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12769196 No.12769196 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't he just kill himself?

>> No.12769210

Did you read it?

>> No.12769215

That's what bothers me about any metaphysical stories. If he's still being able to have a human body, doesn't that mean he's still not immune to all things natural like death and illness? Same with someone who is living in hell or even heaven. Aren't your faculties tied to your body? Can you even have faculties without your body?
Like imagine suffering in hell for eternity, won't they eventually just get used to it or something?

>> No.12769301
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He's not suffering, the moment he begins to suffer he would end it but he's TOO DAMM HAPPY LIVING OUT HID MISRABLE POINTLESS EX I STANCE

>> No.12769310

Because he's happy I would imagine [spoiler/]

>> No.12769318

because he's immortal.

>> No.12769324

my interpretation is that pushing the boulder up is the only way for him to stop the gods from destroying him

>> No.12769325

Because he's dead

>> No.12769399

youre a sood ass nigga reread the post you illiterate retard

>> No.12769430
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Its time to stop pretending buddy, it'll be alright

>> No.12769447

>Why didn't he just kill himself?
That would only be one experience, continuing to live and experiencing would be better no matter what happens since quantity is the goal for Camus.

>> No.12769925

nice projecting. fucking dork

>> No.12769935
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>> No.12769940

is it /lit/?

>> No.12769942

Because he doesn't want to.

>> No.12769949
File: 84 KB, 683x900, jesus-christ-heinrich-hofmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilism won't take you anywhere.

>> No.12769952


>> No.12769968

Yes. It kills all philosophical investigations over things that should be much simpler....in my opinion of course.

>> No.12769971

nihilism is the truth though

>> No.12770084

he couldn't, the gods made it so

>> No.12770635


>> No.12770644

Yo, all he would have needed to do is stop pushing and let the stone roll him flat. Wouldn't even be suicide, the weight was imposed upon his hands. This brings me to my next question...is killing ourselves really "suicide"? The weight of choice is forced on us by the persistence of time, so to kill ourselves wouls simply be another choice? Since it doesn't seem to matter just what we do, but rather we do anything at all. Either keep making money, or take the only way out of this pipeline.

>> No.12770650

thats subjective :^)))

>> No.12770652

This rings true, coming from a neet thats being threatened with homelessness. Time wants me dead, and my only way to not starve is to slog through to older age, then death.

>> No.12770659

>nihilism is the truth
what an ironic statement

>> No.12770686

Well, in Christianity we only believe those who are in heaven have bodies while those who are in hell don't. And you shouldn't interpret the biblical passages about hell being like fire literally. Hell is said to be fiery yet dark but logically fire creates light. It's all a metaphor that uses the most painful thing in the human world to describe the tortures of hell. But you must always remember hell is much worse than the bible describes. It's much worse than anything you could imagine or concieve.

On the other hand heaven isn't a place where you get what you want. Think of it more like a guy who has been lonely all his life and and has never had a friend(#meirl), but then suddenly he meets the most beautiful girl ever. Not only is she beautiful but she also ticks all his boxes and gets along with him and they fall in love. That love feeling doesn't have a limit to it like money does. If you got more money, yes you would be happy but there will be a point where it will be meaningless and anymore money will not improve the quality of your life. What's the difference between having 50 billion or 100 billion. Soon the feeling of a rush for money will go away and you'll be seeking new things to take your mind off the impending doom. Heaven will be like revisiting a long lost loved one. Or your fathw who you haven't seen in years. But God is also eternal and knowing him is a never ending process where you continuously grow in your knowledge of God and your love for him for all eternity.

That's what most appeals to me about heaven. I finally get to have that void filled in my heart from never truly being liked in life or really having any friends. Everyone in heaven will be nice to me and care about me and there will be no more suffering. It's also why I deny Islam because their view of heaven it's all about how they can have their desires pleased like sex in heaven or big castles and stuff. But for me I'm most excited about meeting someone who loves me more than my mother and I can walk with for all eternity always growing in my love for him and knowledge of him.

>> No.12770703
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It's all in the book.

>> No.12770706
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Because he imagines the boomers as happy

>> No.12770738

These christfags are so delusional.

>> No.12770746
File: 18 KB, 220x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A devil comes to you and reveals your life in its entirety.
What do you? Do you try to change anything or continue on the exact track you're now aware of?

Answer carefully, this will decide your Übermensch status.

>> No.12770759

>Hell is said to be fiery yet dark but logically fire creates light.

Why would God not be able to make fire that doesn't create light? Humans don't like fire and they also don't like darkness, combine them both and you've got a really unpleasant situation. I don't see what logic has to do with it. Logically people don't come back from the dead but Jesus can do that shit lickity split.

>> No.12770760

That only matters if pragmatism drives your philosophical beliefs.

>> No.12770774

Good point. Not gonna lie it's a very creative way of thinking but one thing we have to bear in mind is that all references to hell or other worlds in the Bible should be understood metaphorically. The fire is a metaphor for something much worse and the darkness itself is a metaphor for something much worse. The bible says that there will also be worms in hell that eat up the body. If hell was all burning fire then the worms would have died too but that's not the case. But still you for say that the worms are immune to the fire or something but again, it's all a metaphor for something inconceivably worse.

>> No.12770777

Change my life in a way that will create a more favourite future for myself. I don't care if my answer is Uberwhatever or not.

>> No.12770796
File: 77 KB, 422x600, 1449709505777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell the devil to alter my course according to his will

>> No.12770826

>it shows you dressed as a cute girl
Would I WANT to change it?

>> No.12770833

Tell him yourself (>>12770666)

>> No.12770864

I am (>>12770687) so

>> No.12770868

nihilism is equal to the law of physics
there are no arguments against it unless you're schizo

>> No.12770914

These questions have already been considered and answered thoroughly. Look it up in the Summa Theologica and the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.

>> No.12770915

Are you merely playing Devil's advocate? :3

>> No.12770935

Do you think the best punishment God can cone up with is throwing people in a dark fire? Hell is a complete separation from God and therefore all goodness, made all the worse by complete knowledge of the goodness of God.

>> No.12770936
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virgins in heaven? psh, set me up w hell's succubi debil pls

>> No.12771001

Someone pitied you it seems

>> No.12771005

Why not that + fire and darkness?

>> No.12771012
File: 81 KB, 604x571, 1545231715641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't like the part where he thought being a lonely loser
made him worthy, or rather deserving of having a beautiful girlfriend in paradise? I'm dying lol.

>> No.12771015

>another idiot that didn't read Nietzsche but uses the ü because it gives his use of Übermensch more validity.

>> No.12771026

How did you conclude that from what I said? I was using an analogy and just inserted myself in it. It's only purpose was to show that in heaven I finally get to have the void filled by God and won't be lonely anymore. This isn't Islam. There are no virgins with eternal sex and whatever.

>> No.12771034

It is but still much worse than you could possibly concieve.

>> No.12771045

>in heaven I will be rewarded by God because right now I'm a lonely faggot posting about my Christian "values" on a hentai forum.
Okay boyo good luck with that, I bet God will be real proud of you and give you your pure waifu (#imsolonely)

>> No.12771051

>calling 4chan a hentai forum and making fun of Christian values

I think we might be in Eurotime. Fucking retarded atheists.

>> No.12771071
File: 52 KB, 270x344, 1549038516989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic incel post.

>> No.12771075

You started coming here after 2014 at the latest.

>> No.12771155

>burger larping as hardcore christian while browsing his fap folder filled with hentai thinks that it's an attack on someone's intelligence when he calls them European atheists
You just can't make this shit up.

>> No.12771167

No, no one is entitled to anything. The incentive is friendship and love in heaven but I am not entitled to it. It is a gift from God that I received through faith. Unmerited, unearned. If I did do something to deserve it then it would be a gift
>4 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” 4 Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. 5 However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
Romans 4:1-5

>> No.12771172

Then it wouldn't* be a gift

>> No.12771188

It's not a gift but you're entitled to a gf because you're "Christian"?...but it's a gift. How many drugs are you on? Or are you always that stupid?

>> No.12771197

God is the waifu anon

>> No.12771205

The law of physics? Which one? Also, how does one go about having "equality" of one concept to another in any kind of meaningful sense if we accept nihilism (ie that there is no objective truth/meaning outside of what human perception defines as such).

>> No.12771210

He found fulfilment in his hard earnest work. It's a reward for living a good life, eternal satisfaction with your work.

>> No.12771214

Why does work matter?

>> No.12771228

Can he kill himself? If he could then he would die anyway from exhaustion and hunger

>> No.12771242

In ancient times people defined themselves by their role in society and were proud of their job. That's why you have so many common names based on occupations - Smith, Mason, Cooper etc.
Mr. Stoner couldn't be happier when the gods recognized his hard work and rewarded him with eternal servitude. Not knowing where you belong and what to do with your life is suffering.

>> No.12771247

prove me that fire doesn't burn

>> No.12771273

What the? There is no gf. What are you talking about. All I said was that in heaven you will be in a relationship with God himself

>> No.12771277

You have no idea who Sysyphus is right?
I hate you fucking burgers, the /pol/ aftertaste clings to everything you mongrels post.

>> No.12771282

So you're gay?

>> No.12771296

He literally had no fulfilment from the work, that was the point.

In ancient greece work was considered disgraceful.

>> No.12771310

And today, not working neets are disgraceful. Modern Sissyphus would love his daily grind and be happy he has cosy job with dental and can easily provide for his children and pay for mortgage.

>> No.12771329

I would tell him I would accept my fate and that I'd be born infinitely many times just to do it all over again, no matter the amount of suffering. That's what it means to truly, wholeheartedly choose life over death.

>> No.12771340

Who cares about Ubermensch. How can I become a cute devil girl and call the Devil my daddy?

>> No.12771351

I'm non-white, boy

>> No.12771367

You fucking retard

>> No.12772007

What does that have to do with your meaningless position. The point of what I was saying was that belief in "Laws of physics" as ubiquitous universal constants while also believing in nihilism as a rejection of objective truth are incongruous ideas.

>> No.12772523

For God, yeah

>> No.12773142

I'm profoundly cheered by your thoughts on heaven, may I know how do you know for sure that you would go there?

>> No.12773151

I'd change it. call me what you so ever will to, but if what I am doing is wrong, I'd change my old conversation in a heart-beat.

Btw, it is the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin, a devil would allow you to remain in it with all of his might to have you damned.

>> No.12773169

You don't achieve salvation for doing the right things here on earth, but by believing God incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ to live a sinless life and pay for all of your sins on the Cross.

>"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed" 1Peter 2:24

"not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith" Phil 3:9

>> No.12773259

Not like you would've provided any meaningful insight, move along sood

>> No.12774352

>muh "papa, what's heaven like? It sounds awful unrealistic, please describe its limitations to me in a manner most like the how the science men do when speaking of earthly harrows so it may quells all my fears about the afterlife, oh please papa"
How you don't know there is no answer for that in this current year is beyond me

>> No.12774440

Cringe and spooked
Nihilism is the way to become a god of this new world

>> No.12774505

You can't call Jesus a nigger anon, c-can you?

>> No.12774815

>Nihilism won't take you anywhere.
There's nowhere to go.