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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 224 KB, 720x480, beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12670450 No.12670450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12670458

I am slowly failing at everything, yet somehow it feels nice. Am I getting finally adjusted to my own mediocrity ? Is this what the death of ambition and higher standards for oneself feels like ?

This is surely better than the constant elaborate suicide fantasies at least.

>> No.12670468

That is not an anime background.

>> No.12670487

There was a girl I once knew. Cliche as it was, I fell for her in a coffee shop. She had the most beautiful hair and the funniest impression of her mother. I'd never fallen like that before, not even to the girl I dated for years.

Sadly nothing came of it. It was one of my first tinder dates, and I wasn't versed in the transient dating thing. I was trying to fall in love again, and she was just trying to have fun. I should've had fun. Better than it being on my mind so much now, how I gave up a chance with such a beautiful redhead.

>> No.12670502
File: 143 KB, 1024x747, Growing up sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be pretentious to say this, but I strongly believe I have Peter Pan syndrome. I tend to mock so-called "manchildren" but in truth I don't want to grow up either. I don't like Marvel movies or being so obsessed with fandoms like Adventure Time or Dr. Who, in case anyone accuses me of being like the average corporate controlled manchild. However, I don't want to stop being a teenager, even thought I'm turning 21 this year, because I feel I was robbed and didn't get to be one at that age. I was heavily ostracized in high school and my family was going through divorce and I was ugly and fat, and then literally anorexic and I wanted to kill myself during those years. Now I'm in a much better mood, I'm happy, I got over my family's divorce and my life finally starts to look bright but I fear turning into an adult and growing old. I want to be young now and forever and I know my writing is puerile and faggy but I needed to get this out.

>> No.12670509
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, Tokyo Ghoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty common

>> No.12670518


Should I jerk my pp off and cum before sleeping or should I read a book.

>> No.12670571

jerk pp, DONT cum, read the book backwards, go to bed forever

>> No.12670633

don't know if i can do this college thing. maybe I'm just lazy, but I've thought about killing myself a lot more in the last few months of high school than all the others. you'd think the idiot who drank bleach freshman year and somehow lived would understand how to not fall into suicidal depression, but tis always this way with academia. apparently

>> No.12671203
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I barely read anymore, instead I spend all my free time talking to toxic people. The only friends I have are the lads I shared a dorm with freshmen year of university. All of them are narcissistic incels that I gravitated towards because I was a narcissistic incel. They are my only friends and being a genuine autist it is really hard to make new friends, and they are the only people I know in real life who are anything like anons on 4chan, because they all browse 4chan, and as pathetic as it sounds this place has been the closest thing I've had to a best friend for the past 7 years. I'm trying to get better, but they constantly drag me down. I get a gf in real life, she is a "used up roastie", I get a job I'm a "wageslave", lifting is "gay". I feel like most don't even like me, they just keep me around for social interaction because they have no one else either. It is a very, very toxic setting now that I've written it all down, and I am getting really upset at some of these people, yet I find myself either at one of their houses or more often talking in our discord server until 12 am each night, because they are my only social interaction beyond head nods from a few random people I had class with a year ago/talking to cashiers.
I have a gf now but I don't want her to be my only social interaction as that is a very unhealthy dynamic for a relationship. I am realizing that I want to completely cut these people out of my life, but I am scared to be completely alone.

>> No.12671238

When you say college I guess you mean american university. It sucks but it is the quickest way to an easier life. A degree is the stepping stone to the upper middle class. If you don't feel like doing it right away, and you are /lit/ inclined, look up entry level marketing jobs in your area. There are tons of junior consultant jobs and stuff that will hire you without a degree, just make sure you put in a ton of work on your resume, dress nice, and call the company after you submit your application, or even before, asking if you might be the kind of candidate they are looking for. These jobs pay a lot more than flipping burgers and can get you experience in what the real work force is like, and if you live with mummy and daddy you can put away 80k in two years and go to college debt free without having to work a part time job you hate, which will make it a lot less painful. I honestly wish I took more time off to work before college.

>> No.12671346
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I am considering changing the name I submit my work under to what the family name was before they immigrated. This would drop one letter and replace another with ü. I feel like this can’t hurt since it adds some international flair. If confronted about it I will just call it a pen name.

>> No.12671348
File: 97 KB, 1174x464, 1490473157257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lifted for the first time in my life today. I refuse to be a twig man any longer. I could barely bench 20 on the bar, and I puked afterwards. It felt great regardless. I'm going off of starting strength, learning how to squat, deadlift, etc. An old aquaintance that I ran into there even helped me with my form and gave me some tips. I had an awkward moment with the cute receptionist chick, but it's all good. I'll get em next time.
I've been able to increase my calorie intake to 3500. I've eaten better in the past month than I have my whole life.
I'm reading more too.
I'm going for it bros. /fitlit/ here I come.

>> No.12671390

>feel like something is not quite right in my life
>start nofap, fasting, and James Joyce simultaneously
>before I started I had never been able to grow a beard and had never even bothered with girls
>shave clean on the 7th morning
>by the 10th morning I have a near full beard and two girlfriends

>> No.12671883

i barely know you, yet i miss you. i hope we get a second chance soon

>> No.12671897

learn to be completely alone, anon. don’t stick around with those losers. find people that share your passions and desire for growth and if you can’t find em, stick it out alone. prize independence

>> No.12672009

The only time I feel comfortable being productive and write is at night.
Problem is that I love sleeping.

>> No.12672026

Was browsing /a/ for whatever reason and got triggered by the isekai thread there.
There are people who will defend that abomination of a genre even the shity portags.

>> No.12672052

I read 1 chapter and then i'm tired

>> No.12672100

Jesus of Nazareth helped everyone regardless of whether they were criminals or upright moral people. If you have to butt in on other people it only makes sense that you help them out when asked. To do otherwise is proof of being a bad "friend."

>> No.12672126

yea, unless you are helping them do something bad.

>> No.12672135

To spare a few dollars and help provide for the mistreated is never bad. It helps to set one on a better path.

>> No.12672141

Is it weird that I have developed an extreme distaste for similes and metaphors?

>> No.12672142

True, crystaline pacifism is the most badass cult-lifestyle(deathstyle). It all revolves around letting Life itself die before your eyes - like a great sacrifice to the void.

>> No.12672288

Each day my mind degrades a little more. Soon I will become an irredeemable brainlet

>> No.12672294

what do you mean by this, you just sit in one spot until you die form thirst/hunger ? or just dont do anything to eventual until you die?

>> No.12672348
File: 205 KB, 825x960, 1551031121473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have arranged for my uni library to get me 5 books on the history of muslim Spain, from the Umayyad through the Almoravid and Almohad, to the collapse of Cordoba and the history of Granada. I am going to finish these in march before easter. How much time should I spend taking notes for consuming this information efficiently? Every chapter, 2-3 times per book, once at the end?

>> No.12672353

I guess it means you never use violence, under no circumstances. Ascetic practices seem to be one manifestion of this lifestyle. Maybe you can also softball it and live quite normally in modern society, like a parasite leeching on other peoples violence. The tick on the lions neck is not responsible for the dead zebra. I dont know, honestly. Just humans trying to break free from - what they perceive as - the endless circle of violence. But the extremeness of this position seems occult to me, the mystics of perpetual assisted suicide.

>> No.12672357

Not the anon you are responding to, but I have gone 7 days without food, and it is quite interesting how it changes the way you think. You become focused, you sleep less but feel rested, you feel more fit, and reading becomes easier.

>> No.12672435

There're a couple of major periods where you'll have clusters of battles, but books are all written at different paces and not all of them are linear histories (sometimes you have ones where one chapter is a linear history of architecture, and then the next chapter goes back in time to discuss cuisine, while others will have chapters focused on different timelines or traditions)
Take notes as often as you feel like. I recommend looking up Mansa Musa to see how that small blot called Mali becomes most of the Mediterranean infrastructure once you get to c1300 for further studies.

>> No.12672480
File: 161 KB, 1792x1402, Mejiro-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really want a giant mommy to keep me safe.

>> No.12672506
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, doggos_hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really good anon, keep going, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.12672515

I really don't think I can do this for a whole year anymore. Teaching is just not for me. Japan is just not for me. I feel too lonely, homesick, stressed out, and tired to keep doing this that long. I think I made a mistake. I wasn't prepared to do this. I'll give myself until the end of May and if I still feel this shitty and hate working by that time I'm just going to terminate my contract early and go home. Maybe if I loved animeland in the same way I love Italy I could bear through the job and stay here for a full year but I think this place just isn't for me. Granted there are still some very cool aspects of Japan that I enjoy but it simply doesn't click with me in the same way it does with other people.

>> No.12672516


>> No.12672527

I'm facing the prospect of becoming a wageslave and I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I'm barely keeping myself together now with most of the day to myself, how am I going to manage when I have to consistently spend eight+ hours of my day working? I really want one of those meme software development jobs you can do remotely, everyone in a white collar profession only "works" like four hours a day anyway and if you're remote you can actually use those hours instead of sitting in a cubicle pretending to be busy. No idea how to get a job like that though.

>> No.12672550

thank you

>> No.12672581
File: 89 KB, 695x1000, Czech-Marionettes-clever_boy_czech_marionettes_handcarved_4.1d55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no grace in balancing every small moving part individually. You have to steer the centre of gravity and move resolutely - the individual parts will follow automatically the main direction. Grace is a thrust connected to a system of flowing arches.

>> No.12672945
File: 12 KB, 188x273, pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a reasonable man, rational mostly, but I guess that means that I don't fit in well with science and environment communicators or writers. I am only a consumer, I guess. I read science and philosophy to deepen the mysteries in my life, and that seems to piss people off. I have watched a woman have her cognitive abilities turned insideout by memes in the same method as those used on the public by FB, and I will never be able to convince them how it was done, nor that it will be done again and again according to political, ethical, and economic justifications. That this is not the end of humanity and ethical concerns altogether is a point of contention I have with these writers, and yet what would be the point of my corrections when if I were in the same spot as say someone like Tesla owner whatshisface, the bodysuit guy, I would agree with social manipulation on the individual level as well as the mass level because I would have the perspective of someone with power over millions, maybe billions. My personal place as an unemployed white male though forces me to seek protections against these intrusions because I represent to some degree the powerlessness. Though this is what? an ability to deceive myself into thinking I am able to use ephoche for all actions and that this programming is not just as was intended, too. That people call these others ethical hackers saddens me and pushes me to disagree about monetary policy in order to fix what is just. I am not a lawyer, nor have the tenacity of phd candidate, but I know politics and aesthetics, and if I like many others are going to truly learn to be happy, it will not be through targeting people and systematically limiting their language and the their visual content. There is a big fight coming in international laws and I am not going to be gaslighted into idiocy and partisanship by Stirnerites, Religious fools, and tech companies exes. The ridiculousness of my actions and the harm that is supposedly attributed to my speech acts was nowhere near as horrible as the "help" offered by the government doctors and rcmp. That this is the politics of the liberals, torys, Greens, and NDP in my country gives me no hope for supporting a political group to amend sovereignty issues in regards to individuals - as it appears that we would rather see ants than humans in building our cathedrals. Where to go from here in my writing? As far away as humanly possible I guess, right? What stand does a stupid man have for his own rights anyhow? Unless I am in school for Law, why should I be allowed to advocate for a position? You want a door knocker, a meme machine, and an attack dog? Cause I am about to lose my shit up in here (a rational anger that sure seemed to me to appear crazy, or emotional, like a child who was overly sad and lost). Sorry brands; I love you (as much as that has meaning anymore). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E1qCAPJJPE

>> No.12672956


>> No.12673136

My mom posts on 4chan and I fucking hate it. She searched my browser history years ago, and has been spouting memes to be ever since. “Anon, I seriously hope you don’t do this”, “Anon, your just butthurt”, “Anon, quit being a newfag”, "Holy...", etc I hate it. She even started a lolita thread and then kept walking by my room, sticking her head in to see if I would open it. I’ll be making a sandwich and she’ll say “the virgin ham and cheese boy.” Fuck You mom, if you see this just know I fucking hate you

>> No.12673201

I really want to self learn since I just cant afford school being a burger and all and just a pleb with a hs degree. I already have a decent enough job that keeps me alive but doesnt pay enough for real enrollment. For someone at my education level its an ok job. Theres not really one subject I absolutely want to master but I do enjoy all forms of literature and the few fields of phil I dabbled in. I dont care about being an authority on these things or anything like that and I font mind mostly just keeping these things I read to myself. Should I just take the autodidact pseud pill or am I better off watching netflix and eating fast food and embracing my prole reality?

>> No.12673535

pretending this is true

>> No.12673767
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Good work brother.

>> No.12674204
File: 206 KB, 896x902, suck his turnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I supposed to do in this situation? I've never felt this engaged by a conversation. Six hours. Is that special? Why do I keep thinking about it?
I hope it doesn't rain Friday, or will something better happen if it does.
Get to play cards tonight and see friends. best day of the week. Cheap beer tastes so good on Wednesdays after work.
My job is about to change immensely and I don't know if i'm ready to change with it. Why don't I feel as old as I am? Birthday in a week.
I lied to someone and can still remember the anxiety of the moment. Why would I do that? So dumb, I'm a fucking idiot.
Need to learn how to make lentil curry, will that make up for it?
Something good or something bad is going to happen, but it needs to happen soon. Waiting for the catalyst has me too agitated.

>> No.12674268

>I refuse to be a twig man any longer.
>I've been able to increase my calorie intake to 3500
If you actually are a twigman you should probably cut that down to 2500-3000. Bulking is fun, but you will get fat, and cutting is a pain.

>> No.12674310

I didn't let in the fatass xfinity guy when he knocked and now all my electronics are not working right. FUCKING SHITTS

>> No.12674331

is it entitlement to get angry when people who've been assholes to you treat some other random person (who is doing the same thing you did with love and admiration

>> No.12674373

Good luck twig man.

>> No.12674404

it's totally normal to get angry at hypocrites

>> No.12674478
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is love just selfishness? Do people feel love just because that person happens to fill a void in them? Do people even care about other people, or do they just care that other people care about them?

Why is someone saying
>I love you because you make me feel so good
a compliment? Isn't that pure selfishness? And does the same apply to friendship? True friendship is often achieved when the times are hard; for example in war. But wouldn't that just support the argument that people start feeling this way because the other person was useful to them, and feeling this way ensures that usefulness will stick around?

>> No.12674570

love is sublime

>> No.12674583

Proper love is defined by giving (whatever that is) for the other person's sake.

>> No.12674616

How would this work? Let's say you properly love someone. She tells you Ted is really hot and she wants to fuck him. Would you let her? Denying that from her would be selfish, you want her for yourself. Letting her develop feelings to other people would be selfless love, but nobody wants that

>> No.12674627

You can still love someone by being their friend.

>> No.12674636

>She tells you Ted is really hot and she wants to fuck him

Then she's probably going to do it anyway. Might at as well just break up and save the heartbreak of being cheated on.

>> No.12674657

Why does getting cheated on break your heart? You love them, whether they love you and only you doesn't matter. That's selfish, getting jealous is always selfish. You feel it for selfish reasons

If you "properly" love someone and not just for selfish reasons, why the fuck would you EVER break up with them? The only time I've ever seen this is between a mother and her child. That's the only bond that I've ever witnessed being 'pure' love

>> No.12674699

>Why does getting cheated on break your heart?

It's a betrayal. They say that they love you and then do that.

>> No.12674703

In that case, she doesn't love you, at least not romantically. It's a two-way street.

>> No.12674707

So what? How does having sex with someone else somehow take away from their love to you? What is it betraying exactly? If they say
>I'mma go and fuck Ted now
The only reason you get jealous / angry is because you wanted their love and body for you and you only. That's selfish as fuck

>> No.12674712

So love can only exist if the other loves you back? Doesn't that confirm that it's selfish? You don't love them, you just love that they love you. And so you trade loves because you're both selfish, for mutual benefit

>> No.12674737

>What is it betraying exactly?
You are betraying the other person's trust.

>> No.12674744


Every time I go to London I wonder if I walked past Londonfrog.I went to the V&A last weekend and was hoping to see him somewhere. Somehow I believe you'd just recognise him if you saw him about.

>> No.12674758

Cuckolding is hated from a primal, instinctual level. It's failing to pass on your genetic information and using resources for another person's child. It's understood that this hurts, and a person cheating disregards their partner's feelings.

>> No.12674762

Devotion is a big part of love for a lot of people and the ultimate expression of that monogamy. Monogamy isn't selfish because it's reciprocated; it's a gift you give to eachother. Indulging in every impulse of lust is selfish because it's one-sided.

>> No.12674768

What's the point of a relationship if it isn't exclusive? Why even bother if it's open to anyone?

>> No.12674779

You only want monogamy because you think you're special enough to hoard all of one person's time and effection.

>> No.12674780

>It's failing to pass on your genetic information and using resources for another person's child
Exactly, and that's selfish! You want to pass YOUR genes and resources for YOUR child. That's selfishness. If love was selfless you wouldn't care at all whether the person you love disregards your feelings or not, you'd only care about their happiness. You wouldn't want to cage them into a relationship with only you, you'd let them roam free as much as they want. But you're selfish with your love, you want them

I already asked this same question in my first post
>people start feeling this way because the other person was useful to them, and feeling this way ensures that usefulness will stick around
isn't that love then? From evolutionary standpoint, we feel love because it helps us ensure the survival of our own genes right? It's selfish

>> No.12674784

>So love can only exist if the other loves you back?
Well, otherwise it's called unrequited love and that's universally seen as an unhealthy and dysfunctional condition. Unless you're talking about parental love.

>> No.12674792

I am though. And my wife is special enough that she gets to hoard all of my attention and love. It's pretty great sharing this tiny little world with eachother. Don't you want to feel special?

>> No.12674799

>Don't you want to feel special?

No, because I'm not so delusion to think that I am.

>> No.12674804

>Don't you want to feel special?
Yes, obviously. And that's selfish

People seem to think I'm somehow suggesting love is bad because it's selfish. That's not at all it, I'm merely pondering the nature of love

>> No.12674807

The other person is also hoarding all your time and affection. It's a two way street. Healthy relationships only work if there's a give and take. It doesn't work if its all take take take i.e actually being selfish

>> No.12674826

You love someone, you want to make them feel special. Fine, that's not selfish. But you also want them to make you feel special. That is selfish. Which is the underlying motivation? If they stop making you feel special, you stop loving them. This implies that you fell in love to begin with to feel special about yourself, not to make them feel special

>> No.12674828
File: 280 KB, 400x388, Ti9F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm switching my meds and it's making me miserable. Right now all I can think is if I can be forgiven for all the things I've done and am going to do. I feel like I'm a monster and that I shouldn't receive the love from others that I do. If I had to compare myself to any animal it would be a worm. I try to hard to be a good person and to be helpful, but it feels like I always end up hurting and disappointing people. I hope that if there is a God, he will forgive me. Because I don't feel like I deserve it.

>> No.12674835

I'm here with you.

>> No.12674838

It's not delusional to think of myself as special if someone else does too and acts accordingly. I'm special by virtue of being special to another. It's something that's extrinsic, there's no self delusion involved.

>> No.12674851
File: 107 KB, 780x846, derp souls 2 meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people can't be entirely selfless.
>If they stop making you feel special, you stop loving them.
If you stop loving them because they "stopped making you feel special", then you never really loved them in the real place. It seems you don't know what love is.
Thanks bro.

>> No.12674856

I'm getting the sense you don't experience joy in making another person happy. This might be a personality thing. Do you have a hard time with empathy?

>> No.12674862

Alright I figured this shit out

Love is both selfish and selfless at the same time, it doesn't need to be black or white. We accept certain level of selfishness in us and in others, and the fact that it needs to be fed. We're not perfect, we all have that need in us. However if it becomes too much we shun the person i.e attention whores and the likes

Thanks /lit/ my relationship crisis is now averted, I'm now fine with the fact that there's selfishness in my love to my girlfriend

>> No.12674861

obviously both, erotic fiction

>> No.12674863

Just try to keep in mind that what you're experiencing is the effect of drugs fucking with your brain.

>> No.12674864
File: 24 KB, 300x250, 7FD4AAE5-2019-4F3C-B83F-48861C1E7818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life seems to be stagnant right now and I wish I wasn’t but I know I won’t bring any change to my life because I need the stability to get my shit together. I barely do my assignments for class and I’m not too polite or friendly, which is something I need to work on. My girlfriend is honestly the best part of my life other than video games.

>> No.12674872


>> No.12674893

Not at all, I really like helping people and seeing the joy in them. However I've questioned before if I do it only to feel good about myself, very Stirnerian. I came to the conclusion that that selfish motivation wouldn't be there if I was completely selfish, I wouldn't feel good about helping others if I wasn't selfless, even if it is selfish in a sense in itself

>> No.12674902
File: 134 KB, 662x640, 1343114888104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all a bit too meta for me, but I'm glad you seem to have sorted it out.

>> No.12674961

>I barely do my assignments for class

You probably should. You'll regret it later if you don't. Trust me.

>> No.12675126

This world is so fucking absurd. We could have created anything, and we created a global meatgrinder for the human spirit. There's really nothing of worth and it never gets better.

>> No.12675136

Also at age 45 I'm going to go on a marvelous trip. Hawaii, japan, europe, anywhere I want, and I'm going to put the whole thing on credit card. At the end I'll jump off a cliff literally. Explain how this is a bad plan in any way at all. I can probably get a card with 25k limit by that point (in today's dollars). Might get 5 or 6 cards, that would be 100k. I'll have to plan it over several years leading up, though, so the card companies don't get suspicious.
Why doesn't everyone who is suicidal do this?

>> No.12675137

It's getting better every single year wtf are you even on about? What do you want? Give some concrete examples

>> No.12675140

Having had delayed puberty fucking sucks, it's basically a one way ticket to neuroticism. I will NEVER be anything even resembling normal all because my hormones didn't shift at the correct age.

>> No.12675148

Maybe you should dress up as a cute girl.

>> No.12675150

Anon is a twig no more
He's getting big he knows the score

>> No.12675154

t. neolib bugman
>wow the world is so great, my vidya plays in higher resolutions than ever and my phone doesn't have a bezel anymore!

>> No.12675161

what the hell is a bezel

>> No.12675163


>> No.12675165

I get misgendered as a girl all the time if I'm wearing enough clothes to smooth my form out a little

>> No.12675169

dozens of animal species are going extinct every day. this is several orders of magnitude higher than the "natural" rate.

>> No.12675172

d-do you wanna be my pretend girlfriend

>> No.12675184

People used to ask me that too. I was short and had long hair. 2bh I liked the attention.

>> No.12675196

This, I'm 22 and I know that I wasted my adolescence. Future looks dreary.

>> No.12675197

I think the form of individualism encouraged by social media and the internet today is completely unsustainable. The more we share about ourselves, the more shallow and predictable we are. The more categories and labels we adopt, the easier it is to divide us and pit us against one another. "Diversity" presupposes individual disagreement and conflict. I think individualism is simultaneously overexerting and (as a result) destroying itself, becoming completely worthless.

>> No.12675202

>can't achieve gainful employment
>wages stagnate or sink every year
>cost of living increases every year
>nothing gets through without nepotism and cocksucking
>all literature published now is pandering shit
>all countries, all cities are going to shit
>crime and poverty increasing across the board
>homeless level in my city increased at least 5x in last 3 years
>increasing social unrest
>nothing will ever improve
>we could have forged a utopia, instead we made cubicle farms and debt entrapment
>no way out, nowhere to escape it
>only things I enjoy are literature and anime; everything else gets shittier and shittier every year
>forced into a system where people must deceive and use each other, all interactions are fake, and you never benefit by trusting anyone
>everything feels cold and distant, honest human interaction impossible now
>everyone is miserable and in pain, can watch them degrade behind the mask
>life is needless, purposefulless work based on fear and authority
>don't know anyone who is sincerely happy
>never met a couple who sincerely love each other
>the only place left to express pure human emotions is in fiction, reality is never that beautiful and innocent
>drug addiction, child abuse, infidelity, misery, despondence, stagnation, and suffering are the norm, not the exception
>the more I experience the more I understand these are truth
>there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.12675224

I very much want to get some money together then create a commune-type thing for people like you anon, we can build a little world for ourselves away from the horror outside.

>> No.12675238

oh it's a /pol/fag weeb fuck, let's look at statistics shall we

>less poverty than ever, decreasing each year
>less deaths thanks to war than ever, decreasing every year
>more wars get solved by diplomacy than ever before, increasing every year
>longest lasting peace-time
>most of the shit you cry about are blatantly untrue, like "drug addiction, child abuse, infidelity, misery, despondence, stagnation, and suffering are the norm, not the exception" which is completely laughable since all of those are decreasing rather than in the rise
>muh people are fake because I know people only from instagram and twitter and women are all whores :((((((

to keep it short, you're a miserable weeb fuck who isn't even trying and gets his entire worldview from shitty websites such as /pol/. Fix yourself, then worry about fixing the world. If you think one person can't make a difference you're fucking clueless. Humanity has as a collective moved towards a better future over time and it hasn't changed one bit. Yes there are problems, yes we will face many crises. But we'll overcome them, as always

>> No.12675246

Tbh I've been thinking about if 4chan actually replaces desu with desu or if I'm crazy.

>> No.12675249

I don't want a commune. I want the whole world to be a place of love and beauty. 10,000 years of civilization and we've managed to destroy everything and gain nothing. All this technological progress and what has come of it? We've turned into a race of devils constantly eating at each other for financial survival. This place is hell. Every ill was a preventable disease. Any sincerity will be snuffed out, any tenderness will be speared.
This place is truly hell itself, does no one else see that?

>> No.12675253

/pol/ isn't a website and I haven't said anything that's even /pol/. Fuck off, retard. Didn't read the rest.

>> No.12675264


do you even know what that word means?

>> No.12675265

>n-no don't break muh delusion it's easier to live this way than to try

>> No.12675267
File: 192 KB, 938x614, cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's the default state of existence. The only true bad luck is to being born.

>> No.12675268
File: 228 KB, 363x319, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he looks like Kantbot.

>> No.12675271

Aye, but what is there to do then anon other than give up or commit suicide? I would rather nurture a sanctuary, however small and irrelevant and futile, than give in.

>> No.12675280

phase them out slowly to avoid hard feelings, then you have the option of going back to them

but dump your girlfriend if you feel this way you shouldn’t stay latched onto her, that’s bad for both of you

>> No.12675284

Go to bed pinker. Yes, we have a bigger life span but technology and mechanization bring undesirable effects to human psyche.

>> No.12675287

Again, you're a delusional neoliberal. There's not point even arguing with you because you're so deeply ideological you can't even acknowledge the possibility that the current world and its future are not all rosy and nice. Your entire little rant wouldn't be out of place in an episode of the west wing or an oped in the NYT if you removed the profanity and replaced "weeb" with "populist".

>> No.12675288

I get anxiety over trivial things but have no reaction to monumental life changes. I think I have emotional retardation.

>> No.12675292

The truest form of love is selflessness. You would be willing to help the other person and provide them resources and be just happy to help them improve.

>> No.12675296

Individualism is little more than a marketing strategy. Each person becomes a commodity, a brand, and tries to present him or herself as a fully embodied product. The idea of a force or intention behind this commodification (i.e., the will to appear as such) is deliberately left unaccounted for, since it is precisely this notion of force that allows us to affirm ourselves in each other in the first place. Take, for instance, the sexual act: the point of climax is the height of individuality. To feel the moment of release is not, as has been previously thought, a break from individuality - it is a heightened sense thereof. A sexual partner affirms the other in the perception of their nakedness, their phenomenal being. My own being is reflected, and consequently affirmed, by the other insofar as she sees me as a totality, a thing embodied...an individual. There is no more force involved, for I simply am an object to the other. The underlying substrata - if you'll permit me these spatial metaphors - is left unnoticed in the great marketplace of individuals. I become a product. My partner becomes a product. Ejaculation is a voluntary exchange, and the bed is, of course, the Market itself. She affirms me in my phenomenal being only after she can conceptualize me; that is, only after her recognition of myself as a thing-to-be-recognized, and not as a thing-that-strives-for-recognition.

>> No.12675316

Again, I said nothing that was even political one way or the other.
Humans must feed on and consume one another to get by. Does anyone understand this? We've had 10,000 years of civilization, why hasn't all this "advancement" made everyone happy yet? We've employed tens of millions of manhours and the epitome of human ingenuity to devise very clever financial derivates of derivative systems, endlessly generating numerical values, contributing nothing of tangible value to the world, enslaving billions of people, and is everyone at last happy for it? Do we have blooming love and kindness in the world, are children happy and loved and provided for?
When I go outside I see former child abuse victims, drug addicts, chronic depressives, alcoholics, wife beaters, cheaters, egomaniacs, gamblers, video game addicts, television binge-watchers. Everyone is sick and I've never met a person who is genuinely fulfilled and happy with their life. Anything that is good and pure and kind will be destroyed, everything that is beautiful will be defiled.
Please wake up. We're in a hell we've created by our own hands. It's so disgusting to even be here that suicide is the only remaining salvation. What are we working towards, what have we achieved? I see victims who go on to be perpetrators. The entire world is an endless cycle of human suffering.

>> No.12675321

Many a psychologist has spoken at great lengths about the un-individuated sensation during intercourse. We feel released, thrown out into the boundless, as it were, and free from the confines of our personhood. As romantic as this seems, we are utterly incapable of escaping the confines of individuality. Sex is only the most pleasurable way of facilitating affirmation. The pleasure associated with it is the same sort we feel during a sale - same form, lesser degree. I pitch a new product to customers, they buy (affirm) it, and my brand is further separated from the masses of other equally striving-for-embodiment brands.

>> No.12675329

shove your ideology garbage up your ass

>the current world and its future are not all rosy and nice
Never argued this. I argued we're moving towards a better future. You're so fucking clueless that you're completely missing the big picture. Here I'll lay it out for you

>nature is hell
This is it. Without consciousness you end up like animals. Which is why as as soon as we developed consciousness, we came up with the abstract thought of what is good and evil. And we started wanting to do good, because there's something about consciousness that drives us towards it. We saw suffering around us (because in nature there's fucking shit ton of that) and wanted to reduce it. So we did, and we've done a pretty fucking great job at it. And there's no reason to believe we'd go anywhere but towards even less suffering as time goes on, because every fucking year we care more and more and try to achieve balance and understanding better and better. Sure we fumble and fall every now and again but the fucking trend is positive so what the FUCK do you want you humongous retard?

Please do tell me, if humans never evolved to have consciousness, would we be better off? Would it be better if we raped and pillaged, murdered, only worked towards our self-interest because that's the instinct for survival?
>w-well it would be better for the ANIMALS though!
if any other animal evolved to have the capacity to take over the world, and didn't evolve a consciousness while at it, everything would've gone to shit long time ago already. EVERYTHING BEING SHIT AND GOING TO SHIT IS THE BASIC EXISTENCE. WE'RE ACTIVELY FIGHTING AGAINST IT

Go ahead, have your pity-party. That's easy, anyone can do that. That's a lot easier than carrying the weight. There's plenty of people who want the world you want, and we work for it. You don't because you're a worthless human being. But we do, and thanks to us we will achieve it. Slower than we would if faggots like you weren't so weak, but we'll still get there

>> No.12675331

In short, the individual of today is a will-less commodity cast adrift in a meandering sea.

>> No.12675348

I don't think I'd be a very good one

I like it as well, I can't bring myself to lean fully into it and start crossdressing though.

>> No.12675352

Shield Hero is kino, fuck you

>> No.12675378

>neolib responds to criticism with world salad wholly unrelated to the point in question
>claims to be the one seeing the "big picture" despite subscribing to an ideology NOTORIOUS for ignoring the complex realities of society while focusing on
easily quantifiable minutiae
>all while implying that "his people" are the only ones pushing society forward
>"you're just a lazy idiot who doesn't APPRECIATE the genius of my views!"


>> No.12675387

When I was in high school some (girl) friends dressed me up in their (female) school uniform and put a bow in my hair. It was fun. Not in a sexual way, it was just fun having the attention and being pampered. I miss high school.

>> No.12675411

Aww that's cute anon. I miss high school too.
>tfw will never sit on the back stairs with your big group of friends for lunch again

>> No.12675419

>noooooooo muh left and right muh politics
>muh complex society, people just don't care about each other anymore
When I say "us" I'm not talking about any specific group of people. I'm talking about people who work towards what they believe in. You want a better future but you don't want to do anything about it. You're so fucking lazy and worthless human being that you'll do absolutely nothing even though you know things are wrong. You know they're wrong, and you do nothing. I know they're wrong, and I do something. That's our difference. That's our "groups". People like you exist on all political spectrums, as do people like me. You label me as "neolib" and what not because you have this retarded world-view where everything's black and white, you subscribe to identity politics entirely

Do you know what the real difference between us is? When you die you'll hate every inch of the world and yourself, which makes you hate every second of your current life. When I die, even if I fail in what I'm set to do, I'll die knowing that I gave everything I could. And as a result, I wholly enjoy living

>> No.12675437

Imagine typing all this and all (You) get is this lousy reply.

>> No.12675449

you are a textbook neolib mate. You literally pulled the "not everything is black and white!" card to justify your shitty nonsensical positions! Further, you know NOTHING about me. I'm not even the anon that started this thread! But, because you're a neolib, ANYONE who questions your opinions is instantaneously a lazy know-nothing who just needs to rise above petty politics and work hard.

>> No.12675458
File: 154 KB, 505x653, Ayrton_Senna_8_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he have to die, bros

>> No.12675466

I've been so fucking conditioned by this place that whenever I hear someone talking about wanting to actually do something fluid starts seeping out of my ear. Overall I agree with you, though.

>> No.12675473

>y-you know nothing about me!
>but I know everything about you
fuck off, you have literally said nothing with substance at any point, no matter where you came in. You basically just went
>ha! X proves you're a neolib therefore you're wrong! I win
good job faggot. Not a single argument why we should give up like you've done with your doomer garbage attitude

>> No.12675486

Well, I hope I was cute.
>tfw will never sit on the back stairs
All of that stuff was great. Just sitting around, talking, or goofing off, or hanging around town. So carefree, the only real responsibility was my homework. Everybody is too busy to ever hang out now. Nobody wants to have any fun. I wish I could have stayed 13-18 forever.

>> No.12675489

I don't know about you, but I've been getting this same picture in the mail now for about a month...?

>> No.12675641
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1548139664945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon in the other thread who attempted to help my (possibly) undiagnosed autism (wherein I attempt to emulate characters be they real or fictional until I get bored of them) by recommending Christianity... I have been thinking on it. Not to sound like a fedoralord but why would I trade one delusion for another? Christianity is a means of control with a secondary of community built around falsification. I just can't even fathom getting into it.

>> No.12675657

I can't jerk off before bed because I have to sleep on my back due to some lung issue and if I'm laying on my back the unejaculated cum like goes up my piss tube or something and it's really uncomfortable

>> No.12675667

I’m not sure if I’d be perfectly happy with life if I just took a comfy labor job making fifty thousand a year and living humbly with few possessions or if I lack ambition because of my low self esteem

>> No.12675870

Listen, I'm not even sure who you are but could you lend me some money. I am really hard up for cash at the moment. If you could give me some money and help me I would be very gracious.

>> No.12675879

I'm the op of that post...I still don't know why you two took what I said and gave it a political slant and started arguing lib vs non-lib. please both of you go back to /pol/? neither of you addressed what I said...
>we're making progress
We are not. More depression than ever, more suicide than ever, not one single social qualm has been addressed. Are people more happy now, for all we've done? I don't think so. Again, I go outside and see sex abuse victims, neglected children, social outcasts, miserable jaded people, overworked and tired, drug reliant... Whatever "progress" has been made has missed the actual target of improving the human condition. Why are we not already all happy, supported, cared for, and valued? Why does no one achieve a sense of belonging or fulfillment?
How is that addressed by left-right political rhetoric, either way? Can't you discuss things without reducing the argument to the same old party-politics soundbites?

>> No.12675896

All I want is to cuddle and be cuddled.

>> No.12675907

Cuddling would improve the world. I approve of this post.

>> No.12675939
File: 381 KB, 2560x1440, 1549361703071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to love Touhou so much I wonder if I should write a crossover writh H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.12675950

I never got to have a real college party while I was at school. Frankly, I don't think I ever wanted to go to one while I was studying, but not that I'm working I look back at my youth and it's lack of getting blackout drunk with sadness.

>> No.12676088
File: 35 KB, 392x495, 8d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou reminds me of being 10 years old and making up characters and fantastical worlds with my friends on the playground.

>> No.12676116

I'm not really sure what I'm doing anymore.

I mean as in the general sense. I work seven days a week, go to school part-time, still in 6k worth of debt that I've been slowly chewing away at.

When does it get better? I"m 24 years old, haven't had a girlfriend in over four years, haven't had sex in seven months, constantly broke and depressed and alone.

I want to find a reason to live. Right now I feel I have none.

>> No.12676269
File: 323 KB, 625x800, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_shiroki_hizumi8__fa6c0ef152570b96edcd26e8688acdb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at the same time I feel Zun thinks hard about who the girls are as people wile leaving enough to fans imagination.
Reimu and Marisa are defined as much by negative traits as positive.

Also Patchouli is the Queen of /lit/.

>> No.12676345

>I"m 24 years old, haven't had a girlfriend in over four years, haven't had sex in seven months

bro, I'm almost your age and I have never had sex or a girlfriend

>> No.12676535

Live for yourself. The hardest prison to escape is your mind.
Try to find simple pleasures or things to look forward to in a given week. Be it an activity or a tv show. If you can find that one thing, the week goes by a lot easier.

>> No.12676728
File: 807 KB, 1015x1505, Patchouli.Knowledge.full.1698746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wile leaving enough to fans imagination.

It's really quite impressive that there's such a large active fanbase for a franchise that pretty much just one guy. ZUN is my inspiration. One day I hope I can make something that makes as many people as happy as he has.

>> No.12676773

I wrote a novel a year over a year ago and now I'm struggling to replicate the feat.

I'm writing poorly, which makes me lose my confidence, which makes me write worse. I don't know how to break out of these destructive feedback loops

>> No.12676818

>materialist problems
Stop being a materialist, mate.

>> No.12676841

all humans are incarnated ets populating the planet. all kinds of ets can arrive. tyrannical ones seek power and on earth they have consolidated it by cutting off incoming souls from their source, inc souls know this but still arrive for the chance to break the tyranny. thus the game begins the tyrants use the world as a soul trap 3d prison, souls know theyll drink lethe but nevertheless enter the trap to try to break it by reestablishing comms with source/raising consciousness level which only matters, development/survival doesnt, thus the incarnation is for the purpose of saving a round chunk of the universe from being owned/operated by low level consciousness beings

>> No.12676883

Time. Make it stop.

>> No.12676971

time waits for no one, friend

>> No.12676984

True, but now that I’m starting to get things together somewhat, I’m getting to old for it to matter.

Practically every hour I can feel another set of possibilities vanish.

>> No.12676989

writing a fucking shitty grant proposal at 2AM in the library and I've literally spend 3 hours on the abstract

damn wiener undergraduates are too loud

>> No.12676998

I hope she says yes!

>> No.12677539

>6k worth of debt
I have 10x that. 6k is a summer job.
me neither. I did all the "right" steps. had a miserable college experience because I did community for 2 years and a shitty in-state for 2 years, did a miserably boring "responsible jobs-assured" major I hated, kept nose to the stone didn't party just studied. ever since graduation i've been drowning. no jobs no money no hope. I don't even like my major and I can't stand the work. all I get are super shitty gig jobs that don't even need a degree. my "references" have been saying bad things about me despite smiling to my face. can't get a decent job, can't pay debt, can't even pay my bills, I'm going crazy. I'd give the degree back if they'd wipe the debt. 4 years of my life wasted. I'd have been better off lerning2code by myself for that shit. Did everything right and all I got for it was fucked. I'd have been better off not going to college at all. Feel like I've been fucked over and betrayed by every facet of society.

>> No.12677583


>> No.12677647

Can you tell me more about your experience? Thinking about doing this for a year after I get my degree.

>> No.12677731

The world could literally be ending and the boards would just be filled with pink wojaks and 'kinos for this feel?' threads

>> No.12677876

First my two questions for you would be:
1. Do you actually like teaching, are interested in it, or at least have the personality for it?
2. How much do you like Japan? (anywhere from full blown weeaboo fag to "two bombs were not enough")

>> No.12677955

Fuck you
>applied to teach engulisu
>turned down, voice too soft
Just fuck you. At least I'm bilingual now from preparing for living there... The raw eromanga is worth it.

>> No.12677997

Where did you apply?

>> No.12678034

i feel like getting close to somebody. as in, i would like to be vulnerable towards someone, preferably someone of the opposite sex. am i turning into a normalfag?

>> No.12678114

samefagging continued

i want to show my flesh to someone else. i want to slice open my skin and show the red parts to someone else. not in the literal sense, but you know.... i just have this urge to be raw and totally honest with someone.

>> No.12678176
File: 199 KB, 1280x1015, 1487982415914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel perpetually lost, scared, confused and alone.

I did a bachelor's degree which I wasn't really interested in, half-assed the entire thing and ended up with a 2.1. Made some decent friends but I barely see them. I abandoned the idea of following that career path, and then I worked a series of three horrible retail jobs, during which I proved to myself and others that, actually, I have no people skills at all and am generally very incompetent. I panic whenever confronted with a social interaction and consequently don't listen, and don't remember things.
I think the problem is that despite my penchant for self pity and self hatred, I have an inflated sense of self-importance. I believe that I am more intelligent, capable and have better 'taste' than others, and when this is disproven I'm thrown again into a spiral of depression and anxiety. A previous manager said to me that while I believe I'm ambitious - and am very good at acting like I am - the reality is that I feel entitled to achieve. The more I think about it, the more I realise that she was right. I'm exceptional at creating an image. I can look at things and replicate them, and build them into a cohesive product. And that's all I am. An image. People who get closer to me can see right through it.

A year ago I went back to university to, again, study something I thought I was interested in because I romanticised the image of it. I am obsessed with image. Only this time, it's a medical degree and the stakes are much higher. What the fuck was I thinking? I have zero social ability and clinical skills are all about communication. There is no way I can hold this down as a career.

Somehow, last year, I met my partner and fell in love. And I feel like I have deceived her. I sold her an image and she fell for it. I'm terrified that she will realise this. I just want to do good, and to succeed. I want to make a lot of money and live comfortably. I want to own beautiful things, do beautiful things, and meet beautiful people. And I'm failing, miserably. Because I lost my capacity to feel inspired, and I am terrible at interacting with people. I can't make "real" friends, and now I know why. I have no personality and no drive.

I just have so many goals. I want to have a good 9-to-5 and make a lot of money. I want to make good investments and grow that money into more. I want to start a business. I want to make visual art and I want to make music. I want to write a book. I want to retire early and live off of dividends. But I'm going to lose my girlfriend and I am going to lose my life. I'm already in bad place financially, and it's my own fault for fucking up at my jobs and getting into debt. I have to make a humiliating phone call today to my father to ask him for £2000.

I don't know what to do.

>> No.12678181

ECC, why? Can't do JET since they want to dump you in inaka, and my references are lousy (iirc they wanted 3 letters of recommendation. Unless I forge them it isn't happening.) Doesn't matter anyway, miserable poorfag here miserable poorfag there. I'll just save up my shekels and make a pilgrimage to the promised land on my own dime.

>> No.12678182

'm 28 yo. I've been going to an analyst for a few years and it has helped me a lot. However since 2017 a lot of shit happened to me and thinfs went downhill in a way that I just froze, I kind of quit life and just go on day after day, shit job, frustrated and basically not being able to move with my life, anxious, with addictions, lost contact with friends, and so on.

My therapist recomended me seeing a psychiatrist, but I always refuse that offer, I have a lot of prejudice against pills in general. I'm afraid of not being able to handle life without them later. But now, I'm really considering it.

I would like to hear personal stories and advice from anxious and depressed people who started taking pills. How was/is it for you? What kind do you take and what's the effect like? How do you feel without them?

>> No.12678187

Pills are largely useless. CBT is the only rehabilitation that works.

>> No.12678199

Try going the Nootropic route first, maybe. NAC, CBD, etc... Our current psychiatry is currently too primitive, imho.

>> No.12678208

Go see a therapist.

>> No.12678262

>ECC, why?
Because, as I'm sure you know, there are several other places you could try applying to. Besides, if you've never really taught before you could be like me and find out teaching really isn't your thing and end up feeling miserable half the time.

>> No.12678275
File: 16 KB, 245x309, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this guy's channel and the only video with some substance seems to be the one about masculinity.
Is there a point or is it just about being random? I almost feel bad for not being that much into "meme culture" when I don't get this sort of stuff

>> No.12678337
File: 33 KB, 550x366, QPIXXcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2013 was 12 years ago

>> No.12678379


He's just being a shit more often than not. Occasionally he's serious in the video descriptions.

>> No.12678384
File: 10 KB, 261x148, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a natural, in-born talent to make the wrong choice at the very last moment. My talent to screw thigs up this way is comparable only to the track record of all my past mistakes, of which I never seem to learn.
Just a couple of days ago I told myself I would quit coke, after finding myself in the worst shithole of town surrounded by people who lost everything cause of it. The last night, I'm doing coke in the park, and then went to drop out the only girl who would give me her affection without asking for anything in return. The second she leaves, I start making out with her sister. Even tho I knew she would come back any moment. Even tho I've made the same mistake before and lost one of the finest girls I've had because of it.
I'll just have to resign to a life of solitude, not because I'm an incel like you, but because I'm the most stupid guy to walk the earth.

>> No.12678469
File: 123 KB, 1198x282, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly because most suicidal people don't have the focus to plan such long-term objective, nor the resources to do it. And, above all, they lack the will to live, which is the essential part of your little global adventure.
If you just wanted to end it, the you would just put a bullet in your head. For you to be planning this world tour. it means you're not done yet. Maybe at the end, you'll just off yourself, maybe you'll discover some other thing to do while traveling and postpone your death again.

>> No.12678519

I’ve recently been more spiritual and it has given me freedom and relief of death and all its implications. I’ve been more spiritual and focused and I’ve been seeing results. Negative people are easier to let go of. Job opportunities have me driving toward even bigger opportunities. I’ve been praying and God has always blessed me right even when I’ve done the most ugliest things. My mind is constantly thinking better now i can resist temptation as a discipline. Get your peace today

>> No.12679299

>tfw you're new in college
>females give you the disgust stare already
Jesus, i know i'm ugly and pathetic and i'll probably die a virgin but can you please chill out? It's always like that, either total social alienation or pure disgust. They probably think that i'm like the new guys who are all trying to "hook up" or whatever, and on the basis that i'm ugly, they are already signaling "don't even try" but little they know that the last time i have talked to a female was 7 years ago, and that ended up in humiliation, so i'm never trying again.

>> No.12679448

I don't want to kill myself, but I think I'd take anything over how things are right now. I'm going blind, I can't drive due to vision issues, I live in America where you have to drive to do anything, I'm going to school for a degree I'll probably never use, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life in debt. I wish I was just born better. I wish I had eyes that worked, I wish I wasn't autistic, I wish I was actually worth a shit. I feel like a paperweight. I feel like Gregor in Kafka's Metamorphosis: just a disgusting mass waiting for death.

>> No.12679684

>I live in America
You literally already won at life. You can overcome all of the challenges you face. Man up and start improving yourself

>> No.12679719
File: 2 KB, 96x125, 1551317182600s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going blind, I
is there a treatment you can get or something?

>> No.12679936

You should stop jacking it all the time.

>> No.12680839

>got into a short encounter with a girl
>I wasn't there 100% so I didn't show much interest (and because she's way out of my league anyway)
>notice that she's checking me out afterwards
>when I was about to leave the bar I make sure to say bye
>she says bye with a huge smile on her face and it seemed to me like she wanted to hug me but I sperged out of that one
>tell myself to stop being a sissy and find her on social media
>send a request with a message saying I'd like to see her again (literally never done this while actually fucking meaning it)

well, it's been six days and nothing, thanks for at least giving me a little hope, reach me the fucking noose

>> No.12680887


>> No.12681131

>less poverty than ever, decreasing each year
>less deaths thanks to war than ever, decreasing every year
>more wars get solved by diplomacy than ever before, increasing every year
>longest lasting peace-time
>most of the shit you cry about are blatantly untrue, like "drug addiction, child abuse, infidelity, misery, despondence, stagnation, and suffering are the norm, not the exception" which is completely laughable since all of those are decreasing rather than in the rise
>muh people are fake because I know people only from instagram and twitter and women are all whores :((((((
How does one misinterpret facts so that he can be happy? What pill is this? The blissfully ignorant?

Don't go to a therapist. You need to overcome this by yourself. They are just doing their jobs, they do not and will not understand what you go through but will pretend like they do which is repulsive once you see through it.
>I just have so many goals.
Read On the Shortness of Life by Seneca. You have time to achieve your goals as long as they can become your drug. Replace smoking,drinking,fapping,video games,anime,TV,whatever else im missing with working towards your goals , these things are only a easy substituent for it. If you can't do it then most likely you havent found your true passion which leads you to "half ass it". I read a writer's biopgrahy, he loved reading so much that he would teach himself languages to read more, he would read until he fell asleep , he would not bathe or dress appropriately, often wearing rugged clothing. He would sell the books he read just so he can buy more books. If however money is your goal you will never be happy

>> No.12681150

My mom told me she got three compliments from different people yesterday about "her wonderfully kind son" when I was helping out in the store last week.
I don't know how to feel about this, but the fact I've managed to deal with the amount of bullshit I have and still come out as a nice person in the eyes of others makes me feel like the suffering and bullying I experienced when I was a kid has just tempered me as a person.

>> No.12681237

>Don't go to a therapist. You need to overcome this by yourself. They are just doing their jobs, they do not and will not understand what you go through but will pretend like they do which is repulsive once you see through it.

Going to therapy IS about overcoming it yourself.

And they are not there to assume anything, but to help you listen to yourself.

>> No.12681268

Nothing is your thing anon. One thing that keeps me here (7 years this fall) is knowing that all other jobs would be equally as unsatisfying (and pay less) if I quit and went back. I think a lot of people who leave Japan over culture shock are actually just shocked by becoming an adult.

All English schools are far harder to apply to from your home country than from Japan (I applied to ECC and AEON and they had ROUNDS of interviews; in Japan the big company I worked for briefly had a 20 minute chat with me and needed no references), and it’s better to apply to a local schools where you aren’t expendable than one of the big ones.

>> No.12681300

depression and physical illnesses have left me without much of a sex drive. it's still there, but greatly reduced. nofap is not an effort at all for me, and provides no benefit

>> No.12681311

get a whore

>> No.12681327

i'm love hungry, my friend. i'd kill myself if it came down to paying for sex

>> No.12681350

Well in that case, I don't know. That sounds a lot worse than I was imagining. Have you tried all the usual remedies for those problems (diet, exercise, therapy, blood tests, etc.)?

>> No.12681364

Things are starting to go really good. I just need to be strong enough to handle them.

I've spent so much of my time not trying that trying feels weird.

All I need to do is go to a state school for 2 years and get a 3.5 in an English major. I hardly read at all and I'm not well read in the slightest though.

>> No.12681367

I'm dumb, am going crazy, don't know what to think about anything anymore, don't know what's real, don't know what to do, where to go, what to feel. Life is dark, see no light at end of tunnel. Have no energy to change, to read, pursue, live, or am I believing my own bullcrap? I am trapped, alone. I used to be scared, but now I am numb, that scares me more.

Ufo's visit my bedroom window at night, strange noises tormenting me, they know that I know about them. Living in a fantasy, imagination running wild, yet limited, held in constraints, trying to break the barrier, trying to see what's on the other side, if it even exist at all.

Conceptualization of reality is in tatters.

>> No.12681564

for all of the solutions that men greater than myself have posed to problems greter than my own, for all of these that I know, none seem to work on me, perhaps it is because I am lesser than them or my problems are, moreso a combination of both factors. For all of these great ideas and reasonings, none seem to calm me to the degree that simple violence or physical stress do, maybe it is due to instinct or that physical means are more direct but what I do know is that on my current way of thinking and acting no amount of philosophy or theology will satiate my anxiety and pride. I want to change how I am, because the way I am gives me further anxiety and thus furthers my despair

>> No.12681618

Everything is so loudy and messy here in the city. Sirens, screams, the mob wandering everywhere, each street covered with plastic bags and trash.....What are we trying to pursue inside this? Why don't we die already?

>> No.12681686

this year i will get a boyfriend


>> No.12681701

Way to go anon. I was a twigman my entire life until about a month ago. I started eating about the same as you and I've never felt better. It's wild actually having an appetite.
My entire life I sort of just accepted I was skinny and was going to be skinny forever, as if the realm of fitness and athleticism was off limits to me. Now after about a month and a half I'm seeing differences on my body and things are less heavy than they used to be. People have noticed, too. Keep it up anon, the first time you see results it's magical. I spent a good half hour just mirin' myself in the mirror. Whatever you do just don't give up.

>> No.12681735
File: 995 KB, 1240x1754, 1551287464774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a girlfriend
At this point on my life I can't even get interested on trying
I just paid an escort for sex but it was more like release from urges that something that I enjoyed
I don't know if am stunned or what
Just can't fathom the idea of having someone liking me

>> No.12681908

This is not a bad plan desu.

>> No.12681969

I was hanging out in a Starbucks today (because free wifi) and this homeless guy with the biggest, most grotesque black eye in history stumbled in behind me. He staggered about and held his hands on his face. Besides the blood on his hoodie I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. For all I knew he could have been in the process of turning into a zombie. Then he removed his hands and revealed the nasty shiner both the size and color of a ripe plum. The man then fell beside me and knocked my chair a little, but he did nothing to keep himself from falling and landed right smack onto the already aggravated bloody bulb protruding from his face. I was concerned that he would get blood everywhere and turn it into a truly ugly scene but he eventually found it in him to drag himself back out into the cold.

>> No.12682033
File: 32 KB, 653x490, 1547176152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As my college days draw to a close I'm once again aware that I am completely lost. I'll have accomplished something academically, which I suppose is at least one good thing about the whole experience, but I still feel like I've wasted this time which seems to be so formative for most people. I did all the meme things I could, traveled abroad extensively, tried drugs and alcohol but stopped before it was a habit, went to the gym and got in shape, learned to cook decent meals, wasted less time online, focused on improving myself in general, but despite all that I am still where I started fundamentally.

I still have no real passions or interests, hobbies and pass times yes but nothing that truly colors my life and excites me for the future. My only literary accomplishments are a few short stories, a handful of poems, and a rough sketch for a longer piece. Unpublished, of course. I barely read anymore. My only friends are still the handful of people from high school I keep in touch with, and they dwindle by the year as they take the step into the next part of their life that I seem unable to cross. I haven't felt really close to anyone in years. I've never kissed a girl.

And what now? A job in my hometown for a few years, as I save some money before doing a masters degree and then a job in another city. For what purpose? To make enough money to live and watch as the few dreams I had slide further and further into the past?

I'd do it, that's the scary a thing. A year ago I would have been suicidal and raging, however retardedly, against the wretchedness of my life. Now all that self-improvement shit has managed to push my thought patterns enough that I can pretend its alright if I surround myself with media and good food and I go to the gym three times a week and practice drawing a few times and get dressed every day. It's alright that I have no friends or romantic life or real accomplishments or future or past or reason to exist. It's alright.

I don't even know why I typed this. Felt pretty bad walking back home today I guess, cold and dark except for the harsh headlights flashing by. I guess it's just a coping mechanism to try to externalize my pain into some egotistical display.

>> No.12682316

good luck man

>> No.12682341

You have been dumped into a heterogeneous patchwork of criminal activities converging upon decapitated social formations. This is where base materialism intersects cyberpunk, FUCK TOMORROW scrawled on the walls.

>> No.12682415

Damn I never knew I needed this Adorno-Houllebecq amalgamation

>> No.12682437

>I still have no real passions or interests, hobbies and pass times yes but nothing that truly colors my life and excites me for the future.
I know this feeling all to well Anon. I’m a musician and when I see other musicians talk about how they spend their whole day just waiting to get home so they can practice again it makes me depressed. I hate practicing with a passion, and I suck at making even halfway decent songs. Nothing inspires me. For a long time I had the idea to write a novel about an artist on the search for meaning to create art, but like everything else I never did it. Feel free to steal it from me, I won’t ever do it

>> No.12682488

My favorite thing about this picture is that you have no clue what the expression on wojak’s face is. And even if he was weeping, would it be a bad thing to weep? As my friend Hamlet said, there is no good or evil, but thinking it makes it so

>> No.12682550

What do you eat?

>> No.12682561

I'm beginning to realize how this website how stolen my free thought and imagination. For a long time my opinion was swayed merely by the replies to a post, and I would never ask myself what i personally thought. Although this was all at a time when I was much younger, i dont really know if i can blame myself for it, but who else fault would it be.

If youre a young man or woman who is under the age of 18 and impressionable; leave. leave this place forever, go out and talk, and think, and do it yourself

>> No.12682562
File: 41 KB, 333x500, doctor_faustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read this book anon?

>Mann's protagonist, the composer Adrian Leverkühn, is the flower of German culture, a brilliant, isolated, overreaching figure, his radical new music a breakneck game played by art at the very edge of impossibility. In return for twenty-four years of unparalleled musical accomplishment, he bargains away his soul - and the ability to love his fellow man.

It's no easy read, and the music Adrian Leverkuhn composes is likely nothing like what people compose today, but it's the book on artistic composition that everyone who wrote about artists before could only wish to write. Mann so effortlessly blends history, fiction, music, and philosophy including the Faust theme that if it was published in the 1920's or so it would have make everyone collectively cum (though if you read it you would realize it would have been impossible for it to have been published then since certain historical events hadn't happened yet), but it bears all the strange hallmarks of late style. Not the type of book that one beings their career with but one that rounds off an already full bibliography, so maybe that'll influence you more since Mann had already wrote fairly conventional works about the artist's search for meaning in novella's like Tonio Kroger, but this is another beast entirely

>> No.12682573

Thanks for the recc anon. No I haven’t read this one yet