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12753585 No.12753585 [Reply] [Original]

>no nigger, listen to nazi propaganda how jews owns toilet companies and toilet paper companies and hold power among the toilet industry and the toilet paper industry, they also own the soap industry and the towel industry, they have positions of power among all the toilet related industry
>jews use their nepotism to pass laws that support the toilet industry and make millions from passing propaganda on the media to brainwash people to use toilets
>jews control the educational system also, so they can force kids to learn to use toilets
>jews also use the music industry to make songs about dumping your shit using black music as resistance to the white culture of not using a toilet
>there's also campaigns where some black guy uses the toilet on TV with a white girl, this is the jewish plan to make interracial toilets
>there's also scat porn where toilets appear, since jews also own porn, they're using porn as also brainwashing among porn users to accept the toilet as the natural way to perform scat
>jews also seek to infiltrate new countries without toilet culture and force the UN to teach thirld world countries to make war so the populations learn to use toilets
>jews force the UN to force toilet education on india so pajeets dont poo in the loo
>jews have also written the protocols of the elders of the toilet where it clearly shows a jewish plan to take over the world and force a New toilet goverment over all nations.
>jews believe they're the chosen race to take a dump of shit in the toilet and that they're superior to races that dont dump their shit in a toilet
>all jews have the same goals of the toilet conspiracy
>my entire evidence are toilet conspiracy videos I see on youtube
>I post wikipedia citations of jewish on academia who talk about how the goyim need to shit on a toilet
>If you're critical of all my evidence over the jew toilet conspiracy you're a toilet shill

What books are written about the toilet conspiracy?

>> No.12753602

The Koch brothers own toilet paper/paper towels.