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12540373 No.12540373 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12540386

I thought the jap was actually a burger. Who cares anyway?

>> No.12540387

the Jew fears the samurai

>> No.12540393

Because bulldykes dislike traditional women

>> No.12540395

Pointing out america is in decline is not organically negative. Maybe she is refererring towards how language plurality in popular media indicates a recession in our global cultural hegemony?
Also with her last name I doubt she is Jewish. Sounds more like a Nazi tank kommander.

>> No.12540396

>retards have managed to make cleaning up clutter political
I can't wait for the next round of this bullshit. Is this a right-wing sandwich? An Antifa goldfish? Should I be up in arms about Lionel Richie albums and their Ancap leanings? Twitter be my god, all hail twitter!

>> No.12540397

she involved with Aum Shinrikyo who hated Jews and Danish people

>> No.12540406

She was involved in Aum? Proofs? They are fascinating but the members are absolute child like retards.

>> No.12540409

it is tho, a clutter free lifestyle can help people pull themselves up out of mindless consumerism, idk why a “social justice” person is attacking kondo tho

>> No.12540414

Wh*te/"Wh*te" women have a visceral reaction when they see an Asian woman that is younger and/or prettier than them.

>> No.12540419
File: 33 KB, 512x512, 1539989687353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting real tired of seeing this gook bitch on this site.

>> No.12540421

I met ehrenreich once. Her books are not SJW they are about growing economic inequalities and the disappearing American middle class, very similar to Trump rhetorically.

>> No.12540439


>> No.12540496

well then that makes more sense, my bad for doing 0 research and just reacting to an image like a redditard or even most of 4chan these days

>> No.12540512

It's doesn't make you a bad person, it is just harmless fun (until you start letting it rob you of your serenity like many people do)

>> No.12540517

>Doesn't attack the idea but the way it's presented
Truly 'tis.

>> No.12540547

well, I do hate jews. I guess I'm all right with the old broad

>> No.12540563


Learn to love her.

>> No.12540584

Asian women make white women fucking SEETH.

>> No.12540627

How do you read this as an attack? The "learn English" part is not a directive at Kondo.

If anything it saying that Kondo's decision to not learn English is a sign of fading US cultural supremacy (stupid but not attack on Kondo). If anything it is elevating Kondo to some supreme cultural icon.

>> No.12540641

LMAO the SJW left preaches anti-racism, but their next target after whites are going to be Asians. They can't stand the fact that after ruining western women, that instead of tolerating them we instead would rather move on to more attractive and feminine Asian girls. They are after literally everyone that is successful that is not them. Or should we say (((them)))

>> No.12540652

I thought it was a meme but every normie female I know (who normally love this gay netflix stuff) openly despises the show

>> No.12540661

> younger and/or prettier than them
dude, Marie is like 40 years old

>> No.12540672

That's the most retarded thing I've ever read. The Fairy is not "America's" declutterer, she's straight outta nippon. Stupid dyke.
I'm a white girl and I love Konmari. Please go back to /r9k/ where you belong. Once again: white women are Konmari's primary audience in the west. Sure ain't numale bug men and boomer men with beerguts and a DVD collection buying her book, so who do you think is? Hint: turn your brain on.
>the absolute STATE of /lit/

>> No.12540679

>Ehrenreich was born Barbara Alexander to Isabelle Oxley and Ben Howes Alexander in Butte, Montana, which she describes as then being "a bustling, brawling, blue collar mining town."[6] In an interview on C-SPAN, she characterized her parents as "strong union people" with two family rules: "never cross a picket line and never vote Republican."[2] In a talk she gave in 1999, Ehrenreich called herself a "fourth-generation atheist."
she's a spiritual kike regardless of birth

>> No.12540697

You sound pretty triggered honey
btw, not the guy you responded to

>> No.12540701

yikes, sounds like you can't handle red blooded westerners

>> No.12540713

>If anything it saying that Kondo's decision to not learn English is a sign of fading US cultural supremacy
This, basically. Though of course she's wrong; the cultural supremacy of the world is now Japanese-American combined.

>> No.12540735

are you retarded?

>> No.12541025

Remove everything that does not spark joy? Hm... sounds a lot like a particular German party I know of!

>> No.12541112

Der Ewige Boomer

>> No.12541120

>be me
>visit my mom for sunday roast
>see marikon's book on her desk
pretty based desu

>> No.12541128

Fucking based. Tell your mom that you love her.

>> No.12541135

Someone got triggered
>hint: its (You)

>> No.12541145

>she characterized her parents as "strong union people" with two family rules: "never cross a picket line and never vote Republican."
Lmao. I'm IBEW and lots of guys in my local vote republican.

>> No.12541231
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She is under a constant attack by the Jewish media.

>> No.12541239

seething roastoid
post feet pics and i will apologize for insulting you my queen

>> No.12541241
File: 882 KB, 800x918, 1549384932559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe that Marie Kondo is the greatest threat to the Jewish Cultural Marxist supremacy nowadays.

>> No.12541254

Isn't marie kondo's shit all about keeping what's special to you or something and getting rid of stuff that isn't?

>> No.12541275
File: 76 KB, 497x728, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the shipwrecked sperma from the sheol of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the bog body-like sperma from the odessa catacombs of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the megalith of sperma from the atlantis of your prostate

>> No.12541276

Jews are understandable, but why based danes

>> No.12541280
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>> No.12541335

>If anything it saying that Kondo's decision to not learn English
But she is learning English

>> No.12541340

Pretty much

>> No.12541359

it's no secret that the working class is largely retarded, what's your point? if they weren't stupid they wouldn't be working class in the first place

>> No.12541447

So, why attack the fact Kondo can't speak English instead of the imported way of life she's pushing?

>> No.12541456

To be fair, the fetus wasn't bringing joy to the blond girl.

>> No.12541500

Then what the fuck is that bitch in the image complaining about.

>> No.12541505

GTFO tumblrina

>> No.12541513


>> No.12541531

So poor people are poor because they are stupid. Is that it?

>> No.12541536

Kondo isn't particularly pretty and I have a major case of yellow fever.

>> No.12541544

not all of them, but the ones that are poor and still vote republican are yes. it's actively going against your best interest 99% of the time

>> No.12541568

she is quite plain but is still more attractive than 95% of white women her age

>> No.12541569

she's pretty for her age, that's true, but she doesn't compare to a 20 year old, white or asian

>> No.12541608

t.yellow fever

>> No.12541662
File: 2.41 MB, 640x800, MK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a white roastie in America who has cannot stand when someone (especially a qt asian girl) disagrees with her and tries to give advice (which she doesn't have to follow or comment on)

>> No.12541677

nice save, nigger

>> No.12541687
File: 100 KB, 398x614, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12541693

Why? There's literally nothing subversive about throwing shit away. The economy depends on it.

>> No.12541698

Because she's Christian and Asian which brings too much cognitive dissonance to them which makes them angry

>> No.12541729

Wash your penis.

>> No.12541733

apparently thats what passes for journalism these days

>> No.12541734 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 1920x800, 1549402102715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah~! My little ball~!
>Oh, I should... very much like... to bounce it again...
>One last time...

>> No.12541800

>America is in decline
>it's all because some Asian self-help author can't speak English

What the fuck kind of sense does this make? Was she so salty that she couldn't even come up with a sensical argument?

>> No.12541809
File: 134 KB, 386x389, 1476902365107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Marie Kondo we have finally found a meme that triggers both sjw leftypols and alt right pollacks alike.

With our /cleanqueen/ we will forge a way back to sanity for the West.

>> No.12541836

>A cleaning lady is now the forefront intellectual authority in the West

What timeline is this?

>> No.12541847
File: 190 KB, 1400x1400, kondochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that sparks joy!

>> No.12541848

She teaches degenerate leftists to behave like decent human beings.

>> No.12541852

So cute and feminine and full of energy

>> No.12541855

The Alt Right loves her.

>> No.12541862

She never said all union people refuse to vote Republican
>electrician reading comprehension

>> No.12541880

She is doing more for the Right than all neo-nazis, fascists and reactionaries could ever hope to do. I don't know why the Mossad didn't kill her yet.

>> No.12541911

but she is the pathway to Elliots

>> No.12541916

Back to >>>/toy/ consumer drone

>> No.12541937

Who would have guessed 10 years ago that a book about cleaning your house would be considered more politically incorrect than Mein Kampf. What a timeline!

>> No.12541944

isn't she basically saying "based fucking Kondo, learn english and save us all"?

>> No.12541963

She will save the white race from the e evil kikes, according to the Alt-right narrative.

>> No.12542046
File: 223 KB, 865x1770, 1459756284252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step one: declutter your home.
Step two: declutter your homeland.

>> No.12542070


>> No.12542085

I've done zero research about this nip, what I heard that she writes about cleaning techniques and shit. Why the fuck is everyone losing their minds to a fucking cleaning book if that were the case?

>> No.12542099

Don't worry about these guys, some of us here are pretty cool ;) what do you like to read? I'm a big Dostoevsky guy myself

>> No.12542102

Cleaning one's house is a triggering matter in today's society.

>> No.12542104

Because she smashes a Mitsubishi Zero straight into the flightdeck of consumerism. Marie Kondo is radical Shintoist anti-consumerism for the masses that threatens the fundamental basis of woke capitalism.

>> No.12542154

>tfw someone precious has used similar words to describe you
You're a good one.

I don't really care for konmarie but I've been practicing similar cleaning strategies for decades, it's a pretty normal japanese thing. I'm sort of baffled by the outcry over something that's so normal in my family.

>> No.12542181

> bois, I'm so hot, and I'm white
> and I'm hot, I'm younger than that asian bitch
> I like to do all the same things as that Asian, you think that's hot, don't you?
> did I mention how hot I am?

>> No.12542260

>I'm sort of baffled by the outcry over something that's so normal in my family.

It's because your family wasn't brainwashed by Jewish Cultural Marxism for decades.

>> No.12542264


>> No.12542271

Whats worse: getting nuked by America, or getting hit with America's cultural imperialism?

Kondo deserves so much better than tNetflix garbage and American viewers

>> No.12542277

Cultural imperialism.

>> No.12542283

>America's cultural imperialism

AKA Jews

>> No.12542293

Kondo is the Alt-Right incarnated.

>> No.12542324

Who is this fucking unuseless chink and why should I care?

>> No.12542327

People say the craziest shit online. Anonymity or not

>> No.12542330

>tfw you live in a timeline where even something as basic as cleaning is political
I'm too old for this shit.

>> No.12542358

>muh english

>> No.12542362

anon probably means the dutch considering the danish never had much to do with the japanese

>> No.12542431
File: 152 KB, 900x1224, 1539705875629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fcuk off, fascism s stupid and you know it.
It's literally a suicide cult that thins the herd more and more, making the tops smaller and the bottom larger. and, as we all know from history countless times, if you keep punching down someone will uppercut you and then hang you for war crimes. You can't just say that "oh hey we should be in power because destiny and because it's where i was born" because that is retarded.

>> No.12542432

What the hell does Marie Kondo have anything to do with the alt-right?

>> No.12542449

yellow fever

>> No.12542505

union members would have been blue dog democrats in the 40's, the white working class didn't shift right definitively until the 90's

>> No.12542525
File: 372 KB, 500x500, National Awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. clutter about to be binned

>> No.12542531

>be Japanese
>get called white
You're confusing me with someone else.

I don't know those big words. It's funny though, konmarie's book doesn't really preach against consumerism. It just tells you to throw old shit out unless it's actually meaningful. You can buy new shit anytime and throw that away too. So Americans are just complaining about having more room for the shit they buy to throw out?

>> No.12542532
File: 201 KB, 415x914, PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The personal is the political. Apply the principle of decluttering to immigration policy. From the home of individuals to the homeland of nations, the same Kondo principles apply.

>> No.12542573

Anon did you miss:

>I've been practicing similar cleaning strategies for decades, it's a pretty normal japanese thing.


>I'm sort of baffled by the outcry over something that's so normal in my family.

These two quotes clearly imply that she's shocked to see something like the "clean your house" attitude of Kondo being so shocking to the West, as it is a typical aspect of Japanese culture, which she is aware of because she is Japanese. I hope you walk away from this correction humbled and maybe a little more open to others. :)

>> No.12542584

ok, let me re-word it

> bois, I'm so hot, and I'm chink too
> and I'm hot, I'm younger than fellow asian bitch
> I like to do all the same things as fellow Asian, you think that's hot, don't you?
> did I mention how hot I am?

>> No.12542587

I never said she did but shes misinformed about union workers despite her parents being members.

So this is the compassionate and tolerant left wing...whoa...

>> No.12542604
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1002, 1547814819167.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the best thing that has happened to this shit website

>> No.12542606

What the fuck?

>> No.12542616

What's her height?

>> No.12542629
File: 43 KB, 800x447, 1537573218828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you can believe whatever you want. But at the end of the day you bleed just like I do, and that means you are no better than I. I have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and you do to. And if you try to infringe on these rights, i'll break your kneecaps.

>> No.12542643

Dick sucking height if you're not a manlet.

>> No.12542648
File: 37 KB, 500x482, 1475019617043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I understand waifuism now!

>> No.12542651

>Ehrenreich was born Barbara Alexander to Isabelle Oxley and Ben Howes Alexander in Butte, Montana, which she describes as then being "a bustling, brawling, blue collar mining town."

>> No.12542675
File: 174 KB, 856x481, 3A6483F4-C2F3-463B-88A0-1222E0E412A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just love it when ideologies are so retarded that they turn in on themselves? It was great when stalin did it, and it's going to be great when these waifufags do it.

>> No.12542682

No respect for labor, not gonna make it!

>> No.12542683

>You can buy new shit anytime and throw that away too.
Read the book. No one who does KonMari reverts to the accumulation of useless consumer goods. The method is about instilling a fundamental change in purchasing behaviour that prevents the reaccumulation of clutter. Once you know where everything is, know exactly how much you have (because all similar goods are stored in the same one location, are easy to see and access, and you've just done an inventory check), and have held and appreciated each good you've retained and thrown away, you no longer repurchase to fulfill needs you don't have or already have a good for.

By forcing you to evaluate the emotional role a good has in your life, and being honest that most goods detract from it and exist only to clutter your home and mind, the marketing trick of "buy this good and feel happy" no longer works, you no longer buy goods to generate a pseudo-identity or pseudo-happiness because you know and have experience that clutter in a cupboard actually detracts from your happiness.

Marie Kondo is the death of consumerism in the West.

>> No.12542690

Any images of her agheago?

>> No.12542691

She's also got a nose like Mel Brooks.

>> No.12542693

All modern white women work for the jews.

>> No.12542721


>> No.12542723
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Literally suicide

>> No.12542739
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Bargaining is the first stage of acceptance.

>> No.12542905

There are no Japanese females on this website.

>> No.12542923

It's going to be like JBP all over again. First the sycophancy, then the screeching.

>> No.12542935

Her husband was John Ehrenreich who is Jewish. She converted to marry him.

>> No.12542938

>yellow fever
>alt right

No, you're confusing groups. Alt right is homo as fuck for white men.

>> No.12542958
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>all it takes to create zealous cults and seething normies is to tell people to clean their rooms, whether you do or not
postmodernism is actually based

>> No.12542961

The government of Israel is kinda right-wing you know.

>> No.12542978

Why would any self-respecting author reveal they have awareness of such a vapid self-help fad and then go so far as to make it political? She could've picked countless other examples to make her point, but now she comes across like a closet robot.

>> No.12542991

Open borders for Israel!!!

>> No.12543005

Despite all my sympathy for that ideal of simplicity I can't help but feeling the real clutter right now is cultural and intellectual. Things like Netflix, twitter and, yes, 4chan take up much of your time without bringing joy and enlightenment, yet they are not objects that clutter your room, but places far away that you can find with a mere google search.

Basically I think consumerism will be fine. Count on the Americlaps to introduce"decluttering coaches" that charge 200$ an hour for decluttering your home for you.

>> No.12543213


>> No.12543235 [DELETED] 

haha ereinreich getting senile and letting her true colors slip, like when old chomsky admitted he hated catholics until he met some communist priests in guatamala or something lmao

>> No.12543264

decluttering is an obvious affront to materialistic hedonism, of course it will suffer a backlash from conszoomers and their bourgeois slave masters.

>> No.12543277

It's because she's a Christian

>> No.12543291

>It's going to be like JBP all over again. First the sycophancy, then the screeching.

Why do room cleaning advisers trigger ameritards so hard?

>> No.12543310

marie kondo is doing more to dismantle capitalism, jews, and the bloody postmodernists than the entire alt right combined.

she's based in my book

>> No.12543315

She is basically Hitler 2.0.

>> No.12543320

>bourgeois slave masters.

Aka Jews

>> No.12543333

disproportionately jews, yes

>> No.12543398

>Fucking Alt-right and their
*shuffles deck, picks card
>house cleaning

>> No.12543403

if Israel extends its borders to the entire middle east, that is kind of like having an open border

>> No.12543408
File: 228 KB, 500x802, Cool Ranch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are hypocrites and will abandon any principles in the face of actual challenge.
If someone claims to be pro-inclusion, pro-cultural diversity, etc etc, they will probably stop once that process actually challenges something they care about.
For example:
>Tech executives will stop being libertarian once the USA stops insuring their losses and giving them exclusive tax favors
>SJW feminists will stop being pro-diversity when a young, pretty, traditional woman gets positive attention for something feminine
>bumpkin republicans will defend family values until family values includes not spending family money on guns dip or cigarettes
>Progs will be in favor of financial redistribution until the 1% are tapped out and the system begins needing to pull money and status from the aspirational 15%
Everybody thinks their rules are for somebody else. This, to me, is why it's best to be a pragmatist.

>> No.12543422

I'll add that people who are pro cultural assimilation and laissez faire mass migration usually value cultural factors that as yet have been unaffected by other cultures. Corporate jobs, the academy, hollywood, etc.
You'll see them begin to care if a female comedian gets shot up for airing a sex joke in a muslim neighborhood or something like that.

>> No.12543577

dank maymay comrade xD

>> No.12543590

I hate gook-loving beta race-mixers more than anyone, but based Marie is making these post-wall roasties seethe.

>> No.12543596


>> No.12543601


>> No.12543605

Are you a soles or toes goy?

>> No.12543609

back to the discord, tranny

>> No.12543624

As a Jew who isn't a bourgeois slave master, I feel kinda jealous of my richer brethen. Any book for this feel ?

>> No.12543767
File: 76 KB, 640x743, 1548750730118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every electrician I see on a job site works hard to hold down the buckets they're sitting on. Godspeed you lazy elitist faggot

>> No.12543802

Do people really call her Konmarie

>> No.12543809

please step on my face m'lady

>> No.12543896
File: 3.92 MB, 500x620, 1544328489504.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jew who isn't wealthy slave master
What the fuck, you're not living up to your potential bro.
Maybe try some accelerationism?
There's lots of writings on the Anglo-Judaic alliance and why having chad Germanic warmongering properly directed by nerd Semitic cunning leads to peak civilization, and the Nazis and Communists are actually setting us back by centuries every time they have a socialist chimp out.

Success breeds jealousy, and no two peoples cause more seething by existing than the Anglos and the Jews, so may as well go all out and really get those hypertechnocracies going.

Remember, we were supposed to have flying cars by 2000. We got commies in American universities instead.

>> No.12543912

this is the most misguided post I've ever seen, what happened to you?

>> No.12543921
File: 19 KB, 362x259, 1543970541624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Satan. You should've killed Romulus when you had the chance.
It's too late now and it cannot be stopped. It's only getting faster.

>> No.12543924

the Saxon will awaken one day schlomo, count on it

>> No.12543948

Marie Kondo is just a more powerful, intelligent version of Memerson.
Of course women are scared.

>> No.12543953
File: 843 KB, 570x663, 10986312566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Saxon will awaken one day
>one day
Earth's language is English.

>> No.12544075

Ok, shill-master-general, I watched the first episode. My reaction is that this blonde bitch is a horrible person.

>> No.12544084
File: 16 KB, 342x499, 41oBDRnfOgL._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Readoo the bookoo

>> No.12544090
File: 79 KB, 450x470, pop-art-woman-salute-yes-450w-324086297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12544098

That shows acts as an advertisement for wmaf. Every white man watching that with his wife is thinking "my wife doesnt do this"

>> No.12544101

Electricians have been on strike at my site the last couple days because it takes them three minutes to walk to toilets instead of twenty seconds.

>> No.12544103

>pop art
>stock image

What loon over at the stock image companies decided to put actual effort into his work? Did he forget what his job is?

>> No.12544112


>> No.12544124

Earning $600 a day before tax and do nothing half of the time, dont let them back on site imo

>> No.12544148

>some absolute madlad managed to sneak some actual design language into his boss' corporate money laundering scheme.
True Art Terrorism.

>> No.12544288
File: 177 KB, 1452x881, 1524946832264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Monica better than Marie?

>> No.12544304

This girl is a non-entity but so is everyone who isn't a weeb to some extent in the 21st century.

>> No.12544310

> CHAAANDLER!!!! There's a MESS!!! I must CLEAN UP!!!!!

>> No.12544430

>leftists everywhere absolutely buttmad with kondo
>she's like peterson reeeeeeeeeeee

lmao leftists are so in love with chaos, disorder, and societal breakdown that merely cleaning your room is an affront to their ideology

>> No.12544549

Kondo is a devout Shinto follower. Asian Christians are a disgrace.

>> No.12544569

Nah she's a pure Asian Catholic maiden. Asian Christians are as based as one can possibly get.

>> No.12544578

white women hate asian women for not being screeching SJW feminazis

>> No.12544585

it's true
i have no pity for the working class any more
they're stupid animals

>> No.12544596

Yeah I got em mixed up

>> No.12544598


>> No.12544618

Wasn't Marie Kondo mostly despised by /lit/ a couple weeks ago? Are you telling me you are one jewish reporter opinion from liking/disliking anything? C'mon, you can't be that manipulable.

>> No.12544647

She looks pretty German to me

>> No.12544649

i really don't see how anyone can despise her.

her whole schtick is "y'all are fuckin slobs. clear all this shit in the garage, throw away all these shirts you don't wear then we'll hit up the kitchen my G" but in a respectful manner that doesn't overwhelm the family.

read a piece in the LA times critiquing her encouraging people to get rid of books they dont read. the article actually said "even if you haven't read Infinite Jest, having it on your shelf says that you would be someone who would read it."

>> No.12544655

Oh yes, Japan. The country known for high birth rates

>> No.12544681
File: 44 KB, 789x389, woke capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Left hate her because she threatens their entire consumerist system.

>> No.12544686

social justice warriors don't know anything about seeking the joy in life, they only know how to be miserable old cunts who instinctively criticize everything

>> No.12544700

They know all about getting that quick burst of dopamine with immediate pleasure - but they confuse that with actual happiness and fulfillment

>> No.12544703

The weebs who kept shilling her were despised.

>> No.12544704

is she the Asian equivalent of that Russian prosecutor lady? Do people call Marie "Mommy?"

>> No.12544717

She's actually consumerist as fuck.

"There's nothing wrong with buying a bunch of useless junk. Did you feel a moment of fleeting excitement when you bought it? Then it's all good! It fulfilled its role. You can now throw it out to make room for more junk you'll soon also soon throw out."

>> No.12544881

No you're missing the point of the prayer to the kami of the joyless goods you're about to dispose of: it's not to justify their purchase, it's to allow you to let them go and overcome the common hookups that people have about disposing excess goods that lead to clutter accumulation.

People are embarrassed to admit they make a mistake in purchasing the good, and seek to find pseudo-reasons to keep the unneeded good as a type of sunk cost fallacy: "I'll use it one day!" or "Although I have no need or joy from it, it's a waste to just dispose of it" etc.

By finding a reason for the unneeded goods role in your life you can out-argue the pseudo-reasons for keeping the good. "You taught me I don't I like X, " or "you taught me I train better at a gym than trying to use home exercise equipment" or "you taught me I prefer to use a kitchen knife to cut pinapples instead of a Pineapple Corerer 3000" etc.

It's a technique to overcome common psychological traps that lead to clutter retention.

>> No.12544885

Didnt realize she was so short

>> No.12544902

And you will notice that almost every lesson the unwanted good has taught you is: "You taught me the consumer instinct I had when I purchased you was wrong." Or "you taught me that the excitement I felt watching your advertisement was not actually experienced or sustained by owning you."

And there you have the lesson that Kondo ingrains into your brain ike a bayonet into a Nanking stomach: consumerism and the consumer instinct is a lie, don't fall into its trap next time.

>> No.12544959


>> No.12545148

I would like to see her debate Nassim on 'anti-libraries'

>> No.12545171

Fuck this gook bitch
I don't wanna clean my fucking room, this is fucking america

>> No.12545173

Every kondo thread I've seen on pol has people sperging into another galaxy because of the idea of race mixing.

>> No.12545177

Because she's traditional. There really is no other reason for it.

>> No.12545192

High birth rates in the 21st century is a sign of a decadent culture, and the only way to combat culture is via a stronger culture. I can't believe people don't understand this yet.

>> No.12545209

>And you will notice that almost every lesson the unwanted good has taught you is: "You taught me the consumer instinct I had when I purchased you was wrong."
lol, no. More like the way in which I informed myself about my purchase was inadequate. Consumption is natural, and healthy in regulation for a body that is in shape; despising your appetite isn't.

>> No.12545233

because the white woman fears the gook, she has become complacent and began to believe she can shirk her femininity and still be on top. the gook threatens her

>> No.12545259

She was endorsed by the Daily Stormer.

>> No.12545261

She teaches that we must starve the Jew of capital in order to restore balance to the universe. Of course the Jewish allies would hate her.

>> No.12545271

>thinking japs are pure
Chinks and japs don't even balk at aborting fetuses

>> No.12545276
File: 212 KB, 411x410, 1548952268089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, unironically.

>> No.12545284

>Putting the Chinese on the same level as the Japanese
>Thinking they share any cultural bonds
Damn, the ignorance is astounding.

>> No.12545285

Another positive review:

"Our nations are houses. They are there to shelter and protect us. They refresh and heal us as we go through life. If we do not tidy them up, they cannot serve this function, and we will not feel like cherished inhabitants but alienated outsiders. People who do not feel at home tend to act out against whatever is sheltering them, furthering social decay."

People are getting her message.

>> No.12545289

>lmao leftists are so in love with chaos, disorder, and societal breakdown that merely cleaning your room is an affront to their ideology

Indeed. Kondomarie is a bigger threat for the whole Cultural Marxist ideology than neo-nazism or whatever.

>> No.12545302

fuck off weeb

>> No.12545322
File: 305 KB, 700x416, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this /lit/ had to do with literature. Guess you are all wrong.

>> No.12545388


>> No.12545403

fuck how do I cure yellow fever

>> No.12545405

Keep shilling, Shlomo. Nothing can stop based Kondo.

>> No.12545415

Non-weebs are the niggers of 4chan.

>> No.12545422


Jesus fucking Christ can you Americans not keep your retarded false political binaries out of a subject for five minutes??

>> No.12545430
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>> No.12545438
File: 26 KB, 620x412, elliot_rodger3-620x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be your child

>> No.12545440

Yeah man let's pretend there aren't any differences in thought

>> No.12545446

typical american response to a reasonable request

>> No.12545448
File: 51 KB, 755x433, WokeCapitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what the left has become though.

I'll say what one of my intellectual mentors said: "I'm a Marxist, I'm not left-wing."

>> No.12545449

when did the meaning of "woke" change?
it used to mean "awakened" as in, aware of the (possibly Jewish) Elite, running things
now i'ts used to describe SJWS??
you retards are fucking retarded

>> No.12545539

Mongrel Amerimutts are pathetic

>> No.12545547

All of you don't bring me joy.

>> No.12545558

You're trying so hard. You'll probably do better by replying to yourself and pretending to be an offended American. At least then you might trick one into joining.

>> No.12545568

Ehrenreich can also come from Ährenreich, i.e. bountiful harvest. The reich part can also be from Reich, i.e. realm instead of rich.

>> No.12545576

Seems most likely that it's "Realm of the harvest" imo, given the conventional naming autism of Germanic tribes.

>> No.12545589
File: 202 KB, 500x388, un oeuf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like your little dichotomy isn't political power tactics to alienate and diverge any original political thought. pfff americans...

>> No.12545592

Yes. The Right was always against consumerism and you know that.

>> No.12545612

Her books are a metaphor about the necessity of expelling niggers, Jews and other trash from our countries.

>> No.12545614

Fascism is secular monarchy. That's all it it. Monarchy has fallen out if favour bit by bit since enlightenment, modern science and theory of evolution have demystified the world. That made god as pillar of government nearly impossible.
The answer to that is fascism, a spiritual justification for autocratic government derived from mundane theories.
Fascism does not anymore lead to war than monarchy.

>> No.12545621

The right-wing is against consumerism only to the extent that the 'wrong' values are being consumed.

Clearly the right-wing didn't and don't have a problem with consuming alcohol, wedding dresses, cigarettes, jeans, suburban housing, golf clubs and anything else that conforms to a WASP existence.

>> No.12545628

I took a bit of a shortcut with Ähren. The literally translation is ears of corn. But it could translate to realm of the ears, sure.

>> No.12545629

>but she doesn't compare to a 20 year old, white or asian

She doesn't compare to a 20 year old asian girls, sure, but she could definitely beat most 20 year old white girls.

>> No.12545632

>Clearly the right-wing didn't and don't have a problem with consuming alcohol, wedding dresses, cigarettes, jeans, suburban housing, golf clubs and anything else that conforms to a WASP existence.

Yes. It has. Start reading the stoics instead of (((neocons))).

>> No.12545634

no woke is not even english, it's jive

>> No.12545655

Why would the right be against consumerism?

>> No.12545656

>Start reading this obscure version of the right-wing that has no hegemony in the cultural sphere instead so I don't have to defend my trash arguments

lol ok bro

>> No.12545657

I have no idea what you're saying. Do you believe the Illuminati introduced an arbitrary language of left and right to control our minds? This is nonsense. The left and right dichotomy signifies a true distinction in thought and the fundamental assumptions people make that have true ramifications on policy preferences.

I can give you a quick example of one of the dichotomous assumptions that separate left and right, and that's how they view human nature. The right views humanity as 'fallen' or inherently sinful. We're naturally inclined towards bad activity and as a consequence the right prefer policies which incentivize good behavior and decisions from bad people. In contrast the left views human nature in a completely opposite way, they see it as inherently good but corruptible. This is why they favor top down solutions to problems. Because humans are inherently good utopias are theoretically possible if we could only institute the right government impositions.

This one little assumption is the heart of many policy preferences, but example is the general view of welfare. For the right, welfare incentivizes bad behavior from the beneficiaries while for the left, welfare programs imposes good behavior from society. In order to speak about politics intelligibly there must be a language of left and right.

>> No.12545659



>golf clubs

Try harder, Rabbi.

>> No.12545672

>Accepting the Mainstream media caricature of the Right

Ok, NPC.

>> No.12545675


Daily reminder that WASPs were a better elite than Jews.

>> No.12545677

>Why would the right be against consumerism?

Maybe because it goes against all its values?

>> No.12545683

Funny thing is, you're the Rabbi for denouncing those things and pushing the Stoics aka Semites of antiquity.

>> No.12545691

>leftists are so in love with chaos, disorder, and societal breakdown that merely cleaning your room is an affront to their ideology

That's why they call them the dirtbag left.

Has there ever been a time in left wing history that they haven't allied themselves with the absolute criminal dregs of society?

>> No.12545692

How do you figure?

>> No.12545693

Consumerism is Jewish capitalism. It has nothing to do with a traditional lifestyle.

>> No.12545708

>the stoics
what mind-bending retardation is this? Is all identity politics this embarrassing?

>> No.12545712

>the enlightened centrist has entered the chat

>> No.12545732

The core values of Right are Family, Order, Self-Discipline, Hierarchy and Harmony with Nature. What does consumerism has to do with it?

>> No.12545741

>What does consumerism has to do with it?
Hierarchy and harmony with nature.

>> No.12545756
File: 37 KB, 568x335, Stoics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!

>> No.12545783

Consumerism is incompatible with ecological sustainable lifestyle. This is why it is a Lef-Wing value.

>> No.12545790


>> No.12545797

So-called "traditional lifestyles" not a threat to capitalism. Capitalism was always and has always been an ally of Protestantism and it's conservative work ethic.

You NatSocs need to find better arguments, because rehashing Hitler's claims in Mein Kampf that there exists some kind of pure and beautiful capitalism without Jewish influence is pure ideology and proves that National Socialism is not and will never be any kind of socialism and is instead just a defense of capitalism.

>> No.12545798

Capitalism is Jewish degeneracy.

>> No.12545807

No it isn't. If anything capitalism is Anglo and German degeneracy.

>> No.12545813

You are not even trying to hide yourself anymore, Rabbi.

>> No.12545817

Without (((capitalism))) your race of evil parasites would not exist anymore.

>> No.12545818

>capitalism first rears its head in Great Britain circa 1740-50
>"Jewish degeneracy"

So no only are you a retard for being a NatSoc, you also have zero knowledge of history.


>> No.12545826

based if true

>> No.12545831

All modern capitalism (banks etc.) is Jewish usury and parasitism and you know that.

>> No.12545850

lol, the history goes further back than that. You can trace this stuff as far back as Rome. Cicero complained about Jewish money lenders in one of his court cases that sounds exactly the same as today's """capitalists""" involving bribery and hiding money in Jewish run banks.

>> No.12545858

There have been multiple leftists that have spoken about the positive nature of capital in destroying its enemies. Marx, Deleuze, and Land have all spoken about the way capital over run tradition.

>> No.12545861

Jewish bankers =/= Capitalism

Jewish money lenders have existed in European history because the retard Catholic Church ordered that Christians couldn't lend money to each other.

Why would you blame Jews for a system that powerful Christians themselves created?

>> No.12545864

Capitalism is the modus operandi of the Jew. No capitalism, no Jews.

>> No.12545867

Even in the Old Testament. Esau working in the fields while Jacob sat in the tents.

>retard Catholic Church
What was retarded was removing the ban on usury.

>> No.12545876

Jewish Bankers ARE capitalism.

>> No.12545880

>Marx, Deleuze, and Land have all spoken about the way capital over run tradition.

I know they have, and sometimes capitalism can be a destructive force upon traditions, but only if it gains something from it, e.g supporting feminism because it would at least in theory increase the labor force by 50%.

But these are exceptions rather than the rule. Most of the time capital prefers the right-wing because the right-wing almost always defends the status quo, the statuo quo being capitalists getting all the money and fucking the rest of society in the ass.

>> No.12545884

>Why would you blame Jews

Do you really think Capitalism is a perfect system, kike?

>> No.12545887

Either produce arguments or fuck off.

You've literally just repeated yourself 5 times.

>> No.12545895

So you agree that Jews get all the money and fuck the rest of society in the ass. And you keep defending them.

>> No.12545898

>Either produce arguments or fuck off.

Nice projection, kike.

>> No.12545900

>Jews get all the money
>On the Forbes 500 like 350 people are WASPs

>> No.12545903

>Jewish money lenders have existed in European history because the retard Catholic Church ordered that Christians couldn't lend money to each other.

LOL Jewish usury has been around for thousands of years. Go read the Mishnah: the oral history of the Jews going back that far. They have all sorts of workarounds for lending money and usury to both jews and non-jews. They've been at this for a very long time. The whole "durrrr it was Christians to blame" is just plain bullshit that covers up their long history of this behavior.

>> No.12545905

(((WASPs))). Prove it.

>> No.12545911

Why you race is so evil and dishonest?

>> No.12545922

Why are NatSocs so bad at arguing? Is it because you have double digit IQs?

>> No.12545924

this brings me joy

>> No.12545926


Are you aware that it is this kind of hypocrisy that produces anti-Semitism.

>> No.12545932

Prove your allegation, you kike liar.

>> No.12545934

>even if you haven't read Infinite Jest, having it on your shelf says that you would be someone who would read it
I can see why we were triggered.

>> No.12545937

Google it faggot.

>> No.12545940


>> No.12545945

It doesn't produce anti-Semitism at all, because the people who dislike Jews are going to do that regardless of what anyone says, and don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.12545948


>> No.12545952

>literally 2% of American population
>over represented in the media, hollywood, academia (e.g. harvard), banks, foreign policy, judiciary, organized crime ("russian" mafia), etc
>typical explanation is muh iq, that ignores the base rates of iq for the main non-jewish population (where the comparative representation should still mean more non-jews in those positions), so it ends up looking more like jewish nepotism
>every political elite sucks israel dick and IS THIS GOOD FOR THE JEWS every month in a new york times editorial

totally not in power tho amirite

>> No.12545953

Why do you think so many people hate the Jews?

>> No.12545964

His kike ass. He invented the data.

>> No.12545970

More likely 490 are Jews.

>> No.12545979

So you lied. Typical kike behavior. And you have the nerve to ask why you are so hated.

>> No.12545984

Well they are the perfect scapegoat for anything that's wrong with society.

Since they are a minority, and they also have an insular culture that doesn't really allow outsiders in(which is a reaction to being hated no doubt), they are just the perfect target.

It's also doesn't help that they are both simultaneously at the top of a lot of professions so they can be hated for nepotism and wealth, and they are also at the bottom of society in many countries which means that they could and can also be hated for being poor and parasitical.

>> No.12545988

Nobody is believing your lies anymore.

>> No.12545993

So why do you keep replying?

>> No.12545994

Prove that 350 of the top 500 are WASPs.

>> No.12546002

Google it :^)

I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you.

>> No.12546006

I became more anti-Semitic after this thread.

>> No.12546011

Because you lied. The onus of proof is on you, hook nosed parasite.

>> No.12546015

It's the Marie Kondo way

>> No.12546025

Maybe it is because they promote pornography, prostitution, drug culture?

>> No.12546126

Which Jews are you talking about? Jewish opinion on those things are about as diverse as the rest of the population.

Do you honestly think that Ben Shapiro or some Orthodox Rabbi has the same opinions on pornography, prostitution and drug culture as for example a famous Jewish liberal like Saul Alinsky?

Because they don't, you stupid faggot.

>> No.12546155
File: 539 KB, 696x614, 1548992014770.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists fear Order and Hygiene and Purity on both a material and spiritual level. They are right to fear it as well.

If you follow Marie Kondo's approach to your personal life you will be transformed into adopting those values to life in general. When people start thinking 'how can we make the world more pure, more beautiful, more orderly and healthy' they start shaking in their boots.

>> No.12546171

Neocon Jews also push all sorts of evil things like wars for Israel, crony capitalism etc etc.

>> No.12546201

Neo-cons in general do that, not Jews in particular.

>> No.12546214
File: 442 KB, 698x690, 1499285352239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! She is anudah Shoah!

>> No.12546219

very smol grill cleaning at incredible hihg speed

>> No.12546221

Fuck roasties

>> No.12546223

Neoconservatism is political Jewery, like Marxism.

>> No.12546231

>do these Africans spark joy?

The most dangerous question of the century.

>> No.12546238

The whole point of her book is deporting the niggers back to Africa. That's pretty obvious.

>> No.12546260
File: 42 KB, 680x510, 742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marie Kondo gospel in one image.

>> No.12546265

No it's not, but I guess it might seem that way when you suffer from brainrot like the common NatSoc.

>> No.12546268


>> No.12546318
File: 28 KB, 630x722, 5677088d510f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. She is pure. Remember that the nips are honorary Aryans.

>> No.12546455

This whole Kondo-rightwing obsession is just one big Cope for liking a show meant for bored housewives in the midwest. Similar to Roosh V saying cooking is manly 'cuz its science or whatever.

>> No.12546471


Declutter your temple, bucko-san.

>> No.12546480

Jews fear the samurai

>> No.12546528
File: 691 KB, 1000x2876, 1549446130174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12546692

>only Jews promote these things and not the lowlives that participate in them

>> No.12546699

>When I think of beauty I think of women who've had major plastic surgery on their face