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12597852 No.12597852 [Reply] [Original]

It will be soon but it won't be that interesting. AI will never be realised, because it's simply much easier to create smartelligent PID garbage that is capable of destroying humanity without ever making it truly intelligent, like algorithm-creating algorithms that are good enough for their retarded human operators to destroy humanity by logging every human face on the planet and using them in some disastrous social engineering project.

It will be the most boring fucking things imaginable, dude. It's not gonna be anything fancy. It's going to be rich people slowly getting the rights to genetically modify their offspring, creating real racial bifurcation between rich and poor within 2-3 short generations so that rich people are all tall, elfinly symmetrical, diseaseless, dopaminergenic cybrids who live for 130 years and don't visibly age until age 50. And those people will concentrate all the fucking wealth and do the most BORING IMAGINABLE SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROJECTS, like on the level of Israel neutering Ethiopian Jews. The horrific cyberdystopia is not going to be experienced by "humanity," it will be experienced by grotesque and grotesquely overpowered boring upper middle class petit bourgeois faggots, basically Ivanka Trump, owning a shrinking underclass of ruddy niggermen slaves and using them for the most boring possible things, seriously just a stasis of how rich people live now, cultureless fucking retards

You are not going to experience Blade Runner and Tech-Com wars like in Battlefield 2142. "You" and your offspring will have lives probably comparable to today but you will be indentured servants to Ivanka 5-Trump. It's not even going to be COOL post-human feudalism, it's going to be more of this "I was born into a debt-slave family instead of one of the upper 20%, so I make coffee instead of having coffee made for me lol but it's still okay because I can also have a coffee at the end of my 7 hour shift and I get to watch algorithmically generated prole movies on my iPhone while I'm on break ;)!!" fucking garbage they have already had us plugged into since the 70s. The algorithmic culture industry is ALREADY WORKING, it doesn't need qualitative enhancement. They have ALREADY turned you into a fluoridated docile sheepman who loves to eat candy. They don't need soma because they have worthless pig slop culture and sitcoms. They don't need the brain-programming sleep speakers because you already do it fucking anyway by giving your baby an iPad playing Youtube videos AS SUGGESTED BY FUCKING ALGORITHMS for 15 hours a day anyway. They won't even need to nerve-staple you or genetically engineer us into drones because we already did it to ourselves. All they're doing to do is turn this place into even more of a playground for themselves than it already is, and we won't even notice.

>> No.12597860

nice /lit/ thread idiot

>> No.12597861

Also at the very bottom, as always, there will be a true underclass of third world slaves and the truly fucked triple-jobbers who have to drive the Ubers instead of drivig them, but you won't help them because you're an upper caste inner party slave who gets to ride in an Uber and doesn't have to drive an Uber. Just watch that Naoki documentary about that Japanese dude, A Story of Love and Hate. He works three jobs and his girlfriend is half a prostitute for bored rich men who also hate their lives. They live in a fucking cube, they work 16 hours a day, they have no time to think, and they go to workplaces where their wealthier bosses make them dance around and go "I rove my boss!" to "increase workplace morale." But it still resembles the hell we already live in. Naoki doesn't notice he's in hell, he has some dim idea of it but he thinks it's still "The World," he thinks it's still LIFE, just his has become shitty.

That's what it is about to happen. It will be completely imperceptible but it will be broadcasting on every channel of human experience and the human condition. We are all going to become Naoki from that movie, the most imperceptible possible slide into being drones who are plugged directly into capital and libidin

>> No.12597878


>> No.12598106

Baaed and Blackpilled

>> No.12598155

Why would the bottom persist? Ostensibly they would be replaced by automation or relegated to doing their own thing in some corner of the world the overlords don't care about. If everyone left are überelves, what is the dystopia?

>> No.12598427


>> No.12598437

Why live for memes? Bite for blood. History is a lie. Every new day is extremely alien, horrifying and finite. Life lives!

>> No.12598508


>> No.12598873

words of truth

>> No.12598911

Culture is domestication. Train yourself on the good stuff, if you think you have the discernment.

>> No.12598941

capitalism is garbo i cant believe there bootlicking americans on my literature board that actually defend it