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/lit/ - Literature

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12641047 No.12641047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's your least favorite recognizable poster?

>> No.12641079

"goodnight frens" poster

>> No.12641081

the guy that posts his book shelf photo as a main thread (instead of the shelf thread) every few weeks, and all his books are basically about the cia, american foreign policy, and chomsky (with one or two penguin classics). then anons give him advice for books and he spends his time arguing with everyone. he's either a troll or one of the more genuinely aggravating people I've come across online.

>> No.12641094

How about posters you miss? For me its the guy who keeps posting oscar wao

>> No.12641097
File: 35 KB, 620x465, What-does-it-matter-how-many-lovers-you-have-if-none-of-them-gives-you-the-universe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them. Being an "x"-poster or a "y"-poster (schizoposter, mommyposter, londonfrog, asexualposter ect.) Is no better than trip and namefaging, and is, infact, worse due to a repetition of content rather than just name. The fact that people try to meme themselves to relevance (or rather, recognition) on the literature board of a Bolivian Tumbleweed Chasing site is truly, and I mean truly, pathetic. It isn't endearing, it isn't entertaining, it's just pathetic. You may not like hearing it, but it's true.

>> No.12641099

Anyone with a trip.

>> No.12641104

the anon reading this post right now

>> No.12641105

Pessoaposter is insufferable

>> No.12641108

That one blogposting faggot who posts how unproductive and miserable his day is, and his OP is always a frog.

>> No.12641110

Can't agree with you there.

>> No.12641114

oh mb didnt see "least"

>> No.12641119


>> No.12641123


>> No.12641130

that one guy who is absolutely obsessed with IQ and brings it up even if it has nothing to do with the thread. He types in all lowercase and full paragraphs and has an extremely supercilious posting style

>> No.12641131

the kierkegaardposter

>> No.12641137


>> No.12641139

Thank you.

>> No.12641144
File: 66 KB, 670x500, BFB3A4EA-85CD-46A6-AE5D-ED5098FC1DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh another complain-poster

>> No.12641153

the poor boy who compared laughing to dancing, "laughing is your body going into spasms," spasms, not the same as deliberate, participatory movement, it's pretty obvious why he doesn't see a difference, pretty sure he's come up in other threads, likes to greentext and add nothing of interest or value, much less an opinion of his own

>> No.12641164

I don't know but Guenonfag sure is my favorite poster

>> No.12641175


>> No.12641182

t. manlet brainlet

>> No.12641184
File: 4 KB, 162x54, kierkegaard_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like there's only one of me

>> No.12641187

Baylebridge poster

>> No.12641234

low iq post

>> No.12641262

Get fucked

>> No.12641293

That's great and redpilled. Am I supposed to think it's bad?

>> No.12641343


Here he is in this thread: >>12640890

It's the right hand side picture. Looks like he is throwing out baits again.

>> No.12641372

The fucking loser who can't shut up about the Jews. Go back to Stormfront, loser

>> No.12641384

This fat cunt.
There's more than one. I shudder to think what this board will look like even a year from now.

>> No.12641389

That guy that thinks that pascals wager will convince anyone with more than a double digit IQ to convert to his brand of a jewish religion.

>> No.12641390
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>> No.12641391

I don't use Stormfront, or /pol/, or any website for that matter.
I don't even use 4channel.
I'm merely a figment of your overzealous imagination.

>> No.12641393

all of the leftist ones

>> No.12641395

Nazi cringe will be on its way out next year.

>> No.12641396

That one commie tranny tripfag who posts his worthless opinions everywhere and thinks anybody cares
He's ITT actually, what a surprise

>> No.12641399

who did 9/11

>> No.12641406

I just want to say that I appreciate that rambling schizo poster who copies land. Most of his threads are garbage, but the first three or so lines of his OP are quality enough to be worth it.

>> No.12641431
File: 67 KB, 658x588, apufrogcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that gweilo with yellow fever who never shuts up about buddhism, and the zhuangzi poster who makes threads with the subject "stop _____" and no post body

>> No.12641446

On a positive note, I really like the based acid free paper poster.

>> No.12641456

Kek i like those threads. Always reach bump limit and interesting discussions

>> No.12641457

Tao Lin

>> No.12641466

Go to bed Tao

>> No.12641478


>> No.12641517

tripfags in general but especially that anti lit poster

>> No.12641920
File: 79 KB, 486x427, WORST POSTER OF ALL TIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one correct answer.

>> No.12641922

That's rude, frensposter is polite and friendly.

>> No.12641927

>this much anger to a random internet tripposters
honestly i love it

>> No.12641928


>> No.12642010

Kill tripfags

>> No.12642030

Post, regret it. Don't post, regret it.

>> No.12642057

mccarthyposter from 2017 who would greentext scenes from blood meridian with hilarious twists. the one about the kid shitting while the judge watched the mountain had me fucking dying and i never saved it. hasn't posted since. fuck you for making me laff so hard u cunt.

>> No.12642059

is that the same guy who spams the nick land threads with huge walls of text? that guy needs help.

>> No.12642065

This, all tripfags should be permabanned

>> No.12642084

fuck that butterfly faggot

>> No.12642123

besides londonfrog, i doubt anyone tries to "meme themselves" you actual retarded person, they just have a recognizable posting style. it's pretty fucking easy to become recognizable on a slow ass board like this, all you need to do is make original posts rather than wojak-pepe templates and what did he mean by this books for this feel was it kino meme meme meme wardine be cry

>> No.12642144

Every Catholic poster. You're not original, hip, or rebellious for saying you're "trad" while fapping to trap porn

>> No.12642425


the one with the best prose

>> No.12642441

My favorite one is the elaborate ruse anon (i.e. Norwegian cabin, manuscript in the pizza box, etc.). I'm starting to suspect London frog is the same anon on a new ruse.

>> No.12642452

I've had people screencap my posts and attach them as OP images to "books for this feel" threads. Does that make me a recognizable poster?

>> No.12642495

newfriends hatred of pseudobutters is the funniest thing

>> No.12642530

>oops, let me post pessoa again and again and use the same images, lole! oh no i did it again, i posted an useless question with pope's picture attatched to it! look how funny and ironic i am by repeating content and then posting a thread like "what posters do you recognize hehehehe" so that people can mention my "name" lol! i'm definitely not doing it for attention! or rather, even more fantastically: i'm doing it for attention and i know it and i'm self aware about it!
For some reason, newfags tend to repeat that /lit is a "slow" board. They have probably come from /v/,/pol/ or /tv/ and their adhd rotted brain are used to stimulation. They spam the F5, signaling a dopamine hit to their brain's reward function, which gives them a small unnoticeable pleasure, as they click the thread that has now the newest post on the catalog. If the board is not constantly having hundreds of simultaneous asinine posts, then it's dead, the brainlet cries. The fact is that /lit/ is by no means a slow board. Slow boards are boards like /gd/, /o/, /i/ and other boards that one doesn't even have to visit to know they're dead like /trv/. There, posts survive for weeks, months even, and in a day you have no more than a dozen replies. These are slow boards and one could visit right now and find a "merry christmas" post, or a "new years" mention. One could probably identify prose styles, based on the obvious low amount of posts and limited users. Not the case with /lit/. Here threads at most, survive a few days. Rarely a week. There are constantly 300+ threads, and most die at 5 - 6 hours of inattention. Identifying prose styles isn't viable, unless Anon is purposefully trying to distinguish himself. You can see this in the fact that no one here recognizes writers in the critique thread, who are actually trying to be different. Because no one here actually reads literature or is interested in it. And the recognized posters are only recognized so not because of their "prose", but because they spam the same retarded content in an attempt to be funny. /lit/ has actually a constant influx of posters, and a pretty good board speed which allows for careful discussion and (theoretically), renewal of content. This renewal of content obviously doesn't happen in large because of faggots like you(memeposter defener, and probably memeposter yourself), and memeposters.

>> No.12642535

And they were gone for years. It was only since this past november, toward the end of it, they resurfaced.

>> No.12642552

This piece of shit

>> No.12642584

This board isn't slow. It used to be, but not anymore. I hate it.

>> No.12642600
File: 667 KB, 1106x892, 2018-09-02 00.32.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheists and newfags who read nietzsche once but none of the greeks

>> No.12642612

But why is this furry thing rubbing hot sauce into his eyes with green gloves on? I don't get the connection with the tattoo.

And always off topic. I'm polite and friendly and it gets me nowhere. I need to post less on topic, is that what this is reinforcing?

It is me though.

So we encourage them to read them. What does their lack of spooks have to do with anything?

>> No.12642634

>hey i was wondering if this book (invariably 1984, F451, Brave New World) is actually worth reading? Thanks.
Now you may say that actually those posts are all made by confused teenagers who are looking at getting into reading, but actually it's all one person. I have proof but it won't fit in this post.

>> No.12642647

no, i'm that guy and i don't talk about IQ

>> No.12642720

Anyone remembers the delusional memoir anon who used to make elaborate shitposts? the husserl scholar larper

>> No.12642734

This motherfucker.

>> No.12642735

Nobody referred to me :( I feel unloved being so unloathed

>> No.12642745

i love you anon :)

>> No.12642767 [DELETED] 

>atheists and newfags who read nietzsche once but none of the greeks
This. Also the literature and sociology majors here who only read 20th and 21st century continental philosophy and nothing else in philosophy.

>> No.12642788

Do people become Catholic to be original, hip and rebellious? This is becoming a very strange world indeed.

>> No.12642799

Based. Kill all tripfags

>> No.12642811

You're alright

>> No.12642826

i control 5% of the memes here and no or antics, no referenced me

>> No.12642890

Live a long and painful life

>> No.12642891

I coined the first few write what’s on your mind threads to narcissisticly blog post about myself and my, at the time, recently ruined relationship.

Then I’d blog post about how I’d grope girls in public and get their number without talking to them (happened twice).

Then for a while I really got in a writing flow state and I’d write some pretty good poetry.

Then I’d post my occult-bent philosophy.

No one knows me.

>> No.12642919

None of that is sufficiently unique

>> No.12642934

You're alright.

>> No.12642946

It has happened to me too. Maybe we are one.

>> No.12642952

this is why people hate you

>> No.12642962

Good point but I can't agree with the idea that memeposters are the unique or even main reason for lack of new content in this board. All anons just like memes too much, and memetic communication is fundamentally antagonistic literature.

For /lit/ to really become better it would have to cease to be a part of 4chan or 4channel or whatever. But it's not gonna happen of course.

>> No.12642982

Me desu. I'm too articulate for this place and this makes me come off as stodgy and pretentious which I am

>> No.12642995

All tripfags, especially butterfly posters and especially this little faggot >>12641175

>> No.12643007
File: 433 KB, 586x630, 2018-12-26 01.44.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does their lack of spooks have to do with anything?
The ignorant should not speak uninformed. Nietzscheans and atheists LIKE being ignorant of theology. This is unsatisfactory.

>> No.12643024

isabelle huppert and deep&edgy

>> No.12643079

the one that keeps posting about Shakespeare and metaphors

>> No.12643121

This, the christlarpers on /lit/ have become so tiresome and preachy.

>> No.12643123

All of you, you faggots
Why do I still come to this god forsaken board

>> No.12643128

Malcontents hate me, big whoop. Non readers hate me, who cares?

And yet there you are flapping your gums, implying atheists don’t get their ears stuffed with your rotten sod. Reading the Bible un-converted me.

>> No.12643135

On this board it is

>> No.12643169

Do your guys's eyeballs also twitch uncontrollably and (sometimes) bleed when you see a post that you don't like? It is happening to me right now.

>> No.12643173

pretty sure d&e tried posting with a trip over christmas break, realized it wouldnt work, and now occasionally posts under anon. same for not-bill murray/ghost of mary mccarthy/prince lucio/charles xinbote/tommy pynchon

>> No.12643184

fake butterfly posters annoy me even worse than the real thing
I hate you and I'm neither of those things

>> No.12643205

I miss AW on (basically) the Hegel threads; he's a genuinely interested, knowledgeable guy who's not afraid to be seen learning when he doesn't know (or is in the dark about) something. If youre out there, Anthony- cheers.
I miss a few others as well..
Shitposting doesn't really bother me, however- intended or not.

>> No.12643207

well obviously no one's going to distinguish your autism because obnoxious cynicism is in the dna of this board

>> No.12643380
File: 13 KB, 224x224, chie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy no one hates me.

>> No.12643399

I was really nervous scrolling through this thread hoping I wasn't identified and soon to be doxxed

now I just feel alone and a little sad

>> No.12643415

Whitehead guy, don't even think he read him.

>> No.12643416

is everyone done talking about me yet hmm

>> No.12643417

Prove it

>> No.12643425

the pascal "christianity is true because it's prophesied in the bible" anon

>> No.12643540
File: 501 KB, 1004x745, sniff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a least favorite, but my favorite is the wojack sniff poster

>> No.12643582

The guy who made the stupid fucking meme with it lives and the woman with the Google glass
Now he posts it about once a month

>> No.12643588
File: 378 KB, 1600x1537, 1_NGDhgbkBLYhqNr_CI4BbUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f girardfag
>0 results
unbelievable. there is no excuse for my not being on anyone's least favorite list. what the fuck

>> No.12643598


>> No.12643622

London frog

>> No.12643675



>> No.12643728

the kike-rat benjamin-poster in every junger thread

>> No.12643759

Land and all his larpers.

>> No.12643782

can someone post an example of mommyposter

>> No.12643839

im an idiot and i love gurgling on cocks btw

>> No.12643854

agreed, the autism he has is almost magnificent

>> No.12643862
File: 196 KB, 580x580, 1549377295519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643864

I created this mem. Now that butterfag has embraced it, I really feel embraced by pseud lit community. Love you guys.

>> No.12643876

Seems like everyone is content with me insulting anglos on every (unrelated) thread
I'll keep fighting the good fight /lit/

>> No.12643887
File: 1022 KB, 1510x2198, LeftyMemeLoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off zizekstak. You're just seething at how bad you got outed.

>> No.12643916
File: 485 KB, 1625x1106, CapitalIsNEETchuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643925


>> No.12643949

The poster who tries to use n*gger and variants of the word as many times as he can per sentence. Very poor taste.

>> No.12643974

900. ME

>> No.12643976
File: 158 KB, 1363x767, DJKaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous transcelerationist samefags.

>> No.12643984

>not trannyposters, BAP shilling, and Landspammers

>> No.12644012

Great meme that had the jannies and pseuds seething.

>> No.12644018

You crossed a line here, anon.

>> No.12644039
File: 85 KB, 838x1255, the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12644048


>> No.12644066

Think he must mean Henry James-anon, not pragmanon.

>> No.12644076
File: 119 KB, 800x596, mw14734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that there's a difference

>> No.12644077
File: 145 KB, 600x500, 1549196004032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paragraphautist. He doesn't post on /lit/ to my knowledge but he's been a part of /classical/ for about 2 months. He is very annoying, exceedingly obtuse and completely compressed into his own asshole.

>> No.12644078

everyone below this line


>> No.12644079

This. Goodnight-poster is one of this board's trademark sweethearts.

>> No.12644086

You've never seen him before?

>> No.12644108

not a huge difference, granted. Both are appreciated by the two or three anons who occasionally participate in their threads. What became of semi-colanon btw? He shot through here like a meteor..

>> No.12644129

Personally that guy who hates God and talks about how God tested him and he's all pissed off about it and now refers to himself as a dystheistic antinatalist. I just find him annoying as hell. I guess atheism wasn't edgy enough, he has to literally declare himself an enemy of God.

>> No.12644154

why are you still here though
that's like my main concern
or are you not the original

>> No.12644192

I think you're fine. It always nice to see your little icon around.

>> No.12644196

Only found out about you yesterday, and I like you.

>> No.12644197

I liked this one. It's from here:
warosu org/lit/thread/S11176347#p11179092


This butterfly triggers me so much.
I really hate this butterfly and don't care if half of these post are done by imposers.
Everything you write is boring mundane shit and a waste of time to read. Never read anything interesting, only Facebook-equivalent crap. Replying and starting unnecessary conversations. You remind me of my ICQ time when I chatted with girls and they played their pay-me-attention-games one me.
I really wonder who you are, since all your posts seem so genuine honest.
In another thread you identified as female (no idea whether you are a tranny or not).

It is so true that it must be official. Can we add this one to the sticky?

>> No.12644200

This guy.

>> No.12644206

>about 2 months
i thinks it's closer to 1, tho it'd make sense for it to feel longer

>> No.12644227

can someone make a psychological profile of the butterfly poster?

>> No.12644239

idk about least favourite, butterfly I guess? she never has anything interesting to say, why is she even a trip?

best is of course Chadfrog, disheveled anon is fun as well

>> No.12644261

that psych anon guy from about a week ago. Fucking psychologists.

>> No.12644267

>tfw I'm a butterfly imposter but I wasn't linked

>> No.12644310
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>> No.12644316

He's rather smart but a bit obssessional and cringy yes. Also his obsessions have narrowed his ability to enjoy literature.

>> No.12644325

>proper paragraphing
>doesn't write paragraphs but writes an incomplete phrase before "paragraph spacing"
uh huh uh hu hu uh u hu hu huh uh u huh uh uu huuhuhu

>> No.12644332

Yeah, fuck anglos.

t. Frenchfag

>> No.12644334

That one guy who posts about how he can recognize posters

>> No.12644348

He's busy with schoolwork and his part time job

>> No.12644349

A lot of newfags trying to fit in have no idea what Redditspacing is. It's when you press enter after quoting something. On Reddit, it's necessary to do it if you don't want to fuck up your post's formatting. On 4chan, it just means that there's a space between the greentext and your response.

Just because you format your post to make it readable does not mean you're Redditspacing. If anything, Redditspacing is not just a sign that you're not used to 4chan, but it also looks terrible as well.

>> No.12644375

what metaphors, say more

>> No.12644388
File: 313 KB, 936x671, 1548690169057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw "good night frens" poster pretends to b e three separate people defending himself
why i fucking hate this guy

>> No.12644487

Is that the based brazilian anon? I also think he goes a bit too much with the whole metaphor thing (and it shows in his writing, you can get see it in amazon) but at least he's passionable and knowledgeable about literature. I wish i had passion for something in life, no matter how stupid. Seeing people like him makes me want to kill myself but at the same time it warms my heart to see someone autistically pursuing their dreams. Also, i browse this board every single day and haven't seen a post from him in months.

>> No.12644524
File: 305 KB, 700x416, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy to care that any of you are the same people day in day out, but I still hate you all equally. Most of you when you do offer good content are hopelessly lost in the details to offer anything relevant except as eXpressoed in ideological constraints. Never have I read someone here say something that I didn't hear talked about a decade ago. The rehashing is almost as soul destroying as Rorty's and some Rep. pol junkies prophecies coming true. I spent years suiting up for a fight that was lost decades ago, and now I'm suppose to care about the fact that I'm a well read, unemployed, midlife nobody that could really give people hope if I just stopped paying attention to statistics, economics, foreign policy, and history.

>> No.12644527

Nope, can't vouch for this

>> No.12644543


>reddit spacing

Absolute meme

Everybody used to type like this here back in the day

>> No.12644552

I would agree with you if you weren't an Anglo.

>> No.12644576

The subtlest and mightiest anon of all is the devotee of Alice rather than those of William or Henry. She is like the west wind, revitalizing and uncaptured, an echo or an Echo whose sussurs carry something greater than all the boisterous bleating of her better known companions. The Jamesian of William and the Jamesian of Henry is Jamesian through and through in all discussion, even if many eyes miss it, but the Jamesian of Alice, the Alicean, she is like the Whale, in all places and no places at once. You have met her but not known it.

>> No.12644588

>no one posted me
Thank god, I'm not being a nuisance after all.

>> No.12644597

this. I hate that fucking pussy I'd like to smash his fucking face

>> No.12644604

>18 to 23
>transgendered (m to f)
>standard to low iq
>attention seeking

>> No.12644614

ive been around for a while but cant recall an exact post by him
he isnt the one that really loves women, right?

>> No.12644615

do a thread about it, i want to see butterfly seething over this

>> No.12644633

the guy who thinks anyone who disagrees with him is conspiring to take down him and this website from some alleged "tranny discord"

>> No.12644647

newfag, real butterfly hasn't been here for 3 years but she is at least 40. There are pictures of her. /lit/ had a goodbye party when she left.

>> No.12644655

t. tranny from discord

>> No.12644656

>/lit/ had a goodbye party when >she left
Oh my sides

>> No.12644667
File: 107 KB, 700x695, leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12644668

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.12644673
File: 95 KB, 400x541, 1523825647687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate God (except in the strictly Christian sense of course). I just don't believe life is equitable for the people forced to exist, ESPECIALLY not under a Christian (or Muslim) eschatology. Glad I could clear that up.

>> No.12644675

That's the guy who wants people to go into theater.

>> No.12644676

There are lots of threads like that, not just on those books.

>> No.12644677

t. been posting for 4 months when mommy lets him on the computer.

original butterfly was a girl. there was proof. the impostor is a man.

>> No.12644681


>> No.12644685


butterfly has been here since literally at least '09 when I started here.

butterflies have always been the worst of the namefags.

you're full of shit and don't have a god damn clue.

>> No.12644696

I was the first one to derail Simpsons threads with Sneed/ Chuck. That is my lasting impact on the world.

>> No.12644700

If she's gone, he clearly must have been talking about that new one, don't you think?

>> No.12644712

I think he is fresh off the boat from reddit and he learned what a trip means yesterday.

>> No.12644716

based schizo poster

>> No.12644721

butteryfly posters have been the bane of this board for years

>> No.12644737

Butterfly was like 30 something years ago.

>> No.12644895
File: 11 KB, 240x299, minnie-temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

siblings, rather. Her diaries are interesting but William utterly wrecked her (especially while William was under the very strong impression that Henry was utterly wrecking him) and that bitter, pinched and thoroughly ill conclusion of hers is not attractive..
Okay I'm lying it is rather attractive so far as bitterly painful longing (it's worse than mourning) can be described as attractive..
Nonetheless my severe 19th c American waifu is not Emily Dickinson (nor Alice James- she's all yours, anon) but Minnie Temple, pic'd

>> No.12644937

Minnie is merely Williams' Beatrice, all unreified ideal.

>> No.12644961

All the better to waifu with, e.g. Anne Frank pregnant threads (which no one seems to hate btw). This is rather well known..

>> No.12644966

It's a guy who like to insist the essence of poetry is inventiveness and vividness and metaphor, that Shakespeare is unmatched for that in all literature, and he really can't make a single post without mentioning Shakespeare or metaphors or how Shakespeare did metaphors better. A lot of it comes from having read much English criticism of Shakespeare (Anglos being Anglos that means "lengthy explanations of why Shakespeare is da best", though honestly it sounds like it as done interestingly).

He's a bit more nuanced than that, he also likes Tolstoy as supreme novelist (who ironically was against deforming reality and hated shakespeare, metaphor anon likes to harp on that irony), he recognizes that dickinson's poetry is better than Shakespeare's Sonnets (but not his plays).

I also think he used to be a trip and his native language is portuguese.

A nice anon overall but he tends to run in circles too much.

>> No.12644972

*inventiveness and vividness of metaphors

>> No.12645008

I think I read a post from him like two weeks ago. He's based alright and he actually reads, but I think the memetic nature of this place isn't helping him much.

Back in the day I would often post lengthy rebuttal of his cringiest posts (as I said 4chan did bring out the cringe in him at times) and he ended telling me he recognized me and liked my take on his posts and offered to speak with me if I wanted.

He even gave me his contact info. But I was depressed at the time and I pussed out and later lost the computer where his contact was.

So basically I'm saying: brazilian Shakespeare guy, if you're still here I haven't forgotten you and I hope you're doing fine. Though it would be better if you left, as you admitted 4chan was becoming a bad habit for you.

t. the guy you once called mature and wise but who in reality is a lost and depressed snob

>> No.12645020

>stopped paying attention to statistics, economics, foreign policy, and history

Do that and also stop coming here and take care of the people around you.

t. your friend Jesus

>> No.12645021

he was both actually, yes

>> No.12645032

The pessoa frogposter

>> No.12645038

I think it's the same guy. He used to LARP about wanting to have a mommygf or being a little boy in reality and then he converted to the milder habit of just talking about how great women are. So no he's more like softboy womanlover anon.

Pretty much the same idea still, and probably still make some mommygf posts.

>> No.12645041

He was an absolute genius of language, I miss him greatly.

>> No.12645046

I hate the guy who posts about how deep the unabombers manifesto is. It's like he's trying to get us all put on the same list he's on.

>> No.12645083

>power principle
In reality it's just a sophmoric mergence of Nietzsche and Freud at their memiest- poorly written

>> No.12645111

pics? is she hot?

>> No.12645132

Hi, Mr. Maus.

>> No.12645138

girardfag worries me because becoming a kantbot miniature e-celeb is one of the great counter-initiatiory cul-de-sacs of this pivotal world-historical moment

i think all the girardfags and proto-girardfags out there, even the kantbots, should take a step back and ask "is what i'm writing right now actually pushing me or others toward qualitatively higher knowledge? or am i spinning my wheels as a consolation prize for there being nothing else to do, no reward for all my seeking up until this point, except to come down off the mountain and do parlour tricks for the plebs?"

kantbot is all speed with no acceleration, he's falling back into the reign of quantity by ceasing to be novel and generative, and becoming merely explicable, by a formula like "i guess one of these alt right faggots was eventually going to be a real grad student with some talent and authenticity instead of just some fag watching evola youtube videos. it makes sense taht there would eventually be A Kantbot"

if kantbot wants to be more than A Kantbot and girardfag wants to be more than A Girardfag they shouldn't fall into the same trap all the french niggers did by becoming so good at weaving metaphors and associative complexes together and such "erudits" that they don't do anything fucking else, again all speed with no acceleration. the better you get at this shit, the more garbage articles you can churn out for upstart faggot twitter magazines, and you just plateau, as a little gay sorcerer who can do some magic sparkles for the rubes. faust is supposed to get bored of his parlour tricks and strike out again on a new homoerotic shaman quest, not accept the parlour tricks and the trickle of dopamine he gets for showing them off as his fag reward for a lifetime of failures.

i hate these niggers. i don't like these big jerkoff threads. i don't like the fucking french and the academic bigwigs and zizek wannabes who hit the wall of What Can Be Done With Philosophy So Far As We Know It, get a single drop of authentic initiation from their journey, and immediately go "Well I guess taht's it then" and start writing IRONIC!!! HEGELIAN ANIME ANALYSES. i'm a 60th level heidegger mage, dual classed into all kinds of weird GIRARD shit.. i'd better impress rubes by showing how effortlessly i can see girardishly while looking at th emovie "Johnny Mnemonic".... isn't it cool that i can be both an amazing philosophy sorcerer while also being so laid back and casual about it?

the entire 1960s was a mind parasite invasion counter initiation psychic trap for the species, and the french were its hollowed-out zombie servitors. in fact they did the same thing with the enlightenment. the french have to be stopped. they set this whole gay pussy trend of being counter-cultural while also being a master philosopher. i want german angst back. adorno saw some tits and died of fright. where are the adornos? everyone's jerking themselves off on twitter.

>> No.12645143

There are a few pics with her still in the archive, in some of them you can even see her panties (and her cat).

Don't be too excited however, she cute but in a friendly girl/butterface way, not in a waifu way.

>> No.12645150 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 640x481, 1550877058283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like bjork so not really.

>> No.12645160

The germans started the obscurity writing trend m8, for based clarity and undegenerate take on the world you precisely want the french of old (that is, pre-nietzschean frenches, or perhaps one of those non-trendy catholic phenomenologist).

>> No.12645195

The guy that writes with "ppl" and "u."

>> No.12645204
File: 263 KB, 698x701, 1546485302027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got nothing on Bjork.

>> No.12645226

Newfags aren't aware but this is not even the real butterfly. It's a mentally ill tranny impersonating a long dead lit meme. Probably the same person as "feminister" who accidentally outed himself as a guy like 7 years ago and promptly stopped posting

>> No.12645235

So there has been multiple butterflies? This is a legacy on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.12645259
File: 17 KB, 435x557, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw two different shitposting personas of mine have been mentioned in this thread

Smells like victory hehe (something Junger would never understand hehe)

>> No.12645266
File: 30 KB, 712x649, 1550567045078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.12645267


Ask me anything

>chadfrog is SOOO interesting
Good times. What year wa it, 2015? I think I started to peek back in the winter of 2016, but like once a month or two at a time.
The imposters are pretty bad, but they only surface when I reappear. Get your own fucking name.
It’s my board.

>> No.12645277

This is what you get for mistaking art writing for philosophy

>> No.12645287

If you were to start an autistic /lit/ justice league with the ever special individuals on this site, which would you choose?

Also, have you read Kant?

>> No.12645293

I’m not a tranny, nor a meme. Feminister didn’t out themselves, it was never conclusive.
Again, only when I show up. I am the real one

>> No.12645295


>> No.12645303

bruv im not this guy. i am just angry about memes.

>> No.12645311

it was pretty weird to come back after like four years and see butters casually dropping 'faggot' in posts, replete with her daisies avatar-images
caught on to the ruse quick tho
someone has been on here too long
and i almost buy that they're part of the ongoing discord tranny psy-op

>> No.12645317

Your my fav poster and my fav musician john don't worry

>> No.12645318
File: 130 KB, 500x355, DA24C27F-5DA7-40C9-8B23-219603BDD306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d assign you all names.
Why Kant? He doesn’t sound interesting at all

>> No.12645320

i think she pays 2nd rate instagram models to pose for her.

>> No.12645322

I just don't understand why you're only into Stirner and Epicurus if you supposedly read frequently. Both of them are pretty basic philosophers with pretty tiny bodies of writing. You'd think that by now you'd've moved on to a more substantial intellectual diet while fondly remembering those two, but instead you endlessly shill them because you don't read.

>> No.12645346

that CUNT guy is super obnoxious
the worst part is that whenever he posts one of his inane all-caps ramblings, the entire board goes to glenge on his flesh dimple

>> No.12645349

How can we know you're the real one?

>> No.12645354

Butterfly admit that you think about cock

>> No.12645359

Everyone should have a tripcode

>> No.12645365

The Pseud.

>> No.12645366

Kant is more intresting than all of the mental midgets and lamebrains such as Max Stirner and Epicurus that you seem to enjoy.

>> No.12645368

she doesn't actually like stirner. If my memory serves me well she was a big fan of the film Daisies and the novels of Ursula LeGuinn

>> No.12645391
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, D013718E-3A60-43C1-B55D-03036D25DD54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a philosophy student. All you need are the basics. I’m reading fictions and sociopolitical pieces, history, even bogged down in an economics book atm. I have artistic and social aims, none of which will be helped by noodling around with various ideas on pessimism or determinism etc.
there’s it enough time, and work takes up most of it.

>> No.12645398

wo are you?


post a picture with timestamp then.

>> No.12645426

I called someone a cunt last night and got blown out for my trouble, but I'm not that cuntposter

>> No.12645439

I work and I didn't formally study philosophy and I still don't allow myself to stagnate with such basic reading.
This is based-ish, though. I read The Left Hand of Darkness a long time ago as a teenager and only recently remembered it/learned that Ursula wrote it. What would you rate as Ursula's top works, particularly among shorter works?

>> No.12645466
File: 52 KB, 641x482, 728FBE06-FACA-4EBF-8228-3CABE305DD43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a camwhore. I don’t take requests.
I made a mistake posting these couple dozen pics ages ago, so that’s all that get reposted.

Have a medal

>> No.12645512
File: 1.59 MB, 500x305, ACC18E04-8B28-4F34-B291-42D2D5C59CC9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t really matter. But it would be polite if the impersonations stopped.

It pops up on 4chin on the reg (half you guys are gay) so of course it comes into my thoughts. Still want nothing to do with them.

I’ve yet to see proof. He seems rather stuffy, robotic and Christian. I don’t really care.

I like all of those. I recently read Stirner’s Critics, Le Guin’s Lavinia, read a bit of The Wave in the Mind today.

>> No.12645522


>> No.12645539


>> No.12645541


Yes, my dear friend, I still remember you too. Actually I was thinking about you some days ago. If I am not mistaken whe changed e-mail adresses, or you gave me your adress, but I never had the guts to contact you. That was like...3 years ago, or something like that.

I managed to stay away from 4chan for some time, but eventually came back. To be honest most of my "social life" happens here. I try not to let my obsessions ooze out that much, but the fact that other Anons recognize me is actually quite telling. I don't think I do all the harm alone, though: I often see some of my posts being reused by others and it makes me feel ashamed of myself. It's as if I'm constantly echoing the same opinions over and over again (something I actually did in the past, as you made me aware). One of the times where this occurred was with a purple-prosed post about One Hundred Years of Solitude. Whenever I see this copy-paste I cringe inside.

I'm sorry to hear you were depressed, or that you are still feeling depressed. Honestly, I'm not that healthy myself, and started seeing a psychiatrist some weeks ago.

I finished a third play (a tragedy about an Afghan girl, a sort of modern day Antigone) but I have not heard anything from any publisher yet. My writing career is still non-existent, but it's all my fault: the first two plays I've written are unreadable and non-playable. I am making an effort to sober up my style and am currently trying my hand on writing a novella (quite a painful experience, because it shows how limited my talent and my knowledge are). I would gadly try to write a novel if I could come up with a plot, yet I would need to learn so many things that it it scares me to think about how long it would take me to finish anything.


>> No.12645543


>> No.12645554


I still think you are a gentle, intelligent and well-meaning person. Whenever you spotted me on the past and called my attention I felt like a young kid being corrected by a parent or elder brother. It's like: you feel that you are indeed wrong and that a wiser and more restrained person is teaching you something that you may not yet have the strength to fulfill. The irony is that you are probably younger than me.

Also, it may not be apparent to you, but you are a very honest and humble person (at least from what your posts express). These are the qualities in you - more than your reading experience and intelligence - that made me realize I was talking to someone who was a better and more evolved human being than I was.

>> No.12645557

Please make a picture with your hand and a timestamp to see whether you are female (female).

>> No.12645580

>Have a medal
Disappointing incapability of engaging beyond meme level discourse

>> No.12645631

Get your eyes Checked

>He says on an anonymous old boys club and baby eating cult site

Convince me Kant is worth reading. Stirner studies under Hegel and I don’t want to study any of him

>> No.12645670

I'm pretty sure that's a man.

>> No.12645691
File: 326 KB, 1367x623, fas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12645711

I've seen this picture a thousand times. You're an imposter.

>> No.12645716

He's a fake. There's been several fake Koz posters going around, not just on /lit/.

>> No.12645726

I've just read your posts on the archives and you seem knowledgeable on Shakespeare and literature in general. What books did you read? Did you go to a creative writing school and would you recommend it? I want to start writing for real, and try to get published, but i'm in the position in which i know my writing isn't good, and i know that there is something lacking in it, maybe a soul, or passion; but in the end it also feels like it's a technical problem too. Maybe if i read something on how the great masters did it it will help me? I'm in awe that people can just write like 500 pages or so. Also, you're right about how writing a play is easy. I feel like i can shit a play (it's going to be bad of course) in a day with not much effort, but to even write a short story of 15 pages it takes me months. I fall into the trap of every sentence needing to be perfect and i can never complete my writing.

>> No.12645776

Do you have a link to any of your work?

>> No.12645799
File: 58 KB, 642x482, Picture 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's at least a thousand days old.
As is this really old breakfast and my long lost cat Ody

>> No.12645803

>modern day Antigone)

>> No.12645939

Why would you subject yourself to this website? Also would you be interested in being my wife?

>> No.12645945


I do not think I'm a good source of advice. As I said in the previous post, I'm a failure as a writer, and I'm already 32 years old (I've been reading and writing for over 15 years).

The greatest advice I would give to my past self is: value the plot and the characters as much as the language; don't fool yourself thinking you are a great writer simply because you can write beautiful passages. Without characters, without a story, there's no life, and no matter how awe-inspiring your language might be, you will still be unsuccessful with readers and a mere curiosity. Also: pay more attention to the people and the world around you. Live as many new experiences as you can, and keep a diary to note your sensory (smell, taste, color, shape, sound) and emotional (what you felt, what you thought, etc.) perceptions of these experiences. I would also say to this old self: remember to be brief; force yourself to be brief. You will write many things that you will like but if they don't fit organically into the whole you will have to cut them out even if you feel like you are murdering a child.


>> No.12645969


One thing I did and do not regret, however, is this: if you discover a writer you admire above all try to discover several books of literary criticism that analyze his/her techniques under a microscope and with scalpels. It was what I did with Shakespeare, and it made me grow up as a poet in ways I would have thought impossible if I had been aware of how poor my poetry was when I began to write. I'm not saying that I'm a great poet, but if I were to make a thread containing excerpts of my writings from 16 to 31 years old (I completed my last play with 31, last year) you'd be amazed how much a person can improve.

So if, for example, you want to write novels and short stories and admire a realistic style like that of Chekhov and Tolstoy, a good tip would be to read their works and try to write down everything in their style that makes them interesting to you (for example, take Anna Karenina and underline every detail you find impressive, then try to be as perceptive with your own writing). At the same time look for books of criticism that talk about how these authors used details, how they constructed their characters, how they structured their plots, how they did research, or books that show how their technique is different from the technique of other authors. Good critics (unfortunately they are rare) are people who have spent several years reading certain authors carefully, and their perceptions are perceptions that perhaps you would end up having with time, but if you read them they will save you a lot of time.

Other thing: don't let the "write what you know" meme fool you. You can do research of almost anything online this days, down to the smallest details, so you need not to confine only to your own personal experience (that dosen'tmean you shouldn't try to have a good deal of them).

>> No.12645992

>Do you have a link to any of your work?

People were far more gentle and kind with me on this thread some months ago than I deserve (I was so ashamed that I did not even respond):


Look for the word "Malalai",it will guide you to my posts. These are all from my last play. I translated the original portuguese into English

>> No.12646013

Posting old photographs of me isn't proof that you are me.
You get your own trip.
Whatever happend to feminister and REI?

>> No.12646046

>if you discover a writer you admire above all try to discover several books of literary criticism that analyze his/her techniques under a microscope and with scalpels. It was what I did with Shakespeare

Do you have a link to these criticisms? Also is there a book you would recommend for someone interested in poetry?

>> No.12646056

Rei was a schizophrenic who got the treatment he so badly needed.

>> No.12646063

>One thing I did and do not regret, however, is this: if you discover a writer you admire above all try to discover several books of literary criticism that analyze his/her techniques under a microscope and with scalpels
I'm trying to do the same thing, but i find this is kinda hard to achieve if the writer you admire isn't well known like Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dante, the big names etc. For example, there was a time that i read nothing but Hart Crane, and i wanted to write poetry like him, and so i searched for books examining the intricacies of his style. Yet, all i could find, be it on amazon, or libgen, or archive org, were books of literary criticism, from that kind that i honestly find useless, the kind in which the author goes talking about how To Brooklyn Bridge is a "modernist epic poem" (though not epic because Crane can't form an overarching narrative, not even by modernist standards, they always say)which furthers the Whitman tradition and purports to bring a poetical account of "America's mythological history". I honestly couldn't care less of what critics think about such and such work means, i'm more interested in how Crane and writers in general achieve their imagery and metaphor and rhtyhm etc, basically, i'm interested in literature, and not in what literature "means". This kind of books is actually pretty hard to find and i could only find one, though i don't have the money to buy (i'm actually brazilian as well and i can't import this book), which is "Gogol's Artistry" by another of my past obsessions: Andrei Bely. This man goes into sentence diagrams, plot analysis, biographical sketches and all kinds of autism to explain how Gogol achieves his masterful prose and fantastic plots (i could only read excerpts but it seemed good). But apart from that, i couldn't really find a book that went into the technical details of other writers that i enjoy like Borges, Calvino, Rulfo, Blake and Kafka to name a few.

>> No.12646079

I loved him.
The entity formerly known as REI.

>> No.12646091
File: 56 KB, 642x482, Picture 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a nicer place back in the day.
I have always been of the lesbian persuasion.
Someone started calling me auntie, and it pleases me.

I hope he's doing well. Femi too. Whoever they were

>> No.12646099

You’ve definitely posted about being straight

>> No.12646115

Sexualities change.

Please post your book collection.

>> No.12646149

It's posts like this that make me love this board. I wish I knew some of you guys IRL. You can forget there's a person behind the posts here, it's pretty charming to see the same faces year after year slowly evolving.
>wo are you?
I've been making too many autistic posts lauding a certain author. If you haven't found me annoying enough to comment then I'm more at peace.

>> No.12646156

>Sexualities change.
VERY low IQ post

>> No.12646157
File: 52 KB, 642x482, Picture 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been a fake
(I do see them say shit like "I suck cock". It's not me)

They're actually all in boxes atm

>> No.12646222
File: 805 KB, 1440x2560, Resized_20190124_125446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're actually all in boxes atm
Please pull them out for us auntie

>> No.12646224

ACK on /a/

>> No.12646243

No no no, you’ve posted about thinking about turning straight for a guy or something. I’m sure you remember that post.

Besides that, quite frankly, you act straight all the time. So congratulations, you’re not even gay

>> No.12646263

You look like my ex. :( She's an art hoe poet gf with an mfa.

>> No.12646264

That jap guy who keeps recommending his diary.

>> No.12646287

The mentally ill catposter.

>> No.12646293

Is it okay to be a /softboy/? Will it ever be accepted, even appreciated?

>> No.12646295

Mmm. No. Not me. I led a very cloistered childhood and got none in all my teens. Some girls will try to experiment to see if they like it (either way) but I had to settle with just pondering it. Okay, embarrassing details over.

>> No.12646318

Fuck off with your art writing and call it all poetry right now you fucking pigfuck! It is god damned poetry, literally!

>> No.12646322

Kevin is too obsessed with Mundus Millenialis to post here anymore.

>> No.12646342


Dem memories. Lot of people hated her but she did sometimes bring the fun in a threas, and she was basically a smarter and more patrician version of butterfly.

>> No.12646344

But I like the facade of annonomity.

>> No.12646379

Rei has actually taken to shitposting on Mexican nationalist Twitter


God bless his autistic ass

>> No.12646422
File: 284 KB, 942x528, 2018-12-02 02.07.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't they all, though?

>> No.12646427

lol pleb

>> No.12646437

this post was almost certainly written by girardfag

>> No.12646440

There's some catposter who goes on several different boards and talks about his mental illness and how his life is falling apart.

>> No.12646491

>this post was almost certainly written by girardfag
it was not, i remember the original one
an ode to self-hatred written by me would probably have about six (cont'd) in it

>> No.12646640


I'm glad you remember (less glad you're still in this shithole, but I too relapsed after two years). Really I've been a bit harsh with you, you often make good remarks, you have a studied understanding of what you read, and most importantly you are passionate and write regularly while imposing standards on yourself.

I'm quite jealous actually. Having written maybe 20k words in ten years, I shouldn't critisize, I simply do it out of instinct.

So by any means keep up the work, and don't get discouraged. Which means, when you inevitably get discouraged, as everyone does, remember this is just a temporary setback, and then after some time get back to work.

>My writing career is still non-existent, but it's all my fault: the first two plays I've written are unreadable and non-playable.

Don't worry too much about publishing, it's good for external validation mostly, and you can get that from friends with good taste (like anon ! ok perhaps not). Remember, many great writers were never published in their lifetime, more yet were never published at all and still stand unremembered.

I feel more and more than the crux of writing is struggling with yourself, with all the ineradicable living obsessions that feed on you, all the unexamined pernicious flaws of characters you allow yourself in daily life, all the native madness you would not dare expose to anybody. Quite the tired platitude, but nontheless true. If you haven't dealt with that you essentially have cowed before the lesser parts of yourself, no matter the literary achievement.

In other words quality and success are for others to appreciate and enjoy, what you should focus on how your writing rings true to you (there's truth in content and insight but also in form, aesthetical choices betray character, compositions are in a way moral stances of their own).

> I would gadly try to write a novel if I could come up with a plot, yet I would need to learn so many things that it it scares me to think about how long it would take me to finish anything.

Standards are essential but perfectionism can be castrating, even paralyzing (trust the guy who writes on average 3 words a day). Few people are good judges of other's ability, almost none are of their own.

Remember Stendhal's spirited observation as the beginning of his autobography: " I have never been able to determine if I could write at all,. When I die, if there is an afterlife I'm allowed into, I'll ask Montesquieu if I was a good writer. And maybe Montesquieu will say 'you were absolutely mediocre my poor lad'. " (he also said he had no higher hopes than being still read in 1945, an affirmation that is amusing to read in 2019. truly a based man).

>> No.12646655

No one cares if you got any or not. See? You’re too worried about details no one cares about.

I personally find that very attractive. Now be honest. Are you a virgin?

>> No.12646673

what the fuck do these memes even mean

>> No.12646686

It's just
>being bluepilled (but like in the matrix) is totally rad, dude!
The film is They Live