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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 101 KB, 1080x1033, OKnvxW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12729270 No.12729270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about developing intimate relationships with female Androids? I bought pic related and would like to forget about regular women. I know some day the AI will be advanced enough for me to suspend my disbelief. That's what I want to prepare for.

>> No.12729273
File: 4 KB, 116x116, 732D389C-A130-4A0D-A715-9D4A377F8927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought pic related

>> No.12729278

I think you got ripped off mate.

>> No.12729282

how much did you pay?

>> No.12729289
File: 1.41 MB, 510x310, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based and redpilled, mah nig!

>> No.12729293

Bump, looking for similar books.

Was the purchase worth it OP? I'm considering buying one of em (not the one in the picture tho).

>> No.12729303

Not OP but which sex doll are you looking to buy, Anon?

>> No.12729379

>I bought pic related and would like to forget about regular women
based if true

>> No.12729392

Androids can't be female, retard

>> No.12729419

I get a feeling that Anons creating these kind of threads are only looking for some comfort they lack in the physical world.

>> No.12729447

Gynoids can though

>> No.12729450

Purchase was definitely worth it. She has a nice big jiggly ass that I smack while I'm prone boning. Then when it's night time I put a night gown over her and snuggle up to her titties while thigh fucking her.

>> No.12729451

So... is it worth it?

>> No.12729461


>> No.12729469

But can "she" make you a sandwich, get beer from the fridge and do the laundry?

>> No.12729476

If you're a man who cannot cook healthy delicious meals for yourself, what are you doing? Cooking isn't rocket science. Also I don't drink.

>> No.12729478
File: 150 KB, 250x317, WikipediaBaudrillard20040612-cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you it was all hopeless.

>> No.12729481

Man this is the cringeisy shit I’ve ever heard in my life

>> No.12729483

L'Eve future by Villiers de lisle Adam

>> No.12729485

You don't like prone boning big asses, and snuggling up to big titties?

>> No.12729492

tower of glass by robert silverberg has a plotline with a human falling in love with an android and lots of juicy human/android sex

>> No.12729496

Hahahaha you cannot be real

>> No.12729499
File: 2.20 MB, 2304x4096, IMG_20190309_123037806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example

>> No.12729505

I can and do cook healthy meals for myself. I'm actually pretty damn good at it if I have to say so myself.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't mind if the think I stick my dick in can do it for me.

>> No.12729506

holy shit.. BASED

>> No.12729509

do you talk to her like you would with a real person?
I'd probably go insane and talk to her, give her a personality and work out responses in my head

>> No.12729511

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12729512

How do the titties feel?

>> No.12729521

But they can identify as woman you bigot

>> No.12729534

>Thor Watchman
Why are genre fiction writers so bad at naming stuff?

>> No.12729551

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phil "the D" Dickman

>> No.12729579



>> No.12729608

Neither can a modern woman.

>> No.12729609

Like nice soft bags of sand

>> No.12729616

You win this one sir, I take my hat off.

>> No.12729647

>I bought pic related and would like to forget about regular women.
Jesus christ

>> No.12729648

If you bought one of those I want pics, mate. A whole gallery.

>> No.12729655
File: 16 KB, 200x300, saddest boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too poor to buy one of those

>> No.12729656

I don't understand. Why do other men(I'm presuming) criticize men who buy these lifelike dolls? Don't you guys talk about women like they're meat with your guy friends? Not really much of a difference.

>> No.12729658

It's the sign that it's time for society to put a noose around our collective neck.

>> No.12729662

You just need to have more trust in your women that they’ll do AWESOME THINGS :3

>> No.12729671

That anon is probably a fag, a c u c k, a pussy, or a woman. Or perhaps that anon is all four.

>> No.12729673
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>> No.12729682
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I want the fun-size one!

>> No.12729696

Wouldn't she feel too cold? Do you warm her up somehow?

>> No.12729699
File: 23 KB, 810x456, 468571-reddit-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, just wow. With that attitude it's no surprise you don't have a gf, you incel.

>> No.12729709

>Don't you guys talk about women like they're meat with your guy friends?
>talking about fucking
are you 12 or a woman

>> No.12729715

Where do I buy one?

>> No.12729716

I have no male friends so I just go by what my co-workers say.

>> No.12729717

>not Eve no Jikan
/lit/ was supposed to have good taste

>> No.12729723

Well, you're not completely wrong. There are some guys so desperate everything that comes out of their mouths is >tfw no gf, but normal people is hardly like that.

>> No.12729734

I work with blue collar men(Electrician Apprentice) and they talk about their wives/girlfriend's all the time like that. I'm only 18 though, so maybe I'm talking it too literally.

>> No.12729765


>> No.12729785

Fuck you redditfag

>> No.12729838
File: 600 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-03-09-08-17-24-892_com.yandex.browser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not that expensive
Got lazy to look for one like the one that OP posted thought

>> No.12729851

Used goods discount?

>> No.12729855

No mines was nearly $5,000. It only took about 2 months to save up for her.

>> No.12729881
File: 433 KB, 954x508, 1552111618667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink magic
You got ripped my dude

>> No.12729888
File: 478 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190309-093129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I bought from the source.

>> No.12729898

Go watch Alita: Battle Angel.

>> No.12729903

>3DPD tier face
>shadman tier proportions
You'd be better off buying chink shit for 1/10 the price desu. Soulless as they are, asians understand a thing or two about aesthetics, unlike the modern west.

>> No.12729907

Theres definitely a massive powergap in quality and justifies the price

>> No.12729920

>163 cm

>> No.12729966

Sounds like an awful lot for a masturbatory aid.

>> No.12729968

Post it in a lewd pose.

>> No.12730111

but can they really? Wouldn't they need to at least experience the material conditions of human life?

>> No.12730123

how do you clean that shit?

>> No.12730142

The only thing you should prepare for is forced labor camps where degenerates like you belong.

>> No.12730206

Just wear a condom you savage

>> No.12730213

iamgine teh smelle

>> No.12730258

As a guy who actually dates I have to say he’s not wrong on this point.
Contemporary women are barely capable of caring for themselves.

>> No.12730265

is this the average /r9k/ /lit/ crossposter

>> No.12730266

>U$ 780
>convert to my currency, add shipping and import tax
>full 8 months of salary assuming you magically go without any spending

Yeah not that expensive

>> No.12730303

Mason & Dixon

>> No.12730321

Is there an option to have the skeleton come seperately?

>> No.12730344

>It's another oddly specific thread where Anon looks to confirm his own beliefs because books are magically intellectual

>> No.12730471

>buy a fake woman
>can't even go at it raw
Fuck condoms, man.

>> No.12730493

Just a passing anon, but shouldn't condoms help keep it clean?

>> No.12730536

I think you can take out the vageens and wash them separately.

>> No.12730556

That makes sense.

Also why are you bastards making me think more about this than I should.

>> No.12730662

I kind of want to write a novel about child sex bots. Will it be successful?

>> No.12730694
File: 102 KB, 446x669, rda-sydoll163cmbigass-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying the THICCest doll you can find.

>> No.12730708

> Will it be successful?
No, but that is exactly why you should write it.

>> No.12730723

The biggest shame is someone following your paper trail and exposing it to people that know you. Other than that, I see no inherent problem with buying one.

>> No.12730727

I think that still leaves the problem of having to live with yourself.

>> No.12730728


quickly checked the name of the tab i'm in to be sure i wasnt on r9k

>> No.12730732

Big whoop

>> No.12730762
File: 116 KB, 509x378, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who don't you cunts just jerk off to your imagination? This is a literature board, surely you can dream up scenarios to disappear into that outcompete not only fucking some doll but also fucking real women?

>> No.12730763
File: 333 KB, 1000x500, diogenes-of-sinope-quote-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a good argument.

Here's my counter: fapping is cheaper.

>> No.12730862


>> No.12730899


>> No.12730929
File: 32 KB, 814x294, 1546815694880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're both serious and not just LARPing I seriously feel for you. Is it just easy sex you want or human companionship?

Fuck me, I went into a sex shop as a laugh and saw a silicon pussy that was attached to a VR device so you could watch porn and feel like you're actually there. We've come too far as a species

>> No.12730941

We live in the age of the image. Imagination is gone because it is in opposition. Albeit they may be imagining having sex with a girl they know and imparting that fantasy unto the doll but it'll never be the same.

>> No.12730957

The Reddit attitude makes sense desu. As someone who has had relationships with woman in the past, its more about finding someone who will make your life more interesting than finding someone who will cook and clean for you.

>> No.12730981

the term "adulting" is the millennial parlance of late as an ironic term of navigating the current world while seemingly being completely lost in it. I know of plenty of women who can cook and take care of themselves just fine.

>> No.12730988

I'm not one of the sexbot anons, but you have to realize that things that are easy for you, such as getting with the vaginoos, is not so easy for others.

I once stared in disbelief as someone was literally crying in front of me because he couldn't understand that x=1 is a straight line on a graph.

The think about taking things for granted is that you don't know you are taking them for granted.

>> No.12730998
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>> No.12731016
File: 146 KB, 613x640, 1550628252917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never inferred getting pussy was easy. It's tough as hell for anyone other than those guys who bleed confidence etc. What I'm trying to say is that we live in an age where sex is easy to access via porn, so most men see this easy access and impart that fucking is just as easy, but when it comes to talking and dealing with another person who stands guard to that thing, a lot may give up because they can't attain that.

I'm all for healthy sexuality/pornography but the sheer amount of nude bodies one can see in a day via the screen is bound to mess up a lot of people and their perception of relationships.

>> No.12731020


>> No.12731040

Do you realise how many times you could fuck whores with that money? You could fuck a different whore every week for a year

>> No.12731046

That is very true, and I agree.

But you forget, the top 30% of women men would actively pursue given how media sets the standards leaves those women in the 30% with marriage power, thus the remaining 70% of the "second choices", which pale in comparison to idealized forms of female sexuality, are what we are left to deal with.

Which none of us want. I blame media for this, but there is no changing this.

We are past the point of being psychologically healthy as a society. It as all downhill from here.

Best get in the best seat and enjoy the ride.

>> No.12731055

>paying for sex
That's a lot more gross and harmful to society than buying what is basically an oversized fleshlight

>> No.12731062
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>> No.12731068

>lot more gross and harmful to society
I don't care about that, I just want anons to save their money. Fucking a whore has got to be more fun than fucking an oversized fleshlight, and is a shit load cheaper. Plus a whore fucks off when you're done. A sex doll is still there with all the embarrassment that could cause.

>> No.12731069

lol, enjoy your aids

>> No.12731076

I don't know where you're getting those numbers from anon, but I'd wager the main drive is to avoid loneliness. The media does sell a lot of the "ideal" and that stems into pornography and that has ramifications. Any imperfection is immediately cast down because of our perceptions, which goes to show how ruined we are. That's why real love (for those who can find it) is hard to grasp. Not just lust. Lust is ephemeral.

>> No.12731079


Said like a true insensitive pleb who cannot appreciate the new aesthetics of the 21st century

>> No.12731081

>I just want anons to save their money.
Save it for what, if not decadence?

>> No.12731084

>That's what I want to prepare for
Rogers, On becoming a person

Your parents fucked up really badly if you need to be coaxed by a robot or doll into masturbating and calling it an external relationship. Basically, they fucked you over because they don't care you're a person, you're just their little AI robot mirror for their narcissism. That's why they let you hump your own kind, because they don't want another pet they have to take care of and think it's cute you have a doll, like little girls think it's cute that their dolly has a baby.

You cannot even be intimate with yourself and call it masturbation because the idea of it not being a mirrored relationship where one party psychically acquiesces to the other or ceases to exist makes soloing it impossible. You'd probably have been better off if they raped you tbph :(

>> No.12731086
File: 212 KB, 775x1024, b83ffaca85b6b1e66163e604ff41cdb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barebacking hookers

>> No.12731090

There was a news story a while back about prostitutes losing their business to a sex doll brothel and getting annoyed about it

>> No.12731100

>sex doll brothel
Jesus I'm too old for this shit. The other anons are right, we've come too far.

>> No.12731103
File: 7 KB, 194x260, fouc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily. I think legalised prostitution is the way to go. There's an outlet for those who are obsessed with sex and need to unwind in an environment which is more welcoming, and reducses the stigma of paying for something that is so needed but remains illegal. Also a lot of street workers are subject to violence and dehumanization, so giving them a safe and comfortable employment at what they do best, will reduce crime. So whats the harm?

>> No.12731105

>I don't know where you're getting those numbers from anon,
I made them up, they are based on relativism. That is to say, there is a top 30% simply because I create that category. It could be the top 5% or teh top 50%, the general point remains the same. I just chose 30% because I can't imagine myself ever marrying someone below a 7/10.

I don't believe in real love though. You can get very strong love, sure, but "real" love is a farce.

>> No.12731106

just wait till these team up with the vr arcades

>> No.12731109

Blue collar work is different, tradies are usually much more loose due to earning good piss money and the fact that they normally have years to bond.

>> No.12731129

>wives/girlfriend's all the time
Try hitting on one of them sometime and see how much they consider you dead meat

>> No.12731132

>Your parents fucked up really badly if you need to be coaxed by a robot or doll into masturbating and calling it an external relationship. Basically, they fucked you over because they don't care you're a person, you're just their little AI robot mirror for their narcissism. That's why they let you hump your own kind, because they don't want another pet they have to take care of and think it's cute you have a doll, like little girls think it's cute that their dolly has a baby.

>You cannot even be intimate with yourself and call it masturbation because the idea of it not being a mirrored relationship where one party psychically acquiesces to the other or ceases to exist makes soloing it impossible. You'd probably have been better off if they raped you tbph :(
Do you want a gold sticker for your achievement or something?

>> No.12731147

>I'd like to stay this way
You clearly don't to the tune of a couple thousand bucks down the shitter, but ok.

>> No.12731156

>Basically, they fucked you over
That applies to 95% of posters here senpai. Rest are paid shills and people writing their phds on imageboards.

>> No.12731157

I'm the >>12730763 guy btw.

I'm actually a very frugal person, which is why I fap instead of relationshipping.

>> No.12731183

They can buy the book too. Rogers is the one where the analysts just repeat back what you say to you, so you don't just blame your parents for whomever you've become and come to realise you are the one making your life what it is and how it sounds to you. Blame or knowing the cause doesn't stop you being an empty shell like the doll, and the only people who want empty shells like that are the ones who are so narcissistic the thought of anyone else being worthy of them is existentially life threatening. More of them would be committing suicide over the five per cent if they were truly unsalvageable. You only have so many years, you might want to be here for some of them.

>> No.12731194

>Relationships cost you money
They increase your worth to greater than the sum of their parts in nondysfunctional relationships. If you were frugal, you'd be in a relationship and worth about ten grand more per year (assuming you're in the West)

>> No.12731223

Can you summarise Rogers' theses for me? He seems to write from the existential perspective, which is already very good for a psychotherapist, but what does he add to, say, Kierkegaard, Camus or Frankl?

>> No.12731238

>They increase your worth to greater than the sum of their parts in nondysfunctional relationships.
I have to disagree. Women today have too much power compared to how much risk men have to take. I really don't see how this is not the case, or even the majority of the case. I live in a third world country and every divorce I have seen so far was at the expense of the guy who busted his balls and got screwed for it.

It is only "value" on paper because it gets you bank loans and mortgages, but that is all a farce. I have never seen a guy not screwed over in a divorce, even if he was at fault.

Frugality isn't just about conserving finances, it is also about conserving time, energy and general will to live. Some might get lucky and get a non-shit-tier-waifu, but only 5% of women fall in that category, and they are all taken by highschool sweethearts.

Frugality is about fapping because fuck them they no longer have power because my hand does the same job as their vaginas. Women don't want you to realize the power you have.

>> No.12731253

just stop being american

>> No.12731258 [DELETED] 

I'm South African.

>> No.12731261

>Rogers, On becoming a person
Thanks for the rec anon

>> No.12731262

You know ELIZA bots? They're based on Rogers. Adding to that they focus on solution orientated therapy, so basically they work out if your means of addressing your needs (once those have been established) actually work or not. Getting a doll or therapist or chatting to a bot should not be the final solution in most cases. The solution should be what would make you engage with life, rather than waiting for it to come to you (like waiting on AI or love or winning the lottery, all of which will make you feel impotent and blown about by the whims of others)

>> No.12731266

anyone else kinda grossed out by dating apps? I mean it feels like a conveyor belt of women and just weirds me out. don't get me wrong I have a tough time meeting women as is, but this just seems odd.

>> No.12731268

I’ve always wondered what people do when they need to dispose of thier human sized sex dolls. Toss it into a dumpster in the middle of the night?

>> No.12731271

I'm South African, this shit goes deeper than just typical western cultural norms.

>> No.12731275

Meant for >>12731253

>> No.12731287

Sounds too technical to be interesting.
>The solution should be what would make you engage with life, rather than waiting for it to come to you
Yeah this is true but this much is quite obvious. I'd stick to Kierkegaard.

>> No.12731300

Should we engage "in life"?

Where is that written? Why should that be so?

>> No.12731302

it's a decadent and licentious business model.

>> No.12731316

>Frugality is about fapping because fuck them they no longer have power because my hand does the same job as their vaginas. Women don't want you to realize the power you have.
second wave mra? woah

>> No.12731331

>second wave mra? woah
Pretty sure this is still first tier MRA.

I wouldn't know, I never paid attention to those faggots.

>> No.12731337

>I have to disagree
Finance doesn't, so, yeah. I guess you could pretend you have more purchasing power but the bank will still say no.

>. Women today have too much power compared to how much risk men have to take
We're not talking about some grand imagined battle of the sexes, though you would hold that in common with many women today, which bodes well, like finding out your local area likes LARPing based on Star Trek when you're a Star Trek fan.

>. I really don't see how this is not the case, or even the majority of the case.
Of course you don't. I think you believe you need to stay fapping to save money despite reality, like plenty of people think they'll have good credit if they never borrowed anything compared to the guy who can't pay his car lease one month.

>It is only "value" on paper because it gets you bank loans and mortgages, but that is all a farce
Oh, so you're bartering off your freehold land with slave labour in temperate climes? Why didn't you say you don't use money or pay rent and hold all your capital in land and produce?
>have never seen a guy not screwed over in a divorce, even if he was at fault
I think you meant wasn't at fault. Why are you planning for a dysfunctional relationship when I excluded those? Is it because you plan on only marrying those engaged in an ideological battle of the sexes and need that in the third act?

>Frugality isn't just about conserving finances, it is also about conserving time, energy and general will to live
That whole living off the land with no need for any financial instruments might have been a bad plan then.
>Some might get lucky and get a non-shit-tier-waifu
It's not luck. They chose them. You're planning on choosing one that divorces you for SJW points or some shit. That was probably not what their choice was based on.

>Frugality is about fapping because fuck them they no longer have power because my hand does the same job as their vaginas
Your hand produces children to take care of your land when you're infirm? Amazing.

Your views are what's trapping you into less money per year, and what makes your more likely to choose someone who will fulfill your prophesy. That's why I'm recommending becoming a person aware of your own choices first.

>> No.12731391

>Rogers sounds too technical to be interesting
That may be a fault in my explanation then

>Yeah this is true but this much is quite obvious. I'd stick to Kierkegaard
You must have broken a few bones on that cliff jump if you're comparing the two so directly. Perhaps the flaw is in my explanation, but I'd recommend reading Rogers rather than trying to read him through anon. Unless you read Kierkegaard through Wikipedia and we're okay with that.
>Should we engage "in life"?
It's the purpose of most psychoanalysis. I'm just explaining Rogers' theory. I'd assume the people who think otherwise with much conviction are dead. Even asceticism is a mode of engaging with life, so the term is open to many interpretations.

>> No.12731449

I felt the same way about porn too. I don't know how people don't get bored watching it. But I have Instagram and Facebook too, so I'm probably wired wrong for the kind of gratification people get from these things. I know a guy who can watch porn for the whole weekend and a girl who does nothing but Facebook farming all weekend and I think both of them are kind of spergs. If it weren't porn or Facebook they'd both be doing other spergish stimming and unable to deal with humans outside of playing checkers or lining up tins in order of size or whatever fixation hit them first.

>> No.12731455

>have Instagram
I HATE Instagram

>> No.12731472

Have sex, money and fun bros, it's literally that easy ;-)

>> No.12731486


>> No.12731487

Working on lucid dreaming.

>> No.12731512

>Finance doesn't, so, yeah. I guess you could pretend you have more purchasing power but the bank will still say no.
I don't have to spend any money one anyone else besides from myself? My finances are rejoicing. It costs me less than $600 a month to live comfortably.

>We're not talking about some grand imagined battle of the sexes, though you would hold that in common with many women today, which bodes well, like finding out your local area likes LARPing based on Star Trek when you're a Star Trek fan.
It's not overt, but if you are always on the losing side the battle lines become very apparent. Also not a Star Trek fan.

>Of course you don't. I think you believe you need to stay fapping to save money despite reality, like plenty of people think they'll have good credit if they never borrowed anything
I don't do credit. I save up before I buy anything. Debt is for idiots.

>Oh, so you're bartering off your freehold land with slave labour in temperate climes? Why didn't you say you don't use money or pay rent and hold all your capital in land and produce?
Try owning capital in land a country that is threatening to take it away because they are incompetent and your skin is white.

>I think you meant wasn't at fault. Why are you planning for a dysfunctional relationship when I excluded those? Is it because you plan on only marrying those engaged in an ideological battle of the sexes and need that in the third act?
I'm not planning for a dysfunctional result, I'm just looking at what is happening around me. The only people I know that are still married are miserable. The divorcees are less miserable, but at least they got bank, and I only know that because one of them was a lawyer who screwed her husband out of every cent she could.

>It's not luck. They chose them. You're planning on choosing one that divorces you for SJW points or some shit. That was probably not what their choice was based on.
It is luck. I'm fucking 32 years old. That window of "luck" passed me long ago. You have no idea what you are talking about because you haven't failed as many times as I have. If I could rewind back 15 years and not be the autist I am today, sure, then it isn't luck. But you know as well as I do there are scores of guys who missed out on the "lucky window" due to autismo, and now we are fucking oldfags with nothing more than sloppy second whore which disgusts us more than some inanimate sex doll. No thanks, they just want a sugar daddy because they thought _they_ were the Disney Princess and no one else is willing to pay for them to breathe.

>Your hand produces children to take care of your land when you're infirm? Amazing.
Robots, not the sex kind.

>> No.12731518

>Your views are what's trapping you into less money per year, and what makes your more likely to choose someone who will fulfill your prophesy. That's why I'm recommending becoming a person aware of your own choices first.
And your views aren't trapping you? Fuck off you unselfaware pretentious faggot.

>> No.12731567

Christ don't get me started on Instagram, the number of people I see who aimlessly scroll through and "love" everything posted, not even taking .3 of a second to actually look at it disturbs me. Even more so, I was on my lunch break once and walked into the break room to find a co-workers on their laptop, eating a meal, watching a video of someone else recording themselves...eating a meal.

>> No.12731616

>I don't have to spend any money one anyone else besides from myself? My finances are rejoicing. It costs me less than $600 a month to live comfortably.
Again, actual finance says you would spend less again if in a relationship. You can pretend it ain't so, but that's about as good as pretending you're secretly a billionaire in real financial outcome.

>It's not overt, but if you are always on the losing side the battle lines become very apparent
I think you mean I not you. That's your fantasy, like above, though you have more chance of making this fantasy come true than one where a bank is involved. You're trying to prove yourself right, and that means you will seek out women who will prove this to you.
>I don't do credit. I save up before I buy anything. Debt is for idiots
I would agree it's better to have capital, but unless you do freehold land, you are technically indebted to others.

>Try owning capital in land a country that is threatening to take it away because they are incompetent and your skin is white
To be fair, if your land's in Zimbabwe or similar, you are kind of behind most of the world in terms of capital and debt. If this is just another fantasy and you aren't a Boer or something then why the fantasy of being like the Boer is attractive to you is something to think on. Even the Boer are explicitly unhappy about their situation so why LARP as one and expect to be happy?
>I'm not planning for a dysfunctional result, I'm just looking at what is happening around me
You seem to think it's the likely result and that you would choose the same way. That does sound like how you are planning on such choices going. Though if you're actually in Zimbabwe the divorce rate is pretty low. Your fantasies aren't coherent
>The only people I know that are still married are miserable
And they made no choices to arrive there? Do you think they would be happy with their partner if they had not married? Why are you modelling yourself and your potential future on people you can see made bad choices?
>at least they got bank
You realise this affirms my point about finance and frugality?
>I would marry that lawyer which is why I would get screwed
I doubt that would be a wise choice of extrapolate to every lawyer

>It is luck. I'm fucking 32 years old. That window of "luck" passed me long ago.
Thinking it's luck is what makes you feel impotent. It's choice. Your married friends were not picked out of a hat to get married to each other unless you're in the Moonies or some other cult.
>rewind back 15 years
You'll say this in the next fifteen years when you've spent all that time choosing to blame luck and considering yourself powerless to do otherwise.


>> No.12731634

You might benefit from the stoics more than Rogers. Very little of human interaction is luck. Most of it is choice and perception, and all your perception is telling you is that you can't do shit without lottery tier luck smiling on you one day and inventing a time machine. I think you're afraid those fifteen years were based on your choices, and equally afraid you'll be the author of your next fifteen years. I think you'd prefer to find a woman to run over you than have your life be your choice. It's be your choice even if you did find such a woman.
>And your views aren't trapping you? Fuck off you unselfaware pretentious faggot.
I don't feel trapped or like women have special powers to screw me over or much need to justify my choices to anon. I'm trying to help him not feel like he really needs a magical time machine or AI or some other sci fi device to fix his life and stop feeling like he's surrounded by the enemy who will inevitably win.

>> No.12731658

>aimlessly scroll through and "love" everything posted, not even taking .3 of a second to actually look at it
I found out about Instagram because I thought it was a Morse code or reflex timing app they were playing with. It's bizarre how much like a sperger it makes women, especially if they think it might go away. That and candy crush made me realise it's not just guys who are dependent on gamification.

>> No.12731662

Jesus fuck, it's things like this that make me consider "degeneracy" might be more than a meme....

>> No.12731664

>You must have broken a few bones on that cliff jump if you're comparing the two so directly.
I mean, I read a number of psychotherapy books and talked with a fair number of psychotherapists, both inside and outside the therapy setting, and not a single one came even close to Kierkegaard in terms of clarity, systematicity, understanding where the actually important points lie, and density of insightful thoughts per unit of text. I cannot help but compare them.

>> No.12731679

You know you listed him alongside Camus, right?

>> No.12731683

That was just a general dude existentialism lmao list. Camus is indeed a brainlet.

>> No.12731687

Camus and Frankl were your choices for that? sashagrey.jpg

>> No.12731695

I was too disgusted to list Sartre, sorry. And what's wrong with Frankl?