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12548168 No.12548168 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.12548169

is that some school of life type of channel?

>> No.12548174

Well, it's not Reddit tier

>> No.12548215

Siri please bookmark this thread thanks

>> No.12548225

twas an interesting vidya indeed

>> No.12549501
File: 9 KB, 404x399, 1544222832162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, this is why and how my life sucks, you got it perfectly

now, can I get a tutorial on how to fix it? or do you need my credit card?

>> No.12549832

Jung, in the field of psychology, is no longer relevent. He is to modern psychology as Democritus is to Bohr. However, his ideas do come from his honest observations of the human condition, and they are quite popular with humanities scholars. Any value in his ideas is likely limited to understanding authors that reference or utilise Jungian themes, and for providing a simple writing framework for character development.

If you aren't a hippie, and you don't want jungian characters, then research modern psychology for something closer to the truth.

>> No.12550269

Then how far did this video stray from the truth, if at all?

>> No.12550285

No, hes a right win youtuber. But he dosent show his face or yell or use meme politics, so his videos are classified as educational

>> No.12550747

>right win youtuber
imagine being this delusional

>> No.12550756

He meant "wing" as in the "right wing." You know, like politics.

>> No.12550852

Fixing it is a lifelong effort. If you're serious about getting better, take two minutes every time you're fully aware of your calamity to close your eyes and meditate or pray to God so that you can appreciate your current state and make positive choices for the future. There's not a book or a documentary that will lend you the will to be brave enough to experience life in its fullness

>> No.12550989 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12551152

Modern psychology is a spook and a dull one at that. It has nothing valuable to offer on this topic

>> No.12551159

say that to all the patients he's treated

>> No.12551352

please shut up. Name one way in which (((modern pschology))) can analyse and interpret dreams to further the development of the patient.
Or are dreams just "meaningless delusions xD"
Answer carefully pseud.

>> No.12552139

I wouldn't waste the time or effort to analyse the video. It is clear from AoI content and their website's 'About' page that they most likely have good intentions when distilling and packaging complex ideas for a lay-audience. However, these videos, not to be relied on, should only be used for a gentle pre-introduction to the subject matter - if to be used at all (even if the content is truthful, it is highly unlikely that they have presented the full picture). If you really want to learn something you should perhaps download a handbook or encyclopedia of psychology and some undergraduate textbooks from a reputable university's reading list.

Much of the appeal in these videos is the fetishization of intellectuals, IQ, etc (one example being their use of unrelated paintings as thumbnails). It stinks of Quora self help and it is not worth the limited time you have that could be better spent elsewhere.

>> No.12552149

If your labeling of modern psychology as a spook, i.e. to say that it is an idea asserted without the backing, or evidence, provided by reality, then you'd be better to label Jung. His theories are more of a spook, and empirically further from reality than modern psychology.

The only truthful assertion you make is that modern psychology is dull; however, I strongly suspect, this sense of dullness is only experienced, towards psychology, by you, and towards you, by others.

They're probably all dead. If I am correct in interpreting your argument, you propose that because Jung has treated patients successfully then his ideas must be valuable, or truthful, or of more merit than I originally stated.

Your argument is flawed because, even if he was successful, modern treatments are supported by empirical research and are even more successful than Jungian therapy. Advocating for Jungian therapy, when modern, scientific methods are available is to opt for antioxidants and folk herbal remedies as opposed to antibiotics, vaccines, and antipsychotics. You are unlikely to find a study that proves that Jungian treatments are ineffective, but you will most certainly find studies that prove more effective ones.

>> No.12552157

Holy shit, you're the worst of the lot.

Your use of ((())) is quite unhelpful. Humans are prone to error, thus mistakes will be made when researching and treating illnesses - that's obvious. You better surround every word resprenting an entity, object, or idea that isn't yourself lest you're bodily fluids become irreparably tainted.

I suspect that anything I say will be rejected by yourself. You come across as an upset child - you certainly write as one - XD. I also suspect that 90% of all "knowledge" possessed by yourself was distilled through an uncritical and lazy skimming of headlines, key points, lists, opinions, and summaries to the satisfaction of your mild narcissism and close-minded, tin-can, npc smoothbrain. You say "please shut up", but it is you who would benefit from 'shutting up' for you are in dire need of listening. Introduce some rigor into your life - pseud.


>> No.12552191
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>> No.12552235

does modern psychology cure extreme cases of psychosis and schizophrenia? no
did jung? yes

>> No.12552264


What's the point of replying just to say nothing?

>> No.12552275


It's all a spook but Jung is far more interesting, engaging and useful with it.

>m-maybe you're the one wh-who is dull!
Do I smell too?

>> No.12552283

>triggered by a shitpost
Boy, he did a real number on you. Take a break from the internet for a while.

>> No.12552329 [DELETED] 

>empiricism is relevant
wow. it's like we haven't refuted logical empiricism in 40 years ago! amazing!

>> No.12552339

>implying psychology is an exact science that can arrive to a final truth

A person's individual psychology is very much shaped by both the material and the social context, that is, the psychology of other individuals, which is partly shaped by the field of psychology itself.

There are some constants, like brain chemistry that works the same way for everyone but when you go into thought patterns it gets really chaotic. Even something like mental health is dependent on context. Modern people have psychological conditions that pre modern people never experienced and vica versa (for example, in developed countries auditory hallucinations are associated with scyzophrenia and mental anguish, but in many less developed countries people reported similar hallucinations, except these voices gave helpful advice and encouragement, something people from developed societies never reported).

Basically psychoanalysis is just about trying to adopt mentally to the present context and trying not to feel like shit. There isn't really a natural, normal state that you need to return to by curing a condition. Instead you can use models like Jungian, Freudian, Lacanian etc. analysis to structure your mental processes and make sense of your own mind. There isn't really a "right" model, for one person, one of them can work, for anoather one the other.

>> No.12552390


The first post answers the question by saying that watching the video is less valuable than reading a psychology textbook.
The second post is an insult which ends with a recommendation and a link with some examples of modern dream research.

You would have no knowledge of your own brain unless you we're told and persuaded by the prevalence of brains in other humans and/or through medical imaging of your own.

Jung may be more interesting, but he certainly isn't more 'useful'. The utility of modern psychology is demonstrated by superior treatments that exploit biology and chemistry as opposed to conversation and mindfulness.

>Do I smell too?
You legitimately sound like the majority of your reading diet consists of /lit/.

>Boy, he did a real number on you.
Based Boomer line.
>Take a break from the internet for a while
Based Reddit line.

>> No.12552395

lmfao, just leave

>> No.12552407

>based boomer line
>based reddit line
You legitimately sound like the majority of your reading diet consists of /lit/.

>> No.12552426
File: 158 KB, 670x500, FB05C840-080F-4917-B9DB-C82E38D7AC89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out our 32 minute in depth video course on the shadow,
Anyone have this video?

>> No.12552432

I'm not implying psychology is even close to being an 'exact science'. I would agree that it, along with social sciences such as economics and sociology, are 'complex sciences'.

Your three other paragraphs all imply that psychology is complex and that these models are tools. I am suggesting that the use of such models is inferior to modern models as they are further away from reality. With regards to the 'right' treatment, of course some alternative therapies will have success stories; however, some treatments are more 'right' than others.

It is undeniable that modern psychology and neuroscience are truer, more useful, and vastly more valuable than outdated theories of Jung, etc. As I said earlier, the value in Jung is limited in my view to recognise references to his work in literature and to reference or to create characters with his work in mind.

>> No.12552443

Modern psychology is closer to an answer the Jung ever was.

>> No.12552446

I like his videos. I've watched them for years. He's given me plenty of good recommendations. His philosophy/social theory tastes are Peterson tier though, which means he mainly likes Jung, Niezsche, and Orwell. So there's that whole thing going on.

Good vids though.

>> No.12552458

>not understanding writing a low effort, cliché response to a low effort, cliché statement.

>> No.12552505

>Democritus is to Bohr

I'd say that modern psychology is more like Rutherford with cognitive/neuroscience more like Bohr closing in on Schrödinger.

>> No.12552531

Lmao someone is deleting my posts

>> No.12552536

This is literally the same argument Freudians make, in fact every branch of any sort of '''therapy''' will claim they can "treat" and "heal". I mean beyond being self-serving, anecdotal and as most empirical research indicates results in no better than just an expensive placebo you must see there exists cults of personality here.

>There isn't really a natural, normal state that you need to return to by curing a condition.
You really have to be well conditioned to reject the notion of normal mental states.

>A story is told of a querulous psychologist who underwent 221 hours of psycho-analysis for a Rockefeller Foundation inquiry. During it the psychologist asked his analyst "What is normality?" "I don't know," the analyist replied. "I never deal with normal people." The psychologist persisted: "But suppose a really normal person came to you? The analyst admitted: "Even though he were normal at the beginning of the analysis, the analytic procedure would create a neurosis."

>> No.12552537
File: 39 KB, 564x634, a1bf1ba0d109e1c33786c4234583367e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with ring wing? It's literally right, everyone in Israel is right wing and look at their innovation. left wingers are all self hating reality denying groups that can't stand seeing other people being successful and happier than them

>> No.12552543
File: 135 KB, 768x768, d6140be658ac1e099b03275abfe7981f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said absolutely nothing holy fuck not A SINGLE FUCKING POINT

>> No.12552574

Lol, I'm beginning to think you're a total shill.
For those of you that aren't shilling, avoid this smooth brain project like you would the School of Life.

I clearly make two key points with one major idea.

Point 1:
>I wouldn't waste the time or effort to analyse the video.
I.e. the YouTube channel is shit for the reasons below - so don't waste your time with it.

Point 2:
>If you really want to learn something...
I.e. It isn't entirely hopeless, but it is a waste of time compared to other sources. Instead, download and read an undergraduate textbook off libgen.

>> No.12552600

>Modern people have psychological conditions that pre modern people never experienced and vica versa (for example, in developed countries auditory hallucinations are associated with scyzophrenia and mental anguish, but in many less developed countries people reported similar hallucinations, except these voices gave helpful advice and encouragement, something people from developed societies never reported).

This is just the typical pomo line. No matter how much you want to insist schizophrenics were actually treated nicely as "vision seers" in the past if you actually read any serious ethnological literature you'll get a much darker picture. And no people from "less developed countries" with mental issues live horrible lives.
Also a lot of weird ass syndromes are the result of fucked up practices:

Israel is actually much more to the left than America in most ways in social policy actually. Also you can't pretend that the Israeli economy isn't largly just underwritten by American government money.

>> No.12552726

Lol fuck off shill YouTube philosophy is shit tier

>> No.12552761

Your statements were even more cringe worthily basic than his and betray a deep level of hurt that seems unwarranted.

>> No.12552769

>It is undeniable that modern psychology and neuroscience are truer, more useful, and vastly more valuable than outdated theorie
Prove it

>> No.12552770

Is he good?
I've only seen his logic vids.

>> No.12552796

Modern psychology is useless at explaining anything.

>> No.12552846

Do some research and make up your own mind if you find the idea of scientific progress so appalling.


>> No.12552852

It's getting kinda weird you speaking in third person all the time lmao.

>> No.12552860

I would rather avoid pseuds like you

>> No.12552941

this is the only sane post in this entire brainlet thread

>> No.12552991

Why wouldn't i

>> No.12553004

I've done my research and found that modern psychology is totally insufficient in what it sets out to do. There is next to no evidence to the contrary.

>> No.12553014

Lot of butthurt psychology undergrads in here haha

>> No.12553018


>> No.12553032

This is not what was meant when they said the internet would provide an alternative and superior source of education as opposed to universities and public libraries. It's through reading and analysing online source texts and peer-reviewed publications and discussion in rigourous communities online that one should learn - not through unverified, unacademic, pseud bullshit like this.

>> No.12553045

You're lonely aren't you?

>> No.12553075

You are right that in extreme cases, where someone exhibits delusions, self-harm, violent behaviour etc. evidence based methods probably work the best. IMO psychoanalysis is more for people who just have anxieties or periods of depression though.

The problem is that evidence in psychology evidence comes down to asking the subject if he feels all right or not. Which is in mostly normal people very much influenced by the social context.

>> No.12553079

So /lit/ is a den of lazy undergraduates and neets after all.

>> No.12553143

Which one are you?

>> No.12553214


>> No.12553225

economics isn't a science just because it uses numbers. It's closer to a moral framework

It is undeniable that modern psychology and neuroscience are truer, more useful, and vastly more valuable than outdated theories of Jung, etc
Lets see some examples. Because I haven't seen anything good coming out of ((modern)) practices these days

>> No.12553232

Cuck Philosophy is the only good pop-philosophy you can find on JewTube.

>> No.12553274

I'm the shill that started this thread to get people to watch my content and pay for my premium videos where I read, word for word, my lecturer's notes which I barely understood the first time round. Hey, it's all about self improvement and intellectual freedom. Who are you to riposte my linguistic diarrhea with complex pseud jargon. You probably don't even have a university degree like me; honestly, I'm a better person for it because I can have long form discussions about timeless issues over a diverse range of communities like Discord and, of course, the good threads in /lit/, /g/, /sci/ etc... Get back to work blue collar wagie, you couldn't even APPROACH me in public let alone win in an academic debate. Good Will Hunting was a lie to get brainlets like you away from proper historical institutions like the University of Oxford. ;)

>> No.12553311
File: 86 KB, 518x527, Allopathic screeching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm consistently annoyed by humanities fags and theory psychologists speculating about mental illness and talking shit about modern psychiatric treatment/approaches.
It seems to me that they don't give a shit about real world function or individual happiness. They'd rather somebody try their bullshit thought experiment approach to anxiety or restructure the whole of society on a critical theory hunch than to help John from Cleveland hold down a fucking job and stop hating his life, it bothers me a lot. There's a softness to it, it reminds me of how I felt towards kids having tantrums at their own birthday parties in grade school.
It's the head softness and privilege of someone who is not compelled by any actual urge to make a positive difference in reality. Very ugly.
All of this is motivated reasoning, fucking anyone could come up with some kind of farcical "logical" psychological explanation for any behavior, it's only because they are not compelled to deliver actual results through their theory that people ever payed attention.

>> No.12553354

"Modern psychiatric treatment/approaches" only serve to alleviate individual symptoms of wide and deep societal problems. Those "humanities fags" aren't somehow categorically opposed to people getting treatment, on the contrary, (usually) they WANT to increase individual happiness. But it's precise this instinct that drives them to ask the deeper questions of WHY exact such a large and growing proportion of the population is suffering from "mental health" problems.


>> No.12553365


This is not literature, nor is it related to language. One could argue that is is relevent via the 'human condition', but this is clearly false as his theories are not but speculation, mysticism, and protean in the realm of science - virulently spread by students and scholars that take a 'humanities' approach to what is clearly a task for scientific methods. Reality cannot begin to understood by childish imagination, but through observation.

It's really no surprise this stuff gets posted here. Psychology majors are most prevalent after business studies and health care students, thus it is reasonable to assume that there will be a more accurate representation of soulless and uncritical capax of the mediocrity that is the serf class of humanity with inclinations to discuss psychology - or at least what they thought psychology is or was in their lecture notes.

>> No.12553412

Fucking jacobin mag, what a prestigious publication. Get that out of here.
Society isn't the sole cause of all mental illness. Even in a socialist/commie utopia there would be discontented, mentally ill, and unhappy people. A psychopharmacological approach with some behavioral modification remains the best way forward to relieve symptoms and decrease suffering.
The arrogance of someone who thinks they can just use their personal arbitrarily motivated logic to go to the root cause of such a complex reaction as the one between an individual and their childhood, family, societal structure, social status, race, economic situation, neuro structure, perceived experience, friends, memories, etc, and just prescribe a political reform to solve all these problems. Hilariously optimistic about their theories.
As for why mental illness seems to be increasing, go take an entry to statistics class. I know you probably avoid math but try working hard at it. Head injuries increased as soon as they introduced helmets to standard issue, I bet a leftist social critic would explain why it's because of capitalism if google hadn't been invented.
I have a personal problem with these people too because they're inevitably prickish fucks who are not fun to hang out with and tend to have trouble with normal relationships, get bitter about it and act like a cunt to people who are obviously doing better.
Trying my best not to be a STEM superiority guy here, i value a ton of what the humanities have brought into my life, but this particular thing is so very stupid and ugly that I have to make text walls on /lit/ about it even though I'm not convincing any of you pseuds. If I ever see the philosophytube guy in real life I'll punch him and release all of this frustration and never feel sad again.

>> No.12553748

>The percentage of people with mental ilnesses increased because of the standarization of helmets.
Lmao dude. So this is the power of STEM fags? kek. And the final touch of power in "i wont be sad again" its simply genious.

>> No.12553787

just google "head injury increase helmet standardization," I was making a point about artifact using a well known example.

>> No.12553792

Actually that search won't help, there's too much recent shit about helmets. Check out link.

>> No.12553852


nigga you know what I meant israel is literally working torwards being an ethnostate when that's the goal anything that's good for the population is to be implemented and what's good for the population is free and great healthcare, free schools, free universities which are all leftists things.

the reason leftism is not widely adopted in multi ethnic multi cultural unbarred immigration societies is the degree of trust among groups and public participation which is extremely low multicultural countries.

>> No.12553919

Israel is 75% Jewish but a lot of those jews are arab, its attempts to establish sovereignty and some kind of ethnic uniformity have literally cost billions, as soon as the bottom drops out the whole thing's gonna go jenga
As a general rule if it's fucking expensive and time consuming to institute some kind of arbitrary social order, it's probably not the most efficient one.
Meanwhile, look at the ethnic diversity of the Austria-Hungary. There's still a whole vienna "look" which is darker skinned then the surrounding farmland.
Sorry but prosperity attracts diversity, nothing really to do about it.

>> No.12553937

>israel is literally working torwards being an ethnostate

If you understand demographics you would realize why that has little chance of working out. Secular Ashkenazi Jews are being outbreed by the low IQ ultra-Orthodox and Arabs


>> No.12553975

Watching YouTube video essays on literature is worse than reading wikipedia articles on literature and never verifying/reading the sources.

>> No.12554121

Jung's theories weren't formed out of 'childish imagination' but out of empirical observation from his own experience and the vast number of patients he had. It definitely borders on mysticism but that doesn't necessarily reduce its pertinence, Jung's thought is an extension of Kant and Schopenhauer, he understood that every 'truth' is a psychological truth and that we can only ever experience sensory phenomena. Of course these theories are difficult to prove by their nature, it doesn't mean they're not true or applicable.

Also stop being such an arrogant faggot, this is a board where people like to talk about philosophy and ideas as well as literature, get off your high horse.

>> No.12554203

t. brainlet.

Just kidding anon, but psychoanalytical ideas are very relevant to a lot of modern psychiatric treatment and therapy, I don't know if that's what your implying by 'humanities fags and theory psychologists'. I agree there is a potential 'softness' to this type of thing but I think you are a bit shortsighted in your criticism. Sometimes modern approaches like behavioural therapy don't really acknowledge the depth of an individual and treat the symptom rather than the underlying cause, which doesn't ultimately solve the problem. I see your point though.

>> No.12554689

All this resentiment and not a single point made.

>> No.12555847

Thanks for the chill response. I will try to relax about it.