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/lit/ - Literature

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12782489 No.12782489 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12782490


>> No.12782494

Two piges walk into a bar.

>> No.12782497


>> No.12782504
File: 143 KB, 305x281, fige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12782916

Wtf happened to lit? This type of threads used to be filled with excellent ideas and now all I see is "pige lol xD" posts baka

>> No.12783527

We are pilled now.

>> No.12783532

pige happene

>> No.12783608

based & pigepilled

>> No.12783610

>It's not like they're going anywhere.

Not true. My ideas are going straight into the trash where they belong.

>> No.12783933

Im writing a story about an elderly blacksmith in a fantasy world running his shop, and his young apprentice that explores the lands, gathering rare materials for use in his masters creations

>> No.12783939

>excellent ideas
holy shit what a piece of shit this place is

>> No.12783940

both piges oink "ouch!"

>> No.12784339
File: 1.51 MB, 1502x3076, 98ED8251-BFC3-42B5-B12A-3EE675A1DA68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.
67k words so far. Working toward the end.

>> No.12784724


>> No.12785461

I'm done. It's over. I have nothing left. Nothing left but to ride the inevitable downward spiral to it's end.

>> No.12785477

She gets fucked by a tentacle rape monster

>> No.12785501



no thanks

>> No.12785510


What's the drive/mcguffin???

Why would these scientists keep people in a controled enviroment full of expensive shit and games? What's the point?

>> No.12787036

Luma learns the price paid for the luxury of Algo creates suffering elsewhere. What starts off as a simple fight the bad guys situation gets twisted to where it’s not clear who the bad guys are. Simple heroes journey turns into breaking bad in a brave new world setting

>> No.12787069


>> No.12787174

Sounds a bit too liberal for my tastes

>> No.12787270

That because you’re a two dollar faggot who plays too many fucking video games. It can’t ALL be Goosebumps, junior.

>> No.12787284

not that guy, and a liberal, but you gotta be kidding..
your story is the thing that reads like an autistic teenager's startrek fanfiction.

>> No.12787301

Good luck trying to tell me that on a Burmese pet trading site you Doublefag. Stay fresh cheeebag!

>> No.12787378

you're a triplefaggot if you don't see how that might more accurately make me an authority on the topic.