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12649371 No.12649371 [Reply] [Original]

me on the top

>> No.12649382

is Georges Perec a bloomer or doomer

>> No.12649398

I doubt anyone alive is 100% bloomer or doomer. People have their moments when they can act more doomer or bloomer, or have traits of both. Likewise, I’m certain Perec is similar.

>> No.12649399

i'm a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll, call me a Gloomer

>> No.12649449


Melancholic bloomer, for sure.

>> No.12649670


>> No.12649700

Why is Shakespeare in bloomer, when his best play is doomer?

>> No.12649730

Thread theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAb_bCtKuXg

>> No.12649800

Man, Cannery Row is a fucking comfy book. I should read it again...

>> No.12649810

Six of those books in the lower chart are my favorites. Does this make me a bloomer?

>> No.12649813

Reminder this meme is unbelievably awful

>> No.12649815

Which ones

>> No.12650237

The Bloomer looks like he’s mentally retarded and just sat on his first vibrating butt plug.

>> No.12650341

king lear is pretty bleak yeah

>> No.12650344

what's so awful about it?

>> No.12650623

Zhuangzu, Tao Te Ching, Walden, The Gay Science, William Blake, de Montagne's Essays
I'm curious about Perec and I have some of his books in French and I'll also look more into Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.12650887

un homme qui dort is bloomer not doomer

>> No.12651623

which translations of zhuangzu and the tao te ching do you use?

>> No.12651829

i think i just got aids

>> No.12652645

I read both in my native language so I can't really advice anything

>> No.12652939

I come and go between these two, usually in cycles of three or four months. Pretty used to it by now so I take neither mood too seriously as I know it will end.

>> No.12652963

I will never understand why people pride themselves on being miserable and refusing to better themselves.

>> No.12652980

people will latch on to anything to feel unique

>> No.12652987

I like the doomer aesthetic but admire the bloomer mindset.

>> No.12653023

it's not about pride. Some people are just too retarded to not hate themselves.

>> No.12653058

Hamlet is bloomer in the end

>> No.12653068

Being doomer or bloomer is like being wet or dry: a state that is transitive..

>> No.12653074

such a bloomer thing to say

>> No.12653079

It's subjectively super hard to change the situation so you glorify it instead and pretend it's your choice to be miserable

>> No.12653086

such a doomer thing to say

>> No.12653090

I'd describe myself as an aspiring bloomer.

>> No.12653186

It's trite and boring. "Happy" and "sad" dichotomy is the most basic shit ever, it's what most normalfag media is based around. Clearly dull newfags have overtaken the community who came up with the great esoteric memes of old.

>> No.12653193
File: 7 KB, 283x178, ciorAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Hunger doing on the top? It has an uplifting ending. Also, why isn't there a fucking single Cioran work? He's the ultimate doomer.

>> No.12653197

whoops, I fucked up. But yeah, still don't get Hunger.

>> No.12653201

if you only see a dichotomy between happy and sad in that image then i'm afraid the dull one here is you
use that noggin. is the vision of life put forward by rabelais, shakespeare, zhuangzi, and montaigne a naive positivity? happiness simpliciter? or is it more complex than that? ditto for the 'doomers'. is the only commonality between them 'sadness'?

>> No.12653250
File: 769 KB, 3844x1824, pill books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare to this masterpiece. You may feel sophisticated for sublimating your mental illness through normie books, but so do ledditors. Inability to look past one's own petty idiosyncrasies is peak NPC.

>> No.12653257

it would be funny if i could believe you were capable of self-parody
i must pray

>> No.12653708

Mainländer desu