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12555627 No.12555627 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommended me a book that would help me pick up chicks, I have no fucking game man.

>> No.12555636
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my diary desu

>> No.12555667

>waaaaahhhh /lit/ please fix my life
please kill yourself, this is not a self help board

>> No.12555710


>> No.12555871

just listen to what they say and praise their decisions

>> No.12555883


>> No.12555890

Don't bother. You may have no game now but if you start reading pickup artist shit you're just going to be a guy with no game who's also a psychopath.

>> No.12555919

Why does that turn you into a psychopath? Is it the knowledge of that which one ought to remain unaware of? Or is it the motivation of reading such a book that deranges the reader.

>> No.12555979
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stop thinking with your dick, and transcend the need for bitches

if you want to read a novel that's actually useful to your aims, 'pimp' by iceberg slim is the best one. hopefully it will dissuade you from the path of trying to be cool.

the main problem that comes from being a player or a pua is the lack of real development. so you might start basing your happiness around how many sluts you can make out with/fuck at a bar, but that kind of life does nothing but invite trouble. you develop too much in one area in a fake way, it exposes your weaknesses elsewhere. so if you haven't properly developed yourself in other ways other than getting pussy, you're going to end up either homeless, dead, psychologically damaged, or permanently maimed when some thug or "beta male" gets tired of the competition. so unless you've also got your bank account on point and your fighting skills ready, you shouldn't even be attempting that shit

i personally would recommend a life of chastity and self improvement until a girl presents herself to you that you can marry. you do that and girls will actually come up to YOU. since most dudes are truly pathetic and weak faggots with no willpower and discipline, competing in this manner isn't even that hard once you develop a level of self control. but you probably don't want to hear that

>> No.12556036

If you're actually into literature then most likely you'd be picking up chicks that aren't compatible with you. And listen to this guy:

>> No.12556111

>I totally pick up women, just follow my 12 easy steps and you'll be slaying poon like me
>step 1, be as forward as possible, and don't take no for an answer
These writers are omegas thinking they are pretending to be alphas, but are just overcompensating to the point of displaying characteristics of an axe murderer if these rules are followed to the tee.

>> No.12556356

bugs...easy on the chuggos.

>> No.12556526

>transcend the need for bitches
So, porn?

>> No.12556540

>stop thinking with your dick

you skipped the first step

>> No.12556576

getting a girlfriend is like a medium term thing I guess... you first do an effort to know girls as friends. Then you start talking to them more friendly, eventually asking them out. If it doesn't work with one, you go with the next one, until you find one you kind of have a good time with and who also seems to like you. THEN you start thinking of having a girlfriend.

>> No.12556582

I've already did that my whole life. I'm not gonna be young forever, I'd better get some life experience otherwise I'm gonna marry the first bitchie who open up her legs. Just out of sheer necessity.

>> No.12556597
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unascended and carnal
slave and fleshpilled

>> No.12556617

PUAs, along with incels, and /fit/-browsing "self-improvement" junkies, make the mistake of believing that sex is the meaning of life and the apex of human experience. Out of all the amazing and wondrous things life has to offer these guys think that screwing a bunch of random tinder thots is the best.

Icycalm unironically has some good things to say about this

>> No.12556648

>until a girl presents herself to you that you can marry
Your advice is good, but it’s easy to be consumed by self-improvement when you should be finding a wife. The good ones are hard to find once you finish college, and sometimes you just have to pursue them. Not that a girl needs to be a virgin, but no chaste man wants to marry a 25+ slut.

>> No.12556653

Nigger, I'm virgin. One of the reasons its because I wanna make love with somoeone who I love, it hasn't worked so far. For obvious reasons true love is hard to find, I'd better roll with it and get some real life experience in a manner that when I finally find the right one I'm gonna recognise it.

>> No.12556666

>it’s easy to be consumed by self-improvement
>Not that a girl needs to be a virgin, but no chaste man wants to marry a 25+ slut.
So much this. It comes to the point of being almost unfair.

>> No.12556673


more like gammas, and their shit work if you're like them. beta or omega will never be a gamma, but a gamma can easily bamboozle a girl to make her believe that he's deserving of alpha privileges. gets impossible after a while, but by that time she should be already drunk on that d so it'd be okay-ish to drop your guard a little

or just bounce to another girl which I'd recommend doing at least until you get around 30-40 smashes under your belt

>> No.12556676
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Just pay a escort you fucking retards

>> No.12556684
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>> No.12556698
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This book will add 0.05 millimeters to the size of your Peepee

>> No.12556705

I lost my virginity my first semester in college. A little over a decade and I could have had super powers?

>> No.12556707

There is no "right one". Also you dont need to get "life experience" in pursuing women. Work on yourself and develop some self-control. When you start resembling a man, someone who has self-discipline, a relatively stoic outlook, a work-ethic and a personal vision/will for his life, then women will cone to you If you want a wife at a certain point, its not rocket science, look at her work-ethic, previous record of loyalty or virginity, make sure her parents arent batshit insane, look at how she carries herself (pushy, demands constant attention, dresses inappropriately etc.? Red flags). Also make sure she is not too stupid or naive. Thats it. She wont be the "right" one in a stars are now aligned kind of way because that doesnt exist but you could have a basis for a tolerable if not enjoyable co-existence and potential to raise a family. Which can be beautiful and meaningful. There is nothing beyond that. Looks, PUA behavior, "experience", approaching, game, finding out what women think or want and so on is all bullshit.

>> No.12556715

I agree with the sentiment and all but this
>you do that and girls will actually come up to YOU.
is simply not true. The only men who have women coming to them are either really attractive (which no amount of self improvement will make you one of them) or rich and powerful. The rest of us have to actually search for them.

>> No.12556742
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wrong, a girl who considers you a friend is already castrating you in her mind. you gotta be an adventure to her, someone who changes her day in an unpredicted way when she encounters you.
its hard to grasp, but when you understand the machinations of female attraction it gets super easy after a while, you just have to crash and burn a lot to develop this nonchalance. when you have the air of not giving a fuck if you succeed with her, that is what's getting her wet. be indiffrent to a woman and she will never leave your life.

im at the stage of my life when I just introduce amusing concepts to girls to see how they react. If she's buying my shit I do it, if not we have a laugh.
recently I bought this girl a tail buttplug, and half jokingly said that she has to walk on all fours when having it on and is not allowed to speak, just make animal noises. she looked at me funny, I've said nothing and now she's doing that shit without me pushing it in any sort of way.

Now im thinking of buying this dog cage and give her an option when we hook up: you either stay in the cage when we're done fuckin, or the tail stays on. The look she gave me when hearing about it wasn't different from another one I mentioned.

>> No.12556757

Those classifiers arise from within. It is not the external that defiles you, but the thoughts welling up within you that do.

First post of yours >>12556526
Is a false dichotomy, painting a mutually exclusive choice of sex or pornography use. The invocation of need, implying a sexual necessity is a faulty premise. You cannot even contemplate that abstinence is possible. Lastly, you use intrinsically sexual language which beckons to the base passions. As the other poster said, you are thinking with your dick. As such, you are indeed "unascended and carnal".

The other post>>12556582
Is a concession that you think with your dick and have done so your whole life. You show desperation. You cannot contemplate life without this and are a slave.

>> No.12556767

I fucking hate women, as an ugly man really gets to my nerves that you have to put a show for them to even having the right to talk. I just want to concentrate in my life and its goals but I can't get rid of this fucking biological urge to put penis in vagina and it really frustrates me.
>inb4 pay for escorts
I'm kinda prudish

>> No.12556774

I can relate to that myself. It’s damn hard because if you’re like me, you find one here and there that makes the others look like trash. There’s no question that she’s the one, and you’re sure it’s not just infatuation, but really love at first sight. I’ve had a few over the years that were all in relationships and at some point I just lost the capacity to sustain that kind of passion. Now, in my last semester of uni another shows up, with no sign of a bf, and I was euphoric. It was finally my chance to pursue my wife, and then she makes it official with another guy, right after I broke the ice. She’s foreign and has a reserved personality, and from what I could tell this guy is her first serious relationship at 21. Missed her by a couple weeks.

>> No.12556794

No, that’s just purple pill; it’s perfectly attainable.

>> No.12556806


>> No.12556816

it is true that you have to put on a show, most definitely. what they don't tell you is that if you put a show thats good enough, you may allow her behind the scenes and get to know who you really are. it's risky and you have to put a lot of work in determining if a particular girl is worth it (protip: 90% aren't), but personally I never had to pretend shit in longer relationships, Ive skipped over some unnecessary shit (and for real, to be an adult you got to have to keep some parts of you to yourself, maybe share with your boys, but if you don't have trustworthy friends its not an option) but never had to censor myself in any way. don't get blackpilled, from a girl's perspective most guys are fucking scum too!

>> No.12556834

>until a girl presents herself to you that you can marry. you do that and girls will actually come up to YOU
Literal just-world-fallacy meme advice

>> No.12556849

This stuff only works if you're attractive.

>> No.12556862
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These books are also 100% fool-proof panty droppers

>> No.12556868

Well, well, well.. You decided to fuck up your potential. Why would you ever?

>> No.12556877

>what do women want?
Who cares

>> No.12556887

I'll teach you. venmo me 20 bucks and I'll show you how

>> No.12556894

become attractive then, its just work. hit the gym, research what to do to appear interesting, get a fucking life basically.

>> No.12556903
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>become attractive

>> No.12556915
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Where do I find girls who aren't sluts? I'm /fit/, I have a career, a good social life, skilled hobbies, but I have no idea where to find a decent girl outside of college. The only girls I meet on a day-to-day basis are quasi-feminist workaholics at my office job or sluts at bars on the weekends. I feel like I messed up by being too much of a pussy when I was younger to nail down a wholesome girl at the ground level in high school.

>> No.12556917

women don't give a shit about looks but confidence, and it's a skill that almost any average or even slightly below average specimen could master. you're just a lazy fuck without the discipline

>> No.12556923

>women don't give a shit about looks but confidence
Factually wrong

>> No.12556925

just reform a slut, it can be done and the porking will be good.

>> No.12556926

based and redpilled

overcome your identification with your genitals

>> No.12556929

Legit the only way is to treat women like shit. Just be a complete asshole to them and you’ll get laid in no time

>> No.12556930

no u

>> No.12556934
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>> No.12556942

This is also some advice that only works when you're attractive.

>> No.12556943

Sluts can't be reformed, I don't think I need to post the study on divorce rates and partner count. I'm a virgin and while I'm not looking exclusively for another virgin like some /r9k/ NEET, I'm certainly intolerant of whores.

>> No.12556947

somewhat correct, but honestly you gotta find a good balance. keep the leash short and don't spare the rod but find spots to sprinkle some encouragement and praise and she will do anything for you. basically you should brainwash them into having sort of a stockholm syndrome

>> No.12556953

yellow fever low test basedboi detected

>> No.12556955

dude, calling chicks sluts is usually a massive cope akin to saying that a girl weren't into you cause she's a dyke. a healthy man actually wants a girl that is the absolute whore in the bedroom, but just for him. it can be done, just not by many men

>> No.12556961

Why do cumbrains write like shit?

>> No.12557024

Excellent post, chungus.

>> No.12557031

>dude, calling chicks sluts is usually a massive cope akin to saying that a girl weren't into you cause she's a dyke
I've got no clue what you're trying to say here. I'm not a NEET, I'm not ugly, I'm not stupid, I'm not weak, I'm not poor, I've never had trouble attracting girls who are above-average looking throughout middle/high school and college but for various reasons (insecurity/bad parents/obliviousness) I've either not made a move or when I have it's not worked out due to divergent life directions. I've hooked up with plenty of girls and felt a couple up I've just never had sex. I downloaded Tinder last month and I ended up getting a decent looking girl to ask me to come over but I immediately ghosted her because I don't think that kind of thing is what I'm looking for. I don't have any interest in sluts and frankly you seem like a scummy person who's probably a bit of an idiot. If you want to go marry some used-up whore with no values then more power to you, but I've explicitly said that I'm not interested in that so I don't know why you're replying to me.

>> No.12557053

>just reform a slut, it can be done and the porking will be good.
okay Captain Save A Hoe

>> No.12557080

Is all the PUA/red pill stuff true? All relationships boil down to Darwinian domination/submission? There's no such thing as love between two people? I need to be (or at least act like) a sociopath to have any chance with women? I'm a virgin so I have no real life experience to compare this to aside from observing couples I know.

Reading this stuff always makes me depressed.

>> No.12557094

It's a privation of good.

>> No.12557130
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You don't need to act like a sociopath and neither should you want to. All you really need to understand is-

>1. Women are sociopaths
You'll never be able to out-sociopath women and if you do it's really creepy because women will make it seem creepy because you'll never out-sociopath them. Don't try to out-women women. You're a man and you should act like it, leading to the next point-

>2. Don't act like a bitch
The best way to beat women at their games is to not play. Women want security and if they're able to make you look like a bitch than that big rapey-looking guy across the street definitely will be able to. There's some truth to the whole "shit-test" stuff but that's a weird way to think of it (see point 1). Don't bitch out and don't try to best a girl in a semantic bullshit game.

This is literally all you need.

>> No.12557146

I was really into house music, so I would have fun regardless of the females present. Bascially it was fun first bitches second and I got laid pretty consistently. Obviously these aren't girls you want long term but you still need game for the long term hoes. Don't try so hard and figure out some hobby you genuinely like that might have girls attending

>> No.12557159

>You don't need to act like a sociopath and neither should you want to.
This is slave morality tier advice. Women aren't human so they shouldn't be treated like humans.

>> No.12557190

Master morality's dead forever and anon's certainly no overman, but then you'd have to actually read to know this. Regardless, you don't need to be a literal sociopath if you can be properly masculine and stay above their labyrinth of overthought bullshit.

>> No.12557208


OP there isn't a book that can help you this. The "Game" these authors preach is nothing more than confirmation bias. There is no system, there is no method. What it really comes down to is what the Harvard school of negotiation calls a "BATNA", a best alternative to negotiated agreement.

The confidence that women talk about comes directly from abundance, the insecurity and fear from scarcity. When these authors say it's a "numbers game", they're right. But what they really mean is phone numbers.

If you want to learn to pick up women, the only trick is frequency. Go out and try to pick up as many women as you can. If you don't know what to say, just be direct. Say hello, tell them you think they look cute and you wanted to speak to them. You'll get rejected. This is inevitable. In the majority of cases, this will have nothing to do with you. But this will desensitize you to the feelings associated with rejection, which you'll soon see are transient and fleeting. The moment you get a few phone numbers, you have options and when you have options, confidence and indifference will follow. Women find this attractive over everything else and every "system" is really just a religion of nothing built around the ground truth of the BATNA.

But now I warn you OP. Women cannot fill the void. Nothing external can. Even self-improvement is an empty endeavor, another kind of masturbation, another form of egoism. Neither will rejection of your impulses save you. Aversion is as poisonous as desire and to be chaste in body is not the same as to be chaste in mind. The truth is that deep down, you, OP, your nature, is perfect, pure, full of love and compassion, and already completely satisfied. But this truth is soiled by endless distraction. My sincerest wish for you, is to ignore the advice I've given above, because I know it will work. I know that if you follow it, it will just lead to a deeper kind of misery. Instead, my suggestion is to take 10 days, just 10 days, in which you try to live in a state of total awareness and rid yourself of all distractions, all that you take pleasure and comfort in. Then you will see for yourself if what I say is right or no. 10 days of total devotion OP, that's all. I sincerely hope you'll try it and that you'll find the happiness you're seeking.

>> No.12557209

>Women are sociopaths
Is this also true? Because it would confirm
>There's no such thing as love between two people

>> No.12557214

>you don't need to be a literal sociopath if you can be properly masculine
That's an inherently contradictory statement. You have a slavish bugman-like perspective on masculinity.

>> No.12557296

As someone who is into abusing women as a fetish, and have almost exclusively gone for Borderline girls/DADDY ISSUES most of my life, I have to say that with these women the PUA/red pill shit is entirely true and with others it's entirely false. With the ones it does work with, they have to be on some level sexually attracted to you though, or you'll be their impulsive fuck that they'll feel grossed out about the next day. It's not really worth it if you're a virgin and naturally sappy, because these girls will cut you deep and hard if you're stupid enough to get infatuated with them.

The biggest sign I've looked for is how they react when I lightly bully/berate them, and push it too far. A normal girl will look at you with dead eyes, the sort of 'what the fuck did you say' look. A girl that is into that shit will hang their mouth open for 3-5 seconds in a weird smile, a sort of fake shock. Every girl that has done that mouth thing has wanted the abuse so much.

>> No.12557303

>duuuude bugmen are masculine and women arent sociopaths
faggiest thing in this shitty thread

>> No.12557320

>bugmen are masculine
I didnt say that. You're arguing like an estrogenated bugman again.
>women arent sociopaths
I agreed with this in my original post, champ. That's why I asserted that women shouldn't be treated like human beings.

>> No.12557376
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>women shouldn't be treated like human beings because they're sociopaths but if you don't act like a literal sociopath you're an unmasculine bugman

>> No.12557379

Guy, i see naked/semi-naked pretty women often. I'm not in a island or top of a mountain by myself, believe me this sight is not under my control. And I ain't not desert priest either.
I disagree with your premise, I think it's life denying. And I don't wanna be an ascetic anymore. I don't see the point of "preserving" myself until I stabilize my life and get married. By that time I'm gonna be in my thirty somethings and all the women my age are gonna be fairly sexually experienced and since we don't live in the nineteen century it's not socially acceptable marring teenage girls anymore. As this is basically the only way of assuring (kind of) they're not too much of roasties since (in theory at least) they didn't had the time. In this relationship market I think this is a bill that didn't add up. As you see is quite hard to be a real conservative in the classical sense in this day and age. I know myself enough to know that it would be quite difficult avoiding the resentment if I proceeded marring a experimented lady while being totally inexperienced myself. I really think this wouldn't be fair. I wouldn't be being faithfull to myself, of all the people.

>> No.12557411

If you can't see how that's the correct way to handle women then you must be one of those nu-masculine types who thinks "misogyny isn't cool bro, respecting women is totes manly and redpilled" and probably wears plaid flannel shirts to his inner city office job when hes not drinking "microbrew" IPAs

>> No.12557419
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>> No.12557437

join a church group then, ya dink

>> No.12557457
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>the best way to handle women is to act like a woman
>acting like a woman is masculine
lmao you got me nice b8

>> No.12557725


>> No.12557737

>women are sociopaths
>therefore, all sociopaths are women

This must be one of those "logical fallacies" that people keep talking about

>> No.12557779

i still dont get this

even though i have been here for 6 years ... am i a brainlet?

>> No.12557795

>rule number 1 is be attractive
>dipships don't want to work out or talk to people so they can abide by rule 1

>> No.12557815


>>you don't need to be a literal sociopath if you can be properly masculine
>That's an inherently contradictory statement. You have a slavish bugman-like perspective on masculinity.

>>women arent sociopaths
>I agreed with this in my original post, champ. That's why I asserted that women shouldn't be treated like human beings.

>If you can't see how that's the correct way to handle women then you must be one of those nu-masculine types

So first you're saying that sociopathy is masculine and to say otherwise contradictory. Then you're saying that women shouldn't be treated like women because they're sociopaths. And then you're saying that acting like a sociopath is the correct way to handle women. If we combine these premises what you're really saying is that the correct way to handle women is to act like women, and that this is masculine.

>> No.12557819

t. lives in a brothel.

>> No.12557842

working out won't fix your face or height

>> No.12557844

Ignore the morons ITT OP.

Read a hero of our time. Practice yoga. Fuck a lot. That’s your only way to go.

>> No.12557875


>> No.12557888

Reducing bodyfat and having muscles will compensate for some of having an 'ugly-ish' face, and even for some degree of manlethood. Be real. Fix the problems that can be.

Your mode of thought is extremist defeatist. I'm sure the instant you develop any health complications you'll kill yourself.

The idea behind working at social and physical wellness is to develop positive qualities in order to erase or compensate for the negative. As an unofficial anecdote, I went from being a pear shaped anti-socialite to a 7, which made a huge difference for my overall happiness, even if others got laid more often than me. Still, every time I'd see a dude with no body and no social awareness, moaning about nogf, I'd get a surge of joy that I wasn't him anymore. But if you want to focus only on other people's positive qualities, and pretend that they are an excuse to stay ugly on the inside and the outside, then be my guest.

>> No.12557889
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>> No.12557970

This is dark but it works. Only with some girls though.

>> No.12557983

He was just commenting on your disgusting use of langage. Tainted langage leads to degeneracy quicker than tainted sex.

You also seem extremely judgemental for some reason.

> some used-up whore with no values

Your idea of used-up is funny.

>> No.12558023

No, just a newfag

>> No.12558037

getting the obvious out of the way: first you need to feel good in your own skin, and that means feeling healthy. go to the gym. you don’t need to get swol or start lurking /fit/, just dont be fat, and be able to look like you could at least pick her up without your arms snapping. also dont eat like a slob and take care of your facial hair, and wear clothes that you feel good in

i say all that because youll be surprised how by much easier flirting is when you feel fully possessed of yourself. you have every reason to believe that that glance you’ve gotten could be because you’re actually an attractive guy she wants to talk to, and this does loads to boost your confidence—and i think youll find yourself saying things that sound “smoother”; or, even if you say stupid shit, it doesn’t matter because she already wants to sleep with you, and you’re just being cute

point is: make sure everything above is taken care of, before even thinking about “practicing yr game senpai”

>> No.12558047

yeah last bit sounds about right in my experience, little i have

>> No.12558158

if you have real empathy, it's impossible to pick up chicks. if you've been socially conditioned to "feel bad" in response to the "pain and suffering" of others, you're good to go.

tl;dr stop giving a fuck about women, their feelings, and their futures and you can crush puss.

>> No.12558202

you virgins really aren't missing out on much. had a gf throughout most of high school, being that close in proximity to another person is fucking gross. maybe I'm just weird

>> No.12558221

You're overthinking it. Just look at attractive people and try to be like them. It's shallow.

>> No.12558238
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You could definitely knock out a chick with 'Bottom's Dream.'

>> No.12558265
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nice wojack
have one in return cause i stole yours

>> No.12558308

I am not that guy, but there is a tendency to use hyperbolic shorthand on 4channel in general.
Tone it down. Take it as "a woman who has shown a taste for promiscuity".

It is the sort of thing noone has studied, but looking at adjacent studies and anecdotal evidence, women who fuck around a lot seem to have trouble being happy in relationships. They're also more comfortable blurring the boundaries between relationships.

Emotionally it's more trouble that it's worth. My friend has gotten heavily into PUA. For a couple of years he would be out walking the streets multiple evenings a week, approaching random women with a view to having sex with them.

The things he'd experienced have made him unable to trust women, but he's surrounding himself with a certain demographic. Women who will have sex, in a short period of time, with a guy that basically walked up to them on the street. That's not every woman, bit they could be described as "sluts".

>> No.12558411

If you're trolling Tinder and ghosting women, you've lost the moral high ground, period.

>> No.12558620

dude, I just now the type, you might not be it, but desu I never met anyone whos that disgusted at sluts and didn't fit the criteria of sexually frustrated man (the rest of your post just reinforces that).
Yes, some women are easy. no, it's not a bad thing to fuck them provided you are not retarded about it. it's practice. and believe me - when it comes to women there's nothing worse than being too inexperienced and blowing your chance with the ones that you actually want to stay in your life. guys getting angry or dismissive of sluts soundd like a boxer who'd bitch about punchbags not being good enough opponents. calm your tits and get some strange asap

>> No.12558751

To be honest, relationships and dating have much more to do with circumstance than most people realize. Allow me to lay down the realest relationship advice in this thread.

So many people pine after relationships, some to the point where it consumes them. They try so hard to change themselves and to find someone, and it's usually fruitless for these people. You either know the kind of person who I'm talking about, or you are one yourself.

This is the thing: the majority of people have no idea what they really want or need in a relationship, and so they chase after the wrong things or they try to fake being something they aren't. For people who suffer from chronic instability in their relationships or are unable to initiate one at all, that is the most likely reason why. They have little self-knowledge, and they aren't able to recognize what kind of relationships are available to them.

This kind of person will usually become fixated on their self-image. They think their personality or appearance excludes them from the dating pool, and to some extent they might be correct if they're not taking care of their bodies. However, what these people typically fail to consider are the circumstances of their life in general.

Of course self-improvement is a necessary part of developing the success of your interpersonal relationships, but these factors also play a significant role in determining how a relationship can play out in your life: living situations, access to transportation, finances, occupation, etc.

This might seem trivial, but it's more complicated than just saying "women like men with money." You want a relationship, right? Well, where are you going to take her after the date? Do you have your own place? Is there room at your parent's house? Do you have a reliable means of getting to her? And even before you get to that point, as others in the thread have said, where do you meet women? Are you at a point in your life where you're going outside? If you never do anything how do you expect to meet anyone?

What is your daily routine? How could another person fit into that? What kind of person would be willing to live the same lifestyle as yourself? Does your honest lifestyle even leave enough space for another person anyway? If the answer to any of these questions was in the negative, then your priority should be self-improvement. Don't even bother trying to force a relationship because your circumstances won't allow it to reach maturity. Who knows though, if you're lucky you'll find some in similar circumstances and you'll be able to grow into something sustainable together.

Above all though, be willing to look for love in unexpected places. All your life you might have pictured yourself with a certain type of person, but as stated above most people experience a disconnect between their perceived "type" and what they're actually compatible with.

>Source: 5+ years experience in interpersonal/relationship coaching

>> No.12558762


Quality of sex is important, but if you're in a scenario where the sex will literally make-or-break a relationship it probably isn't a very good relationship to begin with my dude. Your advice sucks

>> No.12558786

sex is just a little (and desu easier) part of it. your general attitude shouldn't vary much depending o whether you're dealing with a slut or a 'good woman'. good look developing stoicism when you actually care about a person, it's almost impossible to never crack even when you're experienced. intelligent men train themselves and that's what broken girls are for. training in indifference and disregard for the magical power of pussy.

>> No.12558855
File: 3.24 MB, 4608x3456, 0$Images$32_100_PANAP1000977JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually seeing the good in living a life of chastity and "self improvement" (I would say that this is about curiosity, development of self knowledge and spiritual thinking) is absolute truth and the most important thing to take in consideration in your life, even in other matter than seduction. Girls coming at you naturally is just another fortunate consequence of something bigger.

I lived a life like that for the past 2 years without touching anyone or having sex because I was just clueless of the ways of seduction and human interaction. At first I was so miserable about my condition until very recently I achieve to give up all hope of getting with a girl.

I just accepted my celibacy, I accepted myself as the ultimate celibate and I was cool with it and had no resentment to anyone or anything I just continue to follow my curiosity of the world alone.

Now I have two girlfriend and it comes with all the good thing other humans being can bring to you, but this is just another fortunate consequence of something bigger, they will return to their ways one day or another and we will separate to never see each other again and maybe at this moment I will be alone again forever but I am okay with with because people are complicated you cannot control anything.

Sorry for my shit english.

Chastity and curiosity my friend.

>> No.12558870

Based true to yourself poster.
Only thing I'd add is that as a guy you will have to be the one approaching and escalating. There are simply to few women who do this for all the men who don't. I always though I was unlovable and ugly untill I realized I had a success rate of about 50% I just almost never asked anybody out.

>> No.12558882

>Icycalm unironically has some good things to say about this
Based, one of the few I've seen call out PUA for being essentially the most feminine shit ever conceived by men.

>> No.12558884

I'm a 24 year old khv-virgin. Several women have asked me for my number, and have attempted to engage me physically in different ways. I have refused them ALL.
>"wanna grab a coffe?"
>"come to my place :)?"
>"can I have your number?"

One time at summer camp, this one girl literally hopped into my bed and rested her head on my chest. I left the room that instant. She'd asked me for my number a few weeks before, I didn't give it to her. What would a high-schooler do with a girl's phone number? We all know women are less intelligent, so help with school work was out of the question.
I refuse to engage in pre-martial sex/intimacy with ANY woman. Simply out sheer principle. Even in elementary school, I found myself disgusted at school "disco" nights. Why the hell do we allow kids to "slow dance" before puberty for fucks sake? Clearly the educational system has been compromised by hedonistic hebrew scum.





>> No.12558898

I want a fine bitch so I can tear her ass up like a parking ticket. What's the easiest way to get this done tonight without paying for it?

>> No.12558916

The honest answer is non-consensually.