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File: 109 KB, 540x960, heythere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12653522 No.12653522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this just means you think you could do better
Name a worse argument.

>> No.12653536

>stop saying it's never worked before and make a real argument!
Name a worse counterargument

>> No.12653554
File: 236 KB, 500x629, APttP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pigs.
All power to the people

>> No.12653562
File: 74 KB, 414x550, The best system there is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12653575


>> No.12653588

People in the sense you invoke are a spook. I thought you read Stirner?

>> No.12653590

das raciss

>> No.12653592

Jordan peterson causes so much butthurt for the undergrads on this board that im starting to sympathize with him

>> No.12653647


>> No.12653665

Really seems like a nice guy desu

>> No.12653695

Nonsense that's not what Stirner said or nonsense you haven't read Stirner?

Either way it's clear you haven't, btw.

>> No.12653714

People are just people. I'm not invoking the Mankind thing as a greater than me spook, I am promoting the idea that they all ought to seize their power. That's what "all power to the people" means.

>> No.12653718

but they probably believed their system actually worked. Their concept of death was different from the rest of the world. The idea in the picture makes sense, it's just in the wrong context.

>> No.12653723


>> No.12653740

Can you explain what you mean by power?

>> No.12653745

You're in the wrong context

Gen-X, zoomer.

>> No.12653747

>whataboutism whatabouts my free speech
Kill yourself /his/.

>> No.12653767

Chomsky has repeatedly destroyed that line of argument. See below (skip to 1:15)


>> No.12653787

*The* people. Sorry but that's an incredibly spooky phrase. It carries with the connotation of a monolithic entity. The vast majority of its usages are indeed a reference to Mankind, or at least Mankind minus the Elite. But perhaps this particular disagreement can be chalked up to the ambiguity of language.

So taking your clarification at face value, you are saying that each person must seize their power. Well, what does this actually mean? What is "their" power, vs. someone else's? What degree of power are they entitled to? Stirner would say they are entitled to whatever they can take. So when you say, "all power to the people", you are failing to describe very much of anything at all. You are say it should be taken away from the Elite, but you haven't described how it is to be distributed amongst everyone else. This makes it very hard for me to believe that you are not, in fact, referring to a spook, because you seem to be talking as if an entity titled "the people" can hold power.

>> No.12653791

It is difficult to care about someone who claims to be an authority worth listening to on contemporary political matters who accepts the official mainstream story of 9/11 with little to no skepticism or interest even though much of his work displays thinking that would lead to such questioning at the very least.

>> No.12653796

>dude if we just train the commoner retatd to be better he will

>> No.12653808
File: 182 KB, 691x1000, unclejoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not real communism
It was real and glorious. If few kulaks end up dead and revisionist purged so be it.

>> No.12653954

>muh planned demolition

>> No.12654006

Cognative dissonance

>> No.12654028

>Name a worse argument.
The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

>> No.12654145

Stop not being a pseud, anon.

>> No.12654202


>> No.12654209

Power to the people

>> No.12654214
File: 57 KB, 308x407, ceausescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even an argument. But as somebody who actually lived under Communism I can tell you he's right. As will most other people who lived under it (with exception of the fat cats at the top).

>> No.12655162


>green text what you can't refute through appeal to /his/
>repeat everything he said in frogvoice
>put in /lit/ instead of /pol/

There you go.

>> No.12655172

You said power to the 'people' as if the people was some sort of greater idea worth giving power to

>> No.12655192

(You) looking to rally anti JP support on 4chan as a cope as if it means anything.

Him being a midwit catering to NPCs doesnt make (You) batrachian anon.

>> No.12655213

Best system fucking spics have ever made

>> No.12655235

To give any sort of inherent social importance the category of humanity which privileges it over other categories of that denote human organizations, is to make "humanity" nothing more than a spook.

>> No.12655631

Power is freedom but also control. An ideal world would balance these with justifiable hierarchies. A sharing of powers and responsibilities till all egoists were reasonably satisfied.

It can be taken as such, but it is never what I mean. People are a fact of life, and I like them, I want them to improve their lot in life, and continue to grow and learn.
Their power through justifiable hierarchy. Will some brat read about Alexander and wish to conquer the peaceful world of anarchism? Perhaps. Doing away with the spooks of law, statism and capitalism, people would have to live in some new way or risk letting statists rule over them. A UNION OF EGOISTS ARE NOT A SPOOK. A dream they may be.

The greater idea here is to keep power elites from overpowering me, so dithering this power amongst other people/egoists would be mutually beneficial

Climb aboard the pyre

No u