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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 283 KB, 640x946, catcher+in+the+rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12703574 No.12703574 [Reply] [Original]

In my opinion it was just mediocre at best

>> No.12703581

Shit taste, my man. Consider suicide.

>> No.12703593


>> No.12703611

the bar for this board has never been this low

>> No.12703699

OP is phony flit

>> No.12703722

But what makes it so popular ?

>> No.12703735

And ?

>> No.12703765

The style was influential and comfy. Are you a frog?

>> No.12703781

literally a perfect novel

>> No.12703795

Yes it was , but after ending this it felt like there was nothing else than this comfy style

>> No.12703809

Dont listen to cringe first poster, it gets praised by nostalgic boomers who went through adolescence in the 40s~50s and can relate to Holden. It's almost irrelevant today, just something you'd read to get a sense of the old days.

>> No.12703830

>muh buzzwords

>> No.12703848

You could call "Don Quixote" near perfect , but surely not this

>> No.12703853

Everyone misses the point of this book and thinks the only people that like it are people that relate to Holden cuz he can be a little prick.
Holden is a traumatized boy and everything he says and thinks is based off the defense mechanism he has put in place subconsciously. If you relate to him, it's because you probably have felt some trauma in your life as well.
Holden is going thru a large struggle growing into an adult, while hearkening back to the death of his younger brother, and his ex-classmate.
He is a troubled youth who has had a harder time adjusting to all the pivotal things that happen as you age around that time in your life. He is stuck in a flux of wanting to retain his childhood innocence while also wanting to become an adult without becoming "phony".

I could go on for hours about this book but it's mostly a tale about a kid trying to find himself, and essentially failing.

>> No.12703856

stupid reddit fag

>> No.12703859

Are you an NPC?

>> No.12703895

You are so clever and original

>> No.12703947

I'm literally 22 and I related to Holden when I first read it, what are you talking about, plebbitor?

>> No.12703954

Said the person who took away nothing from a classic

Get bent dickwad

>> No.12703966

Yeah , probably you are right , but still for me it is theme for teens and their problems which they can relate to , in my opinion better work made Hemingway in "old man and the sea" because its more universal for all matter of people

>> No.12703976

are you french? what's with the weird punctuation and english?

>> No.12703989

What should i take from this classic ?

>> No.12704001

No . Sorry its just not my native language .

>> No.12704088

>Everyone misses the point of this book
>gives the standard elementary-tier analysis of the book

>> No.12704100

now think about the dumbasses and automatons who weren't even able to glean that from reading it

>> No.12704111

pretentious faggot OP BTFO

>> No.12704167

>gives the standard elementary-tier analysis of the book
I'm not here to do your work for you
I just posted briefly why people connect to it

>> No.12704170

>needing to be told the interpretation instead of putting the most basic effort into doing it on your own
You are an NPC. I am not memeing. If I were memeing, then you would be the butt of the joke.

>> No.12704214

There are more ambitious novels than Catcher in the Rye, better ones as well. But there is nothing one can point to in Catcher and say, Salinger fucked up here.

>> No.12704278

Its no Pynchon

>> No.12705232

That's right anon! Can't be discussing books on the book board. You tell him.

>> No.12705238
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 324543213342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why's the book so praised?"
Is that the level of "discussion" here?

>> No.12705260

Someone who posts wojaks has no business talking down to anyone.

>> No.12705267
File: 18 KB, 600x600, image-48305565-pepe-meme-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Pepe is far superior

>> No.12705269
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 34567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the site's signature characters invalidates your opinion because I ran out of arguments

>> No.12705276

It says exactly what it needs to say in the best way it can. It's not the best novel by any means, it's the best for what it could have been.

>> No.12705277

>His father, Sol Salinger, sold kosher cheese, and was from a Jewish family of Lithuanian descent, his own father having been the rabbi for the Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Louisville, Kentucky. Salinger's mother, Marie (née Jillich), was born in Atlantic, Iowa, of German, Irish, and Scottish descent, but changed her name to Miriam and considered herself Jewish after marrying Salinger's father.

>> No.12705284

Oh, I get it! It looks like you've accidentally clicked on /lit/ instead of /v/. That explains everything. Honest mistake.

>> No.12705295

As an outsider, my observation is that you're losing this fight miserably.

>> No.12705296
File: 45 KB, 634x650, 756432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag without arguments keeps being pathetic and cringy
Stick to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.12705300

I enjoyed the rape scene

>> No.12705303

>implying no /lit/ regulars engage in 4chan culture

>> No.12705317

welcome to Donald Trump's ameriKKKa

>> No.12705423

Just curious: what is your native language?

>> No.12705435
File: 100 KB, 1440x1080, 1551716680456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so much of an NPC you couldn't relate to Holden Fucking Caulfield at 15

gonna be a yikes from me dog

>> No.12705440

lol I love how /lit/ doesn't even pretend to entertain snobby OPs who shit on Catcher in the Rye. fucking based.

>> No.12705441

Salinger isn't a jew because being jewish is passed maternally.

>> No.12705449

I should read it again. I was at most 20 when I read it, and I did love it. Though the second read test has proven fatal to many books I read as a youth. Most notably Brave New World

>> No.12705460

Do they no longer teach genetics in public schools anymore?

>> No.12705483

It works on multiple levels

Boomer larva loved it in high school because Holden is JUST LIKE ME

Slightly more intelligent people like it because it's an impressive character study.

Salinger fanboys like it because it's written in-character by another by Salinger's character/alter ego Buddy Glass.

>> No.12705516

>being jewish
the original jews were niggers

>> No.12705531

>Jewish father contributes half of all genes to child, but if the mother isn't Jewish that means the child will receive no Jewish genes. All of the paternal genes somehow disappear or magically don't code for anything

I guess that means they really don't teach genetics.

>> No.12705538

>Everyone misses the point of this book
What is the death of the author?

>> No.12705542

Tell me what's the "Jewish" gene.

>> No.12705546

Yeah, Old Man in the Sea is more applicable to all of life, but Catcher really hones in well on a specific point- being a teenager. Their both good but for different things.

>> No.12705550

We get it, Holden is suffering from depression. I still do not care for it, or mister drink my own piss other works.

>> No.12705640

it was unique and original at the time

it remains popular because it reads differently at different stages of life. read it at 14-18, 20-24, then any time past 30 and it's live you've read 3 different books.

>> No.12705677

>but after ending this it felt like there was nothing else than this comfy style
Sure Catcher is pretty entry level lit, but its still full of universal meaning. Its meant to make you examine yourself, which is one of the trademarks of Salinger. If you read it and got nothing but "it was comfy" there's something wrong with you.

>> No.12705686
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 1526925733695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha NPC! NPC lmao XD yikes!

>> No.12705719

Here is an example I found very quickly that shows a distinct genetic mutation that is more commonly found among the Ashkenazi population. .

> A four base pair insertion in exon 11 (1278insTATC) results in an altered reading frame for the HEXA gene. This mutation is the most prevalent mutation in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, and leads to the infantile form of Tay–Sachs disease.

>The HEXA gene provides instructions for making one part (subunit) of an enzyme called beta-hexosaminidase A.

What separates different ethic/racial groups is not one single gene as you seem to be asking for, which shows how little you have learned or taught about genetics.

>> No.12705739

The original anon was referring to the fact that in Jewish communities you're only a Jew if your mother is. It wasn't about muh genetics, it's obvious paternal genes are inherited. Being Jewish is not only about genetics.

>> No.12705740

I always think this is written by HUnter S thompson

>> No.12705765

if you spend time looking into the symbolism hidden in the subtext and between lines, it's quiet obvious that Holden killed and ate everyone he came across. notice the time it's implied he masturbates while thinking about the kid who commit suicide. this explains why no character ever re-appears. the only character Holden didn't eat and kill was his teacher at the beginning. he was too disgusted by his fat body he couldn't maintain a hardon.

this book seriously rivals american psycho. don't even get me started on his forces sexual relationship with his sister

>> No.12706043


>> No.12706048

Tell em about the Freemasonic initiation rites.

>> No.12706595

completely agree

>> No.12706607

>But what makes it so popular ?

Being assigned literature in American high schools.

>> No.12706615

i couldn't relate at all but i knew kids from school who behaved like holden maybe its a book for them

>> No.12707106
File: 21 KB, 303x475, 1286DE22-F30A-4648-BBC8-2E1A365CC4A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of language is it where you put a space before the full stop? PHP?

>> No.12707164

all these responses and no one mentioning that Holden fucks his sister

>> No.12707991

Because phoebe is the cutest character in literature

>> No.12708859

It doesn’t. The American “Education System” is just garbage and only teaches gay shit.

>> No.12708869

lmao btfo

>> No.12708915
File: 502 KB, 800x600, 11089604-original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any based litizen care to rank Salinger's works from best to worst?

>> No.12709526

Cozy tone, relatable struggles, accurately portrayed emotions. What's not to like?

>> No.12709595

He starts off really well with Catcher and then basically just gets better and better, except that some of the stuff in Nine Stories matches the heights of his later work.

'Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters' is my favorite but it just personally resonated with me more, Seymour is amazing too.

>> No.12709601
File: 1.34 MB, 1681x2410, 1432779613294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12710815

God I wish

>> No.12710819

He doesn't, though lmao

>> No.12711660

I love them all but

Nine Stories < Franny and Zooey < Raise High the Roof Beams = Catcher in the Rye < Seymour an Introduction < Hapworth 16 1924