802802

>might makes right
Isnt that idea the same meaning of "capability makes reality." from the ideas of Stirner?
Like, if someone cuts my vocal cords and i can no longer speak then that means i no longer have the right to speak since i dont have power/capability to it.

>> No.12802803

Nevermind, wrong again, apparently it's Assman Stinker

>> No.12802821

got his ass

>> No.12802823

It's Pinker? Kek. What a fucking retard.
Scientists and their bloody childish reading habits...

>> No.12803116

cringe and newfag-pilled

>> No.12803118

Nabokov on Dostoyeekvesky

>> No.12803146
File: 43 KB, 971x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

>> No.12803169

>Without feelings and without conscience
This guy definitely didn't read the gay science, or any of Nietzsche's work for that matter.

>> No.12803195

Part 2 of Don Quixote is p much Cervantes telling everyone who tried to cash in on his character to btfo. He put all of Spain on notice.

>> No.12803204

Nabukov was just seething

>> No.12803686

>tfw you realize the ubermensch is the archetypal definition of evil

>> No.12803754

this is why i always have my browser only taking up a half screen

>> No.12803775


Unironically my nemesis. He's the only living author I'd beat the shit out of.

>> No.12803817

Wow HOLY shit I have NEVER heard someone SAY these WORDS before imagine if like some writers took that idea and put it in a story like holy shit can you imagine if one day they did that and put an ubermensch-esque character as the bad guy in their story???

>> No.12803864

kek i know, but its not an idea that gets shared enough within modern society. most people long to become ubermensch today because they're inherently misanthropic, want to be worshipped by others to make up for their loneliness. they're afraid of facing the inevitable suffering from other people's agency and escape into delusional, antisocial fantasies

>> No.12804244
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quote-jane-austen-s-books-too-are-absent-from-this-library-just-that-one-omission-alone-would-mark-twain-34-90-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was he so bootyblasted about Austen?

>> No.12804468

Twain was a troll. He ridiculed Austen, Sigourney, Benjamin Franklin, (who himself probably would have found it hilarious because he was also a goddamn troll) and a bunch of other people.

>> No.12804574

>And I might do a few things to that Nazi sister of yours
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12804585
File: 431 KB, 688x933, Get nabbed on nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resentment. Light of my life, fire of my brains. My sin, my fuel. Re-sent-ment: the trip of my tongue zigzagging back, forward, then concluding with a definitive labial movement, the finality of the t resounding like a bell in my head. Reeee. Sent. Ment.

It was hate, plain hate, in the morning, at ten till four on the clock. It was rage to pay tax. It was anger on the dotted line. But in my amygdala, it will always be resentment.

>> No.12805566

Retarded phoneposter

>> No.12805574

>unironical psychoanalysis on people you've never met

>> No.12805622
File: 67 KB, 385x349, 1546614279183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. NPC that browses on a large monitor full screen so he reads like a hammer-head shark. Completely obviousness to the ability to resize windows and, yes, increase reading comfort and speed in doing so.

>> No.12806609

Imagine reading from a screen.

>> No.12806675

Is this actually pinker? lmao.

>> No.12806689

>imagine reading.