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12542412 No.12542412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is marie kondo just jordan peterson for women?

>> No.12542423

oh gosh, fuck no

>> No.12542424


>> No.12542427

She’s based but no

>> No.12542429

She's based, so no

>> No.12542441


>> No.12542454


>> No.12542472

No Marie Kondo is far more radical than Peterson and will only be truly appreciated by men, to women she is more of a threat, a spectre of lost femininity come to haunt their slob lives. Kondoism is an existential threat to woke capitalism that shatters the psychological basis of consumer accumulation of goods.

>> No.12542494


>> No.12542517

Capitalism can in no way be described as woke

>> No.12542597

>Ze types from xer iphone while wearing a childs size Colin Kapernick t-shirt. Ze could feel the Roche estrogen ze had injected earlier coursing through xer veins and ze smiled wriley, smugly knowing ze was on the right side of every globo corperate HR, marketing, brand safety department. Ze was on the right of history and had won.

>> No.12542657

I can't even imagine holding this view in the current year, even from leftist perspective

>> No.12542666

catch up plz

>> No.12542671


>> No.12542679

not literature. fuck off

>> No.12542701

No. jordan Peterson is controled oposition.

>> No.12543059

>thinks one can be a leftist capitalist
Must be trolling

>> No.12543416

This is your brain on estrogen.

>> No.12543662

Can you fuck off and never come back?

>> No.12543669

how many threads do we need about french pseuds with nothing relevant to say?

>> No.12544285

seethe and cope, angloid mathnigger

>> No.12544559


Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12544595
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>unlike authentic Marxists, Cultural Marxists have been principally opposed to the culture of bourgeois societies–and only secondarily to their material arrangements. Homophobia, nationalism, Christianity, masculinity, and anti-Semitism have been the prime villains in the Cultural Marxist script.


>> No.12544608

>and yet you live in a society, how quiant! :XD

>> No.12544617
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You post this like it means anything to me.
/pol/ mentality has rotted your brain

>> No.12544760

Paul Gottfried (who wrote that article) is a major political scholar a former of Herbert Marcuse

>> No.12544775
File: 41 KB, 500x375, AE6CFCC7-48D7-40C2-BC6A-6C017BA9546F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have to check her book/show/whatever the fuck she does out.

9/10 review

>> No.12544801

Oh. My mistake. A knee-jerk reaction to what I usually get

>> No.12544805
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>Marie cleans my room
>then I clean her womb

You will never experience this feel.

>> No.12545208

My mom reads Marie Kondo.

>> No.12545219

What passes as "woke" can only be described as capitalistic.

>> No.12546292

Stop posting this fascist gook.

>> No.12546421

UPDATE: watched show, this is like Cesar Milan in dominating Japanese girl form. No wonder she triggers SJWs with her massive.

Book next.

>> No.12546459

What is all of scandinavia.

>> No.12546517
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>> No.12546532


>> No.12546533

Socdem, or progressivism, is just a sugar coating on the poison pill of capitalism. Look how they unravel now?
Still a lovely place to live, but the US could install a puppet government or even bomb them at any time if they saw a profit in it like everywhere else

>> No.12546549

>poison pill of capitalism

Why do you hate the Jewish bankers?

>> No.12546584

It is the system we inherited from history that I oppose. All humanity would change if we took the courageous step to switch this system off.

>> No.12546598

>that pic
How Epicurean

>> No.12546602

>jewish bankers

Now that I think about it, /pol/ has been asserting this shit all this time but what evidence is there?

>> No.12546609

Jews would not survive without capitalism.

>> No.12546621
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>what evidence is there?

>> No.12546637

So none?
I'm currently looking at the biggest banks ceo and founder and so far there's nothing.

>> No.12546638

Antisemiticism would not survive without it. Hopefully religion either

They have lots of images of Jewish bank executives. It’s not worth arguing over really

>> No.12546656

Screencapped. I sincerely hope you are trolling anon.

>> No.12546675

>if narrative.isquestioned==true

Yes I'm doubting your religion. Can you prove your god exist?

>> No.12546718

Aside from the Jewish bankers that you see on bloomberg at any given time, Arendt deals with this in Origins of Totalitarianism. Today it isnt so much Jews as corporations which personify jewish stereotypes, but back in the late 18th century jewish banking networks bankrolled europes leaders. As the colonial states coalesced during the 19th century this fell away and was replaced by central banks (which hired jewish bankers that couldnt cope with capital requirements), but that legacy has remained. Of course it makes no sense when you look at the dirty poor jews of eastern europe or the leftist jews of the post-war period, but there is certainly a good background behind the concept. Also, nepotism in jewish run financial houses.

>> No.12546728

another butterfly, another retard

>> No.12546781

Yeah but Bloomberg is media which is completly different than banking. There's probably some truth historically but those banks were also used by the various leaders of the time to collect generous taxes. Otherwise why would they let the jews back again and again?

From my limited investigation it seems that it's also false for american banks.

>> No.12546793

Pretty sure them being the head of most banks is a meme in this day and age iirc its mostly irish at the helm. (Jews undeniably have a serious grip on shit like hollywood though)

>> No.12546802

Hey Kolsti

>> No.12546827

There are tons of bankers on bloomberg tv all day. by that i mean financiers and bondmarket types which give loans.

>why would they let the jews back again and again

Jewish banks offered loans at interest. Jewish banking houses like the Rothschilds and jewish lesser nobility like the Monterfiores werent using their own capital, they were using the collected capital of varied jewish communities as their investment basis, paying back dividends but keeping much of the profit. They loans given out by jewish banking houses were NOT the same as bailiffs or treasurers, although there were some personnel intersections.

>> No.12546844


A one-minute search yields this:


Now imagine a serious research.

>> No.12546849

So if a jewosh banker failed it would ruin his village? Why do /pol/ hate them it sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.12546872

They are hated because they push pornography, race mixing, immigration of low-IQ niggers, drugs, sexual degeneracy...

>> No.12546890

It's not even close to an accurate up to date list though. It's also spread over severals generations. Unless you actually gather those data by time and compare them to the whole of america it's pretty much worthless.

>> No.12546907

Fuck yes
>race mixing
I'm french so Im okay with getting a foreign qt
>low iq nigger
Niggers who immigrate in america are superior to your homebred version though and they stay that way unless their children mix with them.
>sexual degeneracy
Again I'm french, De Sade is a national hero to us.

>> No.12546911

unlike peterson, i'm sure marikon doesn't see whites pursuing their self-interest as something "scary, maaan".

>> No.12546926

poserem ti se u usta, žaboljube.

>> No.12546963

This is why your country is becoming a shithole.

>> No.12547023

Neoliberalism is why France is turning to shit.
Still better than being poisoned in the US

>> No.12547031

Neoliberalism is Jewish capitalism. You are literally blaming the Jews.

>> No.12547080

gentile capitalism is just fine though, right? shame it hasn't been tried yet

>> No.12547081

Capitalism has no ethnicity, only stages.
If more Jews are winning the game, so what? It’s all irrelevant as the same things would be happening if some other group or race or w/e were winning

>> No.12547332

Nice assertion

>> No.12547987

Jews use capitalism as a tool to perpretate the White Genocide.

>> No.12548012

She's JP for weebs and waifufags as well, as evidenced by the thread on here about her.

>> No.12548323

She is the perfect woman.

>> No.12548351
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no, this is

>> No.12548356

Who is this? She looks like a slut

>> No.12548361

>Degenerate clothes.
No thanks.

>> No.12548419
File: 76 KB, 497x728, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the shipwrecked sperma from the sheol of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the bog body-like sperma from the odessa catacombs of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the megalith of sperma from the atlantis of your prostate

>> No.12548423

This is the only book written by a woman I am curious to read. What is so polemical about it?

>> No.12548442

She tells women that they can't fit an entire mall into their house and that they must clean after themselves. Marie Kondo is a beautiful traditional shrine maiden woman from another time who is obsessed with joy and love while her clients are quintessential nihilistic instagram generation females.

Women, naturally, go berserk that someone is judging them for putting make up in the kitchen.

>> No.12548459

it's just some meme book being sold as a meme to convince meme people that their meme lives will change and be better if they follow its meme

>> No.12548467

Are you Jewish?

>> No.12548540

Don’t you ever fucking compare me to that gook ever again

>> No.12548686


>> No.12548769
File: 330 KB, 618x478, 76cbbc4ab2f80af1ad9bd94f6448f469afe38eb9-618x478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you are white, they want you and your children dead.

>> No.12548821

Stop comparing Goddess Kondo with this harlot

>> No.12548841


>> No.12548886
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Nope, JP is controlled opposition.

>> No.12549118

Bump. Kondo-sama is amazing.

>> No.12549181
File: 150 KB, 1200x900, start with the left one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend starting with her first book - The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up - which explains the philosophy and technique of tidying, then afterwards the illustrated follow up - Spark Joy - where she teaches you step by step techniques of how to fold and what should go where (or look up pics and video online for the same demonstrations.)