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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 128 KB, 800x600, faulkner-e4b6cc36369e8945c1deb51e94dc25e6466e8f1f-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12621717 No.12621717 [Reply] [Original]

>As Faulkner's drinking problem grew worse, it began to adversely affect his family. His daughter Jill, on the day of her 12th birthday, begged Faulkner, as a birthday present to her, to go an entire day without drinking. Faulkner responded by telling her, "Nobody remembers Shakespeare's children."

Imagine getting BTFO like that by your own father.

>> No.12621783

There's no recovering from that.

>> No.12621800

based. Any more tales of this mad lad and those like him?

>> No.12621815

pretty degenerate and gay. but what can you expect from a nigger-lover like faulkner?

>> No.12621816

Why do writers drink so much? Does it not bring detriment to their writing? Or is it the opposite?

>> No.12621847

Numbs the emotional pain 99% of them suffer

>> No.12621853

I don't get it, why are you defending a man for his degenerate addiction when his daughter just wanted him to get better?

>> No.12621868

You get ideas while intoxicated that your brain would never even conceive of when sober. Alcohol is a miracle drug if used properly. Unfortunately 99% of people don't use it properly.

>> No.12621901

Pretty based response, not gonna lie.

>> No.12621939

what's your approach

>> No.12621972

Only 20th century writers drank a lot.

>> No.12621989

So it doesn't damage one's linguistic abilities? One's vocabulary storage, syntax grasp, etc?

>> No.12621992

This is true. I remember texting an angry message to some girl and the next day she told me how well written it was and that I should be a writer. I was like "Honey, I am one already."

>> No.12621998

Hamnet is discussed relatively often but only because he died. And because his name sounds like Hamlet.

>> No.12622006

kek, you're drunk now aren't you

>> No.12622039

yea lol

>> No.12622052

Damn. I know this is bait, but still it was painful to read

>> No.12622056

Yet this thread exists. Faulky's thinking was faulty.

>> No.12622085

why tho

>> No.12622089

Writing op eds for a shitty micro-blog doesn't make you a writer.

>> No.12622103

I'm about to publish my first novel (not in America). So, you tell me.

>> No.12622106

based baitposter

>> No.12622107

Last time that I drunk texted a girl I blacked out and woke up to see I had sent her nothing but MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN several hundred times over like a dozen separate texts

>> No.12622112

Prove it. Title, release date, etc.

>> No.12622114

Imagine being a shit writer and then disregarding the only people who can be bothered to like your worthless ass.

>> No.12622132

No doubt self-published on Kindle.

Want us to check out your soundcloud too?

>> No.12622138

>doxx yourself for 4chan points!! xdddd
Yea, I think I'll pass. But I'll tell you that writing's really not that hard. Any fool can do it. And my country is not Burgerland where you have to suck dicks or be a nigger, it's easier to publish here.

>> No.12622142

Why are writers so dang mean to others...

Can anyone point me to actually kind writers?

>> No.12622145

>drinking alcohol

>> No.12622165

Cruelty is dependent on emotional sensitivity. One does not know how to hurt others well unless one has already been deeply hurt.

>> No.12622216

So you're saying any story of a horrible writer, and person in general, is born of their own receiving such treatment in the past?

>> No.12622240

Tolkien, Hugo, C.S. Lewis, Saint Exupéry were all kind.

>> No.12622264

Saint Exupery was a misogynist

>> No.12622283

This actually somewhat worked for me. A girl broke up with me and I spent the next six months getting drunk and sending her lewd poems and letters until she finally agreed to see me again. Another time I just took Joyce's fart letter and replaced nora's name with the girl's and she just got mad, so I said a bunch of racist shit until she blocked me :/

>> No.12622337

I really doubt he said this. Seems like a sweetheart, but then again I don’t know much about his personal life.

>> No.12622351

fuckin' based

>> No.12622373
File: 9 KB, 255x198, sadpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its a non-sequitur. She didn't say anything about being remembered, she just asked him to stay sober for her birthday. This shit is fuckin' sad dude.

>> No.12622376

>Another time I just took Joyce's fart letter and replaced nora's name with the girl's and she just got mad, so I said a bunch of racist shit until she blocked me :/
Based and joycepilled

>> No.12622384

But a kind one.

>> No.12622531

You just drink and wait for the magic to happen.
Things that seem like dumbass ideas when sober seem like revelations when drunk, and most of the time the decisions turn out to be good in the long run.
One time I messaged someone at like 2 AM I haven't talked to in years and they immediately got back to me and said that it was odd they were just thinking about me.
Another time I drunk texted a girl, told her I had a crush on her and we had a date the next weekend.
In terms of writing though, you should never get drunk and write. Just think of getting drunk as your idea formulation time. And then write sober later.
Remember, you are just along for the ride and do what the spirit tells you to. Alcohol makes you become the person you were meant to be.

>> No.12622998
File: 15 KB, 218x231, apu_born_to_fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually laughed out loud at this for some reason, thanks fartfren