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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 600x738, 13HOUELLEBECQ-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12609360 No.12609360 [Reply] [Original]

Began reading Houellebecq today, precisely I've bought a collection of all his poetries. I'm 4 pages in and it's already all about struggle, suffering and misery. I love it.

>> No.12609385

>I'm 4 pages in and it's already all about struggle, suffering and misery.
oh wow, that's so unique in literature today!

>> No.12609403

i enjoy his books until I picture him as the protagonist

>> No.12609422

>can't read more than 4 pages without having to go on a form of social media to display the fact you did something more interesting than stare at your phone all day
Brainwashed scum.

>> No.12609471


I know somebody who's friends with Houellebecq. She told me that he's just as bad as the characters he sets out to portray

>> No.12609484

i dont doubt that he is just doing self inserts over and over.

>> No.12609538

>his poetries

>> No.12609623
File: 428 KB, 1351x1896, 81OhqKVKqKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a musician, I make music constantly, I read and I study everyday. Also I literally never watch my phone, You shouldn't be bitter if you're clueless.

Pic related.

>> No.12609635

I think he's pretty honest about this most of the time at least. The Elementary Particles is borderline autobiographical with how much of Michel is actually Michel.

>> No.12609640

yes, exactly

>> No.12609643

>oh wow, that's so unique in literature today and has been always!

also, kys

>> No.12609658

Is Houellebecq well known in Italie ?

>> No.12609762

Quite yes.

>> No.12610892
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>The Elementary Particles is borderline autobiographical with how much of Michel is actually Michel.
Wtf is that for real? Did he really get cucked and let a rock star wannabe impregnate and take the virginity of his almost "gf" and having her making an abortion without telling anyone. I swear that scene still causes me anxiety and insecurity just from reading it. Annabelle was such a innocent and sweet character, her corruption was such a shitty turn of events.

>> No.12612331


>> No.12612596

Houellebecq has said that both brothers reflect his own character to some extent. However he was apparently a science nerd as a child and considered pursuing a career similar to Michel Djerzinski.

>> No.12613279
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Dont really know how the two brothers can reflect his own character desu. They are very diferent to a great extent. One being a total pervert that cant stop thinking about sex and women while crying for the shit that he did to his wife and kid while the other has a great level of indiference and is much more prude. There is little commun ground where the two brothers place aside from the views of the "decline of the west" and decline of their own bodies aswell.
Aside from the views he has for the "sexual liberation" and how it affects the "nuclear family". I honestly cant really separate what can be applied to the real Houellebecq or not to some extent.
I honestly admire him for how he can protrait these things the "status quo" of people always deem and teach as "good", turn them upside down and make me feel like a complete, insecure, proto-incel like. Makes me feel glad im from a more conservative european country that wasnt too affected by the 70s hippie bullshit.

>> No.12614162

very good

>> No.12614187


Is it possible to truly be miserable and suffering in today's world? Labour's never been easier, medicine never better, no war, welfare, access to art, entertainment and information has never been better...

>> No.12614223

Not him, but the two brothers are the two sides of the 'sexual liberation' coin, spawned by their 'emancipated' mother Janette, innit. One side being autistic asexuality (Michele) and the other unfulfillable sex addiction/deviance (Bruno). Then surely you can understand how a person from our day and age can have these characters cohabitate at the helm of his ego (not literally, obviously). Not that it really matters how an author relates to his characters outside of trivia...

>> No.12614282

>Is it possible to truly be miserable and suffering in today's world?
It's entirely possible, in fact, it's even easier.

>> No.12614336

That is honestly a very good explaination and a nice way to fit the setting. Even the modern studies about the current sexuality of the teens seems to demonstrate even more this "coin". Last article i checked about an inquiry made in multiple university campus showed that 33% of the students completly obstained the "hookup" culture and 23% were complete enthusiasts about it, 35% had "mixed feelings" and only 2% had long-term relationships. I honestly think that as time passes on these extremes will only distance themselves, imo.

>> No.12614417

I come to think that those factors dont really matter in the grand scheme of things. Call me cringe, juvenille all you want about this, but correct me if im wrong. I think it all boils down to power play, the feeling of superiority, of property and owness, the ego. When that sayed person (in the enviroment that he finds himself) loses the the feeling of power, property and sees everyone above as superior in terms of this power then he enters a state of suffering. And in this state, people will always try to reach and find something to make themselves feel superior to, so that they can sleep at night.

>> No.12614446

It's only true in aggregate (so in average, in median). For specific intellectual there is plenty of room for misery, see: people sleeping in the streets in all the great Western capitals.

You're on to something, though I wouldn't say it's only about power, more about one's place and significance in the world. If you're an illiterate peasant but you feel like you're following the way of your fathers and tending to your precious land for you children, you will feel like your life has a place in the general order of the world (really it doesn't need be that general an order, just feeling that things are fine in your surroundings is often enough). And that will be the case even if you're pretty low on the scale of power (though of course tolerance to humiliation has its limits).

On the other hand a very well-educated and intelligent engineer who feels his skills are underused and/or underappreciated and see the marketing departement rake in much higher salary and recognition for peddling bullshit might feel the world is unfair and nonsensical and have much more trouble dealing with adversity. And yet that wouldn't have anything to do with material wellness (you can assume the engineer has an very comfortable standard of living).

I choose this example, it could have been twenty others.

>> No.12614450

>reading translated poetry

>> No.12614453

*specific individual

>> No.12614454

it maintains the raw feelings of it since it's another Romance language. English would ruin it, though.

>> No.12614470

Is he, dare I say i, /ourguy/?


>> No.12614509


>> No.12614593


>> No.12614643

My fucking sides

>> No.12614730

That is a very nice way to put it.
But i still think that this "significance in the world" still boils down to those feelings of power/property/owness compared to your close enviroment, or at least the preception of it.
I would say that even the peasant that is following his father's way is still having the feelings of power because he sees a "realm of spirituality" where he is superior to some other folks. He still has a sense of property and owness like wife and kids, that he can compare and admire himself to some other close by people in his circle, like other peasants.
Even the hobbo himself, in order to not commit suicide, will try to reach and find something to feel superior to his close people, perhaps how much he had lived and his "special" experience in life compared to commun folk.
Idk, in my head i still prefer to stick to the vagueness of the concept of "power" since it can be more easily applied imo. Specially after wenting through Stirner's philosophy.

>> No.12614785
File: 26 KB, 270x354, Joos_van_Craesbeeck_-_A_peasant_grimacing_with_his_arm_in_a_sling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I buy only the latest suffering
>my writers are ethically sourced

if you want uniqueness, check out my smears, one roll at a time of some shit toilet paper musings, gathered over the course of a year and put together in your urinal. That's right, I shit in your urinal janitors. Ha!

>> No.12615003
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>> No.12615399
File: 2.55 MB, 750x1334, 1532929897153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12615419

Where the fuck are the girls with tinder bios like these?
I have tons of matches but everyone in my area is all sincere and shit.
I'm just trying to shitpost and fuck these bitches.

>> No.12615435

Sounds like SoCal. "Hella" is a term from there, I believe.

>> No.12615472

Sounds like a catfish that could be anywhere tbqhds

>> No.12616614
