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12772106 No.12772106 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books about being disgusted with the ideologies and dogmas of christianity, islam, scientific materialism, fascism, neoliberalism, capitalism, and BTFO the entirety of the west?

>> No.12772118

The one where you kill yourself because you're an annoying fucking loser even on 4channel

>> No.12772143

But not animu, weeaboo?

>> No.12772163 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12772233
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if you dont like anime go on reddit you fag
what do you mean by this

>> No.12772249

Epicurus and the Ego and its Own

>> No.12772251 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12772278
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miyazaki is a hack

>> No.12772300
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Keep telling yourself that. You may believe it someday.

>> No.12772304

>implying radical individualism is not just the dogma of the self

>> No.12772307
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>> No.12772398
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>Has never heard of the union of egoists

>> No.12772462

current anime is just masturbation for neets by neets
he was right

>> No.12772554


>> No.12772746

This, just follow what ever is in your will and forget about "greater causes", morals, nacionalism and humanism. The will of the ego is the only thing that has true reason for you.

>> No.12772756

Though egos need to realize the greater good needs them to organize for a better existence and not just sink into some comfy corner to laugh at others misery and die
Just sayin’

>> No.12772769
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im working on it anon. i already have suspicious of ontological nihilism. it's all fake, and we need a 3k+ page series of volumes soon

>> No.12772776

already have suspicions*
i am tired can't type. my hands are possessed by something that isn't me

this but unironically

>> No.12772836

That's highly subjective of the person and what we are talking about.
It depends on your position and what that "greater good" will bring to you.
>and not just sink into some comfy corner to laugh at others misery and die
Might aswell be. If you dont care about those people or feel empathy for them in particular. Whatever is in your will.

>> No.12772896

The greater good I’m talking about is survival of life on earth

>> No.12772907

Hey. Hey hey hey. I know you want it. If I posted my phone number, what would you do with that?

>> No.12773048

From what? Climate change?
If i dont have kids whom i feel empathy for or live until that happens then its no longer any greater cause.
Any will of self-interest that surpasses that is greater than whatever greater good people might be praising.

>> No.12773085
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>muh seed
Ah, the mental gymnastics of the western male in his myopic decline.

>> No.12773148

>She thinks she wouldnt feel more empathy and the need to take better care for her kids and family rather than any other stranger.
Delusional to think you can escape such animal instincts desu. The one making "mental hymnastics" here is you. Even more pathetic for a woman, since they are the ones that feel more possesive of their sons afterall.
If i dont have any friends or family that i feel empathy for that might push me to care more about it when the time comes, then its no longer any greater cause. Simple as that. You can stick your commune "i love all the people in this world" lines of thinking up your own ass.

>> No.12773160

>reading this much into my reply
Can you even see it from my perspective?
I have no children, not even a desire to have any.
YOU are all my children. The world is mine.
Your perspective is wounded male slinking away to a cave.

>> No.12773163

Butterfly what is going on. What was that picture for?

You’re not doing anything right?

>> No.12773170

Guenon and Evola.

>> No.12773179
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Unironically Nietzsche

>> No.12773232
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>reading this much into my reply
Lol, this one is already enough proof that what i've read was right
>Can you even see it from my perspective?
>YOU are all my children. The world is mine.
Yes i understand your ragged up prespective, and its painfully sad how ideological it is.
Again, you are completly delusional if you think there arent people you like more than others, and have a "possesive" feel towards it and people you completly dont care about.
>Your perspective is wounded male slinking away to a cave.
No, your prespective is the one completly jagged and ideological, in fact your way of assuming its from a "male" way is proof of it. Again all you speak in theory since in the end you cant escape such instincts.
If i feel the need to save a friend or member of the family that is close to me then i do it, in case i dont, then i dont do it. It comes naturally that i would feel more empathy and need if it was something like a family member. Not that it would be some holy obligation though, i can still hate a person from my family and not care about it.

>> No.12773263

werent they islamaboo larpers? no thanks

>> No.12773268

Nietzsche revered kings and dictators and the decadence of Christianity. You're wrong.

>> No.12773273

>croaked the wounded antinatalist lion in his cave of solitude

>> No.12773285

Same as it was said before.
If you really think that all people in the world are your childreen and you care about it (which i have my doubts), then fine, do as your will likes.
But in my case i dont, i care just for a few people close to me, namely friends and family. And so saving all the people in this world is clearly not in my self-interest if i dont feel empathy towards them.

>> No.12773319 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 390x522, whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitehead. He is a genius who BTFO the West in an cool and calm analytical manner saying the most astonishing things while also being a humble soul.

>> No.12773327
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Im not.
>in his cave of solitude
Might aswell be more in touch with friends and family than you.
I live in a small town in a more "tradicional" european country. All my family and
childhood friends live in less than 5 mins from me. Its never been more comfy.

The fact that you are jumping to such quick ad hominems just tells me that you are just really coping. Go die for your greater cause then, i dont give a shit about it.

>> No.12773342

Seems no one, not even the close people you claim to care about, is worth a shit to you.

>> No.12773349


>> No.12773366
File: 61 KB, 390x522, whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitehead. He is a genius who BTFO the West in an cool and cold academic manner while saying the most astonishing things igniting a sense of wonder in you while also being a humble soul being able to step away from his passions not taking a universal above it all position.

>> No.12773376

Butterfly. Please.

Tell me. This is the one nice thing you’ll do today: tell me if you won’t do anything with anyone else because of me. :3

>> No.12773401

I tried reading Guenon and most of what i read from him just sounded like complaining to me I was very unimpressed.

>> No.12773450
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There are people that I value. Im just not a complete hippie and say that i value the whole world when i clearly dont.
And i realise there are also people that i biologically give more value for since they are my family and its basically instinct.
Im not a delusional sperg like you that thinks it loves the whole people in this planet and the shit they do.

>> No.12773519

>I have limits to my love.
Yeah, I get that. But you betray the ones closest to you when you neglect the whole.

Oh wow. So unique. Not like the other anons I guess. Good for you. Seems we misjudged each other. How is that possible? Hmmm

>> No.12773567

>But you betray the ones closest to you when you neglect the whole.
meymey metaphorical nonsence.
Go spread your bullshit elsewhere. If i dont feel the need to help someone then its because my will doesnt care for them.

>> No.12773576

Don't watch anime opunks

>> No.12773586
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>Oh wow. So unique. Not like the other anons I guess. Good for you. Seems we misjudged each other. How is that possible? Hmmm
Still with the autistic screeching eh? You really cant take people having diferent ideas from you.

>> No.12773591

So a climate denier and a capitalist apologist who truly doesn’t care about anyone else at all.
You, or someone posting under this name, has already made this pretty clear.

>> No.12773592

Sounds like feminist literature

>> No.12773607

Sure I can. Yours is just shitty selfishness is all.
We don’t live in a vacuum, but you go right ahead

>> No.12773646

It's not selfish to care more about some people than others, and if someone feels that they have nobody they're close (which is sad) then they have no real reason to fight for this greater good you speak of. That kind of moral absolutism seems pretty spooked to me desu.

>> No.12773659
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>So a climate denier and a capitalist apologist who truly doesn’t care about anyone else at all.
>You, or someone posting under this name, has already made this pretty clear.
I dont deny climate change or neither that capitalism can destroy us all, but i also dont subscribe to your shitty commie block since they also want to me to sacrifice shit over them all the time. I have people that i care about and others that i dont. Life is not sacred and i dont need to explain everything i've sayed before again. So go take your bs elsewhere.
Here, another dead butterfly for your collection of failed attempts to spread bullshit.

>> No.12773676

Fucking this.

Niether do i think people live in a vacuum but like i told you, there are people and causes that i dont care about. If that is shitty for you, then too bad, thank you for your opinion.

>> No.12775433

You’re still not hearing me. Turning your back on everything but a small circle of family and friends is ultimately betraying them as well

No no no. I’m an anarchist, an egoist-syndicalist
>life is not sacred

>> No.12775486

Read most of Stirner, starting with the Ego on its own! Fuck spooks

>> No.12775524

>No no no. I’m an anarchist, an egoist-syndicalist
Literally the same shit, it doesnt appeal to my self-interest and it even makes women go nutts doing stupid whorish shit to get rid of the "hierarchies". It requires a global efford for it and even if it was being actively made you probably wont live until it becomes implemented, so its all but a wet dream.
Its reality.

>> No.12775631

I love you